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12-13-1912 Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-13-1912 New Mexican Printing company

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KOI. 49 SANTA FEf NEW MEX1QO, FR1DA Y, DECEMBER 13, 1912. I'll .7VO. 261


XpCr,T GT JUiT a fight afternoon p ( During yesterday F SE DEL' TALK fr com- or uAV about ,"i o'clock at l'ojoaiue, Juan Jose GATHER !N LONDON I 10 H GONE u if of Santa it is and J 6Ey COME ACROSS Lujau, Fe, charged, yZ. shot and probably fatally injured Manuel Garcia, of Pojouquc. Three oilier bullets found resting places in HIS APPROVAL a team of horses owned by a specta- FOR CONFERENCE! tor named Calles. The bullet which si ruck Garcia entered the back over Hie right hip and imbedded itself in the chest and lung tissue. The doctor THAT HE AP NONE OF THE GREWSOMENESS OF THE BATTLEFIELDS IS SEEN IN ART HE ASSERTS THAT WHILE HE HEARD IT HE CAN NOT SAY who attended him held out slight for his recovery. At the latest PROVED OF IT-- HE BELIEVED M'NAMARA WAS INNOCENT AND HENCE hopes GALLERY OF HISTORIC ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL WHERE ON MONDAY report this afternoon, Garcia was still HE VOTED FCR A RESOLUTION DENOUNCING COURT PROCEDURE. living. A NOTABLE GROUP OF MEN WILL FACE EACH OTHER. The fight occurred on (he road near t the chapel where the feast of Guada- lupe was being celebrated, and after HE WORKED ACTIVELY IN DEFENSE the shooting the crow d, it is reported, IT MAY MEAN MONSTER CONFLICT attacked Lujan ami it was only at the point of a revolver held in the hands OF THE DYNAMITE CREW IS ADMITTED; of Victoriano Casados, constable of OR CHANGE EUROPE'S MAP AGAIN Precinct No. 17, Santa I'V county, who'

i was visiting Pojoatiue at the time, he asserts that the crowd was driven Intl.. Dec. 13. Wheth- .lorrin teslilied that at the back and Lujan was made a prisoner, London, Dec. 13. The formal work bayonet, the Turkish advanced posts Indianapolis, and er he of a speech by Kmil .Rochester, X. Y., convention of the lie was later turned over to Deputy' of the peace delegates representing toward the Visali fortifications approved there. SeioU'l, of Milwaukee, in which SeWct iron Workers', three days before the' Sheriff lliberto Quiutana, of I'ojoaque, the Ottoman empire and the allied camped - Mon- The Greeks three quick-firin- t'.i nouncod the courts for the arrest f f Los Angeles explosion, he attempted,, w ho in company with Constable Casa- Ealkan nations will begin next captured a when the will cannon, a large of war John .1. McNamant, as a kM. tapping, but failed to have passed resolution: dos brought the prisoner to Santa Fe day, delegates open quantity ; which if will material anil many tents. iii'ti as to whether he approved of ih-- lor the publication of the expendi- today and lodged him in the county discussions, successful, have the effect of the General Sapountzakis, who was in the "kidnapping '" fcent. tures. MARTYRDOM OF FATHER. jail. It is said the men had been remaking map protest against TfS of the near east. command ol the Greek army, reports to Samuel i t e "Knowing that $1000 had been given drinking. Gompers, president When the from that his troops of Lab:r. wy- to Olaf A. Tveitmoe, of San Francisco, plenipotentiaries gather- American Federation ed with and steno- fought with vigor during the entire to out the Los Angeles strike and their secretaries questions asked Paul J. Mo'Tin of St. help or all day. of had been HE THE DAV IN CONGRESS graphers, a group of forty fifty a at. the that thousands dollars CONFESSED n Louis, defendant "iiyiuiin'te in historic St. James With the view ot drawing off a por-itio- without an still told, the palace. conspiracy" trial today. spent accounting, THAT HE KILLED PARCELS POST will find most con- of the Turkish troops iuhen McNamara was arrested you be- SENATE. they surroundings Objection was offered by ctnnsel ducive to peace, Hating in the fortress of Janina when e him innocent?" Morrin was. AN AGED Convened at noon. for the forty-on- defendants but the lieved RECLUSE i' "The which has the Greeks were about to make a fron- in Resinned of omnibus picture gallery," court held that Morriii had attempted asked consideration been selected as the conference room, tal attack, two battalions of Greek "1 said Morrin. v- claims hill. to show he was not in accord with the did," San Francisco, Calif.. Dec. WILL CARRY is the most secluded apartment in the infantry, supported by lour field guns, 1 fur the defense Court of resumed were officials of the International Associa- Ccunsi objected Pains of present, imprisonment impeachment palace. landed at Santi Quarantu lo the ti. line of but the court eon-Wes- - Dial of Archbald at l::lu p. in. of tion of Bridge and Structural Iron this inquiry ing stronger than the pangs of Judge It overlooks a century-ol- grass northwest Janina. shown that "thou-- ; ro- - Workers, who, it has been shown ex- held it had been science for a past crime, Joint BT imtM Adopted resolution lor holiday grown quadrangle entirely shut off The diversion was successfully car- of dollars of the Iron Workers' cess from December I1' to 2. ried out. The as soon as pended thousands of dollars for the sands ley Derr, a naval apprentice wlfo January from the turmoil of London streets. Turks, they had for the II HOUSE. learned of the of the Greek destruction of life and property. funds been used pureoso, confessed nine days a;.o to an unsus- Nun On the gallery walls are hung por- landing life and Convened at noon. troops, sent out battalions with "The speech of Seidel, referred lo of destroying propel!." pected murder near Atchison, Kan- traits of all the English sovereigns,' eight District Miller read a re-- ' Considered legis- from VIII. of two batteries of siege guns to ngage by the government, was delivered at. Attorney sas, three years ago, escaped yester- private pension Henry with that King to the Iron Workers' convention MOST ANYTHING CAN GO IN THAT lation. Edward, "the in a them. After a skirmish the Creek the Ironworkers convention in Mi- port day from the prison hospital on Ver- peacemaker," prom A. San Francisco, inent troops were embarked and made for lwaukee on September 11, five months by Fugene Clancy. ba liueiia island, where he had been Representative Kindred introduced position. in Los MANNER UNDER RULES LAID A table from another part of the coast of Epirus. after MeNamara's arrest and while advising the strikers Angeles confined since his confession. News resolution calling for report of investi- long stretches the to continue in .defiance of middle of the and on this are The Greeks lost only five killed and he was conf.ned in at Los Ange- picketing aj of was out DOWN BY HITCHCOCK OF- gation into Peruvian rubber district gallery jail the escape given today FOR silver ink which were nineteen wounded. les. Morrin was as a dele- 'city ordinance and urging them to go' word was last at rocitii s. placed stands present with chat he captured Charles II to his The operations in Kpirus are prov- to jail rather than obey the law. FICIALS. K presented by privy gate. in a cave on the island, lie1 Representative aim urged public ad- .Morrin was asked whether he had night councillors. ing costly however. Sapountakis "Did see Seidel intro- made no resistance. committee to !p)0,-IMK- I you .Mayor said buildings provide The mantel pieces at each end of mitted in a dispatch received here to- M. approved of Clancy's report, lie for Fran- - duced to the convention by Frank Derr's confession followed a period marine hospital at San the gallery are ornamented with day that about L'no of his men were he could not recall. RAILROADS KICK Cisco. Hyan, the president, and did you ap- during which he refused to eat. He: quaint bronze candelebra of the wounded in yesterday's battle with The read proceedings Ile-a- early of Seidell government said he had killed a re- -' just meat of patent fee prove speech denouncing Of the Milwaukee convention in which Billy Barkis, system Georgian period, the principal feature the Turks. The number killed was the courts and branding McNamara's cluse, who was found dead in his ABOUT CONTRACTS proposed in bill introduced by Repre-- i of which is formed massive not lie uiioueil. (he delegates charged thai dynamite by bronze arrest as a asked Dis- It was liarkis had sentative Oldlield. aloft of Dec. I::. .Mormon kidnapping?" and nitroglycerin "had been planted yard. supposed figures holding garlands London, mission- Charles W. Miller. died of a fall. Resumed of Indian peace. trict Attorney by detectives of the .National Krectors' consideration aries today requested the United 1 1 ap- weak-minde- D. ('., Dec. 1:1, Accord- Dee. Turlc-com-- ! "I heard it but can't say assoieiation, so as to nianufactui e Derr was considered Washington, appropriation bill. Constantinople, The States euitiasMiy lo intervene, in their of Morrin. in is ing to the par- to the proved it," answered evidence against McNamara in the! Atchison, but the death of Park regulations governing "Money trust" investigatin delegates peace conference behalf with ihe authorities of Ipswich, in-- in did not e ; cels post system, London have been "You protest against that country-wid- strike of the ironworkers was confirmed. Pending a fuller promulgated by mil tee continued its hearings. instructed by where they have been refused police Postmaster General 1 the Ottoman to speech, did you?" against open shop concerns." vestigatiou, Derr was held here. Hitchcock, per- Railroad men were heard by post-- government decline to pK'tcctirii for a big meeting arranged sent meet the "No.' Overruling repeated objections, ishable articles may be through office committee in pleas for adequate Greek delegates until Greece for December l.",. mails "Dill you approve of the resolution Judge Anderson said witness after1 the only under specific restric- compensation for carrying mail. has signed the armistice. The Mormons have been proselyt- FAMOUS V.',. -- offered by Vice President John T. witness had testified here tending to ONCE tions as to their containers and ihe Merchant marine committee set London, Dec. Whit.elaw Reirt. ing in London lor some weeks past Butler, of Buffalo, directed to Presi show that the officers of (His union MARSHAL IS distance they are to bg, sent. Butter, January 7 for beginning hearings in United States ambassador to Great and have met with hostile receptions. Fed- un- is t dent Gompers of the American spent thousands of dollars of the NOW IN JAIL lard, fish, dressed V.,.vls, vegetables, investigation of steamsirip pools. Piritain, seriously ill. lie is suffer- Ai a meeting held at Ipswith one day-las- eration of Labor, denouncing .McN- ion's funds to hire men like Mc.Mant-ga- l berries and similar articles likely ing from asthma and his condition week, a crowd drove the mission- - amara's arrest as a kidnapping and and James P. Mc.Nanmra to go quickly to decay, may be sent for has become considerably worse dur- - juries from the hall and through the the ' : MURDERER saying that he had been spirited to about the country blowing up Salt Lake City, rtah, Dec. short distances, when securely pack-- SAYS ing the last week. Several specialists streets. The police of Ipswich found California and deprived of the liber- work of non-unio- contractors. The Pett r Kills, who was marshal ed. Eggs will be accepted for local HE WAS HOUNDED are in attendance. The ambassador the greatest difficulty in met protecting ties due an American citizen-- " mucus executive board troin of Cripple Creek, Colo., when the gold delivery when packed properly in a was not well when be returned from Ihe Mormons from the population. to ami wild and BY "I voted tor it," said Morrin. time time appropriated money camp was still wooly, spent container and for any distance when OFFICERS America in October. Afterward he The missionaries telephoned to the for which no was lust in the Salt Lake i "Did you vote for the resolution ex- accounting given. night City jail. each egg is separately packed m a caught cold, from which he was recov- embassy today declaring they were "Now, this .Morrin, has He had come in from California j pressing confidence in MeXamara af- .defendant, just perfectly secure manner. No restric-- j Salem. Ore.. Dec. Frank Gar-- ; ering when he suffered a relapse aft- American citizens and asking from made a defense that he attempted to and was arrested at the request of salt-- ter he was held for the murder of tion is placed on the mailing of j rison and Noble Faultier, condemned j er delivering his at the intervention. The matter is under of speech open e have the union's accounts published, the chief of San Francisco - twenty-on- in Los police ed, dried, smoked or cured meats, but murderers, w ere hanged in the peni- ing session of the of consideration. persons Angeles?' 'there was rot- who wired was with University I 1 indicating something that he charged tt 1 : 2S I "Yes. voted for it. thought M- fresh meat will be transported only ntiary simultaneously at Wales at Abeystwith on October 31. j I'aris, Dec. the allies do not. ten in the state of Denmark.' Hi.--; in for :!.! eXamara was innocent." embezzling receiving money within the first zone. Fragile articles, o'clock today. Immediately prepara-- 1 which overtaxed his He permit a peace which is honorable for defense is not that these explosions in a medicine busi- strength. Morrin testified that three weens partnership patent including towels, musical itt-- : tions were made to execute two other has been confined to his room at Dor- I urkey, hostilities will be resumed were not going on, but that, if they ness. Fals denies the He millinery, after the work of an open con- charge. Htruments and articIe 'of in murderers, II, E. Roberts and Mike. chester house most of the time since immediately. This was one of the shop were going on he did not know of gave his age as t!3 years. glass tractor at Mount Vernon 111., was it." whole or in part, may be securely Morgan. that date. declarations made by Reichad Pasha, in he was in and marked Dec. I :!. A one of ihe Ottoman blown up April, liilu, The court held that this line of MORPHINE HER UNDOING. packed fragile. Articles The trap was sprung under Roberts Athens, Greece, genera plenipotentiaries, slructed John J. then that not be sent Roberts' offensive movement the whole as he I'aris on by McNamara, defense opened to the government a Cirand Junction, Colo., Dec. 1". Airs. may by parcels post and Morgan at V:',',( o'clock. along passed through today of the Iron Workers' Inter-- fllU include.' of made a statement he climbed line was begun by the Greek his way to London. Reichad Pasha secretary jIK,uirv as to wether the union Lizzie Noyes, aged (i, married four intoxicating, liquors any before army men. ; in most said that thf? national union, to unionize the officials thought .McNamara guilty be- times and the mother of several chil- kind, poisons, poisonous animals, the scaffold, saying that he had been Monday operating Epirus, the Turkish army was daily - of the Ilalkan in lle said he found a reward was offer- fore lie actually pleaded guilty. Me dren, all dead, was found dead in bed snakes or reptiles, explosives of every hounded by officers and his mind tin-- ; westerly portion penin- increasing numbers. There are sula. now. he ed for the dynamiter and he so wrote Namara pleaded guilty about two here today at the home of Mrs. Jen- kind; inflammables or articles includ- balanced by work over an emery declared, TTii.Omd well armed, ; After attacks the Greek well fed to McNamara. months after the .Milwaukee conven- nie Geyser. A battered ring ing matches, infernal machines, pis-- wheel while in prison. He said if he repeated and healthy Turkish troops at wedding troops occupied at the of the Tt Explaining the phrase "aerial per- tion. was clasped in her lifeless hand. Ac- tols or revolvers, disease germs, any had not killed "these two men" he point hatalja. formances," Morrin said he used it in Thomas Taggart, former chairman cording to the authorities death was obscene, defamatory or currilous mat-te- r would have killed some one else. reference not to explosions but the of he democratic national committee, caused by an overdose of now proscribed by law; live or Morgan his onnoeence to ' morphine. protested men being up in the air'' whether was a w itness for the defense this t dead animals or birds of live poultry; the minister who accompnaied him to FIRE DROVE they were to get work. ernoon. He was questioned by Sena- raw hides or pelts or anything hav- the death chamber. WALL STREET Ortie E. McManigal confessed to tor Kern. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ing a bad odor; books and printed THEM OUT INTO causing the Mount Vernon explosion. When the government objected to MEETING FOR TONIGHT. matter may not be forwarded at, par- AMERICAN WARSHIPS New York, N. Y., Dec. K!. Unex STREET AT NIGHT Previously Frank M. Ryan, president Taggart's testimony, Senator Kern All members of the Chamber of cels post rates, but only at the pound WILL NOT ENTER HARBOR. pected weakness in new quarters of the union, had written to McNa- it would be shown that when ait Commerce are urged to attend rates or third class matter. caused of in Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. l:!. The sea rapid bidding up prices Pittsburgh, Pa.. Dec. 13. More than mara: "Morrin can take care of Mount e. plosion occurred at French Lie!;. the meet ing tonight for the pur- A commission of railroad ollicials was too to the in the stock mar-- i still rough today permit early trading lino persons, residents of the Library Vernon," but Ryan denied it concern- Intl., the job was in the of of to a headed President Peters of of bull process pose listening report by Ralph the entrance of a launch to bring get by operators encouraged by apartments, a large residence build-- ed dynamiting. unionized and that Fred Iv;'-ma- that will be of unusual interest Island - - being the Long railroad today peti- Rear Admiral F. F. Fletcher ashore yesterday's buoyant recovery. South- ing in the business heart of the North Morrill said after McNamara's ar- a defendant was with and which affects N1 Honed the house ern had negotiating materially postoffice committee to carry out the customary formalities I'acilic shown consistent Side, w t i e (Iriven into the streets this rest, he assisted in raising adefense Taggart. Santa Fe. It is that for a of and in with of the decline in requested weighing tonnection the visit the sirength during long nio, i, 'tig by a spectacular fire which fund. He said he to have a The contended this tes- all members to be for mails. ac- Union it arranged government try present pay transporting United States squadron. On this I'acilic and when dropped .destroyed the structure. A dozen or show Mc- or- ' moving picture representing timony was incompetent. Finally the at promptly eight o'clock in The railroad men set out that they count, the Mexican Bravo three points today to 1; ), more as gunboat traders; persons were injured, some of Namara being "kidnaped" by the witness was allowed to say the der that the not be dirt not the - to Azu-et- 'were confused. Canadian I'acilic job meeting may contenipate carrying par- planned convey Commodore them firemen who were caught under authorities. was unionized. ce Is weakened sell-- being prolonged. post on their present contracts of the Mexican navy, General Luis under unusually heavy ' a falling wall, but it Is not believed JOHN S. N as a a of was to HARRIS, and declared matter of contract Viildez, the military commander of ing, large part which said there were any fatalities. N were not k- - M. Unit- be on orders from Derlin. Secretary. they obliged to accept pa Vera Cruz, Win. Canada, the A ' report spread the crowd HER FASTING PROVED weighing more than four ed States consul and others of the room the that1 through THOU SHALT NOT ages pounds. Hoard gossip to effect that eight women had been in ITSELF ALL IN VAIN. The wind alia ted somew hat the had a trapped KILL CAMPAIGN flagship. attorney general rejected a rear room and a policeman made his but a sea Is still tentative for dissolution of the early today heavy plan way to the fourth story and rescued Dec. mi-- , ON IN FRISCO Calgary, Alberta, Wasting running. The battleships Minnesota, llarriman also tended to , merger fourteen women, dragging and carry-- her strength for more than a month in GOOD BROKERS GOULD .Kansas, .Michigan and South Carolina dermiue and the prices early gains ing them to the front of the building the idle that her fast would continue to lie off without . San Francisco. Calif., Dec. 13. hope making any vanished. where they were taken down ladders. bring back to life the babe that per- TRADE BOTH WAYS attempt to enter the harbor owing to Union l'acific sold under "Thou shalt not kill," the slogan of ished practically two months after birth, Mrs. the danger of shift sand bars. It is close, and the anti-capit- yesterday's Amalgamated KU KLUX KLAN DAYS punishment league, Henrietta Irving, wife of a rancher reported here that a committee is on Steel over one Pa- was the point and Canadian ARE REVIVED IN GEORGIA. urged throughout night to near died December S, I). Dec. from Mexico to do ir-- here, and today Washington, C, Frank on that there is no commission, ihe way City the cific almost five points bonds were : varying crowds here at the the husband the to to on reported matter K. Stiiigis, a New York broker and wered Mr. Sturgis. honors the American squadron regular. street meeting organized by the the coroner. The father Mr. said of .Mexican Dalton, Ga., Dec. 13. A revival of mother, and former president of the New York Sturgis that about behalf the administration, The market closed firm; Stocks in league as a to the four hang- - aunt of the in third of was done bv no oflicial to effect the days of the Ku Klux Klan took protest child participated the stock exchange, was to he in the wit- the trading but advices this which speculative interest usually is1 ings scheduled at the peni-- 1 fast. ers. u place here when masked men Oregon ness chair again today when the house have yet uti received. not broad, particularly Pennsylvania today today. "Then about I :l .HOii.floO of took John Wat kins from his home to tentiary There was no physician in attend-- l money trust investigating committee shares and the local traction group, showed are and sold the the center of the town where he was The meeting, with speakers reliev- ance at birth three mouths ago. When resumed its hearings. Samuel Unter--; bought by public?" CALIFORNIA OIL LANDS some activity and strength. Other- "Yes, about that." Watkius then was ing each other at half hour inter- the child died the body was covered moyer, counsel for the committee, FOR FUEL FOR NAVY. wise the movement of prices was de- severely whipped. Mr. raid there were about to leave town. The vals, began at 6 o'clock last night, and with blankets and held for the resur- endeavored to draw from Mr. Sturgis Sturgie sultory and final figures w ere not far given three days or odtl active brokers cn t 1:1. - action is to followed Wat-kin- s' drew throngs which blocked traffic rection that was to follow an estimate of the amount of business 4;0 the ''a hii;gton. D. C, Dec. Presi- away from yesterday's closing. said have supposed to of several al- early in the evening. In the cold the fasting process. done on the Npw York stock exchange; dent Tail toilhy signed an executive Buying orders made their appear-- ' refusal get rid Commissions, he Fa id, were charged order from leged white women, hours before dawn, but few listeners Miss Harrison, the mother's sister, annually, but was unsuccessful. The withdrawing public entry niice later and the whole list moved! disorderly living on Ihe par value of stock, without 'J!l.."i4 of In in one Lis houses. rallied under the gasoline torch, but weakened in her faith lawyer read from the answers fur-- ; acres oil land the "uena rp strongly. Canadian Pacific rallied' of after the death regard to the market price. the speaking continued. of her sister, advised Irvine to notifv nished by the exchange to questions Vi.ita hills. Kern county. California, :! and other issues 1 to 2 points. as a source of supply of fuel oil for was dull COLORADO MIDLAND l88t n'ght k 'tCMUe Trailing comparatively K -- today house the navy. alter the recent turmoil and in the: IN RECEIVERS HANDS. CORPORATION COMMISSION wSeS i "10ney committee mjtl.onu stock. lot t,n,st '"vest.gatmg ! shares of Mr. W nar-- Colo.. Dec. 13. W. rrrirrC late were Sturgis - dealings fluctuations Denver, George IN ARIZONA ACTIVE. inai ni least a pari oi me transac- BURNED TO DEATH IN HOME. said he believed the figures to be row. but the market gained Vallery, president, was appointed re- IT'S BIGAMY NOW j tions in the stock market were of a steadily iabout right. with a factor. ceiver of the Colorado Midland Rail-- : Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 13. A complaint! IN VERMONT STATE 'gambling nature.' covering operations big on 1ftfi.000.ono . . . Oi Dec. 13. Mr. v, "Now that shares of - roy, Calif., and ay company today, upon the appli- charging that railroad rates on Vt Dec. 1X- , 1'''a,"t K, eturgis and Rudolph Kep- grain. Montpelier, -A bill. i V., Mrs. Luke Walsh were burned to cation the Central Trust Unnr and norool TrnH,,to .. . "r ulut-- uu.iift iuv UHUing were the witnesses under exam- - BRITISH MINISTER PROMOTED. of company, .n &tauues s 2.1 pier hir.m , V" ::rV- - V V" "at persons receive cents a share commission. inaiioa. Both are former death today when their home here of New York, filed with the Vnited in this ate and tran-wer- presidents Pln,Sldlvrced marrying! 12 cents on each side of the e was fire. fact The com-- 1 t destroyed by The that London. Dec. 13. Leech. States district court. trust excessl and discriminatory, asa n v i n u, of the exchange. Stevan elsewhpr. ,.J Mr. there have been six tires here in the is trustee under the Colorado vas filed with me 7 Sturgis was led by Counsel British minister resident at Havana, pany today tor - - if return- t iiuerauue j bieamv thv i commerce commission the Arizona ci mum, I'ntermyer. for the committee, last three weeks to the suspi-- i lias been promoted to the rank of en Midland's first mortgage bonds and by was signed Governor Fletch-- j through today by "No, because some of that snecula- - cion of incendiarism. An investiga- - and minister pleni- j the was asked for the corporation commission. cr. .. voy extraordinary receivership tion is by brokers for themselves and (Continued on page four). tion is in progress. potentiary. ' benefit of the bondholders. PAGE TWO mih FE SEW MEXICAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912.

