VOL. 2 NO. 1 JANUARY, 1968 VOL. 2, NO. 1 JANUARY, 1968





Table of Contents I

Officers and Committee Chairmen 2

President's Message 3

Lowndes County Marriages 4

Confederate Dead in Wisconsin 12

Burgess Bible Records '4

Springfield Records 17

Genealogical Materials to be found in Alabama Courthouses 20

Contributors 27

Edwards Bible 28

Books Publ ished by Members 28

Unclaimed Letters sn Erie, Alabama, 1836 29

Butler County Newspapers 30

Queries 31

New Members 32

Cemetery Records 33

"Copyright The Alabama Genealogical Society Inc., 1968" ALABAMA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. MAGAZINE Publ i shed by the

ALABAMA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Organized November 17, 1958 OFFICERS President ,.., ,..., Mrs. Hoi lis E Woodyerd First Vice President .,,,.,. , Mrs, J. Terry Huffstutler Second Vice Pres.dent ..... Mrs. L.L Goggans

Chaplain , Rev. Franklin S Moseley

Recording Secretary , .,..,... Mrs. Charles E. Norton

Corresponding Secretary ...... Mr, Bruce Myers

Treasurer .... Mrs W. Leonard Riley

Historian .,....,, , Mrs. Hobart McWhorter

Pariiamentarian • • ,...... ,.. Mrs, Herman T. El 1 ison


Membership The President has requested the Executive Board to serve during this administration

By-Laws Mrs, Henry Neill Segrest - Mr, Bruce Myers - Mrs Charles E. Norton

Publicity Mrs. A Hubert Jones - Mrs. Bethel Whitson •- Mrs John McQueen Guttery

Finance . , Mrs, W,L. Riley - Mrs Robert D, Ingalls - Mrs. L.L. Goggans Publication ...... Editor: M~s Hoi lis E. Woodyerd - 3810 - 9th Court South Birmingham, Alabama 35222

Mrs. Frank Sims Moody - Mrs Charles E, Norton - Mrs Hayden Alford

County Records ... Mrs. Hayden Alford - Mrs- PA, Bryant - Mrs. Charles E Norton

Program Mr. F Wilbur Helmboid - Mr. William Armistead - Mrs J C Austin DIRECTORS

Mrs. James C Bonner Mrs, Milo McElihiney Mrs. J.N Cooper Mrs, Henry Neill Segrest THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE

January, named after Janus of Roman Mythology, is the month when we look both ways. All of us know what the past Year has brought but we do not know what the New Year holds for us. We can now tell you that it does hold'a very important event in the future.

You were told to mark March 16, 1968 on your calendar. A program of unusual appeal to all persons interested in genealogy has been planned with a great deal of care for that day. The Alabama Genealogical Society, Inc. is sponsoring Dr. Conrad Swan, Rouge Dragon of Arms, of England at a luncheon-lecture. Upon his appointment by Oueen Elizabeth II to this office, Dr. Swan became the 50th person to hold the position. This office was first created in the 1400 hundreds.

Dr. Swan wrote he was looking forward to visiting Alabama as he believes he would be the first of the Queen's Officers to ever visit this.State. Dr. Swan will discuss the continuous genealogical and heraldic link from 1607, between America and Great Britain. We wish we could tell you that his lovely wife was going to accompany him, but at this writing we cannot. She is Lady Hilda Northcote, daughter of the Earl of Iddesleigh and a cousin of Field Marshall Montgomery.

You will receive more particulars at a later date about this event. Alcebiades stated that men went away after hearing his Uncle Pericles orate, saying "it was fine, it was very good" and afterwards thinking no more about it; but they went away from hearing Socrates with the point of what he had said sticking fast in their minds. Look­ ing behind us we know you went away from our Fall meeting and the splendid historical-genea­ logical talk of Mr. Frank Shackelford Moseley, feeling rewarded. He mentioned that Dr.Roland Harper's "10,000 Cemetery Records in Alabama" may be found in the University of Alabama Library. We are proud to list Mr. Moseley as one of our hardest working members.

January is represented in Art as two-faced, one looking forward, the other backward, holding in one hand the scepter and in the other a key. This administration has preferred to use the key. The Alabama Genealogical Society's most valuable asset is its members, each of whom has the opportunity to prove his worth to the organization and his ability to handle responsibility. Life in the final analysis is quite demanding. It provides opportunities but at the same time it demands performances. The same can be applied to us, for the Society provides the opportunities but it also demands performances.

Our standard is to do our best with enthusiasm. There is still a connection be­ tween effort and reward and our reward is in knowing we are building an organization in which we are proud for dur State, for our Society and for our members.




Contributed by Franklin S. Moseley, Eutaw, Alabama.

CONTINUING FROM VOL. I NO. 4 - OCTOBER, 1967 ISSUE- Beers, Elizabeth 5-28-61 Treadwell, Dr. W.B. 281 Beers, Martha 7- 6-48 Brown, Joel P. 195 Bell, Elizabeth 12-13-49 Burt, Richard M. 196 Bell, Emily S. 1-26-60 Wright, Everett 287 Bell, Esther S. I- 3-37 Burt, John D. 185 Bell, Martha A. 5- 7-67 Gordon, Frances, Jr. 218 Bell, Martha E. 10-15-48 Burt, Philip C 195 Bel 1, Rebecca C 5-19-61 Thames, Jos. G. 281 Bell, Sarah A.J. 11-16-60 Barganier, Andrew A. 190 Bender, Elizabeth 6-12-34 Hardy, James 222 Bender, Jane E. 9-24-50 English, Wm. W. 213 Bender, Mary Va. 7-10-50 Oil lard, Perry 209 Bennett, Del itha L. 12- 8-31 Champion, Thos. C 197 Bennett, Lurena H. 3- 2-48 Simmons, Gill is W. 273 Bennett, Mildred 4- 3-56 Richardson, Jas. A. 266 Berry, Lucy A. 9-26-58 Driver, John W. 209 Bessant, Barbara B. 4-19-60 Darby, Sheppard A. 209 Best, E.M. I I-12-66 Cauthen, W.W. 201 Best, Mrs. Sarah 12-28-54 Bodiford, Ishan 196 Bethea, Acksah Ann 5-21-45 McLemore, Hiram 248 Betterton, Martha Ann 9- 7-47 Lesl ie, Jas. E. 240 Beverly, Sarah Ann Jane 12- 8-44 Martin, Bartley 246 Bilberry, M.A. 6-20-69 Campbell, J.F. 202 Bi lberry, Sena A. 12-22-46 Buffington, Alfred E. 194 Bilberry, Temperance Ann 11-11-41 Campbell, David 199 Billingsley, Elizabeth 7,-22-49 Gill, Marshall M. 218 Bird, Angel ine 12-18-55 Ell ison, Alex 212 Bi rd, Eliza Jane 4-25-44 Richardson, Wm. A.(lien) 264 Bird, Keron 10-16-32 Loftin, Joseph W. 239 Bird, Mrs. Louisa P. 3-20-50 Roper, Rev. Joseph Fletcher 265 Bird, Martha L. 11-28-33 Champion, Jacob 197 Bird, Melissa A. 2-10-50 Kelly, Jas. 237 Bird, Susan J. 2-25-66 Richardson, J.P. 267 Black, Nancy 10-28-41 Butts, Isaac 185 Black, Nancy Ellen 5-20-52 Perdue, Jesse M. 260 Blackman, Nancy 9-13-41 Spradley, John 271 Blackwell, Frances 2-19-43 Walton, Chas. W. 291 Blackwell, Nancy Ann 12-11-34 Simmons, Manuel J. 269 Blackwell, Rebecca 12-20-55 Schofield, James 277 Blackwell, Elizabeth 2-19-38 Watson, Nathaniel 290 Blade, Mary Jane 12-20-45 Folmar, John L. 214 Blake, Martha Ann 8-10-48 Pearce, Edward M. 261 Blake, Sarah J. 3-23-59 Goldsmith, Madison 219 Blalock, Emel ine 5-11-49 Chance, Nathan 203 Blalock, Harriett 10-10-37 Walker, Charles 289 4 Page 2 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-1871 Blanks, Martha A. 6- 2-32 Guy, Samuel J 215 Blanton, Mary 5-1 1-71 Hill, Wm 228 Bledsoe, Lenora A.T. 12-25-53 Cash, Warren Q. 20t Bledsoe, N. B. I- 1-68 Jones, H.M. 234 Blow, Martha A. M-13-70 Werline, John P. 292 Boatright, Sarah Ann 9-28-48 Harrison, Geo. W. 226 Boddie, Rachel L. 5-14-48 Perdue, John Bailey 261 Bodie, Harriett A. 10-16-58 Burt, Daniel 191 Bodiford, Ailsey 11-28-41 Harris, Jesse 224 Bodiford, Delia 7-11-47 Hollmshed, Jas. 224 Bodiford, Eliza E. 12- 5-43 Humphrey, Samuel H. 223 Bodiford, Rhoda Ann 10-30-49 Hill, Wilson 225 Bonds, Julia A. 10-12-58 Jordan, Geo, M. 235 Bonds, Matilda 6- 1-58 Graham, Duncan 220 Bonham, Charity 10-14-36 Blackwell, Henry 188 Bonham, Mrs. D.R. 3-30-64 Quinn John 263 Bonneau, Caroline Elizabeth 4-23-46 Brodnax Thos W, 193 Bonneau, Mary Jane 10-29-43 Crook, Jesse W 199 Bonnett, Eliza 2-14-36 Brock James 187 Boon, Catherine 1-20-48 Tucker, Richard F 283 Boon, Elizabeth 12-23-37 Spradlin Michael DC 273 Boon, Flora 11-23-37 Rogers, Henry 263 Boon, Nancy 12- 7-52 Spradley, C.L. 274 Boothe, Martha Ann 12-24-35 Peake, Leonard 257 Boothe, Susan N. 2- 2-60 Cockran, Samuel H 205 Borland, Lafayette 6-21-48 Harris Edwm W, 225 Bostwick, Alice A. II- 1-58 Olds, Chasteen A 256 Bostwick, Mary C 7-10-34 May, Asa T. 245 Bostwick, Sarah A.P. 9- 1-31 Daniel El ias 205 Bound, Elizabeth 12- 5-37 Culluson Wm 198 Boutwell, Mary 4-19-59 Oswalt Jos D 256 Bowie, Sal 1ie Elizabeth 7-10-60 Peake, Dr John S, 258 Boyd, Elmina S. 5-23-62 Jas J 259 Boyd, Mary C 3-16-62 Deavers, Marmaduke 208 Boyett, Dicey 3-26-35 Tucker Alex 280 Boyett, Emerintha 7-31-51 Isom, John D 232 Bozeman, Ann Matilda 2-19-35 Letcher, John David 239 Bozeman, Charlatte 11-21-53 Burdeaux, William J 192 Bozeman, Harriett S. 9-17-65 Laurence, David S 242 Bozeman, Louisa M.W. 12-25-59 Coker, Wm B 205 Bozeman, Margaret 3-16-68 Burdeaux, James 190 Bozeman, Martha A. I- 6-59 Pollard, Thos, W 258 Bozeman, Minerva L. 8- 4-46 Barrett, Andrew J 194 Bozeman, Penelope A. 1-15-56 Laurence, Jas. M, 241 Bradley, Demsy 1-28-41 Simons, Wm. 270 Bradley, Hannah 2-17-48 Martin, Jackson 244 Bradley, Mary II-'1-66 Tucker, J.T. 282 Bradley, Sarah 9-18-4! Bradley, Ransom 185 Bradley, Sarah Ann 9- 3-46 Singleton, John 272 Bragg, Caroline A. 3- 1-54 Simonton Wm. D. 275 Bragg, Elizabeth N. 12- 2-40 Saffold, James 270 Branch, Delilah 11-22-35 Monk, Lewis 245 Page 3 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-187

