Status of Embedded

Status of Embedded Linux October 2013

Tim Bird Architecture Group Chair LF CE Workgroup 1

1 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Drinking from a firehose

2 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Outline

Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


3 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Outline

Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


4 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Versions

• Pace of versions is consistent and good • Kernel processes are working well

5 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Versions

• Linux v3.6 – 30 Sep 2012 – 71 days • Linux v3.7 – 10 Dec 2012 – 71 days • Linux v3.8 – 18 Feb 2013 – 70 days • Linux v3.9 – 28 Apr 2013 – 69 days • Linux v3.10 – 30 June 2013 – 63 days • I predicted July 7, 2013 – (7 days off) • Linux v3.11 – 2 Sep 2013 – 64 days • Linux v3.12-rc6 • I predict 3.12 on …


6 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Versions

• Linux v3.6 – 30 Sep 2012 – 71 days • Linux v3.7 – 10 Dec 2012 – 71 days • Linux v3.8 – 18 Feb 2013 – 70 days • Linux v3.9 – 28 Apr 2013 – 69 days • Linux v3.10 – 30 June 2013 – 63 days • I predicted July 7, 2013 – (7 days off) • Linux v3.11 – 2 Sep 2013 – 64 days • Linux v3.12-rc6 • I predict 3.12 on … 8 Nov 2013 – 68 days


7 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Outline

Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


8 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Bootup Time

• Kernel can be quick (under 1 second) • But it takes a lot of work, per product • Lots of resources available for tuning • See • Good recent presentation: 23817352 • More focus recently on user-space • Angstrom uses (yuck)

9 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Bootup Time

• Checkpoint/Restart for Android • Jim Huang, 0xlab • Android usually takes about 30 seconds • Jim achieved about 15 seconds • See checkpointing-for-android-elce2012 • Also • Other commercial systems are available for snapshot


10 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Graphics

• Movement to higher resolutions for some embedded (e.g. Android) • These cases demand good graphics performance • Movement away from frame buffer • Crazy rendering stuff from Google • LLVM renderscript • Buffer management a big issue • Need to eliminate data copies

11 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Graphics

• Still hoping for source drivers for embedded GPUs • Lots of SoC GPU OSS driver projects • Lima, Etnaviv, Grate, Freedreno • See • even helping with Nouveau •

12 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Graphics

• Shakeup in GPU market • ARM Mali and Vivante gaining market share

GPU 1H-2012 1H-2013 Imagination 52% 37.6% 29.3% 32.3% ARM Mali 13.5% 18.4% Nvidia 4.9% 1.4% Vivante 0.3% 9.8%

13 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential File Systems

• UBIFS is taking over as de-facto standard for raw flash • YAFFS2 doesn’t scale to large NAND • Rise of eMMC (block-based flash) • New techniques needed to address this type of hardware • Flash Filesystem Tuning guide • F2FS


14 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Flash Filesystem tuning

• CE Workgroup project to analyze filesystem performance on eMMC • Tested different block-based filesystems on flash media (ext4, , f2fs) • Measured the effect of different kernel tuning options • IO scheduler, flash geometry vs. flash part attributes and workload characteristics • Result document is NOW available at: • stems • Executive summary: Correct filesystem and tuning options results depend on workload (no single winner)

15 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential F2FS

• Flash-friendly filesystem by • Mainlined in Linux version 3.8 • Support for security attributes in 3.12 • Log-structured, with lots of tweaks • E.g. hot vs. cold data separation • I heard that Moto X uses it (successfully) • See • See ELCE/ELC talks about it

16 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential The exFAT incident

• Weird sequence of events • Background: exFAT filesystem is covered by Microsoft patents • Used for sd cards – almost a requirement to support it • exFAT code released by independent Russian developer • “Liberated” from Samsung • Not sure about license • But some code may have been derived from kernel • Samsung released code a few weeks later • I wouldn’t use this code

17 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential

• ION memory allocator

18 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Ion memory allocator

• Allows sharing of memory areas between kernel subsystems (and devices) • Which reduces copies • Different devices have different memory constraints (cached, contiguous, etc.) • ION can select memory areas matching the least-common-denominator of the constraints • ION can manage relationship to memory • But, it uses arm-specific accessors, and allows hardware-specific optimizations • It will have difficulty getting mainlined