SURELY SETTLES-- , WHAT WILL WILSON what saveo "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE COLES" The Little Store UPSET STOIC US: DO WITH BRYAN her life HAS BUILT UP A REPUTATION FOR Mrs. Martin Tells Abort a Painful The Original and Only Absolutely Air-Tig- Heater on the Market. Ends In- EVERYONE Experience that Might Have THE LOGICAL STOVE HOME. Pape's Diapepsin" Ended FOR THE HONEST QUALITY, Gas Sourness Seriously. digestion, A iWoney andFuel Save HONEST MEASURE In Five Minutes. Rlvesville, V. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, IS ASKING IN WASHINGTON. BUT In a letter from Rivesville, writes: wo- Holds Fire for 36 Hours in "For three years, I suffered with and HONEST PRICES, ''Reiilly does'' put. bud stomachs NO ONE KNOWS. THERE ARE older does'' overcome manly troubles, and had pains In my Without Attention. Now we not "really back and side. I was nervous and Consequently are considering any Fake Piano Co- dyspepsia, gas, hearthurn and' NO INSIDE TIPS. PLENTY OF is the time to call and ntract boost You could not sleep at to our trade. get your money's houi'Q' in five minutes that just1 night. MdKe I'our Selection worth when you trade with that makes Pape's Diupepsiu the ADVICE OFFERED. The doctor could not help me. Ha - while our. stock is com- liifftest sellinK stomach regulator in: eaid I would have to be operated on be- the world. If what you eat ferments fore I co:.:d get better. I thought I plete in a sizes. We into stubborn lumps, you belch gas UNDERWOOD AND would try usin;,' Cartful. will take pleasure in and eructute sour, undigested food Now. I t.:n entirely well. CERT GO. Demonstrating to you INTER m 'and acid: head is dizzy and aches; CLARK PLANNING I am r ro Cardui caved my life. I the bieath foul; tongue coated; your vri!l nevw' be without Cardui In my advantagss to be had filled with bile and Indigestible I recommend to friends." in a Coles. Southern Corner Plaza, Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. home. it my Purchasing remember the moment Diapep- ) waste, ( Ily Clilson Gardner. For C .":y ycara, Cardui has been re- va WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES WE GIVE REGISTER TICKETS in sin conies contact with the stomach D. Dec. l:!. What caused wo- Washington, C, lieving p.v:i and distress by BUY A COLES HEATER all such distress vanishes. It's truly will Wilson do with This is almost and Bryan. manly tlx .' !o. It will surely help you astonishing marvelous, the more discussed in Wash- COAL AND YOU'LL BE GLAD harmlessness. (tiestion It goeo to the spot reaches the fOR HARD the joy is its at this time than the tariff, FOR SOFT COAL 1., i..F.. i'f ...... f f f Dnwic ington trouble relieves the symptoms, and Mica doors nre extra lai ire tilled in re- oniliial down draft. This is tin a driven awr.y the cause. (i!ps Diapepsin will give you hundred.:'".11 cessed grooves, perfect fit. .stove for ihR home, the office ui.d ail ts in signt. .ouoay Knows; iiuuuuj of public places. It little or mi AND 'dollars' worth of satisfaction or your If you trrfnr from any symptoms For those who enjoy the Glowing buy requires WHOLESALE RETAIL to know. The president-elec- t uttention and Is known to be the most hands you your money bad;. professes womanly take Cardui. tlie "Kudiant". servicable and of all druggist shown himself able to hold his economical stoves. It's worth its weight in gold to mea has Your drug.;ist sells and recommend and women who can't their stom- tongue in more languages than any It. Get a bottle from him today. WOOD -- DAVIS get a HARDWARE COMPANY. al lis in your public man seen in these parts for ft. B. Write to: L.iJies' Advisory Dept.. Chta-noog-- a regulated. It belongs Tenn.. tor home be long time. Nobody has any intima- Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Special Phone 14. If Its Hardware We Have It. Phone 14. Flour Potatoes and Salt. should always kept handy Jnstntctiwi! and hooK. "Home Treatment Hay, Grain, in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach tions; nobody professes to be pos- for Women." int in plain wrapper, on request. the sessed of a inside Every- Sole Agents For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. during the day or at night. It's quiet tip. most ss is else about quickest, surest, and liarmk body asking everybody DAINTY MITT. it is every- ALFALFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, & field seeds in bulk and stomach doctor in the world. and then everybody telling garden packages to do. body else what Wilson ought Md Dec. 13. Miss Lib discussion and Baltimore, The result is a violent lian Edwards, a handsome, athletic The exclusive house in Santa Fe BRYAN WILL - only grain a set of diametrically opposed opm- ialtimol.c girli smashed an impudent AGREE ON ONE ions. masher on the street tonight. Her The Fitzgerald l iiderwood demo- escort, William Stahl, had left her CONDITION of advice a Phone Black Phone Black crats are ottering columns for a moment, when John Seeger, Rooms With Bath, $1.50 and $2.00 Per Day to the effect that Bryan ought to be barber, saluted her .... 45 LEO HERSCH 45 Washington Dec. 13. interest-cabinet- , kept out of the cabinet at any cost. with "Ik l!o Kid, let's take a little ing morsel of gossip is being Their opinion is well expressed in a walk." "Fletchemed" at the capital by cer cartoon published in one of the Wall the r-'- t instant he dropped to the' tain democrats who are understood to street, New York, papers where Bryan sidewall from a clean, swift upper- - THE HOTEL r be in the confidence of Colonel Will was pictured as a burglar with a dark cut dealt him by Miss Lillian's dainty JLBffl - iam .). Bryan. lantern and a jimmy, creeping into a right, .lust then her escort reappear- The story as related is that .Mr. dark room, evidently intent upon ed and lapped the masher again. when Bryan would be willing to give i'avor-- I breaking into. big closet, marked Seeger was taken by surprise This is new for a oal Wood the little woman let drive at something Denver Hotel. able consideration' to the proffer of a "Wilson's cabinet." plucl.y Yi in the in the cabinet on the condition The opposite view is expressed by him. hen he told the story rooms with bath, $2.50 and $3.00 SAWED WOOD 'place court the bluecoats looked at Larger per that Mr. Wilson subscribe in his In- II. W. Wolley, who was in charge of police i c her admiringly for her prowess, and i one 01 tnese of the in the i the eastern democratic publicity uay. ry moderate priced rooms I terpretation plank the fined the masher $20 crnt.ic to the presi- the late campaign. Mr. m;.."jstrate DAWSON COAL platform relating bureau, during and cc. is. with bath, and you will be New Fire I dent ial term. Democrats are not Wolley said: pleased. in their view that the plat- - "I do not see how the wisdom of Proof room Domestic Lump Fancy Lump Fancy Egg unanimous bAnis;ies common Annex, every with bath.. form pledges Mr. Wilson to retire in appointing Bryan to the cabinet could the towel. 11917, Mr. has voice is as although Bryan insisted 'be questioned. Bryan's D. Dec. 13. The of demo-l- a Washington, C, it does pledge him against being fiuential as that any single common towel was ordered abolished "BUY IT OF CRICHTON." Me should be candidate for crat in the country. from r.tilroad cars, vessels, all other he j an now to to Phone One Double O J. It is said that the colonel when given opportunity help interst; u! vehicles, and from stations J and to goes to Princeton to see the presi-- formulate democratic policies by Secretary MacVeagh of the treas- - e dent-elect- , - for i and is asked to become see- assume some of the responsibility ury department in an amendment to m a He retary of state, will bring up the upholding the administration. the int( rstate quarantine regulations.! - to subject of the governor's construe- should be compelled view things This action followed closely the abol-- j - tiou of the platform declaration. from the inside rather than the out- isnment ot the common drinking cup If Mr. Wilson coincides with the 'side. Colonel Bryan has had the from use on interstate carriers. CAPITAL COAL YARD view, Bryan it is reported, dom to criticize, without any of the Towels my be used again only after PHONE 85 MAIN. will give an affirmative answer to the responsibility; now he should share having been sterilized. invitation to enter the cabinet, but ' the responsibility and help to make he will exnect the nresident-elee- t to the administration a success. There A $200,000 MORTGAGE FILED. state rns position on tins question in are several millions of people who will Kansas City, Dec. 13. The Uncle Wood ot-- ; oal his oelieve To SWASTIKA LUMP d0!FACTORY WOOD inaugural address. anything Bryan says. gam company has issued bonds to I SAWED WOOD If Mr. Wilson declines to do this fend these people by leaving Bryan tne amount of $200,000. In order to II CERRILLOS LUMP the colonel will decline to enter the outside the administration councils 0t,tain these bonds all the property of would in most tin-- j STEAM COAL CORD WOOD cabinet, according to the story, hiu be, my judgment, the company in Oklahoma and Kansas THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH- 1 an ; will without to make it wise. Of course, speak merely as Was mortgaged to the Kansas Trust ANTHRACITE COAL, ALL SIZES. proceed delay ODS, a most impor- uncomfortable for the new a.lministi.i individual and have no information as company. The mortgage was filed in IN Electricity plays Montezuma Avenue, near A., T. & S. F. Railroad Depot. i to what will be done. 1 how- - tion and lay his lines for capturing think, the office of the register of deeds of tant part. The grandfather would ever, that I know Governor Wilson Vvnlntf. eonntv venter-d- v The 'tlii? nomination h'mse'f in 1010. of mod- t , be amazed at the radiance the j ... in vuuuru to nuu oiM ii; u" money will be used to increase the ' 'h ise in this re8urd'" I NOTES FROM ClOUOCROFT. tllins .facilities of the company. ern home and why all this light ? To There is another kind of democrat H''.'-- . me cmHu at " more homelike to s STAGE LINE in uiero uouutj cum, W,J0 rclxU.i(,s Brvan influence, but doe) make the home make WOODY'S and Saturday at AUjmogordo OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Friday want Mm cloge (Q ,h0 presldent, URINARY the home the most pleasant spot on earth I n Cloiidoi'oft wort From Andrew Hendrix, bOy ud b,.,teveis ,ua( there is a way to! Jr a medal 111 the contest. DISCHARGES for and children. Good La Salle Restaurant gold spelling avo,d thia tousequence by bribing , father, mother light BARRANCA TO TAOS His was is the BELIEVED IN mark perfect. Andrew 1)rvan wUh a Wg diplomatic They be - jb. mmifk that is on the eyes is very much to CHAS. GANN, North South old son of W. .1. lien- . easy Prop. Meets Both idoveh year simsoKt tn;U ,irvan be made atnbassa-- 24 HOURS! drix of Ibis city and is a bright and , . c t T, (n ace or white- - desired. Telephone II. Rounds Trains. - industrious Cloudcroft is very Each Cap- i Leaves Barranca on the arrival ol boy. law Reid. There are many excellent mile hears (MIDYl: "two Doorg Below F. Andrew Star. ii ot ut as ne nimseu io , rmim-.tS- north bound train and arrives at piouu proved arguments in favor of such a noniina-- the Regular Meals 25 cents. the be one of the best, Li the at 7 m. spellers lion. There is no doubt that Bryan Jiewurnt'f ctnniterfflA and BOc. Taos p. his 3 Boomt for Pent 25c, county, the best you might say, for would be most received at At. I. PKriif.lMTS at All Hours. Ten miles shorter than any other cordially Short Order age. the Court of St. James and that the way. Good covered- hacks and good The funeral of Mrs. C. F Barret'., lind it refresh-- : BOARD BY THE WEEK $5.00 Fare $5.00 round Teams British would really uirunxi rmruiru tea"is. trip. who died Friday, was held Tuesday from our in frencn Noodle Order 10c. a furnished commercial men to take In ing to have as ambassador near Cloudcroft. man more the demo- Uew York Chop Suey EOc, the surrounding towns. Wire E.nbudo republic a after a Supervisor R. V. Balthis, of the the americans who r cratic type of first wwwww-mwwwwwwwwr- Station. Alamo national is in the POWER forest, away represented us abroad. They are not " work in his tJ interest of the depart unduly impressed by ambassadors like to Cloudcroft aris-wil- eMsKMHBHOMHEBBHiniBEMEBHnMMOEHBWi ment. Before returning Ke.d whQ obsem,iousiy imitate l OTHINQ IS QUITE SO CONVEN tjggsBjQiBPJBInBBRHB Mr. visit Cruces, Hi Balthis torracv muk lavisU dispiay 0f and Alamo-- ; NEW6) IENT as to touch the button and ASK FOR TICKETS Santa Fe, Albuquerque money. Experience has shown that, gordo. in all foreign countries the American your stove is ready to cook your Prof. J". M. Helm, Mr. C. A. Uedic, who is true to the democratic type is N FREIGHT Oats iron to use, your toasted SHIP YOUR both teat hers in the t londcroft school, much more highly regarded than the: Quaker ready Supterintendent C. S. Wood of the) other type. for the hurried breakfast, your vacu- To El Paso, Bisbee, Douglass and Add Farina ready Alamogordo Lumber company, These are not the reasons, however, um for the washer FROM SANTA FE In New Mexico, Ari Rubv Mamie cleaner ready fray, your all points Painter. Mmmo, smit'i, wiiujii IHUVC BUIIitr UClllwviaio " vw.. David and s to cleanse, fan to cool the heat- Mexico and to the Pacific Coast, via NEW MEXICO Walter Smith, Swope to Brge Bryan-- appointment. ready ready zona, coun-,lThe- y Pettijohns ,nie McClure, attended the Otero ,u.e put forward chiefly by ed rooms. Electricity will do .every thing CENTRAL to Torrance thence. ., ty school contest at Aiamogoruu whQ at ,)ea.t fear and dlstrust!! for you. We furnish it at reasonable rates, week. They have all returned 'o and wish merely to get him out Wheat Hearts attended Bryan and n:ght Estimates and full infor- 'Cloudcroft. W.J. Hendrix of the country. day the last day of the contest. The Vnlerwood - Fitzgerald - Clark Quaker mation cheeerfully given. The faction in the .present house of repr:-- i UNRULY BULL. sentatives has started a movement to Corn perpetuate their control of the ways Meal, SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. Hamilton. Ohio, Dec. 1:1. It was a and means committee into the next Best case of a bull in a (lower shop, instead bouse They fear that new members! Grains of Gold, ot the proverbial "china shop today.' coming in might wish tepresentation J w hen one of five bovines stampeded in the tariff program; there-- made a dive: forming on Main street and one fore the plan to call a caucus this! Route West for the (lower store of Charley Gray, winter which will be a joint caucus) MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE in the front doors and NEW rmashing of the present democratic members IF YOU with the - cieating havoc, potted plants., of the house and of the new members- YOUR was a wild rush of and1 LIKED ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. There clei:s and to ratification from! For Rates and Full Information Address the back door, all es- elect, rtcure pedestrians for caucus for to the hF bull was started this anpomtments 'The West Point of the Southwest. The finally Thanksgiving Turkey G r & P. AGENT, caping. ways and means committee to fill its to a , EUGENE FOX, EL PASO, TEXAS. with companions, slaughter vacancies. The trick is Ranked as I I house. prospective LET US "Distinguished obvious. The new members will be Institution ' the U S. mem-- ; HAVE YOUR by and the old - green unorganized, as- War Department. bers will be veterans and organized, f of Ointments for Catarrh ORDER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. HAVE YGU THE PROPER Beware The veterans will easily put the pro- I Located in the beautiful Pecos That Contain Mercury. 3, 700 gram over on the new members. Valley. feetabove senlevel, as will destroy the CHRISTMAS sunshine dav. Open air or the U. mercury surely democratc are al-- 1 every Department Interior, S.i$fgn LfiddCTS, of smell and e The progressive work the entire ses- . sense completely throughout Li L v., - of the fact that lUUU ' the whole system when enter- ready making capital sion. Conditions for physical November 5, 1912. Tables, Oscar leader mental are Ironing ing it through the mucous surfaces. I'nderwood, nominally and development is that Henry of the house, was recently the guest IDEAL-sue- b. as cannot be found Notice hereby given Such articles should never be used , L of New Mexico, Kitchen Cabinets, of honor at a in New York elsewhere in America. Four-- Cooper, Stanley, except on prescriptions from repu- banquet all on 9, 1907. made home- u other were teen officers and Instructors, who, December table as the damage they here the principal guests st- 4 physicians, from standardEa' No. O3143-12")0- for SE Counters, Shelving W. Aldrich, graduates stead entry will do is ttn fold to the good you former Senator Nelson xi-- ern Ten buildings, Seuafor 'Sufi colleges. f not see and see how little on n possibly derive from them. Hall's Thomas Fortune Ryan, Bailey S, modern iu every respect. rrM35p.MeWrP naseTce: n;e. Catarrh Cure, manufactured F. J. of Texas. K. H. Gary of the steel j by : ' five-ye- it will cost have r.Sht of intention to make Proof. things & Co.'. Toledo. Ohio, contains trust. Chancellor Day. James M. Duke Regents of all kinds and Cheney K. A. CAHOO.V. President. to establish claim to the land above Repairing neatly :,o and is taken of the tobacco trust. DeLancy Nicoll, ' mercury, internally, CANDIES T. K. to. Ber-wiu- KHEA, described, before Harry C. Kinsell, t". promptly attended dir- - blood mil- - Root. E. J. d :i(t;;;:4 e'ly upon th. and partner of Senator .1. P. WHITE, TreaKuter. S. ai New; Fiiinff .SlW StlCCiallV. i . Commissioner, Stanley, fif (hlf '' purfacs of the system. In buy-;- of the soft coal trust, George JOHN W. PC'E, Secretarj-- on the 10th of December r MODERN BROCERYCO. mm Mexico, day ;; Kail's f'atarrh Cur lie sure you Gould. Stuyvesant Fish, and a not3; THE W. A. F1NLAY. 1912. jet the gui'iine. It is taki"-- n intornal-t- j cf from J. P. Morgan himself.! regret P For particulars and illustrated rinlmonf nnmOQ witTlPSKf'S! HOADS i::id made in Toledo, Ohio, F. few by address, j W. SANTA I E. N. M It wiM not to wa3te your O. C. Heyer, Julia Downs, Albert Telephone 157 :: Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. pay you of -. time writing out your legal form Brown, B. F. Cooper, all Heye- Sold by druggists. Trice Te per , C0L.JAS.W. WILLSON, Supt. Mexican when you can get them already print-- New Mexico. A want Ad. in the New bottle. ' I ed New Mexican com-- 1 MANUEL R. OTERO. sees more people in one day than you Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-- ; at the Printing t ' i is umruxruxru Register. can see in a month. Try one. 'pation. pany. fi rujmrLnnrunjuiJU" tnr FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN PAGE THREE

