Exhibition brochure KUB 07.03

Peter Zumthor Buildings and Projects 1986 – 2007

29 | 09 | 20 07 – 20 | 01 | 2008

with a film installation by Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 1 09.10.2007 13:09:43 Uhr Buildings and Projects 19 8 6 – 20 07

The presentation at the KUB covers Peter Zumthor’s buildings and projects from 1986 to 2007 and comprises materials on the design process, working drawings, models, and detailed plans, as well as a film installation by the artists Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch, which features almost all buildings completed during this period. Peter Zumthor and Thomas Durisch, a longtime co-worker at Atelier Zumthor and curator for this part of the exhibition, are responsible for the selection and presentation of the works on the ground floor and third level. It was Peter Zumthor’s express wish that the filmic form of cooperation between the artists become the core concept of the exhibition. Six and Petritsch were proposed because their approach is closely related to fundamental issues of architecture. The works they are known for consist of simple actions and interventions which they document on film or video and stage as installations. Overall layout of the exhibition They realized a film installation for the exhibition “Tu Felix ” at the KUB in 2005. Shooting lasted six days, during which time Paul Petritsch stayed on the bare third floor of the Kunsthaus, filmed at eye level and in real time by six stationary video cameras facing in various directions. third floor sketches, plans, models Six and Petritsch applied this stringent artistic concept in the documentation and projection of all of Zumthor’s buildings. Again, six stationary cameras were used and the same distances maintained second floor throughout. Again, there are six projection surfaces. Six and film installation Petritsch do away with the usual camera movements, editing, and montages. Each building seems to present itself matter-of-factly

on six projection surfaces for 40 real-time minutes in the changing first floor daylight, surrounded by everyday sounds and imbedded in the film installation landscape. What the viewer sees is tied to his movement within the room. The screenings are staggered, so that every 20 minutes a new f ilm b e gin s on one of the f lo o r s; thu s, the viewe r c a n ex p e r i- g r o u n d f l o o r f o y e r K U B - A r e n a large models ence all the buildings in four real-time hours. Eckhard Schneider

02 03 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 2-3 09.10.2007 13:09:43 Uhr ground floor, foyer KUB Arena


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Large models

1 Topography of Terror, International Exhibition and Documentation Center , Berlin | 19 9 3 – 2 0 0 4 2 , Art Museum of the Archdiocese | 2007 3 Zinc Mine Museum Almannajuvet, Sauda, Norway | 2 0 0 3 – 4 S w i s s S o u n d B ox , S w i s s P a v i l i o n , E x p o 2 0 0 0 H a n o v e r | 2000 5 | 1997 6 Poetic Landscape, Bad Salzuflen, Germany | 1998 – 1999

concept and selection: Thomas Durisch

04 05 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 4-5 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr first floor, second floor

Six screens, six projectors, six cameras Film installation by Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch O n the film in s t a llation by Nic ole S ix a nd Paul Petr its c h at the Kun s thau s B re ge nz 1 Protective Housing for Roman Archaeological Excavations, , Graubünden | 1986 One does not actually see very much of the twelve buildings Nicole 2 Zumthor Studio, , Graubünden | 1986 Six and Paul Petritsch filmed for the exhibition at the KUB. Six 3 Sogn Benedetg Chapel, Sumvitg, Graubünden | 1988 stationary cameras directed simultaneously at six points of a 4 H o m e s f o r S e n i o r C i t i z e n s , C h u r, M a s a n s , G r a u b ü n d e n | 1993 building for forty minutes produce a constant stream of images in 5 Truog House, Gugalun, , Graubünden | 1994 which the structure appears from frequently to randomly as part of 6 Spittelhof Estate, Biel-Benken, Baselland | 1996 the su r rounding s o r a s the spatia l s et ting fo r a pa r ticula r living o r 7 Thermal Bath Vals, Graubünden | 1996 recreation situation in the building’s interior. 8 Kunsthaus Bregenz | 1997 The magic of the images will come from the interaction of 9 Luzi House, Jenaz, Graubünden | 2002 these six film sequences as they are simultaneously projected 10 Zumthor House, Haldenstein, Graubünden | 2005 exactly as they were filmed onto six large screens. The screens are 11 Brother Klaus Field Chapel, Wachendorf, Eifel | 2007 freestanding and face in different directions throughout the room. 12 Kolumba, Art Museum of the Cologne Archdiocese | 2007 T h e d o c u m e n t a r y p r o d u c e d by The projectors in the exhibition space have been set up exactly as Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch the cameras had been while shooting the building. The directions presents the twelve built projects by Peter Zumthor in from which the films were shot also conform to the alignment of the the following order: f ilm p roje c to r s; the f ilm s we re a ll s hot at eye leve l a nd with no r m a l (Screening time: 40 minutes) lenses. The playback situation at the Kunsthaus therefore corre- KUB opening hours Tu e s d ay – S u n d ay 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. T h u r s d ay 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. sponds 1:1 with the shooting situation on location. Since one sees all six films simultaneously and experiences them together from 1000 1040 1120 1200 1240 1320 1400 1440 1520 1600 1640 1720 1800 1840 1920 2000 2040 different angles in a way that would not be possible in real life, the 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 visual and acoustic impressions start to overlap and consolidate. 2nd floor The installation conveys a feeling of the presence of the buildings 1000 1020 1100 1140 1220 1300 1340 1420 1500 1540 1620 1700 1740 1820 1900 1940 2020 in their surroundings and in everyday life, a feeling of the life taking 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 plac e in a nd a round the m. A nd that is a lot. Peter Zumthor 1st floor

06 07 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 6-7 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr fi r s t fl or fi r s t fl or

Film installation Film installation

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1 Protective Housing for Roman Archaeological Excavations | 1986 Chur, Graubünden Filmed with six cameras on June 29, 2007, from 12:58 to 1:38 p.m. Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | start: 3 10:0 0 a .m., 1:40 a nd 5:40 p.m. Sogn Benedetg Chapel | 1988 Sumvitg, Graubünden In the 4th century AD, Chur was the Roman capital of three adjacent Roman buildings (only a Filmed with six cameras on April 23, 2007, of the province of Curia – hence the name “Chur”. small part of one of these was excavated). The from 11:38 a.m. to 12:18 p.m. The Romans inhabited the area now called the site’s display cases along the street skirt the Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | start: “Welschdörfli” (French-speaking Swiss village), protruding foundations of the former house 10:20 a.m., 2:20 and 6:20 p.m. Chur’s small amusement strip just off the historic entrances. A wall painting was found lying on town centre, where, it is said, people still spoke the floor of the larger building. Restored and In 1984 an avalanche destroyed the baroque faced with larch wood shingles, was inaugurated “Churerwelsch” though the people in town returned to its original position, it gives an chapel in front of the village of Sogn Benedetg. in 19 8 8. T he village au tho r itie s s e nt u s the were already speaking German. Archaeological impression of the probable height of the single- A recently built parking lot had acted like a ramp building permit with the comment “senza per- exc avation s in this a re a have unc ove re d a c om - storey houses. pushing the snow from the avalanche up against schuasiun” (without conviction). Yet the abbot plete Roman quarter. The charred remains of a wooden floor at the chapel. The new site on the original path to and monks of the Disentis Monastery and the then The protective structures – wind-perme- the back of the la rge r building a re f rom Rom a n the Alp above the small village is protected from village priest Bearth wanted to build something able wooden enclosures – follow the outer walls times. zth avalanches by a forest. The new wooden chapel, new and contemporary for future generations. zth

