SUNDAY TIMES D«eemb«r 5. IT43—Fer4 3. Page 17 fllftifitrr'* F«*t*ry ••rvtaa WATCH-CLOCK Kappas to Sew Wo men Lawyers' ¦KPAIRTXi EASY WASHERS hi fa< rant iKtr«».ii expert* 8 For Red Cross Gifts to Soldiers TO 7*DAY SERVICE THF WOMENS LAWYERS Fra# F.*tini.ifr* THE EAST SIDE GROUP Wagner Electric 00. All Hitlk GimraMrrd ASSOCIATION of Micbic**n w ill MONDAY MORNING THE SIMPSON CO. of Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold ita Annual Chrintmas din- TO. I.lllt 111 , (nr Mril f~^roaram3 meeting at ' M. to 1:30 P. M.—4 Hours Only 12122 LDTWOOD Wednexday ner Tuesday H p. m. 9:30 A. meet for luncheon Kilocycle# program has h«an Eat. 11112 Tel. t A. »l*» ¦tat tuns SYMBOLS This the of at the home of Mrs. Clarence WJR 7411 turn Ths Detroit Time* at home Mr* Lula Bach- ww j «.*>u D—Drama man in Bo>ton houlcvard (lifts in M—Musical hw ths stations herein -—FINE QUALITY—- Campbell Harvard road. CKI.W */SOO brought for srn'irrmen wca r inn N—New* itstfd. It the presenta- will be Rod Cross sewing will be done WXYZ 1270 tions as scheduled are at the USD. Colored movies DR. SKYBURN R—Religious rot on ih» air, the fault 01 WJLB 1400 by Repeat in the afternoon. will be shown Mt*. Bachman. Event %EUPHOLSTERING WEXI, 13« o T-Talk Use with the ntatlon* and stripped H»r« rMr Mil* to V—Variety not The Detroit Times. frMM, Hprlng* »*-ll*d, F ram# Ke- DENTIST WJBK 1490 MtrH and Part* Replaced IH*r* 809 Ave. KNMMrj. lalMl Tape# try ( everlngs. Woodward ,/\ to the Great Demand City Hall and Congrem St Due between m SUNDAY MORNING OfTK-e Hour*; 9 to 5:30 >|r j- RADIO SETS m A no a. M. WJBK —Rev. Cha* Hall WJBK—Jrwiah hour. TERMS (VIMMiI XI APPOIN'TyrNT FROM WJBK—Naaa BsM A M. 10:1A A M. SERVICED All-Wool Hfl • :ui WCAR- Mueicale WJ R—Phi I nkillman-M 100% *39 CA. 3034 A. M WCAR—Mutieaie Wwfcmaaehip WJBK-New* and Mueic •00 A. M. at $ „ Caaraataad WJLB—United G<>«pel Q't. Radio Service calls d 50 a no A. m WIR —New* WJBK—Triumphant cfe rch I0:M A. M. your home WWJ— News roundup WJR—Wing* Over Jordan X % no —Worship 1 A. M. CKI.W hour WWJ Rahh! Hnerka. WM.B— Melodies — Wi’A R News end muale WXYZ—Ernest Ltndisy-N. Factory Authorised Service on CHESTERFIELD WEXL— Classical music WXYZ—Nazarene Church — i (XI VSTA R peojile’* Choirs. DEAF HEAR WJBK—Eldar O Grecr-R WJLB—Flying Clouds-M Standard Modsla gtrandbergh WJLB—Yugoslav Club WKXIr-Rev. WKXL-Riv, Young CKLW— Baughiy Taber’le. WJBK— Ruaaian Pentecost John WHISPERS WXYZ—Wain melodies. 10 M A \l • lIS A M WWJ —Garden Hour. CENTRAL RADIO SERVICE SPORT COATS WJI.B— Robert Ward R WJR—U. of hymn sing ) E^li Geo. M CKLW—Pont is* Baptist. WEXL—Rev. Garner f 7:4ft A. M WWJ—Ann# Campball-T Wi’aß News I A. WXTZ—Morning davoilona « M A. M 11 no A. M. tUDIOEAa S4O E • W 0 —New r Lamed 1201 M Hamilton 'A WWl—church of the air WJR on A. M. WJR—Week in CKI.W- Voice of prophecy wwj—p* Paul’s C'th oral Near Bsaublsn • Naar Llmhurst hearinq aid Review. Ray » SINGERS, WHITES CKI.W—New ¦ Ate WCAR—OCD reporter. WCAR—Anchor