l{UNKEL' S MUS IC AL lt EVIEW, NOV E IHBt: l.t, J 8t)4, 83

VVO U .t\ 1{ ON l'lt A:OOZ SC II U B I·:H'l'. :u_o~an l~ll]lllllrentln rlicm, ~chuloerl'li um•icalle- ma) IJ.eeatled here )icbubert'spower of surround- - dtvldu11111_y I~ unmlatukable In tile •·har~etcr of tlJe ing liB wltb the poetic lltmosphHe of hl1 subject . . mdo•ly, 111 the harnwniou- l)rogrc•~ionM, and in with the w•ry tlrht bar~ of bls · Ll~rn-lallvn of ;o.,·Jmh••• t"• l".l"'"l'hon•~• he bc~ome,.; mot<: null more lnollvidu8l tbe j>()('tie story of the poor hurdy-gurdy player genius. It 1~, ~ence. t••n•n•·ntly UI>J•tvprhu~. thRt. and odgm>tl. '.l'hc lntlncnt••· of l hydn and :.Jw.art, who~e plat<· Is 111\my~ empty, 11 nd for whose woes ~~. ,!:: ~:~;~r;,~:r~~~ ~~~::/~o·:;~"·~·~.~.:\,a•~::~;::~:~'.f ::: ~:~~~t'"'' m h1s t:arller cffou,, " gradually elirnl- ~~!~~~~~~~n"~/:~:. o;; 1r0~~:~~~:~/fl~~r~l~.t~~hm.:~~~d~~ write abonl::>chub<'Tt. V1·oru~ •a~·~ ·· i-it·hut.ert"s Fourth, too, L• nn ~tdml,,.bJe com- the llC('OlU(lanimcnt from l!l•j:rlnnlng to tnd. bringing .. Suqorlle hat ol\('11 be•·n I'>' I>' •· ~t·d th:ll . the j>Ooitlon. h h('ars the title of ·Tra:,:ic :,ym11hony,' the whole ~cene vividly bdore our eye~ 11.nd keeping ~~~e~~g~~~J~~~~f~-~ ~~~·.!~~~~:;:;i 1 ~i~:··;"~;~ ~.:'t~!~~~= I~~~ -:·E;I"~ 11 1t~··~. a\:h;;,:r~~u~~!· .~:r·~~~ ~tia'~·~.o~ 1:·! ~a~hC::n~~:,~:de:~~~~ ~~f~rff,.~~~~~~;: ~~ ~~:f.~;~1!~! tlalty; yet Lt •~ not d•tllcult to tlml n·:t"'un~ lot· thl~ in 1youn,.: ~hould ~II\'(' h,.d the J>O>~·er to giw uueranee the way oth('r~ (';~gerly followed in his footgteps.'' the clr~um5lfutce.< of I be ea~e. While a Jllani,t tn· Lo oudt det"Jli':LthOb- In tht• ada~lo tb('re:•tetbords 1 1 1 ;~~~~r~'a;~t' t~: ~:~~~·~~u~:~~. ~~r.f~:~~~~~~g~· ~?,";r cl~~~; · ~~~~~ra·.:~~k:;• ~~~ i:'~7fl:·;~et~: Jy ~t:~,:~, hoefrc;~rl~~~::;~ u-Sc hubert. bn~ to bide hi.;; tllut•. w,. mu•L hear in 1bcrt I" j)rOJ•hetit· of Wngncrl~tn harmonic•. ,\ nd al- S I G H T- HEAJl i NG I N lU US IC. tnlnd how ,-cry young he wa. whl'll ht· o.ll•·d. fir. rbon~o:h parcly anticll)ated by Glud.: and :.Jo..:arl, he ll ~vsllck ha~ urg~d, In def,·n··•• of the Yit•nno·.·l', wa..~ on•· of till' tlruto makl' u~e of an l'fkNto whkh that oni.Y HlHt\ years elap~~d lw.·t1n•o•n tlo(' JHiblit.:><- 1\'>t)(llt•r ,.no.J other onotl('m I"OnJpo~erM owe mHny of What a I'Mt dl'lll of ('Omnwnt and query would be lion of ::-.:hubert"& tlr~t work an, like nHhtuf ·"'••hubert",.;o·n•nJ>O•ILion<. the truth tbe~ludyofmuglc . Ag reg11rd~ ~chuhert'8 or('h('~trlll work•. ,.,. """t of 110 n••o•rtlnn one~ 11111de to me by llr. Han~ ltlcb- The fact 1~. mu•kal eduution, from a rational remember that orehe~tras wt·re not at tlurt tinll•. to.·r·:Lh"t tht• J("r(':<\<'•t nu~oter~ 11lways ren•al their stand-point, ha• ~ndly Jas:-ged b('hlnd In the march ~::,t t1J~1:YG~~~ltl~~~~{i d~.-~~ ~~::~~~~~::;:::~~." f~;,~:,r;~l~~! f~:l~ 1:l:>1~0 ',:,~~:.',',::.t:l~~blr.,.~~~~~~~~;'\ ~~~:.~~~:~~!);,~~ ~~!):~r.;~•;;ed~l~~~~~~· ~~:~~i~~~~~~,~~t6y l~a~~h~~ 0 ~~~~;~}~~~li:~~~~~f:}r:~~~ fi~~k~~:-.:~:~::\~f~;~~~~j;~~ 1 ::::~:1f:~~~~~;:i:t:~~~.:::g~~;~:~;~;~~;f~~:~~:~~1~~5~ ~~.;:~~~~~;:~:!~~~~~~~f~1~ Ji~-~~~~~~~;jJJr~~:;e~~~ with ~~oll his melody and ~pontanei1:·. nu••l11 hi• w~y from n f•)rtnal point ,,r vit•w lw l• mo•l original iu l~nguage (If tunH l~ On(' th'IL can make It~ appeal to 10 slowly to popular appre,·o.;tiiOn. lie wa~ yonn~. hi~ ~"nl'• and hi• •hnrt ph·•·o.·~ for plano. In hi~ the mind through the nwdmn• of both eye and ear mode.• I, and unknown. 11ntl mn-ldan- olid not he·•- 'YtnJohoni('·. ,-h,.mh<:·r mu-1<-, Oj>tru< and •acr\"d as rapidly and as ('ertainh u doe~ the Engli~h lan­ lllte to ~llgbt ll symphony 11. hkh tlwy IIOt.•lol hav·· ,·on.IJlO·l!i.on~. ht• fol!ow~ d;~•.,kal modl'IA; but in Igua~.- to till' ordinary H·bolar in our pnhllc ~SChOOl•. fe lt bound to study had it h•>rno• the n>~•ne of the l,lo·.t. the · :\lu~lt·al llonwnt," • l•upromptn,' he .\Inch j, being "rlllt•n and said to-dar about the 0 1 1 1 "~\r~r''eht~ ~;, , ~:~~~ grown •ll'&•lll)' from _I"L·ar tu :~~~~~~~"-~~:.~~~~~'f!~';~t.~ ~;;:~u·,\:~ oho~r'~~~~el~"l~~\~\·f~ ~~!~h-~~~:;!,·~~·~~t!~n~•~::~•;i~·~ t;~l;~ a~~ ~!/t~~~ ~~~~~~~1 year, nod will grow ~reater ~till In the nl'xt c('n- whid1 '"' follow• da,,lo·al modi'!~,"'"' we t'lln trat'e laborer• in the tl~ld Rre 11lrcady putting them auc­ tury. . . . the lnthltn,·e <>f lkt•thm·l"n·~ >lyle ('\"I'D In the thr('(' ""~'fully into pral'llt·e. ~evert helen, ~oc.ie t y 11t ··Schubert"~ chamlwr-nHt•>c. l''pf'dally lu• ~trinK whu·h he wrot•· in tht• lft•ty~arof hi ~ life. 'l'hluel'm~ larg~ continue• to \T('II.L mui'IC u an Idle at.'t"OtnJ)llsh -