08 09 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 8-9 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr fi r s t fl or fi r s t fl or

Film installation Film installation

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7 Thermal Bath Vals | 1996 Graubünden Filme d with six c a me r a s on 28. June 10, 20 07, from 9:51 to 10:31 a.m. 5 Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | start: Truog House | 1994 11:40 a .m., 3:40 and 7:40 p.m. Gugalun, Versam, Graubünden Filmed with six cameras on June 12, 2007, In 19 8 3 the c ommune of Va ls ac quire d the ba nk- Construction started in 1994, and the thermal from 10:19 to 10:59 a.m. rupt hotel complex, built in the 1960s, for very bath s we re op e ne d in 19 9 6. S inc e the n, ove r Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | start: little money, but without much enthusiasm. But 140,000 people have visited them every year. 11:00 a.m., 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. something had to be done in order to rescue Since completion, the overnight stays in the existing jobs. When a larger new building with village and in the Hotel Therme have increased Relatives of the present owner lived in and ran the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom and a modern inte g r ate d the r m a l bath s a nd new gue s t ro om s by a b ou t 4 5 p e r c e nt. small Gugalun estate in Arezen at the entrance hypocaust heating system. To create the space proved too costly, the authorities opted for the The load-bearing composite structure of the to the Safien Valley. The small manor house looks for the annex, the late 19th-century kitchen at the thermal baths as a first step. We were told it baths consists of solid walls of concrete and thin north, to the moon (luna), as the name of the back of the house, on the side of the mountain should be something special, unique. It should slabs of Vals gneiss broken and cut to size in the estate indicates. slope, was demolished, while the entire 17th- f it in with Va ls a nd at tr ac t new gue s ts. quarry just behind the village. The thermal water To give the simple wooden manor house a century living-room section was preserved. In 1991 the project was presented at a village which comes from the mountain just behind the future, a new extension was built. It contains a A new ro of c onne c ts the old a nd the new. zth me eting with a wate r-f ille d s tone m o de l. bath s ha s a te mp e r atu re of 3 0 °C. zth

10 11 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 10-11 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr fi r s t fl or fi r s t fl or

Film installation Film installation

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11 B r o t h e r K l a u s F i e l d C h a p e l | 2007 Wachendorf, Eifel Filmed with six cameras on July 4, 2007, f rom 3:25 to 4:0 5 p.m. Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | star t: 9 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. Luzi House | 2002 Jenaz, Graubünden The field chapel dedicated to Swiss Saint Nicholas was poured and rammed around the tent-like Filmed with six cameras on June 26, 2007, von der Flüe (1417–1487), known as Brother Klaus, structure. In the autumn of 2006, a special from 4:55 to 5:35 p.m. was commissioned by farmer Hermann-Josef smouldering fire was kept burning for three Projection onto six screens | 1st floor | star t: Scheidtweiler and his wife Trudel and largely weeks inside the log tent, after which time the 12:20 p.m., 4:20 and 8:20 p.m. constructed by them, with the help of friends, tre e tr unks we re dr y a nd c ould e a sily b e re m o - acquaintances and craftsmen on one of their ve d f rom the c onc rete s he ll. Private residence with a separate granny flat or f ill e d r o o m s , eve r y thin g c o n s tr u c te d of s o li d wo o d; fields above the village. The chapel floor was covered with lead, a “Stoeckli” as it is called in . The a further development of the blockhouses typical T he inte r io r of the c ha p e l ro om wa s fo r me d which was melted on site in a crucible and clients: a local couple with six small children in of this village, without any extra frills, with large out of 112 tree trunks, which were configured like manually ladled onto the floor. The bronze relief the c e ntre of Je na z. windows and large balconies full of flowers” – as a tent. In twenty-four working days, layer after f igu re in the c ha p e l is by s culpto r Ha n s Jo s e p h - “A spacious, expansive house with light- the c ouple sp e cif ie d in the b r ief. zth layer of concrete, each layer 50 cm thick, s ohn. zth

12 13 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 12-13 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr second floor second floor

Film installation Film installation

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2 Zumthor Studio | 1986 Haldenstein, Graubünden Filmed with six cameras on June 24, 2007, 4 from 11:39 a.m. to 12:19 p.m. Homes for Senior Citizens | 1993 Projection onto six screens | 2nd flo or | start: Chur, Masans, Graubünden 10:00 a.m., 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. Filmed with six cameras on June 28, 2007, f rom 10:49 to 11:29 a .m. In the early 1980s we were able to buy an old village, and a salute to the few fellow architects Projection onto six screens | 2nd f lo o r | start: farmhouse with some land right next to the in the Vorarlberg region who had begun building 10:4 0 a .m., 2:4 0 a nd 6:4 0 p.m . farmhouse in the Süsswinkel in Haldenstein which good new houses of wood – now occupies the we had converted in 1971 into our family home. northern and the garden the southern section of The twenty-two flats of the residential develop- larch, pine, maple, solid wood flooring and Unfortunately the newly acquired house received the site, as is proper. The studio contains two me nt fo r the e lde r ly in Ma s a n s ne a r Chu r a re wooden panelling. very little sunlight, having been built onto the south-facing rooms: the upper one for working, occupied by senior citizens still able to run their The residents are welcome to furnish as north side of a neighbouring house. We drew up the ground-floor one with a fireplace, a view of the own households, but happy to use the services they please their section of the large entrance many conversion plans in order to lure the sun garden and a small kitchen for entertaining. For a of fe re d by the nu r sing home b e hind the ir own porch to the east, which they overlook from their into the house, without much success. Finally we long time a concert piano stood there under a wall building. kitchen windows, and they make ample use of decided to take the leap: we pulled down the old painting by Matias Spescha and, in front of the Many of the residents grew up in mountain this opportunity. The sheltered balcony niches house and replaced it with a new studio house fireplace, a group of easy chairs with the sofa that villages around the area. They have always a nd the living ro om b ow windows on the othe r a nd ga rde n. T he new wo o de n building – a refe r- Alvar Aalto designed for Wohnbedarf in Zurich. lived in the country and feel at home with the side face west, up the valley, towards the setting e nc e to the ba r n s, s t a ble s a nd wo r ks hop s in the Today the room is used as a drawing studio. zth tr aditiona l building m ate r ia ls u s e d he re – tu f f, sun. zth