ass 4-1200 AND New s gP "tYIw DON'T FEF.L DISCOURAGED U a WXYZ— Acs. rpiili* far Over II lun WCaß—New « -on Bue-V HE LETT OUT —News; Zlcm Church. WILB—War Jobs. if OF THINGS AGAIN Q AND OTHER POPULAR MAKES WXYZ mineiraia. WJI.B—MI Up To THIS CHRISTMAS iOIN THE A WJl.B—Southern aingera WEXL— Rev, H Weinsterl WK.XL—Conersg'l Church J ¦ BENERAL UPHOLSTERING OF HAPPY RADIO Rev C. D*nnlat*»h WJBK—Lithuanian prog W'JBK —Rerhmn hour. THOUSANDS V A limited quantity of theae re- M. I EAR USERS AND ENJOY EVERY fl WJBK—Elder Jimersoo-R. • 4ft A. M. 11:13 A. ¦¦ III! BRAND RIVER built and guaranteed aewing N:lft A. M. WJR—M ualcaf WJR— Blue Jacks! rhn'r. ff£ MINUTE OF THE DAY. t\ WXVZ—Dr. J F Norris. UncliSomWbntsYou Coinr**l» D**aH« Y machine*. WJR—Treasury parade WCAR- Muelral* Urge shipment—repeat- - Mail 7bi» Couso" SO A Another BL_LX ¦¦ CKLW—salvation Army. lft;ofi A. M. II M. Army. WJR-News WIR Rev. John toller. ing the same wondorful values CO.. DETROIT WCAR— Salvation CKl.W—Anglican Church HADIOEAJI a to a M. WWJ—Na*'l Radio Pulpit out event! $ W Church t« Fuel that sold in last week’s 1320 DAVID WHITNEY BLDG. A 95 WJR—Cabin Folk* M CKI.W—Det B bla else* ILB—Bethlehem Savt WCAR—New* Ace. WKXL—Ralvation Army. Finest all-wool fabrics in solid (662 CKLW—Pontiac Baptist. * ? * * * New Station! Phone CH lor Information A WXTZ— Wondshedders-M WXYZ—Eddie Oiaee II WJBK Hebrew Christian. colors! WJLB—Second Baptlat*R. WJLB—Bethel Temple-R. 11 :*3 A. M ’ ...... • 39 Warns E*timatt§ Bapuat. WEXL—R O. Bible Soe ty W JLB-Ne«s Aj. 0 Free on Repatrt WEXL—Grace New Time! Address n in Your Home SUNDAY AFTERNOON Littofi so • Siwing Miohini Salts Co. 11:00 MKiN I:4ft P. M. i mi r m. THREE of Christ. SISTERS Massay-V. CKLW—School "GOOD WILL 1376 BROADWAY WJR—Nene WJR—Kurt — WWJ—Dairy farmer. W' 'AIl News. 1275 WOODWARD at Grand River at GriW River Cadillac SIM WWJ—World Front WXYZ— truest Ltndlsy-N, li American 7 CKLW—Pan M M'rru 3430 GRAND RIVER WCAR—Family worship •iM P. M. WJLB —Re% Keot-soving Fellowship HOUR" al Trumbull Fempie 1-7SJO WXTZ—Radio ar-hooihouM WJR—Celmg Itnlimlted WK.XL— WWJ —Thoee We Love D. W’JBK —ltalian-American WJI.B —Jeaiah hour 4:1 A P M. kf.mkmrkk TONIGHT WE XU—Berkley Church CKLW— Pilgrim Hour. We Specializa In Distinctive prog WCAR—Garden City rue# WCAR- is’ Baptist WJBK—C*e< hoelov ak n Blue WXYZ Bunday serenade. Conducted by IS :IA P. M. WXYZ—Chapl Jim WJK—Fighting Heroes WJLB—Polish hour V 4:3# P. M. WEXL—FLret Nazarene R WJR—Andre Koetelanets. and every 12 so r. m. WJBK—Hungarian hour-V WWJ—Ellery Queen-D Abe Lincoln story J. WIR—In our opinion. |:M CKI.W John Anthony P. M. — WWJ—Stradivari Orch. W'A R Kras Msthodists -World new* WEXL—Today • Truth WJR WXYZ- M*t auditions. —Invisible Church. WWJ John C. Thoma* M WJI.B—Ths Ctll-T. WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION I nvu* tunv: ¦ WJBK W'A R— Funahine floapel Revlval-R- — WCXL—Nat'l OF FABRICS IN STOCK Now beard SUNDAY 12 :4ft P. M. WXYZ All America revua --4:44 P. M. WXTZ—Holdlere of Preas WEXL—WiyM Gospal-R WlLß—Rumanian G«ap»l IVIKV » WEXL—Lutheran Church. 