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[email protected] Government of Jammu and Kashmir General Administration Department (Establishment) Civil Secretariat, Srinagar/Jammu IMPORTANT NOTICE DATED: 10.10.2014 Subject : Short-listing of candidates for the posts of Class-IV advertised by the General Administration Department vide Notification No. 01- GAD of 2014 dated 27.06.2014. Whereas, the General Administration Department vide its Notification No.01-GAD of 2014 dated:27.06.2014 read with other Notices dated 9-07-2014 and 24-07-2014 on the subject, advertised 148 posts of Class-IV with the category-wise break-up contained in the said Notification; and Whereas, the last date for receipt of applications was fixed as 31 st July, 2014; and Whereas, upto the last date of receipt of application forms, 1,17,749 application forms were received against these posts; and Whereas , it is not possible or expedient to call all the candidates for interview; and Whereas, vide Notification No 01-GAD of 2014 dated: 27.06.2014 the following criteria for short-listing of the candidates has already been notified; i. Total points for shortlisting : 100 ii. Weightage to be given to the : 90 Marks obtained in the matriculation iii. Points to be awarded for higher : 10 Qualification (upto 10+2) Page 1 of 29 Whereas, in accordance the above criteria the following number of candidates are required to be called for interview in the ratio of 1:5 category-wise; CATEGORY OM RBA SC ST ALC OSC TOTAL POSTS 84 30 12 15 05 02 148 1:5 420 150 60 75 25 10 740 Whereas, on the basis of the said criteria and conditions of eligibility, the cut off merit has been arrived at for different categories as under:- CATEGORY OM RBA SC ST ALC OSC CUT OFF 88.66 86.14 86.32 78.94 83.98 88.66 MARKS Note: Candidates underage/overage being ineligible have not been considered.