14 15 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 14-15 09.10.2007 13:09:44 Uhr second floor

Film installation



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6 Spittelhof Estate | 1996 The town of Biel-Benken near the Alsace border is that in su re s civil s e r va nts) ac te d a s deve lop e r/ hills of the Sundgau region. The “Kulm” contains Biel-Benken, Baselland a desirable residential area near . People investor; their brief called for rental flats and five ground-floor flats for elderly people and on Filme d with six c a me r a s on July 3, 20 07, work in the city and live in the country, in a house terraced houses at a ratio of roughly 1:1. We built the two upper floors ten flats of different sizes, all f rom 9:18 to 9:58 a .m. with a garden. Building a small residential estate t wo rows of te r r ac e d hou sing with ga rde n s on the with separate access stairs and entrances from Projection onto six screens | 2nd f lo o r | start: here, in a prime location at the upper edge of the south side and a building with rental units (which the canopied forecourt on the east side. 11:20 a .m., 3:20 and 7:20 p.m. village and below the historic Spittelhof farm, at the time we c a lle d “ Kulm”/S ummit ) at the upp e r The floor plans of all three buildings were required special permission from the village edge of the central green courtyard. The bedrooms designed to provide light-filled living rooms council. The semi-private Basellandschaftliche face east towards the nearby forest, while the and bedrooms lined up – porch-like – along the Beamtenversicherungskasse (an organisation living rooms have a wide view to the west and the facades. zth

16 17 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 16-17 09.10.2007 13:09:45 Uhr second floor second floor

Film installation Film installation

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8 Kunsthaus Bregenz | 1997 Filmed with six cameras on April 28, 2007, f rom 7:0 2 to 7:42 p.m. Projection onto six screens | 2nd f lo o r | start: 10 12:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. Zumthor House | 2005 Haldenstein, Graubünden T he c omp etition b r ief of 19 8 9 c a lle d fo r a c onve n- direction the light is coming from, it is always Filmed with six cameras on June 13, 2007, tional provincial gallery. Step by step, the special tr a n s mit te d ho r izont a lly into the inte r io r. T he re - f rom 4:25 to 5:0 5 p.m. format of the house as a Kunsthalle evolved into fore, we placed a cavity above every floor to catch Projection onto six screens | 2nd f lo o r | start: a four-storey building. Administration, café the light coming in from all four sides. And now, 12:40 p.m., 4:40 and 8:40 p.m. a nd mu s e um s hop we re re lo c ate d to a s e pa r ate once again, we exploited the ability of the etched s tr u c tu re in f ront of the mu s e um p rop e r. glass to diffuse the light; it strikes the glass Private residence with studio suite. Living and (work) or increasingly private (living). The inner Initially we planned to direct daylight into ceiling and is deflected down into each exhibition working, family, children and grandchildren, life of the house revolves around a garden planted the building through obliquely placed facade gallery. inventing houses with younger colleagues – with maples. Seen from outside, it relates to the slats. Tested on models, this solution proved To encourage a special form of concentration on for me all this belongs together. That’s what “organic” village structures, to the buildings, unsatisfactory. The best results were obtained the four stacked exhibition floors, the building the house was built for. It contains a flowing pastures, gardens, fences, paths and woods of by using etched glass shingles that refract the was designed without windows. And yet daylight sequence of spaces which, depending on the a s h tre e s on the s te e p e mba nk me nt that drop s light before it enters the building. No matter what is eve r y whe re. zth direction I take, become increasingly public down towa rd s the R hine f lo o d pla in s. zth

18 19 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 18-19 09.10.2007 13:09:45 Uhr second floor Film installation



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12 Kolumba | 2007 Art Museum of the Cologne Archdiocese Filmed with six cameras on September 13, 2007, from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Projection onto six screens | 2nd f lo o r | start: 1:20 a nd 5:20 p.m.

The Art Museum of the Cologne Archdiocese The new building in the city centre rises from the 1949/50. T he s e give n s le d to a building that was to be a “living museum”. It shows objects ruins of the late gothic Saint Kolumba Church, p rovide s s eve nte e n ga lle r ie s of dif fe re nt p rop o r- from its own permanent collection ranging de s troye d in Wo r ld Wa r II. Its g roun d f lo o r tions and with different lighting on three floors from late antiquity to the present: Romanesque contains a large archaeological excavation site with a tot a l f lo o r spac e of 1,750 m 2. A pa le bu f f- sculptures, installations, medieval paintings, with the remains of previous church buildings coloured brick (24 x 21.5 x 4 cm) was specially “r adic a l pa inting s”, gothic cib o r ia a nd 20 th - which date back to the mid-1st century, and the p ro du c e d fo r the new s tr u c tu re s. century objects of daily use are presented in chapel “Madonna in den Trümmern” (Madonna zth changing juxtapositions. among the Ruins) built by Gottfried Böhm in

20 21 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 20-21 09.10.2007 13:09:45 Uhr third floor

Sketches, Plans, and Models

1 Zumthor Studio, Haldenstein, Graubünden | 1986 2 Protective Housing for Roman Archaeological Excavations, 29 28 27 26 25 Chur, Graubünden | 1986 20 21 22 23 24 3 Sogn Benedetg Chapel, Sumvitg, Graubünden | 1988 4 Homes for Senior Citizens, Chur, Masans, Graubünden | 1993 5 Truog House, Gugalun, Versam, Graubünden | 1994 6 Spittelhof Estate, Biel-Benken, Baselland | 1996 19 18 17 16 7 Thermal Bath Vals, Graubünden | 1996 11 12 13 14 15 8 Herz Jesu Church, Munich | 1996 9 Kunsthaus Bregenz | 1997 10 Poetic Landscape, Bad Salzuflen, Germany | 1998 – 1999 11 Swiss Sound Box, Swiss Pavilion, , 10 9 8 7 Hanover, Germany | 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 Luzi House, Jenaz, Graubünden | 2002 13 Mountain Hotel Tschlin, Graubünden | 1999 – 2002 14 Topography of Terror, International Exhibition and Documentation Center, Berlin | 1993 – 2004 15 Art Gallery Hinter dem Giesshaus 1, Berlin | 2002 – 2003 16 Harjunkulma Apartment Building, Jyväskylä, Finland | 2001 – 2004 17 Pingus Winery, Valbuena de Duero, Spain | 2001 – 2005 18 Zumthor House, Haldenstein, Graubünden | 2005 19 Brother Klaus Field Chapel, Wachendorf, Eifel | 2007 20 Kolumba, Art Museum of the Cologne Archdiocese | 2007 21 Pension Briol, Extension, Barbian-Dreikirchen, Südtirol | 2001 – 22 Hotel Therme Vals, Graubünden | 2001 – 23 I Ching Gallery, Dia Center for the Arts, New York, USA | 2000 – 2 4 Annalisa Zumthor House, Vals, Leis, Graubünden | 2000 – 25 Residential Development, Güterareal, Lucerne | 2005 – 2006 26 Redevelopment of De Meelfabriek, Leiden, Netherlands | 2002 – 27 Summer Restaurant, Ufnau Island, Zürichsee | 2001 – 28 Zinc Mine Museum Almannajuvet, Sauda, Norway | 2003 – 29 Memorial to the Burning of Witches in the Finnmark, Vardø | 2007 –