to get through villi the hearings by liax, hemp anil jute and other matin-fixtures- ; THE TARIFF TO BE the end of January. The schedules K, wool and manufactures; will he considered in their regular ;;e- - I., silks and sill; goods; .M, pulp, pa- (licnce in the present tarii'i law. in rs and books; X. sundries, beads, wftat mm warn CONSIDERED The action of the democrats of the bullous, brushes, coal, harl., dolls, JUST TO LET VOL' KNOW to seek for 'chains, gloves, paintings, plows, um- i committee, designed light 0. ."Ajswf a. i,v tism., 'v.vtV. in the tariff revis- brellas and parasols, A:c. i THE CAPITAL TAILOR IS guidance framing iu;if A will be at a of ihe One day al the end of January will ion, ratilied meeting , Holiday! cm ; REAM TO MEET YOU THE DEMOCRATS DECIDE TO NOLO MEET- full committee. be sel aside for a hearing those utiva in the five list uiul the admin-islraliv- ING DURING THE Tin' first hearing on .Ian.:.;, , i; will MORE THAN HALF WAY, PRESENT SESSION features of the tariff' he on Schedule A, fixing the euiies of proposed 1 HE WILL PUT ANOTHER PREPARATORY TO THE SPECIAL chemicals, oils and paints, including legislation. There was incidental reforc nee to OF O.N medical preparations containing al-- ; Flyer! HIS SALES the form of whether as a colio! or in whose preparation alee-- : revision, THE PERPLEXING Washington, I). ('., pee. l;:. Thor- bill or in bills deal- hoi is used, perfumery, medicate d, &p. general separate ough revision, schedule liy schedule. ing with the wool sclu cl Then will follow on S the. Individually of the present tariff law by the next January the the free FOR ONE WEEK hearing on the earths, earllu nware ulo, sugar schedule, list' Christmas Problem ONLY! was deois-- i congress indicated by the nd so on. as in the past, but there' ion and glassware schedule, including of the democratic members of the wtis no serious discussion on this house and means tiles, china, porcelain, crockery, spec- Is Settled Very Easily Made ways committee to point. The matter will he left to fu- Elegant Suitings on tacles, marble and onyx, grindstones, have hearing's the tariff every Mote ture decision by the committee mem- in a The sequence of the other sched-- i Up Ciassy Style, day, Wednesday and Friday in Jan- in the m w libs in this .Monday, W'ednesdav and bership congress that Fit Guaranteed uary, beginning January (i. conies into ollice March I. ERE! One will he to Friday program follows: day devoted each A resolution will be offered by the if in Schedule metals and manufac- schedule, though necessary any (', committee within a few days asking If You're for ease two will tures 1), wood and manufactures Looking Something not exceeding days he of; authority to employ additional expert K. manu-I'aciur- e allowed. of; sugar, molasses ami assistance for the committee in its Tliere are 11 schedules, but by of; F, tobacco and manul'ae-Hire- s preliminary work. HER merging two or three of the minor of; d, agricultural products and FOR - the ; schedules with adjoining inijiort- provisions if, spirits, wines and oilier Change of program al the Klks to- m Something She Will Enjoy Having and Wearing, ant schedules the committee expects beverages; I, cotton maiiul'acl uivs; .1, night, Don't miss it. Something That Never Goes Amiss, why bou-i- am d to get you if you have not been SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST. JUST GIVE HER SUPPERS wearing my suits, as I". .IKSFri CALLS I'KTKIi AM) ANUHKW. there is no way out of (Reverently portrayed on the exae; spot where it took place nineteen hundred years auo a part of the el th- - it. You MUST see the orate and costly moving picture production of the Kalem company, to be fir.-- . t shown at Christ mas time.i If You're Looking for Something advantage of getting one of my stylish made-to-measur- e FOR HIM suits over - r. - that He Will Enjoy and that Will the cheap ready-mad- e Something Wearing kind the kind that , .,::;.::::: : .v '.''- I Be a Source of the Greatest Comfort to Him, why then are expensive at any price. JUST GIVE HIM SLIPPERS Step in now and make ijour selection. Have a New Suit for the Holidays. 0J. TAL T Xmas Hosiery! East Side of Plaza Don't fail to see our most hi .'AM Beautiful Line of Hosiery. sa!ssi5-s- ebwgv:. There is nothing more ac ccptable or highly appreci- 'away to make the coin to keep the for Xmas choo-cho- car buzzing. And it takes ated than hosiery Atouf a lot of coin. Automobile extrava-- i presents. We have them people gance will go down in history, I am in all kinds and prices for as a characteristic of the Henry I'. liardshar, noted Bough convinced, nineteen twelve.'' liider and for many years internal year il revenue collector for New Mexico and .Mr. liardshar says another striking Men, Women and Children! Arizona, is yi the city. He has been feature is the steady increase of the traveling extensively, "liusiness is use of alcohol anil tobacco by the mis-- l.c-n- too good," he commented. Is it American nation. "There is no j Classy because of the recent election? Is take possible; the consumption of al-- it because of certain court decisions cohol and tobacco is making phe- I when one 5 affecting Wull street? Opinions differ. nomenal gains even takes D fferent TLUEjl Quality Hut the hope is expressed that the into consideration that the population depression will be followed by better of tile country is increasing- by leaps limes after the new president takes of- and bounds, as. every new census fice. A panic next March would be a shows." j poor augury for four years of pros- A little want ad costs but a few perity, of course. CONGRESS TO ADJOURN. cents and brings wonderful results: "One thing a man notices traveling Washington, 1). C Dec. 13. Ad- when published in the Xew Mexican. WMfaemoreb in- - for around the country is the steady journment of congress Christmas IC" " MLFM CO ! Try one. crease of automobiles. It used to be holidays from December l!i to Janu- his Shoe Polishes saw two Simon, called 1'eter, and Andrew FINEST LARGEST VARIETY -- , was when the And walking by the Sea of (lalilee. brother!,, '';' QUALITY said that works hut ary authorized today Jesus, 1 ol ) If use embossed stationer you 'everybody And lie said unto them. I'ollow me, and make j on s you j, is j a net into the for they were fishers. lather' bit now the song 'everybody senate adopter a resolution already casting sea; , tlit; new s'.ate. rides but fattier.' 'Father' is toiling passeci ny t,ne men. .Matthew iV: I l !. lessen

about the red stockings is that Ihey One Woman's Idea Brings Santa Clans Down All the in Her 'this you know," .Mrs. great, big stocking, filling it and card of instructions. Tins card tells a two-fol- blessing For not ' SB Chimneys Christinas, says 'a bring 'CUT KDGE" tli" sliiic i; tlint Turns of into of "and it to some little child thai what, the hag should contain to only City and Day Misery Joyous Christmas for Thousands Waterman, the idea has grown tending tilings only are they proving blessings pomle ely COMUIli OH. I'elifihrsl.'iilM'i' Poor Children. so that this there are Fiiin might forget. above all others. the children who get them, but Ihey mid cliiliirciiV ImotH and Klines, sliiiies without rul-- I year nearly Santy r.r. "FRENCH local a or to biiifl. GLOSS," !". contributors to the Red Stockings' "Fvery associated charities "We suggest suit muierwear. are exactly as great blessings the "DANDY" cfimiiiiiutiiMl lor rlrQiiint; flml polishm P. Burton. mi tne ( aim scribbled sweater-vest- , By Marry picture bore in Brooklyn alone, not to men- organization or group of visiting mittens, cap, stockings, children who give them! all kimlHiif rnssi't ur tun pilots, '2:.o. "STAR"Hiw, inc. X. V., Dec. 12. note "Jimmie"-th- e "OliK'K WHITE" (in liquid l nini'i'lcuicU-- ! Brooklyn. from addressed "To in Xew York su- nurses can Ihe names of the animal v tion those and the give you book, toys, popcorn, candy "Many a mother has said to me: lyclcans ami whllens'lirt rjiuv.-t- t"i'. &!:.''. Xot a in all all-da- single empty stocking Tenement Lady." It asked her if little children thai are to get left crackers and four suckers. 'Von "A..BO" CLEANS and WRITIKS ciuvas shoes. 1" burbs." apt to see the dif- ' v. lne;i-rt- li- - " lately, just ought wliite OtkcB p'icUr'1 in wi'h. America this Christmas! she couldn't' it o Sania won't is out. Kach well-to-d- should can he added without ti(:in But this not enough, to satisfy family Other things ferent Christmas spirit that filling n I'k;. In liantlBcuii'', hir.-- emainmu boxes, "A a Mi ntn-- e, dream!" you say "simply forget us this year : he's doing in the big mother-hear- t of .Mrs. Water- apply for one of these names and end. The wearing apparel need not red has into our u itti 'J.'n'. dream. llie stocking brought, "ELlrE" comlin!ii inn for cent ifimcn whrt picture." a The and sex he new if it is MtirtrH - nn-- man. For she knows that prepare stocking. ago good. house. The children, instead off pi iilni n liiiviui; Uifir liMik t. ttesf r,ilnr wonderful to w Ii lru.-- u "Just something very .Mrs. in should be so that the "We have toy, witli one - and nmre to all hlnrk hIio.. J'teieli a Waterman vowed then and break as easily given really arranged, tin- what j - but to just spending day wondering t.rclotli, cuts. "BABY ELITE" r'm, IncenN. think about, utterly impossible in useful will be in. of the; stores here to sell nil there that she would fix it! Santa Fe as Brooklyn. things put leading Ihey will get, talk of nothing else' y.m..,t,.Hl,.,- i. not On' li'ii'l V"'i wmil. llr tin- in t;e "P- - I "P f'tll l"i' Un r'U.'S Hiitl. than what son of things Sally on WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO., A BIG IDEA FROM BROOKLYN LET'S ADOPT IT QUICK IN SANTA FE. 6 Johnny would like to get in their red 20-2- Albany Street, Cambridae, Moss. 'Jif Ottrsl ai'il hur t Mawun sun'rs uj stockings! Shut J'.tlhk.-- in the Ifmtd. So we feel that if every boy and girl in America gets a red stocking this Christmas morning, so will every; The temperature sterday ranged little boy and girl who gives one re- ironi l.) to J, d ;rees with an aver- - ceive as much. in For return for age relative humidity of 7- - lier cent. the gift, Cod will see that will they At 6 o'clock this it was Tl III get the area test of al! gifts. morning i 3 "For the Christ who was born on degrees. Yesterday was clear, and Jk Xo Christmas, pierced to the very heart pleasant. better weather could jJ of tilings when he said: have been found for this season, the "It is more Idessed to give than bracing air being so much superior to receive. to lh" enervating bi- 'nth of some1 of "It is. lbo much advertised California win- - " l'.v a red stocking tlii year and I'T results. ' see for yourself!" ffJ 1 FILL OUT and mail this blank TODAY PLEASE!

V A Merry Christmas for EVERY CHIL9 This Year U.MPTY STOCKIXK CLl'B: Vj,y Cx J Care Daily New Mexican. i want to ne a volunteer Santa t .MRS. S. WATKR.MAX. Clans, will a Christ-name- s J. -- - provide merry '"as ici poor cliilclrc n. it you Send me their and addresses. accomplish. I Name) Well, you're wrong Altogether (Address) t rong. all! It is the This is no dream at An on a of a cer- Elephant Hand, Yilagraph Work for the Xew Mexican. It is very plan comedy, at the Klks tonight. It's a tain Tnotrier-Fpiri- t of a woman who scream. working for you, for Santa Fe and lives in Brooklyn. tin, new fatate. And the success of this scheme de--! pands upon you! So will you help, she asks, help to bring Santa C'.aus down all the chim-- ; neys of America on that enchanted eve this year; not down just the few chimneys of the prosperous? j Clieerfiil Will you, in short, join her fast life ; npite growing band of "Red Stockings?" It is tho rifrht of; to bvo pnd cnjiv th cheerful life. We owe it to oursclve unci tho-- uh live with u.i id liv the cheerful life. We, cannot do so if ill he alLh take.-- hold of u.. One day, three years ago. Mrs.: The wife, mother unci ci a Waterman was in uip;h'or Ptifforin.T fiw.n hot flashes, ncrvoi-snes- James Sears thej headache, backache, lrmriTun'-low- n fee'in. or anv ml er ve.iknons due to disorders rir j library of her big. beautiful hom 3 irrrKUlarilini of thu Uv.licule lema.i rt;ui-.s-:- nut oniy a burden to herself ' but to her loved ones. ' when the maid brought her a dirty NOTiux : Wiere In lkft; it a remedy. Port years experience hxi proven unmistakably that little letter addressed ill pencil. The Picture Timinie" Sent to the "Tenement l.ady," Which Cave the Idea for the lied Stockings. the letter was a picture clipped from DB. h copy of "Life" and the name of! JIrs AYaterman is the head of the; And so Mrs. Waterman wants to "Xow that we are fully established things for the stociv.ngs a cost. One PIEKCE'S the picture was "Xothing Left!"' (tenement committee of the Brooklyn have love reach out everywehere this here in Brooklyn we give out our own can purchase the contents of a red told a charities. The picture just simple story iwicu me uiKinueis iiearu year ana naug reu siocKings on an red stockings. A big sewing firm do- stocking here for $1.50, $2 or SJ.TiO, ac- J7av3afe heart-brea- k the of two lit- about Jimmie's prescription of story cletter, they all agreed the fireplaces of America. nates them to us. They are dis- to desire. Vue is most will, restore health to wcs;:e-i- 3 For 40 it has cording plan I year, survived children of the slums in to ner to see to it i so accom-"i- f envy ami imhr... oi y .;- -i s :n m,-r- ine in tle crouching neip that there 'And it will be easy to tributed mostly through the school and doubtless in 'each T liquid or tablet form. successful, city Dr. 1'ierees I'Hv.,r:to ,.!cts of tiruirfri.n or mailed oil on eve. Beside them should not be a stock--i ev- - cne-cei- '.t 1.00 ranlehcj bed Christmas single empty nlish." savs Mrs. Waterman. children. They are of red cambric, some merchant would be glad 'to do rec int of aini ior oi- tiijc size. Address ii. V. Pierce. M. n his gift-ba- in all Christ- - UufTnio, N. V. stands Santa Clans, holding ing Brooklyn the next eryone will help. nine inches wide and 3.1 "inches long. this thing for the sake? of the Christ-- j It is empty. And he is say- mas. j "There is no mystery about joining On each is fastened a card bearing mas spirit. j Or. Plerce'3 Pl?sanl Pe!Ic?a resaiaja end Invigorate j-- ru -- to left." "That was three e Liver 3 ing them "Xothing just years agoUhe red stockings. It's just making the name of the recipient-to-b- and aj "But the best of all the good things stomach, aai tociwclj. coaled, tiny granules. J PACE FOUR SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1312.