Branch, Mary E. 2- 1-65 Scallons, Augustine D. 276 Branch, Nancy 2-16-32 Meek, Daniel 245 Branch, Rachel 5-19-30 Fowler, Stephen 2(3' Branch, Tabitha 12-22-60 Sul1ivan, Francis Marvin 275 : Brandon, Susan 3-24-37 Coleman, Thos. A. 198 Brewster, Matilda 3-16-36 Duffey, Jonathan 206 Brewster, Martha I 1-20-36 Gibbs, P, F. 216 Br inson, Carol ine 12-12-45 Mock, John M. 243 , Brinson, Mrs. Sarah Va. 12- 7-65 Blair, M. Cicero 189 : Broadancy, Mary Jane 8-24-64 Wi11iams, Samuel 28J6 ' Brock, Lavinia I I- 8-43 Cook, Tobias 199 Brock, Lucinda 3-15-36 Barnett, Jacob 187 f Brockinton, S.C 2- 3-69 Spann, W.A. 279 265 -:. Brooks, Ann B. 12-21-48 Reid, Henry P. Mills. Thos. H. '253 Brooks, El izabeth I I- 8-66 Rast, Horace D. 268 Brooks, Mary T. 1-20-70 Bowie, Malachi Bonham 188 Brooks, Theresa 8- 3-65 Thompson, Archibald L.R. 283 Browder, Charita E. 7-27-65 Nixon, John F. 254 Brown, Christian M. 3-29-49 Allen. Wade Hampton 184 Brown, Delia 3-29-59 Pickens, Wm. H. 258 Brown, Julia Ann 3-25-41 Tekton, John 280 Brown, Elizabeth 12-13-37 Boykin, F.A. 192 Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Va. (Giddens) 7-25-61 Ritchie, Robert C 266 Brown, Martha 6-25-61 Polk, Wm. 258 Brown, Nancy A. I- 8-61 Bozeman, David W. 186 Browning, Ann E. 4-12-32 Peebles, David 257 Browning, Desdemona 2-10-33 Larkin, Wm. J. 240 Browning, Elizabeth 11-13-39 Will iams, Jno. D. F, 289 Brown ing, Emily 1- 9-49 Steele, Davis A. 269 Browning, Jul ia Ann 10 4-31 Brassell, John E. 188 Browning, Lavinia 10 4-66 Patterson, Jas, B. 257 Browning, Martha 6 4-36 Potter, Lockwood J, 257 Brown i ng, Mary W. 9-19-33 Bostwick, John H, 187 Brown i ng, Permel ia 2- 3-36 Alston, Thos. W. 182 Bruin, Mary 4- 7-46 McFerrin, Jas. 244 Bruner, Anna 2- 3-48 McFerrin, Wm. A. 253 Bruner, Elmina 12-17-57 Donaldson, Jas. B. 210 Bruner, Caroli ne C 6-28-53 Palmore, Wm. S. 260 Bruner, Caroline 1-10-54 Shanks, Jas. J. 276 Bruner, Margaret 12-15-57 Gaston, W.J. 220 Bruner, S.J. 12- 6-66 Greggs, Lewis 2-1.6 Bryan, Dorothy 2-10-31 Pou, Wm. W. 261 Bryan, El izabeth II- 3-33 Reynolds, Anderson A. 263 Bryan, Nancy M. 12-10-36 Griggs, Samuel 216 Bryant, Elizabeth 2-1 1-36 Griggs, Samuel 216 Bryant, Nancy 2- 4-40 Davis, John 205 Bryant, Rebecca 2- 2-31 Kelly, Hosea 237 Buck, Araminta 3-21-52 Pharrow, Joshua 256 Buck, Martha 2- 5-32 Kirkland, Samuel : 214 Buck, Mary A.J.N. 7-22-42 Gardner, Jas. 2 17 Buck, Nancy 10-29-46 Simmons, Wm. P. 272 Buck, Sarah E. 10-29-46 Page 4 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-1871

Buffington, Cynthea 10-16-45 Etheridge Benj F. 212 Buffington, Cynthia A. 9-19-49 Adkinson Jas L, 182 Buffington, Letha Ann 5-20-43 Boyter, John J. 194 Buffington, Mary A. 9-14-49 Butler, Thos. J 195 Buffington, Mary A. 9-16-51 Styron, Wm. M 273 Buffington, Sinkta 12-18-30 Hill, Peter 222 Buffington, Susan 1-28-42 Talley, Jas B 282 Buffington, Susan 9-16-51 Wood, Francs C 288 Buford, Jennie 5-2 1-71 Frederick, Stephen 215 Buford, Mary E. 1-22-61 0 Rourke, Thos 256 Bullard, Catherine E. I I- 7-55 Royal, Leonard W, 266 Bullard, Ester Mariah 12-11-57 Davis, Sampson 209 Bullard, Jane Ninna 2- 9-46 Davis, John 208 Bui lard, Orpha J. 12-24-65 Ward, Elisha 292 Bui lock, Sarah Ann I 1-23-56 Hayes, Milton 227 Bui lock, Tiney A. 8-31-64 Bodie, Nathan A. 191 Bulls, Mary 6- 4-48 Milton, Edward 244 Burch, Mary E. 4-18-53 Mutaker, Jas. C 250 Burdeaux, Mary C. 4- 7-59 Wi11iams, John F. 286 Burns, Charlotte 12-10-46 Bi rd, Jesse W. 194 Burns, Hannah MatiIda 2- 5-68 Crum, Benj. Dulaney 202 Burns, Johannah 5-19-53 Morgan, Edward 250 Burt, Lucinda H. 9- 7-65 Worsham, Lovick M. 292 Burt, Martha Jane 12-17-56 NeSmith, Robert P, 255 Burt, Sarah E. 12-19-6.1 Whisenhant, J N 286 Burt, Sarah J. 4-19-6! Norris, N B. 255 Butler, Elafair S, 10-23-53 Wi11 iamson Augustus 287 Butts, Sarah 1- 9-34 Barganier Madison H, 187 Byrd, L.C 2-22-66 Cheshire, H 20! Caffey, Irene Caroline 2- 5-65 Caffey, John Ashurst 200 Caffey, Mary Ann 9- 4-64 Dunklin, Wm. Watkins Cain, Mary Ann 12-17-57 Styron, Lewis M. 276 Cain, Sarah I I- 8-32 Stephens, Wm 269 Calans, Anna H. 12-24-40 Perkins, Zeno 258 Caldwell, Catherine E. 12-22-64 Barlow, Wm W. 191 Caldwell, Elizabeth A. 12-15-59 Quarles, Thos. W, 263 Caldwell, Nancy Jane 10- 7-52 Quarles, John 263 Calloway, Emily 12-15-50 Whatley, Mart.n F. 288 Calloway, Luianey I- 10-3 I Walker, Charles 288 Calloway, Mary I 1-17-36 Traylor, John G 280 Calloway, Sarah D. 11- 1-55 Moore, David B 249 Calloway, Sarah 12-30-36 Webster, Thos. J, 291 Campbel1, Ann Eliza. I -16-51 Lee, Samuel J. 242 Campbell, Catherine 10- 9-30 Beck, Charles 186 Campbell, Harriett 12-13-37 MitchelI, Thos. 245 Campbel1, Mariah J. 9- 9-52 Jones, John W 234 Campbell, Mary L. 1-16-51 Skinner, Jas. H 274 Campbell, Sarah 2-25-66 Moore, Alfred 253 Cannon, A.N. 8- 8-50 Meachan, Lawson 248 Cannon, Charlotte F. 6-20-32 Thigpen, Samuel 279 Cannon, Elizabeth F. 4-21-33 Hare, Peter 222 Cannon, Frances 8- 6-33 Whi te, Hi ram J 290 Cannon, Lavinia 10-20-30 Conner, Jas F. 196 Page 5 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-1871 Canterbury, Caledonia J. 10-24-67 Adams J.A, 183 Canterbury, Martha E. 7- 4-61 Robertson, Alfred B. 266 Canty, Mary A. 2-24-59 Williams, D.C 286 Canty, Sarah E. 6- 3-69 Stewart, John C 279 Capel, Wi11 a Eliza. Virginia 5-24-35 Carleton, Warren !97 Caperton, E.B. 2-16-68 Harwell, H.W. 228 Caperton, Mary 3-25-58 Gordon, David A. 220 Caperton, Susan J. 10-16-53 Gordon, Jas. K. 22 •' Carroll, Elender 3-26-34 Griffin, Morgan 216. Carson, Caroline Jane 4-15-53 Barnes, Lloyd 193. Carson, Laura 1-13-68 Carson, Benj. N. 202 Carson, Mary W. 12- 2-70 Lide, Jas. H. 243 Carter, Anna 11-25-32 Jones, Wm. M. ;s Carter, Catherine M. 10- 7-47 Rush, J. Mathew 2m Carter, Christina I I-I 1-49 Morefield, Jas. R, 248 Carter, Martha A.W. 8- 2-41 Perdue, Joshua A. ::5 Carter, Mary A. E. 9-27-66 Pruitt, G.A. 26 Strickland, James Casey, Ann 1-18-59 277 Moorer, Alonzo Calvin Casey, Mary Adeline 12-12-69 ;5 Hannah, John H. Casey, Sabry 11-27-66 •',28 Davis, Jas. A.M. Castelow, Melissa Jane 4-22-58 ro9 Rogers, John Castelow, Priscilla 8- -38 264 Hancock, Abraham Castelow, Sarah Ann 1-28-59 230 Meek, Henry J. Castleberry, Gracey 12-30-51 250 Chesnut, Alex Cates, Elizabeth II- 3-44 •99 Ingram, Arthur H. Canthen, Nancy C 8- 4-59 232 Ferrel1, John Canthen, Norian I I-15-66 ',', \ Balderee, George W. Centerfit, Louisa E. 1-20-52 *85 Jordan, Wm. L- Centerfit, Martha C I- 7-60 235 Lee, Wm. H.C Centerfit, Martha M. 9-23-65 242 Simmons, Anguish M- Chambers, Nancy L. 12-21-57 270 Knight, Jas. F. Champion, Elizabeth I- 8-35 237 Stough, Michael M Champion, Elizabeth 12-26-54 275 Johnson, Jackson Champion, Elizabeth 1-17-55 234 Craxton, Elijah Champion, Nancy L, 10-26-36 198 Lasseter, Abram Champion, Mrs. Sarah E. (Yarbrpugh) 9-15-59 24! Stringer, John A. Champion, Susan 2-28-39 270 Allen, J.J. Chap!in, Leora J. 9-13-70 181 Mi 1Ier, Preston L. Chapman, Louisa M. 7-22-58 253 Blackwell, Wm. B. Cheatham, Elizabeth R. 12-23-52 193 Spear, P.M. Cheek, Mrs, Lucinda (Waldrum) 5-28-67 278 Conally, Robert Cheek, Rebecca 3-15-37 198 Bennett, Franklin Cheshire, Ann 2- 5-46 194 McKeithen, Cyrus Cheshire, Eliza. 6-27-44 246 Croxton, Lewis A. Cheshire, Elizabeth 3-25-53 204 Croxton, Lewis A, Cheshire, Martha E. 3-26-54 204 Swanson, John Cheshire, Mary J. 12-12-59 276 Cawthon, Stephen Cheshire, Sail ie F. II- 9-65 200' Bell, Alexander R, Chesnut, El izabeth A. 9-21-65 188 Bel 1, Alexander R. Chesnut, Letha J. 8-22-67 189 Buffington, Jas. R. Chesnut, Sophronia 9-26-60 190 Mooney, Arthur B. Cills, Nancy 12-28-48 244 8 Page 6 INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-187! Clark, Jane 2-21-58 Hensley, Frederick B 227 Clark, Sarah Ann 10-12-39 Graves, Young W, 2!6 Clayton, Elizabeth W. 7-21-36 Lavender, Chas. E. 239 CIi fton, Cornel ia 12-30-65 Lee, Henry B 242 Clifton, Florence Mae 1-19-68 Fonville, John Culpepper 2!5 Clopton, Emma 2-27-66 Cowan, John A, 201 Cloud, Martha E. 1-21-57 Poole, Wm A. 259 Cobb, Martha A.V. 3- 9-59 Wood Jas A. 286 Cobb, Mary L. A. 8- 5-52 Hardy, Jas. L. 230 Cobb, Tempe E. 7-22-68 Harper, R L. 228 Coburn, Anna M. 10-26-58 Mixon, Benj L. 252 Coburn, Caroline Va. 7-30-55 Harbin, Dominic S. 230 Coburn, El iza G. 3-22-6! Coburn, Robert P. 200 Coburn, Elizabeth 2-15-41 Harbin, G W.0. 226 Coburn, Sarah Ann 7- 8-66 Searcy, Francs M. 277 Cody, El izabeth 2-22-46 Calhoun, John 201 Cody, Frances 3-11-58 Hand N.ckolas 227 Cody, Mrs. Cena 4-30-46 Thompson, John L 282 Coker, Martha 12-21-70 Gardner Geo-ge S 2 -8 Coker, Mary Ann 4-14-42 Beasley. Alex 193 Cole, Jerusha Ann 8-16-40 Re.ves Samuel H, 264 Coleman, Carrie 4-25-64 Hagood, Wm S 230 Coleman, Emily J. 4-17-67 Adams, John H, ^84 Coleman, Lucy Ann 3-30-62 Arant, R,P 183 Coleman, Martha Ann S. I- 7-35 Teat Wm 280 Coleman, Mrs. Nancy (Ansley) 5- 2-50 Fountain, Hugh T 214 Col 1 ier, Betsy 8- 8-50 Manning, Bryant 248 Col 1ier, M.J, 12- 7-65 Pruitt, B H 260 Col 1 ins, Mrs. Caroline (Till) 1-23-67 Moorer, Perry R. 250 Col 1 ins, Jul ia 3- 9-37 K,lgore. James 236 Col 1 ins, Mrs. Louisa L. 1-19-54 Roberts, Jesse 267 Col 1 ins, Martha 2-15-46 Kelly, James Jr 237 Col 1 ins, M,E. 10-28-66, W.P. 26' Col 1 ins, Rachel J-3I-4I Morr.s James M. 247 Col 1 ins, Rebecca 4-10-37 Taylor, William 280 Colvin, Amanda S. 4- 3-66 Cott.ngham, C W. 20i Colvin, Catherine A. 4-10-60 M ddleton, W,lliam 252 Colvin, El izabeth 1- 8-56 Wall Wil1iam R 287 Colvin, Flora 6-23-44 Key James F 236 Comer, J. E. 2- 4-68 Ritchie W. B 267 Cones, Louisa MatiIda 9- 3-35 Hambrick, John 223 Connel ly, Mary E. 7-12-59 Stone, Thomas M 276 Connel1) , Mrs. Rebecca (Cheek) 12-14-52 Gnatt, Stephen B. 22! Conner, Mrs. Ann L. 8-16-59 Lewis, Samuel D 241 Conner, Martha A. 8-27-46 Gordon, Andrew 217 Cook, Charlotte A. 5-28-56 McCall, Tristram Bethea 249 Cook, E izabeth T. I- 9-39 Sadler, John M 270 Cook, Emma 8-13-62 Hoi ley, Henry 229 Cook, G -acey T. 8-22-33 Rice, James M,D. 263 Cook, Jennett 11-20-62 Waters, Bryant 286 286 Cook, Mary M. I 1-14-63 Wilson, T,B Cook, Martha P. 6-28-38 Rice, W, A. 264 Page 7 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRiAGE IN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-187! Cook, Martha P. 5- 6-52 McCalI Darnel Terry 250 Cook, Mary 5-12-57 Webb Stephen J 286 Cook, Mary E I- 2-65 Sanford S.L 276 Cook, Sail ie A 10-26-65 Bolton, Caiv>n L, !89 Cook, Mrs, Sarah M I-1 1-66 Pulliam, James 26! Cook, Susan F.E 6-25-37 McKee, James M, 245 Cook, Susannah R 3- 6-45 Thomas, Wm Adams 282 Cooney, Rebecca II- 5-5! James, Peter 234 Cooper, C E 2- 8-70 Lloyd, WW 243 Corbin, Martha P 4-20-56 Stewart, Wm, W. 277 Corley, Caroline E 2-27-59 Shechan, James 277 Corley, Margaret 9-!1-39 Steger, Joseph W, 270 Corley, Mary 4-25-37 Harr.s Cla.born 222 Corley, Mary 1-24-67 Harr.s, Eli J, 228 Corley Sarah E. 8- 1-49 Landham Sandy Miles ' .. 240 Corvey, Ei.zabethC 2-17-64 Pope, Lafayette 259 Cothran, Elenor 5-12-50 Cothran, Sam 99 Cothran, Eliza 5-30-44 Acreman Warren 184 Cottingham, Lou.saM (2-16-65 Snaw Wm M 278 Cottingham, ME I I-18-67 Watts MA 292 Cottingham, R P 3-21-67 Taylor, Joseph M 283 Couch, Eliza Ellen 5- 1-34 Kelly, Alfred W 236 Couey, Margaret Ann 5-18-58 Canterbury, isaac S 205 Couey Matilda E 9-11-68 Coner H 202 Couey, Sarah I- 5-53 McFerr.n John R 249 Covington, Eliza 3-14-64 Boyter, B.W. 192 Covington, Frances M 1-14-40 Taylor Green B 282 Cov.ngton, Lucinda 2-27-53 Str.nger Jeremiah 274 Covington, Susan E. 12-30-57 Weeden, James 285 Cowan, Mary Ellen 1-17-67 H.ggins George T 228 Cowling, Martha A 9- 1-58 Ml lit, Joseph F, 285 Cox, Mary E 6- 6-71 Sumter, W.liiam 279 Crafford, Judith I0-.M-33 Bohannon, M.lledge 186 Cranford Lyd.ajane 4-20-33 Rob.nson, William 263 Crawford, Fannie E 9-23-67 Shell, Henry H 278 Crawford, Lucret.aW !- 5-57 Sal ley, Benj F 279 Crawford, Matilda 9-20-45 McW,11,ams, Daniel ", 243 Crenshaw, Mary E 2-15-49 Banks, Jas A 196 Crenshaw, Susan C 1-21-39 Hardy, John 226 Crenshaw, Virginia 2- 1-60 Broadnax Crowell !92 Crockett, Mary C 5-29-60 Garner, Jas P 220 Crook, Anna M. 7-18-65 Thar.n D.C Jr 284 Crosby, Louisa C !1-16-65 Jones Paul C . 235 Crosby, Sarah M. 3-12-57 Jones, Eldr.dge S 234 Crosdon Sel,na 3-J9-36 Hood Autston 222 Cross, Elizabeth C 3-18-49 McG.nney, Jas A 244 Crouch, Frances 6- 5-42 ivey, Ephra.m 231 Crow, Lucnda E 12-23-52 Str.ckland Wm. W 274 Crow, MahssaJane 12-20-58 Goodwin, Wm 219 Croxton, Dorcas L 12- 2-58 Bedsole, Frankl,n 19! Croxton! 11-23-56 Loft.n, Wm M 211 Croxton, Jane K 8-11-59 Williamson, Alex R 287 Page 8 - INDEX TO FEMALES IN MARRIAGE iN LOWNDES COUNTY 1830-187! Croxton, Mary E, !- 6-50 Cauthen Alex 203 Croxton, Nancy 12-30-30 Mathershed S.meon 245 Croxton, Sal lie 4-13-62 Walker, John N 286 Croxton, Sarah Catherine 7-12-53 Ballard, Stephen W. 193 Croxton, Sarah E. 1-24-67 Harris, Eli J, 228 Croxton, S.J. 1-27-67 Champion, Lorenzo D 202 Crumpton, Isafena 1-28-69 Oliver, John 256 Crumpton, Martha M. 9-23-58 Hardy, John D. 227 Curry, A. 1-13-69 Pollen, ED, 268 Curry, Flora 6- 3-38 Campbeil, David 198 Curry, Harriett 5- 1-39 Adams, John J. 18' Curtis, Alice Virginia 11-10-70 Fielder, John W. 215 Curtis, Frances E. I!- 8-70 Capps, S,B 202 Curtis, Mary S. 6-26-45 Samuel D 243

