United States Patent (19) | 1 || 3,923,951 Pukszta, Jr
United States Patent (19) | 1 || 3,923,951 Pukszta, Jr. (45) Dec. 2, 1975 54 METHOD OF MAKING AMOLDED FIBER 3,542,913 l l l 1970 Robinson et al.................... 264/263 GLASS AND RESIN STRUCTURE WITH NTERLOCKED AND BONDED WALLS Primary Examiner-Robert F. White Assistant Examiner-Willard E. Hoag (76) Inventor: Peter Pukszta, Jr., 1001 E. Congress Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Woodhams, Blanchard and St., Sturgis, Mich. 49091 Flynn 22 Filed: Mar. 15, 1974 (21) Appl. No.: 451,524 57 ABSTRACT An improved process for molding a plastic structure, 52 U.S. Cl. ................ 264/250; 264/255; 264/257; specifically a fiberglass article, wherein a preformed 264/258; 264/263; 264/274; 264/DIG. 59 reinforcing member is integrated into the molded (5 Int. Cl......................... B29D 3102; B29G 7700 structure by means of a chemical bond and by means 58) Field of Search............ 264/257, 258, 261-263, of a double mechanical interlock so that the reinforc 264/248, 255, 137, 249, DIG. 59, 274, 250; ing member is fixedly and rigidly integrated with the 1561196, 227, 293, 298, 303.1, 313 molded product. This process also results in an im proved molded plastic structure incorporating therein 56) References Cited a preformed reinforcing member. UNITED STATES PATENTS 3, 82.1 () 5/1965 Balcom et al....................... 264/263 8 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1975 Sheet 1 of 2 3,923,951 U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1975. Sheet 2 of 2 3,923,951 3,923,951 1 2 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION METHOD OF MAKING AMOLDED FIBER GLASS The present invention relates to an improved process AND RESINSTRUCTURE WITH INTERLOCKED for fabricating a plastic structure and particularly a .." AND BONDED WALLS molded fiber reinforced article having plural sidewalls FIELD OF THE INVENTION interconnected by at least two spaced apart planar lay ers.
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