SPORTING s THE WEATHER. - Santa Fe, X. M., Dec. 1:5. For AiH&K WrcBte&b. New Mexico: Tonight and Sat lair not much in REMEMBER ? EX-PITCH- urday change Xj GREAT IS "REAL ESTATER" NOW. temperature. X X X X V X X X X X X

IN HE HAD GdEKT AND A WONDER Fol TELEPHONING . The New Mexican, if your business nsoixo batts.-- ' "" d"i i Slow ball that the Is about or tin - EVERY TIME advertising, subscriptions live-Ion- ,- job work, please call up "31 W." If Tramp the day on rough walk", hard floors or fjyoii wish ta'epeak' to the editor or give through the rainit doesn't natter if you're wearing Drl' .any news, please phone "31 J." hey Cushion Shoes. For you won't go home at night vit.h Lister feet . insole WAiT'LL IT Gcrmley's General Store will have j'our wet, aching or burning The softcushion sup- GETS TO Christmas trees for sale. Phone us ports the arches cf your feet distributes your weight i cur ordi rs. Phone 19W. evenly.' You walk cn your whole foot and you The gocds are moving fast at the wall; much more tasiJy. No other shoe is so sale for reason that ourl eafy i.e simple so restful and jti;;t trying them or. will rhew you prices an1 o low. Salmon's. NN vliy. Lome 11: to::iurro'.v a.nJ t;t;c thi ue-.- Now this lot woolo maicE a Fine. US) . SyntheLIc gems, diamond, ruby and styles. WXy CRainI BERRY SWAMP OR IT roiiLO Will BE DRAINED sapjrliire. gold mountings. A bear dian-.'jii- tests. W. H. Goebel. AND US6TD F Get the csi results from doc- - e broke1 BASE BALL. your C2 into the: tor's can il l diagnosis. Have your PROFESSION WKCN THE prescription s filled at Zook's. at TRADE Boys woac lace curtajns The Shct Qun Ranchman, the! MARK Its western. . Shoe And ba(4e v Elks tonighl. ' MKMi caught EI5IN. HANDEO CCi You don'; :iave to worry what to THE REAL. ESTATE get for Xniu:'. presents. Simply come, 1,3.SCII5M!0N Business now and see our line of Balleta blankets, JOHN PFLUEGER C0M,Rts.;r. with i AYlien he retireil from the game for 'and for the next two years Couch Covers, Pillow Tops, Scarfs aud Zara-icri- a 1 ' In 18S..-- lie pitched for the rugs with 2 c.'SKiOS svtpokts so Tim leefe Troy. heavy Navajo designs. A;;t fr--i nsuow wku which he did much, of New Montezuma the classic shades of Cam-- . famous old .Metropolitans iMc.icana, opposite 1 sought not until 188,") thai hotel. of Ids birth York and it was bridge, Mass., the city us u member of Closed On account of the I he bis career Library ;md lie relief from the excite-- be;an sought the New York club. illness of the librarian, the library; nienl. of the diamond in the prosaic will convince you. during the convention. All efforts to ' remained with ilie team until the will not be open tomorrow, Satur- business of real estate, in which he lie Mr. Paul Butt uas arrange.d two very break Dr. Kohlbousen's grip on his fall of 1892. His last year, 1X!I,1, was day. windows for the Putt Drug ic 'Mowers proved unavailing and he lias succeeded. Jus'.icc Jose Maria Garcia is hard attractive with I'hiladelphia. store on the plaza. Apart from the held the fort in the usual fighting jMhh who knew Tim Keefe when he at work on his for rcelec-- j is a of sadness in Tim campaign and the skillful fashion, .Three officers officiated as in- There touch pretty decorations, ' was one of the attractions, (ion as j .slice of the in - game's Keel'e's answer to the "Is peace precinct Mwnmlntr ' nt .r.vncon ta Slll'tort tf tllO lliakerS. bllt llCVOnd fill PXnlnS- Tim Keefe question, 17. 1 . nounced, in the SO's, that sist he would he as successful today Tii justice is receiving assttr-- ion neem-re- Wliil faster today than in your n, mvnnnlg ihmnon1vp of oratorv. nothing would pitch for New York, all roads as he was in the SO's. lie was always are and useful. The the; Kolilhouseu forces denied, the time?" are to him interesting safety right is 19 a out his op- that they going stand by nre-- 1 01 1. to led to the old polo grounds. It brainy pitcher, guessing "I seen so few in re--' v., In ninnv rnrilioK nf e:iRps J. Fulton make the call for as Clarke Griffith did hav games on the day of the election. ThP Jus-:'"'- ." since Keefe tossed his glove ponents just am to make the convention, tliev neeented tliu years cent years that unable tlce ia in Hit. r , .. and said good and as Mathewson has been doing for i.ji if.uuB up iuno- , the .bottles of challenge and carried the day. It is upon the closet shelf a fair comparison," he says, tc ll ., , ,. i, , i, ,. huge : the lost years. Keele hail terriuc speeu aim the hand mirrors, the boxes reported lhat the matter, however, bye to baseball, and game i In Keefe's opinion, the greatest New of New Mexi- perfumes, a Slow nan, curves aim mo Prince's History of in silk will go to the state convention before one of its immortals. ball that ever lived was Ed candy opera bags daintily of was as as a player co, Octavo, Illustrated, $1.H0. For hair brushes and ji1- - is finished. The little convention Pitchers like Tim Keefe occur about change pace deceptive the infielder of decorated; galore Williamson, Chicago sale by all booksellers. but vou have to see the window! And is said to have been a minature of in a He was the mirage. will doubtless call for mine decade. the '80's. This Eleganiiy Furnished Rooms Tor rent. there is another feature in another the Chicago and the Baltimore con "When Mutrie had the Giants V Oil inhnsan of his Jim but an old timer will Thn fltl.iL-l- In n rtlfi, hnirinU . . - rAnio ..... w,it.p criticism, many . ventions and u.i,0..n . looon t l,3r,i ii,. . . ' WUUIOW llie SillUKei UU1JKUI. just as full of "scrap" New team i ' fl,,. had reasons to day. He pitched the York ..u admit that Keefe pick electric light, steam heat and battu Thp,.p arp ninp anfi ci,rarettes and to-- as any convention ever held in Col- - to i inin ii lentrne and world's chanipion- pennants. the infield wonder. me European noiei, centrany lo"!bacco for both. fax county. - nt-ti- r was - j 1 wSIB Old timers say ne nau every- j ''years ago umi nut When it came to naming the cated. State ship. jt Progressive Headquart- Lady Did you ever hear of a better :'' jI lg to-- . From - re- IsMm mJmmi' of was horn in boy- ers in the hotel. j thing that the greatest pitchers Cambridge. pitcher, Keefe unhesitatingly gjft for ymu. illlstjand, brother or man BARTH OBJECTS. him and at If - day possess, w hood baseball fascinated sponded, "Charlies Sweeney." care to save money in any- tjla1 a tor Denver, Dec. 13. William Earth, ... ycj fripml :,Iacl5inaw co;lt -- u .,e Pu. to wear don't to advan- - named with Dlain- - First of Those Big Special Stories on In 1888 Keele pitched 50 games, ? age oi "Impossible!" you exclaim. thing fail take christnms? salmon's. James A. Hill, as a Sal-- ; tiff in the fessional career, with Lewiston, Jle., it was Charlie who o: our Sale. , , . suits filed against Old Time Stars Who Made Base- - leading the National league with Sweeney tage big Holiday oi:uui- - Guy Leroy ill 1876 - ocouis UUI me of .744 and he did pitching for the same team struck out 21 Boston batters one aft- moil's. camping Stevick, receiver of the defunct Den- ball What Are Do- splendid average lllttsiri itriL LU1I ill tCl l.UUll film ver History They this such men as Curt Welch, also. ernoon In 1X87, a record that has nev- LOS A ladies' gold watelf. Be-- Savings bank, today filed a state- ' against . of Scouts for - .r. la good companyI Boy ment in the district ing Today. , Charlie Sweeney, Titcomb and Hank Keefe went to Waterloo, Clinton er been equaled by a National league ward f.u- return to this office. . , T . court, declaring Arroyo nonuo wneie in puny iuu that, he had not been consulted and O'Day, later an umpire and recently and Plica in 1S7T-7- and 79 respec- pitcher. Sweeney was a world beater well L I overnight The boys are that his name was used - u .,n cn,.t,a-- stay without his When the au- Cincinnati's In 1880 he was with Albany in his prime and don't forget it. ri,i.,, - morning newspapers . tively. j with blankets camp uten- consent. there w as a very largo attendance, provided food. Some of the in fact they had to turn people away sils and regular of Scouts will be BEHIND THE RECORD. said his firm was an active trader m nd these who were fortunate enouah required Boy on this with a view to THE JOLLY MINSTRELS WILL New York. Dec. 1:1. With the Suter 'stocks; that he never had engineer--d to be there were very much pleased mde trip ! SOOU Oil Carman-Lofto- s Willi lln Tim nliiv Winning the trODhv to be The will - A Mothers and teams a manipulation himself but he knew nprfnrnianro nil of the peo- OP HPPP THFIBSnA Y 7Y?Wr; be on exhibition in the window of the New 'still trailing two laps in the rear the wliat "manipulation" was. He said repeated Sunday evening, and pie is supreme; if in Mera's band will also Tickets Mexican ollice. Tlie trpphy twelve leaders the six day bicycle he lm( never been employed by a play. Printing fraud and rascality XJ G will be sold at j offered Mr. J. H.'Tou-- j I the inated ami of a were tied at miles, the door the same as has been by George "Honey Boy" Evans, campus ouiidings race 2,007 laps,! po0 it is because we J i last and the will be will be awarded either to exist, nm-am- uie evening price louse, and ,lim!ni,tivo of m!nc(-l- pirls' semiimrv in the Southland. The ai ociock mis inoiiiing. 'I've been by in have these always employed the 30 cents for and 2." or to the j things in V.ln o,,,-.n,.- Kin dllSkvl10Ul' This is seven miles, six laps tame, adults, the Camp Fire Girls Boy U nf L, Ll .il.fuiaV. IV J iA nruitlno'iinl W- MM11V--lanPVfl. 1 V7J ailU 1110 tSLIfJl Ml WUkUlf,1-- iliviiliml lie j WlllUllJn,r.oi. ' i" ' lmnspta.'l sjlid. cents for children. our heart. are l"c made ' Scouts, after the competitive public favorites, will present an edition de belles and sportive darky beaux, '"' ""' Dr Clifffford S. "b ' "That is the why it's done, isn't if! Losey, The Eye, examinations to be held on the "The City" M. B. Ko luxe of the old time minstrel show at given splendid opportunity for clever:1""1 ' if) j Ear, Nose and Throat - At noon the 108th hour the twelve The pool acts tbirough a single house specialist ofjEChool grounds next spring. the Elks' Decern-- ! saltatorial exhibitions. It intro- I I Itn LJnli-m- theater, Thursday. tit! TV(-u-Arroco, CIL thnLIIT I LlnlrtT leading teams were tied at 2,064 miles the pool manager' asked .Mr. Un- "o Hill UU ui(tv;c; IIUICJ ber 10. duces John King, the incomparable December 1 3th. (and five laps. The record for the 12th, and 11th. Hours; .Alarvelous scenic embellishments, wench delineator, and Same Lee, the 2 to 5 m. DR. KOHLHOUSEN WILLIAM FARAH hour is 2,086 miles, 'J laps, made in p. EMIL MIGNA8D0T gorgeous wardrobes and spectacular persona tor of a "No account niggah." "Yen," answered Mr. Content. ISP!"). The leaders were tied at 2,102 The Charge of the Light Brigade. CHAIRMAN IN effects are promised as among "The Boys We Love" and "When tne The witness finally described the (S light 2 2 110th one of the greatest pictures ever, - miles, laps at o'clock, the the features of this attrac- Old Town Clock Strikes Nine," both of cross orders to buy to-- 1 COLFAX COUNTV leading in process giving shown at the Elks, tonight and THE - with no change the relative tiOl), which this year is new in its en- written by the "Honey Boy", are its! hour, and to sell them stock. He said that morrow. ' ' position of the two tail enders. The 'iWngs". the object of the operation was to Manicure Tools, cuticle and nail will tlrety. record is 2,125 miles, 1 lap, made in A wrangle that likely go again create an active market in a stock oc-- ; "T'lt-- Fiorai Bower," the opening! After the "Honey Boy" regales his scissors, orange wood sticks, polish- to the democratic state committee Bar 18ft9. of the ex-- : - without actually buying any' ers, the best Zook's Phar- X. M., on December Capital part, is described as u scene of auditory with his delectable mono- quality. curred at Raton, Seated in the usual the world's ' slock. macy. 11 when, after a heated session, Dr. quisite beauty. logue and Tommy Hyde, FRANK FARRELL SAYS HE - "Don't think that deceives the o chair- semi-circl- you Kohlhousen was made county with Comfort soft-sho- e assisted by! PAY BIG MONEY, Favors Mr. Loomis The Farming-t- Schlitz Vaughn premier dancer, WILL 34 to Lemps public?" asked Mr. Untermyer. Times-Hustle- r of a man of the county by a vote of presiding as interlocutor, it presents a clever dancing 111., Dec. P5. Just before says Santa Fe Johnny Barry, gives Chicago, 1 it does." to a sent to the o-- 1 "No, don't think 15, according report the following minstrel tavontes: i the show is to a for home tranlc citizen: "We hear that A. J. Loom's exhibition, brought departing today, "Do believe it is good for the Xew Mexican from Raton yesterday. medians John Sam Lee, Jack New York Amer- - you would not object to being internal BEER King, close with the pretentious afterpiece, owner of the 1 Farrell, ' We "u Luc .Maxson and Tom-- ( Frank public?" revenue r.ol! fnr this stnto ,cfuulu Kenuedy, Haymond ")0 q0 Lightly Guards' Reception." ican club, declared that sometimes." New Mexican during the recent cam writ-- 1 "Yes, do not get this information from my Hyde; singers, .lames ;ieenan, ts book, lyrics and music were Chance, if he becomes his manager, was waged hot and heavy, California Wines - Mr. Loomis paign Thorn- in j Content said that operations by direct nor any one who is Jim Doherty, Joseph Gillespie,' (en Dy the inimitable Evans, who, will be the highest salaried baseball, there being two chairmen at one time as Richards. Carl Bval. Jack Foley, fiivmite characterization of a mannrar in the Fnited States, noil pools was no longer a feature of the boosting for him, so are not sure abou'. Old of in- - it. if t Taylor Whiskey Lew Weed and John Alexander. Old--! mi.tnhnnt darkv of the levee, stirs harWnir John J. McGraw. manager ot market but that a number big But he wants the place or will were now take it, we are for him. He has IdJ time melodies and popular songs of p a maelstrom of mirth. Its scenes the New York Nationals. Mr. Farrell, dividual operators working a THE IDEAL GIFT - vauam anu the present, among tne latter being are laid in Hanitown, Ala. An elabor- would not go into details, but it is on the street. uupromaui PHONE 239. W. Mr. Unter- in would j the big hit of the Friars' Frolic, "I ate ensemble march is one of its fea- - known that Chance has demanded "Why is that?" asked fight and, our opinion, make an efficient officer in that 55San Francisco Street. Want to Hear an Irish Band Play on tin es, and among its pleasing song j $20,000 a year as salary. myer. place." dur-in- not to have St. Patrick's Dav," are rendered g selections are "De Go Lightly "They find it's safer Christmas trees, place your order to sell each oth- this division. Guards" and "The Daughter of the GOOD BROKERS COULD partners. They used now. The best trees thati , will be ; er said Each man 12 a and the latter being rendered j TRADE BOTH WAYS. out," brought to the city. Phone W. "Seminary Days," singing Regiment," ' J - is a pool in himself then?" Prices dancing novelty by James E. Gor- by Charles Hilliard the clever and re right. Pope Motor Cycle from that's it." Play-r- "I de- man, for all Cohan lined impersonator of girlkind. Evans (Continued page one). "Yes, Pleased With was 4 Horse Power stage manager - and Harris is the second appears as "Cicero Didimus Jones" John C. Atteson, secretary of the lighted with the play given at Guada- productions, of the moral PRICE, $165.00 1 in long discussion aspect Wabash said that the first lupe hall last night," said part, and shows the moonlight-lllum-- and "General Woof Woof." ' railroad, Secretary of "short sales" or sales of stock of morn-wa- s With Imported Magneto. issue of the Wabash stock certificates State Antonio Lucero, this without doubt with trolible did not He - i Motorcycle jv.hich the seller possess. engraved by the New York Bank- Ing. "The only criticism is that the Ifaro is Your Opportunity left at the factory. he believed - j admitted that personally note company. The Bank Note com- hall was not large enough to accom To obla;n tno Sescr nr. rr..:t uuiU.ule transac-- 1 and the "moral obloquy" of such a off ex- - modate the ap;roriale g ft tt k'. t uiuJ was later ruled the stock audience. The musical Tho Ir l io-- Tic in pany ' price, o and ti&'ni tion overcame any argument its ex- - tnd-- oi 1 change and the secretary of the numbers were well rendered, and the do j.urc a,.i Tr.Qt.l fa vcr. durable : lid, y na(t hed. pa kid notified the Wabash that the their lines well. The in specially OfB box. d i to change players spoke gncl day "It is not of my duty urge in part certificates would not be accepted. tableau, apparation of Our Lady of! blue (l!. bud red It. end moral reforms upon the community," dL purple, Lvcndot', fira goidt-- the Wabash stock, Mr. was a feature aud brown ar,d In all 'said .Mr. He took the same Since then Guadalupe, great green, Biz. Sturgis. ) one was Shipped charges Pra:'io receipt ...... ;r..,l..t!r.,i" nf ctnnlr In Atteson said, has been engraved by that thoroughly appreciated, in yl.OO. Immediate order assures American itanis nuiv oa uS u.c olMU,b peopte. i full choice of all colors. or lower level bv cross sales te uo.t.p.., HKKCK-OTI- a higher S CO. ex-- work of the New York company am sure the audience . LIGHT SILESiT AND HELIABLK. and 'purchases, declaring 'that the ; the Sunday night! Jifxlntrlim Avr. . Y. Ttty or listed on will the A crlti-- 1 change, as "such, did not recognize' would not be accepted enjoy performance." PASH BROS., Agts., SantaFe such transaction's. the exchange. Similar testimony as cism of the play written by a Span-- 1 j David J. j ish scholar will in New Mr. Sturgis held that the "duty of to certificates was given by appear the j - W. J. of the Le- j Mexican tomorrow. the stock exchange toward the public Bare and Alderson," is only to see that a proper place is: high Valley. Men There is nothing better for, maintained for selling and buying and "That was the most glaring case of j a Christmas gift than a set of furs PEERLESS BAR that proper restrictions are observed."; manipulation in the history of the ex--1 for your wife, sister or woman friend, On the question of short sales, Mr. change, wasn't it ?"asked Mr. Unter- - Salmon's. Fine and Domestic Wines, rntermyer asked: mver. Edward V. Cupero, a musician of Imported Liquors "As a matter of fact, short selling! sturgis would express no opin-- , note and who has had wide experience AND CIGARS is just gambling, pure and simple?" iolli m the minstrel realm, is the leader Mr. -- "es, very largely liutt," replied why is it you suspend men for of the big orchestra wila Guorg'3 s,ll!'S's- manipulation like .this for only thirty Evans' "Honey Boy" Minstrels, who GREGG & COLE, - Props. Mr. Keppler, who followed Mr. Stur- !,,.. mi aHneiid for five years men aimear at the Elks' theatre Thursday. I I on the declared that "mani-- i gis stand, who split their commissions?" asked December 19. Besides being a musical was as i pulntion" perfectly proper; Mr. Untermyer. director of prominence, he has also as it was conducted, ' long legitimately Mr. Sturgis declared that dividend3 w ritten the music for several operas itlio coniiuissions were paid and there commissions was "the most infamous and musical comedies and also corn-crim- e w as no collusion. JOHN HAMPEL, Proprietor. a of the could a number of Be- - "Do with the conclusion member exchange posed popular songs. you agree committee his fellow mem- - fore his debut on the minstrel of the Hughes commission that a: against making ' substantial of the transactions on bers stage, he was the leader of several COLORADO SALOON part in the one Hie t tock are large bands country and at CIGARS. exchange gambling?" HIM. directed ' IFINE WINES, LIQUORS AND asked .Mr. Untermyer. THEY "SPOTTED" time a musical organization "f would that some of his own. JjFamii Trade Supplied. say transactions; Dec U. Cross--, on the stock exchange are somewhat! Cincinnati, Ohio, Rubber that is Right Our rubber; 259 San 5ANTA N. M. ., examination ot a. u. ui Francisco St. FE, "ai" ' oouiuan, goods guaranteed to be absolutely 1.--, j Helena, Mont., was again tauen up .i. ' ;,.,. when trial of Jolm H- - Patterson Mr. Stnrgis discussed the ,he cial hot water hag, guaranteed for Hock Island manipulation on Decern-- : "uu UV', f - two years. Zook's Pharmacy. estab- - er ii., when it was charged. ,. . ,,.., n,,,- 1luvori For Sale, one of the oldest -- S. B. ( hapin & Co.. wen y , lished mercantile businesses in Santa saHENRY KRICKes v,()lation of the criminal section vMW I A lots 0. .1:1 shares eaoii were Fe. A profitable proposition from the Iff bought was OF U)e DISTRIBUTOR of s!lerman antl.,rU8t law, ad- - a niiue order hy different orok rcEiimed in the district court here to start. For further particulars i rs. Tii rtock went from o! to 81 iu dress P. O. Box J8. ; " KEG and BOTTLE BEER day. to Xmas LEMP'S :MO aa ("'oppc-- oacK 10 neiow Woodman was for the Ameri-3- 9 The Big Store presents you agent ' secure BUDWEISER IN BOTTLES in three hours more. Mr. Sturgis can for Mon- -' shopper an opportunity to cash Register company of all kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilled said that the two members of Chapin tana, and Idaho and had testified that many useful and appropriate gifts at Manufacturer i& Co., were suspended from the ex--h- e was followed continually by two greatly reduced prices, and especially water. Agent for Aztec Spring Mineral Water. otronfa tfia X'a i Inn al AAmiunir whn so with relation to furs. etc. CHARLES MILLIARD, Personator of an Alluring. Fashionably-gowne- change for thirty days. nf clothing, TELEPHONE 35 J - Santa Fe, New Mex. a New York account of his movement. 1 A glance at Nathan Salmon ad today Octoroon, With George Evans' "Honey Boy" Minstrels. Harry Content, broker, kept every FRi3AY, DECEMEER 13, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MXICAN FACE FIVE