- To Be Continued -

*#*#*****#***********************#******* tt********.,,:,*^ -'• **************************** •

These 1840-1842 LOWNDES COUNTY MARRIAGES were not recorded in Court House but were found .n old files at Court House in Spring of 1966 by Al.ce M Lee Route !, Box !07 Calhoun Aia bama, 36012, who filed copy of this 1-st at HaynevJIe Court House and Archives Department in Montgomery.

Armstrong, Francis M, 2-24-42 Dean Mary A Autrey, Wi11 iam F= 5- 2-4! Watson, Polly Bodiford, Aaron 12-25-40 Copei ing Eliza Brooks, N.L. 2-19-42 Mushat, Theresa Cates, Maylon 2-15-42 Manning Emily P. Dean, Asa 3- 1-42 Watson Rachel Ann Fr Dotson, Emanuel !- 9-42 Hawkins, Stephen M. !0- 7-4! Wh.ttle, Sarah Julian, George G. 5-16-4! Moseley A King, Bardin 1-19-42 Salter El.zabeth S Payne, John 1- 8-42 Thrower, Thenie Rogers, John 10-31-4! Machey Sarah Ross, William I 1-18-4! Sneligrove Nancy Ann Rush, Joseph S, 2-23-4! Gordon Jane R, Seals, James 1-26-42 Ivey Hannah Steele, Joseph A. 12- 4-4! Bel 1, Jane A. Walker, Irvin 2-20-42 Blanner Frances Waller, Nathaniel 2- 9-42 Bender, Ann Amelia Watson, Nicholas 8-23-40 Eldndge, El ,za

******** *****************************:;>****:-** St #***•;<:#* '^ * * # * r# :.**** ^ * * \^


"POST QUARTERMASTER 8TH CONGRESSIONAL D 1ST.) Received, at Depot No 17 Troy May 3rd !864 "Tax in Kind", State of Alabama.) of Mrs Jane Fielder County of P,ke 2i lbs Wool, 102 lbs bacon "Tax in Kind" to be credited on the amount assessed to her. Agent, Depot No 17 W M, Murphree For H.C. Hart, Capt and Post Q. M 8th Cong, Dist. Ala." !I CONFEDERATE DEAD BURIED AT MADISON, WISCONSIN Contr.buted Oy Edward Y McMor.'.es

The following is a list of Confederate dead buried in the Confederate Cemetery at Madison, Wisconsin who belonged to the First Regiment Alabama Volunteers, C S A date of death .n 1862 and Company,

H. Falks Company D, May 16 John Larron, Company E, April 28 J.W Gilmore, Company C May 25 J A Mauer.ef, Company K, June 7 W M Ingraham, Company C, May !6 W T Earned Company E May 23 Samuel Coon, Company D, May ! S T Oliver, Company C, May !4 Ishal Crew, Company D, May 26 D D Bi rd Company 1, May 6 J F, Company K, May 16 L Kniebe Company C June II FN Hood, Company I, May I Charles Mett.e. Company , May 23 Lee Caiioway, Company E, May !6 Robert R.iey Company D May '6 T. H Lockr.dge, Company D. May ! Henry Albritton Company B May 7 Henry Lloyd Company I, June !2 Joshua Browder Company C May 6 Pierce Register Company E, May !6 Dav.s McK.bbon Company F June II J.V. Stoyner, Company C, May 16 B F Harrow Company H, June i2 H.J Stoner. Company D May 7 Benager Peacock Company D May 24 W Moore, Company H, May 27 B F Manse!, Company G May *4 John W.Ikes, Company I May I John Brandon Company H May 7 David Benedict, Company E, June 12 Ham infinfer, Company D Apr.i 2 W.H Hadden, Company B, May 24 Henry Gi. sson Company D May 3 J H Str.ckland Company C, May 10 Ed Bates Company G Apr.i 21 J.B Ubry Company I, June 12 W.R Bracken Company i. May 27 J H Beasley, Company G, May 24 S M Barber, Company C May 22 W.J Bard Company C, May 16 E. Company C, May 12 Harvey Meader, Company F, May 3 N Hoi lister, Company H April 30 J M McCau I Company G May I! F,L Meucham Company H May 30 G.W Spears Company B, May !9 J.J G.imore, Company F May 13 T D Fulton, Company G, May 10 J.T Morr.son Company C May 5 J K Jones Company H, May 3 T C Adams, Company K Apr.l 30 J J Farmer Company , July 3 J.E Henry Company K May 30 R W Clifton Company G, June !3 Wm Company D May 23 John R Holt, Company i, May 24 CA Holl.ngswo th Company E May !2 T. T Demmins, Company I, May !0 Thomas Cooper Company F, June 3 ., , Company D Apr.l 30 J H Ross Company i May 30 W L Peacock, Company D, June 23 J R Wh.te Company I, May 3 G S Marquis, Company C, May 10 Wm, Company D April 30 J W Andrews, Company E, June ! ! W. Ch-istwood, Company L, May 29 . .,..,,.,, , , , May 6 D M Scott, Company F May 30 J M Edwards, Company E, May !6 F Boykind Company G May 13 S.J Sager, Company D May 23 John Braden Company D, May 5 Thomas Essry, Company H, May 13 Joshus Browder, Company G, May 30 J.G, Dawson, Company I, May 6 Robert Taylor, Company D May 22 NT, Reardon, Company I, Apr.l 30 J M Wyl.e, Company H April 28 W,C Mathews Company E, April 28 Joel, Company D, Apr.i 28 Thomas Mims, Company D, May 6 R S CastlebUry Company I May 29 N J. Wicks, Company C April 30 ., , Company B, Apr.i 2 William Greene, Company H, June 4 M Grentham Company D, May 5 P L Drinkard, Company B, May 23 C S.ssonly Company C, April 2 A L. Spears, Company B, May !3 j P. Jarnegan, Company F May 29


J.H. Thuwers, Company G, May 19 isaac Taylor, Company H May 5th Thomas Kaumater, Company H, May 3 J F Codrick, Company H, April 20 William Brooks, Company G, April 27 Edward Smith, Company E, May 17 W.J. Russell, Company E, May 4 W,11iam Ham, Company F, Apr.l 20 Thomas Ostine, Company E, May 27 N Smart, Company C, May 19 Samuel DePuster, Company G, June 19 Samuel Willis, Company H, May 25

NOTE: The preceding list was compiled by Mr McMornes' Grandfather, Edward Young, who later received a PH D Degree from the University of Alabama and became a college president. Mr. McMorries was an organizing member of the Perote Guards, of Perote, Pike County Alabama now in Bullock County, Two years later, April I, !86!, the Perote Guards was mustered into the service of the Confederacy and became Company G, 1st Alabama Reg.ment C S A

At the time these men were dying in Prison at Mad,son, Wisconsin, Mr was a prisoner of war at Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois

****************** * ****** ******* **** ***** ** * **,:'<.,* v*^* * ********** ,,<* ** • ;-;-. * , , , .,,,>,;


To Any Sheriff of The State of Alabama Greet,ng. You are hereby commanded to summon Thos L F,elder, Minor of Thomas L Fielder late deceased, personally to be and appear before the Honorable the Judge of the Court of Probate for Pike County, at the Court Room thereof, on the 2nd Monday of Feby next then and there to contest the Petit.on of Jane A H Fielder to Probate the w 11 of said Deceased and have you then and there this Writ, with your endorsement thereon