~k.j~';!!u~~~m111~: ~~~~:~~~~-~ r.~'.'.7~~"~:.~·: ,.~-:~~~,::.~~'::! 1 ~~~~·:~~ ~~o~~·~:~;~~~~rt~:~_~~~:.~,~~r h:·~~~)':d ~~~ !;:~~ :~~~~-d~.;~;:~;; ~: ~~~~~i!d·o~~~f '~~~.~~~e:~~~~ :t~d;e~~ 1 1 1 :~:i~:~~~ ~-~~~~~~~ii~allnl:::;=~;:r~·ion~~htl'b~n'·'•~~·~~:~: ~:',\".~".~.;;~. "~~~.~~~~~.:~ ;, ~=~;~~~;~~~~d~~·~~n 'l~l~e ,; ~::!!~;;:~ fu~,d~:·~e~:~, "~;~f; t~)l~:~ of bu•incu to ~truKgle wilh r:~~:~~~~~lL~Ort:'IDI: thcifO~~~.',lb~',:t~~~n~~·~u\','~.,~~::;~ :g:·~i~~~~i~~~;tafL~r:~;r\~~~;J:·:I~~i;;·:;t';,::~ri;C;i~:t:~; ~ ~~~ ~~~~~::.t~l~ ~~;~.~~~~~~~~O~S ~~~~r~~~~~~(l ~~~~~~i too, I am such an enthu~lastic ao\mlrt>r that I do nut •uu\"'b mori' huit.Mt.·t, mut'h k>~ indivio.lual. Onl': alphabet i~ Jlroperl_l" ll'arn~tl. and spellin~. phra$lnJr:, ~e:!~~fs!~~~~~: ::.ieill ~:~~~c '!~.t\1,',~,~;;,~·. f~r "bol··· ;~'\\~~~!';; :~~~~i ~~~\~'::~;;,;gt:,~~~t {]'~~;:l:v~~~~~;~; I i~~f~n~~:)?i~;t;;~e~~r'~';ll:,~r~. ~·~~~~~fe:'iaq~:r~~~r~o!d ·• :\l ~tery of form carne to ..;chulwrt .pontlln· •·a'i('r for a young cOIUJ)()•er to bc orl~inll.! in short a tendency to !'('don el'etythlng a tits prol'er valua­ eou~ly. T his is 1\Ju,.traled by hi.~ early ~yrnphonii R . form- than in the mori' elaborate ~onata and sym- tion, the l'yt•• of the puh\l(' must l!OOD be\'Ome fully son1e of which he wrote btfore ho.• wa,.; t"·ellt)' !>hony; and w(' must tl'tnemhl•r that SchuiJ.ert died op~ntd to lhl' reekle" dls;Jpalioo of force, lime, and Beeau~e of thl~. the more I study th,•m. thr more l ~~ 31. mean~ that hM b('l'n, :md to 11 large extent Is etlll, man·el. Although the lnliul"nt•e lot llaydn a no\ ·'There is t>ely one more J)Oint to whldt atttntion I permitted In ~tudyln~:: mu"'lt·- Harrwr'6 Raz.,(lr. T · · x~;:;;:~:·~E:.:~:::!~~~e:·· " Th WORLD'S FAIR HIGHEST HO NORS -lNDORSE D BYTHE JU RYOFEXPE RTS OF e THREE MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS

AWA RDE D B Y TH E JURY TO KIWBDLL ~~:~o~.rga.ns . ======Portable P1pe Organs


J. A. KIESELHORST, Ceneral Agent, 1000 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS. ij I KUNKEL'S JttUS I CA I~ Ht~VIEW, NOV£/HI:U: B , 1894.