10-Day Delivery Guarantied m g.M P. M. WF.XD—Calvary Temp's CtifiQOlffSUNDAY AfTMNOOM 10:15-11 vf;n Sundays p. s| 1:00 P. M. w Webstar. 1 T. WJBK—Rev. WJR—N. Philharmonic WJR—Church of tha Air. Rationing A 00 P. M. WJBK--1490 kc. NIGHT WWJ—Victory business WWJ reports WJR—Family Hour. RonpholiUr NOW Ur OhrUtißts! CKI.W- Today’s nawe CKLW—Elder Morion R fymphooy. WCAR—Weeloyan Hour-R WWJ—NBC • wcaß—Rrightmoor tab le CKLW— Most Fe’e M. f'honc far dor Repre»*n n Chap WJR—Radio Dlge*' WEXL- WWJ—Merry Go Round M W JBK-Musical po'pourri delivered tn vour dunr from your ¦« asr 7:00 r. M H is P. M KLW—L for Lanky -P < WJR—Wm L Fhirer-N. wxyz— WJR —Maris Kurenko-M. IFetrolt Time** arrl*T «uileMr»aii. WWJ—Jack Benny V Walter Wii»«he> WJLB—Fouataln of Truth WWJ—Nawa of World. CKI.W Old Fa ah Revival WJBK—Ray CKI.W— Hear'son | Mr.*T. W XYZ—Drew Pearson N of Truth. WXYZ-<'hsrll# ihivak M. living WJl.B—l*et Greek hr V a is p. m. 11 :M P. M. Westinthouse^ BUY WAR BONDS . . . THEN BUY SOME MORE! vivid, drama Wl.XL—Faith Pentecora WXTZ—Basiij f»* music WJR —Colltfists rhorsl# WJBK—Youth program WEXL—The Gospel R, WWJ—Osargaa Miquslls-M Lewis-M 7:IA P. M. t:3O P. M. CKLW—Ted ts our greatut WJR- Prank Ftnatra-M WXYZ—Bkating Party M - W D LASTING GIFTS WXTZ—Com men* at or IR -F'ar Theater WJLB—Rsv Hankerson wwt Rapes' —American Album WJBK— Triumphant eh ren W'EXL— Free Will * ».4 WJBK— Naw* and muMc WF. XL—Bible F«llo**hir ItUS A. M. S :4ft A. M. WJBK—Muaical. WJR— B.rh.tnr . children RADIO SCHOOL WXTINaw# a 4i a M. WWJ—Star Playhouaa 2030 GRAND RIVIR AVI. 1:00 A. M. WrAR— P.avlval R. WOAB—foatal aacurity WJR—N*v,« WXYs^—New* Are WXYZ—Pun with muaic. 7 Peru w#»» et UThai'n 1 CKl.W—N*w»; Happy .to* WKXL—Muaical program WXXL—Varl.ty muau CKLW U. A* er'a *o' n*o»m«t'9n wr aR— New* It 06 A. M youp * •ita a. m. niAi WXVZ—-Top o’ Ifore | V WJR—Hr«(ya >oa HIII-D. '*•»*, W'JR Know America yfrtf/ff* WJLB New*. band WWJ—Road of LU.-D • » mu'r proa $ *•">• WKXT*— pmaram HWJ H'lmemakfu CXt.W—Maat Iba Band M * t Muaical CKLW—NVwa, /fa// mui - Haj'py • WJBK —Naw# 'and Joa WfAß—N.wa AM a Art gardl , Wcaß—Nawa WHYI—Ai anr Order Stamp* y Ad*>»«, | 1:11 A. M. WXTZ-Break faat Club-'* 49 War delltcrcd ’ WJLB—Plying R.pnrt.r WIH-Tba A roll* * |4l|tr homr hv \ou* o*>tr<\i« a IfflXL—Nawacaat.' v ~nir-Ba'n*aai, muarr ... Wc? R —Burrlaa Rnuodw.- V* i ,: HJJJ/t—.><»,, *-»/•«¦, *#« Time* carrier f- . ¦ WXTC-Nfwi WJLB—War job# • :Ift A. M. WJR—Barond Hulband-D wr D - v aR —Melodie* WWJ—Via and Sada VM A. M. pro§nm CKI.W-M.lody Tim. WJR—Horn* Harmony -If W£XLr-MuA)c A Radio Review of Ihe •SB A. M. WCAR- Morning roufleal. WWJ-I* iß«m#t*a M II>M A. M. wcaß—Tim* ’b' Tub** WWJ—Make Min* Mualr WXYJ—fop o’ Mom If CKLW- Mvrtl# T WJR—Bright- Hnriann-D. c WKXL—M late. WWJ—Brava Tomorrow v WKXLr-Nawecaat rici.w-Bownar 1a Wis.