Hey, Bud!! Tion 1935)

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Hey, Bud!! Tion 1935) KNOXVILLE, Knox County LAFOLLETTE, Campbell County MANCHESTER, Coffee County WMSR (March 5, 1957): kc; 1 kw -D. WATE (Feb. 12, 1927): 620 kc; 5 kw, DA -2. WLAF (May 17, 1953): 1450 kc; 250 w. Fleet 1320 611 McArthur St. Phone Parkway 612 Gay St., S.W. Phone 524-4651. TWX KX Oil Bldg. Phone 1060. LaFollette Broadcasting 8 -3526. Man- chester Broadcasting Co. owner). 95. WATE Inc. (acquired station Oct. 1, 1956). Co. (original owner). (original Network MBS, Network NBC. Rep Avery -Knodel. Network Keystone. Keystone. E. F. Murray Chumley, owner, gen mgr & W. H. Linebaugh, exec vp & gen mgr; J. T. Wheeler, pres; John H. Carr, gen & chief engr; Charles Banks, coml mgr; McCloud, vp & dir of sis; John H. Reese, vp & coml mgr; Hillard Mattie, prog dir; Jack W. Joe Sullivan, prog mgr & news dir; Doug dir of prog; Harold Earnest, prom mgr; Fred M. Miller, prom dir; Philip T. Perdue, chief engr; Matlock, farm dir; Katherine Ewell, women's dir. Andrews, vp & dir of engrg. Joseph Vandever, news dir; Edna Hendon, wom- WATE -TV: Tv companion of WATE (above). ens' dir. MARTIN, Weakley County WBIR (January 1941): 1240 kc; 250 w. 1513 LAWRENCEBURG, Lawrence County WCMT (June 17, 1957): 1410 kc; 1 kw -D. Hutchison Ave., zone 17. Phone 525 -8101. TWX WDXE (July 1951): 1370 kc; 1 kw -D. 1201/2 Fulton Highway. Phone 460. J. T. Sudbury KX 88. WMRC Inc. (acquired station Jan. 1, North Military Ave. Phone South 2 -4411. Aaron (original owner). 1961). B. Robinson (original owner). See Robinson Sta- Rep Beaver. Network ABC. Rep Gill- Perna. tions in "Group Ownership." J. T. Sudbury, pres; Dwight A. Drumm, gen John P. Hart, gen mgr; Kennedy R. Maxwell, Network Keystone; Dixie. Rep Venard, Rin- & coml mgr & chief engr; Dorris Gill, prog nati sis mgr; C. M. Kennard, local sis mgr; toul & McConnell. dir; Brooks Oliver, prom mgr; Clarence Jones, Doc Johnston, prog dir & prom mgr; Bob Van - Aaron B. Robinson, pres; Ken Marston, gen news dir. dergriff, news dir; J. Rex Horton, tech dir. mgr; Bud Sawyer, cam) mgr; Milton Griffin, prog WBIR -FM (October 1949): 93.3 mc; 3.3 kw. dir; Jerry Thompson, prom mgr; Philip J. Kem- MARYVILLE, Blount County Same licensee, address & staff as WBIR (above). per, news dir & chief engr. WGAP (Aug. 13, 1947): 1400 kc; 250 w. P. O. Programming separate from am. Box 680. Phone Yukon 3 -4310. Aluminum Cities WBIR-TV: Tv companion of WBIR -AM -FM LEBANON, Wilson County Broadcasting Co. (acquired station August 1950). (above). WCOR (October 1949): 900 kc; 500 w -D. P. 0. Rep Topewell; Beaver. Box Phone Frank H. Corbett, chief owner; Horace Mc- WIVK (March 20, 1953): 860 kc; 1 kw -D. P. 0. 300. Hickory 4 -0474. Lebanon Gill, coml mgr; Pete Williams, news dir; James Box 10207, 6711 Kingston Pike, zone 19. Phone Broadcasting Co. (original owner). Sexton, chief engr. 588 -6511. Dick Broadcasting Co. (original Theo F. Ezell Jr., pres & gen mgr; Jack Hend- owner). rickson Jr., vp & coral mgr; Walt Dillard, prog McKENZIE, Carroll County Rep Bernard Howard; Dora Clayton (Atlanta). dir; Kenneth Griffin, news dir; William Johnston, James A. Dick, pres; W. P. Poore Jr., coml chief engr. WHOM (Jan. 29, 1954): 1440 kc; 500 w -D. mgr; Claude A. Tomlinson Jr., prog dir; Milton P. 0. Box 370, McKenzie Hotel. Phone Elgin Jones, chief engr. LENOIR CITY, Loudon County 2-3371. The Tri -County Broadcasting Co. (ac- WLIL (May 30, 1950): 730 kc; 1 kw -D. P. 0. quired station March 15, 1955). *WKCS (FM) (December 1952): 91.1 mc; 310 Box 151. Phone 986 -7536. WLIL Inc. (origi- E. S. Nolting, pres & gen mgr; Gail C. Burns, w. 2509 Broadway N.E., zone 17. Phone 524- nal owner). See Wilkerson Stations in "Group prog dir; Lou Owen, news dir; Martin Dill, chief Fulton High owner). 3001. School (original Ownership." engr. Penny Windham, prog dir; Noel Alexander, Network Keystone. chief engr. Arthur Wilkerson, pres & gen mgr; Dwight McMINNVILLE, Warren County WKGN (1946): 1340 kc; 250 w. P. 0. Box Wilkerson, coral mgr, chief engr & prog dir; WBMC (May 1, 1955): 960 kc; 500 w -D. P. 0. 