AI' 0 1'\'>;J: I t \\IT II (:OLXOH. ~ 11 :-i..., TO:\ I I.IEBI-:H. CITY :\UTES. ~\i. Toni Ut-l><·r.lbt"·t-ll·kDO"''" l'"Dl·eri\'Oo·al ·I )I l<•l ttl(;, uu ,J II 1'1 :\111\t'• amJI... I'bi·T,\'Il• ht>rn In Elb\ng.J'ru Ia ....-bf>rt' •hf' All ll'Q~t 'll f')t' r il'IIITt"'IUmf"d lt\.tol<'biDjl'l•f J\lbfr ~:E~ .~~~.~- ~~~~~~~ :,:!!::"~in~lt~~~.·· .~~,~~~~::~: f!'::~~::r;:.:~~-~~;~;_;·r~~.;.~::.~.£~;·~.;~:~~~d:~~~~~~:~bi;S :~~~:~f~~~~~··,~:i;,i~i·~ ;:d.;~~~};~~~-~~~:~£:tfi~~ llbn~llo; hull fan· y11 1,. affair n•!V<·r ;:••1 hol~·ontl ntt'rt' lnj!in~ to b .. r n.:1ny frwnd8. \\ bll~ rlln•nlly dt'· and u~f>lllhl' 1~11 ,o,.lbo•ll '" 1< u·t.lnl· ~~::1~n~~·:"\o ,•,. ""~~.. :.~:.,~~=~:n;"~~.~d~~:.j~,-~l~~! ~lr~~~ .. ~o ~;j;"1'~ ~t'~:.';~~;~n:;;~· ~~~~·f,'' 1 :;'~U:.~~:-~ \'~ . t'rilz, t· ~lb, lhetol" .'·iollnltt and nwmb• r "' 1 ~~ :'::~:~l~.e~~}ni:'~J''~Y l{~~~~"~e::j !~e .~~~i~!.~~ ~~:."'~.;~t'l' ~~~-~~~.. :~. ~~:~~~ ~~d ,!~~;;r.l. ";~~··~=~~; :?r~~: ~.~,'Ji_~~.~.~.,:~":t~~~:~~;~.' ,f,~:.~: tl~~::~.!~' ;;,;;!:~~~~fffrf:~;~~;;:?i~J~~;~:}::~~~ ~~}~~}I~~:t~~~\i;i!~:1:I~~~~~:t:~~~r~~~ ~ ~~;{~{:~;(~~~:~}~~t;;:f~~.~J~~{;(f~; OJIIrtlon !hal "rt'vt•l:llinn. l>fOJft•rly fJlt"ll~lng. iA a t•onchwtlwr \\ork on lomtulantlat'IPntHk prloelpl<'• •pare~ no p11ln- to ath-ant•t•lll·r pupil~. 1 1 ~~r~~~~ ..:~~~d~~~~~/'~~~\.:.',~~· ~~~~,~~~~-r~e'~~-:~• ~ ~~bif,~ rhou~:h tht t11•1d fur t•·adaln.-: 18 not re.trkt••d ln thP "~'tl~~~'\f,.;::~·," ~1 ~:?r:,,~~~o" J;:~nr~\~.~~~~;~!C~fr~ wa~ n·mlnth·d lh"t In lht' l{f:tntk•t _of l.alln ltyn"'" ~lt'yer \\ bn 1~ nplanl~t0 ami h'lldtPr nl t•on•ldrnt> ~~~e 1W;~~!i::,.•;:.~'t'g~~:;·l ~~·-.~~~:u:~~~~~htabt ~:~al;~~:;: ~~~~t!\:~.~i'i'~;r~~~~i~:-f:~!!:~~~ '''r lwr "ork, lut' InK t\O'!'flht•d a ]lUI' I or th~ f.n•Cki &4 II proph("t Of tbetr own. t'. E. llanlngton , thl' ~ut'l"l'l lui t~lldlt'r of noan- 1 1 1 \u:~·,t:u~~ ~~~::~ ~',~.,;; ~~~ l~o; l~~~ • ~' :~~.:~~~~q ::("~~~:~~ ~lo~~~e~~~~lul~ll:., I ~~::r::;~ne~~~:f,~;t ~f~~~·?~:;~\,'~:~~ 1 ·1'>·~ at a r("l.'('n\ ("nncHt tlwrt. ill" 't'ltl'll(ln beinlt: :~::..r:'~.~:::;·~~:::~~~. ;;:.~ ..~-~-~ ~~·-~-7.~t:s~~·;t~:: · ~~~~:~~~~~: tbe Lu>t~pll•lonrlur<' fur mandolin. Mr llarrln,v:· workuflt•lonntlt•rwlllldluntlni•bNI,Anellbfltlhl' '"" rer-elve~ prlute pul'll~ at bl~ aoldru.. , 1~0!1 PI~~ ~.;~~: :·;~'~n ~· ~:1:::;·:·~ ~~,:.1.~~~ \'~e;h~~i\,:;:~~~~;~':' r!i;~; -.treet. lh(" l''"''e of It lnt!•IIPl'IUIII harn·nnl'3s. Xeilber phil08<11'hY nor ~l'lt·l>t't' lt:t81&1.t•n root In II• lbln '"il .\WI' GLASS. ltlu~no print'iJ•h•urtlt•-,•IUJHnent. It I• monoton· ou ami ln1\exil•lt•. Tht' fat'\ tltml tbe fuundtr of ('hrt..llanll,l' ln•·uh-1111'<1 t>rl<~dpln ralbt·r than lllltl !'be :\lurm\Ot ~IIH•rin~ lind )1(·,·~·\lng (."u .• 1!101 lo oluwn rul<'l 1~ tilt' m:tln <>lift'<' ul it~ enan·elou"l I~!> l'lne "1.-c••l, art ntRnufactureu of f·r ~nl'b 1 1 l·•okin~·J:la~.•illau·'· llrt~la.••and llH!r("tftr mlrron. ~;:· ;:~·~':;~. rt'l ~~;,~~~~~i t~ ); ':~ it~t\h~o~npc~:~~l't~f I i~:(" . ~~ lht:ir work adorn• th~ hllnd..omt~l "'•ldt·ni'Ho In til. tre·~lllrtd In llt·brt'"' tht·<>IU~ot)". (;rttk Jtbiln•ophy. [,oui• and ('1~("1\bl'rt'. Tlti lhm I~ knt•\\n for it. ltornlln jurl•pruol,.nt:<', Ttutonk and Cdtk \rad\. bt•:~utilul dr-•ll{n8 aotl artl•tk ll~ll', and order~ Ml­ ti<>n~. II 11 tb•· lwlr of all the a.-:1''· and thl' nun;loll' tntnnftht'lwllr< ...rllr•. who wtrtl'\'ident\y ~~~~k;~fo~~ ~:·.•·g,?u~',:~;l ~~~~~t;"~ej,o~~~~d ,,\~~~.