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Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 17 Showcases Thorpe Usurping Bass Industries But at a Big Price*

Alex Vem

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Abstract When oating rumors assume the form of talk on everyone's lips, that's what you call . Every society relishes the spicy scoop being upchucked through mouths that seem to know everything. This show has thrown the spotlight on the elite group residing in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. When oating rumors assume the form of talk on everyone's lips, that's what you call Gossip Girl. Every society relishes the spicy scoop being upchucked through mouths that seem to know everything. This show has thrown the spotlight on the elite group residing in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Watch Gossip Girl season 4 episode 171 "Empire of the Son" once it is aired and witness Russell Thorpe gobbling up the entire Bass Industries. Thorpe has been after Chuck's legacy since a long time. Chuck tried to save his inheritance but all his eorts went in vain. This upcoming segment will make for an interesting watch, as it will unfold an element of surprise. Gossip Girl in its forthcoming season 4 episode 17 "Empire of the Son" will witness Thorpe taking over Bass Empire but losing his own daughter, Raina in the deal. Cupid has struck between Raina and Chuck and love is in the air for this couple. Thorpe would surely be compelled to ponder upon the fact, if at all he has gained something concrete in this acquisition. Tune into Gossip Girl season 4 episode 17 online2 once the segment sees the light of the dayand catch up with Ben and Serena, who are not getting along well. Serena's mother would be seen in this upcoming episode. She was the one, who had earlier forged her daughter's signature, thus initiating the enquiry that led Ben to prison. He was accused of raping a minor. Gossip Girl showcased Serena trying all the reconciliation attempts with Ben, since both had mutual feelings for each other. Season 4 episode 17 will feature Serena's mom taking the center stage in the see-saw relationship of this couple. Both Ben and Serena still nurture a soft corner for each other. You can catch up with this riveting installment online once the batch is aired. In the meantime, watch Gossip Girl season 4 full episodes, to get a recap of what transpired previously! Another highlight of this yet-to-be aired part would be William van der Woodsen. He returns to Upper East Side, Manhattan. Tune in to Gossip Girl season 4 episode 17 and catch up withthe father of Serena and Eric and ex-husband of Lily. William has been a notorious character and denitely his foray

*Version 1.1: Feb 27, 2011 11:53 am -0600 „ 1 2 OpenStax-CNX module: m37123 2 back into the story, is not a good sign at all! Does he have a mission or some ulterior motives? This inquisitiveness would be pacied only in due course of time. Thus, lives at Upper East Side, Manhattan seem to be like a tinderbox, with simmering notions and emotions. What will all this culminating into, is beyond comprehension but yes, it's the calm just before a huge storm.