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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University

By Linda Nell Phillips, B.M., H.M

The Ohio State University


Reading Committee: Approved by

Dr. Rosemary Platt

Dr. William Dr. David Butler (Jt/ jjlQ (f* Adviser School of Music Dedicated to Wesley Harrison Phillips


I wish to express appreciation to all those who hare been of assistance in this paper: to Dr. Roseaary Platt for serving on the reading coaeittee; to Dr. David Batler for serving on the reading coaeittee, and for the aany hours spent guiding the coapnter input of this paper; and special thanks to Dr. Hilliaa Poland for his guidance, direction and interest in the writing of this paper, and the encourageaent he offers all his students to beeone all that they are capable of beconing. For the use of their valuable record collection, I wish to thank Claudia and Noraan Harris. For assistance in conputer usage, X wish to thank Hr. George Golden and the State University College Conputer Center at Predonia, Rev York, and Mr- Thonas Whitney and The Ohio State University Instruction and Research Conputer Center. Ry wariest thanks are given to Sister Eleanor Ragner for her faithful assistance in proofreading and typing the bibliography onto disk, and for her constant encourageaent and prayers.

iv * n • VITA

December 21, 1?>i2...... Born — Benton Harbor, Hlchigan

19 64...... Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan

1969 —1966...... Teaching Assistant Department of Basic Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan

19 66...... n.R., Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan

19 66-1970 ...... Instractor of Music Departnent of Basic Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan

19 70-1974...... Teaching Associate School of Hnsic The Ohio State University Colnabns, Ohio

1974-1977...... Assistant Professor of Hnsic Departnent of Basic State University College Fredonia,


Major Field: Piano Performance Professors Marilyn Neeley, and Bosenary Platt

Minor Fields: Chamber Basic and Music Theory Chamber Music Professors Robert Gerle, Stephen Katz, Roseaary Platt Music Theory Professors Burdette Green, William Poland, Wolf Rosenberg



VITA .... ._ i v


Purposes...... 1 Definitions of Piano Hnsic as Used in the Bibliography...... 2 Origins of the Bibliography...... 4

CHAPTER I . A Survey of the Composers and the Hnsic Contained in the Bibliography...... 6

The Composers...... 6 The Hnsic...... 8 Music for Solo Piano...... 11 Hnsic for Piano Duet...... 12 Hnsic for Two ...... 12 Hnsic for Piano and ...... 13 Piano Music with Accompanying Instruments...... 15 Piano Hnsic with Words and Vocal Line...... 18

II. Compilation...... 20

Sources: Libraries...... 22 Books - ...... 29 Periodicals...... 39 Hnsic...... 35

III. Explanation of the Computer Based Bibliography...-.36 Computer Usage...... 36 Entry Fields...... 90' Keyterms...... 99

▼i IT - The Bibliography of Piano Music by Black Composers..-...... 69

V • Values of a Computer Based Bibliography...... -269 Conclusion...... 266

REFERENCES...... -...... 269

APPENDIX A: The composers, their dates and places of birth and death*...... 275 APPENDIX B: not included in the Bibliography...295

v i i 1



The purposes in this bibliography of piano music by black composers are: 1. to draw together a body of historically significant music of a race which has often been overlooked or excluded in the history of music;

2. to provide a direct source for those who wish to locate the music for performance, study, or teaching;

3. to organize the material through computer usage so as to make the matr rial accessible to the reader, and to make it possible to search the material for specific keyterms within the bibliography;

h. and to provide the reader with further sources in which additional titles might be found. 2



The tern piano music as used in this bibliography signifies music which exists in a version which could be played at one or two pianos with or without orchestra or accompanying instruments. It excludes piano accompaniments with the exception of a few examples in the area of barrelhouse and boogie piano which are valuable, early illustrations showing patterns characteristic of this music.

The music can be classified into two generic categories: Classical and Jazz. As used here, the definitions are taken from The American Heritage Dictionary of Hi.® English Language f 1976. pgs. 13h, 382) and are defined as follows:

classica1- 3. H0S...b. designating any music in the educated European tradition, distinguished from popular or . lazz - 1. a kind of native American music in most styles having a strong rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations.

Within these two types of music, the line between the two catagories cannot always be clearly defined. A say write a composition in a "classical" fora and the composition may have jazz characteristics. An example is 3 the Piano Sonata. by David Baker, which has individual movements entitled: **Black Art**, "A Song After Paul

Lawrence Dunbar", and "Coltrane (reference to Jazz

Musician)Or a composition may be considered to be in the jazz idiom, but the underlying form nay be one which is derived from "classical" forms- An example is the rag, a form derived from "classical" forms (marches, rondos), but considered to be a composition in the jazz category-

Further reference to the piano music can be found in

C hapter One in which a survey of the composers and the music in the bibliography is given. ORIGINS OP THE BIBLIOGRAPHY

The author's initial contact with piano music by a black composer came through the hearing of the two record , Plays Music by Black Composers,

(Desto DC-7101/3). Due to the attractiveness of several compositions in this album, a search was undertaken to locate the scores of these compositions for the purpose of performance. After several months during which the manager of a music store and a music librarian searched for this music with no publication information gained, Natalie

Hinderas was consulted and the addresses of four of the composers were obtained so that direct communication could be made regarding the availablity of scores. After writing to these composers, one complimentary copy of music was received, one copy of music was found to be in the hands of a publisher and was sent on perusal, and

two composers did not reply. In the continuing search for

music by black composers and information about black

composers, it was learned that much of their music is

unknown and unpublished, and standard histories of music,

keyboard literature, American music, and American composers,

contained little or no information about black composers.

With the assistance of Samuel Barber, Assistant

Professor at The Ohio State University, a bibliography of 5

9 Pi ano music by black composers which had been developed by the Center at Indiana University was eventually obtained. with the Indiana bibliography and two texts. Black American Music. by Hildred Poach, and The Music of

Black ftmeri cans, by , an initial bibliography was compiled . As additional sources of information became available, the bibliography expanded. The increase in the size of the bibliography and the number of sources created problems in handling the material, and it became evident that a better means of recording information was needed. In order to alleviate this problem, it was decided to store and organize the bibliography in a computer. In presenting the content, compilation and sources of the bibliography, a survey of the music and the composers can be found in Chapter One, and the method of compilation and sources used can be found in Chapter Two. Chapter Three contains an explanation of the computer storage of the bibliography, the basic format of the bibliography, and the keyterms which characterize the music in the bibliography.

Chapter Four is the bibliography itself, and Chapter Five contains concluding remarks about the significance of a computer based bibliography. 6





There are 202 conposers listed in the bibliography, representing several different countries, and eleven of these composers are women. The earliest birthdates of the composers listed are: 1733 (Chevalier de St. Georges), 1813 (Henry P. Williams), 1846 (Basile Bares), 1849 (Thomas Green

Bethune); the latest birthdates are: 1940 (Stephen

Chambers, now Known as Talih Rasul Hakim) , 1945 (Keith

Jarrett), and 1951 (Kalv&rt Nelson). The oldest composer lived 244 years ago and the youngest composer is presently 26 years old.

The majority of the composers listed are American born.

Those composers who were born in countries other than the are:

Shelton Brooks Canada Nathaniel Dett Canada Canada Amadeo Roldan Cuba Halim El-Eabh Egypt Samuel Coleridge-Taylor England J.K. Kwabena Nketia Ghana Ludovic Lamothe Rogue Cordero Panama Juan Morel Campos Puerto Rico Trinidad 7

Of these composers, only two, Lamothe and Horel Campos, have not studied, performed or lectured in the United States. Four of the composers (Brooks, Dett, Peterson, Scott) came to the United States to live.

Identifying information about some of the composers is limited to name of composer and title of composition written. No further mention of them has been found other than that in the original source of information. They may have been relatively unknown and their works unpublished.

If is often difficult for a relatively unknown composer to find someone to publish his works, especially if the composer is black. Dates of composers have been difficult to find and many dates are unknown. Even the dates which have been found vary from source to source. Rany of the dates listed, then, are unconfirmed and although they vary from source to source, they identify approximately the time period in which the composer lived.

The life spans of the composers for whom no dates were found were often estimated, based on readings in which other pianists reminisced as having heard this playing on such and such a date. Dates were also determined on the

basis of recording dates- For example, if no dates were found for a composer, but he was listed as having recorded a com jo sition in 1943, his dates were listed as being 20th e

Century -

Por the information of the reader, Appendix A provides a listing of the names of the composers found in the bibliography, their dates, places of birth and places of death. A M?w indicates unknown or unconfirmed dates. Prom this listing further studies can be made. Por example, composers can be grouped according to the date of birth, determining how many were born before 1900, or before 1920, or after 19 30. Or composers can be grouped according to place of birth, determining how many were born in the south or how many were born in the east, or more specifically, how many were born in , how many were born in New rork. Any number of possibilities exist for further development of this listing.


The piano music by black composers included in this bibliography encompasses a broad range of musical forms, styles, and types written within a tine span of approximately two hundred and fifty years. There are 1002 title entries found in the bibliography. Since some of the titles represent volumes of music, such as 2h Negro nelodies. by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, or compositions which have movements, such as Sonatin a Bitmica. by Rogue Cordero which has three movements, the actual number of compositions 9 is greater than 1002*

Hot all of the Music listed in the bibliography exists in a printed score. 1 historically significant body of material exists only in a recorded version or player version, and may never have been written down.

Therefore, in an attempt to retain as many examples as possible of piano music by black composers, recordings and player piano rolls are found in the bibliography.

Hhile the music nay exist in manuscript, or printed form, or a recording, or a player piano roll, some of the listed compositions are not known to exist in any of these forms. Much of this music is unpublished and little may be known about the music beyond the composer's name and the title of the composition.

The music contained in the bibliography may be considered in two categories: 1. the instrumentation of the music, and, 2. the forms, styles, and types of music.

Detailed discussion of these two cratagories would be difficult since a great deal of the music has not been seen or heard. Since the topic of the study is bibliographic in nature, no attempt will be made to discuss in detail the

compositional aspects of the music. Instead, listings are

given to show the general scope of the music within these

two categories.

The forms, styles, and terns are listed under the 10

section entitled ” key t e r n s ’* and are found in Chapter Three

rather than in this chapter, because they are a result of a

computerization process and n e e d t o be explained in terms of

this process. The instrumentation of the music is given

here and will be discussed as follows:


In listing the examples under each instrumentation

heading, only titles of compositions and composers* names

are given. For the complete entry of each composition,

consult the bibliography in Chapter Four.

Those examples which will be l i s t e d under "Piano Music

with” are all in the j a z z idiom and have been recorded. In

the j a z z idiom there are numerous examples in which pianists

•play with band orchestra or various combinations of

accompanying instruments. Since the piano is often used in

a as a non solo or accompanying instrument, it was

decided that only those examples would be included in which

the piano is the lead instrument in approximately two-thirds

of the recording. These examples are identified by the 11

statement piano lead throughout or mostly piano lead in this

recording. Examples are:

Ann by Earl (with Charles Carpenter) (with band) Recorded, no date. Album: "Earl *Fatha* Hines". Capitol T 1971. Mostly piano lead in this recording. The Shout by Les McCann (with percussion and bass) Recorded by Les McCann. P J - 7 . Slow improvisatory introduction by piano, then with trio.


The majority of the music in the bibliography is for

solo piano. Titles of these compositions will not be given

here as it would entail listing most of the bibliography of

piano music.

Within the numerous compositions for solo piano, there

are titles which were not written for piano.

These compositions are transcript ions or for piano of works originally written for another instrument or

group of instruments. Examples include the numerous

orchestral works of the English composer Samuel

Coleridge-Taylor who arranged these works for pianoforte

solo, and the arrangements of for piano by the

composer Margaret Bonds. The tone poem. Reflections, by James Price Johnson, is an from a symphonic 12

work, and the composition Anthropology written by John

"Dizzy” Gillespie, jazz trumpter and bandleader, and Charles

Christopher "Bird" Parker, alto saxophonist, was probably

written for a j a z z ensemble or trio in its original form*

The arrangement of anthropology cited in this bibliography

is for solo piano and is published in the book. The Joy of

J azz, published by Torktown Music Press, Inc. MO SIC FOR Piano DDET

Five Portraitures of Two People by Thomas Anderson

Twilight Rag by Janes Price Johnson

Two Short Pieces for Piano by Dlysses Kay

"Prelude" "Hoto Perpetuo"

Only four of the compositions in the bibliography were

originally for piano duet. Other examples of duets are

listed, but they are arrangements of solo piano music for

piano duet, or arrangements of orchestral works for piano duet by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Arrangements or

transcriptions are noted in the bibliography. MUSIC FOR TWO PIANOS

Duo by Roque Cordero

Fantasy on Thanksgiving by Janes Dorsey

Night in La Valee by

Requiem by Oliver Nelson 13

Rhapsody by Roque Cordero

Sonata for Two Pianos by George Walker

Only six of the titles in the biblioaraphy are for two

pianos or duo piano* In searching the bibliography, an

addit ional title is listed as being for two pianos, but it

is an arrangement from a symphonic work by John Wesley Work

III, and is so noted in the bibliography.


Music for piano and orchestra can be divided into two

categories: piano concertos, and compositions for piano and orchestra.


Concerto for Piano and Orchestra by Howard Swanson

Concerto in c minor for piano and orchestra by Helen Hagan

Jasmine fJazz-0-Mine) Concerto by James Price Johnson

Piano Concerto by John Carter

Piano Concerto by Rogue Cordero

Piano Concerto by Florence B. Price

Piano Concerto by Mitchell Southall 14

Piano Concerto in A Flat by James Price Johnson

Of the eight piano concertos, only one is known to be published, the Jasmine Concerto by Janes Price Johnson,

published by nills Basic in 1935. The of

this work has been arranged as a piano solo and was

published by Bills in 1949. Another piano concerto by Janes Price Johnson is listed as being in A Flat, and this work,

night be the sane work as the Jasmine Concerto. Since the

key of the Jasmine Concerto is not known and the information

about the Jasmine comes from a different source than the

information about the Concerto in A Flat, the two concertos

are listed as separate entries until further information is

found which would help determine whether or not the two titles represent the same composition.

The remaining six concertos are not known to be

published, but dates are attached to the Swanson concerto (1956) and the Cordero concerto (1944). These dates may

refer to the year in which the works were composed but the

dates could also be copyright dates.


Dialogue for Piano and Chamber Orchestra by Arthur Cunningham

European Suite for Piano and Orchestra by for Piano Solo and Full Orchestra by 15

Lamb of God for Piano and Orchestra by Oliver Nelson

Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra by Plorence Price

Spanish Suite for Piano and Orchestra by

"Spanish Venus" "Spanish Fandango" "Porto Rico Maid"

Hhistlin * Pete - Miniature Syncopated Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra by Luckey Roberts

Of the seven vorks for piano and orchestra, only one work. Lamb of God, has been published, that publication

being in the form of a recording. Of the remaining six

vorks, four have dates connected to their titles: European

Suite 1965, Spanish Suite ca. 1939, whistlin * Pete ca. 19 39,

and K aintuck 1935. The European Suite by Jaki Dyard

contains three rag sections and each section also has a

date: "Galop" 1960, "One Step" 1957, " Waltz" 1957-58.


Ahmad »s by

Aki C Okthav by Ahmad Jamal

Call by Cecil Taylor

Round About Midnight by Thelonius Monk

Seleritus by Ahmad Jamal

Thelonious by Thelonius Monk 16

Trance by Cecil Taylor

The designation "with accompanying instruments** signifies a varying number of instruments in each recording and varying types of instruments in each recording- Pound

AkSlIi Midnight was recorded with , alto , bass, and drums as accompanying instruments, with the piano

as lead instruments and no instrumental solos. Thelonious was recorded with the same instrumentation plus a .


Ann by (with Charles Carpenter) Central Avenue Breakdown by

Rosetta by Earl Hines (with Henri Woods)

The designation "with band** signifies a group which is larger than a trio or guartet. The number and types of instruments may vary. The piano is the lead instrument.


The designation "with bass, percussion, and guitar" signifies a trio with guitar. The piano is the lead instrument. PIANO MUSIC WITH DRUMS 17

Spann *s Stomp by Ctis Spann

This composition has been transcribed from a recording.

The printed music is published in S^x Blues-Roots Pian ists.

a volume of music transcribed by Eric Kriss. In the

recorded version, the drums are used to accompany the

soloi st.


Cavernism by Earl Hines

Deep Forest by Earl Hines

Fast and Furious by Earl Hines Hv Monday Date by Earl Hines

The designation "with orchestra" signifies a large accompanying group with strings. The piano is the lead

instrument. In the Ellington recording, other instruments

do have solos, but the piano is the lead instrument in the

majority of the recording.