1750. Phone 524-0766. WKGN Inc. (acquired Mrs. Evelyn B. Wynn, vp & office mgr. Box 270. Phone 2104. Cumberland Valley station Jan. 21, 1955). Broadcasting Co. (original owner). See Regional Rep Radio Tv Reps; Ayers. LEWISBURG, Marshall County Broadcasting Stations in "Group Ownership." George P. Mooney, pres & gen mgr; R. E. WJJM (May 15, 1947): 1490 kc; 250 w. (CP Dr. C. H. Cope, pres; Franklin H. Brown, gen Crenshaw, coml mgr; Dave Diamond, prog dir; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N). P. 0. Box 20. Phone Elm- & coral mgr; Hal Durham, prog dir; Chuck Mul- Margaret Pennington, prom mgr; Jerry Dec, wood 9 -4511. L. D. Lingner Jr. (acquired sta- lican, news dir; Alvin Byars, chief engr. engr. news dir; Robert Goodman, chief tion Sept. 15, 1953). WMMT (1947): 1230 kc; 250 w. N. Chancery WKGN -FM (not on air, target date Fall 1961): Network MBS; Keystone. Rep Best. St., Phone 2223. Regional Broadcasting Corp. 103.7 mc; 27.5 kw. Licensee and staff same Louis D. Lingner, pres; Bob Davidson, coml (acquired station October 1959). as WKGN (above). Programming separate from mgr; Pam Lingner & Barbara Ables, prog dirs; Network Keystone. am. Jim Dandy, prom mgr; Denny Walker, news dir; William R. Vogel, pres; Dean Harden, gen R. C. Wiley, chief engr. mgr; Kenneth Cantrell, coml mgr; Ben Vaughn, WKXV (February 1953): 900 kc; 1 kw -D. P. 0. news & prog dir; Ethel Carr, traffic mgr; Monte Box 2269, zone 1. Phone 524 -9866. Knoxville LEXINGTON, Henderson County Hale, prom mgr; Hubert Beasely, chief engr. Ra -Tel Inc. (original owner). Network Keystone. WDXL (July 1954): 1490 kc; 250 w. P. 0. Box MEMPHIS, County Specialty programs: Negro, 20 hrs. wkly. 150. Phone Woodland 8 -3500. Lexington Broad- Shelby B. L. Boring, pres & gen mgr; M. I. Thomp- casting Service Inc. (acquired station 1955). KLCN (see West Memphis, Ark., listing). son, engr & coml mgr; Willie C. Day, Rep Keystone. chief office KSUD (See West Memphis, Ark. listing). mgr. Guy B. Amis, pres; Ben Enochs, gen mgr & chief engr; Aubrey Booth, prog dir; Dorothy WNOX (1921): 990 kc; 10 kw, DA -N. 4400 Ward, news dir. Whittle Springs Rd., N.E., zone 17. Phone 523- 3171. Scripps- Howard Radio Inc. (acquired sta- LIVINGSTON, Overton County Hey, Bud!! tion 1935). See Scripps- Howard Stations in WLIV (Nov. 26, 1956): 920 kc; 1 kw -D. P. 0. "Group Ownership." See also "Newspaper Own- Box 131. Phone Talbot 3 -4438. Audio Broad- ership.' in MEMPHIS it's casters (original owner). Network CBS. Rep John Blair. Network MBS. Jack R. Howard, pres; Richard B. Wester - R. H. McCoin, stn & coml mgr; Jack Wood- gaard, gen mgr; O. L. Smith, coml mgr; Charles ward, farm dir; Drew Huffines, news & prom McMahon, prog dir; Ron Ashburn, news dir; dir; Peggy Sullivan, women's dir; John A. Cun- Ray Evans, engr. K-SUD chief ningham, chief engr. 'WUOT (FM) (October 1949): 91.9 mc; 7.9 kw. 730 kC -W. MEMPHIS -730 kc 14 Ayres Hall, U. of Tennessee. Phone 524- LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, Hamilton County 2981. U. of Tennessee (original owner). Sudbury Quality Radio WFLI (not on air, target date unknown): 1070 Dr. A. D. Holt, pres; Dr. Kenneth D. Wright, kc; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA-2). WFLI Inc. stn dir; Chester A. Wright, opns mgr; Raymond See Pearson Co. for particulars A. Shirley, chief engr. MADISON, Davidson County WEND (Sept. 16, 1957): 1430 kc; 5 kw -D. LAFAYETTE, Macon County P. 0. Box 5236, Nashville. Phone Twilight KWAM (1946): 990 kc; 1 kw -D. P. 0. Box WEEN (Nov. 3, 1958): 1460 kc; 1 kw -D. Phone 5 -5401 Nashville. Central Broadcasting Corp. 9887. Phone Fairfax 3-2679. KWEM Inc. (ac- North 666 -5955. Lafayette Broadcasting Co. (original owner). quired station 1951). See Dee Rivers Stations (original owner). Rep Weed. in "Group Ownership." Denton D. Norris, M.D., pres; Billie G. Speck, H. C. Young Jr., pres; Jerry Glaser, gen mgr; Network MBS; Keystone. Rep Gill- Perna. gen mgr; Mattye C. Hall, coml mgr; Monte Harry Sullivan, coral mgr; Johnny Talley, prog John Fulton, pres; Bill Bie, gen mgr; Ted Bitner, news & prog dir; Loryn Atwell, prom dir; Adelaide Waller prom mgr; Don Howser, Roney, coral mgr; Dave Hill, prog dir; Eddie mgr; Donald C. Smith, chief engr. news dir; Andrew Jones, chief engr. Bond, prom mgr; Jerry Scanlon, chief engr. 1961 -62 BROADCASTING YEARBOOK PAGE B -157 .
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