concept and selection: Thomas Durisch

22 23 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 22-23 09.10.2007 13:09:45 Uhr I n d e x o f Wo r k s P e t e r Z u m t h o r,19 8 6 – 2 0 0 7 Burghalde multiple family dwelling, Topography of Terror, International 1997 Annalisa Zumthor House, Vals, Leis, 2005 Works shown at the Kunsthaus Bregenz “Der reisende Krieger,” Baden, Aargau | Exhibition and Documentation Center, Kunsthaus Bregenz | collaboration: Daniel Graubünden ( 2 0 0 0 – ) | project | collaboration: Zumthor House, Haldenstein, Graubünden | a r e i n b o l d t y p e . competition design | collaboration: Andreas Berlin (1993–2004) | construction started in Bosshard, project direction of the museum Lisa Barucco, Rosa Gonçalves, Michael collaboration: Michael Hemmi and Michele Hagmann, Dieter Jüngling, Marcel Liesch, 1997 was discontinued by the state of Berlin in b u i l d i n g , a n d J ü r g B u m a n n , R o s w i t h a B ü s s e r, Hemmi, Simon Mahringer Vassella, project directors, and Stephan 1986 Reto Schaufelbühl 2004 | collaboration: Rainer Weitschies, Katja Dambacher, Thomas Durisch, Marlene Hausheer, Csaba Tarsoly; site management: Zumthor Studio, Haldenstein, Graubünden | Cornell University Architecture Design project director, and Gordian Blumenthal, G u j a n; T h o m a s K ä m p f e r, p r o j e c t d i r e c t i o n o f Franz Bärtsch; structural engineering: Jürg collaboration: Reto Schaufelbühl; structural Wettingen office and commercial building, Competition, Department of Architecture T h o m a s D u r i s c h , M a u r u s Fr e i , M a r l e n e G u j a n; the administration building; structural Conzett engineering: Jürg Conzett; interior painting: Aargau | project | collaboration: Andreas (2000–2001) | competition design | structural engineering: Jürg Buchli and engineering: Robert Manahl; site manage- Matias Spescha Hagmann, Claire Moore collaboration: Pavlina Lucas and Mark Residential Development, Güterareal, H e r b e r t F i n k ; s i t e m a n a g e m e n t : B ü r o a m ment: Siegfried Wäger, Martin Zerlauth; Darlington, Reto Egloff, Michael Hemmi, Lucerne (2005–2006) | competition design | Protective Housing for Roman Archaeologi- Residential building “an der Stadtmauer,” Lützoplatz, Kraft, Scheele und Partner; HVAC and plumbing: Meierhans und Partner; Stephan Meier, Rainer Weitschies collaboration: Guy Muntwyler, Katrien cal Excavations, Chur, Graubünden | colla- Jochstrasse, Chur, Graubünden | project | building physics: Ferdinand Stadlin; HVAC daylight engineering: Hanns Freymuth; Vertenten and Mirco Elser, Frank Furrer, Rosa boration and site management: Reto Schau- collaboration: Beate Nadler and plumbing: Meierhans und Partner; collaboration on the competition design: 2001 Goncalves, Stephan Hausheer, Clemens felbühl; structural engineering: Jürg Buchli collaboration on the competition design: Jürg Dieter Jüngling, Andreas Hagmann, Reto Pension Briol, Extension, Barbian-Dreikir- Landquart train station area, Graubünden | Nuyken, Gian Salis, Serge Schoemaker, Bumann, Thomas Durisch Schaufelbühl chen, ( 2 0 01– ) | project | collaboration: Fontana House, Fidaz, Graubünden | design study | collaboration: Andreas Kaupp Rainer Weitschies; structural engineering: L i s a B a r u c c o, Fr a n k Fu r r e r, R o s a G o n c a l v e s , renovation and remodeling, collaboration 1994 V i l l a i n K ü s n a c h t a t L a ke Z ü r i c h | project Jürg Conzett; landscaping: Vogt Land- 1990 Stephan Hausheer, Michael Hemmi, Simon and site management: Valentin Bearth Truog House, Gugalun, Versam, Graubün- collaboration: Meritxell Vaquer i Fernàndez schaftsarchitekten B ü n d n e r A r t M u s e u m , C h u r, G r a u b ü n d e n | Mahringer, Rainer Weitschies den | expansion and remodeling | collaboration St. Valentin chapel, Vrin-Puzatsch, r e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e V i l l a P l a n t a a n d Laban Centre for Movement and Dance, 2006 und site management: Beat Müller and Zeno Hotel Therme Vals, Graubünden ( 2 0 01– ) | Graubünden | restoration, collaboration Sulserbau, new construction of the London | competition design in cooperation S c h w a r z H o u s e , r e s i d e n t i a l h o m e , C h u r, Vo g e l; s t r u c t u r a l e n g i n e e r i n g : J ü r g C o n z e t t p r o j e c t n e w b u i l d i n g s | collaboration: Rainer and site management: Valentin Bearth connecting passage partnership with: P. with Hannele Grönlund, collaboration: Graubünden | collaboration: Stephan Weitschies, project director, and Guy C a l o n d e r a n d H . J . R u c h | collaboration: Dieter Multiple family house at the edge of town, M e r i t xe l l Va q u e r i F e r n à n d e z Hausheer, Michael Hemmi, Pavlina Lucas, Hotel Therme and thermal bath, Vals, Muntwyler, Barbara Söldner, Gaelle Terrier Jüngling, site management; Jürg Conzett, Jenins, Graubünden | project | collaboration: Michele Vassella, Rainer Weitschies; site Graubünden | commissioned studies for the 1998 Andreas Hagmann, Marcel Liesch; Kunst am Bodil Reinhardsen Harjunkulma Apartment Building management: Franz Bärtsch; structural new building | collaboration: Valentin Bearth Poetic Landscape, Bad Salzuflen, Germany Bau: Hannes Vogel Jyväskylä, Finland (2001–2004) | project | engineering: Jürg Conzett 1995 (1998–1999) | project | collaboration: Miguel A r o s a s p o r t s h a l l , G r a u b ü n d e n | competition collaboration: Ivan Beer, Rainer Weitschies Schiesser House and Atelier, Chur, Residential houses with ateliers on Kreisler and Hannele Grönlund B a t h H o u s e G u t A a b a c h , R i s c h , Z u g | design | collaboration: Valentin Bearth and Pekka Pakkanen, Csaba Tarsoly, Frank Graubünden | reconstruction and expansion | Krattenturmstrasse, Zürich | project studies | collaboration: Rainer Weitschies, project 1999 Furrer H o t e l T h e r m e a n d t h e r m a l b a t h , Va l s , collaboration: Marcel Liesch, site manage- collaboration: Thomas Kämpfer director, Frank Furrer, Gian Salis, site Hotel Therme Vals, Graubünden, Remodeling Graubünden | p r o j e c t r e m o d e l i n g a n d m e n t , a n d A n d r e a s H a g m a n n , D i e t e r J ü n g l i n g JP Williams, Residence in Bedford, New York, management, Mirco Elser, Michele Vassella, Swiss embassy, Berlin | remodeling and a n d R e n o v a t i o n Wo r k (19 9 9 – ) | Blue Hall, Red expansion | collaboration: Andreas Hagmann, USA (2001–2004) | project | collaboration: Simon Mahringer Rothorn mountain railway station and expansion | commissioned studies Restaurant, “Temporaries,” “Selva Stucco” Reto Schaufelbühl Pavlina Lucas restaurant | commissioned studies collaboration: Daniel Bosshard, Jürg Bumann, rooms, Therme Shop, Selva House, Zervreila Zumthor Vacation Home, Vals, Leis, 1987 “Steinway,” Valbella, Graubünden Thomas Kämpfer, Rainer Weitschies House | collaboration: Rainer Weitschies and Pingus Winery, Valbuena de Duero, Spain G r a u b ü n d e n ( 2 0 0 6 – ) | project | collaboration: “Ramona” community center, Landquart, R o s i n d a C a s a i s , S o p h i e Fr a n k , Fr a n k Fu r r e r, (2001–2005) | project | collaboration: Miguel Lisa Barucco, Simon Mahringer 1991 Lindau Casino, Lake Constance, Germany | Graubünden | competition design | Stephan Hausheer, Ruben Jodar, Miguel K r e i s l e r, P e k k a P a k k a n e n , R u b e n J o d a r, Schlössli Thusis, Graubünden | design competition