19 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Power Management

• Evolution of power management in Linux • Suspend/resume, voltage and frequency scaling, longer sleep (tick reduction), runtime device power management, race-to-sleep (wakelocks/autosleep) • New stuff starting to get crazy

20 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Power Management

• Autosleep • Power-aware • Big.LITTLE scheduling • Memory power management • Full tickless


21 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Autosleep

• Default state of platform is sleeping, rather than awake • Wakelock-compatible solution by Rafael Wysocki • Rafael: “This series tests the theory that the easiest way to sell a once rejected feature is to advertise it under a different name” • • Mainlined in v3.5

22 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Power-aware scheduling:

• Small-task packing • Try to migrate tasks to allow more CPUs to go idle • Task placement on mixed cpu_power systems • Move large tasks to faster CPUs • Resources: • - overview • - some resistance • Ingo Molnar wants to consolidate this power stuff in the scheduler – rather than spread out into power/cpufreq/cpuidle/scheduler systems

23 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential big.LITTLE

• Crazy system with small, slow, power- efficient processors, alongside big fast, power-hungry processors • Requires some tremendous feats of scheduling to save power • Power-aware scheduling on steroids

24 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Big.LITTLE

25 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential big.LITTLE scheduling

• Overview: • Multi-cluster power scheduling • • In-kernel-switcher work • • See talk at LCJ by Nakagawa-san of Renesas • One Approach to big.LITTLE MP System on Real Silicon • Still waiting for real-product results

26 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Memory Power Management

• Is a form of device PM • With memory regions as the devices • Restrict or migrate allocated memory into regions so that some banks/chips can be powered off • Don’t have good measurements of power savings yet • See

27 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Full tickless

• Also known as “full dynamic tick” • Under some circumstance, some processors may run with no periodic ticks at all • Some restrictions: • Boot CPU cannot be ‘full’ tickless • A CPU cannot be full tickless with more than one • See

28 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential System Size

• Kernel size • Library size • Automated reduction research


29 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel size

• Cooperative memory relinquishment • Volatile Ranges • Lexmark work (membroker and ANR malloc) • See talk at ELC 2013 – "SystemWide Memory Management without Swap“

30 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Library reduction

• olibc – libc • Has good features from Android, and is smaller and more configurable than glibc glibc 2.11 : /lib/ → 1,208,224 bytes uClibc 0.9.30 : /lib/ → 424,235 bytes bionic 2.1 : /system/lib/ → 243,948 bytes • See ELC 2013 talk by Jim Huang • Kconfig for eglibc • Ability to configure parts of libc to use reduced from 1200K -> 830K reduced from 128K -> 120K reduced from 610K -> 580K • See ELC 2013 talk by Khem Raj


31 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Advanced Size Optimization of the

• “Auto-reduce” project • Find automated ways to reduce the kernel • Link-time optimization – 380K “free” reduction from flag • elimination • Kernel command-line argument elimination • Kernel constraint system • Additional research - 50% of kernel code is unexecuted • Link-time re-writing • Cold-code compression • See Tim Bird’s presentation on advanced size optimization of the kernel • Notes and slides available at:

32 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Security

• SE-Linux • Embedded integrity

33 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential SMACK

• SMACK for Tizen • Simplified rule set (3 tiers, 40,000 rules) • See

34 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential SE-Linux

• SE-Android • Implementation of SE-Linux for Android systems • SE-Linux was previously too big for embedded • Early embedded SE-Linux required 2M • Desktop SE ruleset is 900,000 rules • However, SE-Android only has 1658 rules and 263 types (71K policy size) • • Especially: Presentation02_4.pdf

35 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Embedded Integrity

• David Safford’s talk at Linux Security Summit • Some nice simple things to do to lock down a device • Cheap or free mechanisms (without having to resort to TPM ), to achieve: • Detect firmware modification • Prevent firmware modification (lock it) • Signed updates • Trusted boot •

36 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential

• Ktap • Dynamic tracing, without the overhead of compiling into a module • Adds an interpreter to the kernel • Single module, that leverages , kprobes, etc. • Prints results in ASCII • Good session in LinuxCon Japan by Jovi Zhang

37 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Device Tree

38 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Device Tree (cont.)