~~~~J ~~ DEATH O F JACQl E S BA('II, thP rt''l""~tor hl~d:lltJthler. tbt Baronne de Lu"'u~. who tllm••l with u~. f>layt·d thP "Funeral ;\hr("h of" l l r ..Jat'ltne~ l\3rh, thi' prt·. \d("nl of tht' Kranld1 \\Arlont-ttt'" and a loH•l\' 1\ule frRjl:menl c/11\t·h:l•h a Jta•toral 11nd mllit3.r)· Jltr da,.,:cR b•·rl' ar<' '"HY ~LICI"''""'"Iln l'\"('rl' partlcu- ...-:<~ 11 tint type t•f tlw '"''n w·bu•t' a~plratlon8 l'l'll"' t-ytnphnnv. I ll~ mnth("r. who wa• •luint~: DI.'J:t ~ lflr. and ~he t•an puhtl wllh pride 10 lll(notlly numl)('r within tbtir ll"n bnme.. Thty fnrnt tht-lolldity awl toto·mh•·r Of tht' jnr,-, wa~ lo~l In (•("•ta~:v- '·Do ynu of. flromint·nl JIUJlil~; amnng tlt1·tn ~~~ .. ~ .\nni1· •tren11;tb 1>1 a n11tion. ho•11r," ·hi' ni<'ol. •wa~·!njl; hrr fa! lm~l In Clld("n('l'- \\ tn-ort"h("w. OJinmuat tbt<..'hurl'lt oftbt' Red<'t'nter To be a ~uc~·e ful hq~llll' s ll!IIO. tu l•t' buoorfd •·tin ,.,.n ht'ar th<' <'lllnt•lr of the pta•:ant·~ nil«'~. llw f:pi"COfll\1.) Thi~ lad~· hit~ ll •·lt•r ~:nnplltbt"tic and re~pe.-tttlln lbt world (If lndtll>lrv, " . .,.It!~ a1m, t•hnr;·h lwU~. 1111· foot·lt'jl~ .of tit(" "ol.t\ers ~~;oinl! \'DIN•. "hkh t·\hll!d<·•• tbt' ab!Hty uf hN tell<·h•·r. bntonlv to thl' tnd that ltl hont<- ind bl~ fauolly 1 1 :;lla..:: ?:;, .. ·~Ao~;;~n ~~~~~~~~~~ r:~~~~r~;~~~,~~l; ~~e: i~~~~~~~ :;: r~t·~~ i ~j(t ~~~-,1~::~~~~\_',j ~,~;\,~~~::in;~i!t,~ ~!~t:•o~~~: ::~I ~~.!t,~,:~~~e:~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~-~~ ~-~~-~ o~ ~','!a"tt::r~r~~ tlllo.<' tl"ll t1 pl11no ~wll_l' wltb tb<'m.•· an•l·be 1~ fn••tnt·ntly ulltol llWIIY frt>m lh<' cltr to dl.-:oitkd btll mndt'~tand r<'llrht~ln manntr. t:1·r lllll'rtrt ~~no end uf h:Rrnln~. . ir~::~~~~~~~~~~t~.a~n';n~·~;:·~"~,;,:~~l(';~~~- ::::;rt~ r~~ :~i:\~g;~]:;~p;;?t~l7.\iBfM~~~:~:l\~~f ll!i;~:g~:~f~i~~:r;.~~~~:J;i:l1~~.ff::L::i:~~;; [:1~~;::~\~'i.fif:~}~i!~§~;g;;~:t~:;:!{:\i!;; .~:. 1 1 ~:~~~·r:: f17,\:,:!~~~o~·~·;~~~:. '.~~3~~!~~)~'B("~~i10~~~: !'"~,~~~~~ you lit(" pla}·tn;:. n•·vtr trouill(" your~elf ~~l~n"'~ .t:~~b~~~~.~~. ~{::• .~~~~m'~"~~~~il~l'n~;::f"~')~,~~~:! ::~- "'il~.~-,\ ~·~~~~7~~~:~~~\~'1~1r~;0~;~Ll~~~~ ord1e~. 1 ::~~; .. ~~~~~~:~:t'l~::~:!~[~J~,~~rl;"~',~, ~~:~~~~~~~n~. nor m("n of ~"" ' ork ( 11 ..-. Ita· I'~ m l ""al . ~··~~~~-\\~~~~~~~·"~:;r. ~~~~~~~~~W~(':i ~~~\:,~~~!,~eera~~r;~\~~' it ~r~:~r:r~~~:v~~~~~)·.~.";~r ,:a\'t,~~r~~;J',~'Ie, hnl llttll('k -.~ ~~ ~!~··~ · ~a~~t~~~",~\:~:.~~"·:~~;:.'r~.:~ ~~.'.' ~~-. h!; 11 1 ;:.~~.~r':;:,j ~~!•;:.~.~; :: ;{.~:·,!1 ~·~·~ 1:?.1 ~~- ~~~[~.)I.~~~ ~~-~:!:'~ t h ~-~:;:~'!r~~:,t,•;~l {,~~"\,~~;~ rsl~~~~!''~ ~/ ~~~~~e·~ l;.ead ~~~:· '1 ~ ~~::~ ~:~~:,~~~~r:,~r ·:.~~:::;,!;." o~· in ~~:~ ~~ ~~'r"~~','.'';,,:,'i;:~·;~~~·~·l,•;,':;·l.,~n ~~~"";~~n~~~;.'·~-1i~~ ~~~ tn~l~·~l~~:~~;!~~~~:~~~o'~~:il~:~~ ~~;r~~~~~~~~ %~~~= \~~;i~~~ :~~~~~~rt~"r~'~-~~~~""t~~~~~l~~.~.';~::'~;~•,:;R~~·~ 1 1 ~-:.~~:·~:~ ;·\ ,~ n"-~~.;·~~~~r"!"f~~~~ta~·~::jf~rfe~b~nmr;~ infn° t~~"h,.:',!'~~~~;;?~:r ~~;-your own btntllt. work dP~irP. b. . t In hnUilY ,,~~!~~·~~-~~~·;.:{.. ~!'.•!.:',:l:~:rtrh,.t: ~~a;~~-~:;~~~':'~ I :~~~~a~l~ ~~~:~~:.~~~~~~~';~"~;:ln:;::,~\:.)·~·;:~.'{;o~~~~ aim an~e;;'i\ ii~:~~~: ;7~~~;dt~~~:~:}~;~~~~,'.t~l:.n w: 0 0 1 110 1 ~~~·;~:~;i'!~~~;·~~:~''J.:.":::.- ~-"tt~-b~:;;·~~~~ !~:~' nt~~~l i: dt~tt tr~':.:. '!;.. _ i~·t;~:~... lll~~~;a;.a;l~: ~-llll'~;t:.~ :~ !:~:~~~ ~rz ''~{ f·r lb,. l'bl~~';;~:.lr Vf'_l' in tn\' natnf 10 \Itt lll•rary of the ln~lltllle. only f!ue01." pp\rlle•l. f'll.•f AC("()utpany a a•rtjl:l'f "·ben Cnnc<>r.t~. wbkb "m l' • .... t a1•1>t.ar to two "J'f'n ollhlrt_., Y~'~~" afl,.rmy d<'atb.'' j you can. alter bt~ F~ncb m tar_y lf'TT 1te.