design | collaboration: Jürg 2007 collaboration: Valentin Bearth, Andreas Kreisler, Pavlina Lucas, Guy Muntwyler, structural engineering: Jürg Conzett o f t h e n e w k i t c h e n | collaboration and site B u m a n n , M a u r u s Fr e i , M a r l e n e G u j a n , T h o m a s Brother Klaus Field Chapel, Wachendorf, Hagmann, Reto Schaufelbühl Myriam Sterling, Michele Vassella, Gaelle management: Beat Müller Kämpfer, Beat Müller, Rainer Weitschies 2002 Eifel | collaboration: Rainer Weitschies and Verrier Riehen garden street, Basel | urban develop- Luzi House, Jenaz, Graubünden | Frank Furrer, Rosa Gonçalves, Michael St. Luzisteig weapons depot, Maienfeld, European Academy Bolzano, Italy | ment competition design | collaboration: Mountain Hotel Tschlin, Graubünden collaboration: Michael Hemmi, project H e m m i , R u b e n J o d a r, N i e l s L o f t e r ö d , P a v l i n a Graubünden | g e n e r a l c o n c e p t f o r t h e competition design | collaboration: Maurus Va l e n t i n B e a r t h , R e t o S c h a u f e l b ü h l (1999–2002) | competition design | director; structural engineering: Jürg Conzett Lucas; bronze statue: Hans Josephsohn integration of a new storage and maintenance Frei, Marlene Gujan, Beat Müller collaboration: Michael Hemmi, Miguel Kreisler Lugano train station, Ticino | competition b u i l d i n g i n t h e e x i s t i n g b a r o q u e f o r t r e s s | Redevelopment of De Meelfabriek, Leiden, Kolumba, Art Museum of the Cologne 1996 a n d P a v l i n a L u c a s , R a i n e r We i t s c h i e s design | collaboration: Jürg Conzett, Andreas collaboration: Thomas Durisch, Rolf Holland ( 2 0 0 2 – ) | collaboration: Rainer Archdiocese | collaboration: Rainer Spittelhof Estate, Biel-Benken, Baselland | Hagmann, Dieter Jüngling, Reto Schaufel- Gerstlauer 2000 We i t s c h i e s , p r o j e c t d i r e c t o r, Fr a n k Fu r r e r, Weitschies, project director; Mark Darlington, collaboration: Jürg Bumann, project director, b ü h l; t r a f f i c c o n t r o l e n g i n e e r : P e t e r H a r t m a n n Swiss Sound Box, Swiss Pavilion, Expo Ivan Beer and Niels Lofteröd, Julian v. d. Stephan Meier, Daniel Schmid, Serge Plan for the Cuncas area, Sils in Engadin, and Thomas Durisch, Marion Klein, Marc 2000 Hanover | collaboration: Rainer Schulenburg, Csaba Tarsoly Schoemaker, and Mirco Elser, Rosa L u m b r e i n t o w n h a l l , G r a u b ü n d e n | renovation Graubünden | competition design | Löliger; structural engineering: collective Weitschies, project director, and Uta J. Graff, Gonçalves, Stephan Hausheer, Oliver Krell, und remodeling | collaboration and site collaboration: Thomas Durisch of engineers Affentranger und Müller and Kunstgalerie Hinter dem Giesshaus 1, Kirsi Leiman, Daniel Schmid; manager for Simon Mahringer, Guy Muntwyler, Clemens management: Valentin Bearth; structural Jürg Buchli Berlin (2002–2003) | competition design | Plan for the Igis area, “Alte Brunnen,” expenses and appointments: Franz Bärtsch; Nuyken, Gian Salis; structural engineering: engineering: Jürg Buchli collaboration: Pavlina Lucas and Ruben Landquart, Graubünden (1991–1993) | project | Thermal Bath Vals, Graubünden | structural engineering: Conzett, Bronzini, collective of engineers Jürg Buchli and Jodar, Benedikt Redmann, Csaba Tarsoly, 1988 collaboration: Beat Müller, Annette Ruf collaboration: Marc Löliger, project director, Gartmann, Bauingenieure; curator word: Schwab & Partner; HVAC and plumbing: Rainer Weitschies Sogn Benedetg Chapel, Sumvitg, Grau- a n d T h o m a s D u r i s c h , R a i n e r We i t s c h i e s ; Plinio Bachmann; curator sound: Daniel Ott; Ingenieurbüro Gerhard Kahlert; building 1992 bünden | collaboration and site management: structural engineering: collective of curator gastronomy: Max Rigendinger; stage 2003 physics: Ferdinand Stadlin; planning of the D a v o s r a i l w a y b u i l d i n g , G r a u b ü n d e n | Valentin Bearth, Reto Schaufelbühl; Geometry: e n g i n e e r s J ü r g B u c h l i a n d C a s a n o v a u n d consulting: Karoline Gruber; curator sound Zinc Mine Museum Almannajuvet, Sauda, courtyard and surroundings: Peter Zumthor competition design | collaboration: Jürg Conzett; structural engineering: Jürg B l u m e n t h a l; s i t e m a n a g e m e n t : Fr a n z B ä r t s c h; box cladding: Ida Gut; collaboration on the Norway ( 2 0 0 3 – ) | project | collaboration: Lisa with Günther Vogt; collaboration on the Thomas Durisch B u c h l i; K u n s t a m B a u : J e a n P f a f f, G i e r i S c h m e d building physics: Ferdinand Stadlin; HVAC competition design: Daniel Bosshard; Barucco, Niels Lofteröd, Simon Mahringer, competition design: Daniel Bosshard; copper D i m L e j d u p l e x , S t . M o r i t z , G r a u b ü n d e n | and plumbing: Meierhans und Partner; communication: Lars Müller; journalist and Rainer Weitschies; structural engineering: plate printing: Peter Kneubühler House above a shop in the old quarter of project | collaboration: Thomas Durisch, Inger hydro-engineering: Schneider Aquatec AG; author: Peter Rüedi; film realization: Finn-Erik Nielson Zürich | replacement building Rindermarkt 7 Memorial to the Burning of Witches in Molne, Bodil Reinhardsen sound installation: Fritz Hauser Christoph Schaub competition design | collaboration: Andreas Summer Restaurant, Ufnau Island, the Finnmark, Vardø ( 2 0 07– ) | project | Hagmann, Dieter Jüngling 1993 Herz Jesu Church, Munich | competition I Ching Gallery, DIA Center for the Arts, New Zürichsee ( 2 0 0 3 – ) | project | collaboration: collaboration: Lisa Barucco, Simon Homes for Senior Citizens, Chur, Masans, design | collaboration: Miguel Kreisler and York, USA (2000– ) | project | Rainer Weitschies, Stephan Hausheer, Mahringer; art installation by Louise 1989 Graubünden | collaboration: Martin Gautschi Hannele Grönlund, liturgical consulting: collaboration: Frank Furrer, Miguel Kreisler, project director, and Guy Muntwyler; Bourgeois Multipurpose building Flond schoolhouse, and Bruno Haefeli, construction manage- Daniel Schönbächler Pavlina Lucas, Rainer Weitschies, artwork: structural engineering: Jürg Conzett; Graubünden | competition design | ment, and Thomas Durisch, Rolf Gerstlauer, 360° I Ching / 64 sculptures, Walter de Maria; gastronomy consultant: Max Rigendinger collaboration: Andreas Hagmann, Dieter Lothar-Günther-Buchheim Museum, Inger Molne, Zeno Vogel; structural HVAC and plumbing: Ingenieurbüro Gerhard Jüngling, Marcel Liesch, Reto Feldafing, Germany | competition design | Learning Center and Landscape Parc, engineering: Jürg Buchli; building physics: Kahlert; structural engineering: Jürg Conzett; collaboration: Miguel Kreisler Gut Aabach, Risch,Zug (2003-) | project | Schaufelbühl holiday hotel of the Swiss Ferdinand Stadlin; collaboration on the daylight engineering: Institut für Tageslicht- collaboration: Rainer Weitschies, project Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted competition design expansion of the existing Markthalle Färberplatz, Aarau, Aargau | technik Stuttgart director, Frank Furrer and Julian v. d. (SBV), Willerzell, Schwyz | competition design nursing home and new apartments for the competition design | collaboration: Miguel Schulenburg; landscaping: Vogt Land- | collaboration: Andreas Hagmann, Dieter elderly: Dieter Jüngling, Andreas Hagmann, Kreisler schaftsarchitekten Jüngling, Reto Schaufelbühl Marcel Liesch, Reto Schaufelbühl