• Let me cut right to the chase… • I don’t like device tree – there, I said it • Supports single Zimage • Requires drivers to separate hardware configuration from code • Pushes code away from platform data structures, to runtime configuration • Ugh – it offends my embedded sensibilities • Is a royal pain

39 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Device Tree

• New requirements for implementing ARM board support and drivers • I have found it complicated to use • Not mature yet • E.g. dma, pinctrl still being developed • Everyone defining their own bindings • Not enough documentation and examples • No type-checking or compile-time optimization

40 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Device tree (cont.)

• Change in maintainership • Grant Likely transferred maintainership to others • Not enough review of bindings • Discussion about having device tree be long-lived ABI to kernel • Should be usable by other operating systems • Maybe move out of kernel repository • Lots of discussions planned at ARM mini- summit/Kernel Summit • Lots of presentations at ELC Europe this year • See

41 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Things to watch

• Android features • Volatile ranges • ION memory allocator • Device-tree churn/maturation • Power-aware scheduling


42 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Things to watch (longer-term)

• Non-volatile mass memory • Interesting remarks by Linus in LinuxCon 2012 panel • Won’t change a lot of kernel algorithms • Will mostly change filesystems • Byte-addressable storage has big implications for long-term storage • Applications will still segregate data between persistent and non-persistent groups • Things take longer to change than people think • And, persistent RAM seems to always be 5 years out

43 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Outline

Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


44 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential CEWG Contract Work 2013

• eMMC tuning guide completed • Open Project Proposal period


45 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential eMMC tuning guide

• Description: • This project analysed EXT4, BTRFS and F2FS on a variety of block-based flash parts on a few different development boards • Output is a document describing best practices for tuning Linux block-based filesystems for block- based flash filesystems • Also, methods and scripts for filesystem testing • Contractor: Cogent Embedded • Status: Complete in May, 2012 • Document at: _filesystems


46 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Open Project Proposals

• Proposal period was held recently • See • Follow link to see project list • Was discussed at Architecture Group meeting • We selected 8 projects to fund, but still need to go through Steering Committee for final approval • Selection should be finalized this week

47 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Other Projects

• Long Term Support Initiative (LTSI)


48 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Long Term Support Kernel for Industry

• LTSI 3.4 is available now • Held workshop at LinuxCon Japan • Discussed testing phase of project • Discussed promotion of project • New White Paper released: • See • Linux 3.10 is next community Long Term Stable kernel


49 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Outline

Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


50 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Other Stuff

• Tools • Testing Frameworks • Build Systems • Distributions • Wiki • Miscellaneous


51 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Tools

• Cortex • Coredump filter • Generates sparse coredump • See ELC 2013 presentation by Tristan Lelong • "Debugging for production systems" • Debugging techniques • Good overview by Kevin Dankwardt at ELC 2013 • "Survey of Linux Kernel Debugging Techniques"


52 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Testing frameworks

• Autotest • Simple framework • Not cross-compiler aware? • LAVA • test framework • "Kernel Testing Tools and Techniques" BOF by Matt Porter at ELC 2013 • CE workgroup probably starting a test activity for LTSI soon • Need input…

53 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Build Systems

• Yocto project • Lots of talks at ELCE (and previous ELCs) • Tutorials now online • Buildroot • Android

• An embarrassment of riches for build systems


54 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Distributions

• Tizen – may be a serious competitor in embedded distros • Needs to open up a bit more (but it looks like it’s happening) • Replacing Bada at Samsung • Shipping in phones?? • Android use in non-CE embedded • Headless android • Yocto Project = the new in-house distro • Angstrom = packaged embedded distro • Very common on development boards

55 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential eLinux wiki

• • Web site dedicated to information for embedded Linux developers • The wikipedia of embedded linux! • Hundreds of page covering numerous topic areas: bootup time, realtime, security, power management, flash filesystem, toolchain, editors • Working on wiki projects: • Video transcription project


56 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Miscellaneous

• Kernel Community Civility • Embedded Contribution status • Hardware


57 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Community civility

• Recent discussion about being nicer to people on LKML • Sarah Sharp complained about abusive language and attitude on LKML • Some say harshness is needed to maintain quality • Others say system works OK as is • Is being discussed at kernel summit

58 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Hardware

Quark processor • Power-efficient 486 • Galileo board – compatible • Signal of Intel getting into low end