Charlesville by

Introspect ion by Thelonius Honk

L o o k - A - Here by

Hov in * Easy by Ramsey Levis

Off Hinor by Thelonius Honk

Ruby Mv Dear by Thelonius Honk 18

The Shout by Les McCann Soul Mist by Ramsey Levis

Well You Needn »t by Thelonius Monk

The designation "with percussion and bass” signifies those compositions which have been recorded for the standard trio combination. The piano is the lead instrument. PIANO MUSIC WITH PERCUSSION, BASS, AND STRINGS Blue Spring by Ramsey Lewis

The designation "with percussion, bass, and strings” signifies a trio with strings added for further color in the instrumentation. The piano is the lead instrument. PIANO MUSIC WITH WORDS AND VOCAL LINE

The Dirty Dozens by Rufus Perryman Don 't You Know by Otis Spann A. Good Woman is Ha.rd to Find by Gulfport Boogie by Highway 61 Blues by Roosevelt Sykes Mercy on Me by Champion Jack Dupree Red-Eye Jesse by Roosevelt Sykes

Too Evil to Cry by Champion Jack Dupree Vicksburg Dlues No. 2 by Eurreal Montgomery Yes Indeed by

As has been stated in the definition of piano music. 19 these examples of piano music with vocal lines have been included because they illustrate the piano patterns characteristic of the music. In the examples cited, the piano part contains an introductory solo piano section or a solo piano interlude, or a solo section at the end of the piece (comparable to prelude, interlude, or postlude). It is these solo sections which warrant the inclusion of these songs in a bibliography of piano music, and only those songs which contained solo piano sections were included. 20



The initial step in compiling the bibliography was to obtain names of black pianists and composers. The names of black pianists were sought first and then the names of black composers. Pianists were sought first because of the nature of the history of piano music by black composers.

Of the black composers cited in the bibliography, the majority are pianists who have made their livings as professional musicians. If only the names of individuals already known to be composers had been sought in compiling the bibliography, the list of titles found would have been considerably smaller.

The collective information of composers* names, dates, titles of compositions, publishers of compositions, recordings, player piano rolls, and volumes of piano music was obtained from books on Afro-American or Megro Music and jazz, from biographical dictionaries, who*s whos, discographies, bibliographies, records, and periodicals.

Initially the information was kept on file cards and once the names of black pianists and composers were known, compositions, recordings, and player piano rolls could be connected with the individual names. Often the name of a 21 black, composer would come from one source, the name of one of his piano compositions from another source, and publication information in the form of the published music or a recording of the piano composition would be found elsewhere.

There are a number of black pianists for whom no compositions have been found. The names of these pianists were not included in the bibliography, but their names have been retained in hopes that eventually titles of compositions will be found. It has been characteristic of this study that titles of compositions were not found for one or two years after the name of the pianist was known.

For a list of the names of pianists for whom no compositions have been found, see Appendix B.


In compiling the bibliography, there were many discrepancies found among sources. Black composers have been neglected and therefore their music and the documentation of their music has been neglected. If the composer was a jazz musician, he suffered a further abuse in

America. Jazz was considered for many years to be evil— the music of the devil. Even without this connotation, many people have not considered jazz to be serious or worthwhile mus ic. 22

The sources of information are numerous. For the sake

of clarity, the sources are discussed in the following section according to this outline: LIBRARIES


a • Afro-American Music b. iconographies c * biographical dictionaries, dictionaries of musicians who's vhos d . biographies, autobiographies e • topic books f . keyboard literature books 9- discographies h. contemporary musicians, contemporary music. twentieth century music i. bibliographies



Detroit Public Library Azalia Hack ley Collection , nichigan

Erie County Library Buffalo, New York

Fredonia State College Library Fredonia, New York

Howard University Library Hoorland Room Washington, D.C.

Virginia State Colleqe Library Petersburg, Virginia

The majority of the reference books listed in the 23

Refcreaces section of this paper were found in the State

University College Library at Fredonia, New York. At the

Erie County Library in Buffalo, New York, twenty-five piano compositions by black composers were found. The Erie County

Library has in its holdings numerous books on black music and a rare book on the blind, black pianist, Thomas Bethune.

Three well known repositories for black music were consulted by mail for information as to their holdings of piano music by black composers. These libraries were The Azalia Hack ley Boom of the Detroit Public Library, The

Moorland Room of , Washington, D.C., and the Black Music Center of Virginia State College,

Petersburg, Virginia.

In reply, the Detroit Library indicated that no printed listings of piano music by black composers were available nor was there sufficient staff to pursue such a research assignment. A reply from Virginia State College indicated that the college did not have a listing of holdings in the area of piano music by black composers. The investigation and organization of the holdings of piano music by black composers in these libraries are major projects whose completion might add significantly to the bibliography.

These projects are beyond the scope of this investigation.

The Moorland-Spingarn Research Center of Howard

University provided a computer listing of piano scores in the Black Music Department Manuscript Division* Since the

holdings of the Black Music Department contain compositions

by white composers and piano scores of songs, musicals and

choral compositions, no new titles or names of composers

were taken from this listing because it was not possible to

determine whether the composers, who were previously

unknown, were black; and it was not possible to determine

whether titles listed were for solo piano* Therefore the listing was used only to verify title information and publications of compositions already identified.


In listing books under each sub-heading, the listing is

alphabetical by title, and only title of book, author, and

date of publication are given. Further publication

information about individual books can be found in the

References section, a. AFRO-AMERICAN MUSIC;

Black American Music, by Hildred Roach, 1973.

Black Music in America* by John Rublowsky, 1971.

Black Music of Two Worlds* by John Storm Roberts, 1970.

The Music of Black Americans, by Eileen Southern, 1971.

The Negro and Bis Music, by Alain Locke, 1936. 25 Heqro Musicians and Thei;: Music. by Maud Cuney Hare, 1936.

The primary source for information on black composers

and their compositions is a history of Afro-American Husic-

It was necessary to refer to such a history first, in order

to determine which composers were black. These books were valuable sources for the identification of black composers.

Of the books listed in this category, the Southern and

Boach texts were most comprehensive. An extensive list of

composers and titles of compositions was compiled from these


Black Magic: A Pictoral History of the Negro in American Enter ta in went, by and Hilton Meltzer, 1967. A Pictoral History of Jazz. by Orrin Keepnews and Bill Grauer, Jr., 1955.

Mew Orleans Jazz. A Family Album . by Al Rose and Edmond Souchon, R.D., 1967.

Swing Out. Great Heqro Dance Bands, by Gene Fernett, 1970-

Pictures of pianists and composers were a necessity in

determining a composer,s race. Hhen pianists* or composers*

names wore known but it was not known whether they were

black, pictorial histories would often verify this unknown


Numerous sources are iconographic in nature without 26

being classified as iconographies* The books. The New Edition of the . by , and

Guide if* HH.ZZ* by Hugues Panassie and Nadeleine Gautier, both contain picture sections.

In addition to these iconographies, publications listed

under other headings also contain useful pictorial sections.

Topic books which deal with a specific type of m s i c such as They. All Played Ragtime. by and Harriet Janis,

often contain picture sections. They All Played Ragtime

contains an extensive picture section and many black ragtime composers were identified from this section.

Collections or volumes of music such as Barrelhouse and

Boogie Piano. by Eric Kriss, and Boogie Wooqie Blues Folio, by Clarence Williams contain pictures. Other materials

which included pictures were record jackets and advertisements on the back pages or covers of musical

com positions.


The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary of Composers. Authors and Publishers . compiled by the Lynn Farnol Group, 1966.

Baker 's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 1971. Biographical Dictionary of American Music, by Charles Eugene Claghorn, 1973. 27

Composers of the Americas, 17 vols., Onion Pananericuna, 1955-1971.

Dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean Biography. 1971.

Historical Dictionary of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, by Kenneth R- Farr, 1973.

Who’s Who in Latin America. Vol. I, Third Edition, ed. by Ronald Hilton, reprinted 1971.

Who’s Who of Jazz. Storyville to Street, by John Chilton, 1972.

The primary information obtained from these texts was the composer's dates. Occasionally titles of compositions would be found. Of these publications, the Claghorn text was particularly valuable because of its large number of entries, and because of its reference to a pianist or composer as being black.

In addition to these publications, books listed in other sections contain significant biographic information on black composers. A book which is essentially a biographical dictionary but does not contain any reference to this

labeling in its title is the Guide to Jazz, by Hugues

Panassie and Hadeleine Gautier. In addition to the

individual name of musician entries, definitions of terms

related to jazz (such as boogie) are given, and names of

composers and recording information were found within these

definitions as well as in the individual musician entry. Two books by Leonard Feather, the Encyclopedia of Jazz in 28

the Sixties. and the More extensive. New Edition of the

Encyclopedia of J?zz, are similar to the Guide to Jazz in

content and format, thus the sane types of information were f ou nd .


Ain’t Misbehavin * . The Story of , by Ed Kirkeby, 1966. (biography; list of player piano rolls made by Fats and a discography included)

Kings of Jazz. , by Martin Williams, 1962. (autobiography; selected discography included) Kings of Jazz. Fats Waller. by Charles Fox, 1960. (autobiography) The Marvelous Musical Prodigy. Blind Tom, the Negro Boy Pianist. (a rare book, available at Erie County Library Rare Book Room; biography; list of works included)

Music on My Hind - The Memoirs of an American Pianist. by Willie the Lion Smith, 196 9. (autobiography; list of complete works included)

Reminiscing with Sissle and Blake, by Robert Kimball and , 1973. (biography; list of complete works and discography included) Samuel Coleridge-Tavlor. Musician, by W.C. Berwick Sayers, 1969. (biography; complete list of works included) Wil)jam Grant Still and the Fusion of Cultures in American Munic . by Robert Bartlett Haas, 1972. (biography; complete list of works included)

In looking for books under this category, it became

apparent that there are very few published biographies and 29

autobiographies of black Musicians. Writings in this area

are in progress in the form of dissertations and

biographies. Evidence of these writings can be found in the

periodical, "Black Perspectives in Music" and publication of these writings is ensuing.

In the biographies and autobiographies, information

obtained consisted of titles of compositions, publishers,

recordings, and player piano rolls. In the autobiographies, musicians would often talk about other pianists they had

known and would discuss their works. Additional pianists who mioht have composed were identified from these

d iscussions.


The Art of Ragtime, by William Schafer and Johannes Riedel, 1973. The Book of Jazz from Then Till How. by Leonard Feather, 1965. Early Jazz. by , 1968.

Guide to Jazz. by Hugues Panassie and Madeleine Gautier, 1956.

The Heart of Jazz. by William L. Grossman and Jack W. Farrell, 195b.

Jazz: A Guide to the History and Pevelopment of Jazz and Jazz Musicians, by Arrigo Polillo,~1967.

Jazz: Its Evolution and Essence■ by Andre Hodeir, 1956. 30 Jazz Masters of the Twenties. by Richard Hadlock, 196 5.

Jazz Style in City and the Southwest, by F oss Russell, 1971•

The Real Jazz, by Hugues Panassie, 1992.

The Real Jazz, old and New, hy Stephen Longstreet, 1956.

Shining Trumpetr. A History of Jazz, by Rudi Elesh, 1958.

The Story of Jazz, by Rex Harris, 1955.

The Story of Jazz, by Marshall Stearns, 1979.

They All Played Ragtime. by Rudi Blesh, 1971.

A great deal of the music in the bibliography falls under the generic tern jazz. Boogie voogie, rag, ragtime, blues, bop, and barrelhouse are all terms which can be found in books dealing with jazz music. Numerous books on the topic are available and several have already been cited under the headings b. iconographies, and c. biographical dictionaries, encyclopedias and who*s vhos.

Uithin several of the jazz books are chapters which

deal specifically with the piano in jazz or jazz pianists. Examples are:

" Pianists" in Early Jazz. by Gunther Schuller

"Kansas City Pianists" in Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest. by Ross Russell

"The Pianists" The Real Jazz. by Hugues Panassie 31

"The Piano" in The Book of Jazz from Then Till Wow, by Leonard Feather

From these chapters, names of black pianist composers

and titles of their compositions were obtained. These

chapters are of value to any study of the stylistic characteristics of jazz pianists and the meanings of such

terms as: stride piano, bop, and trumpet style. f. KEYBOARD LITERATURE BOOKS:

Concert Piano Repertoire. by Albert Faurot, 197H

Guide to the Best in Contemporary Piano Music, Vols. 1 & II, by Stanley Butler, 1973

Guide to the Pianist »s Repertoire, by Maurice Hinson, 1973 Music for Piano, by James Friskin and Irwin Freundlich, 1973

The Pianist *s Resource Guide: Piano Music in Print and Literature on the Pianistic Art, by Joseph Rezits and Gerald Deatsman, 1979

Since piano music is the topic of the bibliography, one

would assume that a keyboard literature book would be a

logical source in the area of . However,

only those books which have been written after 1970 contain

music by black composers. Titles of music by black

composers can be found in the books listed. g. DISCOGRAPHIES:

Recorded Ragtime 1897-1958. by David Jasen, 1973

Third Supplement to the World*s Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music, by F.F. Clough and G.J. Cuming, 1953-55

The World *n Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music# by F.F. Clough and G.J. Cuming# 1966

Lists of recordings were informative only when it was clear what the instrumentation of the performance was. If

the composition was listed as being for piano and other

instruments, the title was not retained. Unless the recording could be heard, it was not possible to determine

whether the piano was the lead instrument in the


The book Recorded Ragtime is a notable source as it

contains a listing of compositions and recording

information, and a listing of composers and their

compositions. Identification of black composers was possible because the publication used the designations

for white composers and ** (b) n for black composers.

Many of the autobiographies and biographies cited in

section d. contain discographies. An extensive list of recordings can be found in They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi

Blesh, and in Source Book of African and Afro-American

M at crials for Music Educators . by James A. Standifer and Barbara Reeder. 33


American Composers. by Elsa Z. Posell, 1963

Composers in America. by Claire Reis, 1947

Modern Music Makers, by Madeleine Goss, 1952

Our American Music, by John Tasker Howard, 1954

Our Contemporary Composers, by John Tasker Howard, 1941

The amount of information on black composers found in

these texts was minimal due to the inclusion of very few

black composers and very little information on Afro-American

music or Negro music*

A book which, may be considered in this category since

it deals with nineteenth century black American composers is

Music and Some Highly Musical People, by James Trotter, c*

1878. The existence of this book at that time in history is

unigue because it was written by a black man and published

in 1881 by lee 6 Shepard of . It nay be the earliest

publication of a book on music and musicians by a black man.

The Trotter book contains numerous entries about black

performers and composers, and contains musical compositions

in the back of the book. It has been reprinted in 1968 by

Johnson Reprint Corporation of New York. 34 i. BIBLIOGRAPHIES:

A BibIioaraphv of Piano Music by Black Componers . developed by the Black Music Center, Indiana University, unpublished, n.d. Music from Latin America available at Indiana university. ed . by Juan A. Orrego-Salas, 1971

Women in Music, A Bibliogra phy» by Don Hixon and Don Hennessee, 1975

The bibliography developed by the Black Music Center

was one of the main sources for the initial bibliography-

The Latin America bibliography contained information about

music for several Latin American composers, but vas limited

in entries of piano music. The bibliography

contained only one reference to a feaale black pianists, Philippa Duke Schuyler.


Black Books Bulletin

Black Perspectives in Music

The periodical Black Perspectives in Music is a

relatively new publication which first appeared in the fall

of 1972. Since its inception, it has appeared twice a year in Fall and Spring issues. It is a valuable source for

information on black composers as it contains listings of

performances of works by black composers, reviews of music by black composers, and reviews of books by and about black

musicians or music. Articles by black musicians, composers. 35

and historians are found in each issue.

The periodical Black. Books Bulletin contains reviews of

many books written on the topics of jazz and ragtime. Interviews with black musicians such as Thomas Dorsey and

Max Roach can be found in this publication. Although no information was obtained which relates to the bibliographic entries, the reviews of books point out current



Once black composers* names were known, copies of music

by these composers were sought. All compositions for which copies were found, whether in published or manuscript from,

are indicated in the bibliography by **Hus" under the SORC fie Id.

Information obtained from these copies of music consisted of: titles of compositions, copyright dates,

publishers, publication dates, movement titles, and tempo markings of individual movements which did not have titles.

In addition, valuable advertisements were found on the inside or back side covers of published music which provided

further information about composers and their published com positions• 36




As the size of the bibliography increased, it became increasingly difficult to handle the indexing of the material. With the numerous file cards, the copying onto cards, the continuous cross checking of cards, and the updating of material, the possibility of error was great.

It became evident that a better means of storage of information was needed. The solution to the problem was computer storage.

Computer storage began with input and storage of material at State University College at Fredonia, New York.

The bibliography was stored on magnetic disk for permanent storage of information, for ease in manipulating the material, and for ease in future access to the material.

Once in storage, information was easily added, deleted, or corrected in the file.