24 25 KUB Exhibition 07.03 Peter Zumthor

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 24-25 09.10.2007 13:09:46 Uhr Peter Zumthor Bibliography, 1981–2007 Atmosphären. Architektonische Umge- Klangkörperbuch. Lexikon zum Pavillon der Peter Zumthor b u n g e n – D i e D i n g e u m m i c h h e r u m , Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft an der Curriculum Vitae Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, Expo in Hannover, Peter Zumthor mit Plinio 2 0 0 6 [ D E ] Bachmann [et al.], hrsg. von Roderick Hönig, P r o j e c t l i s t s a n d t e x t s b y P e t e r Z u m t h o r Atmospheres. Architectural environments – Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2000 [DE] B o r n i n B a s e l i n 19 4 3, tr a i n e d a s a c a b i n e tm a ke r, d e s i g n e r, a n d Surrounding objects, Basel/Boston/Berlin: Swiss sound box. A handbook for the pavilion a r c h i te c t a t th e Ku n s tg ewe r b e s c h u l e B a s e l a n d Pr a t t I n s ti tu te, Dorfplatz Vrin. Vorschläge zur Pflege und B i r k h ä u s e r, 2 0 0 6 [ E N ] of the Swiss Confederation at Expo 2000 in N ew Yo r k . S i n c e 1979 ow n p r a c ti c e i n H a l d e n s te i n, S w i t ze r l a n d. Sanierung der historischen Bausubstanz, Atmósferas. Entornos arquitectónicos – Hanover, Peter Zumthor with Plinio Professor at the Accademia di architettura, Università della Haldenstein: Peter Zumthor, 1981 (out of Las cosas a mi alrededor, Barcelona: G. Gili, Bachmann [et al.], ed. by Roderick Hönig, Svizzera italiana. print) 2006 [ES] Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2000 [EN] Atmosferas. Entornos arquitectónicos – C o r p s s o n o r e S u i s s e . L e x i q u e d u p a v i l l o n d e Siedlungs-Inventarisation in Graubünden. As coisas que me rodeiam, Barcelona: la Confédération helvétique pour l'Expo 2000 Aufgabenstellung und Methode des Bündner Awards G . G i l i , 2 0 0 6 [ P T ] à Hanovre, Peter Zumthor avec Plinio Siedlungsinventares. Mit Inventar A t m o s f e r e , M i l a n o: E l e c t a , 2 0 07 [ I T ] Bachmann [et al.], éd. par Roderick Hönig, 19 9 6 Er i c h S c h e lli n g Pr e i s f ü r A r c h i te k tu r, K a r l s r u h e Castasegna, Chur: Kantonale Denkmal- Atmosphères, Basel/Boston/Berlin: Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2000 [FR] 1998 Carlsberg Architectural Prize, Copenhagen p f l e g e G r a u b ü n d e n , 19 81 (o u t o f p r i n t ) B i r k h ä u s e r, 2 0 0 8 [ F R ] 1999 Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture, Barcelona Peter Zumthor. Therme Vals, Zürich: Eine Anschauung der Dinge. Über die 19 9 9 G r o s s e r Pr e i s f ü r A lp i n e A r c h i te k tu r, S ex te n Ku l tu r S c h e i d e g g e r & S p i e s s , 2 0 07. [ D E ] Sprache der Architektur, Haldenstein: 20 0 3 D ot to r e Ad H o n o r e m i n a r c h i te t tu r a , U n i ve r s i t à Peter Zumthor. Therme Vals, Zürich: P e t e r Z u m t h o r, 19 9 2 (o u t o f p r i n t ) Monographs and exhibition catalogues d e g li S tu di di Fe r r a r a , It a l y S c h e i d e g g e r & S p i e s s , 2 0 07. [ E N ] a b o u t P e t e r Z u m t h o r a n d h i s w o r k 2006 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture, K u n s t h a u s B r e g e n z – Ve r s u c h , e i n e n n o c h Peter Zumthor. Therme Vals, Gollions: University of Virginia nicht abgeschlossenen Entwurf einmal mehr I n f o l i o é d i t i o n s , 2 0 07 [ F R ] Partituren und Bilder. Architektonische 20 0 6 S p i r i t of N a tu r e Wo o d A r c h i te c tu r e Awa r d, Fi n l a n d zu Ende zu denken, in: Arbeiten aus dem Atelier Peter Zumthor 1985 20 0 6 Pr i x M e r e t O p p e n h e i m; Fe d e r a l O f f i c e of C u l tu r e, 20 0 6 Kunst im Bau, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle – 1988. [Ausstellung, Architekturgalerie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Interviews with Peter Zumthor Luzern, 2. – 23. Oktober 1988; Haus der Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 1, Göttingen: Architektur Graz, 27. Juli – 18. August 1989], S t e i d l , 19 9 4 , p. 10 6 – 111 Das Fremde und das Eigene – ein Gespräch, Luzern: Architekturgalerie, 2., unveränd. Aufl. (Irma Noseda und Peter Zumthor), in: Häuser für Gedichte, in: Raum für Sprache – 19 