• Apple M7 – separate, always on processor for location/motion services • Attempt to provide continuous location service without power overhead of main CPU

59 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Embedded contribution status

• Contributions are improving, especially from embedded CPU vendors • See charts for embedded contribution status on (top 3.11 contributors) • • – great document on the mechanics of a first patch contribution • Still would be good to get a “best practices” document describing how to work with OSS • Version gap – still with us for CE companies • Maybe device-tree will help us get the stable kernel API we’ve always wanted (ha ha)

60 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of … Resources


61 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Best of …

• Rules: • Must be actual shipping product • Must do something useful • Not a contest – just for information • Categories • Smallest • Fastest booting • Longest battery life


62 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Smallest ?

• TP-Link MR3020 • WiFi hotspot • 4M flash chip • 128K U-Boot • 1M for kernel • 2.8M root filesystem • 32M DRAM • See

63 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Fastest Boot

• 630 ms cold boot (?) • • MontaVista dashboard boot in < 1 second • ?fid=news/2009/Ultra-fast-boot.html

64 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Kernel Versions Technology Areas CE Workgroup Projects Other Stuff Best of… Resources


65 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Resources

• • • If you are not subscribed, please do so • Kernel Newbies • • eLinux wiki - • Especially for slides • Celinux-dev mailing list • LinuxCon Japan slides • japan/program/presentations


66 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Status of Industry

• Status = Healthy • Over 1.5 billion devices shipped with embedded Linux • This is a conservative estimate • Still going strong • We used to joke about “world domination” • We don’t any more

67 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Thanks!


68 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Extra Slides

• The following slides are just for reference, for embedded-related features introduced in recent kernel versions

69 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.6

• Android RAM console functionality integrated into pstore • CANFD support for CAN protocol • CAN with flexible data rate • LED oneshot mode • interface for certain one-time LED/gpio manipulations • "Suspend to Both" • Create resume image both in RAM and on disk • If power dies during suspend, disk image can be used to resume


70 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.7

• ARM multi-platform support • See • ARM 64-bit support (Aarch64) • Cryptographically signed kernel modules • See • trace (alternative to ) • Allows intermingling kernel trace events with syscall events • Runtime power management for audio • Kerneldoc system can output in HTML5 format


71 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.8

• F2FS – flash-friendly • Details elsewhere • New thermal governor subsystem • Memory control group support for accounting for kernel memory usage • Stack and slab accounting and limits • Cpuidle support for big.LITTLE


72 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.9

• Ftrace snapshots • Grab a snapshot of a running trace without stopping • KVM for Cortex A15 processors • PowerPC support for transactional memory • CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y • And should be gone soon • ‘make ’ now has "save" and "load" buttons


73 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.9 (cont.)

• Descriptor-based GPIO • Access GPIOs by descriptor • By name in addition to by number • Allows for grouping GPIOs • For “atomic” operations • Possibly useful for handling realtime issues • See

74 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.10

• Full tickless (more later) • Single zImage for ARM • Lots more platforms support multi-platform kernels • Arnd Bergmann shooting for almost-complete coverage by v3.12 • Multi-cluster power management • Partial support for big.LITTLE PM

75 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.10 (cont.)

• Multiple ftrace buffers • Memory pressure control group support • Allows for notification if memory gets low •

76 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.11

• Power-efficient workqueues • Allow work to be done on any CPU, to avoid waking sleeping CPUs • LZ4 kernel image compression • Checkpatch –fix • Attempt to fix some simple errors • F2FS continues to mature • Lots of patches from Samsung

77 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux v3.11 (cont.)

• "Zswap is a lightweight, write-behind compressed cache for swap pages. It takes pages that are in the process of being swapped out and attempts to compress them into a dynamically allocated RAM-based memory pool. … This results in a significant I/O reduction and performance gains for systems that are swapping“ • See

78 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential Linux 3.12 (probable)

• Full-system idle detection • Tricky rcu-based implementation to allow for fast indication of individual CPU idleness (using per- cpu variable), AND fast detection of global CPU idleness (single global variable) • New cpu-idle driver that builds on multi- cluster power management • Ie. Getting closer to support for “big.LITTLE” CPU scheduling • Lots of device drivers converting over to device tree • More on this later

79 6/5/2013 PA1 Confidential