The Montana Alumnus, July 1932

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The Montana Alumnus, July 1932 University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana The Montana Alumnus, 1906-1907; 1922-1933 University of Montana Publications 7-1-1932 The Montana Alumnus, July 1932 State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Alumni Association, "The Montana Alumnus, July 1932" (1932). The Montana Alumnus, 1906-1907; 1922-1933. 38. This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Montana Publications at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Montana Alumnus, 1906-1907; 1922-1933 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE Montana Alumnus OFFICIAL QUARTERLY OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA OLD GRADS RETURN FOR REUNION ALUMNI ELECTIONS HAWAII TOURIST BUREAU ACTIVITIES CLASS NOTES * * * UNIVERSITY NOTES V o l u m e XI No. 1 Published in October, January, April, and July at Missoula, Montana ®f)t iilontana Alumnus Published in October, January, April, and July by the Alumni Asso­ ciation of the State University of Montana. Subscription : 75c a year; subscription and annual dues of the Alumni Asscciaticn combined, $1.50 a year. Printed by School of Journalism Press, State University of Montana. Entered as second-class matter November 1, 1922, at the postoffice at Missoula, Montana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Jessie Cambron, ’29, Editor. Henrietta Wilhelm, ’25, Editor of Class Notes. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA JO H N PATTERSON, ’20 .............................................................................................................................President BURTT R. SM ITH , ’27 .....................................................................................................................Vice-President E. K. BADGLEY, ’24 ................................................................................................................. Secretary-Treasurer Delegates to the Executive Committee OAKLEY E. COFFEE, ’23 ........................................................................................ Three Year Delegate ROGER FLEM ING, ’26 ............................................................................................ Three Year Delegate GORDON D. ROGNLIEN, ’30 ................................................................................ Three Year Delegate CHARLES E. AVERY, ’oo ....................................................................................... ..One Year Delegate ALVA BAIRD, ’16 ...................................................................................................... .One Year Delegate LILLIAN SHAW WILSON, ’28 .............................................................................. ..One Year Delegate The State University of Montana THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES and the School of Business Administration School of Education School of Forestry School of Journalism School of Music School of Law School of Pharmacy Address: The Registrar, State University, Missoula, Mont. Alumni and Student Headquarters for the Following EVERYMAN’S LIBRARY Cloth Books in Stock Textbooks for Correspondence Work Reference Books Dictionaries: English and All Foreign Languages at Various Prices Rare Books, Novels, etc. Associated Students’ Store On the Campus 1932 SENTINEL SALE Football Schedule • At Home Copies of Sentinels for the past four years—1928, 1929, 1930, 1931—are on file Oct. 8— Carroll College— $1.50 and may be obtained from the A. S. U. M. Oct. 15—U. of Idaho— $2.00 Office, State University, upon receipt of Nov. 12— Oregon State—$2.00 $1 plus postage. Away Oct. I— U. of Wash, at Seattle MONTANA ALUMS! Oct. 22— Montana State College REMEMBER— Oct. 29— Wash. State at Pullman Herrick’s Famous Ice Cream Nov. 19—U C L A , at Los Angeles When you attended the U. Have you tried Herrick’s new Ice Cream sensation Nov. 26— Gonzaga at Spokane "PECAN KRUNCH” Chock full of pecans and delicious Pecan Mail orders to Krunch candy. Try some when you are in western Montana. Sold everywhere. FOOTBALL TICKET OFFICE State University Herrick’s Famous Ice Cream Missoula, Montana THE HUT Montana Fashion Montana Spirit CATERS TO THE FRIENDS OF MONTANA The Best Come in and Food and Try Our Service Soda Fountain in Missoula Drinks Where Pleasant Surroundings Add Zest to Good Food 2 T H E MONTANA ALUMNUS Reunion and Commencement Celebrations Find Many Old Grads on Campus The tumult and the shouting died, ball game was the occasion for the and we knew there had been a Re­ student-alumni celebration. union. In case you are interested in. Despite