The computer system at Fredonia did not have the ability to provide systematic analysis of bibliographic information, commonly referred to as a concordance, nor to provide selective bibliographic accession by bibliographic fields or keyterms. Therefore, the bibliographic listings 37 were entered onto disk storage at The Ohio State University

Instruction and Research Computer Center, and a concordance

analysis was obtained. A sample page of this concordance is shown on the next page. 38

. , 1 r ' c - / *" 1 * T‘:: p ’ ~ 7 !'H f- B T 7 ! ! f R V 7 P I- P ' rO JAY r nc r- r VFVY / r n t •'f r p a 07i ''■*• pa;’ H »r r by TC C:fU>r> JAY rue . * ac-C'i, / "11 <; r !: ' * •; r1 • r o AT j f r. c ay ■pr. JAY 0 Hr RMFD * l*V7f . / T!: J,,c: p * ’ 1 TT ’ S . CFt‘-CTr r> n y 1 v r pop JAY C Mp Ct 1PC3. / "US I':: "ACTTvr p A'v T T I > S, «-M!-fTro pv T R r p f p JAY C Hp S 3 1 1 * 5 . / !S T‘i: p/r.T I ' ,c & A R T T T f * * cp i F r T ^n BY T t cRpR JAY V.rue UF L - r 5 S F 0 , ■ :*>. / vtw * T l . r. 6 " r / r . p r ^ i 7 FPPf / ■a, . C Y L J-ri^ ■'VS!' TV',, *.p. / '-'Vr TV: T'-t' rr.- ^ r,r j A7 7 FRO'* TMCfV LL ja l a p .’^v r i c iv c .* vn. / «"*• i v : folk of jazz fp.tm t h ***! LL ?U= L JATAP M|if,!C T VC . / VMS I V : th c t OVk OF JA 7.7 pppM TMFM LL / TTTL *AG T IMF t-'UY*MV0 * T pn / Pt'°L 1r IF U nL ! SMP T>. / / rn-no LLT JA’^ C / £0R r c / TITL PLBAT^ L r T M- / PU»L HARRY ' v Y [ l 7 ~ L / TITL THF 0 a f K c Y T00AL0 - A O'-mv t u f / p u r l uftpt^v vqm L 7 C L criiF!&0, "rv iH fl1! 0 c.r, ft.t r, r H M - jr .n , p F f> \»r T f j-j A VO vrvj / L Z r t L fMlPIV,, 5 (. - -j c 7 f T •: r SO., A VP V'.V1^ n f P f-! ST C I ’ t r VP*' / LZF Ti-T A-F T-ACT 7 S 11T H / Mipirc ,p !STC C f5 P* 1 ROB, / M W T T V M " k P. / / CV'p ■■> r t l ■V. 1‘VCAJ / V V>C V|K, / TITL HALLFLUJA h Tr FF’J / S0PC B3-F / TTTL pppHtJC r c rh^pf- “FLnpTFS AT TH<= 'JiMt Mc £LTSlPP. / / CT1 P ttin V° *iP" i V'-V*-’ ! r C / conr SL T / TITL „ ftf; m p . C P'-W r-B r B "v7 . / JI.IV'F . 1 RBO ,J RT.r *'.r,ni_ri ^ Y ACMA'JO Hi|Vfc CtP^P M3 I f'L= - D W ! S IP ?. / Jir.'r. t r p " , C p ~!vr '■)' p B V A p MA VD Hi.JP. ’ J I I' :: 7 VC f - L C. I tj I 1 . / r r r J” Vr T 1 r-’ 0 . p c C r*' P r Pi y ar'’-:/.Vp H'JP. r,PPR c 1V-7. / RFC Ji'Me » ^ Y W A L L Y n<;c , MMV ye r.'-vv HP -- ?. / j1 . V re. V'V'HFr W' LL Y Ri'.cc „ r.p o n ye V C^CCA ? ^. / J n r , ]w V . r-FCPR’Jfn P y V ALLY Pfi< r . ",T p 7 VF r f. n . * l«3ri r<. / R f C J" JF . 1 ° B 0 . ° r v y p f n a y MA LL Y ROSP * a n n o M F '.nyv w p m c jo. / JVVF f 1 n " c . p v 'n r n R Y WALL Y f‘.n c r . noon *ji r ■VJ5. Pr’FP. /-»fc 1 I c 5 r . ? r ^ r : r r, P Y WALL V RPFF. nnvn 7 C c L I ’ r. r.’OTr ??3. / JtJV r »I ° ^ P . p f ( y ^ i v P Y W 'LLY R CV F * 0 r'Pn '•IP ■c J FTYt VP. / per J"LY , I . jl P 3Y W ALLY ° VRc „ noon V F A^C»; cf l - l / J<‘L v , p ^ r *” p z •") n y w A L L Y tvACC. r\ n^p) M C. r Ijry 7 ° * ^ . / ^ ;:C . , I 7 ■R F ■ r - c r m r p P Y ■■■ JRT B A L f S * nnon 'A C * i vvvr y v , c * avij r rv I11 t>> Tt vp v f c. C.'!!'»;rl ) / ( W T U V F P IN •' R A n •ir — '■ T I I. 5 / / C'-'Mf1 5CFH,Q PbPi' p. t t- / r. a 7 r / sofc ^ 115; / TITL *1 c “7 5 V " / S'^F C a ! * 1 ji J T m * [ C a 5 / TITL P i y p p v r*UCK - r a r- v r: TT / r p p'c r'L ^ J 'M,r ’ / T T f I c ! ^‘F LP'-'^R p t '7 >.t p| o » r — A R A O m r .r / T i n r ' VTuTr’r jVK'H - C / Y r m a [ K M A R r w _ A R A r, MF ,r i <;rr-7 T / <:r.;c = L '*■'R c / T ’ T L Cr VVTRY - Oftr, MF ; u v ? r C M / 'r|-- l Vi'-KS / / m ° RRY'^V, J A M r t; '40T / / CPYc- ••"THC'V, T^rMAV '‘fiTP-j / r,PrC T "*/ TTTL VARf.H ‘1 PA i I 7 L V Y T !" ' 31 A’.'; t c L'L f c ■'W m: W T ( *n A V THFM (IL'FTRL'C- / n a,i o k ‘- i_ r i m l t c A T TV'j V-,M. / / r r . ^ HfLL. A L F X / COAC *>r.o / tl v-'ftTCA YfL. T / / rr-yr a p T t 'O V r - T Hi' "1A r (-pppftj / R p iR r / tl ! = L !■' - A . [Vl"r , 1 R ° - . / / C'’Y3 OL'Y. WRBY P. / FORO MUS / tl f r. /c pr cniv-Vf t / ere w*-?. / / CO-.p r‘ L A Y F . fit*-If- / * P° C ‘VIS / TL / C.v".p J " :»L IV , c, C.I'TT / or me PL VII c C RFC / TL / ! CA* ' -n. / / r.nnr r i T LL » i TLLTam GrAV7 / r.ORr.'»'Li I / tl e at t r*'r» i *' t . / / COHp npon it r t c M ! M PT OAJ j • c K S OR C MU *T T L i; ve, r ’71. / cr,Y ^ T r o P iM t v ' / Si PC A PL C I ‘MIS R S / Tl. ft-y r ^r.'l, 1 0 1A.. / / c r .1-1 / M ’FC n L C T MMS / TL T C A G 0 t TLL, *’ *' *- /* 0 . / / C -.*r 7C LI‘M l Tma J^H'lSPV / " s n s r y / TL / CV-ID j r . - - rov. j: n** tft.O.1. / '-.‘Tf ]F77_jcr^ / *"030 f S / TL t 0*7 7 / r r . t * ■ ^ ^ / l l r r r f A T r- / OAT* lo n ^ -]O 4 0 / rQ»CJ / tl j. A '/\Jf 1-1 / / cr. r' Cr,t '■ p I nr.F - T A YLPF ♦ nA-V;er(_ / rnp<; M V / tl / Cn,-'T J '1*-’ J VJrr PpirE / n A 7 *i jF'V-iQSF / sppr Q,L T / tl v . / / c : O-TT . V* TUAVTrL' / TATS I f r- I P - 1. 7 A TOR C Bf tl r f -ip uft **pt n , / vats ir**3 1 -r ipc a ,<*<.<* / sor?r, ru vus / T TL w » , 1 p 1 7 . ) / / cr Jfi*'fL» BY'V) / O; V JQ-J 0 - / Sppr rft / T TL r ’,L " . / AF;0" L ? r-*-?0 . / / r.-.MP j l Y L , 'HMfto / S On, C D r C / T tl ’ b n '. / / r r *■■P V iu r- , T‘< *AZ I-. ( F A j J / SO^C B L L PSO / T n. / r T"? C S w A T * f A 1 ’ vo Ii; ! ;t Tt A,* "o c ^ l 0 T \ S / : : T C 1 ° 1 7 - / «‘O R C T / T TL IN T r T " . / *.«(.0 L r f-T'’ . / / JAVA.L, A1 *v A H / 50*5 f Rep / T tl -ppnis'jv", jn-ccM " Jr L L Y FOLL*' / n A T S l f» S - 1 9 An /^S^P C. B'L / T tl L Hi'*«rFSi *n . / / Coyr- cHLFPTOor-TAYLnn' VMtTPL"7^Sm<'Tr‘ V "/' TTTL" V-a ^. / / C^vp v tLL'-f., Thm-ias w. {FAT? / SORC «U I PLO / X TL ALILf 1370. / / CUW CARL / 0*T*' loCS- / SORC R^C / T TL / / TOM? VAWSS'V. Jill T A V I TUT / RVi l uO— / pnpr Mtt 0 / T T I -*■ j!*» i av j i n n / uik* 10 o ' j s iaijiahvi uautvKv IX X/ e iih * L . "Jab / (Ottie rtliMMhdlKddbvO UjDtVHj HHW) Nht *U X/ Dab Obi t *’il Odd / *t£ut 44JHi 4 h IA V U dJf DtKld / iHVbD uuij'jmv 3X J. / 3 0 a I I:. 3JU 5 *V _Aa G lX iA id ’J. U j J.O 7h dV * *U j) S JlCUT jk.J L i IrJJlbDV. 3x X.-/ _/i_D>iUS j •,. H i j jijl’ G i. V i-J i o l j d Otllo / tJVai bdfllt biOOuhdVb XjjuDV 31 X / Ob 0 tio U7..HV A- *loJ‘j Odd / AVHXMli a i>V 3 X X / Jab Do i a V A V I , i) i J i * >. i. i i !. ) i 1 V j; 1 iHfl 1 a 1 la / alrjiii 1V o an j G K V 1 Vb 3 X X / 1 ObCi S >1)'3 /a 3 : u „ j *Vj>* / o4 J 3 I J«iij / iKiAVHjbain 1 t K I V "U X / 33d 0 ■ » -■ j •> / I l‘ V i. i i u * I J 1 j t> 11 J ti a d * j i l b *■> 11 K ) Z X 1 V f; S tUVi.lit 3 i X / J a a Ob r G'7..n7 A" tjjLijjJal 'obD I 4 V 4 t *id jj j j o / aJllDb Siul/hhV 3 i X / Jab 3o ■j: J c 7’ jJ a / * j l :< I 4 4 1J J *jfdi )l b »a j 0 ul t d / OV b (J U I 1 7 X I lAi l i X / Silift "lb W Ijij'a i.T /i Ox! id /.. AlV.njAVO-HjiVb - >tDVtta'/iVD B h l.b iid V 3x 3 _3b 0 G . P d i.b j / / *Z0ol 4uD * bflh iiA "iuHc / dbiiUH la ia V 31 X / L Ob j si ‘«a 4I i«Ab / ' lk * Jjn j jii J 3 a I la / a t j i la u dXlllS K V J 1 0 d V 1 X X / A H 0d • I ^ * 4 - ; *'3a lidcV "3 0 bl Id / jd l'J d l a N V J x b d V 3x X/ r ObOb / * •< , ' j i iLI * V j i 1 ail U D-jOa / i_*G K 4aOKVu f i H u i i NV j IbdV 3x X / S 1 Do '-■’J j'l m i t V A V • f »■ i*. ji 1 > i 1 i J si 1 X V J I 1 j 11 d 1 ij 11 a / a V 0 ha In. a I i J V Ox X / I Jijbi 01 j*.v. j 3 | i li'j 3..,tc / J b i j 3 (•’> X (JK'V H 3 d v' a “ 3 1 j J d t a 4 Kill ib V 3 L X / b 11 rt 1 < i I i -am i-i 11 X/ 3 j l > Or'. X uUV rO ’aVh — ti bV h InOX N jVd V ox X / 3 d sr _( 3,.ll ov bv,A: Siaiblij) n'jobb alxVM buUdu 3x X / b i llA 0t "■-''I / fo 1 a i < j A1 V l"'i~ 3 A V J “ Vi3bXij3 t\ I itdO lUlNVjIQl* ox X / jflW J< '■MMJ.33 (Jt.bi / / * (vl »utNl Aa II t.u 11 5 J 11 al lu Tulld / tl d'j V Jb V Jtl ox X / 1 Obi. / / j i i / 31 T'ji’id ToJld / XUJlKOIU XUbtjtf ‘JnU li Ox X / b id 0 1 jD A7X dAJj / / 'ij'idl **4i3 indjlijV.H !»J T a V11 j 3nild / ITvHKVa I t si X J/ -onu. MX liboj / . / *i.ju [ d ift m J AjldJUdJj "j Tblld / ul. X .H0b?h -0J j V Vi*i iiiiic v 1 3 i i. 1 / 3b Jaub / V7ol~lb'3l bXVU / AH Xb »i xJhiff 4i j i j it A / 4 * U 3 3 I S t i'a Ab^iJlKjb 3tlld / do lb UiM 3 If. 3Vo — bi .^L 1 j i i j *7 J * ' * 3 j 11 a / ( (*I 3dJt' i i J li > h x i K) ■ / 3dij 3MX j V« 3; 3 v - I 4 ■'tv'i J a ‘1V i $ r^ri^r 3at3( r •'.I bills / * - I b II if. V Ad ill 3 T * Z V o I 4 o ’a o I "3 3 bi id / j 3 I a S u X 3 3 311 x / / < b I I u / j Viiii V *3Va7P oaJQ / / [ “ L lO I 4 it Ka i A ib JX. bVb.1 VI ■ , li / *III wU^i-b *jxV3d At'.bll* Ad UdUbUjJh *GN / 6 IL JT a it. dUuV. *S Ob > *t Ji.i'ic' r \ * N i >. a 1 j VilMbot' Ab (JaUuU iid j "biol / 4 lb zzvr a fs O si L. J X *a« ‘:A ■ c 31 3 j ad (ji\7 3JKa AI babuU33b *bi'i / *19 11 vr a K X 00 J 3 a a a - j .. V b A o Li i ^ 1" 3 j u j f ■» I (J 3 x ti U 3 3 o * C b b 1 * a V A / 4 be tXVT a li X Gu l O * j ■uS A d u ! . v 3 . is j 111 b i l l b b'Jbii *Ib t? l * z>*l iC / 4 be t L VI' 3 V. X OOi 13 *3 V w b Ci ) 1 J t i 1? t.f\V Z_7uV 0.ImV u£.V tidx I aLiKWbi3 cad / 4 X x / i v r a n. X uOC 3 4 J VI C. It m-i'iq! V ’ i.ilftinj XliHbUf Ab CbSiQU JJO * t i y 1 / ' L C 2 2 vr ah X GsJuJ 4 a G>. X b I'. -V "111 au a jiA fca Til OdUbsjJdb * tbo I a 4 VU ' ^ C X 0 s>0 3 *0 —I / xizvr ■jl. 4 ’ I - Jn X H • i‘i f i o 3 V 1 t’iVdbi'i aVu ao UdUciLiJdb *Ur>t__ LL A 3 i o a a3 3 j 1 iv si x o li t< otf.Sib f / *0X x x v r jt. X Ous ill • X t i A j * S ,'.L.V H 3 I j• ‘ Ad biiff3ji>3 fti i u jij si Ci J 3 tt * UU / " o I z x v r 3 K X UsjOJ * J* *5 i-* a 3 4 b 1 3 t i L (jniii / / 4 u jH b i 3 ul loKi l 3ulld / Ho lb 3 K1 i ■ *i I iH a n X 3 V b oii i v i t ib l.- r i i * jm Itu jsi a*nlij / / *ix.\uiJ>tnii i^U ixV 313tJ!d 3 b 11 a / a Ini X art". 1 ah j - t i ' j ' j n7J>J in’I jtlVt / *3 0 31 j il*> I if.3 X * t t o 1 *3 loliu / x n v r n 3 a1 / j.i dl il j jb / i '( Lx J jn jf ii / V J 501 V 1\ / aL 1 V Liv V ifij 3 / r. 1 1 1 / b n -i C -J ^ / AdiiJiiO 4 biCtJcU b GlfiOj / / * t<.t> I 4 aaZO 1 / tiOA i ' - * * H j v a V J A*J A U J J n ’/ Jd ill t iJ o o J jJ d *Liis O dd / * 7 lo I 4 b j Z 3 X / it UA * % / . j f I.Vkj j J1 o i.J j / / *L>(Zblj2- OVj'ojAlfJll bsla / * U i o I 4 ta Z O X I'isjA A hi D m Vd d 111 X / j i i ir-' J b o i / SartVT i v . 1A J b « lr * U 0 / / 4 1 0 o I 4 t a t 0 X . K'j A A hi i f . - •*. a it'jf. a i d h X 0 L j. i / d Daub / “ OLtjl J 1 • U / lOlbdCdba 4 3 i 3 3 X (Ji.U J / i / / 4 J t i l o j ; uii 111J ~L 1 d 0 H / dJHxVad odVisUbO Ab / 4I'i OK 3 0 1 N dni hi * / / 4 If 7 V I j j J J i» jt i b j .h ■ / bjHlVaa obVI\iuaO_Ab / 4 tV o i li 0 0 X i» J M X tft1 ♦ 4 0 / / 'i t o I i i j r,st i.jii jun / ■5atil 7 ab UbViVoaO Ab / rtob 0 3 1 - K a m X A 1 i ^ X 1 J / * _Jt Cl I j XV / 4 a <iJoixVJi,3uiId daAosj / fc 4 a o ri jh 0 X A v r b J J 1.. v r 1 1 b V 01 tjl.s J / / M o l * 3iV J 1 I V 0 I 3 bl id daAliXJ / jf 1 X A ? r b o 4 C L’i t mi J J . * r i i o J ^ 'i. si J / / ’ 3 (. ) I 4aisJllVJ13tllo ca/tclO / bOi j j H J A v r bo 4 X / • - r . > L. C i .i J / / X 4 jl.iJ I iV ji Olitio Oa/lUC / 5 Ult art J X K \ r bO / •1 >r 1 -i i *» i _« 3 r> sj j / / 4aXol * a itU * 1 V j i 0 bl Id danLiLi / b OK art j X avt bsi * . i \ t 1 w 4 i .Si*. -l i * . i . t 4 < - * > » , t t * ► , t ■ I l ■ ■ A t ^ • 39