Jesse L Xusbauiu. well known photo- grapher with the School of American MR. MORLEY TO will take no less than 'Arts Crafts --v e I903 Archaeology, Established I356 Incorporated ADE Id.tiim feet of moving picture film. AMICUS - & n With Mr. Morley as producer and Mr. Hammered Brass Electric Reading Nusbaum as the man who turns the Lamps; Hammered Copper Reading SUGGESTIONS FOR STAGE WAN handle, the sensitive miles of film will Lamps: Desk Sets in Hammered inristmasisioffling! bring back to this country a Mayan Eracs and Copper; Letter Racks: drama which will be unique and inter- Pnper Cutters; Rocker Blotters: and it will pay you to buy your esting. It seems almost needless to Hammered Calendars; Tie Racks; DRAMA say that the San Diego exposition, isk Eroom Holders; Etched Match Holiday Goods of us. The prices seeker for tha unique, is to have the Holders; Hammered Copper and I are li in to be used in the anthropological Brass Sowls and Trays; Belt Pins; right exhibit in the r opposition in Bar Pins; Hat Pins; Candle Sticks. HARVARD SCIENTIST LEAVES TONIGHT l!Hr.. Special orders made on short notice. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. GOTO CHICHEN-ITZA- . FOR YUCATAN-- MR. NUSBAUM .Mr. .Motley hasi made elaborate W. LINDHARDT. '. Wheelbar- Automobiles, Bicycles, Wagons, SOON FOLLOWS WITH 10,000 pinna and' .while he is not telling the 25 Palace Ave. rows, Chairs, Writing Desks, Tables. Dolls Trunks, Furni-t- u details, it .is understood that he will FEET OF FILM. direct to and JULIUS H.GERDES. re Sets, Drums, Cradles, Tool Chesls. Trains, Horse go l'rogresiao, Yucatan, . thence travel rail as well as "Yol-anco- t and Wagon, China Closets. Bureaus, Moving Picture Ma-- by ' he," '.that curious two wheeled Yvj tan tell the differ- chines, Dishes, Doll Beds, Tree Ornaments and hundreds s t ence in M i d' d I e "v wagon draw-f- t.V throe mules, and t bur jr THE MAYAS. bctumcn a il'tcr-noo- n of other articles. alight at the ruins of Cliiclien-lt.a- . smart Tin; .MaytiH form the chief Cvt: or c mother'? i kind it is not Maya-Quich- e No, reader, written branch of the family ur a ier.icn sew- 1 FOR THE BIG FOLKS. Chicken-ltza- ! ) There lie will meeting ami today constitute the bulk of begin' ing circle. Wc ,';'t'e in a the of liis Mayan actors and GO. Fine tl)i inhabitants of Yucatan, drilling ADOLF SELIGfVIAN DR! GOODS Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Umbrellas, Suit actresses. will not he exactly' Cemutcry. where their ancient lanuitiiKP is They "The Citv" Leather Collar Boxes, Gloves. ! Cases and Traveling Bags, 1 .71111,111111 "tall and fail" like the Count-- . still spoken by about N divinely Felt Covered Card distin-thei- was Ties and Handkerchiefs, Collapsible V people. The Mayas were r ess Swirsky who here some years Tables, Linen Lunch Cloths, Dresser Scarfs, Doillies V guished for architectural ago, for they are rather short in the city. Mr. Hurshard is traveling XMAS SPECIAL THE - and a west. eg" and Guest Towels, Hand Bags, Silk Hoie, Silk Kimonas genius, astronomic lore, and pic- .stature their complexions well, for big company of the middle V This caliculil'onn these are of the color of Tostum F. and a large assortment of Japanese Bamboo Baskets in ttire writings. Assistant postmaster liobert pebble-f-liapci- l (script, is known cereal. Their hair is either black or Stevenson now a benedict, was again all the now shapes. are an race, to contain several true phonetic brown. They intelligent 'on duty at the local postollice this Pieces characters, and thus approaches however, and under the direction of morning with the "smile that won't Battenburg even the Aztec: to a and - nearer than their own priests rulers they come oft"' lighting up his count"- Dresser Scarfs, Piano and Table Covers.," mas or The the civilization in the ; Call and See Us. syllabic alphabetic system. reached highest nance, lie was welcomed by the en-- Handkerchiefs, Hand Embroidered Pure Linen, N whole of Yucatan and neighboring western hemisphere with the possible tire and was the of are strewn with corps recipient LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. districts the exception of that developed by the from the visitors to inonuniental ruins of ancient congratulations of Peru. the ollice. 1SI - 210 SAN FRANCISCO ST., PriONh Maya cities, anionn them I'alen- Mr. Morley has frequently visited - Mr. and Mrs. Ciiswold I B COMPANY (pie, f'xnial. Copau. Coban, Quir- tlie "movies" in Santa Fe and he is Silvanus SEllblH V iKna and ( biclien-lti'.- a are con- - N .Morley and He ir pretty daughter, saitl to lie an sidept at staging a play for vast tine Miss Alice Virginia Morley, leave to-- j spicuous the size, for the film. He will see that only na- K - VwmiawiiiiOT IHMIWI and elaborate car- night for , when; they proportions tive costumes .ire used throughout vitiKS of their monoliths will embark for Yucatan, December-lit- uaBBgjg"TOaatw palaces, and that they are of the period rep- :::: INSURE WITH HAYWARD AM) REST CONTEST. ami teniple-ciowne- Mr. Motley got s to Yucatan to pyramids. resented. This period is none other YUCATAN. produce a drama he has written to be than A. D. 1200 when Chichen-lw- a Yucatan, slate of Mexico, north- - enacted by some Mayans before the, It Be YOUR Next ! was captured and sacked by the king . May Property east of the pi ninsula of the same moving machine. The Mor-- & of .Mayanpan, a picture UNITED STATES BANK TRUST CO. name, covers an area of over neighboring sovereign. will be down in Yucatan for sev- - And how will he know what leys V OliO square miles. Its boundaries style era! weeks. Santa Fe will miss them INSURE NOW of eoitfure then reigned among the are the Cult' of Mexico, C'arribean for Mr. and Mrs. Morley are very WITH HAYWARD - .Mayan belles and what were the cut CAPITAL OOE V Sea, British Honduras and (luate- here. Mr. now is a $00,000 of Mr. has been popular Mordey AND N mala and the state of I'ampeche. the gowns'.' Morley taken the to Yucatan and and his prominent Mason, having BE SURE again again at the recent reunion. Does a General Banking Business, profound studies of the stele or mono- higher degrees liths found in Yucatan, and the in- For the first time in the world's his- CLIENT B. and on will ATTORNEY ROBBED JOSEPH HAYWARD, MANAGER, tory, the .Maya people are to face a scriptions "pictures'' them, AND WENT TO PRISON. him exact the kind Room Bank Santa Fe, N. M. moving machine and supply knowledge Dec. !:!- .- Pat-tiso- 8, Capital Cily Building, . Solicited picture "actually Colfax, Wash.. Paul Your Patronage (if true scientists crave.-Mr- c.iact a drama in the costumes of tin: knowledge 2!', prosecuting- attorney is not even the "scientific"! aged long ago. Morley of Whitman county, was arrestc d to- :::: IF IT'S REAL ESTATE,!! AY WARP HAS IT. :::: discoverer ot these but he is N. B. LAUGHLIN, President. W. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier. This was ascertained wlu'ii steie, day, pleaded guilty to a charge of today tlit i r faithful student and admirer. bril-- grand larceny from one of his clients t. Slyvanus Morley, the .1. 6. LAMY, AND HIS DRAMA. - Han young Harvard student of Mayan and was given an indeterminate sen- For a Mr. in history, packed his trunks and made plot Playwright Morley tence the slate reformatory at is said to selected ro- Monroe. I'nttison was allowed to ready to start tonight for Xew York have love, go to catch a Yucatan steamer on the mance and rebellion the kind of plot to the reformatory without a guard Uelaseo is as must rule and loft for Monroe. THE WAGNER FURNITURE CO. li'th. He will be accompanied by Mrs. quoted saying immediately AKERS The scene is the Morley and their daughter, Miss Alice today. opening of of the ruler NO JURISDICTION A HOME Virginia. bethothal the daughter IIAVE'JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF Ohiehen-Itza- . is OVER of She '"some girl' , THE AIR. FOR SALE The news of the forthcoming and all right, and she looks graceful and I). ('.. Dec. 13.- The In- AT A BARGAIN unique adds one more title Washington. expedition stylish in her gowns. Why should terstate commerce commission ruled to a long list possessed by Mr. Mor- NEW in not she, for her papa is a big man in thai under the act tele- - Something om ley it is that of making today making House with Bath and Electric playwright the Mayan political arena. She is not and Kolorfast Lights; him now a rival of that other play- yruli telephou rompanios marrying beneath her, as so many nlM it ha; over lot has a of 150 feet, 50 fruit trees and wright Santa Fe has boosted Dr. carriers, COLORS GUARANTEED EAST frontage heroines do in the "movies;" she has wireless from a commercial Frederick Michael Bishop, now in messages one out a for her in to a to Sun and Water lawn. Location block and a half from State London. picked merely king station the 1'nited Slates, ship Matting bridegroom. Cut, the playwright's at. whether a 1'nited States or a - Mn has written the drama Kea, Capitol Building. .Morley brain can stir tip trouble, just the foreign but it has no jurisdiction ' which is to the a ship, give .Mayan people same. Word of this bethrothal i over between two American show excellent assortment of chance to let the world know of the messages Letjus youthis reaches the ruler, Mayapan. and he ships at sea. glories of Mayan achivement back1 doesn't like the news a bit. He had gCT UNUSUAL LOW-PRICE- FLOOR COVERING some seven a centuries. seen the princess of Chicen-Itz- and C. Following Mr. .Morley to Yucatan; he He O. WATSON & CO. says: "It's ;i shame!" wished! She Had Consumption, A SPECIALTY her for his daughter-in-la- and he is UNDERTAKING INSURANCE REAL ESTATE -S- URETY BONDS. Now Well accustomed to having his wishes1 Was Dying; of AltcT.'itivp is being- usftl with as he holds a big job, that Tttht'i-culosi- Phone, Red 189. granted Miri-os- in tlic tivntnipnt nf "overlord of all the .Mayas." In nil iiiirts cif tlm country. 1'crxoiis who Iiavc mken It, iinpi-iivcd- gained weljilit, ; :' Home As one would expect, there arc some I di- 1 19 San Francisco St., : : Santa New Mexico- - a exIiMiisi In ft n l; lit sweats stopped, fever Fe, w t Ho de- - OEOROE WOSTBMHOLM & SONS' scenes ith ensuing j minished, and ninny reeoveied. If you are great know more it. we will Bottle of of Chiclien-ltza- . do- - interested to about struotion This ni-- now 4 put you in touch with some who POCKET-KNIVE- :;.TjLfe 1 is most occur-- well. You enn Investigate: und .1udo for tF strtiction the important CELEBRATED SHEFFIELD S in yourself. lieml of .Mrs. (invert' k recovery. rence the history of Yucatan prior (iriflitli. I ii 1. to 13-1- at which time the Spaniards "fientleuien : Thinking Unit prrhnps n short history of the rcunirknhlc recovery conquered the .Mayas. All native of my mot (Mrs. Anna ( invert j sufi'i.Tcrs. r IXL lniclit licnelit. some other & chroniclers mention the event and its : MULLIGAN RISING, give the following test inioniiil Ahout Over 100 to select from importance so far exceeds that of any, Seplenihcr Hi. inns, she whs til ken sick Patterns at Specuil Prices, rntai-rliii- nnd cent inunl-l- other event in .Maya that it with i'ucnniouin. DRUMMERS SAMPLES. history grew worse, rouinng n trained nurse. FUNERAL DIRECTORS is been chosen by Playwright Morley Night sweats were so inul that it was Vour chance for this month only. once or License 66-6- or I JO as "motif" of his necessary to change her clothing Numbers, Day Night Phone, Red. the drama. twice every night; her cougli increased Next Door to Postoffice. Of course, the brilliant sun overj and got so liad flint everybody expected that she would net live much longer. VI. H. in Yucatan will enable Mr. Nusbaum GOEBEL In January, lien Itev. Win. Herg. of to get some line details of dramatic SI. Michael's Church, nt Sliereville. Ind.. action into tne But there prepared for her death, lie recommended pictures. is; that get Alterative, and see The of Santa Fe are invi'ed to visit the and it 'not some relief. I people Largest !: i one the sun is so hot if would give her .'. disadvantage, to in and our COLPLETE that it melts the varnish on the then reiiuested the attending physician Best Jewelry Store the City inspect Cold" give his diagnosis and lie informed me LINE of rr heat-absorb- was be- CORRICK LIVERY BARN COUGHS COLDS camera when the black, flint she had Consumption and FOR and yond all medical aid. When I asked if cloth is on. to ; i ing focusing put he thought that if was useless try the "ALAIN" SILVER PLATED WARE NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY KOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS It is too bad that .Mr. Jlorley'si Alterative, he replied that N'o physician could help her any and I could suit my- This is the Grade Plated Ware on the Market, and drama will not be given here with the t self about it.' So I Iminedinlely hail Highest Hev. Win. f'.crg- to send fur a bottle. we carry two desirable patterns, the 'playwright at tiie "first night" making 1 and Saddlers a Practically without hope for recovery. AND THE Buggies Specialty. u soeecli from a box. a la Helasco. insisted that she try the Alterative, which DIANA BRIDE'.S.BOOUET. i H. KAUNE GG- ex-- she did. I am glial to say Hint she soon 5. a - Hut the visitors to the San Diego ' co t Hacks and Transfer. began to improve. Now. site works as San Baggage Prompt Attention and the Best where New .Mexico may have hard as ever. wpIrIis twenty pounds Reliable Jeweler position, Stiv'el- - a line exhibit, will "Let's heavier than she ever did before she took H. C. of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rtirely say: sick, anil is in good health. She frankly YONTZ, Governs in- - Where Quality the Price go to the Morley movies' and the j savs she owes her life and health to Kcknian's Alterative. t is to be j ration sure accepted. ISwoi-- Allidavltl JOS. (iUIMMCl:. and Price the ! ' 104 DON GASPER ST. Telephone 9 W Quality All luck to the scientist on his new Jiekman's Alterative is effective in Hron-- i sun chilis, Asthma, Hay Kever: Throat and Vucatan expedition and may the I,iiiig Trouble, and in upbuilding the over his head never grow dim while) system. Hoes not contain poisons, opiates or habit forming drugs. Ask for booklet the lo.tiiiu feet of film passeth before! telling of recoveries, and write to Kckiuan more evi- - the eye of the camera lease! j Laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa., for eagh; dence. For sale by all leading druggists and by Zook's in Santa I- Why Wait ? PERSONALS Pharmacy SEND YOUR OPTICAL REPAIRS DIRECT TO Absolute Cer-Certain- ty (Owing to the great interest mani-- j THE tested in the Personal Column, the of New Mexican requests its readers to in mail will What You send by (a postcard do)! Getting Pay lor by telephone (call "31 J") items for: TAUPERT, For, and on this column. By doing so the read-- : Sauing Money ers will confer a favor on the Newj n.iINSURANCE Each Purchase, is the Mexican and on tneir friends. Com-- . Dispensing munications sent by mail should bear: Optician, Foundation on which H. !the of the signature writer). Fire, Life, Accident, E. LAS S. KAUNE & CO. VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. have O. Xewhiirg. a Washington official, Plate Glass, Etc. Etc Built Up the and is in the cily. Largest li. S. 1 lnlipps, the well known lum- ia here from Velarde. Accurate Work-Qu- ick Returns ! Most Satisfactory Retail berman REAL ESTATE Athol A. Wynne, of the forestry ser- AT THE EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOE STORE. Grocery Business in the vice, is here from the Duke City. of Santa Fe. V. If. Dearstyne, 'the well known City paper salesman, is here from Denver. City Property, Farms, WA CHANCE TO SAVE C. I. Bishop has returned from El Ranches, Orchards FOR CASH ONLY. AT Paso where he spent several weeks. Land Grants, Etc LOW PRICES Reginald G. C'obbett, the prominent Standard $5.50 Shoes for $4.C0 If Vou Use Our rancher who lives near Tesuque, was Stcndard Shoes for ..$3.50 FRESH EGGS u b visitor here yesterday. Stcndard Shoes for $2.50 POULTRY FOOD Bonds $3X0 m Klias Clark, the postmaster at Al- Surety which is of calde and who is well known here, BOYS' SIZE. composed Corn, Oats, Bran, Alfalfa Leaves and in Fe. Flowers all it visiting friends Santa Standard $2.50 Shoes for $2.00 ground together. Steam it and feed it as a warm Air. and Mrs. J. L. of Albu-riuerqu- O f All mash. The Clark, kinds Standard $2.25 Slices for $1.65 price is reduced to 52.00 per 100 lbs. are in the city. .Vr. Clark is PRATT'S REGULATOR, 25c KAUNE the of the Vnderwood EVERY SHOE GUARANTEED. ... per pkg. H. S. g CO. representative 194 Room 24 GRANULATED BLOOD, . . . sf2c per lb company. Telephone V., Henry P. Hardshard, the former in- GORMLEY'S GENERAL ternal revenue collector for Xew Mex- LAL'GHLIN West Palace Avenue. STORE, Where Prices are Lowest building, B. 5 cAt ico and Arizona, and who has a host TONNIES or Safe Qua lit v of friends in these two states, is iut SANTA FF - NEW MEXICO