the lack of football, there statistics, there were 265 people actu­ were two athletic events that inter­ ally registered as attending the Re­ ested the crowd — a golf tournament union, of whom 132 were out-of-town Saturday morning, June 4, won by Kirk alumni. However, it did not take a Badgley, and a baseball game Saturday mathematician to know that in and afternoon that drew a large number about town were some forty or fifty of interested and shouting spectators. more out-of-town alumni who did not Such old stars as Jimmy Murphy, Clar­ ever get near the registration book, so ence Coyle, Happy Kibble, Eddie Chin- that the record of their being here is ske, Gordon Rognlien, Eddie Reeder, not in black and white. Walter Ekegren, Kirk Badgley and Gloomy Forecasts: The back drop Larry Higbee showed that they had for the Reunion was a shaky one in not lost the feeling of the game. some ways, for there were many alumni Other High Spots: Other high spots who did not have a great deal of faith of this particular Reunion, aside from in it. Now that it is all over — and suc­ Commencement itself, were the buffet cessfully over — one or two members supper followed by the Mixer on Satur­ of the Executive Committee have con­ day evening, and the class breakfasts fessed that they did not expect the and tea on Sunday. At all these events Reunion ever to take place; or if it did there were several hundred people pres­ necessarily take place according to ent, all of whom were enthusiastic plans, they thought not more than fifty about the whole idea of the Reunion. people would be present. The year was Because the Reunion had been made a a bad one; money was scarce; there part of Commencement, Dean Stone was no football game in connection Night and the Junior Prom were made with the Reunion; it followed Inter­ parts of the Commencement activities, scholastic too closely. The reasoning as well as the traditional May Fete. was good, and there was no one to question the accuracy of it. However, Class Breakfasts: The class break­ in spite of everything, the Reunion fasts were probably the most spontane­ came off better than any one dared ous of any of the Reunion events, and hope it would. It showed definitely alumni who had not got out of bed on that the thing in which the alumni are Sunday mornings for some years ap­ primarily interested is the institution peared at an early hour in hotel lobbies and the revival of their memories of and restaurants. All classes up to 1922 the happy times they had while attend­ ate in various dining rooms at the Flor­ ing it. ence hotel, and the larger and younger classes scattered about town in various No Football Game: For the first restaurants and tea rooms. The Class time no football game heralded the of 1931 was the only class to breakfast Homecoming. It was a decided depart­ ure having it in connection with Com­ by itself. mencement rather than in the fall, and Degree Granted Starz: At Com­ partly because it was a departure from mencement, 276 graduating seniors re­ the old “ Homecoming” idea, the name ceived degrees, considerably swelling “ Reunion” was given to it. In 1914 the alumni ranks. A feature of the President Edwin B. Craighead desig­ Commencement was the granting of nated the first Homecoming. Between the honorary doctor of science degree that time and 1932, there had been to Emil Alfred Starz, pioneer pharma­ four other Homecomings, the 1932 Re­ cist and druggist of Helena. union being sixth. In each case a foot­ George Barnes Comments on Growth THE MONTANA ALUMNUS 3 of Institution: Fortunate indeed was but the quality of their service in wide­ the State University in having as Com­ ly scattered areas and in a great varie­ mencement speaker the Reverend Dr. ty of occupations has impressed itself George E. Barnes of Philadelphia, grad­ upon my mind. If I do nothing else uate of the Class of 1902. Seeing the today, I feel that a trip across the con­ institution for the first time since he tinent, in response to your gracious sat as a member of the graduating invitation, would be abundantly justi­ class thirty years ago, he voiced the fied, from my point of view, to give thoughts of many a returning graduate me an opportunity to congratulate the in his address, ‘‘Architects of Tomor­ people of Montana and thank them for row i ’: having built and maintained a univer­ “ This is the first time that circum­ sity which has served so notably the stances have permitted me to return to life of the state and nation, und fur­ a Commencement program upon this nished so many well-trained leaders to campus. But not once, during these the scientific, industrial,
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