The most significant contribution of the concordance

analysis is that the kinds of information contained in the bibliographic entries are brought into focus through the

consecutive listings of words and phrases contained in the

bibliography. These consecutive listings were used to

identify keyterms which characterize the music in the

bibliography, and to select the instrumentation categories

listed in Chapter One. Further, the concordance assisted in

locating exactly where each term and phrase was in the

bibliography so that titles and names of composers could be

found for inclusion in the classified examples in Chapter

One .

Included in the concordance was a count of the number

times each letter or word had been used in the bibliography. This count provided the following information: 1- the number of composer entries and the number of times each composer's name was used in the bibliography, 2. the number of titles,

3. the number of entries of publication information,

U* the number of entries of recording information,

5. the number of entries of player piano roll information,

6. the number of compositions which have movements,

7. the number of times any keyterm or keyterms were used (e.g., "concerto**, "duet**, "rag*, "with orchestra", "in trio") . 40


The bibliography of piano ausic by black composers is listed alphabetically by composer, and alphabetically by title under each composer's name. Each entry contains at least five items of information. The four items which are consistently given are: name of composer, dates of composer. source of information, and title of composition.

The fifth item varies and nay include any or all of the following: publication information, recording information, and player piano roll information. Additional items which nay appear in an entry are individual movements of a work and the volume of music which contains the composition.

Entries which do not have at least five items of information are those entries which are cross-references and refer the reader to another entry.

The bibliographic information was organized using the basic format as stipulated by the FAMULUS computer program developed by the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range

Experiment Station at Berkeley, .

The FAMULUS program requires that ten fields be established with the tenth field left blank for sorting purposes. Each field was to be identified by a code word up to four letters in length. The following codes were used: *11

10 Fields; code for each field up to *» letters.

Field 1. COMP— co#poser Field 2 . DATS — composer's dates

Field 3. SORC = source of information

Field a. TITL =• title of composition

Field 5. PUBL = publisher, i3ate of publication, copyright date, or date of coaposition

Field 6. RFC recording date, naae of performer, name of performer (s), name of recording company, and record number.

Field 7. PPR = player piano roll company, name of per­ former, and number of piano roll.

Field 8 . H OS = title of collection or book in vhich title of composition can be found.

Field 9. HVMT — individual movements of a work, or com­ positions within a collection. Field 10. No entries in this field. DESCRIPTION OP EACH FIELD COHP composer

Dnder the heading composer, the entry is as follows:

Surname Given Name Nickname

Horton, Ferdinand Joseph Le Kenthe "Jelly Roll"

dditional information related to the composer follows he composer's name in parentheses. Examples: COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.F. Raymond) COHP Piano Red (Willie Perryman) (Dr. Feelgood)

COHP Chambers, Stephen (Talik Rasul Hakim)

COHP Sykes, Roosevelt (recorded under the following pseudonymns: "Dobby Bragg", "Willie Kelly", and "Easy Papa Johnson") COHP Chatman, Peter (see Hemphis Slim)

DATS composer's dates

A. If the composer is alive, his year of birth is given followed by a dash. Example: DATS 1932-

B. If the composer is not alive, his year of birth is qiven followed by the year of death • Example: DATS 1899-1953

C. If it is unknown whether the composer is alive, his year of birth is given followed by a dash and a guestion mark. Example: DATS 1927-?

D* If the composer's dates have not yet been found, the DATS field will contain the abbreviation "n.d.", meaning no dates.

Example: COHP Brown, Al W. DATS n.d. 43

3. SORC source

The SORC field is comparable to a footnote in which the reference is given. Since complete titles of books, manuscripts, libraries, periodicals, and bibliographies are too lengthy to include under the SORC field, the following abbreviation code has been developed:


E> = Erie County Library holdings, Buffalo, New York HD> « Howard University Library holdings Washington, D.C. I> = Indiana University Library holdings Bloomington, Indiana


I = A Bibliography of Piano Husic by Black Composers developed by Indiana University Black Husic Center.


A African and Afro-American Materials for Husic Educators, by James A. Standifer and Barbara Reeder

B * Baker *s Biographical Dictionary of Husicians. 5th Edition BB The Big Bands. by George T. Simon, 1967

B1 = They All Played Ragtime. by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Bt = Guide to the Pest in Contemporary Piano Husic. by Stanley Butler C Biographical Dietionarv of American Husic. by Charles Eugene Claghorn P Piano Repertoire: A Manual of Solo an

Literature for artists and Performers, by Albert Faurot Fe = The Hew Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz, by Leonard Feather

Ff = Music for the Piano, by Janes Friskin and Irwin Freundlich, 1973,

H = Guide to the Pianist *s Repertoire. by Maurice Hinson J = Recorded Ragtime, 1897-1953, by David Jasen K = The Pian1st*s Resource Guide : Piano Husic in Print and Literature on the Pianistic Art, by Joseph Rezits and Gerald Deatsman Kb - Reminiscing uith Sissle and Blake, by Robert Kimball and William Bolcom

Ki = Ain *t Hisbehavin *, the Story of Fats Waller by Ed Kirkeby

Kr - Barrelhouse G Boogie Plano, by Eric Kriss, 197M L = The Real Jazz Old and New, by Stephen Longstreet PAN = Composers of the Americas, 17 volumes, by the Onion Panamericana

PSG = Guide to Jazz. by Hugues Panassie and Madeleine Gautier

R “ Black American Music, by Hildred Roach

RB-E = The Marvelous Musical Prodiqy, Blind Tom The Negro Boy Pianist Erie County Library Rare Book Room. No author or date in book; date in pencil on cover: Oct. 19, 1870. Listed in card catalogue as being published by Sun Book and Job Printing, 1866.

RJ = The Rea 1 Jazz . by Hugues Panassie, 19U2-

S - The Music of Black Americans. by Eileen Southern SH = Husic on Hx Hind. by Willie the Lion Smith with George Hoefer SS = Schirtner Scores. repertory of Western Husic, by Joscelyn Godwin, 1975 T - Husic and Some Highly flusical People, by James Trotter

V = Samuel Colcridge-Taylor, Husician, by W.C. Berwick Sayers

* ~ Comparative Anthology of Husical Forms, Vol. II, by David Ward-Steinman and Susan L. Ward-Steinman, 1976


BPIH = “Black Perspectives in Husic"


ADV = an advertisement

HUS - the music score

REC = the recording

ADV-REC = the record jacket or booklet included in the record box or envelope.

PR - Hildred Roach Piano Recital Program , Dec. 5, 1973, 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Auditorium, Federal City College, Washington, D.C.

TITL title

All titles are listed exactly as found in the source. Two different sources may list the same title but spell the title differently. When this occurs, each spelling is listed as a separate entry. Example: TITL -i-more TITL Froggy Moore

Additional information related to the title follows the title in parenthesis. Several examples are listed here: tv 6

1. Look-A-Here (with percussion and bass) Denotes the instruments which accompany the solo on the recording.

2- The Lily Queen (with ) Denotes a co-composer.

3- Pan-Ant Rag (composed by Tom Turpin, arranged by A. Marshall) Denotes that the original composer is Tom Turpin and although A. Marshall's name is linked with this title, Marshall is only the arranger. *4. Albert Carroll's Blues (Rag) Portrait of the Duke (an improvisation) Denotes a music type.

5. Requiem (for two pianos) Denotes a duo piano work.

6. Lamb of God (piano and orchestra) Denotes a work for piano and orchestra. High Society Rag (arranged by Lillian Hardin) Denotes an arrangement and not the original version.

®- Zb® Charleston Rag (Sounds of ) Denotes that the piece is also known by another title.

5. POBL publisher, date of publication, copyright date, or date of composition

Any information as to whether the composition is published or unpublished, as to publisher (s), date of publication, date of copyright, date of composition, or any kind of date which might be an identifying factor, is entered within this field. A date may appear with the title of a composition and it may not be possible to determine whether the date is a copyright date or the date of composition. Since the date is an identifying feature, it is retained and appears as the first entry under PUBL.

Example: POBL 1969. Summy-Birchard, 197U *17 An individual composition in a volume of mnsic may have a different copyright date and publisher than the volume of music in which it appears. Bhen this occurs, the copyright date and publisher of the individual composition appear under the PUBL field, date as first entry followed by the publishing company.

Example: TITL I Meed a Little Spirit PDBL c. 1973, Tradition Music Company. BUS IN: Barrelhouse C Boogie Piano. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 197*t. Names of publishers occur in entirety or in abbreviated form. Publishers do not always retain the same title format from year to year because they may change owner­ ship or expand their field. Hansen has become Hansen Educational Music and Boohs, Inc. John Stark Publishing became John Stark and Son. Summy became Summy-Birchard. These differences in title format were retained in the bibliography because they are significant in the history of the individual publishing company.

Abbreviations of publisher title formats are used by the publisher in order to take up less space on the page or line. Abbreviations of title formats are used in the bibliography for the sane reason. If the title is unpublished or publication is unknown, but the .title might be available from the composer, the composer's address is given. Addresses may not be current as some addresses were obtained four years ago and composers may have moved from the address listed, or in the case of college faculty, may have retired. 6. REC recording date, name of performer, name of performer(s), name of recording company, and record number.

If this field is present, the title has been recorded. If the recording date or dates are known, they are given. If the recording date is unknown, Hn.d." appears denoting no date. The recordings are listed chronologically with the "no date" recordings appearing last. When several recordings have been made in the sane year, the recording information is alphabetized by the last name of the recording artist. 48 7* PPR player piano roll company, name of performer and number of piano roll.

If this field is present, a player piano roll has been made. If the name of the performer is known it is given. The player piano roll company name and the number of the piano roll are given. If the number of the roll is unknown, it is denoted by no meaning no number known.

8. MUS title of collection or book in which title of composition can be found Individual titles are often found in collections and are not published separately; or they may be published separately as well as in a collection. Since one of the aims of this bibliography is to aid the reader in locating themusic, the collections in which individual titles can be found are listed in this field along with publishers and dates of publication. Example: HUS IN: Jazz Sampler for Piano Marks Music Corporation, 1975

MOS IN: Classic Piano Bags. edited by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973

9. MVMT individual movements of a work, or compositions within a collection or volume

Many titles are works of several movements, or are collections of several pieces by one composer. The individual movements of these works or collections are listed in the MVMT field.

Examples: MVMT Allegro Fisoluto Andante Cantabile Allegro vivo MVMT 1. Forest Bains 2 . 0 fa K*a Kongai 3. Orin Fun Osumare U. October Hinds

MVMT 1. (Tempo marking unknown) 2 . Vivace 3. Andante 99

Individual Movements of these works are often published or recorded separately and have additional sources fro* the TITL field. These sources are found after the title in the movement field, and publishers and recording dates are on lines below the movement title .

Example: MVMT Boogie-Woogie Stomp. K PEG Music Corp. of America, Inc., n.d. REC 1936.




In the following section, 163 keyterms are listed which represent terminology which is characteristic of the mnsic in the bibliography. The majority of the keyterms can be found in the titles of compositions and titles of volumes or collections. In the listing of keyterms, alternate spellings are given as well as hyphenations and possible linking or couplings with other words. In the listing, keyterms appear in the left hand column of the pages with names of composers who have made use of the term in their titles. In the right hand column of the pages are example listings of titles of compositions using these terms. As a clarifying feature, these titles are given in the right hand column to show the various possibl usages of the term in titles. If the term is used in its traditional or standard manner, no titles will be given. But if the term is used 50 several different ways, as a noun in one example and as an adjective in another exanple, exanple titles will be listed.

Since the Keyterms characterize the music in the bibliography, they exemplify and bring into focus the nany types of nusic which have been written for piano by blacK composers. These terns represent an important aspect of computerization of the bibliography and will by discussed in

Chapter Five under the heading. Values of a Computerized

Bibliography. 51


AIR Augusta Geraldine HcSwain

ARIETTA Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough

ARRANGEMENTS Margaret Bonds Arrangements of Spirituals Janes Price Johnson Margaret Bonds Scott Joplin Confidence Bag (a piano arrange­ Jelly Roll Morton ment of a rag) Fats Haller Scott Joplin Reflections - Tone Poem (piano arrangement from a symphonic work) James Price Johnson ATONAL Austin M. Sonnier, Jr. Atonal Piece Austin M. Sonnier, Jr. BAMBOO LA (African Dance) Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

BA RBEOSE (meaning unknown) Halim El-Dabh Barbeuse Amira Barbeuse Shad i a both by Halim El-Dabh BARCAROLLE Nathaniel Dett Altona Trent Johns

BA RRELHOOSE Barrelhouse Boogie Wooqie E Blues Mary Lou Williams Piano Solos Mary Lou Williams Barrelhouse Breakdown Pete Johnson BLUES Coun t Basie Jimmy Blythe Charles L • Cook Cow Cow Davenport Duke Ellinqton Alex Hill Earl Hines Ahmad Jamal Dink Johnson James Price Johnson Heade Lux Lewis Jay KcShannAugusta Geraldine HcSwain Eurreal Montgomery Alex Moore Jelly Roll Horton Oliver Nelson Oscar Peterson Luckey Roberts Pine Top Smith Roosevelt Sykes Fats Haller Clarence Williams Hary Lou williams POOGIE Cow Cow Davenport Lionel Hampton Earl Hines Pete Johnson Heade Lux Lewis Jay HcShann Eurreal Montgomery Hazel Scott Pine Top Smith Roosevelt Sykes Hary Lou williams BOOGIF —WOOGT E BLOBS Pine Top smith Boogie-Woogie Blues Pine Top Smith

BOOGIE-WOOGIE STOMP Albert Ammons Booqie-Wooqi e Stomp Albert Ammons

BOP BE-BOP Pop Bop Sh-Bam Thelonius Monk Dizzy Gillespie

BOONCE Erroll Garner Bounce Piano Red Piano Red Barclay »s Bounce Erroll Garner

BREAKDOWN Duke Ellinqton Barrelhouse Breakdown Lionel Hampton Pete Johnson Pete Johnson Big Horn Breakdown Jelly Roll Morton Billy Taylor Birmingham Breakdown Central Avenue Breakdown Lionel Hampton Breakdown Jelly loll Morton New Central Avenue Breakdown Lionel Hampton

CA KE W ALK CAKE-WALK James Bryan Nathaniel Dett Harry P. Guy Scott Hayden Johh Rosamond Johnson Scott Joplin Arthur Marshall Billy Taylor, Jr. CAKE WALK MARCH CAKE-WALK T WO STEP Nathaniel Dett After the Cakewalk - March Harry P. Guy Nathaniel~Dett Scott Hayden "Clennin* tip" in Georgia - Cake 5H

