2014 National History Bowl National Championships Round 5 First Quarter


1. In a Good Friday address directed to E.L. Barr, this man defended his "militant nonviolence" and public fasting. Philip Vera Cruz resigned from the organization he founded after this man met with Ferdinand Marcos. The Teamsters were hired to disrupt a strike by this man's union in Salinas. With Dolores Huerta, he organized a five-year boycott of California grapes. For 10 points, name this influential leader of the United Farm Workers. ANSWER: Cesar Chavez 121-13-94-05101 2. This leader met with Charles Haughey five years before reaching an agreement with Garret FitzGerald. Constant use of the phrase "There is no alternative" led to this person receiving the nickname "Tina." This person often referred to her childhood lessons on economizing as the daughter of a grocer and worked as a research chemist who helped to invent soft-serve ice cream before entering politics. For 10 points, name this U.K. prime minister throughout the 1980s who was nicknamed the "Iron Lady." ANSWER: Margaret Hilda Thatcher [or Margaret Hilda Roberts] 023-13-94-05102 3. George Washington's nephew, Bushrod Washington, earned this office during the Adams presidency. Thomas Johnson succeeded John Rutledge in this office when Rutledge resigned it after eighteen months. Samuel Chase was impeached while holding this office. An 1801 act attempted to reduce the number of holders of this office to five people, and amended the 1789 Judiciary Act creating this office. For 10 points, name this office whose members serve life terms on the highest court in the U.S. ANSWER: Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States [do not accept or prompt on "Chief Justice"] 190-13-94-05103 4. The "Wrath of the Serfs" museum exhibit was created to justify this action. The Battle of Chamdo paved the way for this action. This action was affirmed by the Seventeen Point Agreement, which was signed by the losing side's delegate Ngabo. Uprising Day commemorates a revolt against this action in 1959, when Tenzin Gyatso went into exile. For 10 points, identify this 1950-51 incorporation by the new Communist regime of a region home to the Dalai Lama. ANSWER: Chinese annexation of Tibet [or anything indicating the Chinese takeover of Tibet, etc.; or the Chinese invasion of Tibet] 020-13-94-05104

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 1 of 11 5. Izola Curry attempted to assassinate this man. He was wire-tapped by the FBI due to his close contacts with Communist Stanley Levison. This man called the U.S. the "greater purveyor of violence in the world today" in a controversial speech titled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence." During his Poor People's Campaign, this man was shot while advocating for striking Memphis sanitation workers. For 10 points, name this leader of the SCLC who gave the "I Have a Dream" speech. ANSWER: Martin Luther King, Jr. 190-13-94-05105 6. Although the terms of this treaty were undone a year later, it was not mutually renounced until the Treaty of Rapallo. This treaty was agreed to after one of the negotiators was forced to abandon his stance of "neither war nor peace." The harsh terms of this treaty were devised by Max Hoffmann. A separate treaty was signed with Ukraine, which was given up in this treaty along with claims to Finland and Poland. For 10 points, name this 1918 treaty that ended Soviet participation in World War I. ANSWER: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 023-13-94-05106 7. Rene Emilio Ponce (pon-SAY) was accused of ordering the murder of six members of this profession during the Salvadoran Civil War in 1989. Prior to founding the Lavalas movement and becoming president of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide (ah-riss-TEED) served as one of these people. A member of this occupation preached Liberation Theology and was assassinated by a death squad. For 10 points, Oscar Romero held what position, the duties for which he was performing when he was assassinated during mass? ANSWER: Roman Catholic priests 030-13-94-05107 8. The Haldane Mission failed to end this event, which caused a "scare" that popularized the slogan "We want eight and we won't wait." Its causes include the "risk theory" and adherence to the "Two Power Standard." Intensified by the reforms of Jackie Fisher and the Tirpitz Plan, this event led to increased tensions right before World War I with the introduction of the Dreadnought. For 10 points, name this competition between England and Germany to build their fleets. ANSWER: the Anglo-German Naval Arms Race [or descriptive equivalents] 080-13-94-05108 9. This man was mocked for saying he received a letter from William Marcy as he "sat down to take a hasty plate of soup." He issued the order to execute the traitorous members of the Saint Patrick's Battalion. This general developed the Anaconda Plan during the Civil War and had earlier successfully conquered Mexico City in the Mexican-American War. For 10 points, name this general and Whig politician known as "Old Fuss and Feathers." ANSWER: Winfield Scott 052-13-94-05109 10. This woman's death was solely opposed by Edward la Zouche, but was blamed on William Davison. The Rough Wooing targeted her for marriage. The Earl of Bothwell married this woman and probably murdered her second husband at Kirk O'Field. This wife to Lord Darnley and Francis II abdicated after the Battle of Carberry Hill and was replaced by her son, James VI. She was implicated in the Babington Plot, jailed for eighteen years, and executed. For 10 points, name this cousin of Elizabeth I. ANSWER: Mary, Queen of Scots [or Mary Stuart; or Mary I of Scotland; prompt on Mary; prompt on Mary I; do not accept or prompt on "Bloody Mary" or "Mary Tudor"] 190-13-94-05110