WITNESS, BIRD FITZPATRICK, Judge of Probate at Office, this the !2th day of January A,D. 1863. B.rd Judge of Probate * 5* ^ ifi * * * ...- Jf * St -Jfi * * V *,(. Note: The above court order was served on Thomas L F,elder m.nor son of the deceased and Jane A.H. Fielder. This child was born May II, 1862 made h.m only e.ght months old at the time. ******************************** *,Jc*********v***&*-v.*****w**-********:,< *******************-<<***** TAX RECEIPT "Received of Jane Fielder, $76,42 his Tax for the year 1864. James McLaney, T.C.P.C." ****,:, * ****„,*** * * * *

NOTE: The receipt is printed with the exception of her name and amount of money she paid The Murphrees and McLaneys have descendants living .n and Bullock now

13 BURGESS FAMILY BIBLE RECORD The Bible is in the possession of Mr Burgess Mahan, Russellvi1le, Alabama.

THE HOLY BIBLE conta i n i ng the


Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the


THE APOCRYPHA to which are added



accompan i ed w i th va I uabIe



of the





14 Page 2 - BURGESS FAMILY BIBLE RECORD FAMILY RECORD MARRIAGES PAGE 1 Wm. and Susan Burgess was married Oct 16, 1849 Geo. C Almon and Modena V, Burgess married Oct !8th 1876 James R. Burgess and Portia A. Malone married January 5th. 1882 Will W. Burgess and L, Belle Gray married October 22nd, 1885 Levi Mahan and Lydia J.C Burgess married May 27th , !890 F.P. Burgess and Miss Maggie V. Johnson were married at the parsonage at Tuscumbia by Rev. S.T. Slaton, Thursday morning at 10:30, August 8th. 1918 BIRTHS PAGE 2 Lydia Jane Clementine Burgess was borned July 28th., !850 Franklin Pierce Burgess was borned Feb the 25th., 1853 Modena Virginia Burgess was borned Oct the 28, 1855 James Raban Burgess was borned Dec. the 18, !858 William Washington Burgess was borned Sept. the 5th ., 1864

DEATHS PAGE 3 Wm. Burgess, Sr, died Oct, the 5th,, 1838 Agnes Burgess, wife of Wm. Burgess Sr,, d.ed June !6th !838 Nancy Burgess, Sr, died Sept, 6th., 1878 Rachel Burgess, Sr, died June 3d, 1868 Partain Burgess, Sr. died Oct the 30th 1882 Bengamin Burgess, Sr. died Oct. 5, 1864 R.E. Burgess, Sr. died April the 6th., 1862

The above are all children of Wm and Agnes Burgess William Burgess at time of his death was 75 years, 3 months and 29 days old (Seventy five years, three months and twenty nine days) Dr. Levi Mahan died March 5, 1900 W. Washington Burgess died Dec. 18th , 188! Lydia Burgess, wife of Bengamin Burgess and mother of Susan Burgess died October 9th-,1892. Eighteen hundred and ninety two,

Thomas Burgess died April 10th., 1882 Elizabeth Kimmons died January 15th,, in Texas !899 William Burgess died January 17, !902, Age at death 75 yrs 3 mo & 29 days Modena V. Burgess died Mar 3, 1902. Age at death 46 years, 4 months and 5 days, Susan M. Burgess died March 31, 1920



The following was copied from an old Bible given to Daisy Burgess McRae (da. of James R, Burgess She lives in Verona, Miss.)

Susan Burgess, wife of R.E, Burgess died July 31, 1854 R.E Burgess died April 18, 1862 Martha Ann Elizabeth Burgess died April 10, 1863 Benjamin Burgess died Oct. 9, 1864 W Washington Burgess died Dec. 15, 1881 Wm. Burgess, son of R.E. Burgess and Susan Burgess was born Sept. 18, 1826 R.E. Burgess was born March 15, 1792 Susan M Burgess was born Oct. 16, 1824 ******************************************************************************************* CEMETERY RECORD - FRANKLIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Compiled by: Mrs. William Burgess Mahan and James Edwards Wilson, Jr. BURGESS - TOMPKINS - McCULLOCH Directions to Cemetery: Lv. Russellville at corner of Jackson Street and Ala. Highway 24 Follow Ala. 24 west for 6,7 Mi,, turn rt.(north) and go 1,8 mi. turn left(west) and go 2 m. This is the Wiley Hester house, Go behind this house to the power line and follow the power line west, to the bottom of the hill. The cemetery is on the left in a wooded area. NOTE: There is evidence of about 30 graves in this cemetery. Many were unmarked, the tops of some are gone and others badly broken. The following are the 7 marked graves that are left). WILLIAM BURGESS and wife THOMAS BURGESS MARIA I AGNES" BURGESS nee PARTAIN BORN Wife of William Burgess Born 1742 Dec. 25, 1822 AND IE BURGESS Soldier in the War of the Died Died Revolution. Enlisted from April 10, 1882 Jan. 20, 1888 Edenton District North Aged Carol ma. Licensed as a Erected to His 39 years local preacher in Methodist Memory Episcol Church September 14, By His Children She was a member of 1792 Died 1838 the Baptist Church at her death. ***************************** **************** ******************* WILLIE ADALINE WM WESLEY, ARMSTEAD HENNlE, dau, of son of MCCULLOCH wife of H. & M.J. TOMPKINS H. & M.J. Died A MCCULLOCH Born TOMPKINS May 30, 1902 Died Jan 26, 1877 Born Aged Jan, 25, 1888 Died Feb, 1875 About 87 y rs. Aged Aug 4, 1902 Aged About 68 y rs. 5 mos. A good man A member of the called to his Blessed are the Missionary Baptist As 1eep reward. pure in heart, Church for 7 years in for they shall and died as she Jesus see God, 1ived, Trusting in God,

***************************** **************** **************************** Compiled by: Mrs. William Burgess Mahan and James Edwards Wilson, Jr. SPRINGFIELD RECORDS Contributed by Mrs J Terry Huffstutler, Sr


In Greenville District, South Carolina, on the twenth-eighth day of October 1843, Thomas Springfield made his will. He directed his executors as follows. - to his son Aaron Spring­ field he gave one hundred dollars; to his son James Springfield he gave ten dollars; to his son Hugh Springfield he gave fifty dollars; to h•s daughter Patsy Magness he gave one hun­ dred dollars; to his son Thomas Springfield he gave some personal property including a large family Bible; to his son Bennett Spr.ngfield he gave "all the woodland that lyes on the South Side of the road that runs from my house to Moons'1; to his daughters, Sarah Bates and Nancy Miller he gave personal property He stipulated that at the decease of Nancy Miller, her part should be d.v.ded between her four ch.ldren v.z Mahala Betsy and Henry Miller, To Langston Spr.ngfield s four sons, Frankl,n Henry, Thomas and Jasper he gave personal property. To his granddaughter Sarah Springfield, he gave one hundred acres of land whereon he lived and several pieces of personal property

To his grandson Pinkney Springfield, he gave a certa.n track of land bounded by h.s home track and Lemmons land and Moons Land, 70 acres more or lessr All other property and stock of all kinds was to be sold and his debts pa.d if any money remained ,t was to oe divided between his three grandchildren viz, Dysa Harkins, Nancy Harkins and Thomas­ field.

Witnesses were WH. Goodlett, Thos Chiles and Joseph McJunk.n, M. CD. Probated April 7, 1845, Rec. Will Book C pages 169-17! File No. 28

ESTATE PAPERS OF•AARON SPRINGFIELD, PACKAGE #1521 Monroe County Courthouse, Aberdeen,

January Term of Probate Court- 1873. Aaron Spr.ngfield, deceased James M, Springfield, administrator, appointed 1872

Petition to sell personal property of Aaron Springfield deceased Heirs: Thomas Springfield, son of the deceased in Vernon Ala A.I, Springfield, son, Ingiewood, Texas, A,S, Springfield, son Bremond, Texas, Delilah Cheatham, daughter, Calvert, Texas; Anna Lockhart and Leodic.e Kuykendall, daughters, Quincy, Monroe Co,, The following are children of deceased sons and daughters of Aaron Springfield Delia Ann Dire (called in some papers Dare) and husband Hary Dire; Jane Livingston and husband Allen Livingston; Martha and Darnel Springfield, children of Moses Springfield, all residing in Smithville, Monroe Co, Miss,; Aaron Hill, Margaret Nolan and husband George Boian, Eveline Hill, children of Eveline (Springfield) ail living in Sanford Co. (now Lamar Co) Ala ; James R. Springfield, Sarah Springfield, Dan.el Spr.ngfield, Elizabeth Spr.ngfield, a minor over 14 years of age, and Margaret Springfield, a m.nor under 14 years of age, both without a legal guardian, children of Willis Spr.ngf.eld, and all of Monroe Co Miss AT. Spring­ field and Elizabeth A, Williams (wife of M F. Williams) children of James Spnngfeld all of Monroe Co. Miss.


Also, the following grandchildren, whose residence after careful search has not been located: George Thomas; Francis Thomas; El.zabeth Alexander and husband William Alexander; George Springfield, Amanda Springfield and Mary A. Springfield, all apparently living out of the state of Miss

In the petition of James M Springfield, a grandson of Aaron Springfield, he stated that "Aaron Springfield departed this life on the 15th day of April 1872",

In 1874 the report was made that Elizabeth W,11iams, of Moscow Sanford County, (now Lamar) Alabama, Jane Livingston and Allen Livingston had "departed from the county and their resi­ dence was unknown ;' ********

In connection with this family other records are as follows. In July 1890, Hardy and Delilah A, Dire were in Smithville, Miss,; Daniel Springf.eld was living in Amory; Margaret and El.zabeth were living in Bartahatchie, said to be a t.ny place in either Monroe or Lowndes Co, Miss Aaron Springf.eid .s listed as a land owner in Monroe Co, in 1848 and 1853 (Land Assess­ ment Book in Courthouse). Among the marriage records in Monroe Co, Miss, are: Willis Springf.eld to Margaret J. Bla.r, Dec I, !844, (P. 475) Lucinda Springf.eld to William Kirkendall (Kuykendall) Oct. 1836. Her name is given in list of heirs as Leodicie and also called Dicey, Both of the above records are in Marriage Book - 1834 to 1850 Anna Springf.eld and James Lockhart were marned by A.W. Springfield, M,G, George W, Springfield died in Monroe Co Hi**., about 1846= Aaron Springfield was the administrator. Moses Springfield died sometime during November 1854, His nun-cupative will dated October 31, 1854, was witnessed by Albert D Springfield, Elizabeth Spr.ngfield, John Morrow and James Lockhart Aaron T. Springfield was the exector of the will. On January 15, 1855 LB. Blair, James Morrow and James Phillips were appointed appraisers of the estate In the papers Aaron T Springfield and Elizabeth Williams are fsted as brother and sister of Moses and children of Aarons son, James A dated Apr.l I, 1856 and s.gned by Elizabeth A Williams and husband M.F. Williams indicated that at that time they were living in Fayette Co. Ala. The records in the case of Moses Springf.eld are in Package #701, in Monroe County Courthouse

SPRINGFIELD BIBLE RECORDS A true Copy from Bennett Springfield Fathers Family Record

BIRTHS DEATHS Thomas Springfield was born July the 15 Thomas Springfield departed 1.fe March in the year of our Lord 1766, the ? in the year of our Lord 1845.

