
l{UNKEL' S MUS IC AL lt EVIEW, NOV E IHBt: l.t, J 8t)4, 83 VVO U .t\ 1{ ON l'lt A:OOZ SC II U B I·:H'l'. :u_o~an l~ll]lllllrentln rlicm, ~chuloerl'li um•icalle- ma) IJ.eeatled here )icbubert'spower of surround- - dtvldu11111_y I~ unmlatukable In tile •·har~etcr of tlJe ing liB wltb the poetic lltmosphHe of hl1 subject . mdo•ly, 111 the harnwniou- l)rogrc•~ionM, and in with the w•ry tlrht bar~ of bls · Ll~<lcr.' For ~nth a Of allllvmg arll~l,, Uvornl. 1·,, )• rhap., 1111' ~· II rn;tny c::.:rpol,h(' bit~ of orclw•trauon. In hl~ later strokt of gl·nin~. rteall hi~ song • lJtr l.elermann, • fitted for 11 thorough IIJl l_>rn-lallvn of ;o.,·Jmh••• t"• l".l"'"l'hon•~• he bc~ome,.; mot<: null more lnollvidu8l tbe j>()('tie story of the poor hurdy-gurdy player genius. It 1~, ~ence. t••n•n•·ntly UI>J•tvprhu~. thRt. and odgm>tl. '.l'hc lntlncnt••· of l hydn and :.Jw.art, who~e plat<· Is 111\my~ empty, 11 nd for whose woes ~~. ,!:: ~:~;~r;,~:r~~~ ~~~::/~o·:;~"·~·~.~.:\,a•~::~;::~:~'.f ::: ~:~~~t'"'' m h1s t:arller cffou,, " gradually elirnl- ~~!~~~~~~~n"~/:~:. o;; 1r0~~:~~~:~/fl~~r~l~.t~~hm.:~~~d~~ write abonl::>chub<'Tt. V1·oru~ •a~·~ ·· i-it·hut.ert"s Fourth, too, L• nn ~tdml,,.bJe com- the llC('OlU(lanimcnt from l!l•j:rlnnlng to tnd. bringing .. Suqorlle hat ol\('11 be•·n I'>' I>' •· ~t·d th:ll . the j>Ooitlon. h h('ars the title of ·Tra:,:ic :,ym11hony,' the whole ~cene vividly bdore our eye~ 11.nd keeping ~~~e~~g~~~J~~~~f~-~ ~~~·.!~~~~:;:;i 1 ~i~:··;"~;~ ~.:'t~!~~~= I~~~ -:·E;I"~ 11 1t~··~. a\:h;;,:r~~u~~!· .~:r·~~~ ~tia'~·~.o~ 1:·! ~a~hC::n~~:,~:de:~~~~ ~~f~rff,.~~~~~~;: ~~ ~~:f.~;~1!~! tlalty; yet Lt •~ not d•tllcult to tlml n·:t"'un~ lot· thl~ in 1youn,.: ~hould ~II\'(' h,.d the J>O>~·er to giw uueranee the way oth('r~ (';~gerly followed in his footgteps.'' the clr~um5lfutce.< of I be ea~e. While a Jllani,t tn· Lo oudt det"Jli':LthOb- In tht• ada~lo tb('re:•tetbords 1 1 1 ;~~~~r~'a;~t' t~: ~:~~~·~~u~:~~. ~~r.f~:~~~~~~g~· ~?,";r cl~~~; · ~~~~~ra·.:~~k:;• ~~~ i:'~7fl:·;~et~: Jy ~t:~,:~, hoefrc;~rl~~~::;~ u-Sc hubert. bn~ to bide hi.;; tllut•. w,. mu•L hear in 1bcrt I" j)rOJ•hetit· of Wngncrl~tn harmonic•. ,\ nd al- S I G H T- HEAJl i NG I N lU US IC. tnlnd how ,-cry young he wa. whl'll ht· o.ll•·d. fir. rbon~o:h parcly anticll)ated by Glud.: and :.Jo..:arl, he ll ~vsllck ha~ urg~d, In def,·n··•• of the Yit•nno·.·l', wa..~ on•· of till' tlruto makl' u~e of an l'fkNto whkh that oni.Y HlHt\ years elap~~d lw.·t1n•o•n tlo(' JHiblit.:><- 1\'>t)(llt•r ,.no.J other onotl('m I"OnJpo~erM owe mHny of What a I'Mt dl'lll of ('Omnwnt and query would be lion of ::-.:hubert"& tlr~t work an<! bi~ dt•;Hh. and tb11t tiH:Lr "'""'t be~utiful nod ord1~~tral eolor~-thelr arouRcd in nn enllgbtenetll'Otnmunlty by a penon of during hl~ lifetime he IJ.ecame koo11n dtl..rlr a," em\)Joyment of the lora•·. not for not~(', hut play~d fair lntelllgl'nec wbo wa~ known to bave de\'Oted 11 1 1 0 1 :~~~ ~~~~~~~~~j~~;~:~e:~~~utw~~~y in ~ i~~ ~;::::.::~~,: ~u~~!j:i,~ r~:~·~~~~/!