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 2 of 11 2014 National History Bowl National Championships Round 5 Second Quarter

1. This was the surname of Ralph, a Marxist historian attacked by the Daily Mail as "the Man who Hated Britain." A politician with this surname, who defeated his brother David for leadership, often asks about the "cost of living" crisis and backs an energy freeze in his six turns in Prime Minister's Questions to David Cameron. For 10 points, give this surname of Ed, the Opposition and Labour Party Leader in the British House of Commons. ANSWER: Miliband BONUS: What surname of the Earl of Derby, leader of the "Who? Who? Ministry" and namesake of the capital of the Falkland Islands, was shared by a 1938 pair of brothers, who were the last to simultaneously sit in the Cabinet before the Milibands? ANSWER: Stanley 153-13-94-05101 2. The ancestor of this dynasty was conceived when his father stepped into a footprint. Though it's not the Tang (TONG), Empress Wu declared herself a member of this dynasty. King Wu began this dynasty with his victory at the Battle of Muye. The Mandate of Heaven was first invoked by this dynasty, which was ruled by the Ji family. It is the longest-ruling dynasty in Chinese history. For 10 points, name this dynasty during which the Confucian classics were written, which succeeded the Shang. ANSWER: Zhou Dynasty BONUS: Between 1046 and 367 BCE, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty was located at which city in modern-day Henan, which was once known as Chengzhou? ANSWER: Luoyang 190-13-94-05102 3. This man's headquarters on Lake Biwa was Azuchi, and he destroyed the Enryaku-ji monasteries of the Tendai Buddhist sect. This man made Yoshiaki shogun before deposing him, and he promoted the spread of Christianity as a means of checking the power of Buddhist temples. He committed suicide after being wounded by Mitsuhide (mit-soo-HEE-day), and his death was avenged by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. For 10 points, name this warrior who overthrew the Ashikaga shogunate and began unifying Japan. ANSWER: Oda Nobunaga [or Nobunaga Oda; or Kichihoshi; or Saburo] BONUS: Oda Nobunaga was a member of what class of landholding Japanese aristocrats? ANSWER: daimyo 030-13-94-05103