Scott Joplin Walk Patrol or Two-Step Harry P. Guy Sowet hing Doinq - Cake Walk March - A Ragtime Tw o Step Scott Joplin & Scott Hayden CA PRICE Basilo Bares Caprice for Piano James Price Johnson Thomas Kerr Thomas Kerr Caprice Rag James Price Johnson Clarence Cameron White La Op. 7 Basile Bares Dance Caprice Clarence Cameron white Talse Caprice Undine Smith Moore CH ARLESTOH (Pag) Eubie Blake CHORAL (Theme) Augusta Geraldine HcSwain CONCERTO John Carter Pogue Cordero Helen Hagan James Price Johnson Florence Price Mitchell Southall Howard Swanson CRAWL Alligator Crawl Fats Waller Fats Waller Bearcat Crawl Meade Lux Lewis DANCE John Carter African Drum Dance Samuel Coleridge-Taylor John Rosamond Johnson Nathaniel Dett Dance (Juba) James Reese Nathaniel Dett Kashmirian Dance John Rosamond Johnson Clarence Cameron White Scott Joplin The Naked Dance Jelly Roll Morton Augusta HcSwain - A Stop-Time Jelly Roll Horton Two Step Florence Price Scott Joplin John E. Price Mitchell Southall William Grant Still DANC ETUDE Thomas Kerr Seven Pancetudes for Piano Thomas Kerr DANSE Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Danse Megre ludovic Lamothe Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Danses Espaonoles Ludovic Lamothe DA NZ AS Juan Morel Campos

DOUBLES Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough Sarabande with Four Doubles Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough Billy Taylor DRAG Eubie Blake - A. Al Brown Tro Step Scott Hayden Scott Joplin Pete Johnson Minor Drag Scott Joplin Fats Waller Joe Jordan - A Ragtime Arthur Marshall Two Step Fats Waller Scott Bayden and Scott Joplin Garland Wilson

DUET Thomas Jefferson Anderson James Peese Europe James P . Johnson Scott Joplin Thelonius Monk Luckey Roberts DUO (Piano) Rogue Cordero James Dorsey Oliver Nelson George Walker

ETUDE Oscar Peterson Jazz Etude No. 1 PA NTAS IA Frederick Lewis FANTASIK Joseph Banneker Adger John Boone Fantasie No. U Florence Price Florence Price N. Clark Smith Fantasie on Old Folks At Howe John Boone Fantasie on "Steal Away" 11 • Clark Smith FANTASIES Joseph Banneker Adger FANTASY James Dorsey Duke Ellington Duke Ellington Erroll Garner Fantasy on "Frankie and Johnny" Erroll Garner Fantasy on Thanksgiving Janes E. Dorsey

FOX TROT FOX-TROTS Jaaes Brymn Carolina Fox Trot (New One Step) Will Marion Cook Dixie Dimples - Ragtime Fox Trot James Scott James Scott Will Vodery Fox-Trots Will Narion Cook

FUGUE James Dorsey Andrades Lindsay John Price

GAVOTTE Nathaniel Dett Ritmo Boderato e con Sentimento Quasi Gavotte Movement III of C innamon Grove Suite Nathaniel~Dett 57 HOLLER Pete Johnson Holler Stomp Pete Johnson

IMITATION Tom Dethune Imitation of the Tom Bethune IH PR KS SIOW Lena FicLin I■press ion N o . J Lena McLin IMPROMPTU Gilbert Allen Impromptu Hilitaire Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Mitchell Southall Hitchell Southall Jazz 1m promptu Gilbert Allen IMPROVISATION Meade Lux Levis Art Tatum, Improvisations, No. 2 Willie the Lion Smith Art Tatum Art Tatum Portrait of the Duke (An Clarence Cameron White Improvisation) Willie the Lion Smith Variations on a Theme - A Four Part Improvisation Heade Lux Levis

INTERLUDE Count Basie Riff Interlude William Levi Dawson Count Basie Nathaniel Dett INTERMEZZO i Intermezzoiiopia-Af John Duncan Al Johns A1 Johns Intermezzo waltzes from the Joe Jordan Ballet Stackalee Tom Turpin John Duncan Pekin Rag# Intermezzo Joe Jordan Porto Rico Pag Intermezzo Ford Dabney Slwash: Indian Rag Intermezzo Tom Turpin INVENTION Ulysses Kay John Price 58

JUMP Albert Ammons Boogie Woogie Jump Count Basie Albert Ammons James Price Johnson Hollywood Jump Pine Top Smith Count Basie Pats Haller Jump Steady Blues Pine Top Smith One 0 *CIock Jump Count Basie China Jumps Fats Waller LAMENT Gilbert Allen Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Ahmad Jamal Ulysses Kay

LEGEND Nathaniel Dett

HAHBO Billy Taylor MARCH Joseph Banneker Adger Clef Club March Ayo Bankole James Reese Europe Easilc Bares Great Crush Collision March Thomas Green Bethune Scott Joplin James Brynn March Son g 5th Movement of James Reese Europe Ten Short Essays Scott Joplin Ulysses Kay Ulysses Kay March Timpani Thomas Green Bethune Warriors March 5th Movement of Nigerian Suite Ayo Bankole

MARCH - TWO STEP (see step) Basile Bares MEDITATION Halim El-Dabh Meditation on the Nile Halim El-Dabh MEDLEY John Boone Boone *s Rag Medley 11 - Strains from the Alley Southern Rag Medley ,13 all by John Boone Ton Bethune Album of Melodies Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Penman.Lovingood, Sr. in F Penman Lovingood, Sr. Produces Three Melodies at the Same Time Tom Bethune Twenty-Four Negro Melodies Opus 59 Samuel Coleridge-Taylor MINIATURE Rogue Cordero Five Percy L . Gregory Percy L. Gregory John E • Price Miniatures Luckey Roberts Rogue Cordero Hiniature Waltzes John E- Price Variaciones para la Segunda Miniature Rogue Cordero Whistlinf Pete - Miniature Syncopated Rhapsody for piano and orchestra Luckey Roberts

MI NP ET Oscar Peterson Jazz Minuet Oscar Peterson

MODAL Malcolm Waldron Modal-Air fron Reflections in Modern Jazz Malcolm Waldron NOCTURNE Ulysses Kay First Nocturne Penman Lovinqood, Sr. Ulysses Kay Oliver Nelson Nocturne Penman Lovingood, Sr. Nocturne from Blues and the Abstract Truth Oliver Nelson NOVELTY Eubie Blake Euphonic Sounds - ^ Scott Joplin Syncopated Hovel tv Scott Joplin Hovelty Bag Eubie Blake

OBBAS (Works) Juan Morel Campos Obras Varias (Various Works) Juan Morel Campos ODE Pine Top Smith Ode to Pine Top Pine Top Smith , Jr, Ernest*s Theme (from opera Kicks 6 Co.) Oscar Brown, Jr. ORCHKSTRA (see Piano and Orchestra)

ORCHESTRAL Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Numerous Orchestral Pieces arranged for pianoforte Samuel Coleridge-Taylor PA PI LLON Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Papillon Ludovic Lamothe Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Papillons Noires; Valse Lente Ludovic Lamothe PA 5SACAGLIA Augusta Geraldine HcSwain PA TTFHN Teddy Wilson Teddy Wilson Piano Patterns Teddy Wilson PERCUSSION


PIECE David Nathaniel Baker, Jr. Melville Charlton Arthur Cunningham Mark Fax Ulysses Kay Kwabena Nketia Oscar Peterson Oswald Russell Philippa Duke Schuyler Austin Sonnier, Jr. Charles walker John Wesley Work III PIEZAS Amadeo Roldan Piezas Infantiles Amadeo Roldan

POLKA Joseph Banneker Adger Easile Bares Tom Bethune p r e l u d e Edgar Roeie Clarke Rogue Cordero Nathaniel Dett Duke Ellington John E. Price Alvin Elliott singleton Howard Swanson

PRELUDIO Rogue Cordero Amadeo Roldan RAG Winifred Atwell Richard Barrett Lionel Belasco Eubie Blake John Boone Euday Bowman Shelton Brooks Albert Carroll Louis Chauvin Charles L. Cooke Jesse Crump Ford Dabney Charles "Cow Cow" Davenport James Reese Europe Will Ezell Robert Hampton Fats Harris Scott Hayden James Price Johnson Scott Joplin Joe Jordan Kitchen Tom Meade Lux Lewis Arthur Marshall Artie Matthews Jelly Hoi1 Morton Joe Oliver Luckey Roberts James Scott Crris Smith Russell Smith Wilbur Sveataan Billy Taylor Charles Thonpson To m Tu r pin Fats Waller Clarence Williams Alonzo Yancey

(®ee also RAG) r a g g e d y " RAGTIME REQUIEM Oliver Nelson Requiem (for two pianos) Oliver Nelson siyiEiE James Price Johnson Lonsome Reverie James Price Johnson

RHAPSODIE Noah Ryder RHAPSODY Eubie Blake Rogue Cordero Janes Price Johnson Florence Price Lu ck ey R obe r ts RIFF Count Basie Riff Interlude James Price Johnson Count Basie Riffs James Price Johnson BO HA MCE John E . Price Mitchell Southall POMP Arthur Marshall Romp - A Slow Drag Arthur Marshall

RONDO James Dorsey

RUMBA James Brymn La Rumba-Tango Argentine Janes Brymn

SVRABANDE Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough SCENE Samuel Coleridqe-Taylor Ludovic Lamothe SCHERZO Joseph Adger Undine Smith Moore Howard Swanson SCHERZ 7 NO Thomas Kerr SERENADE Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Scott Joplin Noah Ryder

SHUFFLE Count Easie Fats Nailer


SONATA David Baker Eugene Burkes Roque Cordero Halim El-Dabh Hall Johnson Hank Johnson Ulysses Kay Carman Leroy Moore 64

Coleridge Taylor Perkinson Florence Price Cortez Reese Austin E. Sonnier, Jr. Howard Swanson George Walker (for two pianos) SONATINA Rogue Cordero Roger Dickerson Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough John E. Price SONG David Baker His Song John Harold Brown Nathaniel Dett Samuel Coleridge-Taylor March Song Nathaniel Dett Ulysses Kay Lionel Hampton Ragtime Song Ulysses Kay Lionel Hampton Penman Lovingood, Sr. Slumber Song Lena Johnson McLin Ulysses Kay 4. Song after Paul Lawrence Dunbar Second Movement of Piano Sonata David Baker Song of the Laborer John Harold Brown Song in c minor Lena Johnson McLin Song without Words Penman Lovingood, Sr. Warriors Song Samuel Coleridge-Taylor SONNET John Duncan Sonnets in Sound John Duncan SPIRITUAL Gilbert Allen Spiritual Pirst movement froi Margaret Bonds Deserted Plantation John E . Price William Grant Still William Grant Srill Spirituals Jonas L. Waits, Jr. Jonas L. Waits, Jr. Spiritual Suite Margaret Bonds

STEP (one-step, two-step) Jaki Byard Carol ina Fox Trot (new one step) Will Henry Vodery Harry Guy Century Prize - Harch and Scott Hayden Arthur Marshall Scott Joplin The Favorite - Ragtime Two Joe Jordan Scott Joplin Arthur Marshall Princess - Two Step Orient James Scott Russell Smith Hues ell Smith Tom Turpin Will Henry Vodery

STOMP Albert Ammons Black Bottom Stomp Count Basie Jelly Roll Horton Pete Johnson Boogie-Woogie Stomp Jelly Foil Horton Albert Ammons Jess Pickett Digah *s Stomp Willie the Lion Smith Jess Pickett Otis Spann Hog Haw Stomp Charles Thompson Fats Waller Sugar Underwood Fats Waller

ST PUT James Price Johnson Harlem Strut Oscai Peterson James Price Johnson The Strut Oscar Peterson

STUDY John E. Price Study in C Hale Smith John E . Price Study in Sonority Hale Smith SUITE Ayo Bankole Margaret Bonds Jaki Byard Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Nathaniel Dett Halim El-Dabh Duke Ellinqton Augusta Geraldine HcSwain Oscar Peterson Robert S. Pritchard Cortez Reese Luckey Roberts William Grant Still Fats Waller 66 John Wesley Work ZZI SYMPHONIC (work) James Price Johnson Reflections — Tone Poem (piano arrangement from symphonic work) Janes Price Johnson SY W COP A TED , Harry P. Guy Echoes from the Snowball Club - Scott Joplin Syncopated Waltz Luckey Roberts Harry P. Guy Elite Scott Joplin TANGO James Brymn Spanish V enus - Tango Ludovic Lainothe Luckey Roberts Luckey Roberts Tango Ludovic Lamothe Tangos James Brymn TARENTELLA Edgar Rogie Clarke

THEME Oscar Brown r Jr. Air and C horal Theme Nora Holt Augusta Geraldine HcSwain Meade Lux Levis Ernest*s Theme (from opera Augusta Geraldine McSwain Kicks C Co.) Thelonius Monk Oscar Brovn, Jr. John Wesley Work III Rhapsody on Negro Themes Nora Holt Variations on an Original Theme John Wesley Work 111

TOCCATA Mark Fax Andrew Lawrence Kimbrough James Marquis TRAN SCRIBED , TRANSCRIPTION Joseph Hennaker Adger Atlanta Rag (transcribed by Cow Cow Davenport Michael Polad) Cow Cow Davenport Hymn Transcriptions Joseph Bennaker Adger TRANSPOSED 67

Speckled Red Cow Cow Blues by Cow Cow Daven­ port: (transposed down a 4th)

TRIO William Levi Dawson Trio for Piano Killian Levi Dawson TROT (see Pox Trot) TWELVE-TONE Austin n. Sonnier, Jr Twelve-Tone Coaipositions Austin M . Sonnier, Jr. TWO PIANOS Roque Cordero Duo (Two Pianos) James Dorsey Rogue Cordero Oliver Nelson Fantasy on Thanksgiving George Walker Janes Dorsey John Wesley work III Wight in La Yallee John Wesley Work III Requiem (for two pianos) Oliver Nelson Rhapsody (two pianos) Rogue Cordero Sonata for Two Pianos George Walker TWO STEP (see Step) VALSE Eubie Blake John Boone John Carter Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Ludovic Lamothe Undine Smith Hoore James Scott

VA RI AC I ONES (variations) Rogue Cordero TARIATION Meade Lux Levis Variations on a Theme - A_ Four John Wesley Work III Part Improvisation Heade Lux Lewis Variations on an Original Theme John Wesley Work 111 VERSION Jelly Roll Horton Haple Leaf Rag (St. Louis & Hew Orleans Versions! Rag by Scott Joplin Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton

VISION Ulysses Kay Three Vis ions William Grant Still William Grant Still Visions Ulysses Kay

WAIL WALK Lionel Belasco The Caterpillar Walk James P. Johnson Lionel Belasco Charles Thompson Hound City Walk Around Charles Thompson Buie Walk Janes P. Johnson WALTZ Joseph Banneker Adger Basile Bares George H• Barnes Thomas Green Bethune Jaki Byard John Carter Ford Dabney . John Duncan James Reese Europe Harry P. Guy Ahmad Jamal James Price Johnson Scott Joplin Augusta Geraldine HcSvain John E. Price James Scott Malcolm Waldron w o o g IE (see Boogie Woogie)

WORK (see also Obras) Nathaniel Dett William Fischer CHAPTER FOUR

The Bibliography of Piano Music by

Black. Composers

COMP Adger, Joseph Banneker DATS ca- 1880—? SORC I TTTL Marches, waltzes, fantasies, scherzi, , two-steps and hymn transcriptions. PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Alexander, DATS 1938- SORC Hus TITL I Need a Little Spirit PUBL c. 1973, Tradition Music Co. REC n.d. Arhoolie LP 1067. hds IN: Barrelhouse c Boogie Piano by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1979. COMP Allen, Gilbert DATS 1918—? SORC I TITL Spiritual PUBL Sunmy-Birchard, 1958. COMP Allen, Gilbert DATS 1918-? SORC I TITL Jazz Impromptu PUBL summy-Birchard, 1962. 70

COMP Allen, Gilbert DATS 1918-? SORC I TITL Lament PUBL Summy-Birchard, 1962.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K TITL Bluebird Boogie Woogie PUBL MCA Music, n.d. COMP Ammons, Albert DA TS 1907-1949 SORC Rec TITL Boogie Woogie Jump REC n.d. Recorded vith Pete Johnson. Album: "HCA-Victor Encyclopedia of Recorded Jazz**. LEJ-1 Album 1: A-BEC. COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC PSG TITL Bottom Blues REC 1944.