~~ ::~~-~:;::~'e:~~)':ing in the great :~~~~~ tt!'g:'er:c~~~~~ ~~~1;~ ~~~~d~ ~~ea gf~~~~~~~~ i:~~~~ circle. l lorl'OI"er. no~~ini on the unt· hanoi, ami Sym11hony In(.' are a•toundlng. It i-< a work whirb u~:e. Rod at the end ofse,·en or o·lght years could not Beetho,·en on t\t(' other, OHI'~hado\1 ··d the nwdht 11tw·a.1·"' f;t<dnatn. ,.],.·a~-~ r('Lilllln~ nt•w. h bas the read it~ ~imp\c,t paj.,<e without 8tumbling over words ;.~~~~~~;~~l~"~iC: 1~o~nd~s~~~.!/~:~~~~~~~~~, t~:rJ 1 t 1t~;:c~~~; ~~f;~:,.Y,1in~a~:-~~~;~~,; 1 ~,:~~~;K~~~~~~"~::~ijt;ttJ~,1~;~!'t~:~ ~~7~~ ~;~,t~~~·~: ~~~~~~~~~~~r~;·~~~~n1i:.re'de~:.;u~:f~neJ·r~ ofbisO""II death, a!"'">, like nHhtuf ·"'••hubert",.;o·n•nJ>O•ILion<. the truth tbe~ludyofmuglc . Ag reg11rd~ ~chuhert'8 or('h('~trlll work•. ,.,. """t of 110 n••o•rtlnn one~ 11111de to me by llr. Han~ ltlcb- The fact 1~. mu•kal eduution, from a rational remember that orehe~tras wt·re not at tlurt tinll•. to.·r·:Lh"t tht• J("r(':<\<'•t nu~oter~ 11lways ren•al their stand-point, ha• ~ndly Jas:-ged b('hlnd In the march ~::,t t1J~1:YG~~~ltl~~~~{i d~.-~~ ~~::~~~~~::;:::~~." f~;,~:,r;~l~~! f~:l~ 1:l:>1~0 ',:,~~:.',',::.t:l~~blr.,.~~~~~~~~;'\ ~~~:.~~~:~~!);,~~ ~~!):~r.;~•;;ed~l~~~~~~· ~~:~~i~~~~~~,~~t6y l~a~~h~~ 0 ~~~~;~}~~~li:~~~~~f:}r:~~~ fi~~k~~:-.:~:~::\~f~;~~~~j;~~ 1 ::::~:1f:~~~~~;:i:t:~~~.:::g~~;~:~;~;~~;f~~:~~:~~1~~5~ ~~.;:~~~~~;:~:!~~~~~~~f~1~ Ji~-~~~~~~~;jJJr~~:;e~~~ with ~~oll his melody and ~pontanei1:·. nu••l11 hi• w~y from n f•)rtnal point ,,r vit•w lw l• mo•l original iu l~nguage (If tunH l~ On(' th'IL can make It~ appeal to 10 slowly to popular appre,·o.;tiiOn. lie wa~ yonn~. hi~ ~"nl'• and hi• •hnrt ph·•·o.·~ for plano. In hi~ the mind through the nwdmn• of both eye and ear mode.• I, and unknown. 11ntl mn-ldan- olid not he·•- 'YtnJohoni('·. ,-h,.mh<:·r mu-1<-, Oj>tru< and •acr\"d as rapidly and as ('ertainh u doe~ the Engli~h lan­ lllte to ~llgbt ll symphony 11. hkh tlwy IIOt.•lol hav·· ,·on.IJlO·l!i.on~. ht• fol!ow~ d;~•.,kal modl'IA; but in Igua~.- to till' ordinary H·bolar in our pnhllc ~SChOOl•. fe lt bound to study had it h•>rno• the n>~•ne of the l,lo·.t. the · :\lu~lt·al llonwnt," • l•upromptn,' he .\Inch j, being "rlllt•n and said to-dar about the 0 1 1 1 "~\r~r''eht~ ~;, , ~:~~~ grown •ll'&•lll)' from _I"L·ar tu :~~~~~~~"-~~:.~~~~~'f!~';~t.~ ~;;:~u·,\:~ oho~r'~~~~el~"l~~\~\·f~ ~~!~h-~~~:;!,·~~·~~t!~n~•~::~•;i~·~ t;~l;~ a~~ ~!/t~~~ ~~~~~~~1 year, nod will grow ~reater ~till In the nl'xt c('n- whid1 '"' follow• da,,lo·al modi'!~,"'"' we t'lln trat'e laborer• in the tl~ld Rre 11lrcady putting them auc­ tury. the lnthltn,·e <>f lkt•thm·l"n·~ >lyle ('\"I'D In the thr('(' ""~'fully into pral'llt·e. ~evert helen, ~oc.ie t y 11t ··Schubert"~ chamlwr-nHt•>c. l''pf'dally lu• ~trinK whu·h he wrot•· in tht• lft•ty~arof hi ~ life. 