-D. Top Hits from .ill I leltfs & WJBK—Muaical Proprarti. • :4ft A. M WCAR—Lallan* from boy* A- M. WJR lnabella |g Hawaon WXY*—(111 Manyn-N. DETROIT News Notes fid CKLW—Womas’i Pas# T SYMPHONY WJLB—In raaaaren-D. WJR—Happy ffaah M. wWj—Nawa. wc a R—Vir’ory Rand WKX t#—Muaic. WJLB—Church la Wild- WJBX—Batty of Entert.iininent. as WXYB— Harry llailmana. Rohan. T- „ wood. WEXL-Mualc -11:U A. M. WJBK—Popular anuaic 1A A« A. M. WJR—AuntJanny D. W'JR—Vaiiaat La4y-D WWJ—David R:SO A. M. liarum-D Kurenko-Great Russian Soprano-Soloist WWJ—Lora Lawtaa. ,~ 1 ““ . judged and selected by WJR —Nawa CKl.W—N*wa Aaa feSbi.- WWJ—Nawa Roundup WCAR— Nawa WXYB—Pagaa as m.lodj. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO GRAND OPERA STARS CKLW—N*wa, Happy J*a WXY7.-M Wirnirlf WJLB—ftcrateh lima. Haydn tympheny Ne. 104 WCAR- Nawa WJLB—Batbaad* Tamp)# WEXl<—Danca nauala WXTZ-Eddl# Oh aa* M Ntuacaat. WJBK-Nawa Roundup. in 0 Major (London) Thursday’s Program Present, in English, MONDAY AFTKNNOON I Vufhordij ilu shoo* World Alee to Haydn- Sympkony No. 104 (Landoa) “Hansel Gretel" ires NOON wwj—Man la lame* W EXD—Varlaty muaic. cii./ni.f of Pretram and wir— Kata smith tpaasa 1(1 don ) wwj—oi# CKI.W-rQama of Maiodv. P M. Mmi, Kurenkoisnnt only Singing ttie leading role* in an r«#rak lT wvgß—lAintaaoa Clua M WJR—TYi. Qoldbargr T> Marla Adagio-Allagra CKl.w—Naw* W'XYR—Ouia WWJ—Our world today one r»f the moat distinguished outstanding raat of Grand WCAR—Nawa. WJBK Mualt. CBLW—Clair. Wail.c.-T Andaata — ° WXVZ New* a< a 1I:SS P. M. Wf AH - Hhvm.-a-llna-V —— singers of the flay, hut possibly Mnnuatto (aMagra) Opera stars w 1)1 be Marta Mat- WJLB—Nam* that ton* CKl.W—patroli Timaa WXYE—lrlab whrl-a-Jig. WKXL— Nawacaat. Paaiura SiM r M. New the moat definitive Allag-a Sp iritaae yas as Hansel, Louisa Hoe as WJBK Htsbiishit —Young A New ldea...A interpreter —Mualc. »«aa p. WJR Dr Malonr of Kanakaw; Gretel, 11:1ft r. M. m WWJ—Guiding Llaht-D. Husaian snags. "Her work kimiky Aria from "Snow- May Barron as the WJR—R,f SiaiarT» WJR—Lift BaauUful D CXLW—Ray Dady-T. Omn, WWJ-Fraa N the Radio Premier* Program throughout an elaborate pro- ma'das" Witch and Keinhold Schmidt as WWJ—M rj,n M Hama WCAR— Nawa Service for CKl.W—Pane# Rhythm* CKLW—Naw* WXYB—Lady of Charm. gram entitled her to a pl«<*e in Strawisiky: Raitorala the Father. The entire opera WCAR—Th* mundup-T WCAR—Naw*; vanaty M WJLB — Nawa: matin** M W’X Y7. T>r Pay Pavi* WXYZ Baukhai* N WKXli— N.w acaa*;, of America Flnl rWM #*•*••#•»(•• d the front rank of rontompornrv will he sung in English and. an WJLB—Munir, Wll.j- Nawa; mual*. Listeners G'atckaninoff: Two Ruuian Folk WJBK--H P Bd of Ed Nft . . presented, it enjoyed as WK.XL—Munir proaram Wtjßr- Nawacan tromdwmy’t imtk singers,” will hie WJBK Pnllah t:IA r. M. in broadcasting said Noel Strauss in Staff much by children as by adults. WJBK—Mountain r*t« M 1 adiat Hr Wlß—J«rr* Jordan-D For the first time "WINOKD VICTORY" the New York Times I. On tka Mountain it :to r. m. l:IS P. M