UTAH SUMMER GAMES EQUESTRIAN – REINING & WORKING COW HORSE DATES: June 18, Saturday REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00 This is an annual registration fee per individual athlete. Ann additional sport fee will be added based on the sport participated in. SPORT FEE: $10.00 Fees payable to CCEC will be listed on the CCEC entry form SPORT COORDINATOR: Shelby Sorenson
[email protected] Alexis Campbell
[email protected] HOW TO REGISTER: Register online. If you are mailing in your registration form, send it to Utah Summer Games Registration, 351 West University Blvd, Cedar City, UT 84720. Use the Individual Registration Form. After completing your USG registration, please go to the following link to submit your CCEC class entries https://rwch.wufoo.com/forms/ccec-reining-working-cowhorse-show/ REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Final online registration is due by Thursday, June 16, at 10:00 AM. NO POST ENTRIES VENUE: Iron Ranger Arena – Cross Hollow Event Center 11 N Cross Hollow Drive Cedar City, UT SCHEDULES: CHECK-IN: Equestrian - Reining/Working Cow Athletes need to check in at the Cross Hollows Event Center on Saturday, June 20, between 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM. Each athlete will receive a welcome packet containing the official Utah Summer Games Athlete shirt and other assorted goodies. REINING & WORKING COW HORSE CLASSDESCRIPTIONS AND RULES Page | 1 UTAH SUMMER GAMES EQUESTRIAN – REINING & WORKING COW HORSE WORKING COW HORSE CLASSES Class # Name of Class Description 60 Green As Grass Riders 1st year in Working Cow Horse. May ride any age horse in any bridle (one handed in shank bit or two-hands with snaffle or hackamore).