Openo Ola.Mo, T~I,.MOI>"•• Ml_,...,...,.,,,,., u,.,., ... ST. JACOBS OIL l nlln>nllnU, "rUfld•l t :r.. ,Y.te. ~~~~~!NBNTLY Rh6umatism. '* BUY UMBRELLAS * HmlhiiCmrd andR1p1!rd

J. L. ISAACS WALL PAPER co. Grand, Upright and Sqnare. DECORATORS, .Are '11Ut1Wfaclured in Sl. Louis and RoluO:OO.IOf•"'" "' ll •I ; \hi"'"'~'. ·•• I• •~f. ,..ah•Wtore. Dreu Goode Store. ('hildreo'l Clothing "tore. Sdl onlr thtt r.ort. S.'lmt 1 1 ~~reE!~~~~d!.~'B:"'. B~~~-~~~~ r: 8~okr~~ store. •lace lor tw<'nly y an, llooee Jo'urniehiDII Store. ~lllhof'ry f'itore. Paruol and Umbrella t:H.ore. /,;hoe 1-itote. llotuery 8t

WUITIN(J I•'OH. WINU UANIJS. III tlal to 1-: in tho fourth ll ()uCe, ~ou nding G. Tho,ln the bra..a lutnd, u~tutlly ~·omh•ting of E flat or _ Frtn~·b born~ In E nat ba\'e ll similar comvu~ and ~mall cornet. 1'11<'11ed four nO\{'R bl;:h{'r than the or- . llke pl~ton sdvsntag('a, 11otmdiog an octave Jov.l"r dlnary U tlat t•oroN, lour or An• U tlu eoroN~. 'I' hough IIL.slmpo~~lble to en~er upon \h{' subjl'<'l than th{' trumpl't; but, u n rule. h 1~ tmuet·e••sry 11laylng In two Hnd aOIIJ{'tlmeA in three JliHta, the 1 11 1 ~~~~~:r~~lfc l~,~f{ ,!~;; \l~n t~~~~~ ~r;~~\ 'J:~:;l.~~i~n~eo~ -~ ~? ~~~~i.t~\fl~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~·,: !d~~~~~o~~-~~u:·~~~~~~r\~ ,;;; : ::~.~,r~~~:~~~~~~· o~~!:l;n"~\1/~~~~~r b;:, ~:;,~~~:: 11 8 1 1 1 ~~~~dslo~t~ ~~~:~~~:~~ ~~~~~~l{~~~;- u~~ ~~~~~:· ~~~\;'~;;~~~ I ~~~~~ :.~i~~~~~:~ l~;~:1~;~e~A ~:;;?(' 1~~~_1'::,•1~~~ 1 :t~~~,;,~:~:~;~ ; ~;~,~:~d ~~~~01~;1~ f~\1~~~~\r~~~~;· b~tl1i!~f::ct.~. ha:~r~?~a:; 1 l!tudents know more or !e.·~ about writi11;: for thr-. The barnone .•ax horn In 1.\ thll ha~ a •hnllar rang(' four or th·e-parl harmony b 1eeured by corneu In ooncHt·room orchestTII. a few words of comp:trJ,on: four ROH"~ lower, awl I~ written f"r. u IM the b:t~~; two p:.rt~, tenor Mxhorn~ In two Jlart~, and ba8•u may also be not out of ])lace. It will be rl"memll<·r1•J clarion!•\, 111 1.\ llat. Th ~ euphonium. or ba~~ 8&:1<· !>laying In octa\"("·. '!'he ~. u1ore frequently that the 11~1 of ln•truments Jnelnd1·d in •n lnl~ntry horn in II tlat. with broader tubing. bR~ a fuller I \'lllve In vie\\ of l"RI"IIIrr u'e than In the n:ed or band of nhout thirty performers ll'l'ro n·eeully de· ~ound. .\~ It 1~ often ~upp!led with lour piston•, military hand. are frequenthl·mt)loyl'd in bulb plano 1 0 1 11 1 1 1 1 ~~~~~dcti;. 'fJ ~::;' ~:Ot~. ~~~Y~~r, ~ .~\~~; ~ 1\~'[1~ ::; ~~~~~~~~;~,Ke t t~(' :~t~~\~'~f~ t"~r ~~~~·•;t~~-~~~t~:i~~:~:~ ~~r;;:,fJr:; •,·~~~~~',' ';;~,,.'~';:;.~·,;;o:~ t~t;~~~~r~~~e~ ~:~~! higher than wrincn for, with un etfeetii'I"COllti)R~~ of Ol'l:n·e. The ""llhonlullt is written for In the \)s~~ oe•·a,ional lntro l{ln• \·ariNy and llghtnu~ to the theordinsryCOill::ert tlute lntlte•ednysof pcrf('<·tr·ll E Jht and Jo\1 II tlal, lwloi:" rt·-peetlvely an octan• UJ•i•erparta. \•cry ohi•Ra l'OUJ•Ieof -uovhon{'&Or An,;erlug. 