Laodice Springfield was born May the 14 Laodice Springfield departed th.s life in the year of our Lord 1766 May the 23 in the year of our Lord 1837

Aron Springfield was born May the 25 in the year of our Lord 1786. 18 Page 3 - SPRINGFIELD BIBLE RECORDS BIRTHS DEATHS James L. Springfield was born February the James L Spr.ngf.eld departed th.s life 5 in the year of our Lord 1788 AprJ the 28, 1859

Moses Springfield was born Sept the 14 Moses Springf.eld departed th.s life in the year of our Lord 1789

Henry Springfield was born July the 23 Henry Springf.eld departed th.s 1,fe in the year of our Lord 1791, February the !8 ,n the year of our Lord 1836

Elizabeth Springfield was born January Elizabeth Springfield departed th.s l.te the 19 in the year of our Lord 1793 Sept the 22 in the year of our Lord !840

Ephraim Springfield was born March the Ephraim Spr.ngf.eid departed th.s l.fe 30 in the year of our Lord !794 Sarah Springfield was born February the Sarah Springf.eld departed th,s life 6 in the year of our Lord 1796 November the t.rst .n the year of our Lord 1848 Hugh Springfield was born November the Hugh Springf.eld departed th.s l.fe 19 in the year of our Lord !797 February the IS .n the year of ou' Lord 1849

Martha Springfield was born May the 6 in the year of our Lord 1799,

Laodice Springfield was born April the Laodice Springf.eld departed th.s l.fe I in the year of our Lord 180! Apr.l the 15 ,n the year of our Lord 1834

Nancy Springfield was born Sept the Nancy Spr.ngf.eid depa ted th.s life May 17 in the year of our Lord 1802 the 2d ,n the year of our Lord !853

Thomas B, Springfield was born Sept Thomas B Spr.ngf.eid departed th.s i.te the 27 in the year of our Lord 1804 May the 9 .n the year of our Lord 1865

The above records were copied from a photostat of the Bible to Mr-s Mary Sue Caruth, whose address ,s 5342 Longv.ew Dallas Texas 75206

Note: Thomas Springfield, above, born July 15, !766 rendered serv.ce ,n the Revolut.onary War, Many of his descendants are in Alabama


Conecuh County Evergreen - County Seat Courthouse burned 1885 and again in 1895, Have all records since that date Some older records have been recompiled where possible, but not complete. Compiled by: Mrs, Hoi lis E, Woodyerd - 3810 9th Court South, Birmingham, Ala 35222 ********************************************************************** ,, ,,****************

Lamar County Vernon - County Seat Records: Births; None Marriages - 1867 and 1868 to 1967 Wills - 1868 to 1967 inventories of Estates or Administration - 1868 - 1967 Orphans Court Records - 1867 - 1868 Tax List - 1868 - 1967 Military Records - 1862 - 1918 - 1941 to 1967 Newspapers - 1877 to 1967, Lamar County was created from territory taken from Fayette and Marion Counties by Act of Congress 1867 and was named Jones County at that time It was turned back to Counties from wh ich it was taken. In 1868 it was created again of same territory, then named Sanford In 1877 it became "Lamar", named in honor of L.G,C Lamar, Georgia- born statesman of Mississippi, The courthouse burned at Fayette when this was Fayette County. It also burned at Hamilton, Marion County, Some few land records which had not been recorded in the late 1850 s were brought here and put on record after this became a county. No index, Mrs. Maggie Lee Hayes, Box 411, Vernon, Ala,, 35592. ************************************************************************* „,:*£***************

Lauderdale County Florence - County Seat An original county, created in 1818. It has had no boundary changes. There has been no great loss of records due to fire, but some early records may be missing. A new courthouse com­ pleted in recent years, houses aii records, and most are well stored and accessible it was stated that some early tax records were stored in the basement and not available for examina­ tion. Records: Marriages - Located in Probate Judge s Office on first floor. Volumes I, 2 and 3 are original records, dating from October 1819 (first found recorded) have recently been laminated and re-bound into one big volume. Book is labeled to indicate same. This volume includes marriages to 1838, There are no tabs to indicate the different books in this en­ larged volume, and i found possibly a few pages misplaced ,n the rebinding. Volumes 4, 5 and 6 are also re-bound into one volume and lam.nated Dates are September 1838 - January 1857. I was told that one Marriage Book with dates 1870 was missing. Wills - Will Records Vols. 3 and 4, covering dates April 1821-1825, are in poor con­ dition, with some pages loose. Books appear to have more deeds than wills re­ corded. In several instances I noted references to other states, indicating land owned in previous residence. Will records of later dates are in good con­ dition, w ith no loss 20 Page 2 - GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND IN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Lauderdale County - Continued Deeds - Deed Record Vol. I. Earliest records of land. No index. Census - Vol. I - Confederate Soldiers Census of 1907. Book lists 255 Civil War Veterans, and I noted that several had enlisted from other states. No widow s pension book for Civil War. School Census - Located on 3rd floor in Dept. of Education, Room 303. Military Records - Soldier discharge Records Vol. I. Lauderdale records for World War I, indexed. Land Tract - Alabama State Tract Book - for sale of land at Huntsvilie Land Office begin­ ning 1819. There is no index and the land is shown by sections. One page may cover dates over a span of 50 or more years. Each page would have to be searched for a name, since the records are kept by locations of land Newspapers - The older newspapers were g.ven to Florence State College Library, Florence Alabama, Compiled by - Mrs. J. Hanson Murphy, Regent, Colbert Chapter, D.A.R 1416 Parsons Street, Sheffield, Alabama, 35660 *********************************************************************************************

Lawrence County Moulton - County Seat This courthouse has never burned, but many of the records were badly damaged by water stand­ ing in the basement where they were stored Many of the oldest records are still in the base­ ment in boxes. Births - In State Bureau of Vital Statistics since 1912 Marriages - Marriage Licenses - indexed (some of the volumes are listed by man s surname in the front of the book and the woman s surname in the back) 1st volume thought to be at State Department of Archives and History B. Nov. 1828 - Jan, 1841. D. Dec, 1847 - Mar, 1850 and Aug, 1846 - Dec, 1866 A Jun, 1850 - Oct 1852 1. Oct. 1854 - Dec. I860 c. Dec. I860 - Aug. 1864 M. L. 2 Sep, I 865 - Jan 868 E. Dec. 1866 - Sep, 1870 F, Sep. 1870 - Mar, 1873 G. Oct. 1863 - Feb. 1877 H, Jan. 1877 - Dec, 1881 J, Dec. 1884 - Sep. 1887 Inventory and Will Records - indexed (unfortunately many volumes are missing) Some of the original wills are in boxes in basement, F. May 1846 - May 1850 - index U - Z missing A. Jun. 1850 - Aug. 1856 C. Apr. 1866 - Mar 1880 0rphan?s Court Records - indexed (these are court records dated before 1850; Volumes A & B appear to be missing). C Mar. 1830 - Jan, 1834 D. Feb. 1834 - Mar, 1836 E. Jan. 1835 - Jan, 184! F. Dec, 1838 - June 1841 G. July 1841 - Feb. 1844 21 Page 3 - GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND IN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Lawrence County - Continued Orphan's Court Records - H. Feb. 1844 - Feb. 1846 I. March 1846 - Aug, 1849 Direct Index to Deeds - 1820 - 1904 Reverse Index to Deeds - 1820 - 1904 (These records are listed in the above indexes as Orphan's Court and Probate Court but the volumes are actually labeled "Deed Records"; Volumes A, B, G, J, L appear to be missing. After Volume M, the records begin again with A - Z and AA - ZZ. C Sept. 1824 - Feb. 1829 H. Apr. 1838 - Aug. 1839 D. Dec. 1828 - July 1831 I- July 1839 - Nov. 1841 E. July 1831 - Sept. 1833 K. Sept. 1841 - July 1844 F. Sept. 1833 - Jan. 1835 M. Sept. 1847 - June 1850 - labeled JOURNAL Tax Lists - Since 1900, Some few court records scattered through records from 1820 to 1840. Many ruined by water in basement and destroyed Census - None Brand Marks - In Brand Book since 1900. Military Records - List of those receiving pensions as of 1907 and after Civil War (ask Clerk for this record), World Wars I and I I, Newspapers - The Moulton Advert.ser - Incomplete files since 1828, Some destroyed by water damage (good source for birth, death, marriage and family history, especially around the I880vs). Alabama State Wheel (weekly) Vol, I begins in 1887, Copies that are avail­ able are in the basement under the Circuit Clerk's office. Some are water damaged. Minutes - indexed (sometimes called "Minute Docket", these are court records) F. Oct 1861 - March !866 I. March 1873 - Oct, 1877 - un.ndexed G. April 1866 - July 1869 K. Oct, 1877 - Dec. !882 H. July 1869 - Apr.l !873 L, Dec. 1882 - July 1886 M. July 1886 - March 1889 Mortgage Records' - indexed (Volumes I, 3, 9 appear missing. Number 2 begins with July 1875 and each volume covers approximately one year. I have not listed these as they are continuous to the present day). Miscellaneous volumes - indexed (most of these are not labeled) 2 Bonds (check footnote ; dated about 1847 - 1850) Guardian s Bonds - unindexed - 1869 - 1881 Probate Feb. 1844 - Sept, 1847 A. Sept. 1850 - June 1859 Aug. 1853 - Aug. !855 Sept, 1855 - June 1857 Footnote I: Records located in basement Footnote 2: The first 115 pages of volume M.L contain Bonds and the remainder con­ tains marriage licenses. Compiled by - Mrs. William Burgess Mahan Rt. 7, Wilson Blvd. - Russellvi1le, Alabama, 35153

22 Page 4 - GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND IN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Lee County Opelika - County Seat Records: Births - None Marriages - 1867 Wills - 1867 Inventories of Estates or Administration - 1867 Orphan's Court Records - 1867 Tax List - Off and on Census (especially county census) - 1870 Brand Marks - 1900 Military Records - World War I and II, Confederate Pension Records Newspapers - 1890 Compiled by: Mrs. John R. Fuller - 1109 3rd Avenue, Opelika, Ala, ********************************************************************************************

Limestone County Athens - County Seat Records: Births - Marriages - 1832 Wills - 1818 Inventories of Estates - Orphan's Court Records - 1818 Tax List - Poll Tax 1900 Census - Brand Marks - Military Records - World War I to Present Newspapers - 1869 or maybe further. Compiled by: Mrs. Hubert White, Athens, Ala, ********************************************************************************************

Lowndes County Haynesville - County Seat Records: Births - None (County Health Department) Marriages - 1830 - 1967 Wills - 1830 - 1967 Inventories of Estates or Administration - 1875 - present time Orphan's Court Records - 1830 - present time Military Records - First World War - Present time Compiled by: Judge of Probate *********************************************************************** ********* ************ Macon County Tuskegee - County Seat Records: Births - Macon County Health Department. A few records prior to 1900, but mostly since the passage of Uniform Health Records law. Excellent since 1922. A good many in 1919, Marriages - Have not located original returns. Recorded marriages supposedly com­ plete from September 1834. Earlier marriages, if any, are not recorded.

23 Page 5 - GENEALOGiCAL MATER.ALS TO BE FOUND IN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Macon County - continued Wills - on page !2 or Orphans Court Records Book I "Last Will and Testament of Isaac Ray State of Alabama, Montgomery County dated 3 July 1828, to date as follows Orphans Ct Rec I & 2, Probate Minutes Books from <836, W,1 I Books from 1858 on. Note: Although Macon County Alabama, was not created until December 1832, there are some records, w.ils, deeds, aff.davits recorded in this volume of Orphans Court Records that pre-date the County A number of Wills, etc have never been recorded are in the file cases. Inventories of Estates - From 1834 to date .n the various books listed above Orphan s Court Records - Volumes ! and 2 - from pr.or to date of creation of County, to 1858 (most ,nte books .n Probate Office) Tax List - Complete from !834 Census - No county census located, (880 census of county n Probate Vault Brand Marks - Some early ones Military Records - 1907 Confederate Soldiers Census, World War ' to date - voluntary record,ng - far for complete Newspapers - 1874 to date some exceptions - as though an occasional bound volume has been taken out of Probate Off.ce and not returned Chancery Court Records - From 1834 to date Circuit Court Records - From !834 to date County Court Records - Old Docket Books, etc showing persons subpoenaed to court The earl ,est one !834 - 1852 Macon County Tract Book - G.ves aii patents granted by the Un.ted States tor ,ts Wards etc., from !833 on Deeds - Book B, 1834 to date the exception of the volume or volumes from 1870 to !882 However there are some deeds recorded ,n Mortgage Books during th,s per .od Mortgages - from 1834 to date

Compiled by Mrs Henry Ne.i1 Segrest - Tuskegee Aia 36083

********************* ** * ; -, , , , . ** , . ft ************************** **** , ,

• Mad.son County Huntsv.lle - County Seat Records: B.rths - 188! - !9>2 Marriages - F.rst marr.age recorded ,n 1809 Wills - First W,h receded !8!0, written on October 8. !809 of Estates - 1810 Orphan s Court Records - !826 - !868 Tax List - Tax Sale !872 - 1876 Census - Library Census Records every available - 1830 - 1880 Madison County !809 J820 and !850 Madison County, Deeds - 1810 Military Records - 1919 Census of Confederate Soldiers 1907 Newspapers - most here, 1866 Others Dept Arch.ves and H.story, Montgomery, Ala, Compiled by; Mrs Ward Sparkman 402 White Street S E Huntsvi1le Ala

24 Page 6 - GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND iN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Marengo County Linden - County Seat Records: Births - None Marriages - 1818 on Wills and Administrations - 1819 Mortgages - 1870 Deeds - 1820 on Brand Marks - 1872 Military Records - World War I and II, if registered Newspapers - Courthouse burned 14 October 1965. New courthouse will be completed in summer 1968. Records were saved from the fire, but old newspapers were lost. Compiled by: Mrs. Hoi lis E, Woodyerd - 3810 9th Court South, Birmingham, Ala,, 35222 ******************************************************************************************** Marion County Hamilton - County Seat Records: Births - 1910 - 1918 Marriages - August 1887 - 1967 Wills - August 1887 - 1967 Inventories of Estates or Administration - August !887 - 1967 Orphan's Court Records - August 1887 - 1967 Tax List - none Census - none Brand Marks - none Mil itary Records - 1918 - 1967 Newspapers - 1951 - 1967 Compiled by: Judge of Probate ********************************************************************************************

Marshall County Guntersville - County Seat Records: Marriages - 1836 - 1846 (originals in a box 1847 - 1852) 1853 - 1857 to present Wills - 1903 in Book Inventories of Estates - 1854 - 1856 / 1857 - March 1861 / October 1843 - January 1844 / 1847 - 1850 / 1850 - 1855 / 1859 - 1867 / 1856 - Feb. 1857 / 1867 - 1869 Orphans Court Records - 1836 - 1837 / 1846 - 1849 /- 1849 - 1851 / Oct, 17, 1859 - May 14, !864 / Census - none Brand Marks - none Military Records - First World War to present, if veteran brings in discharge. Confederate veterans living in county in 1907, Newspapers - 1898 earl iest. Compiled by: Mrs. Hoi lie E, Woodyerd 3810 9th Court South Birmingham, Alabama, 35222