ii ijjtWwMftto tin tU&


THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND NET PROFITS, $250,000 New r. j. PALEN, L. A. HUGHES, Fe Mexican lit Vice-Prcide- Santa President. r "'V Entered as Second Class Matter at the Santa Fe Postoftice THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE The Saata Fe New Mexican Published Dally SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. The New Mexican Review English Weekly mm "I The Oldest Bank in the Stale. Organized in 1870. El Nuevo Mexicatio Spanish Weekly Time is the test of a bank's endurance and strength. The New Mexican Printing Co., Publishers Growth determines its adaptability to changing condi- bank withstood all the hm .Wis: am I tions. This has successfully country's financial and commercial disasters for over Bronsuti M. Cutting: President forty years. Its management has regarded safety as of Charles M. Stauffer General Manager the first importance In banking, a tradition that still Editor HEADQUARTERS FOR HUNTERS. rules its policy, but the bank is not living on its history J. Wight Giddings but for Its prosperity upon adaptability to presen- William F. Associate Editor is depends Brogan Season Now Open for All Kinds of Game, and there is plenty of it. Now the t-day needs. Commercial Bills discounted. Credit and Deposit Ac- end for Illustrated tsookiet. on SUBSCRIPTION RATES time, counts opened. Letters of Credit and Drafts issued all Countries. Coupons collected and cashed. Stock Ex- S5.0 Per by mall $1.25 VALLEY N M per year: by mall Daily Quarter, THE VALLEY RANCH, RANCH, change Sales and Purchasrs effected. Telegraphic Dally, tlx mtirths, by mall. . . $2.50 Dally per quarter, by carrier 11.50 transfers of money made. It is for business house to establish Weekly, par yaar .$1.00 Weekly, six months 50 an for the New Mexico they're the "thin red line" of heroines important every appropriation with a service-givin- g bank Historical which believe who face without a dread the Strug-- ' banking relations strong, Society, credit can be had when was a mistake. This has gle for existence and the light for where required. DAY5 society inactive funds for our t me Certificates MORE ever since it first daily bread. Cut, out your blooming Exchange your S"iiftj,.4H struggled along of came into with no other aid hero gaff about the man behind tal.e Deposit. existence, Confer with our officers in to your banking TD SHOP than a wider range of vision, get these regard by private subscription. business. for years representatives and heroines in mr.:.i: for they wave as "All of Today's News Today" agents have been coming to New-Mexic- fierce a warfare, in .licit- battle fought J. B. READ, FRANK McKANE, for the historic relics which and won, and they 1'ai.o it just as Cashier. Assistant Cashier. once abounded here, and if we do not bravtly as the man behind the gun. FOUR PES CE.NT Per Annum Interest Paid on TIME DEPOSITS do something soon all that .s desir- (4) able or available will be snapped up HOTEL ARRIUALS. and those valuable exhibits of New-Mexic- PHONES: history will be found every- where except in New Mexico. PALACE. OFFICE 31 VV EDITORIAL ROOMS 31 J is BUSINESS The time to secure these tilings Colonel George Y. I'ricahrd, City. while arc here. W'neii once gone THE BYSTANDER they G. Nev.burgh, Washington, I). C. ZARAPERIA MEXICANA, AS Hiey are irretrievable, and already Karl II. Vesper, New York. EDDY DELGADO, PROPRIETOR. A POSSIBLE SOLUTION SEES IT some of Hie choicest of our historic M. K. MANfKACTCUKR OF tie.' waste llickey, Albuquerque. In the effort to yowniinenl of cities, to reduce treasures have gone elsewhere. It is John (iarcia, Sunmount. FJalleta Blankets, Rugs, Scarfs, Pillow Tops with Navajo and on a business of money raised by taxation and to place civic affairs purely too had that this is so and the only II. A. Lombard, Berkeley. and Mexican Designs, Heavy Rugs made of Native to the'al limit m ad now on is to basis, the town of Sumner. North Carolina, jiors SHOULD BE STOPPED. thing .we can do from Charles .J. Gooding, Burley, Idaho. Wool with Navajo Designs. Etc. own His- Lettering, vertising tor a cny iniiuajior. A that has been growing save what we can for our JC. .1. Strawu, Colo. Both Native and Germanton Wool Used. ! I liii'K" practice Alamosa, as the business maiia.-privat- e nets for ho to be He will aei for the city, jus', without hindrance, should be stopped torical Society which ought not G. K. Carlson, Salamanca, N. Y. Send for Price List and Full Information. I concern. at once, it is that of our boys catch- surpassed by any in the nited G. C. .valamanca, N. Y. 119 in is Olio of cryitiii needs. Carlson, Don Caspar Avenue. The elimination of waste public affairs on D. & ti. M. Ilic ohl ing on moving trains the ritates. John Galvin, Council Bluffs, la. Miiliv cities are commission kovi rimieiit inslciid of plana in adoMing tracks and has been growing It is an asset, you know, and a John J. Shepherd, St. Paul. of city councils ami ma;. ors. t hroiiKli the last few weeks, particularly. great, attraction to tourists, besides William Manning, Denver, More cities are ilemaiHlinu a larger sliaro of public participation SCSE0i3K33EB3!p2p33 The conductors and brakemen on of intrinsic value. ,1. Gram Bell, Chilocco, Okla. tlio use of tlic initiative and referendum and recall. being great the:-- trains have done all in their of exhibits iu W. II. Denver. While interest in the success in savinn wasted dollars will be centered Some the possession Hearstyne, r to it. and have not of the North Carolina town, it may bo well to reim power stop repeatedly of our society probably are dupli- Fiias Clark, Alcalde. upon the experiment off cars and or- 'in it nr be to the the given the world, and Jacob Milwaukee. that every .nival city is faced with problems which cannot traced put boys cated anywhere Scales, of tin- ders to the habit. So far it has tiiem when B. Denver. H lit Ip to stvin the tide stop was only by snatching they I.owenstein, E useless waste of tax.'. Tile new method may PALACE Service done no are in Corut. Montana. r. st It niav e the laxpayi r. It may ;H a dollar's worth of good. could be secured, that they Hans -- i t of till' luck now. To to A. K. York. N. M. lor a dollar's' payaunt of taxes and still leave the i va problems It has In en only due to good tic historical rooms try Young, New SANTA FE, without city unanswered. that no serious accident has happen- add to this collection any MONTEZUMA. & in ihe bottoms and its slums on tin has not been is and it cannot be MABSON MENDENHALL, Proprietors. Kverv rreat citv has its slums ed and some yo'.mssler motley hopeless W. A. Moore, Albuquerque. it on hills. killed. Hut cannot go always. expected that private subscription V. Wolfe, Louisville. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Hie of with a child iu fu- II has idle, n.iinted women who pay final penalty injustice Some day a slip will be made, will continue to add much the G. women who feel Reginald Cobbett, Tesuque. their lives of vice. It has its pitted, protected, idle novel will go under the train and the rail- ture. Those who have aided, have con- - Frank Stortz, Albuquerque. of an hour's effort anil who pay in loss of ideals, of real hap- will be blamed and per- share. LEADING COMMERCIAL HOTEL. the necessity road company tributed their George 11. Albright, Albuquerque. ol content ment. This institution does not seem to be juness. too haps, sued. Walter .VI. t onnell, Albuquerque. It its hunted men who have been forced to the bread line by state. It has The lies with the parents in wholly appreciated by the !,. C. Iimi'iI coudit ions-a- nd it lias its magnates who arc duty Bennett, Albuquerque. enmnelition atainst unjust this case and no where else. The only is not alone a Santa Ke matter, but a than can spend. Kjitherine i. Brown, City. worried by more money they lies there and are tak- matter that should awaken state American $2.50 and s- and its houses for Hie "down and out.'' authority they Henry Bardshar, Kansas City. Plan, up. It litis its mansion- lodging chances iu pride, and should call for a sutlicient its size, owns eiuirmous wealth if it had but the ing desperate permitting Walter A. Piers, Denver. ICvery .ureal city, by danger-- ; to it the import- it. children to continue this very appropriation give A. Paul Siegel, Nara Visa. sanity and business" sense to keep that it de- on Ihe use of streets, taxing otis practice. ant consideration really C. Cisco, City. It has its slreet railway systems, dependent serves. 50 Cents. the owners of those streets on millions of "made" dollars." lust what the fascination is that; Athol A. Wynne, Albuquerque. Meals, 1 doubt whether our them- the use of the people's property into lies in "catching on" to a moving ve- people J. Clarson, Denver. It has its gas magnate turning know what this so- en with or without bath. 1 do not but I do know selves really just B. M. Louisville. Rooms suite private dollars for (heir own enrichment. hicle, know, ex- Jacks, prop-rtv- , has done or what valuable It has its systems, partners in the use of the people's that every boy, especially at snow1 ciety F. K. Clarke, Albuquerque. Local and Distance in telephone it even now. Long Telephones all the profits for the private owners. time is crazy to "catch on" a bob. hibits possesses Jax M. Cowdley, Midland, Texas. taking It should be aided in every way rooms. Hot and cold water, And out of this system comes a waste that is more important and sleigh or anything else that moves, Ii. P. Cowdley, Midland, Texas. running than the mere waste of money raised by taxation. and the fact that his chum got ai possible, Manuel l Vigil, Albuquerque. steam electric -- and heat, lights. It is a waste of humanity of men and women children. bump now and then did not deter hint: H. C. Jacobs, Denver. ' A WARNING TO THE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Hvnrv exact on of a privately owneu pnuno mini ieve n :! uf from runiiiiiLT for the next sleigh that CORONADO. LARGE. FREE SAMPLE It worn , , HABITUAL KNOCKER. the hopes and ambitious of every industrious citizen suoiracis hum t, B. S. Phillips, Velarde. to his xvit'o tin that she needs i,m.r tn nmteet bis family, to give, things The railroad train has a double Edward Smith, Moriarty. and . (By Tom 1'. Morgan). or to his children proper care training. for- kid. To be an O. M. Dun, Las Vegas. He be able to cut off a few para- fascination every "So I am compelled, am 1, to wait, (lood luck to the city manager! may been the dream of every F. J. Hill, City. engineer has until tomorrow afternoon before Ij sites from the payroll. ' EUROPEAN. 01 life. It looked like a continual; a of this Providence Hut real need is for an of business sense on me part. hoy's can got. train out I the application to be on an andj a Guy Kirby, Ocheyedan, Iowa. will demand the of the people's property by lark riding engine forsaken place?" peevishly carped The Montezuma Hotel all the people that possession who have not B. Kirby, Ocheyedan, Iowa. there are tew boys hj percritical young personage from SANTA MEXICO. the people themselves. in of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. S. Clark, Albuquer- FE, NEW -- 0- dreamed of one day being charge the north, who was marooned in the a big train. humble hamlet of "olkville, Ark. "Oh, que. luck! to ' W. Fenton, Omaha. THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME ABOUT TAXES Doubtless many of the youngsters confound the to be obliged of New Mexico to establish a. in niontonous " T. McDonald, Omaha. Ihe legislature will be asked by the people who to board the D. i 11. U. remain this dismal, of a reform in the taxation attempt I don't know about W. B. Smith, Nara Visa. Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit with lax commission as one ttep in the direction do not see other chance to get a "Well, now, its; Cuisine and any so YV. B. Smith, Nara Visa. problem. ride on the cars and take the one in being mighty niontonous," calmly' baths. Electric light. Steam Heat, in in a number of our states and has proven the landlord of the tavern. H. Y. Morton, Tucunicari. private This method is vogue large even though it be both brief interrupted Central Location, The commission should be elected as is the corporation sight "You can get drunk tonight if you A. J. Cameron. TucumcSri. most satisfactory. and but it ought to be stop- be chosen under a system, and not by caucus dangerous, and have a right or two C. It. Tucunicari. commission and should primary once for ail. One terrible accident like, prob'bly Hittson, Rooms. dictation or convention rule. ped whether you want or not. Large Sample THOS. DORAN, Prorpietor. a boy under the The of tax commissioner is as important as that of judge of whereby slipped "Y.ou can go and call on a certain NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. position in wheels would be a terrible lesson. i ..I,.., i,,, riv. Tipilitiriil envii'imiiieT't and undue charming grass-wido- lady r could and but it is sure to come. Alter it is if lluence of nnv kind. It demands work of Hie administrative nature name, and very likely get shot IT. S. Land Office at Santa Fe New the instiUi-- ! too late is a poor time to come to a as are I1 an action of absolute, just impartiality. These two propositions, you're fresh there as you here, Mexico, November 2.", 1912. of the but it the en-- ; of a tax commission and the enact ment of a primary law are among the realization danger, or you can attend an elocutionary is Atilano tiou in- - Notice hereby given that i ml who ounose them will be of these children who are ,i. ,,f ihi f.f.,ii. those parents ttrtainment at the Ap'ry house and Sanchez, of Stanley, New Mexico, who iu this do not call a not be in unless the called upon to answer,i.why. dulgiug practice, any great danger op. August lu, lf02. to action on these halt the "too late" will come fire. i Those members of the legislature wl,o attempt delay warning building catches entry No. 01 7070-7- 1 SI, for SK XV How About That Fire Insurance? of and then to It is a most mat- You can with a mem- and other important malt' rs until the lasl few days the session them. important play checkers K 2 SV 4 Section 24, and in and with be attention at of the not lose attempt to rush ih. in through uncompleted form filled "jokers' ter and should given ber legislature and NK 4 XV Section 25, Township a veto on will called to answer. but t, or ; that will compel the executive to put tiiem, be once. anything your you 11 Range 10 E., X. M. P. Meridian, IS YOUR PROPERTY FULLY PROTECTED ? That method of procedure is too well understood by the people now to LIGHT UP. can sit around in the parlor and read has filed notice of intention to make it I mat- Sut latest work and r get away with successfully. do not know just what the l.ovengood's three-yea- proof, to establish claim to No citizen of tin state wants a tax bill thai is u nfair to anyone, any ter is, whether it is an economical laugh yourself death. to the land above described, before lu If she to I'll point CO it Mnation of individuals or any corporation. That is not the spirit streak that does it or whether there happens go by, Harry C. Kinsell, V. C. Commr., at Think About It! Then Act her out to of course,' day is something wrong with the power, you, although, Stanley, Xew Mexico, on the Cth day ' ion'11 have to take word for it. The demand is only for fair play. but the lights in Santa Fe are not my of January, IfllH. a. short that would bo a MOULTON-ESP- E COMPANY' Uluit is wanted is an eotiali.ation of taxes with a disiributi ll) of the vhiit they should be. lady fully Claimant names as witnesses: THE foot taller if she wasn't so blamed is the first You've noticed it haven't you? Ventura Baros, Paulin Gutierrez, burden, and it wanted now, at very opportunity. bow-legge- side-holt- , I'll throw you. 11. That will be here during the legislative tessiou, and tiler They seem to die down at times un- Victor Acuna. Luis Sanchez, all of AGENTS, SANTA FE, N. M m opportunity for the cigars, or lor if you GENERAL will be a record for future reference kepi of its action. til one thinks they are going out and nothing, Stanley, X .M. say so. 11. There will be many questions up tor consideration, but none then a little more steam comes on MANTEL OTERO, important "I'll do to break the mono-- : thai are closer to ihe people, and more directly affecting their iiuerests. and a little, but the ten- anything Register they brighten tony for you, even to the extent, if than this one of taxation. is to flicker and flare. Not be- dency you don't quit mourning about it, of l! has !) come vital in Mexico, as elsewhere. It cannot be side- i do not know the ing an lectrician, getting up a foot race in tho or d or with. it like general tracked disregard, playid technical cause of but being, direction of Lower CONTRACT! . n- California, with A WONDERFUL INSURANCE most Santa Fe citizens, a reader in you as the party of the first part and, HtH Christmas TEW IDC AVVIIil DDEMIIIM BUYS A LFE AND ACCIDENT ser- is with a jail so unclean as to ihe 1 know the results of , I nail i COMBINATIIOH POLICY Tacoina. Washii.g'on. charged having evening, me and my old navy-six- here, the til UULLlllJ niincnu ramitm even conlined in it. an : iously endanger the heairh of those prisoners temporarily whatever it is. It makes reading parties of the second part, just to Read what is offered is no1, alone of fault. It is toe i than a from 'aid for death from ordt The Washington city guilty altogether xorcise rather pleasure. show you that you don't have to stay-her- OEi.New d oenno Paid for death ui y and ii is to be that the aroused spirit of the people toward all this Year $1,250.00 nary aecideni common, hoped The natural deduction from if you don't admire to. Paid for dismemberment Paid for accidental loss better social and industrial conditions will reach into this branch of the pub- is that there is lack of power, but this "hooks off or loss of sitfht DUU.UVrf 0f one hand, ono eye considerably like rain 1,000.00 Pa!rt foraccidental loss of lic service, because a man has fallen is no reason why he should be treated be to the or the man to HOLIDAY RATES o nnn nr Paid for aneidentai ueinn. no must left expert the northwest, don't it?" dismemberment or los-- s of ,UUU.UU one hand, one foot or one does not him Show him the better and &,UUU.UU like a dog. That help any. things who knows. sight travel by accident , eye hy travel accident him to rise and to make good. .That is the awakened spirit of today. One and One-thi- rd Fare for the Weelilv indemnity for total Weekly indemnity for lota' help There are a lot of things in this THE GIRL BEHIND. flfl travel accident --n- accidental injuries $10.00 disability from life iVw of us tuidci.stand and Round $( thut Trip For nartial disability one-bul- l weekly indemnity. So Medical KxaiuiuuUou ueiuiici. is sadder a leaf. he l My .1 C. ; The poet says there nothing than falling Maybi they are more complicated than the Bradshaw. in Raton Ranee.) KOOM2I, CAPITAL CITV clinker-size- ALL IN NEW MEXICO. AGENTS hasn't got a coal pile that is down to dust and coal, with the last electric light system too, but often You may talk about the valor of TO POINTS GENERAL HALL & HALL HANKBLDU. load unpaid for: and maybe his wife has not shown him the Christmas list we think that if we had the of the man behind the of his gal- running gun, Colo $18.70 yet. When these things rise up io meet him the falling leaf business will no; it we would do it just right. lantry and coolness and the battles he Denver, look so sad. 1 am not saying this is true of this has won. You may sing about the Colorado Springs, . . 16.50 business for one of us farmer as the man behind the hoe, lighting any Colo 15.15 Frank T. O'Hair. t'ncle Joe Cannon's successor in congress, indignantly who attempted to regulate it would and describe his crops of whiskers Pueblo, of the denies that he wits born in a log house. Evidently the defeat plunge the city into blackness and where the sportive zephrys blow. You Canyon City 17.15 NEW MtXlUAN POINTING CO. . has swilbd Air. Ollair's head. .Many a man greater than he can not may of all the who JY keep it there, but this does alter prate heroes have Local for ever hope to be. w;; ca iin bom, and was not ashamed of it. either. the fact that those who do know how-t- stood so far behind, that the lurking Dates of Sale, Dec. 23, 24, 25. Agents - 0 i run it ought to do it a little better, imp of danger couldn't keep them al 30and31; also Jan. I, 1913. "Throw away your corsets, make a bondfiie of your hats and wear and give us a run for our money. in mind. Of the man behind the led- - trousers," shrieks Carne Chapman Catt. to the New York suffragettes. I am led to make these remarks be-- ; ger and the man behind the plow, of Good for Return Passage until Jan. 3d .Mercy.' Carrie, arc not the bean pole skirts the women are wearing now, muse mv attention has been several the man behind the shovel or behind; homely enough? times called to the peculiar action ofi the breachy cow. of the man behind The same will for students -- o- rates upplv and Desk combined. the and then too, I've seen it the areoplane. the man behind the and teiH'Ueis. a minimum fare of f lights, except f uuLmjui Congressmeu I'rinci McKinley and Rodenbers;, till from Illinois, argued myself. lock; but the girls behind this country! $5.00 will be collected nnd tickets will be on g A Desk Unit with few or j SffSgj liefore the committee on rivers and harbors for more appropriation. It was This is the season when we want have them distanced by a block. The ku1i on day so liool closes and one duy there- many desired, f Issued t BookJJnits swan niur-- i after, on presentation of certificates ISJyapaii nature of a on? for all three. to make not only girl behind the who in the everything bright. telephone, schools und oltleer. ) "Number w a liy sijined by proper in the heart, but all about us, and the liiurs please," ith gentle 6, 1913. ' Limit of sueh tickets will be Jan. Professor S. Chapman, of Creenwich, lias almost completed the task of "dim religious light" is out of keep-in- " modulation like the sigh of summer's nmnitine the visible stars, making a scientific record of them. Wonder what with just the time of year. breeze, the, girl beli.ind the register, its and possi- - on advantages lie's going to do with 'em when he eels 'ern all counted. So, if there is any way to do it, let who hands us out our change, the girl For particulars call anyAgt. y bilities. Oil, write or phont "iF 0- or" m about it. - us have more light. behind the needle, the girl behind of the A., T. & S. F.R'y- - f in is 2L71S.44S. the counter. keeDins evervthincr In "S consumed the I'nited Slates daily The number of cigars N. exceeds to 2::.7:!6,10O. THEY SHOULD APPROPRIATE, place, and reeling off the endless 'j H.S.LUTZ.Agt., Santa Fe, M. The consumption that somewhat, amounting ' cil,arette of and That is a lot of smoke for so small a lire. ; The last legislature failed to make yards ribbon, cloth lace FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN rAT.T SFVRf--