OOMP Ammons, Albert DA TS 1907-1949 SORC A dv K TITL Chicago on My Mind PUBL Music Corporation of America, Inc., n.d. MUS All Star Boonie-Wooqie Piano Solos Leeds Music Corp., n.d.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K Bus RJ TITL Five Boogie-Woogie Piano Solos by Albert Ammons PUBL Leeds Music Corp., n.d. Music Corporation of America, n.d. BVMT 1. Boogie-Woogie Stomp. K PSG Music Corporation of America, Inc., n.d. REC 1936. 2. Shout for Joy 3. Boogie Woogie Blues. PGG REC 1939. n.d. Recorded by Albert Ammons. 2. 4. Bass Gone Crazy. K Music Corporation of America, n.d. 5. Monday Straggle.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC P&G TITL Hiroshima REC 1947.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC P&G TITL Jammin' the Boogie REC 1944.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K TITL Mowin' the Boogie PUBL MCA Music, n.d.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K TITL Pine Creek PUBL MCA Music, n.d.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K TITL Express PUBL MCA Music, n.d.

COMP Ammons, Albert DATS 1907-1949 SORC K TITL Walkin' the Boogie PUBL MCA Music, n.d.

COMP Anderson, Thomas Jefferson DATS 1928- SORC I> S TITL Five Portraitures of Two People (Piano Duet) PUBL Composers Facsimile Edition, 1967.

COMP Anderson, Thomas Jefferson DATS 1928- SORC I> TITL Watermelon PUBL Composers Facsimile Edition, 1971. 72

COMP Atwell, Winifred DATS 20th Century SORC J TITL Britannia Rag REC Oct., 1952- Recorded in England by Winifred Atwell. Decca F-10015.

COMP Atwell, Winifred DATS 20th Century SORC J TITL Coronation Rag REC March, 1953. Recorded in England by Winifred Atwell. Decca F-10110. COMP Atwell, Winifred DATS 20th Century SORC J TITL Rag REC n.d. Recorded in England by Winifred Atwell. Decca F 98U1• COMP Baker, Jr., David Nathaniel DATS 1931- SORC E> I R TITL Piano Sonata PUBL Down Beat, 1970- MVMT Black Art A Song After Paul Lawrence Dunbar Coltrane (Reference to jazz Musician) .

COMP Baker, Jr., David Nathaniel DATS 1931- SORC I TITL Pieces for Piano POBL Down Beat, n.d.

COMP Bankole, Ayo DA TS n.d. SORC E > I HUS TITL Nigerian Suite PUBL Chappel C Co., Ltd., 1961. HVHT 1. Forest Rains 2 . 0 Ya K*a Kongal 3. Orin Fun Osunare (Music for the Rainbow) 9• October winds 5. Warriors March. COUP Bares, Basile DATS 1896-1902 SORC B 1 TITL La Belle Creole- des Lanciers Aaericain PUBL A - Elie, 1866.

COMP Bares, Basile DATS 18U6-1902 SORC HU> T TITL La. Capricieuse O p . 7 PUBL c. 1869 A.E. Blackmar. MUS IN: Hu sic and Some Highly Musical. People, by Janes Trotter Lee & Shepard, 1881 Johnson Reprint Corp., 1968. COMP Bares, Basile DATS 1846— 1902 SORC HU> 1 TITL Waltzes, marches, polkas, PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Barnes, George H. DATS n.d. SORC I TITL Waltzes, PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Barrett, Richard DATS n.d. SORC I TITL Rags PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Basie, William "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Rec TITL Baby Lawrence PUBL c. Pablo Publishing Co. REC May 22, 1979. Recorded by Count Basie in Trio on album: "Por the First Time". Pablo 2310-0712-A. 75

COBP Basie, Nilliaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Bus TITL Basie Blues (with Hilton Ebbins and Ben Jackson) PUBL c. 194 2, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MOS IN: 42 Jazz. Blues C Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COHP Basie, Nilliaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Bus PGG TITL Basie Boogie (with Hilton Ebbins) PUBL c. 1941, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC 1941. BOS IN: 42 Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

CD':p Basie, Nilliaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Hus TITL Blue and Sentiaental (with Jerry Livingston and Hack David) POBL c. 1939, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. HUS IN: 4_2 Jazz. Elues 6 Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COHP Basie, Nilliaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Hus TITL Blues Boogie (with Buster Harding) PUBL c. 1944, Eregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. HUS IN: 4 2 Jazz, Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by. Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COHP Basie, Nilliaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Rec TITL Blues in the Alley PUBL c. Pablo Publ. Co. REC Hay 22, 1974. Recorded by Count Basie in Trio on albun: "Por the First Tine". Pablo 2310-0712-B. 76

COMP Basie, Killian "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Hus TITL Blues in the Dark PUBL c. 1943, Bregntan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. PEC No recording infornation. MUS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Plu cs G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, Killian "Count" DATS 1906- SORC P&G TITL Boogie ttoogie REC 1937.

COMP Basie, Killian "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Diggin* For Dex (with Ed Durham) PUBL c. 1942, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 42 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, Killian "Count" DATS 1906- SORC P&G TITL The Dirty Dozens BBC 1937. COMP Basie, Killian "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Every Tub (with Ed Durban) PUBL c. 1938, Bregnan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. BBC No recording information. MUS IN: Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. 77

COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Feedin* the Dean PUBL c. 194 1, 1945, Bregaan, Tocoo and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: U2 Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, Williaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Goin* to Chicago Dlues (with Jaaes Rushing) PUBL c. 194 1, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 4_2 Jazz . Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

OOMP Basie, Williaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Good Morning Blues (with Ed Durban G Jaaes Rushing) PUBL c. 1938, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording inforaation. HUS IN: 4_2 Jazz, Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. OOMP Basie, Williaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Haa *n Eggs PUBL c. 1943, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 42 Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, Williaa "Count" DATS 1906- SORC PGG TITL Hey Lawdie Mana REC 1937. 78

COHP Basie, williaa "Count" DATS 1906- SOfcC Mus TITL Hollywood Jump PUBL c. 19qo, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. FEC No recording information. KDS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Blues E Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Easie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC PEG TITL How Long Blues REC 1937. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL (with ) PUBL c. 1941, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. HUS IN: 4_2 Jazz, Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL John's Idea (with Ed Durham) PUBL c. 1939, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Easie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Jump for Me PUBL c. 1939, 1945, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. BUS IN: 4^2 Jazz, Blues E Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. 79

COBP Basie, Williaa "Count** DATS 1906- SORC Bus TITL Jumpin' at the Woodside PUBL c. 1938, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. EEC No recordinq inforsation. HUS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Blufs C Booqie Piano Solos as Recorded 111 Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, william "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Hus TITL Jumpin* for Maria (with ) PUBL c. 1944, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. EEC No recording information. HUS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COHP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Let Me See (with Harry Edison) PUBL c. 194 1, 1945, Bregman, Vocoo and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Blues C Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Miss Thing (with Skippy Martin) PUBL c. 1939, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. HUS IN: 4_2 Jazz. Blues 6 Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Easie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC K Rec S TITL One O'clock Jump PUBL The Big Three Music Corporation, n.d. REC n.d. Harmony HL 7229. COMP Basie, Williaa "Count." DATS 1906- SORC Rec TITL O - P. PUBL c. Pablo Publishing Company REC May 22, 1974. Recorded by Count Basie in Trio on album: "For the First Time". Pablo 2310-0712-B. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC flus Rec TITL Panassie Stomp PUBL c. 1939, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC n.d. Decca DXB 170 11-160 68 MUS IN: 4_2 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Pound Cake PUBL c. 1939, 1945, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. HUS IN; 4_2 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COHP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Rec TITL Pres PUBL Cm Pablo Publishing Company REC May 22, 1974. Recorded by Count Basie in Trio on album: "For the First Time". Pablo 2310-0712-A. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC HUS TITL Red Bank Boogie (with ) PUBL Cm 1943, Bregaan, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC 1944. MUS IN: 4 2 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded Count Basie Hansen, n.d. B1

COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Riff Interlude PUBL c. 199 0, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 4ji Jazz. Blues G. Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, William "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Rockabye Basie (with Shad Collins & Lester Toung) PUBL c. 1939, Bregman, Vocco G Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: U2 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Roseland Shuffle PUBL Cm 199 3, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 92 Jazz. Blues 6 Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, Williaa "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Royal Plush PUBL Cm 199 2, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 9_2 Jazz. Blues & Doogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, William "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Sent for Tou Yesterday (and Here You Come Today) (with Ed Durham G James Rushing) PUBL Cm 19 39, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUs IN: 92 Jazz. Blues G Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie 62

Hansen, n.d. COMP Basie, William "Count" DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Swinoin* at the Daisy Chain PUBL c- 1993, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. PEC No recording information. MUS IN: *T2 Jazz, Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. COHP Easie, William "Count” DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Swingin* the Blues (with Ed Durham) PUBL c. 1939, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 92 Jazz, Blues 6 Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Basie, William "Count” DATS 1906- SORC MUS TITL Taps Miller (with Bob Russell) PUBL c. 1995, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 42 Jazz, Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COHP Basie, Williaa "Count” DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL T.C. Boogie Woogie (with Buster Harding) PUBL c. 199 9, Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 92 Jazz. Blues & Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d. 63

COMP Basie, William "Count* DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Volcano PUEL c. 1943, Ereqman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. REC No recording information. MUS IN: 4 2 Jazz, Blues C Boogie Piano Solos as Recorded by Count Basie Hansen, n.d.

COMP Belasco, Lionel DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL The Caterpillar Walk REC November, 1918. Recorded by Lionel Belasco. Victor 72273. COMP Belasco, Lionel DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Chickabiddy Rag REC August, 1915. Recorded by Lionel Belasco. Victor 67673.

COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.P. Raymond) DATS 1849-1908 SORC 11 U> R RB-E> S TITL The Battle of Manassas PUEL c. 1975, Hinshav Music, Inc. MUS IN: Piano Music in Nineteenth Century America Vol. 1 Binshaw Music, Inc., 1975.

COMP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor w.F. Raymond) DATS 1899-1908 SORC K> TITL "Cascade" PUBL Publication Unknown.

COMP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.F. Raymond) DATS 18U9-1908 SORC Bl TITL Daylight ("Tom Will Now Play for You Bis Idea of Daylight") PUBL S. Brainerd's Sons, 1866. 84

COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom' (Professor W.F, Raymond) DATS 1849-1908 SORC R B-E> TITL Imitations: PU BL Publication unknown * HVtlT 1. Imitation of the Husic Box. S 2. Imitation of the Dutch Woman and Rand Organ 3. Imitation of the Rarp 4 . Imitation of the Scotch Fiddler 5. Imitation of the Church Organ. S 6 . Imitation of the Guitar 7. Imitation of the Banjo 8. Imitation of the Douglas* Speech- S 9. Imitation of Uncle Charlie. S COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.F. Raymond) DATS 1849-1908 SORC I> TITL Harch Timpani PUBL c. 1880. Frederick Blume, 1887.

COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.F. Raymond) DATS 1899-1908 SORC 1 TITL Harches, Waltzes, Polkas PUBL Publication unknown.

COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor W.F. Raymond) DATS 1849-1908 SORC RB~E> TITL Produces Three Helodies at the Same Time PUBL Publication unknown.

COHP Bethune, Thomas Green "Blind Tom" (Professor w.P. Raymond) DATS 1849-1908 SORC R RB-E> S TITL The Rain Storm PUBL Publication Unknown. es

COUP Blake, Jaaes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL The Todolo PUBL Composed ca. 1908. c. 1962, 1975, Eubie Blake Music Co. REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 897. MUS IN: Sincerely. Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edward E. Marks Music Corp./Belwin Mills, 1975. COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC B1 TITL Black Keys on Parade PUBL W.C. Handy, 1935.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Blue Classique PUBL Composed ca. 1939. Publication unknown.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 18 83- SORC C Kb S TITL Blue Rags in Twelve Keys REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 89 7. COMP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 18 83— SORC Kb TITL Blue Thoughts PUBL Composed ca. 1936. Publication unknown.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC C Kb Mus S TITL Brittvood Rag VUPL Composed ca. 1907. c. 1962, 1975, Eubie Blake Hus. Co. REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Colombia C2S 897. MUS IN: Sincerely, Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edward B. Harks Music Corp./Belwin Mills, 1975. 86

COUP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie*1 DATS 1883- SOHC B1 C S TITL Buqle Call Rag (with ) PUBL c. 1916, copyright renewed 1946 by Edward B. Harks. REC 1926. MUS IN: Jaz? Sampler for Piano Harks Husic Corporation, 1975.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC KB TITL Butterfly PUBL Composed ca. 1936, publication unknown. COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Capricious Harlem PUBL Composed ca. 1937, Publication unknown. BEC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EBM-2. COMP Blake, Jaaes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Bl C J Kb Mus R S TITL The Charleston Rag (see Sounds of Africa) PUBL Composed ca. 1899. c. 1917, tfitmark 6 Sons. REC 1968. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 8H7. 1973. Recorded from piano roll by Eubie Blake. "His Earliest Piano Rags 1917-1921". Biograph BLP-1011Q. PPR Ampico 54174-E. Played by composer. MUS IN: Sincerely, Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Husic, Edward B. Marks Husic Corp./Belwin Mills, 1975. COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SOKC Kb TITL Charleston Rag - A 1971 Performance REC 1971. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EEH-2.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Charleston Rag - A 1972 Performance REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EEH-2• 67

COHP Blake, Jaaes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC B1 C J Kb PEG R S SH TITL Chevy Chase PUBL Joseph W . Stern 6 Co. - Edvard B. Harks, 1914. REC 1949. Recorded by tfillie the Lion Smith. Album: "Reminiscing the Piano Greats". Voque LP 177 (France) , Dial LP 305 (United States) . 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 84 7.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb Mus TITL Classical Rag PDBL Composed ca. 1972. c. 1972, 1975, Eubie Blake Music Co. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Album: "Fags to Classics". Eubie Blake Husic EBM-2. MUS I N : Sincerely. E ubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edvard B. Harks Husic Corp./Belwin Hills, 1975. COHP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Corner Chestnut and Low PUBL Composed ca. 1903- REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Music EBH-3. COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb R TITL Dicty’s on Seventh Avenue PUBL Composed ca. 19 55. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EBH-1.

COMP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC C Kb S TITL Eubio*s Boogie PUBL Composed ca. 1904. REC 1968. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 84 7. 88

COBP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie** DATS 1883- SORC Kb Bus TITL Eubie Dubie (with John Guarnieri) PUBL Composed ca. 1972. c. 1972, 1975, Eubie Blake Husic Co. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EPM-3. HUS IN: Sincerely. Eubi e Blake Eubie Blake Husic, Edward B. Marks Husic Corp./Belwin Hills, 1975- COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1863— SORC B1 C J Kb P&G R S TITL Fizz Water PUBL Joseph W. Stern E Co, - Edward B. Harks, 1919. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic ELM-1 . PPR Played by Eubie Blake, Standard no f.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL High Huck Di Buck PUBL Composed ca. 1972; publication unknown.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb Hus TITL Kitchen Tom PUBL Composed ca. 1908. c. 1962, 1975, Eubie Blake Husic Co, REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 847. HUS IN: Sincerely, Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Husic, Edward B. Harks Husic Corp./Belwin Hills, 1975.

COMP Blake, Jaaes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1863- SORC Kb TITL Helodic Rag PUBL Composed ca. 1971. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EEH-1.

COHP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1083- SORC Kb TITL Hoods of Harlem 89 PUBL Composed ca. 1937; publication unknown.

COHP Blake, James Hubert ••Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Novelty Hag PUPL Composed ca. 1910. HEC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EBH-1.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb Mus TTTL Poor Jinny Green PUBL C. 1969, 1975, Eubie Blake Husic Company. HEC 1968. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 89 7. MUS IH: Sincerely. Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edward B. Harks Music Corp./Belwin Mills, 1975.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Poor Katie Red PUBL Composed ca. 1910. REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 897.

COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SOFC Mus TITL "Poor Katie Redd* (Eubie,s Slow Drag) PUBL c. 1962, 1975, Eubie Blake Music Co. REC n.d. (possibly C2S 897). MUS IH : Sincerely, Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edward B. Marks Husic Corp./Eelwin Rills, 1975. COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TTTL Rain Drops PUBL Composed ca. 1929 . REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Music EBH-2. 90

COMP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Mus TITL Rhapsody in Ragtime PUBL c. 1973, 1975, Eubie Blake Music Company. PPR 1973 for OR S. MUS IK:Sincerely. Eubie Blake Eubie Blake Music, Edward B. Harks Husic Corp./Eelwin Hills, 1975.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC J TITL Sounds of Africa (Charleston Rag) PUEL c. 1917. REC July, 1921. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Emerson 10434. n.d. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Synphonola 4 360. n.d. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Paraaoont 14004 (Reissue of 1950*s "African Rag"), n.d. Album: "Sounds of Harlem". Columbia 3-COL C3L-33. COHP Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb R TITL Tricky Fingers PUBL Composed ca. 1908. REC 1968. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 847.

