_.a:\#,Z/;u +* Assembly of Western European Union DOCUMENT 1604 28 Aprit 1998 FORTY-FOURTH SESSION The Assembly of WEU and the parliamentary dimension of security policies REPORT submrttcd on behalf of the Committee for Parhamentarl'and Pubhc Rclatrons by' Mr Woltjer, Charrman and Rapportcur .J N \o { ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN LINION 43, avenue du Presrdent-Wilson, 15775 Paris Ccdex 16 Tel 0l 53.67 22.00 - Fax 0l 53.61 22.01 E-marl
[email protected] Internet : http //uur','. wcu rnt/assembly/r,l clcomc html Document 1604 28 April 1998 The Assembly of llEU and the parliamentary dimension of security policies REPORTI submitted on behalf of the Committeefor Parliamentory and Public Relationsz by Mr lYoltjer, Chairman and Rapporteur TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAFT RESOLUTION on the Assembly of WEU and the parliamentary drmensron of securrt.v policies DRAFT ORDER on the Assembll' of WEU and the parhamentary drmension of sccuntl' pohcies EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM submrtted by Mr Woltler, Chairman and Rapporteur l. Introduction II Parliaments and the framing of security policres l. National assemblies 2 Europeanandtransatlanticinterparliamentar)'institutions (t) The Assembll'of WEU 0t) The North Atlantic Assembly (NAA) jir) The Parhamentary Assembly of the OSCE (t, Regional andsubregional interparliamentary assembhes (a) The Parhamentary Assembly of the Councrl of Europe (b) The Nordrc Council (c) The Benelux Interparliamentary Consultatrve Councrl (d) Othcr subregional assemblies (v) The European Parltament Td"pt.d unanimously by the Committee. ? Members of the Committee: Mr Wottjer (Chairman); Lord Russell-Johnston, Mr Eversdijk (Vice-Chairmen); MM Aleffi, Amoruso, de Assis, Mrs Beer, MM Debarge, Erler, Evin, Ghesquidre, Mrs Guirado (Alternate: Arnau Navarro) Mr Henry, Ms Jones, Mrs Katseli, MM Kollwelter, l*gendre, Lummer, Micheloyiannis, Mignon, Niza, Onaindia, Mrs Pulgar, Mr Rodeghiero, Ms Smith, Mrs Squarcialupi, Mr Taylor (Alternate: Vis), Mrs Terborg.