'J'be old mllltary Jlute In F (or rather lowt·r in pitch tlum tlw tenor ILDtl t.>s•• su:horns In darlonrt~ 111 ll tlat, and even now and then one In ~a~~~~;~ ~:t~~a~~~~~d ;'h~r~l b:{;~e~n':;~n ~~r~~~;;~ :o::;J:S~~~~~L\ s~~~\;t ~l:h~~~;t~~~~~e:\~l~j~~e .~;:~~)"!~~ ~~e~~\>u~l::::e ?~ ~~~~=~~;:lttl;,,~'~n:;;;~~ed~ari~~~! military tluteln F: tlat.ormore.truly]) tlat, hll.'llsken tcn< ling •cHrally rrom the low n llat ~nil F of the may Jlre•{'ntly bl' add('M- on thl' bold. stirring aud tlellghtrulmuslc, or which ie 1101 pre:~ent, the COill)lll~.• being mu~·h oct•upled by po•i"l' ln>truml'nt~. They 11re ofteu msdl' now with old ('batu•('r Jlropbetlc~tlly ~pe akA of u made by theE tlat clllTionet; but the E 1lnt pkcolo. a very tho• llell turned upward,; a11d ben! M a~ lo enelrl"ll• •' l' lpe~. trompe•. na~l"reK (or ~mall kenle-drum) dfectl\·e and pt•netratlng ln~tnunent. l<.lt lllll.)" he the bod}" of th{' pl~ye•. In thl~ way they nrc ealh·d and elarlouRes." ~Indent~ will gather th11t ll•ere Ia 5&ld, uoh·erully pre•ent. The •: \lat. or amoll hl'lieon-horn~. The f,.lllgel horn~. originally i.;{'_l"l"d ~ 110ble ~cope for the l':>:nelae of their talents a~ elarlooet, 1~ still uoed. though ~01111' modem \)a111l~ buglu, blll now played with (•yllndl.lr~ or 1·ah·e~. nrl' eom t iO>er~ in th(' \'llrled •l"()re of a military band. hn·e dhpensed with tbi· \)rilllant tm.trument. not often u.•ed in F;nglnud; but th~y dt"'~'fl"~ 11. mort· In thi"~C till\'! tOO little ju~tke is done to the wl11d }"ormerly two, but no"· one, E 11at d:trionN may he ~:.tl·n • h·e adopt loR. helnl{ of a hro11d o·omparatil"l'l~· bnnd. s11ol the ln~trumeRt•ar(' too fre11Ueutly playl11g noted in b1wdseore~. Tlti~ ha• the ordinary l'larion••t ~oft dlap~·IJD·IIke toni'. Tho.• · uCt an1l Frenl'l> Comlnelll. large ami lmJIOrtanl in~trnmeotal work11 given that all F: tl:ll in~trnment~-oa'"e the ~o-talled horn are oftl'n omittNI In thl" ~l'lu•mc of .military m!ly 110t be ]lt('~I'RII"tl by our wind \)&nd•,aRd lead t ll att\nte-have the natural •lll"naturl' M Cnheo haRd-.partlyonlnJ.:IO the dlt\lculty of pla1·1nj{ Ill· to the formation of a new •chool of instrumental playing -In C, of conr;e-ln eff•'l"l In thl' ke:v of ~trumcnt~ with ~u many harnwnh' open not(·~ on mu•lc.-.!l.,dral X,.,., .E !lat; a11d all IRstrument~ inn t\at have ~lmilnrly houell11.ek, or when marching. Tbe trombone~ 0 1 ~~~~.~~y ~~~~~~~~~~1 r ~n~,'0 ~~~~~e~!~~·:~.j{J!li:" ~~~~~~ ~~ 1 ~i~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~:~ar~:r~~~~!l fa:rp ~~~~:~:, t~ tt;·:otre~~rt~a~~ JAPAXESE 'I'll EA'I'lt I Ct\ LS. 8 1 1 0 ~ ft~;I,E a~~~j~n B(}tl~~rf~~ ~ \j~lt~ ~~c.forl"l ~~i..'tn i::,!:~~! f~~~~~::·~~~~~~ll:~ ~~~~~~~~~~1 1 ~~:r":.' !1'1~~~~:-:~~ a~~~~~~~;::::: ,Ja]l_ane~e, ,Piny~ !'"unlly lo-t from l_ll0Tning till menta play inC for 1.