9 4 (o u t o f p r i n t ); 1. A u f l . L u z e r n: a r c h i t h e s e 16 , 19 8 6 , N o. 6 , p. 7 – 10 R a u m f ü r L i t e r a t u r. Te x t e z u r I X . L i t e r a t u r- Architekturgalerie, 1988 begegnung, mit 14 Fotografien von Ines »Soy un carpintero que dice la verdad«, Stabwerk. Peter Zumthor. Internationales Kreisler, hrsg. von Brigitte Labs-Ehlert, (Anatxu Zabalbeascoa und Peter Zumthor), in Besucher- und Dokumentationszentrum Detmold: Literaturbüro Ostwestfalen-Lippe, E l P a í s , 28 .11.19 9 8 , B a b e l i a , p. 19 Topographie des Terrors, Berlin, 2001 Ausstellungskatalog Aedes Galerie und Das Museum als Lichtkörper. Gespräch mit Architektur denken, Basel/Boston/Berlin: Architekturforum Berlin, 1995/96, Peter Zumthor zum Kunsthaus Bregenz, in: Birkhäuser, 2., erw. Aufl., 2006, Berlin: Aedes, 1995 Mack, Gerhard: Kunstmuseen: auf dem Weg (1. Aufl. Baden: Lars Müller, 1998) [DE] ins 21. Jahrhundert, Basel/Berlin/Boston: Peter Zumthor, a+u. Architecture and Thinking architecture, Basel/Boston/Berlin: B i r k h ä u s e r, 19 9 9, p. 9 8 – 107 Urbanism (Tokyo), 1998, No. 2 (Extra Edition) Birkhäuser, 2nd, expand. ed., 2006, (o u t o f p r i n t ) Schutzbauten des Widerstands, (Hanno (1. Aufl. Baden: Lars Müller, 1998) [EN] Rauterberg und Peter Zumthor), in: Die Zeit, Penser l’architecture, Basel/Boston/Berlin: Drei Konzepte. Peter Zumthor. Ausstellungs- 31.10 . 2 0 01, N o. 4 5 , p. 47 Birkhäuser, 2007 [FR] katalog Architekturgalerie Luzern, Pensar la arquitectura, Barcelona: 28 . S e p t e m b e r – 2. N o v e m b e r 19 97, B a s e l / Place, authorship and the concrete, three G . G i l i , 2 0 0 5 [ E S ] Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1997 [DE] c o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h P e t e r Z u m t h o r, Pensar a arquitectura, Barcelona: Three concepts. Peter Zumthor. Catalog (Steven Spear), in: arq/architectural research G . G i l i , 2 0 0 5 [ P T ] of the exhibition Architekturgalerie Luzern, q u a r t e r l y 5 , 2 0 01, N o. 1, p. 15 – 3 6 Pensare architettura, Milano: Electa, September 28th to November 2nd, 1997, Orte der Wahrnehmung. Isabel Mundry 2 0 0 3 [ I T ] Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1997 [EN] und Peter Zumthor im Gespräch mit Patrick Misliti arhitekturu, Zagreb: (o u t o f p r i n t ) Müller, in: Mundry, Isabel, Goebbels, Heiner AG M , 2 0 0 3 [ H R ] Kunsthaus Bregenz, Texte von Peter Zumthor (Hg.): Composers in residence. Lucerne Körper und Bild, in: Konersmann, Ralf; und Friedrich Achleitner, Fotos Festival, Sommer 2003, Frankfurt a.M.: N o e v e r, P e t e r ; Z u m t h o r, P e t e r : Zw i s c h e n B i l d v o n H é l è n e B i n e t , K u n s t h a u s B r e g e n z , A r c h i v S t r o e m f e l d , 2 0 0 3 , p. 4 8 – 6 3 und Realität, Architekturvorträge der ETH Kunst Architektur, Werkdokumente, »Dann arbeite ich eben bis achtzig«, Zürich, Zürich: GTA Verlag, 2006, S t u t t g a r t : H a t j e , 19 97 (Erica Schmid und Peter Zumthor), Heft 2, p. 58 – 74. [Überarb. Fassung eines Peter Zumthor Häuser 1979-1997, in: Zeitlupe, 2003, No. 7/8, p. 18 – 21 Vo r t r a g e s , g e h a l t e n a m 21. 6 . 2 0 0 5 ] Fotografien von Hélène Binet, C o n v e r s a z i o n i c o n P e t e r Z u m t h o r, Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2. Aufl., ( B a r b a r a S t e c u n d P e t e r Z u m t h o r ), 19 9 9 [ D E ] (o u t o f p r i n t ) in: Casabella 68, 2004, No. 719, p. 6 – 13 (1. Aufl. Baden: Lars Müller, 1998) P e t e r Z u m t h o r Wo r k s . B u i l d i n g s a n d P r o j e c t s »Meine Häuser sind eine Liebeserklärung an 1979 – 1997, Photographs by Hélène Binet, den Ort«, (Peter Krebs und Peter Zumthor), in: Basel/Boston/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2. Aufl., V i a , S B B , N o. 7, 2 0 0 5 , p. 18 – 21 19 9 9 [ E N ] (o u t o f p r i n t ) Costruire la memoria. Conversazione con (1. Aufl. Baden: Lars Müller, 1998) Peter Zumthor, in: Casabella 69, 2005, Poetische Landschaft – II. Druck – Faltbuch – N o. 728 / 72 9, p. 72 – 81 zur Poetischen Landschaft. Die Orte der Gedichte, Februar 1999, Brigitte Bibliography compiled by Labs-Ehlert und Peter Zumthor (Hg.), Margrit Contesse-Truog Detmold: Literaturbüro Ostwestfalen- L i p p e , 19 9 9 (o u t o f p r i n t )