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 3 of 11 4. Storage places for this resource include Siloam's tunnel in Jerusalem. In ancient Nubia, this resource was obtained using the sakia, an ancestor of the noria. Near the Great Granary, a bitumen-lined great pit at Mohenjo-Daro displayed this resource. Egyptians employed vertical measuring sticks and wheels to use it best during a hundred-day period each year. For 10 points, name this resource whose abundance in a yearly cycle scheduled farming on the Nile. ANSWER: fresh water BONUS: Like Mohenjo-Daro, what other ancient city of the Pakistani Punjab also contains relics of baths, as well as what may be the oldest preserved writing and evidence of the domestication of the chicken? ANSWER: Harappa 104-13-94-05104 5. This thinker helped inaugurate the Romantic emphasis on subjective feeling in the autobiographical Reveries of a Solitary Walker and a posthumously published account of incidents such as stealing a ribbon, Confessions. He declared that "Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains" at the beginning of a political treatise arguing that societies are formed around the "general will." For 10 points, name this French thinker who wrote The Social Contract. ANSWER: Jean-Jacques Rousseau BONUS: What Rousseau book focusing on education challenged conventional ideas about children and was burned in Geneva and Paris for its dismissive remarks on religion? ANSWER: Emile 014-13-94-05105 6. This band was originally called the New Yardbirds, after the former group of its guitarist. Their eponymous debut album featured the songs "Dazed and Confused" and "Communication Breakdown." Their fourth album was untitled, instead featuring four hand-drawn symbols, one for each member. The lyric "with a word she can get what she came for" appears in the first verse of a hit song by this group. For 10 points, name this British rock band that recorded "Whole Lotta Love" and "Stairway to Heaven." ANSWER: Led Zeppelin BONUS: Led Zeppelin got their name from what drummer of The Who, who was quoted as saying the band would "drop like a lead balloon"? ANSWER: Keith Moon 225-13-94-05106 7. This man was found not guilty of insider trading after overhearing fans discuss stocks in 1983, and he later was fined $75,000 after being stopped with a gun at an airport. Prior to Pete Carroll's 2014 victory, this man was the last head coach to win a Division I national championship and a Super Bowl. He coached Billy Simms and Brian Bosworth in college. For 10 points, name this longtime Oklahoma head coach, who oversaw the final Super Bowl victory in Dallas Cowboys history. ANSWER: Barry Switzer BONUS: Switzer's 1986 Oklahoma team suffered their only loss to what school, whose three national titles in the 1980s came under three different coaches, Howard Schnellenberger, Jimmy Johnson, and Dennis Erickson? ANSWER: University of Miami [or Miami Hurricanes] 225-13-94-05107

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 4 of 11 8. A city on this body of water was the scene of the lynchings of three black circus workers in the Clayton Jackson McGhie incident. Daniel Greysolon opened trade on this lake, and visitors to this lake's Keweenau Underwater Preserve can visit the wreckage of the John Jacob Astor. Captain Ernest McSorley and twenty-eight crewmen died in a 1975 wreck on this lake. For 10 points, name this Great Lake that was the site of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. ANSWER: Lake Superior BONUS: What largest island on Lake Superior was renamed by Etienne Brule from the Chippewa name Minong? ANSWER: Isle Royale 030-13-94-05108

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 5 of 11 2014 National History Bowl National Championships Round 5 Third Quarter

GERMAN THINKERS Which German thinker... 1. Developed theories of general and special relativity? ANSWER: Albert Einstein

2. Proclaimed "God is dead" in The Gay Science? ANSWER: Friedrich Nietzsche

3. Discussed dasein (DAH-sine) in Being and Time and was criticized for his Nazi sympathies? ANSWER: Martin Heidegger

4. Refused to recant at the Diet of Worms? ANSWER: Martin Luther

5. Wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England and other Communist tracts? ANSWER: Friedrich Engels

6. Proposed all nontrivial zeros of his namesake zeta function fall on the real line at 1/2? ANSWER: Bernhard Riemann

7. Argued the point of philosophy was not to interpret but change the world in his Theses on Feuerbach? ANSWER: Karl Marx

8. Described the "angel of history" in his Ninth Thesis on the Philosophy of History? ANSWER: Walter Benjamin


2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 6 of 11 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR The U.S. Department of the Interior... 1. Blocked what "Surfin USA" and "Pet Sounds" band from performing at the National Mall in 1983? ANSWER: The Beach Boys