25 Page 7 - GENEALOGiCAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND ,N ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Mobile County Mobile - County Seat Records: Births - 1820 to present - Board of Health Marriages - 1823 to present (indexes available prior to 1823, as Marriage Records prior to 1823 were destroyed by fire). Wills - 1814 to present Inventories of Estates - 1814 to present Orphan s Court Records - 1814 to present Tax List - 1814 to present Census - none Brand Marks - 1814 to 18 ... Mil itary Records - I860 - 1865 Newspapers - Mobile Public Library - 1813 to 1865 on microfilm, 1866 to present at Press Register Building Compiled by, Wiiliam Arm.stead - 635 Donald St., Mobile, Alabama ****************************************************************************************** * * Monroe County Monroev.lle - County Seat Records: Marriages - 1832 - 1967 Wills - 1832 - 1967 Inventories of Estates or Administration - 1832 - 1967 Brand Marks - !832 - I960 Military Records - 1918 - 1967 Newspapers - 1875 - 1966 Compiled by: Judge of Probate ********************************************************************************************

Montgomery County Montgomery - County Seat Records: B.rths - There are a few (delayed) b.rth records on file. Marriages - Al i marriage records from 1819 to date Wills - Will Books from !8'9 except for Book A, which .s missing, of Estates or Adm.nistration - Records of 1819 to date. Orphan s Court Records - Records from 1819 to date. Tax List - From of County in !8!9 to date. Census - none Brand Marks - One Brand Book only a few entries. Military Records - D.scharge records from World War ! to date. Newspapers - No newspapers on file in Courthouse Can be found in the Archives & History Department of State Compiled by: Mrs, A Hubert Jones - 2 Brantwood Drive Montgomery, Alabama ********************************************************************************************* Morgan County Decatur - County Seat Records: Births - 1893 - 1912 .ndexed. 1912 - present in State Health Department, (a few birthdates have been found in Courthouse that were not in Montgomery). 26 Page 8 - GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS TO BE FOUND IN ALABAMA COURTHOUSES Morgan County - continued

Death Records - from 1893 - 1912, No index Marriages - 1818 to present time (Some listed in Orphan s Court Records). Wills - 1818 to present time. General index. (Some listed in Orphan s Court Records) Administrations and/or Inventories of Estates - 1818. General index. (Some listed in Orphan's Court Records), Orphan's Court Records - 1818 Vol, l-#l and #2 - two books - original and microtilm. General Index. There are some Wills and early Marriages and Administrations in Orphan s Court Records. This is called "Orphan s Court Register - Cotaco County", Tax Lists - From 1935 to present time are in Tax Collectors Office. Tax records from about 1902. in Courthouse Annex, Some earl ier ones in Annex but anyone would have to search out information desired. No index) Census - none. All in State Archives. Brand Marks - some in old Orphan s Court Records Book - No. 2 (a few in early years) (Brand marks not indexed). Military Records - World War I and II, ,f veteran brought in discharge. Discharge Record Vol. ! - XV (current), 1907 Census of Confederate Soldiers living in county (not indexed). Miscellaneous Records Vol 263 - 305 - 355, Newspapers - A few of the Hartselle papers dating from the late 1800 s. Tract Book - 1818 in Office of Judge of Probate (Showing Federal Land Grants 1828 - state grants, etc. - Indexed)

Morgan County was originally Cotaco County, June 8, 1818, until 1821, then named Morgan County. The County Seat was at Somerville until 1891, when it was moved to Decatur. Courthouse burned twice, 1926 and 1938 No records were destroyed. Some were damaged by smoke, but have new covers. Compiled by: Mrs. George E, Gibson - 2207 !2th Street S,E, Decatur, Alabama, 35601 ********************************************************************************************

CONTRIBUTORS Mrs. J.A. Edwards, Haughton, La., 71037 Miss Alice M. Lee, Rt. I, Box 107, Calhoun, Alabama, 36012 Mrs. J. Terry Huffstutler, 2656 Park Lane Court East, Birmingham, Ala., 35223 Edward Y. McMorries, 129 Montgomery Highway, Birmingham, Ala., 35216 William Burgess Mahan, Rt. 7, Wilson Blvd., RusselIvi1le, Ala., 35653 Mrs. William Burgess Mahan, Rt, 7, Wilson Blvd., RusselIvi1le, Ala., 35653 Mrs. James J. Ryan, Luverne Road, Greenville, Ala., 36037 Rev. Frank S. Moseley, Eutaw, Ala., 35462 Mrs. Daniel E. Smith, Tuskegee, Ala,, 36083

27 EDWARDS BIBLE RECORDS Contr.buted by Mrs J.A Edwards Joseph Edwards died in Pike Co Alabama Feb 6 !830 age 72 years Elizabeth Edwards, his w.fe, was born May 28 1778. died Jan. 29, 1868. age 89 years. 8 months and I day. William Scoggins Edwards, son, born Nov 26 1804, died Dec. 8, 1873 m Bonham, Texas

His wife, Eliza Ann, was born Feb. 20, I8!0, married Dec, 29, 1825, died Tuesday n,ght ^ after II o clock, Jan, 4, 1868, age 57 years 10 months and 25 days. *******************************************************

Eliza Ann Edwards was the daughter of E M.iler and wife Phiii.s M.lle of Sumter Co, Ala.

William Scoggins Edwards and Ann Edwards daughter was Martha Caroline Leonorah Edwards, born Dec. 9, 1835 d.ed January 8 1859 She married Dr Erasmus Edwards Their son, John Ford Edwards, born Sept 16 1858 .n Boss.e-, La,, marr.ed Harr.ett 01.v.a Wyche. They had three daughters, Kat.e Belle Mam.e and Lucille.

Frank Edwards, the son of John Jackson Edwards and Mary Ann Hickman Edwards, married Ludie Piatt, and had one daughter, Frances who marr.ed Jared S Pratt


BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS AND GIVEN TO ALABAMA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY I. Petty - Francis Families and All.ed L.nes by Zora Petty B.ll.ngsiey, West 48 Amar.iio Texas, 79110. Presented to Alabama State Department of Archives and H.story, Montgomery Alabama. 2, Genealogy of the Joshua West Johnson Branch of the Lew.s Fam.iy of by Ma a Johnson Latimer, 401 West Madison St Cl.nton, Miss,ss.pp. 39056 Presented by Chester Johnson, P.O. Box 427 Bynum Aia. 36253, to the Birm,ngham Pubi.c L.brary

3. The Extension Ministry of Samford Un.vers.ty by F Wilbur Heimboid 2305 Harmony Lane

Birmingham, Alabama, 35226

4, Youngblood - Armstrong and Allied Families by Fioelle Y Bonner and Frances Youngblood

3810 9th Court South, B.rm,ngham, Alabama 35222, Presented to The Mary Ball Memorial Museum & L.brary, Lancaster, Virginia, 22503


Contributed by Rev.Frankl in S, Moseley, Eutaw, Alabama Abernathy, Mark Jordan, J.C. (2) Anderson, Mathew Jordan, Sarah A. Armstead, Robt., Jas., & Wm. Kelly, Wm. A, (Kelley) Arrington, Jno. D. Kinnard, John M. Atherson, Edwin L. (2) Kirkpatrick, Jas. (2) Geo. Wm. Baskins, J. B. Lee, Carter Berry, Sam51. Lewis, J.H. Bev ill, Wood left Lucas, Susan Bowling, Wm. S. Lummus & Thompson Boyett, Rufus Lyle, Mary Brooks, Mary S. McClaran, John Browning, Wm. McCalI, & Hunter Burnum, Augustus McDonald. Wm. Burton, John H. Marks, E,W, Cantrell, Mark Martin, Newton, Wm. F. Chaddock, Rich'd. May, Doct. Pleasant Clanton, Langdon Mills, Jas. Coleman, J.S. Miller, Geo. R, Collins, E.M. Mixon, Jas. Cottrell, Thos. Myze, Henry Cunningham, CM. Moore, John Daverson, Rubin Parr, John Dickson, Beverly Peacocke, Hynart Dunlapp, James Purnell, H. Dufphey, Wm. L. Regers, John J. Duval 1, W. B. Rhodes, Jas, Eggleston, Matthew J. Rittenhouse, J, B, Erwin, John Roney, John Farish, Robt. Rushing, Stephen Findley, CW. Rutherford, Jas, Fleming, Mary C Sanders, Peter Flowers, Jas, Scarborough, John Foster, R.L. C Silvertooth, Mariah Fulton, Wm. F. Smith, John Good rum, Thos. L. (2) Stal ians, G. B. Gillett, J.R. Stephenson, Richd, Gray, Wm. Street, M. , Wm. B. Green, Jas. R. Swann, T. B. Harford, Jas. Tanner, David Haskin, W.S. Thetford, Wm, & Walter Head, John Tindell, H, Hill, K,P. Vandegraff, W.J. Holloway, Edward Walton, John Hont, John Warier, Asee Howard, Edward Wetherspoon, Eliza Howe, CS. Wills, Jas. Hunt, Green

29 BUTLER COUNTY NEWSPAPERS Contrbuted by Mrs. James J Ryan of Greenv.lie Advocates held by the Butler County Court House, Probate Office. '866-1900 December 20, 1866 through August 18, !868 January I, 1874 through November 7 1878 November 14, !878 through November 4, !880 November !!, 1880 through November 2, !882 January 3, 1883 through October 29, (884 November 5, !884 through December 29 !886 - 2 copies January 5, 1887 through October 26 !887 January 5, !887 through December 26, 1887 November 2, 1887 through October 24, !888 November 7, !888 through October 23 !889 January 9 !889 through December 24, !890 January 2, !890 through June 25, i890 July 2, !890 through Decembe 16 !89! November 5, !890 through October 2!, !89! January !4 189! through December 16, 189! December 23, 1891 through October !9, !892 January 3 !892 through December 24 !892 , - January I, !893 through December 27 '893 November I. 1893 through October 3 "894 November 22 1893 through October 24, !894 October 3!, 1894 through October 23 1895 - 2 December 25 !895 through October 2! 1896 October 28 1896 through September 29 1897 November 4, !896 through October 20 1897 October 27, !897 through October 19 !898 October 26 !898 through October 18, 1899 October 25 1899 through October 17 1900 - 2 ******************* *

One w.ll note that the dates are not consistent th.s is due to the of the issues

!900 to present

30 QUERIES 1. Must be typed on 85 x 12 sheet of paper, double spaced, 2, Only one query to a page, 3. Member's name and address on the page. 4, Do not ask for information, listing surnames only. See Volume I, Number 3 for further information. **********************************************************************************************

ALEXANDER - Jeremiah W. Alexander, born about 1821 in Alabama, his father born in Tennessee and mother in Kentucky. Who were his parents and where in Alabama was he born? Married AMANDA TEMPERANCE SEALE, born about 1835 and settled in Neshoba County, Mrs. A.D. Taylor, 264 Wallace Road, Nashville, Tennessee, 37211 **********************************************************************************************

JOHNSON - Who were the parents of these Johnson girls: El.zabeth (1850 census), age 44 born, Tenn.; Charlotte, age 44, born South Carolina; Sarah Clark(e), age 39, born Ga,, Mrs. Sam Sellers, born 7 December 1845, .n an interview with writer-30 Dec, 1933, stated she was a second cousin of William Marcel 1 us POWELL son of CHARLES MARSHALL and SARAH CLARK(E) (JOHNSON) POWELL. Mrs. Sellers grandparents were Hardy and Elizabeth (Blake) Johnson Was Hardy Johnson a brother of these Johnson girls? It has been stated the father of Hardy was Oliver Johnson, who moved from South Carolina to Lincoln County, Tenn. prior to War of I8!2 Who was Oliver's wife and the name of all of his children? Will exchange information Wel­ come correspondence, Mrs. Charles E. Norton, 2724 Altadena Road Birmingham, Alabama. 35243 ******************************************************************************** * *************

ATKINS - Seeking information on the Atkins family Ephram D, Lafette Atkins, b. N Car. 1820 w, Rebecca Jane Damron b» Tenn. !824 E D L. Atk.ns father was William Atk.ns b !797 W Sarah Harrel1 b 1800 Need information on William and Sarah, Mrs. H.C, Knapp, Box 395, Panhandle, Texas, 79068 **********************************************************************************************

Wish to correspond with descendants of Ely Arledge-Aidridge, Joseph Ariedge J,S (James Sirus) Ariedge, 1830-1840 Census, Fairfield County, S C Also descendants of the C A Featherston family, Fairfield County, and poss.biy Chester County S C Also descendants of Isaac, Joseph, Clement, children of Clement Arledge-Aldridge, of Granville, N.C, year ca. 1762. Cyrus Ariedge, D, Limestone County, ca, 1852, Cyrus, son of Clement (Will of 1821, S.C.) Sirus or Cyrus b, 1783, S.C; his wife LUCY b in N.C or Va, 1781, dau, of John Featherston, Sr. and Willie Colston, Would like information on John Featherston s parents. Allied lines in Alabama are the Townsends, George and Levin Gray, Sal lie Cole, Andrew Leeg, Milton Weatherfords, The Wimberleys, James Dav.d Wrights, and Samuel Pointer Jones s of Courtland and Leighton, Ala, All families to be found in Limestone, Mad.son and Lawrence Counties, in early I800's to 1850 s. Mrs. CH. Milburn, 718 Houston Avenue, Crockett, Texas, 75835 **********************************************************************************************