'l'hluel'm~ larg~ continue• to \T('II.L mui'IC u an Idle at.'t"OtnJ)llsh - ~k.j~';!!u~~~m111~: ~~~~:~~~~-~ r.~'.'.7~~"~:.~·: ,.~-:~~~,::.~~'::! 1 ~~~~·:~~ ~~o~~·~:~;~~~~rt~:~_~~~:.~,~~r h:·~~~)':d ~~~ !;:~~ :~~~~-d~.;~;:~;; ~: ~~~~~i!d·o~~~f '~~~.~~~e:~~~~ :t~d;e~~ 1 1 1 :~:i~:~~~ ~-~~~~~~~ii~allnl:::;=~;:r~·ion~~htl'b~n'·'•~~·~~:~: ~:',\".~".~.;;~. "~~~.~~~~~.:~ ;, ~=~;~~~;~~~~d~~·~~n 'l~l~e ,; ~::!!~;;:~ fu~,d~:·~e~:~, "~;~f; t~)l~:~ of bu•incu to ~truKgle wilh r:~~:~~~~~lL~Ort:'IDI: thcifO~~~.',lb~',:t~~~n~~·~u\','~.,~~::;~ :g:·~i~~~~i~~~;tafL~r:~;r\~~~;J:·:I~~i;;·:;t';,::~ri;C;i~:t:~; ~ ~~~ ~~~~~::.t~l~ ~~;~.~~~~~~~~O~S ~~~~r~~~~~~(l ~~~~~~i too, I am such an enthu~lastic ao\mlrt>r that I do nut •uu\"'b mori' huit.Mt.·t, mut'h k>~ indivio.lual. Onl': alphabet i~ Jlroperl_l" ll'arn~tl. and spellin~. phra$lnJr:, ~e:!~~fs!~~~~~: ::.ieill ~:~~~c '!~.t\1,',~,~;;,~·. f~r "bol··· ;~'\\~~~!';; :~~~~i ~~~\~'::~;;,;gt:,~~~t {]'~~;:l:v~~~~~;~; I i~~f~n~~:)?i~;t;;~e~~r'~';ll:,~r~. ~·~~~~~fe:'iaq~:r~~~r~o!d ·• :\l ~tery of form carne to ..;chulwrt .pontlln· •·a'i('r for a young cOIUJ)()•er to bc orl~inll.! in short a tendency to !'('don el'etythlng a tits prol'er valua­ eou~ly. T his is 1\Ju,.traled by hi.~ early ~yrnphonii R . form- than in the mori' elaborate ~onata and sym- tion, the l'yt•• of the puh\l(' must l!OOD be\'Ome fully son1e of which he wrote btfore ho.• wa,.; t"·ellt)' !>hony; and w(' must tl'tnemhl•r that SchuiJ.ert died op~ntd to lhl' reekle" dls;Jpalioo of force, lime, and Beeau~e of thl~. the more I study th,•m. thr more l ~~ 31. mean~ that hM b('l'n, :md to 11 large extent Is etlll, man·el. Although the lnliul"nt•e lot llaydn a no\ ·'There is t>ely one more J)Oint to whldt atttntion I permitted In ~tudyln~:: mu"'lt·- Harrwr'6 Raz.,(lr. T · · x~;:;;:~:·~E:.:~:::!~~~e:·· " Th WORLD'S FAIR HIGHEST HO NORS -lNDORSE D BYTHE JU RYOFEXPE RTS OF e THREE MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS AWA RDE D B Y TH E JURY TO KIWBDLL ~~:~o~.rga.ns . ====== Portable P1pe Organs COMPR IS ING ALL I NSTRUM E N T S PRODUCED BY w. w. KIMBALL co., CHICAGO, THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS RECEIVING THIS NUMBER OF AWARDS FOR PIANOS A N D ORGANS. J. A. KIESELHORST, Ceneral Agent, 1000 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS. ij I KUNKEL'S JttUS I CA I~ Ht~VIEW, NOV£/HI:U: B , 1894. AI' 0 1'\'>;J: I t \\IT II (:OLXOH. ~ 11 :-i..., TO:\ I I.IEBI-:H. CITY :\UTES. ~\i. Toni Ut-l><·r.lbt"·t-ll·kDO"''" l'"Dl·eri\'Oo·al ·I )I l<•l ttl(;, uu ,J II 1'1 :\111\t'• amJI... I'bi·T,\'Il• ht>rn In Elb\ng.J'ru Ia ....-bf>rt' •hf' All ll'Q~t 'll f')t' r il'IIITt"'IUmf"d lt\.tol<'biDjl'l•f J\lbfr ~:E~ .~~~.~- ~~~~~~~ :,:!!::"~in~lt~~~.·· .~~,~~~~::~: f!'::~~::r;:.:~~-~~;~;_;·r~~.;.~::.~.£~;·~.;~:~~~d:~~~~~~:~bi;S :~~~:~f~~~~~··,~:i;,i~i·~ ;:d.;~~~};~~~-~~~:~£:tfi~~ llbn~llo; hull fan· y11 1,.
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