2. Was given responsibility in 1934 for what American territory purchased from Denmark in 1916? ANSWER: U.S. Virgin Islands

3. Oversees the notoriously aged water system of what city, whose mayor is Vincent Gray? ANSWER: Washington, D.C. [or D.C.; or District of Columbia]

4. Was led by Richard Ballinger during a 1912 dispute with what conservationist pioneer who headed the Forest Service? ANSWER: Gifford Pinchot

5. Is currently led by what English-born Secretary? ANSWER: Sally Jewell [or Sarah Margaret Roffey Jewell]

6. Was led during the Teapot Dome scandal by what Secretary? ANSWER: Albert Bacon Fall

7. Includes what subsidiary agency that administers land held in trust for native groups? ANSWER: Bureau of Indian Affairs [or BIA]

8. Had its buildings occupied in 1972 by what protest movement which named itself in reference to Cherokee removal? ANSWER: Trail of Broken Treaties


2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 7 of 11 CRIME ON FILM Name these crime films, actors, and people they were based on: 1. Film in which Genovese boss Frank Costello was the basis for Marlon Brando's Vito Corleone ANSWER: The Godfather

2. Flight and Training Day star who portrayed boss Frank Lucas in American Gangster ANSWER: Denzel Washington

3. Film based on a Truman Capote "nonfiction novel" about the murder of the Clutter family ANSWER: In Cold Blood

4. Film in which Texas Ranger Frank Hamer, as in real life, tracks down the title couple ANSWER: Bonnie and Clyde

5. Al Pacino-starring film based on a real life bank robbery by John Wojtowicz ANSWER: Dog Day Afternoon

6. "Teflon Don" and Gambino family boss portrayed by Armand Assante in an HBO movie ANSWER: John Joseph Gotti, Jr.

7. NYPD officer who testified against police corruption, whose story was told in a 1973 film ANSWER: Frank Serpico [or Francesco Vincent Serpico]

8. Documentary about the overaggressive prosecution of Randall Dale Adams for the murder of Robert Wood ANSWER: The Thin Blue Line


2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 8 of 11 2014 National History Bowl National Championships Round 5 Fourth Quarter

1. This man was the founding president of the Academic Assistance Council, which helped Jewish academics leave Nazi Germany. While at McGill University, he and Frederick Soddy developed the "transformation" theory to explain (+) radioactivity. He supervised an undergraduate project in which Ernest Marsden observed scattering of alpha particles, and he described the results of that experiment as if "you fired a fifteen-inch shell at a piece of (*) tissue paper and it came back and hit you." For 10 points, name this New Zealand-born physicist who showed that the atom must contain a nucleus. ANSWER: Ernest Rutherford 003-13-94-05101 2. In this play, a man named Danforth notes that the "shining sun" has replaced "the dusky afternoon." The protagonist of this play realizes at the end that a woman "thinks to dance with me on my wife's (+) grave," saying her statements are "a whore's vengeance." Near its end, (*) Giles Corey is reported to have been executed by having stones pressed on him, and its events are set in motion by accusations from Abigail Williams. This play about John Proctor was intended to be a metaphor for the Red Scare. For 10 points, name this play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials. ANSWER: The Crucible 052-13-94-05102 3. An event during this period targeted a group that included Maria Claudia Falcone. That component of this period was known as the Night of the Pencils, which was directed against suspected members of the . Many people killed during this event were dumped from (+) airplanes into the Atlantic Ocean. The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo demand to know what happened to this period's victims. It occurred during 's military junta and resulted in thousands of (*) "desaparecidos" (des-ah-pah-ray-SEE-dohs). For 10 points, name this persecution of political dissidents in Argentina. ANSWER: [or Guerra Sucia; prompt on ; or Night of the Pencils or La Noche de los Lapices until "Pencils" is read] 052-13-94-05103 4. They aren't Popes, but these men wore a cap called a "camauro" made by nuns at San Zaccaria under their distinctive hat. Many of them are buried or have monuments in the Frari. One of them, named Grimani, appears in armor kneeling before Mary bursting out of the clouds in a painting by (+) Titian, who also painted a man of this title named Andrea Gritti. A Bellini portrait of one of them is in the style of a bust, and shows one wears a white robe with large (*) buttons. For 10 points, name these men who included Leonardo Loredan and were leaders of the Venetian Republic. ANSWER: Doge of Venice [prompt on Duke of Venice] 121-13-94-05104