31 Page 2 - QUERIES

Wish to correspond descendants of the Nathan,ei Jones - Stewart Po.nter uones family of Halifax County, Va Stewart Po.nter dau of Samuel Po.nter and El.zabeth Ligon of Henrico and Chesterf.eld counties, Va Samuel P Jones I,ved, after !8!6 .n Ala­ bama (then Mississippi Territory) and for many years thereafter around Courtland and Le.ghton Alabama, Samuel P. Jones may have married first one Sarah Campbell, (2) Mary Wright, dau of James David Wr,ght and wf. Charlotte of Mad,son County, Ala, Need to know parents of Nathaniel Jones, b, in Va 1770, who may have migrated from Virginia to Alabama to 1,ve to. a while. In Halifax County, Va , Nathan,el s daughters Harriett m John S Leweliyn 182', Elizabeth m. Robert Read !8!9, Jane S m. Wm Boxiey, 1828, Samuel Po.nter Jones, Hen y N Jones and John Jones were Nathan,el s sons Samuei Po.nter b Va .n 1794 Samuel Po.nter Jones from Va moved to Alabama around !820 He m Mary Wright dau of James Dav.d Wr.ght of Madison County 29 Oct 182! There was a John Wright and Dav.d Wr.ght; and poss.bly one Daniel Wr.ght of Holiy, 'features .n Dr James T Jones (son of Samuel) m Miss Camilla Madden. She later m (2nd) a Capt Coffee D.d Nathan,ei Jones eve move from Virgin.a to Alabama? Mrs, CH M.i burn, 718 Houston Avenue Crockett Texas, 75835 *,.,«***********,.'. **********************:,-,************ * ***** -i *********** **:.-: , , ... . I . * : * .

GUNN - seeking informat.on on the ancestors of Gilbert Marqu.s Lafayette Gunn, born Nov b I860, probably in Cullman Biount or Morgan County, Ala H.s mother was Nancy El.zabeth Brooks, He had a brother named Alfred and a s.ster named Mary He marr.ed Mary Etta Ander­ son about 1884 before moving to Texas He d.ed .n !9!0 and is bur.ed at Frankl.n County, Texas Jame Vickery, 3400 W Brookview Apt 218 - Waco Texas, 76710

*^< *¥****¥*********************-<***•«: ******** A * * * k **** ***'.•,<:.,-. ************ **** ** - - ;.= •= c**** : -

NEW MEMBERS Mrs, J.R. Baugh - Box 41, Grove Hill, Alabama 36451 Mrs Myrtice Rosser Hathorn - Star Rt,, Biountsv.i ie, Alabama, 3503! Mrs Albert Klopek - Star Rt , D.liey, Texas, 78017 Dr, Waiter Kyle - 2024 15th Avenue South B.rm.ngham Alabama, 35205 Mrs, Everett Morse - 5608 6th Court South. Birmingham, Alabama, 35212 Mrs, Lewis A, Stallworth - 1710 !4th Avenue South, Birmingham Alabama 35205

Mrs, A.D. Taylor - 264 Wallace Road Nashv.ile Tennessee, 37212

Miss Jan.e Vickery - 3400 West Brookview Apartment 218, Waco, Texas, 76710


STOUDENMIRE FAMILY CEMETERY - DUTCH BEND, NEAR AUTAUGAVILLE, AUTAUGA COUNTY ALABAMA. Contributed by: Mrs. Daniel E. Smith, Tuskegee, Alabama, 36083 1. Lewis David, son of E. and E.R. Stoudenmire, d March 6, 1865, age 18 years. 2. Newell Myers, son of E. and E,R, Stoudenmire, d. May 8, !864, age 23 years, 6 months, 24 days. "He fell in defense of his country at the battle of Spotsylvania, Virginia. He was truly one who done to others as he would wish they would do to others", 3. Edward Stoudenmire, January 12, 1809, September II, 1867. 4. Elizabeth R., wife of E. Stoudenmire, March 8, 1861, age 49 years, II months, 13 days 5. Thomas Franklin Stoudenmire, son of Ed and E R. Stoudenmire, d. April 18 1855, age 2 years and 21 days. 6. William Daniel Stoudenmire, December 10, 1850, May 22, 1852 7. Mary Magdalene Stoudenmire, January 17, 1839 August 12, !844. 8. Sara Ann Elizabeth, consort of Thomas F Green dau. of Edward and E.R. Stoudenmire, b September 2, 1830, d. November 29, 1852 9. Thomas Edward, son of G,W. and L.L, Monroe, d July !4, 1861, age I! months and 23 days. 10. Lou L. , wife of G.W. Monroe, dau. of E. and E R. Stoudenmire d, August 20, 1865, age 30 years, 9 months, and 6 days, 11. Lou Vaughan, age 4 months and 17 days. 12. Eulalie Elizabeth Monroe, dau, of G,W and L L Monroe, d, October 10, 1865. age 3 years 3 months, and 23 days. 13. Jimmie G., son of M.F, and M.C, b, August 2, 1885, d, January 9, 1901 14. John M, Stoudenmire, October 21, 1867, age, 63 years, 8 months, 27 days. 15. John G.S., son of J.M. and R.F,, July 22, 1839, March 20, 1853 16. Frances E., dau. of J.M and Rosannah F Stoudenmire, April 22, 1832, April 19, (843 17. John Martin, son of T. and EM, Robinson, January 12 1850, June 12, 1851. 18. Infant son of M.F. and M.C. Stoudenmire. 19. Samuel Stoudenmire, December 21, 1869 in 76th year of age. 20. Magdalene, consort of John G, Stoudenmire, February 2, 1775, June 24, 1851, age 76 years 4 months, 22 days. 21. John George Stoudenmire, July 12, 1771, August 6. 1842, 22. Emanuel Golson, b. in Orangeburg District, SC December 31, 1786, d. March 22, 1864 23. J.E.S. on footstone, headstone gone. 24. Missouri, wife of W.G.M. Golson, 1859, 25. Lewis Stoudenmire, August 22, !806, September 13, 1867, 26. John Emanuel, son of Lewis and Mary M, Stoudenmire, June 27, 1832, October 10, 1836. 27. Flabius Jackson, son of W.B. and AS. Jackson, September 20, 1845, January 18, 1849, 28. In memory of four infant children of D,B. and Maria Smedley, 29. Ann Catherine Campbell, consort of Messer McKinney, dau. of Maria Stoudenmire Campbell and G.A. Campbell, died August 16, 1856, in the 17th year of her age. 30. George A. Campbell, a Minister of the M.P. Church, d. July 14, 1834, in the 42nd year of age, 31. Minnie G. Stoudenmire, d, October 7, 1867 in 3rd year of age. 32. Edward Golson, son of Samuel and CW Stoudenmire, April 10, 1859, April 23, 1862 33 Page 2 - CEMETERY RECORDS


33, Martha M. . dau of S and C W December 25, !850, February 14, 1858 34. Samuel b December 17, 1854, son of S and C W, d February 13 '858 35 George L,, son of S and C W, b. Apr.l 30, 1857, d February 13, 1858 36 Emma C., dau of S, and CW Stoudenmire, December 18, 1852 d. February 8, 1858 37 Elizabeth, consort of Samuei, b Apr.l 22, !798 d. October 25 !842 (? date appeared to be 1842), 38 Laural, b May 6, '839, d September 3 1840 39 Enzabeth M, b Feb !0, I8!7, d August 24 1840 40 George J., b January 27 !825 d August !4 1836. 4! Samuei K H b January !8 !82! d January 23, '822 42 Martha M b May 23 '822 d August 3! !835 43 Our L.ttie Maude 44 Our Samm.e age ! yea 45 Mary Josephine dau of J N and R 0 Golson 0 January 8 1850 d December 3! !857 46 Wiliie, son of j N and R 0 Golson, b July 24, !856, d January !0. 1858 47 Ernest W Golson d May 9 '879 age a5 years and 7 days 48 J Pou Goison, o January 3 !867 d March 2!, 1883 49 Gertrude 0 R dau ot C W and M E Durden b November 4, !859, d July 13. !865 50 S.D Golson who was killed at battle of Chancellorsv,1ie May 2, 1863, age 2! years member of Autauga R ties Co M 6th Alabama infantry 5! J A Golson b December '8 1817 d November 26, !850 52. Mrs Mary F Goison b May 30 S8!6 d July 2! !899 53 My Babe aged 7 months and 18 days 54 ME Durden December 12, i837 September !4 !889 55 Our Babe 56, Mary Jane, w.fe OT Frank d May 2 S894, age 40 years

****************•***«.; . . . . , , . ; ****** *********,,********...,.,:.

HOUSER-WHETSTONE-DEBARDELEBEN FAMILY CEMETERY - DUTCH BEND, NEAR AUTAUGAVILLE, AUTAUGA COUNTY, ALABAMA Contributed by. Mrs Dan.ei E Tuskegee Alabama 36083 ROW ! - SOUTH TO NORTH !. William Houser, son of Church.Ii H Houser and Ellen G Houser (Babe), 2 Felder Br.ggs Houser son of Church,iI H Houser and Ellen G Houser (Babe) 3, S.H , footstone to Soph,a Houser s grave 4 L H , footstone to Lew.s Houser s grave 5, Church,11 H Houser. b. March 23, 1826 d July 7 1870 6, Ellen Georgianna Houser, b July 31, (836, d July 30 1870, 7, Carrie Adele, dau of D H. and J I DeBardeleben, b 1874. d, 1877. 8, W„ B. Houser, b. January !3, !850 d November 19, !899. ROW 2 - SOUTH TO NORTH 9, Lew.s Houser, b September 20 1788 d Juiy 4, !856



ROW 2 - SOUTH TO NORTH 10. Sophia Houser, b. April 6, 1791, d, February I, 1870. 11. Dollie E., dau. of Keltie and J.P, Houser, b. September 2, 1866, d. 5 months and 5 days. 12. Infant, no name on marker.

ROW 3 - SOUTH TO NORTH 13. Mrs, Elizabeth L. , wife of H.L. Houser, b. March 5, 1843, d. March 21, 1887. 14. Claud and Claudius, sons of H.L. and E.L. Houser, b. May 24, 1865, d. August 15, 1866. 15. Mary Ann Sophia Haigler, dau. of Josiah and Caroline Haigler, b. April 24, 1843, d. August 26, 1866. 16. Caroline Haigler, wife of Josiah Haigler, b. , 1818, d, June 5, 1852 17. John E. Huffman, b, December 3, 1844, d, June 24, !846. 18. William Annah, dau. of W.A, and A,L, Whetstone, b. March 19, 1850, D, October 9, 1861. 19. W.A, Whetstone, b. March I, 1824, d, July 12, 1850 20. Joseph Felkel, b. December 4, 1811, d, October 28, 1844 21. John Houser, son of P.H. and S.E, DeBardeleben, b. April 21, 1849, d, December 13, 1862. 22. P.H. DeBardeleben, b. January 13, 1826, d. November 24, 1881. 23. Niel Mayson, aged 9 years. 24. William M.H., son of J, and M.R, Axford, b. September 15, 1863, d, July 22, 1865,

ROW 4 - SOUTH TO NORTH 25. Luke Huffman, 1st Husband of Mary Houser, b, September 18, 1796, d, March 29, 1851, 26. Ann Sophia, 2nd. dau. of Luke and Mary Huffman, b, March 2, 1848, d. October 2, 1850 27. Mrs. Mary E., wife of Luke Huffman, b, April 28, 1780, d, December 12 or 19, 1843 (1st wi fe) 28. W.O.P. Felkel, b. December 13, 1839, d August 18, 1843, 29. John Felkel, b. March 3, 1797, d, January 15, 1841. 30. Dixon Lewis Houser, b, October 5, !832, d, August 3, 1840, 31. Joseph L. Felkel, b, August !9, 1833, d, June 15, 1839. (? James) 32. Infant, dau. of L.H. and Sophia Houser, 33. John M. Felkel, b. October 21, 1835, d June 27, 1836,

ROW 4 - SOUTH TO NORTH 34. Thomas to. Keller, b. March 24, 1817, d, July I, 1837, 35. Ann S. Houser, b. December 5, 1839, d. April 24, 1841. 36. Fanniah, dau. of John A. and L.R. Houser, b, July 8, 1852, d. July I, 1853, 37. Dollie, dau. of J,A. and L.R. Houser, d. January 22, 1863, age I year, 9 months. 38. John A. Elmore, son of J.A. and L.R, Houser, d. September 23, 1867, age 3 years, 7 months and 23 days. 39. Francis Irvin, son of J,A. and L.R. Houser, d. July 25, 1868, age 20 years, I month and 18 days.