WWJ—Lon*lv Wom*n-D. hest in Alfred And. because of the time and WMR—H*l#n Tr*nt-D. WJR- Ma Parkin* P CKLW—Wul*t aanctiiary. history, a radio review of the 111 Com* - Frankenstein wrote, in the San 2 G© 111 prices mna WIR— I l*am-D. of proven hits, judged and JIMMY DURANTf Kurenko la great alnger. ' "Eugana Onagin" with .ova and program a a youngsters. prices WJLB—Cloldtn malodia*. WWJ -Lieh* nf World-D. lead- the Evening WKXI/ mualr WJR-Ramadia* Flyan N CKLW—M*lody tlm*. by Variety Magazine, HILDIOARDI great musician, and a wise, Raapigki: Tka Rinat of Roma range Pane* selected from 83c to $2 75, tax WJBK—ldiar.haon maloS a WWJ—Naw# WOA R—Traa.’y parade. show w orld. VC hat heart-warming .” included. It :4ft r. M. wxra— Naw« a*# W’EXL—'Parad* nf hand*. ing authority of the ROCCO artist Gal Sundav. W)BK— Malady WJR—Our matin** WlLß—lnt*rrn*rro-M. Rose Bow l is to football . . . w hat Suggestion Advance the RAUL WMITIMAN A Xmas reservations to this s Digest is to the maga- immortal opera of Christmas- the Reader TAYLOR For friend, relative, customer Women Insurers OF FAME DIIMS Tieketi—Reservations tide are coming in at a "sellout” Nurses Group zines-the RADIO HALL Mo.’.' d €*«•*•<•• . . sny»»ne, in fact, whom you rate. To those who have not entertainment. TICKETS: At Grinnalli during tk# wish to remember with some- will be to the world of done so, we suggest tUat you To Hold Yule Party To Hold a Tea shows, thing . the All-Star preceding each parformanca. unusually nice . a season either make It’s the show of ticket symphony reservations or get A Christmas dinner will he DETROIT DISTRICT of the ly to ten con- tickets to “Hansel and the air—a Sunday enter- RESERVATIONS: teUpkon# te beginning Gretel" held by the women’s group of program of COlum|>i« certe, with "Hansel NOW. Friday, IT, Michigan State Nurses Associa- 4170 or mail to Datraif Qretel" December th# Detroit Life Underwriters treat you can't afford to miss. and on December !7th. evening only. Saturday, Decem- tion will hold a tea at the Helen tainment Sympkeny Orckaitr#, Maianic Is suggested. A few seats In Association at the Wardell- to the premier* today l". ber 18, matinee and evening. Hendy Newberry residence on Tune iff Temp la, Datraif I, Mickigan. Orchestra Square are still I Sheraton on Thursday at fi p. m. available at $25 and other good The party will not be restricted East Alexandrine next Sunday Tiekat* art kald until racaipt oi RRICES: Evtaiag —Me ?« $2.75; locations may he had at S2O Mali**#—-lie to 1.65 ?#« lo members only. from 4 to 6 p. m. ramittasca, but aat tkan ana f i«cludad. latar lift and $lO, tax included Boi Sa«ti: Eveaiag $1.30. Mafia** Appearing on the program Nurses from the private duty ••ek bafara eancartt. Phone Columbia 4870. $2.20. will he Miss Florence E. Lorf. nursing section will he hostesses. Mrs. Bertha Bright Knapp and A short business meeting will PRFSENTED RY PHILCO AND YOUR PHILCO DIAIIR Margaret Fried Slimon. he held at 5 p. m.