;tiuin lie was driving running fi'.vay, "medicine" rliat put him to sleep and Fine for throwing him out, breaking his rib ln was shot on the dead run. Remedy and shoulder and bruising him badly, .Mr. Coi lira n has shipped the car lie left Aztec on .Monday for 1'ivs-- , cass to .Matt Ohiienius, the well known wmTS Arizona, by way of Farniingtou taxidermist of Carlsbad and will have A Child and He said that he had tin Backward (iallnp, tin? hide and head made into a hand- i lie Knit it;:.T tu in di ( ffer of $1,"),iiihi on n copper mine m some rug. of Wei! flii'll isiii'd ho'isc rhoti" 1; l'rescott from Schooner & Company, This year, in the county, .Mr. Coch- w. Continue It For Only a Brief Period Mo., and would close the LAMP that burns because it is 'of .Joplin, ran has killed eoyote wolves, right and the Results Will You. or. Aztec Democrat. thirty Surprise 'ial Thursday. the skins sewed and THE right. The shape of the wick, the K( lOMS TiK.NT-- 1 Modern A low stale of the general health having together made one rug.-- Roswell size of the the size of inlets nil nces. .lolinson ireet. (' - j into big the is now the accepted cause of back- REAL WORK TO START. chimney, News. for air all and details-ha- ve in in re-i- these, warilness children. So the case After securing more than the i countless other of a backward child it is best to look til been red $ in stock subscription determined with utmost care. An Ht KF.XT l',:ni.-!i- i (i towards up its health. It will LAS VEGAS BOOSTERS. building '"mt tor the Black mesa project, the com- rooms i'm' liidil. lions be found that trouble ping. ('has. the main mittee from the Itetailers' association The recently adopted policy of the I.. is in in of I'ishup the food, lack assimilation handed over the Commercial club for bidding Efficient, Economical, and Hence care be! subscription papers frequent digestion. should to the who open meetings 10 which the citizens taken in the kind of food to the orginal incorporators Kni! If! XT I'nrnisln-il rooms for given have once with the pre-- I of Las Vegas, whether or not mem- Inexpensive - proceeded at Ste linlii. halh. child. This, with plenty of air and ex- has ell e! mi, Apply liminary work necessary before the bers of Hie organization, are invited n Lamp the aim sought, and secured, I, is o!Ie ercise, should about a S s bring change first of the new year. Condemnation is proving to be most meritorious. C A lamp that "ivc-- a steady, white lift In clear. for the better. j were instituted little advertisement is diffused. Watch the condition of the bowels,' proceedings Saturday Though given, koi: sunny the land for the pro- the often being called on The RAYO can be a to note whether the waste is being upon required meetings lighted without ivmovinp; ot .lr reservoir and further arrange- - short the attendance is al- or shade. passed off or not, or whether it is ject's notice, chimney Kasy to clean and row id:. Intnl. ments made for onto the and of nickel-plate- being passed too freely. If either getting ways large representative of the Made solid brass, with teams and men at the various commercial interests of the condition prevails give a small dose; grounds At Dealers Every where. W.W'TKU iViiion by experienced close of the ten of that gentlest of all laxative-tonic- days period required city. lady stenographer, capable of assum- for notice in condemnation pro-- CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Dr. Caldwell's Fyrup Pepsin. Thou-- ' giving Frank discussions of existing con- ing respoiisibiliics. I'iione 127 .1. sands of will to Raton Range. Denver, Purbin, Aibticitierquei, mothers testify the ceedings. ditions and statements, by men who Cheyenne, Butte, Boise, Sail Lake City. wonders it has wrought in the lives know, of what can be accomplished $110.00 a bran m w combina-gy- , FOR SUPT. WHITE. buys of their own children, and for that BOUQUET in making Las Vegas' future prosper- tion runabout and top bu rubber Alvin X. state reason of families like those White, superintend- to new-spiri- legions AUiKRT AlllSOX SI'KNSK. ous, have tended arouse a tired, nr.d fine et of single harness of the mother of Albert Adison ent of public instruction of New in this community. There is Then. Corriek. Reed .Mr. arrived in the last Speuce, Springs, Mo., and advantages that those who once use Mexico, county less of skepticism and discourage- WHV BUY RED A F. are nev- U week and attended the of ('armichael, Arras, Cal., forever after discard cathartics, meeting ment and infinitely more of optimism CHANGES MAY Knit S A . ; CuiT I. gliorn Cockn Is. er without it in the house. It is Aztec on pleas- salts, pills and other coarse remedies, teachers at Friday, and belief in that this city lias re- CROSS SEALS? 'J on and up. and second at ant to the taste and so sale pen perfectly for they are seldom advisable and Saturday, afternoon he came to sources, which, if properly developed, l!'l New Mexico fair. A few good that it is given to infants, and yet is should be never given to children. Farmington accompanied by County can be made of great 'Value and tin? Why you should ouy Red Cro: S. C It. I. It. Cockreis and Indian equally effective for grown people. If no member of your family has Swenning, Professor source of a annual revenue. Dec. :; Cliiistmas Seals, he answered Runner Drakes. Address. I'enileu-- l All sell it and the is, Superintendent large Washington. When spell may druggists price ever used Syrup and would Dr. M Pepsin you Douglas and Taylor of Aztec, and The is ing of Croat Ilritain's most in the words of a, ia ) Santa Kc, N. only fifty cents and one dollar a hot-- ! like to make u nersoiui'l tvinl nf ii lio. spirit being protest effectively spoke that evening at the Presbyte- aroused and Las tire (he Panama Canal act Senator Shelby twelve-year-ol- boy in tllie liiilulli' tie. the latter tor families who need fore buying it in the way of a Vegans showing regular rian church on some of tin? educa- a .M. t'nlloni. chairman of the Minn. who gave the fo- TYPEWRITERS lr regularly. 'druggist, send address a disposition to wort unitedly for Senate schools, your postal tional needs of the state and some of Relations as liis reason in a ion Cleaned, adjusieil and New . Syrup lias no as a will do V. anyihing that will prove of benefit Foreign committee, said: llowing cninpo.sit repaired. Pepsin equal to Dr. a. Caldw ell, 415 1 the of the last -- on this platens furnished. Ribbons and sup- cure for constipation, indigestion, AVadiington Si... 111.,' improvements years to the community. The Commercial "We may have' been hasty in the subject .Uonticello, and since New Mexico's first plies. Typewriters sold, oxchcui.go i biliousness, headache, sour stomach, a free sample bottle will be mailed public club itself, encouraged by increased framing of the biU. and we may have "The reason put Red Cross Seals' schools were established. His dis- - and rented. Standard makes handled. gas on the stomach, liver trouble and; you. Results are is becoming a stronger- and to make more changes, such as are on my Christmas gifts is always guaranteed ' '.support, because! All work and guar- - kindred It has so cussion was both entertaining and more suggested to ns by the bill seal use one com to- - repair typewriters complaints. many jot money will be refunded. virile organization tor the up- conditions, every counts d. Ke Kx- - if we do it antoi aula TypeW! iter instructive. building and advertising of Las Ve- find expedient to make ward stamping out tuberculosis in the, such chan I'lu :i w. Mr. White lias visited every gas. Its membership is increasing, changes they will be dutnted by city and for the maintenance of bos-- ; right, and not at all the wishes county in the state during his Las Vegas people are coming to place by pitals for that purpose. The seals, o"' the - first ten and one-hal- f months in of- greater confidence in 'its liritish government. The quos- are also used lo raise funds to teach' NEWS OF efficiency fion is not a THE STATE fice, tie is a good and efli- - and are not matter for arbitration. the value of fresh air. Another making they being disappointed. It is people our own affair, and we I cient head of the departmentand is Developments are proving the oft-re-- ; propose reason buy them is because iny A to settle it to our own KILLED BIG ONE. a fine as well as - according died I ford steer, which Slaughter raised on gentleman I compe- pealed statements of the officers of ideas. father of tuberculosis and buy Dast Monday Senor IT S. - - so Campbell his big ranch. The consideration in- tent and experienced instructor. the club that the organization, if giv- hem that other little boys and girls MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER a to "The Hie ollicc - added whacking big coyote the volved in the deal was $400. This is Farmington Eonterprise. en the proper and : suggestion ;f foreign won't lose their father as did. An- support encourage-- that, we Plant dead animal attractions at his place ment, could to be may remedy our lack of sup reason is if am ever Puwpr Enginvcring I probably the highest, ever ! prove itself the other that price paid of Santa Mi- of port our coastwise a doc-un- F. business. The beast was shot by for one in soutli-- . SHOT MR. LOBO. most valuable instrument for shipping by threatened whh tuberculosis the steer this end of the the is of J. C. subsidy none 'heir business. We l Bender of Nogal, who also did west. Mr. H. Scott Cochran, the ranch-- ! welfare of the ors will ha ve a to try to I,oveIndy has planned to young temporal city. have a to subsidize our prevent NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the stuffing and mounting, which is ' exhibit Lubbock. who a right vessels it." the big fellow at various man, of Texas, has that is of benefit to a if we It is. of P. life-lik- Anything see lit. possible that we Department the Interior. S. artistic and The animal shows.-- - Uoswell bunch of steers at the L K ranch is Record. community is of benefit to every may do so. but whether we do or not Land Office ai San ta New Mexii o. stands at "attention," tail out and ears CANDY TRUST ATTACKED. the of much from the we . recipient praise member of that community. Hence will not consult the liritish govern-Miient- Dee. .;, 1alL. erect, and is certainly ugly looking i Chaves stockmen for the stunt BIG SNOW FALL. county there is no man in Las Vegas who a in very much afraid that we is io n enough to attract attention any- lie Not ice reli; giv that Pelipo pulled off recently in killing an can Com-- i 'a.. Dec. ;l. The Logan was visited a five afford to refuse to join the will have trouble over this matter., Philadelphia, heir to Mi ilia Decsd., where.- Carrizozo News. Friday by lobo wolf on "i at- l.ucero, l.ucero, immense the Browning mercia! club. The are but Wo want to be careful how we pro- andy trust" of Philadelphia was inch snow. There was no wind and dues $1.5 of Oalisteo. X. .M ., who. on .May !Mli. ranch fifty miles east of Roswell. in but it is in what-leve- tacked by Attorney Oeneral Wicker the snow covered our :a month. And that amount of money ceed, that I'.'oi;, made noire stead No. HOGS ARE HiGH. entire country Chaves and in we shuw in civil suit tiled Kntry county, recognition cannot be to steps decide to lake wo will antitrust i m i with a blanket like j spent by anybody belter ft x i; 7 r, Rots I, Sec. and i . Ii. McAtee heavy covering, for and i, makes a suggestion of the deed will be rewarded in a sub- -- he w o here tod; governed by what co- against the I'liihulolphin M This is our first snow and there has advantage. Las Vegas Optic. entirely Lots I ami 2, Section :i. Township X., that our people should heed. He says stantial manner by the stockmen who nsider justice and ami wo !o not; .lobbing ( 'on feci ion asroeiat ion. been no rain the past, few right, its' l:: X. A I. I'. Meridian, has 1bat the Montezuma country will shin months, are raising a purse to present to Mr. recognize the right of any M embers ami officers of the assoeia- therefore our ground has been loo BLOODHOUNDS ON TRAIL. foreign filed notice of intention to make five about ten carloads of fat hogs this Cochran. Of course this will be inde- government to fell us what course to lion havi comhined and conspired il for j to claim to the cur and that the section: dry farming purposes. To those of the that he will re- pursue. Wo want to be fair is to year proof, establish Farmington pendent bounty Tdood-hound- s to all.: charged, coerce candy manu- of our who have in win- - Owingsville, ivy., Dec. 1:1. above before and om;lit to be doing the same thing. farmers put. ceive for the when the appor- and we intend to be so. facturers from direct to retail- described, Register scalp, are to follow the trail selling S. Santa. The can be raised on alfalfa and ter rye and wheat this snow will be a trying to Receiver r. Land Office at hogs tionment is made next which Con-Ftabl- e "If our bill is v ers, consumers or to January, oi' who fired six at present unjust jobbers other 1 f "Cod It persons shots Ke, X. ,AI.. on I, Ml::. ruit and finished off on corn. send." will, in all probability, $2.1. was v HI it .January Hogs will be about The wolf the Wallace I'luunner on the Rose make just, but our changes., than members of the association. I l of moisture in ore now '.' cents in put plenty the ground lobo been seen in if will be becau.-- e Claimant names as witnesses: bringing per pound only ..that lias these Run Iron plant here. any, of our innate ! to bring the rye and wheat and company' X. .M.; dressed. Times-- up 1 sense of Agnstin Ramirez, (JalisUo, Denver, Farmington parts for a long time and the biggest A '.m foot (resile over the justice, and not because of NEW NICKEL OUT SOON. Hustler. give them good winter pasture. Lo-- I company's Kniilerio Chavez, X. AL; Kran-cise- o in many more moons, the carcass log road was burned, as were also any protest from any other country. I'alma, I AL: gan Leader. 2HU do not mean that D. he Chavez, X. Kaustin weighing pounds, and was nearly two unoccupied tenant bouses. any change will Washington, ('., Dec. i'alina, A $400 and I do nor will1 Talma. X. AL STEER. the size of a full grown St. Bernard Owing to the fact that a large num- believe tin re nickel wilh an artistic Indian head on Ralazar, BRONCOS RAN AWAY. j be, but I to MANTKL R. George .l. Slaughter of this city dog. It was a male of the grey va- ber of the striking miners are under want emphasize the fad the fare, will be in circuialiiin, accord- OTERO. ilea! with V, who 'that if it ( has closed a J. Lovlady John Griffin, has been working) riety, very few ot the black species heavy peace bonds, following the up- any changes are made will' ion to the xpectalions of the treasury Regis let - be on our of Texas, whereby the lat- for Jack Dunce, near Rosing, had a having been seen in this section. Two rising of last month, consternation own initiative," department by February I. Secretary ter became the owner of the big Here- - bad accident on Saturday, the bronco shots from a Winchester ride was the prevails among the men. t Senator George Sutherland, of t"lah. MncVengh has definitely accepted the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. member of the Senate Koreifiii Mela Within a few an of the V. " design. days order Department Interior, S. lions : committee, said will be given the mints to begin mali-i- Land Office at Santa Fc, X. M.. No- "The liritish note claims Unit under the new coins. vember 2, ini2. their treaty right we have no busi-- , Notice is hereby given that Anacletc Ikkk to let our ships ro throiipji u,,, DECIDE YOURSELF. Contreras, of Santa Fe, N. M., who, canal free of tolls. have always on October 12, ISOti, made Homestead if TrfT! of (I .been the opinion that we have an The Opportunity Is Here, Backed By No. OTNTI, for S. XV. S absolute to rinlit permit our coast- Santa Fe Testimony. XIC. Section 4, Township IS N., wise lo use ships the canal free of Range Hi K., N. .AI. I'. .Meridian, liaa cost if we wish to. and there is no Don't. take our word for ii, filed notice of intention to make five discrimination in that against liritish Don't depend on a stranger' state- year proof, to establish claim to the ships, as are not allowed they to ment. land above described, before Reg- in our coastwise trade. is This Head Santa Fo endorsement. ister and Receiver, at Santa Fe, X. .M purely a domestic and for Cook tiiiesiiou, Head the statements of Santa Fc on ft, iui:i. that, reason in it January my jud.smem is not fit izens. Claimant names as witnesses: arbitrable, and tins comilry cannot And decide for yourself. Montoya, of Santa Fe, X. 311.; cMisent that Die rpiostioii should he When fere is one cose of i! : Alarcelo of Santa Fe. X. .AL; you shorten or food si.bniitted to The Hague Tribunal." Jiininez, fry Toribio Rodriguez, In Johnson St.. .Macarin .Jiminez of Fe, N. Senator liorah. of Santa JL; Idaho, member San a X. with butter it is needless the committee, said: Fe, Mex., says: "Two and a lloutfacio l.ucero, of Santa Fe, X. AI. extravagance. half years ago I gave a statement for jUAX't'KL Ii. "II is my impression thai the OTKRO, Butter is too exoensive for action, publicnlion regarding my experience nsp anvwhpw 'of the States in ex- - fnited granting' 1 with Dean's Kidney Pills. S.M.K TIMUKK. N en-- Toc'loy lit' Altm.eiei'que. A. eruption from canal tolbi to 11. tM-- but on table. If ships am stronger jn my of this rem- NOKMIII ''I Sclllfd liiiN linulit-l- l your butter were gaged in the coastwise trade not praise "Itnl. tirulier s,.ie Ajii!ie;u ion. XovenH'er 1. really is than ever. I :Otie that, be edy Buffered greatly Vci" ami ;ithlr's.'U t.i the DisliicL would could submitted to arbi- t'erevtcr, Service. A N. m better, better cook from disordered the in hii'tiirripic, results in w produce tration, or that would come within' kidneys, pains M.. ili he received 'it) In taut incjiiilire.: I he le.ji my back being so acute that I had to clay i,t Jieecmlier. for nil the merchant, any interpretation of the .1 l1 you would be in work and down. The Hhle (Ic.iU iiiijher jtlin nr ilowit mill ah the stop sit trouble t ing, justified using it, but forte treaty. ft is a serious and aj lii c t;rihec ifj;ol:eft fer cut ini: by a steadily grew worse and I l!eiite'l on ioi to he delinitelv close and rarely , r Cottolene (piestion. before hv :l Forc-.t- nffi.M-- etiUtnu-hcUi--- it won't. is the of but- expressed: knew what it was to lie free an licfort; fully equal a positive conviction I should wish tn from inciti(i;t:L' nlioul It'e acres ill npproxi ache or Soon I inatel.v S.-- A'., T;i. 17 N.. K. Ill K . N. M. ;. M., read the liritish note first and can-- ! pain. after lirgan us ter for shortening: it is better for frvin in Al'iiii Saiva Canveii. wehin the PcecisNa-tiona- ! fully examine (he whole sniiicct." ing Dean's Kidney Vills, my pains r.iresi. c,' irnatt'd to e l.lild It,. H. ii. and aches (if Wev-er- Yellow I'm-- . Dotijtas White food disappeared and my back - makes rich, but not because it heats I'ir arnt White Pier- awiiirincr. mere er les. greasy, FOURTEEN HOLES STITCHED became slrer.g." N'ii Incl of less than $.1 II per M. ft. Ii. M. will hi; eiinsiileri'il u a IN For sale by ail dealevs. Prfee .10 .oki detiusit. of $lit) eormlst tie sent io than lard or SECCONDE'3 PIPING. tnthe Firs!. Hank. Athll(uer(lie, X. temperature butter and Foster-Milbur- n nigner M. Fure-sler- New York. Ilec. Ki. -- Oiie of ihe cents, Co.. Iluff'alo, for each hid siit.ini; ted to the Uktrict, . cooks so New Yolk, sole agents for the Cnifi! 'ISniher upor. viilid elaiejs is from quickly that the fat has no chance to "soak in." most, remarkable surgical operations sale. 'I'he to reject, liny and all huts is ever in States. reserved For lio tiier inferncn ioa t'OVemltn? performed this country has SutiiO-visor- Cottolene more Pemeniher the sale, address l'ecis Na- healthful name Dunn's e- is than hrr been by tin? at and tional Foi -t S;oi! a Fe. New Mevieo A II pronounced physicians fake no two-third-s as much the Flower hospital as successful. other. H'.MIA. At'TIN'C DISTKH'T FI lUKSTWt. only as you would of either butter or lard. In consoqm lice, John' Seccomle, a deputy sheriff of Queens county, is When you stop to consider that the of Cottolene k well on the way to recovery. price no more The operation consisted of Si itch- man ine price or lard, you can ing up Seceonde's intestines, which had been perforated fourteen tunes by readily iigure out what a a bullet, wJiich also clipped off a por- saving tion of his appendix. 'J lie ballet en- its use m your kitchen means tered the left hip and omergeii from 1 the right, hip. Don't be don't The shot, w hich injured Seccomle extravagant; '( was fired accidentally while he was KateLofcnefarefor the round trip will be protected showing a new magazine revolver use butter for too (lib to a between cooking; it's cp friend on November ". When all stations on the I and no he was taken to a hospital septic expensive better. Don t poisoning had set in and the un- use it's too usual operation was resorted to as RIO GRANDE lard; uncertain, a forlorn hope. ana greasy. M account Christmas and FIREMEN "CRY." New Year Do use Cottolene, and will Chicago, Dec. were Holidays. you cooked by the ton when a throe-stor- y have better, more healthful food. .Warehouse filled with them caught ana more money m fire and blazed up rapidly a few doors SELLING DATES: your from a 'west side hospital, 23-24-- pocketbook. The hospital oflicials requested the December 25 and 31 also firemen not to sound their or Try this : gongs recipe make unnecessary noises, and the January 1, 1913. GRIDDLE CAKES fire chiefs communicated with their 1 cup sifted flour teaspoon salt lieutenants signs and sent notes RETURN 1 by LIMIT: egg 1 tablespoon melted Cottolene to tli" pipeinen. Y2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder The silent, fire light was foiled. January 1, 1913. Sift together, the flour, salt, soda, baking however, by the powerful odor of the powder, add beaten egg and Cottolene. Beat well, cook on griddle greased slightly with Cottolene. cooking onions, which pervaded the 'entire district within a Jmlf mile ra-'- , For tickets, reservations, etc. call on or write your local Made dins. Several firemen yore overcome only by w - or W. D. j by smoke, and one pipe er after uu- ticket agent Shea, Traveling P'asxergcr THE other was out of put action by the Asent. Santa N. M. rN. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY g power ot the raw onions on 'he lower floors. '1 PAGE EIGHT' SANTA K NEW' MICA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912.