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC B1 Kb R S TITL Troublesome Ivories PUDL Composed ca. 1911; unpublished ca. 1914. REC 1968 or 1969. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 84 7. COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Valse Amelia PUBL Composed c a • 1972; publication unknown. COHP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1083- SORC Kb TITL Valse Eileen PUDL Composed ca. 1972; publication unknown. 91

COMP Blake, Janes Hubert "Ruble" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Valse Erda PUBL Composed ca. 1966; publication unknown.

COUP Blake, James Hubert "Ruble" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Valse Ethel POEL Composed ca. 1972; publication Unknown

COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Valse Marion PUbL Composed ca. 1972. REC 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Music EBK-2. COMP Blake, James Hubert "Eubie" DATS 1883- SORC Kb TITL Valse Vera PDBL Composed ca . 1972; publication unknown.

COMP Blythe, James "Jimmie" or "Jimmy" DATS ca. 1901-1931 SORC Bl TITL Ape Man (unable to determine if composed for piano) PUBL Chicago Music Publishers, 1928. COMP Blythe, James "Jimmie" or "Jimmy" DATS ca. 1901-1931 SORC J TITL Dusting the Keys (with Buddy Burton) (Listed thus under alphabetical listing of titles in Jasen) (Probably should be Dustin* the Piano) REC April, 1928. Recorded by Jimmy Blythe & V.E. Burton. Gennett 6502.

COMP Blythe, James "Jimmie" or "Jimmy" DATS ca. 1901-1931 SO lie Bl J TITL Dustin* the Piano (with Buddy Burton) (Listed thus under musical compositions in Blesh) (Listed thus under composer*s name in Jasen) PUBL , unpublished 1928. 92

COMP Blythe, Janes "Jimmie" or "Jinny" DATS ca. 190 1-1931 SORC J TITL Jimmie Blues (with Aletha Dickenson) REC June, 1925. Recorded by Jimmy Blythe. Para 12309.

CO HP Bonds, Margaret DATS 1913-1972 SORC I TITL Arrangenents of Spirituals PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Bonds, Margaret DATS 1913-1972 SORC C I S TITL Spiritual Suite PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Bonds, Margaret DATS 1313-1 972 SORC R TITL Suite for Piano (Possibly same piece as Spiritual Suite) PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Bonds, Margaret DATS 1913-1972 SORC I> K TITL Troubled Haters PUEL Sam Pox Publishing Company, Inc., 1967; Southern Music Company, n.d. COMP Boone, John "Blind Boone" DATS 1869-1927 SORC Bl C I> KUS TITL Boone*s Rag Medley #1 - Strains from the Alley PUBL Allen Music Company, 1908. HUS IB: Ragtime Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. 93

COMP Boone, John "Blind Boone" DATS 1864—1927 SORC Bl I> Rus TITL Boone’s Raq Medley 12 - Strains fro* Plat Branch PUBL Allen Music Company, 1909, MVKT Contains the following ragtime tunes: So They Say I'n Bound Oh, Honey, Ain’t You Sorry MUS IN: Ragtime Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. COMP Boone, John "Blind Boone" DATS 1864-1927 SORC I TITL Grand Fantasie on Old Polks at Rome PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Boone, John "Blind Boone" DATS 1864-1927 SORC I TITL Grand Valse de Concert PUBL J.W. Jenkins, 1893.

COMP Boone, John "Blind Boone" DATS 1864-1927 SORC Bl TITL Southern Rag Medley #2 PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Bowman, Euday Louis DATS 1887-1949 SORC Bl TITL Chromatic Chords PUBL Euday Povman, 1926.

COMP Bowman, Euday Louis DATS 1887-1949 SORC Bl TITL Shamrock Raq PUBL Euday Bowman, 1916. 94

COMP Bowman, Euday Louis DATS 1887-1949 SORC Bl H0> 0 K TITL 12th Street Rag PUBL Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. and Shapiro, Bernstein and Von Tilzer, 19 14. REC June, 1923. Recorded by Richard H. Jones. Gennett 5174. Jan., 1926. Recorded by Honey Duke (Johnny Harwin). Harmony 115-H. Dec., 1934. Recorded in England by Sidney Torch. June, 1935. Recorded by "Fats" Haller G Rhythm. Victor 25087. Oct., 1935. Recorded in England by Harry Robbins. Columbia FB-1160. June, 1936. Recorded in England by Bilt Herth. Brunswick 02294. Aug., 1936. Recorded in England by Harold Ramsay. Parlophone F-606 . Dec., 1936. Recorded by Hilt Herth- Decca 134 4. 1940. Recorded by . Hit 0005. Dec., 1943. Recorded by Alonzo Tancey. Session 10-015. 1949. Recorded in England by Donald Peers. His Haster's Voice B-9763. Harch, 1949. Recorded in by Reinhold Swenson. Sonora 7426. n.d. Tono 3022. Dec., 1949. Recorded by Curt Bales. Good Times Jazz 9. Dec., 1949. Recorded in France by "Willie the Lion" Smith. Royal Jazz 735. 1950. Recorded in by Joe Turner. Columbia 1305. June, 1952. Recorded in Italy by Fabio Hataloni. Parlophone TT-9580. Feb., 1956. Recorded in Austria by Bill Grah. Hastertone 7020. n.d. Recorded in France by Oscar Aleman. Odeon 22310. n.d. Recorded by Albert Ammons. Hercury 8040. n.d. Recorded by Jimmy Blade. Rondo 111. n.d. Recorded by Euday Bowman. Bowman 11748. n.d. Recorded by Brun Campbell. Echoes 1, Brun. n.d. Recorded by Farnkie Carle. Columbia 35572. n.d. Recorded by Joe Fingers Carr. Capitol 15094. n.d. Recorded by Preeman Clark. Linden 09. n.d. Recorded by Crazy Otto. Decca 2950 3. n.d. Recorded by Shep Fields. Bluebird 6817. n.d. Recorded by eff Gledhill. Tenpo 754. n.d. Recorded by eorgie tlornel. MacGregor 1028. n.d. Recordedby Liherace. Colunbia 40217, 50061*

Dayton 101 * n.d. Recorded by Ben Light. Capitol 2530. n.d. Recorded by Johnny Maddox. Dot 15057. n.d. Recorded by Eddie "Piano" Biller. Rainbow 700 n.d. Recorded by Susan Hiller. Colunbia 40423. n .d . Recorded by Will Osborne. Decca 1534. n.d. Recorded by Arthur Snith. BGM 10294. n.d. Recorded by Lou Veertz- HGB 30684. n *d • Recorded by Del Wood. Republic 7036. CO HP Brady, willian DATS Early 19th Century SORC BPIH (Vol.4 #2) TITL Carnaval Waltz (arranaed for pianoforte) PUBL c. 1815, D.C. Driscoll. Published by Atwill's. COHP Brooks, Shelton DATS 1886—? SORC J TITL The Cosey Fag PUBL c. 1911. REC June, 1950. Recorded by Arnand Hug. Good Tine Jazz 20.

COMP Brooks, Shelton DATS 1886-? SORC Bl TITL I Wonder Where By Easy Bider*s Gone PPH OS Music no f.

COHP Brooks, Shelton DATS 1886-? SORC Bl HU> TITL Malkin* the Dog PUBL Will Rossiter, 1916. COMP Brown, Al W. DATS n.d. SORC I TITL Two-stops and slow drags PUBL Publication unknown. 96

COBP Brown, John Harold DATS 1902—7 SORC I TITL Song of the Laborer PUBL Publication unknown.

CO BP Jr., OscarBrown, DATS 1926-? SORC Unknown TITL Ernest's Theae (from Opera Kicks C Co.) PU EL Marks, 1961. COMP Brynn, Janes Tinothy DATS 1881-1996 SORC Bl BU> TITL La Rumba-Tanqo Argentine PUBL Joseph W. Stern & Company, c- 1913. PPR US Music no I.

COHP Bryan, James Tiaothy DATS 1681-1996 SORC I TITL Marches, cakewalks, tangos. fox-trots. PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Bryan, Janes Tinothy DATS 1881-1996 SORC Mus TITL Memoresque PUBL Clarence Killians Publishing Company, n.d

COMP Brymn, James Tinothy DATS 1881-1996 SORC Bl TITL Please Let Me Sleep PUBL , 1902.

COMP Brymn, James Tinothy DATS 1881-1996 SORC Mus TITL Sparklets PUBL Clarence Killians Publishing Company, n.d

COMP Burkes, Eugene A. DATS n .d. SORC I TITL Sonata for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. 97

COMP Burleigh, Harry T. DATS 1866-1949 SORC E> I S TITL From the Southland PUDL Maxwell Mus. Co., 1907 and 1910; Presser, 1914. MVMT I. Throuah Moanin' Pines. H0> II. The Frolic. HD> III. In De Col* Moonlight. HU> IV. A Jubilee. HD> V. On Bended Knees. HU> VI. A New Hidin* Place- H0>

COMP Butler, Frank S. DATS 1883—? SORC H0> I TITL Blossoms PUBL Emil Ascher, 1927.

COMP Byard, Jaki DATS 1922-? SORC Bl TITL European Suite for Piano and Orchestra POEL 1965. Publication unknown. MVMT Includes the following ragtime sections: "Galop" (I960) "One Step" (1957) "Ragtime Waltz" (1957-1958). COMP Byrd, Donald DATS 1932- SORC I> TITL Music for Piano POEL Publication unknown. 98

COUP Carroll, Albert DATS ca. 1880-? SORC Bl TITL Crazy Chord Raq PUBL c. 1904, Tempo Music Company, 1949. REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle CO .IP Carter, John DA TS 1937- SORC R TITL Piano Concerto PU BL Publication unknown.

COMP Carter, John DA TS 1937- SORC I R TITL Yalses pour les Danseurs Noir {Waltzes for Black Dancers and Piano) PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: %Hs• Judith Delwan 135 S. 79th Street New York, New York 10024. COUP Chambers, Stephan (Talik Rasul Hakim) DATS 1940- SORC F I R Rec TITL Sound Gone PUBL Unpublished; available from composer: Afro-American Studies Dept. Nassau Community College Garden City, New York 11530 RFC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Hinderas. Desto DC 710 2/3. COMP Charles, Ray DATS 19 30- 50RC Rec TITL Charlesville (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Recorded by Ray Charles in trio. Atlantic SD 1369.

CONP Charles, Ray DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Dawn Ray REC n.d. Recorded by Ray Charles. Atlantic SD 1369. 99

COMP Charles, Ray DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Genius After Hours REC n.d. Recorded by Ray Charles. Atlantic SD 1369.

COMP Charlton, Melville DATS I860-? SORC S TITL Piano Pieces PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Charlton, Melville DATS 1860-? SORC HU> I TITL Poeme Erotigue PUBL G. Schirmer, 1911; c. now held by composer: 405 Cumberland St. , N . Y . 11238.

COMP Chatman, Peter (see Memphis Slim)

OOMP Chauvin, Louis DATS 1881-1908 SORC Bl J MUS TITL Heliotrope Bouguet (with Scott Joplin) PUBL John Stark S Son, 1907. REC Jan., 1950. Recorded by Lee Stafford. Castle 10. MUS I R : Scott Joplin Col3ected P iano works, Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence and Belwin Mills, 1972. IK: Classic Piano Haos. selected by Rudi Elesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Clarke, Edgar Rogie DATS 1913- SORC I TITL Ebony PUBL Publication unknown: Available from composer: 2919 Richton Street Detroit, Mich. 48206. COMP Clarke, Edgar Rogie DATS 1913- SORC I TITL Negrillo PUBL Publication unknown; Available from composer: 2919 Richton Street Detroit, Mich. 48206. COMP Clarke, Edgar Rogie DATS 1913- SORC I TITL Preludes (Three) PUBL Publication unknown; Available from composer 2919 Richton Street Detroit, Mich. *18206.

COMP Clarke, Edgar Rogie DATS 1913- SORC I TITL Tarantella PUBL Publication unknown; Available from composer 2919 Bichton Street Detroit, Mich. 48206. COMP Cole, Mat "King* DATS 1917-1969 SORC P&G TITL Cole Capers REC 1947.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC H V TITL African Suite Opus 35 PUBL Augener, c. 189B. MVMT 1. Introduction 2. A Negro Love Song. HU> 3. Valse. HU> 4. Danse Negre. HU> 101

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC V TITL Album of Melodies (Edited, arranged & revised by A. Roloff) PUBL Augener, n.d. MVMT Idyll. HU> c. 1906, 1915. Prom the East. HD> c. 1898, 1915. Serenade. HU> c. 1896, 1915. Cameo. HU> c. 1909, 1915. Hinguillo. HU> c. 1896, 1915. Zarifa. HU> c. 1897, 1915. In the Sierras. H0> c. 1915. Reflection. HU> c. 1906, 1915.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> I V TITL Cameos PUBL Augener, 1909; Novello and Company, Ltd., c. 1909. MVMT 1. P Major 2. d minor 3. G Major.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> I TITL Dream Dances Opus 72, No. 2 PUBL Aschenberg, Hopwood C Crew, 1911.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC A TITL Dream Dances Op. 79, No. 2 REC n.d. Decca N-11, M-16. 102

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1075-1912 SOHC HU> I V TITL Forest Scenes Opus 66 PUEL Augener, 1907, 1933. MVMT 1. The Lone Forest Maiden, a ninor 2. The Phantom Lover Arrives. E Flat Hajor 3. The Phantom Tells Bis Tale of Longing. E Major. 4. Erstwhile They Ride; The Forest Maiden Acknowledges Her Love. E Major 5. Now Proudly They Journey Together Towards the Great City. C Major- COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> X V TITL Moorish Dances Opus 55 PUEL Augener, 1904.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1675-1912 SORC V TITL Nourmahal^ Song and Dance PUBL Augener, n.d. MVMT 1. Nourmahal’s Song 2. Nourmahal’s Dance. COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> V TITL Numerous Orchestral Pieces arranged for pianoforte PUBL Individual publishers listed for each individual work. COHP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> V TITL Papillon PUBL Augener, c. 1908. COMP Coleridqe-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> K TITL Petite Suite de Concert Opus 77 PUBL Hawkes, c. 1916. MVMT 1. La Caprice de Nannette 2. Demande et Response 3. Un Sonnet d ’Amour 4. La Tarantelle Fre’tillante- 103

COHP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC 1IU> V TITL Scenes de Ballet PU PL Auqener, c. 1906. MVMT 1. C Major 2. A Major 3. A Flat Major 4 • B Flat Major*

COHP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SOIiC HU> I K V TITL Scenes from An Imaginary Ballet Opus 7*1 PUEL Schirmer, c- 1911; Winthrop Rogers, c. 1911. MVMT 1. D Major 2. B Flat Major 3. G Major H. A Flat Major 5. a minor. COMP Coleridoe-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC I V TITL Three-Fours Valse Suite Opus 71 PUBL Augener Limited, 1909. MVMT 1• a minor 2. A Flat Major 3- g minor *1. D Major 5. E Flat Major 6 . c minor. COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> I V TITL Three Opus 31 PUBL Augener, 1898. MVMT 1. D Major 2. g minor 3. A Major.

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel DATS 1875-1912 SORC X V TITL Three Silhouettes Opus 38 PUEL Ashdown, n.d. MVMT 1. Valse 2 . Tambourine 104

3. Lament. HO>

COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Saauel DATS 1875-1912 SORC I> S V TITL Twenty-Four Negro Helodies Opus 59 PDDL Oliver Ditson Co., 1905. BVHT Southeast Africa 1. At the Dawn of Day. HU> Loko Ku Ti Ga 2. The Stones Are Very Hard. H0> Maribye Ha Nonoha Ngopfn 3. Take Nabandji. HU> Thata Nabandji 4. They Will No Lend He a Child. A Ea Boleki Nvana! South Africa 5. Song of Conquest. H0> Rinoend je 6. Warriors* Song. HU> West Africa 7. O La Ba. H0> West Indies 8. The Baaboula (African Dance)• RU> 9. The Anqels Changed Ny Nane. HD> 10. Deep River. HU> 11. Didn't Hy Lord Deliver Daniel? H0> 12. Don't Be Weary, Traveler. HU> 13. Going up. HU> 14. I' d Troubled in Hind. HU> 15. I Was Way Down A-Tonder (Dum-a-Lua) . HU> 16. Let Us Cheer the weary Traveler. HU> 17. Many Thousand Gone. HU> 18. Hy Lord Delivered Daniel. HU> 19. Oh, He Raise a Poor Lazarus. H0> 20. Pilgrim's Song. BU> 21. Run, Hary, Run. HU> 22. Sometimes 1 Feel Like a Motherless Child. HU> 23. Steal Away. PU> 24. Wade in the Water. Htr>

COHP Coleridge-Taylor, Saauel DATS 1875-1912 SORC HU> V TITL Two Impromptus PUBL Augener, c. 1911. HVMT 1. A Major 2 . b minor. COMP Coleridge-Taylor, Saauel DATS 1875-1912 SORC V TITL Two Oriental Yalses PDBL Forsyth, n.d. MVMT 1. Haidee 2 . Zuleika•

COMP Cook, J. Lawrence DATS 20th Century SORC J TITL Freddy REC n.d. Recorded by J. Lawrence Cook. Abbey 15060.