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KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 26-27 09.10.2007 13:09:46 Uhr KUB 07.03 Peter Zumthor Buildings and Projects 1986 – 2007

02 | 06 | – 0 9 | 09 | 2007

exhibition special thanks to concept and selection Peter Zumthor | Thomas Durisch | f o r f o y e r a n d t h i r d l e v e l Nicole Six | Paul Petritsch | Kunsthaus Bregenz Thomas Durisch model construction Michael Rast | film installation on restoration Johannes Weiss | Peter Zumthor's buildings project secretary and model construc- N i c o l e S i x u n d P a u l P e t r i t s c h tion Büro Zumthor: Rosa Gonçalves camera and editing with Bettina Lareida | Astrid Sonder | Robert Schabus Lisa Barucco | Ruben Jodar | Kunsthaus Bregenz Nina Mampel | Florian van het Karl-Tizian-Platz copyright Hekke | Vipavee Kunavichayanont | A-6900 Bregenz © 2 0 0 7 b y K u n s t h a u s B r e g e n z Bernardo Lopes P h o n e (+ 4 3 - 5 5 74 ) 4 8 5 9 4 - 0 Fa x (+ 4 3 - 5 5 74 ) 4 8 5 9 4 - 4 0 8 concept for their support during shooting [email protected] Eckhard Schneider thanks to www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at text Gabriela Ackermann | Frieda Bäni | Eckhard Schneider | Monika Bartholomè | Benjamin Bärtsch | opening hours Peter Zumthor Roland Baldauf | Katharina und Luis Tu e s d a y – S u n d a y 10 a . m . – 6 p . m . Balzer | Stefan Bernard | Ulf Bladt | T h u r s d a y 10 a . m . – 9 p . m . c o p y e d i t o r s Alexandra und Daniela Blumenthal | Kimi Lum | M a r g i t u n d T h e o B u c h e r | Bruno Caduff | 24 | 12 | 0 7 10 a . m . – 2 p . m . Catherine Schelbert (Zumthor texts) Christina Cantieni | Helder Coelho dos 25 | 12 | 0 7 c l o s e d basic graphic design Santos | Antonio Conles Costa | Pierre 26 | 12 | 0 7 10 a . m . – 6 p . m . Clemens Theobert Schedler Crevoisier | Aline Denier | Margrit 31 | 12 | 0 7 10 a . m . – 2 p . m . Büro für konkrete Gestaltung Derungs | R u b e n D o C a r m o | Christoph 01 | 01 | 0 8 2 p . m . – 6 p . m . Dünser| Klaus Eckart | Urs und Claudine graphic design information and registration Fries-Hobi | Olivia Gadient | Joanna Bernd Altenried | Stefan Gassner for guided tours Goldys | Rosa Gonçalves | Stefanie Beatrice Nussbichler, ext. -418 printed by Gräber | E r w i n u n d T h e r e s a H a ke | [email protected] | Druckerei Höfle Tim Hartmann | Kirsten Helfrich | K i r s t e n H e l f r i c h , e x t . - 415 Kassia Immler | Dominique Issermann | [email protected] Ruben Jodar | Christoph Jungblut | Nadia Kevan | Alexander Kovacs | office Pa u l Kü x | Bettina Lareida | Simon Peter, M a r g i t M ü l l e r- S c h w a b , e x t . - 4 0 9 Angelika , Domenica, Benjamin, m.mueller-schwab@ Katharina, Rahel, Lilian und Valentin kunsthaus-bregenz.at Luzi-Brunner | Nina Mampel | Maria Merz | Jasmin Mock | Gertrud und Hans Müller | Alwine Nagel | Karl und Barbara Naraghi | Jörg Neubig | M a i ke Pr e u s s | H e i d i u n d Ve r a R e i c h | Aurelia Sagmeister | Trudel und Hermann-Josef Scheidtweiler| Peter Schmid | Astrid Sonder | Nicole Sprecher | Karl-Theo Stammer | Gilbert Steiner | Monika und Dominik Thommy | Pe te r u n d T i n a Tr u o g | Mark Tschofen | Walter Tuor | Werner und Ursula Vieli | Claudia Voit | Olgierd Wandzioch | Rainer Weitschies | Stephanie Wladika | D a g m a r Wo l f | Angelika und Iris Zehrer | Annalisa Zumthor

Presenting Haussponsor des Sponsor der Sponsor Kunsthaus Bregenz KUB Arena

Hypo Landesbank Vorarlberg

Mit freundlicher Kulturträger Unterstützung von

KUB0703_HeftAus_eng_gzd.indd 28 09.10.2007 13:09:47 Uhr