as bud within as without the church." ald yesterday: "A joint meeting of COLORADO KILLER HIDING ,. Mr. Conway Again Snperintedent OFFICIAL NEWS. By the1 Rev. J. W. Shimer, of the the state corporation commission and ON NEW MEXICO BORDER. of Schools John V. Conway Is church: "Our County Methodist Episcopal the board of directors of the Commer- visiting the two school in District No. Governor William C. McDonald has church has taken an stand cial club of was held emphatic Albuquerque Brighton, Colo., Dec. 1:). Frank L. fi, Ui Cienega and is taking photos of received the following interesting let-- ; against gambling in whatsoever form here The commissioners pres- the surround- today. Smith, accused of slaying Detective the same .together with tt-- on handling the "gambling; prob it. appears. The church strictly ent were Hugh II. Williams, chair- in his URIC ACID CAUSES IT-- S.S.3. CURES IT ;.Jessa II. Stingier, who recently es- ings, for future use campaign from a ol tae abstinence from games of O. L. both whom ' lem'' representative man, and Owen, of from Is in the of improving the school system in this of Rheumatism is caused an excess of uric acid in the I do not there is caped jail here, hiding Every variety by Law iiml Order League: and think arrived last from Santa Ke to Mexico-Colorad- acid Chicago (nance nignt vicinity of the New county. Wood; the different forms of the disease depending on whether this uric "Dear Sir: ii'mch among our people. attend the The ses- Sciatica it is nerves which gambling meeting today. j line, according to the story told to settles in the nerves, muscles or joints. In the "1 take the of you known do not re- sion was for the of discuss muscles to be scat of trou- liberty enclosing Certainly gamblers purpose day to Sheriff Sehloo by Charles A. are attached, the muscular form shows the the herein some literature in reference to main hi the Methodist church." to ranroau manifestations of articular Rheumatism are evidence that the ing mailers pertaining staton, who escaped with Smith, FROM DATE ON ble, while the naliou-wid.- ; movement By the Rev. B. Z. McCullogh, of the the commissioners to THIS are diseased. To cure Rheumatism the uric acid must be re- against rates, wishing staton declared that he bad agreed joints being Tt is to be Imped that the I'resbvterian church: "There ascertain the vunvs ol to meet Smith in tho virinitv nt Vni moved from tlie blood; the circulation must be made pure. This cannot gambling. representative governor of taeli state can sussest lie lasis of gambling in our church business men of on a of Trinchera. New .Mexico offi be accomplished with external applications; such treatment may furnish Albuquerque soni, Line of Made Hats movement in and in oilier too. We know; con-lcial- s My relief from the but it does not reach the producing cause. a way of starling the churches, number of questions now tinder have been notified, temporary pain, I can favor us that is one of the besetting .' Will Be Sold a S. S. S. cures Rheumatism of variety and form because it purifies the his state. liepe you gambling sideration by the commission." at Big every a to movement be- sins of thi! age. The church is em-- ; blood. It goes down into the circulation, neutralizes the acids and dis- wiih suggestion the Discount 1 1!, If same in with this! solves the which are pressing on the sensitive nerves fore December the phiititally. sympathy irritating deposits In- movement of the Law and FULMERSAYS and tissues, aud producing pain. Whether your case of Rheumatism be could be released by the press of Chicago Ostrich Plumes in delicate shades acute or chronic S. S. S. is the medicine you need; it will one you and at diana aud Chicago on December Hi Order League agaiust gambling and KEEP SANTA FE In the city they say A is meant all forms of j at cost. Black Plumes at a the same time build up the entire system by its fine vegetable tonic effects. it would greatly aid the cause. sug- by gambling UNIQUE! lock the door, our Book on Rheumatism and an y medical advice free to all who write. gestion in your message that the chance from Hie fish pond social to the be a large discount, and in neighbor may THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. churches set aside some Sunday at an card games for prizes money in the rooms cut and cut flowers .1. thief; country early date to discuss the prevention where glass )!. Fulnier, Jr., president of the! throw the of gambling, belli among their own form part of the f superb decorative, New Mexico Kealty company left this they key MISS A. MUGLER members and. outsiders, would lie of scheme." afternoon for his home in the midd'e away. H. II. Koch 1 "The City" great value. trust that yon will MORE POLICEMEN. wect, after spending a week here SOUTHEASTCORMR PLAZA. o.ur with a to ' sub-- ; Phone 4. Piione 4. favor people message Governor McDonald has appointed 'looking after his interests and F. ANDREWS our American boys on the subject of Grant. Hale and It. K. Poster of Clovis mitting a tentative subdivision of. gambling." additional member oi'Hhe New Alexi-- 1 some of his company's lands to the di- Quite a number of ministers are CO mounted police .force to serve Santa Ke city council. The council! rectors of the league. The league's without pay. v- committee on streets and. bridges) . and Lib- 1 Cut Flowers un-- Plants to Law is ' motto is: "Obedience MEET TODAY. went over the i.-- u'er and took it Market i Grocery, Bakery erty." The state board of loan commis-- ; der advisement, ,.'o'e leaving Mr. Decorations. i HOW MINISTERS VIEW IT. "I am inter- - Boquets, Designs, sioners is meeting today at the Capi- Fulnier said: e.v.'vmely The receipt of the. letter by the gov- in Santa Fe and its develop-'- . TO tol. jested THE CLARENDON GARDEN EVERYTHING THERE IS EAT ernor was viewed with considerable ment ; I do all Mods East Old San Migue .:hmeh NEW MULTIGRAPH. believe the city should lOne interest by the ministers in the city. ' in to a totir-- Th commission's of- its power make this great ' Flower Stand with the Modern Grocery Company. Discussing the gambling problem, es- ('"corporation ist and let the world know what a new multi-grap- h city V. jj I fice is now equipped with ' Phone 12. R. BOYLE, Mgr. pecially he reference to "church of sun-- i machine so that well you have here in the way Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, nieiiilx rs." the following views were printed scen- in rec- shine, pure air and unrivalled : letters be sent out and expressed may The ancient beauties of Santa Goods of AH Kinds. ord time. The commission transacts ery. By Rev. Leonidas Smith, of the Fe be with the Bakery an enormous amount, of work. should preserved Protestant Kpiscopul church: "If the charm of Spanish architecture, lan-- should-appoin- t IN DUKE CITY. NEW FIGS, NUTS, DATES, ETC., ETC. governor a day, guage and many of the custgms. San-- j FOR xma: move- The commissions visit BRASS BEDS should certainly refer to the corporation ta Fe is unique; let us keep it so." ment of the Chicago Law and Order to Albiiiuer(iie is thus commented The plan of the Santa Fe Realty. League. 1 do not think gambling is on by the Albuquerque Evening Her Phone 4. F. ANDREWS Phone 4. company proposed gives the city 2.12 acres in streets. The fifth and final -- j clause of the proposition submitted com-- ff jto the council reads: "The said ! nnrnn pany desires further to say there is no conflict of titles involved as to the portion of the Cienega tract own-- , ,3 THE ed and claimed by it ; that uhderstanri-- ! 1 ings have been reached with all the 'I boun- JEWELER j private owners as to the exterior f flourish in the most unexpected lines of their proper-- : dary respective places and quickly attack a ties, and the only purpose of this com-- j mot is the to about frorri colds munioation bring body weakened training, the development and the HEADQUARTERS FOR - or general debility, but if beautitication of this tract of land ly- the ing, us it docs, in one of ;the most luns are fortified vith central locations in the city of Santa SCOTT'S EMULSION Fe." their can be and often over- progress prevented business. come. SCOTT'S EMULSION is used in tubercul-

WATCHES 1 :!. osis camps because its highly concentrated nourish- Cincinnati, Dec. A. E. Edwards, a dealer in store fixtures and Michi-'ga- n AND resistive-powe- r than ment builds strength and faster Cash Registers, at Spokane, disease destroys. It assimilates without Wash., and vicinily, sprung a sensa-jtio- at the trial of the officers of the and contains no alcohol. i to-- i We wide of fine Brass Beds. CLOCKS taxing digestion, National Cash Register company have a variety They SCOTT'S day when he said that he had been make presents, Give useful gifts, get them Absolutely nothing equals made the twenty-sevent- h member of splendid EMULSION to the and : : Time Pieces HAVE VOIR WATCH CLEANED strengthen lungs the .National's morgue list" and had from us That Ar drive out colds and been threatened with the loss of his OCCASIONALLY. coughs. Reliable! Ml entire business unless he gave up sell-- 1 SCOTT & liOWNii, Bloom field, N. J. the Michigan line. ' Fe Hardware & Co. II ing Santa Supply O D Y " B I G ALE AT THE BIG STORE Our Sale is in full speed, thousands of Dollars of Merchandise are sold and still have as many left, don't delay, come and get in line with the wise and save money. USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS t Ideal Christmas J Something to wear makes the are fasc. Gifts for every member of the family no matter j Furs going very what their age or position in life. I If you need a set to give I Especially do Ladies appreciate something to I come wear, and at this Store with our immense stock away or for yourself and pleasing selections you are sure to choose to us. X just what she would like best. J i Don't loose this opportunity of i 1 $25.00 Ladies Suits for $14.50 j buying the best clothing on earth I 22.50 it tt 12.50 J i at 10 reduction. it tt I 20.00 10.851 - Hannan Shoes at $4.50 a pair. t t $27.50 Silk Dresses at $20.00 Country Club at $2.50 I it tt tt regular t 25.00 15.00? price $3.50. Hamilton Brown tt tt tt 12.50 i t z.uurf T i 20.00 maue ai regular price T i I 18.00 tt tt tt 10.50 i I $3.00. i

i Claus has arrived at our Store with a big assortment of Toys for Children i Santa SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY N AI H AN ALMON 5 mm

t 1

- iir:-- . i- -