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Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXlI, Number 3 Wednesday, September 2. 1981 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411.-2412 Student Government officials prepare for semester Yocum encourages froshes Spivey to pick University to vote in senator race Committee representatives by Gina Blaekwood ' Senate seats. and non-registered by Terri Thornton Spivey said there are three reasons Staff Writer students have five. that students don't get involved. To Asst. News Editor begin with. they are often unsure of Registration books open Sept. 8 for After placing their names on the Applications are now being ac- how to go about getting on a commit- freshmen, graduate and non-degree books. candidates will meet Sept. 11 at cepted for University Committee stu- tee. Second, they are afraid that serv- Student Senate Seats. Interested 5 pm. in the Senate Hall. All can- dent representatives. ing on a committee will take too much students can register in the Student didates must attend or send a proxy. Student body president Ron Spivey time and interfere with academic Government Office until 5 pm. Sept. Names will be drawn here for position said yesterday that there are over 50 responsibilities. Third, many students 11- on the ballot. Campaign expense vacant University Committee posi- feel that University Committees don't sheets will be given‘out with rules con- tions that he hopes to fill by the end of really do anything. “I was really pleased with the en- cerning the campaign. September. According to Spivey, getting on a thusiastic response from freshmen at Election dates are set for Sept. 22 Serving on committees, Spivey said. committee is simple. Interested orientation toward Student Govern- and 23. The list of new senators will be allows students to “represent the stu- students may ask in room 4130 of the ment," Jim Yokum, Student Senate posted in the Student Government of- dent body." Student Center for a list of available President said. “I hope that freshmen fice immediately after all votes have “You can get on top of the issues. positions and their descriptions. They carry through with enthusiasm and been counted. and that's pretty powerful in my then may fill out an application. speci- run for Senate." Jim Yocum mind," Spivey said. fying on which committee they would Ron Spivey There are 12 freshmen senate seats Ballot boxes will be located in the After their election, senators will There are from two to five student like to serve. know the least about what‘s going on open. Four seats are open to engineer- Student Union. the tunnels and the have a meeting every other Wednes- members on each committee, and The student body president studies on campus." ing students; three in the School of library. Students must bring registra- day night plus additional meetings to about five faculty members. Most applications and appoints new commit- Working with Spivey -— doing Humanities: two in Agriculture and tion cards and a positive identification be set up by the head of their commit- committees meet once a month. tee members each year. Applicants things like attending meetings ne IS Life Sciences; one in Education; one in to vote. - tee. In the past. State student body will be notified within one or two unable to attend and passing out infor. Forest Resources and one in Physical "I encourage all freshmen to vote Senate meetings are scheduled for presidents have had to struggle to find weeks whether they have been chosen mation on campus — will give and Mathematical Sciences. and not be apathetic." said head of Sept. 9 and Sept. 23. Other dates will willing and interested students to or not. students a chance to learn about stu- Graduate students have seven onen elections Linda Brafford. be set up at these meetings. serve on committees. Spivey has not yet had to choose dent government. meet people and get among students for positions because to know the campus better. participation has been low. If there is Being a member of the "Fantastic more than one student interested in Four" would not be too time consum- Moped regulations protect owner, pedestrian one position. Spivey said he will visit ing either. Spivey said. because “one each applicant and decide whois the person wouldn't have to do by Karen Freitas most qualified. He also said he would everything." The job would probably place students who do not get chosen take one hour a week. Staff Writer for the positions they requested on Spivey will take applications and other committees. if they are in- visit each interested person “to see New moped regulations are now being enforc- terested in serving. what they think about the University ed for both students and staff members, accor- and what needs to be done." ding to Carl Meyers, a member of the newly Not time consuming ”The purpose is to get four good formed Moped Subcommittee. ’ people." Spivey said, "not just four “Because we perceive an increase in the “The committees are not time can people." number of irresponsible riders who have taken suming, but they are very important." Spivey recommended that students advantage of riding down one way streets and Spivey said. adding they involve little who have new ideas to improve stu- through crosswaiks. we have to take control," time and a lot of responsibility. dent election turnout or who are in- said. “There is usually one short meeting terested in meeting candidates in stu- Meyers a month that takes care of the dent elections apply for a position on Mopeds must be registered as any other business for the whole month at one the Elections Board. motorized vehicle on campus.”All mopeds must time." he said. The board meets only twice a year be registered with a LM permit at a cost of $10 Students often don't realize how at election time. According to Linda per year. They may also may be registered as a much influence University Commit- Brafford, chairman of the board, second vehicle‘with an automobile permit for 85. tees have because “the work they do “members help distribute and gather “The Department of Transportation will en- isn‘t always obvious," Spivey said. ballot boxes. talley votes and con- force moped regulations this year,” Meyers said. A decision that most students are tribute ideas for bettering the elec- adding that "a fairly substantial grace period" familiar with is the construction of the ' tions system." new bookstore in DH. Hill Library. Another organization needing stu- will be in effect .l'or part of the semester during The idea for the North Campus dent members is the Association of which the department will only hand out warn- Bookshop, which was created so the Student Consumers. Spivey described ing tickets for parking and moving violations. Students' Supply Store could expand this committee's purpose as “making Even though mopeds are now being‘ without closing its snack bar, was sug- our lives a bit easier and cheaper to registered, no license plates are necessary to gested to Banks Talley. Vice live." ' operate them. If a moped is stolen or given a Chancellor of Student Affairs, by the The Association of Student Con- citation. Public Safety may be able to track Campus Stores Committee. sumers publishes a dining guide which down the moped owner by its registration “The committee put the initial idea contains restaurant reviews. Spivey number more easily, Meyers said. in" that sparked the construction of said he is interested in putting out a potentially en- this new bookstore. Spivey said. more extensive dining guide this year. Mopeds cannot park inareas Less known but equally important if the association can get more money dangering life such as fire hydrants, traffic committee decisions involve things from the Student Senate. lanes, yellow curbs, driveways, sidewalks, such as the Transportation Commit- Three or four students will be firelanes, and dumpster lanes. All mopeds must tee's decision to put speed bumps in chosen for the association. This job obey the same traffic laws as automobiles and State's roads and service drives. will take more time than the other motorcycles. , In addition to filling the 50 or more committee positions, Spivey said, but Mopeds are permitted to enter North Campus University Committee positions, it won't be what he calls "hard work to park in designated moped spaces only. These Spivey needs four ”enthusiastic and time." That is. “ It won’t be digging parking areas were made to be a convenience to high-on-State” students to help him ditches or anything." moped riders. with student government affairs. Spivey said he hopes that participa- all Called the “Fantastic Four (for lack tion will be up this year: “So many “In the future." Meyers said. “more parking of a better namel." these four students students say, ‘It's just three or four spam will be-crcated and mopeds must park will be chosen from State's freshman people Spivey needs. Somebody out of likewise. Otherwise. moped riders will be in- transfer students. Spivey said he nar- 20,000 people will do it.‘ Well they flicted to further citation." rowed his choices down to freshman won't. Interested people need to come If a moped is illegally parked it will be locked transfer students because “they would over here and get involved." in its existing place until a registration has been _ purchased, Meyers said. A citation will also be given at this time. The Traffic Committee is enforcing moped Missing speed bumps regulations for safety control since the Universi- ty has a policy to protect pedestrians, Meyers said.