ROW 5 - SOUTH TO NORTH 40. Little Martha, dau. of W. C and CS. McTyiere, b, September 9, 1861, d. March 22, 1863. 41. Daniel J. Whetstone, d. Feb, 5, 1847, age 23 years, 10 months, 3 days. 35 Page 4 - CEMETERY RECORDS

HOUSER-WHETSTONE-DEBARDELEBEN FAM.LY CEMETERY Cont.nued ROW 5 - SOUTH TO NORTH 42 Martha J Whetstone d September 8, 1835 age 7 years 7 months. 43 David J Whetstone, d. July '6 1835, age 14 years 6 months, 18 days 44. Rev. Henry Whetstone, d January 30, 1834, age 50 years. 45 El.zabeth Whetstone, d. March 28, !853 age 67 years 2 months, 2 days 46 Racheal D Whetstone, b March !4, !8!6, d. November 2, !886. 47. Infant son of R P and M, S Houser 48 infant of R P. and MS Houser. 49 infant of R P. and M S Houser. 50. John D Houser ch.ld of R P. and MS. Houser, age 8 months 8 days 50A. R E Houser ch.ld of R P and M S. Houser 5! Mary Selma Houser b October 10. 1813, d Apr, I 28, ! 870 52, Mary Elizabeth Houser b September 21 1825 d November 23, 1873 53 R.P Houser b October 16, !8!2 d February 12 1895

ROW 6 - SOUTH TO NORTH 54 Jane Murph w.fe ot John R Murph d January 25 1851 age 68 years !! months 2 days 55 John R Murph, b August 27 ,777, d February 15, '847 56 Charlotte E , dau of M D and P Y Thomas, d March 8. 1859. age 3 years, 6 months !6 days. 57 W Whetstone, d December I, !840 age 35 years, I month and !6 days 58, J D DeBardeleben son of W L and A B- DeBardeleben, b Apr.i IQ, 1848, d September 2 "850 59 infant, son of W L. and A B DeBardeleben 60 Thomas Watts son of W L and A B DeBardeleben b February 2 I860, d February 26 1863 61= Ann Rebecca DeBardeleben consort to W L DeBardeleben, d. August !!, !870 age 44 yea s !0 months 62 W L DeBardeleben b January 9 '824 d October 10, (900 63 Double grave probably .nfants 64 Double grave probably .nfants

ROW 7 - SOUTH TO NORTH 65 Josephine LeGrand eldest dau of S H and Amanda McNeill d August 3. 1855 age 17 months 20 days 66 Mary Lewis, dau of L M and Mary Jane Whetstone, b April 18 1865 d March !6 !870 67 Mary Jane Whetstone w.fe of L M Whetstone b. May 4 1827 d March 16, '873 68 Lew.s Myers Whetstone b October !0 1808, d November II, 188! 69 A. Ashes of Clarence Whetstone 69, Mrs Sarah consort ot L M Whetstone, d, March 25, 1850, age 21 years, 5 months and 9 days, 70 George Goodrich, son of L.M and Sarah D. Whetstone, d. September 19, !864 age !6 years 23 days. 71. Sophia Whetstone, consort of L M Whetstone, d, September 26, 1846, age 37 years and 14 days.



ROW 7 - SOUTH TO NORTH 72. Infant son of L.M. and Sophia Whetstone. 73. John Andrew, son of L.M and Sophia Whetstone, b. February II, 1845, d. Richmond, Vir­ gin ia, July 7, 1862. 74. Lewis Myers Whetstone, son of L.M. and Sophia Whetstone, b. August 30, 1838, d. Sept­ ember 14, 1862. Private Co. M, 6th Alabama Infantry, killed at Battle of Boonsboro

ROW 8 - SOUTH TO NORTH (INSCRIPTIONS FACE FOOT STONES) 75. Anne McNiel1 76. Peyton H. Whetstone, son of LM and Sophia Whetstone, b September 17, 183!, d, Sept­ ember 20, 1872. 77. D.H. Dodson, b. October 16, 1868, d February 27, 1893. 78. Edna E. Dodson, wife of W.L. Dodson, b, January I, 1835, d. July II, 1888. 79. William L. Dodson, b. August 18, 1833, d, February 21, 1887. 80. Our Baby, probably a child of L.M.H. and E. Lee Whetstone, 81. E. Lee, wife of L.M.H. Whetstone, d. September 6, 1888, age 21 years, II months and !0 days. (Lewis McLellis Hall Whetstone) *********************************************************************************************

NODE - WILSON CEMETERY - FRANKLIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Contributed by: Mrs. W, Burgess Mahan and James Edwards Wilson, Jr.

Location of Cemetery: South of Russellvi1le, Alabama, Starting at the corner of Lauderdale and Washington Sts,, go south on Washington St. for 1.8s miles Turn right (west), go through a gate and follow country road for l/IO of a mile. The cemetery is on the right (north) and is enclosed by a stone wall, TH iS IS A COMPLETE LISTING OF THIS CEMETERY AS OF JULY 1967.

Baily, Dora A. Dellr was born Dec. II, !89! and (stone underground) Dearing, James Wilson, son of W A, and M W Dearing, born 7-31-1889, died 8-3-1895 Dearing, Mary Willie, wife of Wm A Dearing, daughter of Jas, E, and Josephine E, Wilson, born 7-7-1867, died 7-30-1892, Dearing, Robert S., Jr,, b, 2-23-1924, d, 7-10-1945 - Ala, Tec. 5, 104 Ord,, Bomb Disp, Sq, World War II, SM Dearing, Robert Spotswood, b, 11-11-1890, d, 1-3-1949, Dearing, Willie, Infant son of W.A, and Mary W, Dearing, Aged 5 weeks. East, Mary Lucinda, da, of Bryce and Mary A, Wilson, wife of William East, b Aug. 22,1843, d. Jan, 13, 1932. East, William (Deacon), born near Russel1vi1le, Sept. 21, 1838, died Jan. 30, 1902. Edwards, Lucinda, Consort of James G, Edwards, She was born, Orange Co.,Va, the 22nd of Nov. 1797, Died 19 July, 1835. On each side of her sleeps a son of innocence. Gains, Raymond Pendleton, born in Central, S.C, Mar, 31, 1875. Died in Birmingham, Ala., Apr. 12, 1908, 37 Page 6 - CEMETERY RECORDS

NOOE - WILSON CEMETERY continued Garland, D.R of V.rg.n>a who d.ed Oct 29th, 1887 Aged 85, Gresham, Martha Wilson, b Dec 23 1874 d. Nov 4, 1953 Gresham, Walter Asa b Oct. !2 1874; d Oct 3! 1956 Hall, William Frank, Alabama 1st L,eut A.r Corps, Dec, 28, 1920; Aug. 5, 1945 Hanby, Samuel R , son ot j D and E S, (J) Hanby, born Feb 13, 1886; died, Aug 18 !890 Aged 4 yrs, 6 mo,, 5 das Harris, Bryce Wilson, son of and J W Harris, born, Apr. 3, 1886; died Sept 9 1888, Harris, Clementina w.fe of John W Harris and daughter of Bryce and Mary A Wilson born Dec 8 1849, d.ed July ! 189!

Harris, Clementina East, dau of J W and HarriS, born Aug 2, 1883, died Dec 6, 1884

Harris, John Wyatt born Sept 12. 183!, died Feb !9, 1889 Henderson, Clementina born Wilson, near Newton Stewart Scotland Died ,n Russelivi1le Ala Jan 6 1890 Aged 85 yrs Hewitt, Fannie C born Oct 10 1844; d.ed Feb 25, 1899 Hewitt, Mary E , born 181!; d.ed Feb 14, 1891 Key Carleton Edwards, son of William H and Josephine W Key, born Jan, 2, !9!4; d.ed Sept 4, 193! Key, (Infant) son of W.H, and Josephine Key born and d.ed Nov 24, 1904 Key, Josephine Wilson, born Dec 24 1870, d>ed Nov 20 1948 Key, William Henry, born Calhoun, Ga, Feb 8 1861; d.ed Aug, 29, 1943. Martin, Sarah B , Consort of Peter A Mart.n She was born in Fredenckburg ? ? Sept. 17th .A. D.. ..1802. She was a and died ? ? (Th.s stone is badly broken and hacd to read) Nance Rachel, b Apr 19 !845 d Mar 20 1928

Nooe, Caroline (no dates) Nooe John B, who departed th,s life March 26 1832 .n the 54th year of his life

Richards, Charis, who was born !9th Dec 1787 (!78!) and died 13 March 1829 Richards, John M was born 28th Dec 1801; d,ed 22nd Feb y !932

Richards, William. Here 1,es the body of William Richards whose habits were regular and Actions Upright. He died 28 of Oct 1831, Aged 50 yrs," (This gravestone has flaked so badly that the words cannot be read From the record of Mrs Lena Dearing in 1926, this information was obtained)

Scott Fannie Wilson born Aug 13, 1873; died Jan 27, 1898 Thornton, Laura Virginia who was born April 24th, 1928; died April 3rd, 1850 Underwood, Harrison C , b Mar 12, (878, d July 22, 1956 Underwood, Josephine Key b Feb 12 1892, d Aug 26, 1958 38 Page 7 - CEMETERY RECORDS


Wilson, Alice DeVoe, 1863 - 1956.

Wilson, Annie Elizabeth, daughter of W.S. and S.V. Wilson, born May 18, 1875; died May 20, 1902. Wilson, Bryce, born in Newton Stewart, Scotland, Dec. 16, 1800 and died Mar. 23, 1879.

Wilson, Bryce A., son of Bryce and M.A. Wilson, born 5-21-1837. Was Adj. of the 16th Ala. Inft. Killed in the Battle of Franklin Tenn. 11-29-1864. Wilson, Bryce A., son of James E. and J.E. Wilson, born 2-28-1869; died 2-1-1870.

Wilson, Kate H. 1852 - 1944. Wilson, Charles E., born Oct. 10, 1845; died Jan, 8, 1930, Co, I. 16th Ala CS.A. Wilson, Charles E. (jr.), b, April 21, 1880; d, Dec 5, 1948,

Wilson, Charles R., b. Apr. 28, 1875; d, Jan. 24, 1958.

Wilson, Elizabeth Howard, b. May 14, 1885; d. July 27, 1927,

Wilson, Gilbert H., born Nov, 25, 1880; died Sept, 27, 1883, child of Jas, E. and Josephine E. Wilson.

Wilson, Harriett Louisa, Erected by Bryce Wilson in Memory of his wife, who died in Bolivar, Tenn. on the 6th day of June and was interred here on the 1st day of July 1835, Aged 25 years,-- One on each side of her sleep our two little infants. The first breathed and died, on the 1st day of January 1835, The last Louisa Clementina died in Bolivar on the 2!st day of June, 1835. Aged 5 months - 18 days,

Wilson, Imogene Howard Cook, wife of James E, Wilson, b, Jan. 14, 1898; d. Nov. 10, 1952,

Wilson, Infant, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Wilson born and died Mar, 10, 1906,

Wilson, Infant, son of J.E, and M,M, Wilson, born and died 6-13-1901,

Wilson, James Alexander, b, Feb, 16, 1873; d. Oct. 14, 1914.

Wilson, James Edwards, b. 10-11-1839; d, 3-21-1921. Age 81 yrs. 5 mo, 10 da,

Wilson, Jane, a native of Wigtownshire, Scotland, who died Nov. 8, 1888, in the 86 year of her age.

Wilson, Josephine E., wife of James E. Wilson, born 1-16-1846; died 5-5-1887.

Wilson, Louie Alexander, son of Mr, and Mrs. C.R, Wilson, b. Feb. 19, 1914; d. Nov. 2, 1930.

Wilson, Lucy A. Trimble, wife of Charles E. Wilson, born Apr. I, 1847; died May 23, 1929.

Wilson, Lula Trimble, 1884- 1955.

Wilson, Margaret McLellan, wife of James E. Wilson, 1-16-1866 - 9-11-1945.

Wilson, Margaret M., 1857 - 1937.

Wilson, Marshall C, 1855- 1932. 39 Page 8 - CEMETERY RECORDS


Wilson, Mary A,, 1877 - 1961,

Wilson, Mary Ann Edwards, wife of Bryce Wilson, born Apr, 19, 1820; died Jan. 2, 1897

Wilson, Mary Annie Nance, wife of Charles R, Wilson, born Dec. II, 1875; died Apr 29, 1952

Wilson, Ralph, son of the late Alex Wilson, Jr. of Penninghame, Scotland. Born in State of New York. Died 7-4-1880,

Wilson, Sarah V., wife of W,S. Wilson, born May 20, 1848; died Dec, I, 1899.

Wilson, Susie, born Oct, 9, 1878; died Sept, 27, 1883. Child of Jas. E. and Josephine E Wilson.

Wilson, Walter S., b Nov, 28, 1847; d, Feb, 6, 1925, Col, !! Alabama Cavalry,

Wilson, William, Born 9-5-1871; Died 9-5-1872,

Wilson, William, son of Bryce and M.A. Wilson, born Sept, 12, 1841. Enlisted in the 27th Ala, Inft,, was captured Ft, Donaldson and Died in Camp Douglas 8-7-1863,