\ 11111, ill G for F. In F lorE tlst, u.ualh· lind~ a place In F;o_~rll~h mJlltar~· band•. and morlllllJC. I he oud~ent"l' mnl.e JlfCJJiraiiOn to at:cnd In U 11at for A tlat. in E t\at for 0 tlat. ('\(', 'l"he•e ~~ 11rilten fvr in tbc usual wa)'. \•ah·e trombone~ In Ill(' theatre. much a.• II they 11ere ~?lng on a hohday tr&n ~poslt\on arrangeme111'! of \'Onrse dle('t in 1.\ tlat sre frequ~ntly to he 111('\ with: ge11 ernlly o 11 e trip from Sall!rdsy w Xlooday. I hey take llukeh ~itW~ra:':~~;:;:n~~~. r,~!~,::l•;~. •;~,~,~1r ._\'~~-~-2 ~~·t::u~~~~~:~ :r~~~~•dli:I~~~~~::':J~~ •~e~~\~~::~~x1t~;~';~,~~~::"rhi~~~:,~i ~l~e e~~~~:~~;e:~:l1~rtt:~~~-~i ~1111: ,:;~;e a~h7~e}~ 11 ~~~tld l~lt are divided into ..olo, a kind of ksdiltl{ jiSrt a11d 1lr~t group of ~I ide tromhone~. In the millt:ti'Y and houte. Food" •ololm all.hl]lao~~e t_beatre~. J 11 ~la$ ;~J~~~=~~~!~~~~~?~~ ~j~·;~·~;.'>:~},!.iff ~e t:~::~· i.o~;; ~~~~t~~;b~~r-~d~~:~~~~e~~rd;n;;~:::'.':~::,~:" ~~~('~~~:~~ ~o~~1;~ha;1t~1ea1t~~-~; ~~~ \~:; h~~~k;r~~~~~~~~r:~ t~~~~d allaolutely euentl81 In a aepar11H.' form: ~t·•·ond and noh1 (.; r;>o~peetii·~J}· In tile bn•~ ami treble clef, a 11 d to t.n•ml"•, "hll1• the ae!?r~ ~~e s t~.utllo~ their brief tblrd 1.1 tlat elarloneB. playing ~eeond sot•rano and cymbal •. whidt may he written for ,ej>srately on hour "1'0 11 the Mage. I he J :11' IIUdLenee~ alt In alto part~. so to ~peak; and In ~ouw larp;e ><'Orl'~ 11 the treble c. o 1-e 11 ~ionally the triaRsr:le i~ H•ed, and little box1·1 o,n, the floor of the thentre, and ea~ nnd 01 10 1 1 1 ~~~~~ !'pp~·~~~s. ~~ ·~~~':J('';~nbeac:.~~a;~~ :~~~~tel~~~~~~~~ ; ·~~lft ~=~ ~; a~f~3~ 11 •:,:~i,r;>~:r t~~ ~~~r,r;~;;~ 11 1,~::}~e;~ :.~~-r~e~~~=~~ re !!~~~ ;l:e~~~~ a ·~·~~er'e "'n ~~e n~b~i ;]~~el~ 10 0 1 0 11 1 ~~;e~~':~ t~-~;~~~"J ~,~~~~~~~~~~ :,.~~~ .f/:~•e,~,~ en;!~ ~:[~;~: the be>t wsy to begin to brletly deal with ~~e~ 1?tt~! 1 : :d.d\~e:~~e~'O~~e 1~~~ !~~~,;;·l~~~~idll.~·~ ~::~:~:::\~~~~:~~~~:~l;ra~o~:~\~: :~~ :~~. ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ rl:a~~~ ~\'~,r~; •l ~~;~:~~\;:~~~~~~ ~~~:;~~~-~~~r :':~~:::,';·!\I ~:~~ ~{,:~';til:.;.' ~~r a~~~;t' to" ll,~o~i~.e ;:\~.. ~~~';o ~ :~:~~; .lby >~:~~ the ba.ss clariom•t in B tlu ha ~ a llt.e eom]Ja"< witb wind haml eomhiR:.tion~. In tbi• wa\- It run~t 1>1' ]IIIII' \\ •th a wood•·n hammer. I h1~ u!etho< o •n· :~~-:;d I~~~~[~ 'f ~~~~~:,~:~~~~·::\~~~~~~~:~:~~~ ~~~~o~~~ ~:-~~~-~~ ~·;~~,;;;~~'·:·;;;~r~~·,:~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~:~~-':'\'; ;;n~~~!~ ~::~~~~~~ ~~:' n,:~;·;~·· ~~ ~~~~!·~.~~~.~ l~l~~,i ;·~, ~~· :,';,~,J r~d~e~f i;~!r!~ ~:~~;t~~ ~~~o~~; 11 ~nb:~::~~~~~~;l:;~·\~h~n1:1'~;.':~~\ t~~ ~~~;~~~~~~~;Jl,~~~~~~~b~~~r~~ th:\;.~;~~~~ tl;~~ 1,~-o~::~ ~:~.~~d.~·~?~~:~~.~~n1:r~l~ 11 ';~• ~~•e0 fat:dJ!~~~e~e P!~~ ~!~·~:~.~~~~ .'~, o~~;; ~~~,r~:,::~en~;~~~~ m:~··:~:~~ t~.!~: . ~~~l:•~i ·;~ ~.n;e~~~~~~~ p~~;~;~:~:; 1~o ~~~:;~1~ea: 1~~:.'n~l1!~ ~:~~e~:~;~~~~~~~:~der'a ~?~' ~~~~:~~f.~ :~;~~Y~e~~~ ~ :r~~-!~:~~S ueetlon, 118 in other ways. it 1~ b{'~t for a 1nitH ol prOCI"('d with the propo~edcomp:~rio

