Congressional Record—Senate S16140
S16140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 9, 2003 and Women’s Hospitals, has taken steps to to the Committee on Environment and anglers and the fishing and tackle manufac- reduce the number of unnecessary diagnostic Public Works: turing industries agreed to a self-imposed 10 tests it conducts at outpatient radiology percent excise tax on sport fishing equip- S. RES. 279 centers, though executives know that smart- ment (including fishing rods, reels, lines, and er care will cut into their revenues. Whereas there are more than 38,000,000 hooks, artificial lures, baits and flies, and ‘‘That’s where you’re smack up against the sportsmen in the United States; other fishing supplies and accessories), the perverseness of the system,’’ said Dr. James Whereas these sportsmen, who come from proceeds of which are used for the purposes J. Mongan, chief executive of Partners. all walks of life, engage in a sport they love, of constructing fish hatcheries, building boat Medicare’s payment policies have stymied while helping to stimulate the economy, es- access facilities, promoting fishing, and edu- efforts in the private sector to improve care, pecially in small, rural communities, and cating children about aquatic resources and as well. contributing to conservation efforts; fishing; and For example, the Leapfrog Group, a na- Whereas sportsmen demonstrate values of Whereas the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish tional organization of large employers con- conservation, appreciation of the outdoors, Restoration Act was amended in 1984 to ex- cerned about health issues, has tried to en- and love of the natural beauty of the United tend the excise tax to previously untaxed courage more hospitals to employ States; items of sport fishing equipment and to dedi- intensivists—specialists who oversee the Whereas sporting activities have both cate a portion of the existing Federal tax on physical and mental health benefits that care provided in intensive-care units.
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