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 9 of 11 5. This ruler received the one word reply to a threat, "if." According to Diodorus Siculus, he was killed by a former lover who had been assaulted by the general Attalus. This man was slain at the wedding of Alexander of Epirus and a non-Egyptian Cleopatra by one of his (+) bodyguards, Pausanias. The founder of the League of Corinth, this man defeated a coalition of Thebans and Athenians at the Battle of (*) Chaeronea (KAH-ruh-NAY-uh). His son won the Battle of Issus. For 10 points, name this Macedonian king and father of Alexander the Great. ANSWER: Philip II [prompt on Philip of Macedon] 052-13-94-05105 6. This man developed a steam inhaler called a "Pipe of Peace" which he claimed could relieve asthma. He developed an amusement ride which featured swinging cars attached to a frame called his "Captive Flying Machine." He installed a system that made the Equitable Life Building the first office complex with (+) electric lighting. The poem "The Modern Traveler" notes "whatever happens, we have got" a (*) weapon designed by this man. His most famous invention was produced by a company later absorbed by Vickers. For 10 points, name this inventor of the first portable, fully automatic machine gun. ANSWER: Hiram Stevens Maxim 052-13-94-05106 7. The final battle of this war began when the losing commander sought peace from the steamboat Warrior, which could not understand his speech and opened fire. It began in earnest after Governor (+) Reynolds requested thousands of militiamen in the wake of the Battle of Stillman's Run. Abraham (*) Lincoln briefly fought in this war, which began when an alliance of a thousand Indians, the so-called "British Band," crossed the Mississippi. For 10 points, name this war that ended at the Battle of Bad Axe and began in 1832 when its namesake Sauk chieftain tried to seize land in Illinois. ANSWER: the Black Hawk War [or Black Hawk's War] 080-13-94-05107 8. "Charlie and his Orchestra" was a band sponsored by a propaganda ministry during this war. A song from this conflict tells the listener to "Keep smiling through, Just like you always do, Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away." Vera Lynn was the "Forces' Sweetheart" during it who sang "We'll (+) Meet Again." The Andrews Sisters were another popular act during this war, and recorded songs about it including "The (*) Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy." For 10 points, name this war parodied by Spike Jones in "Der Fuehrer's Face." ANSWER: World War II 121-13-94-05108

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 10 of 11 2014 National History Bowl National Championships Round 5 Extra Questions

This is a tossup provided for breaking ties or replacing a flubbed or erroneous question at any point in the packet. The power marks are provided so that it may be scored according to fourth quarter rules if it is replacing a fourth quarter question. The power marks should be ignored if this tossup is used to replace a first or second quarter question. This person wrote the potentially plagiarized fantasy story "The Frost King" at age eleven. One of the founders of the ACLU, she wrote the essay Why I Became an IWW, noting that physical disabilities were "traceable to wrong (+) industrial conditions." This person was sent to the Perkins Institute by Alexander (*) Graham Bell. She was taught to communicate by Anne Sullivan, who had a breakthrough by successfully teaching her the word for "water." For 10 points, name this woman, the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. ANSWER: Helen Adams Keller 052-13-94-0510-1 BONUS: Name the 1916 battle which saw the deadliest day in the history of the British army, on the first day of fighting. ANSWER: Battle of the Somme 225-13-94-0510-1

2014 National History Bowl National Championships 5 Page 11 of 11

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