WJ,Iffl I



•:__:___ f I , --l l ----- ~ N.H. 'The r·t-r&ion in brokt'tl Of:lfll


J .~.'S t-e.2 Cop)lrlght. Kunkel Brtu. 18D4. 10

--==---- .. t •• t • ·~ =:==~. ~...... SJ


Ui\' lll' lll:.'. Liazt...Biilow.

\H ..... 0~

~ ~ '~ • : ;-·==·. ~#= ·gt:::::Jif£==::==

\ 0 /a l,-• Co 1/S!U.U Ia f ~ ' t~~~P1PllriflhLiitmktl /lrol. l ti9<1 . JB 14

e:s==l:;el :::;ms~


JlSlH.-6R =1::1===1~~Copl/ri{lllt. K"'nkel Brot.l894.

•• J7

LTEBES HOTSCJIA 1·'1!. Liszt _Biilow.

Copyright- J/.;~1/ei jfro•.189-l. 18





.. ~ . N. B .TIIeP•ig"{{fe• ~ 0



Charleo Godard. Op. 83.

Modt:rato assai. J. _tJa. c:E-!z;~u l•f:!+il~iq b I &~M~'fib_ ¢ ~ # ~ ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ #

~ 4 4 4 rl!fm.41ilt poco, ~ ' . ' [;;! EiJ.II:~ I:S;m •." 'fih.O~# 'fib.C . ' '

~4 bi!l . . ·-==':tl:h. <): ~ c ~ ~ ~ 0 'Sa # '!ib.

! ' il a !•= ·

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166?- 4 MARCH. Arnold Pesold ...... J.__ • ~ i :~ a=w l''ntiJ~lli1U: p::;J . . ----

l!il) -1 • 4 n

• i $.1; $41i8 I ~.tVR~i~rc :> .ff ;g::! 8 . e ;~&!i51~1,=$~1i :lil::l I ... , . . . " 1:! :·#I~;:; I: tt!!l! I! fl! HII

ef:J!'!il). ;:1;::1;"' ~ !1!:i;;1a 1664. 4 6

t;· ~· $ : ~: t ~: €: ~· f: >-~ ~

tJ Jtr8t aud l u.-. t ue U1'r! Ai r· li. en. dl'ee boy...... ~ .,...,.. .,.. _ .,...,._ .,...,.. .,.. .,.. .,...,.. • .....- :------. - R epeat frotn begintling to Fine. - -U64- 4 - - ( DU 111.\'T lt'1E .E'lNE IJL U~llE' )

As sung at Dr. H :\ns von Biilow's Con~rts tlu·oughout the United Sto\tes,

Words by H. H ein~. Composed by Anton Hubinstein. Moderato. J -72. ~ --- jO I "' --- _., Thou'rt like un _to . flow_ As fo\ir, "' IJu, bi.\t wie ei _ ne }llu,_ _ m e So huld. und n :t:t n ,..., ~ . '1=rl ~ - - ~~~.__, - :;t.., IW TT 1-J t:;t:;t ~ .... [.,....,.. ~~ ~ - - .,..___- - '"~ .... ·''•p ~Ped.

light .... ; I long on Uwse goldt:n tress _ es My fold _ ed hands to lay. .. , ein ... ; Jli1• j,,,, ul.'l ob it•h die lliin _ de Auj.~Jluupldif'le. _ ;;eu .wll

"" ~~ "" .!f=t r1 I>~ ~~ ·u ·u ·u

>:H't4. II OR- 2 c:.)/Jvriylol_ Kuul.d H1-u!>.liJ.,9. cre.o.;_ _ _ ------I t.) Pray_ ing thatH~:n-l1 may pre..serve th~::e So f,tir·, so purt~ it l_way . P1·ay _ ing that Jle _ ltmd,du ...s6'u ttdi dt e l •_ hul _ l e Su 1'eill und 8chU'n u11d hold .... 1 JJe_tend1 dus.v A ~""~ =t1, ~ n, ,., R ~q l ::ni\~..:: 11(_- .. - u .

Su f,tir, so pure So 1·ein 1md M'hUn

So f.tir, So pUl-e a _ w.iy--:- . Su 'l't-in unrl M ·IIU'n Ulld hold - n_, -:;.-. I.../ ...., I~ ;o .... 4-r-!; p

~ PNI • --:-p;- ~ P~d...... '\':


.: I -- KUNKEL'S UUSICAT... .REVIEW, NOVF.l\IU ..: H, 1894. .,

l'IOLI:O.", CELI.O. 1\TC. 'Wi s t• t: u . l~t: ors .

ACQUE!:i WOl:'n :H!-;, J 011011: ~OLOhT, (0rt.•lualeof llru-la(_·, , ... ,Tat<>rrJ .\TIKL, l"llon<>• anti Or&IU >' l <> r l'iRI " ""''fo r R " "'· TUIII IIa ot. utl n .- ,,,.,,.,, ... 1~1~ 011Tt Nr~;, ~T. !.AI\ I~ Bro.n~b ~tort,~~~ ._,,]lik>J~ S. Uth ~~ SCHOOL OF J,' ~· -~.~~~~;~~u~:~~~J~ A t:C:U!:i'l' l lf;~~~~·~:u or znnr.11. EXPRESSION f ~ ~. '/~\~~{~·. J,'..:10n. A

Hemovf'o\hl (>ft\~efrom':lf:l'•ne~L-Llo ll l3 Pint Strttl f .X. hrtda, Pru. JU. C. Gh lo, V-Pru, Wm.I.Hruka.hc'ytnd Trut.

VV. c. C H OU:-i~ .. A:"OTOEI!, M i'T R"c)N crM E BARADA-GHID REAL ESTATE CO. WltbJtooeF'N!n~h PIRn<'>an<\Or~an("<'>. 50 c IN THE WORLD. IHCORPORITED 1892. PliO UP CIPITIL, $100.000. 'l"e\ephone 3!116.


Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, I .\li~~("I,AJ\A I!At' K U, l)]r'""tr"" 8 EST A lllorourb mu•lcal Munuon dl~r lh~ m~tb~' of r.urore•" LINE Conoerv•torleo. ])ayano\boaro\lngpupllof'I'<:Civcd•lall)" d ~~t e. JlorCMaloguu~~I;I~~;I.AHA JIAt"Y.It, TO

! . t";. Cor. 4tband !.au renee~!• {",.<-u

5-r. J.OU IS ~~~~~~~ ~ ~;;?~:mt t~TUEET~ NORTHERN LAKES. ST. I.Ol"IS_ '141 D. 0. IVES, Gn'l Pnmger Agent, ST. LOUIS. KUN"KEI ,'S JH USI CAL, HI ~ \ II<:W, S0\' 1-; MB ..~ H., 1804. DO

,, ....I'Cr< &"''•• I"'' I uf&"f i:I'UI.ht'n, Bl~fl



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