COMP Cook, Will Marion DATS 1869-1994 SORC Bl HU> TITL Clorindy-or the Origin of the Cakewalk (arranged by F.W. Meachan) PUBL It. Witmark C Sons, 1899. PPR Universal 9278.

COMP Cook, Will Marion DATS 1869-1999 SORC I TITL Foxtrots, Two Steps PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Cooke, Charles L. DATS 1891-1958 SORC Bl HU> J TITL Blame It on the Blues - a Weary Blue Rag PUBL Jerome H. Remick & Company, 1919. REC n.d. Recorded by William Headon. Dootone 427. PPR US Music 66403.

COMP Cooke, Charles L. DATS 1891-1958 SORC Bl TITL Snappin* Turtle Rag PPR QKS 31389.

COMP Cordero, Rogue DATS 1917- SORC Pan (Vol.8) TITL Cinco Miniaturas PUBL 1944. Publication unknown. COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 19 17- sonc e > l> Pan (Vol.8) TITL Duo (Two Pianos) PUCL Peer International, 1959.

COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Miniatures rUBL Publication unknown. COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC Pan (Vol.8) TITL Nueve Preludios PUBL 1997. Publication unknown.

COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC 1 Pan (Vol.8) TITL Nostalqia PUBL 1993. Publication unknown.

COHP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC B TITL Piano Concerto PUBL 1999. Publication unknown.

COHP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Preludes PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC I Pan (Vol.8) TITL Preludio Para la Cuna Vacia PUBL 1993. Publication unknown. COHP Cordero, Rogue DA TS 1917- SORC I Pan (Vol.8) TITL Rhapsody (Two Pianos) PUBL 1995. Publication unknown. 107

COMP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917 — SORC E> I K TITL sonata Breve PULL Peer Southern Organization, 1970- COBP Cordero, Roque DATS 1917- SORC I> K PAM (Vol-8) TITL Sonatina Ritmica PUBL Pan American Union, 19*13. Peer Southern Organization, 1954. MVHT Presto con furia Adagietto Allegro deciso. COMP Cordero, Rogue DATS 1917- SORC I Pan (Vol-8) TITL Variaciones para la Segunda Hiniature PUbL 1949. Publication unknown.

COMP Craig, Walter F. DATS 19th Century SORC Mus T TITL "Rays of Hope" March PUBL Publication unknown. MUS IN: Music and Some Highly Musical People. by James Trotter Lee & Shepard, 1881. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.

COMP Crump, Jesse DATS ca. 1906—? SORC J TITL Mr. Crump Rag REC July, 1923- Recorded by Jesse Crump. Gennett no t.

COMP Cunningham, Arthur DATS 1928- SORC R TITL Dialogue for Piano and chamber Orchestra PUBL Publication unknown. 108

COMP Cunninghan, Arthur DATS 1926- SORC I R Rec TITL Engrans PUBL Publication unknown; Available froa c o b poser: 9 North Pine Nyack, New York 10960. REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Rinderas. Desto DC 7102/3.

COMP Cunninghan, Arthur DATS 1928- SORC I R TITL Four Shadows PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Cunninghan, Arthur DATS 1928- SORC I TTTL Pieces, piano PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Cunninghan, Arthur DATS 1928- SORC I R TITL Sugarhill PUBL Publication unknown. 109

COKP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 1RB3-1958 SOFC D 1 HU> TITL Castle Lane Duck Waltz (with Janes Europe) PUBL Joseph W. Stern & Co., 1914. PPR Connorized 5581 and 2758; US flusic 66598. COHP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 1R83-1958 SORC Bl TITL Castle Maxixe - Brazilian Haxixe (with Janes Europe) PPR Connorized 2736 and 5579; US Music 66533. COHP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 1883-1958 SORC Bl H0> J TITL PUBL Joseph S. Stern & Co., 1915. REC Oct., 1915. Recorded by Signor Grinderino. Victor 17889. PPR Uni-Record no t.

COMP Dabney, Ford T- DATS 1883-1958 SORC Bl TITL Haytian Rag PPR Connorized no t; US Music 4613 and 64613. COHP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 1883-1958 SORC Bl HU> TITL The Last Waltz PUBL Joseph W. Stein and Conpany, 1915. PPR Uni-Record no I.

COMP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 18 83-1958 SORC D1 HU> SH TITL Oh! You Devil Raa PUBL Maurice Shapiro, 1909. PEC 1949. Recorded by Willie the Lion Suith• Vogue LP177 (France), Dial LP305 (United States). COHP Dabney, Ford T. DATS 1883-1958 SORC Bl 110> R TITL Porto Rico-Rag Interuezzo PUBL Maurice Shapiro, 1910. PPR Connorized no •• 110

COMP DaCosta, Noel DATS Twentieth Century SORC BPIM (Vol. 3, #1) TITL Extempore Blue PUBL 1972. Publication unknown. COMP Davenport, Charles "Cow-Cow" DATS 18 94-19 55 SORC Mus TITL Atlanta Raq (transcribed by Michael Polad) MOS IN: The Art of Ragtime, by V. Shafer S J. Riedel State Univ. Press, 1973. COMP Davenport, Charles "Cow—Cow" DATS 1894-1955 SORC E > P&G TITL Cow Cow Blues REC April, 1927, Recorded from Piano Roll. Biograph BLP 1001Q. 1928. HUS IN: Boogie Wooqie Blues Folio Clarence Williams, n.d. COMP Davenport, Charles "Cow-Cow" DATS 1894-1955 SORC Mus TITL Cow Cow Blues (transposed down a fourth to F Major by Speckled Red) PUbL c. 1928 by MCA Music; Copyright renewed. MUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COMP Davenport, Charles "Cow-Cow" DATS 1894-1955 SORC Mus PCG TITL State Street Jive PUBL c. 1928; MCA Music, n.d. REC July 16, 1928. Yazoo L-1028. MUS IN: Barrelhouse C Boogie Piano, by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1974.

COMP Davenport, Charles "Cow-Cow" DATS 1894-1955 SORC J TITL Shout PUBL c. Dec. 12, 1929. REC May, 1929. Recorded by "Cow-Cow* Davenport. Vocalion 1291. 111

COHP Dawson, Killian Levi DATS 1899- SORC HU> R TITL Ansioso (Anxiety) for Piano PUBL Carl Fischer Inc., n.d. COMP Dawson, Killian Levi DATS 1859- SORC B 1 TITL Interlude PUEL Publication unknown.

COMP Dawson, Killian Levi DATS 1859- SORC R TITL Trio for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882—1943 SORC Bl S TITL After the Cakewalk - Harch-cakewalk PUBL Vandersloot Music, 1900.

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1682-1943 SORC I TITL Cave of the Winds PUBL S. C. Fragard, 1902.

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882-1943 SORC I S TITL Cinnamon Grove Suite PUBL J. Church, 1920. MVMT I. Moderato Molto Grazioso II. Adagio Cantabile. A I S Etude Magazine, 1933. REC. n.d. Recorded by Jeanne Behend. Victor 17912- III. Ritmo Moderato e con Sentimento; Quasi Gavotte IV. Allegretto. 112

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882-1943 SORC F H I> TITL Eiaht Dible Vignettes PUBL Mills Music, 1941-1943; Sum ray-Birchard, 1973. MVMT 1. Father Abraham* HU> Mills Music, Inc., 1941 2. Desert Interlude. HU> Mills Music, Inc., 1942 3. As His Own Soul. HU> Mills Music, Inc., 1942 4. Barcarolle of Tears. HU> Mills Music, Inc., 1943 5. I An the True Vine. HU> Mills Music, Inc., 1943 6 . Complained. HU> Kills Music, Inc., 1942 7. Other Sheep. HU> Mills Music. Inc., 1943 8. Madrigal Divine. HU> Hills Music, Ire., 1943.

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882-1943 SORC IRS TITL Enchantment Suite PUBL J. Church, 1922; Sunny-Birchard, 1973. MVMT 1. Incantation. HU> The John Church Co., 1922 2. Song of the Shrine. RU> The John Church Co * , 1922 3. Dance of Desire. HD> The John Church CO . , 1922 4. Beyond the Drean. HU> The John Church CO., 192 2 COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1R82-1943 SORC P li HU> I Bus R Rec TITL In the Bottoms Suite PUBL Clayton P. Sumay Company, 1913; Summy-Birchard, 1973 REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Hinderas. Desto DC 7102/3 MVMT 1. Prelude REC n.d. Recorded by Percy Grainger. Decca A 54 6. 2. His Song 3- Honey 4. Barcarolle 5. Dance (Juba) . HU> K S Clayton ?, Sammy Co., 1913; Summy-Birchard, n.d REC n.d. Recorded by Percy Grainger. Decca A 5B6.

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1682-1943 SORC I Hus R S TITL Magnolia Suite PD BL Summy, 1912, 1922; Summy-Birchard, 1973. MVMT Magnolias Deserted Cabin Hy Lady Love Mamma The Place where the Rainbow Ends. BU> Clayton F. Summy Co., 1912.

COHP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882-19 43 SORC I S TITL Topic Winter Suite PUBL Summy, 1938; Summy-Birchard, 1973. MVHT The Daybreak Charioteer. H0> Clayton P. Summy Co., 1938 A Bayou Garden. HU> Clayton P. Summy Co., 1938 Ponpons and Pans. HU> Clayton P. Summy Co., 1938 Legend of the Atoll To a Closed Casement. HU> Clayton P. Summy Co., 1938 Noon Siesta. HU> Clayton F. Summy Co., 1938 Parade of the Jasmine Banners. HU> Clayton P. Summy Co., 1938. im

COMP Dett, Nathaniel DATS 1882— 1993 SO RC I> TITL Works, Piano. Selections PUBL Clayton P. Summy Company, c. 1913, 1991.

COMP Dickerson, Roger DATS 19 39 — SORC B 1 TITL Sonatina PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Dorsey, James E. DATS 1905- SORC Unknown TITL Fantasy on Thanksgiving (Two pianos) PUBL Publication unknown. C0"P Dorsey, James E. DATS 1905- SORC Unknown TITL Four Fugues PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Dorsey, James E- DATS 1905- SORC Unknown TITL Rondo and Allegro PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Douglass, John T. DATS 1847-? SORC T TITL The Pilgrim Grand Overture PUBL Publication unknown. MUS IN: Hu sic and Some Highly Husical People. by James Trotter Lee G Shepard, 1881. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.

COMP Duncan, John DATS 1911-1975 SORC I> Mus TITL Intermezzo Waltzes from the Ballet Stackalee PUBL Publication unknown; Available from composer: Alabama State College Montgomery, Alabama 36101 MVMT 1. (Tempo marking unknown) 2. Vivace 115

3. Andante.

COMP Duncan, John DATS 1911-1975 SORC I> MUS TITL Sonnets in Sound PUBL Publication unknown. MVMT 1. Metamorphosis 2. Raqtime a la Scott Joplin 3. Orthogenesis <1. Return of "Shorty George". COMP Duncan, John DATS 1911-1975 SORC I> TITL Wend Now Thy Way with Brow Serene PUBL Publication unknown.

COBP Duncan (no first nane listed) DA TS n.d. SORC K TITL Cypress Swanp PUBL Volkwein Brothers, n.d. COBP Dupree, Champion Jack DATS 1910—? SORC Mus TITL A Good Woman Is Hard to Find (with words and vocal line) PUBL c. n.d., Sonet/Dansk Busik, . HUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COHP Dupree, Champion Jack DATS 1910-? SORC Mus TITL Mercy on Me (with words and vocal line) PUBL c. n.d., Sonet/Dansk Musik, Copenhagen - REC June, 1962, Archive FS-217, Copenhagen. MUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COMP Dupree, Champion Jack DATS 1910—7 SORC Rec TITL Stomp Blues PUBL Cm 1967, Asch Recordings. REC 1967. Recorded by Jack Dupree on album: "Asch Recordings 1939-45," Vol. 2. Asch AA 3/4. 116

COUP Dupree, Champion Jack DATS 1910—? SORC Hus TTTL Too Evil to Cry (with words and vocal line) PURL Used by permission from the recordings of Hoses Asch as recorded by Jack Dupree in record album (Folkways). EEC Arch A A 1, May 3, 1944, New York. HUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC H TITL A rabyiat No. 7, 13, 15 PUBL A merican Composers Alliance, 1955. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC H TITL Barbeuse Amira PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1959. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC H TITL E arbeuse Shadia PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1955. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC H I TITL Drua-Takseem PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1951. COMP El-Dabh, Hal in DATS 1921- SORC H X TITL Felucca PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1953.

COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC I TITL It Is Dark and Damp on the Front POBL Publication unknown. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SOKC I TITL Meditation on the Kile PUEL Publication unknown. COMP El-Dabh, Halim DATS 1921- SORC Bt Fa H TITL Mekta' in the Art of Rita* Vol. 1 (The Microcosm of the Art of Macrocom) PDDL C. F. Peters Corp., 1959 or 1961. COMP El-Piju, Bali* DATS 1921- SORC Bt Pa H TITL Mekta1 in the Art of Rita* Vol-2 (The Microcosm of the Art of Kacrocoa) PUBL C. F. Peters Corp., 1959 or 1961. COMP El-Dabh, Balia DATS 19 21- SORC Bt Fa H TITL Mekta • in the Art of Kita* Vol. 3 (The Microcosm of the Art of Hacrocoo) PUBL C. F- Peters Corp., 1959 or 1961- KV MT 1. Samai 2. Sayera 3. Basseet 4- Nawakht 5- Soufiane. H I C. F- Peters, n.d. COMP El-Dabh, Balia DATS 1921- SORC Fa TITL MeXta* in the Art of Kita* Vol. 4 (The Microcosa of the Art of Hacrocoa) PUBL C. F. Peters Corp., 1961. COMP El-Dabh, Halia DATS 1921- SORC H TITL Sonata Tahmeel So- 1 and Ho. 2 PUBL American Composers Alliance, n-d. COMP El-Dabh, Halia DATS 1921- SORC I TITL Suite So- 1 PUBL Publication unknown- COMP El-Dabh, Halia DATS 1921- SORC I TITL Suite So. 2 PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke*1 DATS 1B99-197U SORC K TITL Azure PUBL Belwin Wills, n .d .

COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy “Duke* DATS 1699-1979 SORC HU> K TITL Bird of Paradise PUEL Robbins Music Corp., c. 1935; The Big Three Music Corp., n.d. COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1979 SORC BB C TITL Black, Brown and Biege (Three-Part Suite) (A Tone Parallel) PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke** DATS 1899-1979 SORC C TITL Blue Bells of Harlem (Suite) PUBL 1953. Publication unknown. COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1699-1979 SORC I TITL Duke Ellington at the Piano PUBL Robbins Music Corp., n.d. COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1979 SORC Adv TITL Duke Ellington's Piano Solos (Ten) PUBL Mills Music, n.d. MVMT 1. Black and Tan Fantasy. H0> Gotham Music Service Inc., c. 1927 2. Black Beauty. HU> P6G Mills Music Inc., c. 1928 R/1991. 3. . HU> Mills Music Inc., c. 1928 9. . HU> I> K Gotham Music Service Inc., c. 1931. Belwin Mills, n.d. 5. Rockin' In Rhythm. HU> K Gotham Music Service Inc., c. 1931. Belwin Mills, n.d. 6. Other titles unknown. 120

COHP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DA TS 18 99-197** SOKC Adv TI TL Duke Ellington's Streamlined Piano Solos (10 Original Compositions) POBL Mills Music Corp., n.d. KVMT 1. Birmingham Breakdown. H0> Mills Music, c. 1927 2. East St. Louis Toodle-o. HO> Mills Music, c. 1927 3. The Mooch. H0> Rills Music, c. 1928 I*. . HU> K Mills Music Corp., c- 1933 5. Other titles unknown.

COUP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1979 SORC J TITL Fast and Furious (with orchestra) REC Kay, 1932. Recorded by Duke Ellington with orchestra. Brunswick 6355.

COUP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC C TITL Harlem (Suite) PU BL 1951. Publication unknown.

COMP Ellinoton, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC HU> I K PEG TITL PUBL Belwin-Mills, n.d; Exclusive Publications, Inc., c. 1935. REC 1954.

COHP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" (Performer) DA TS 1899-1974 SORC PSG TI TL Jumpin' Room Only (unable to determine if composed by Ellington) REC 1945. 121

COBP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke* DATS 1ft 99— 1974 SORC Rec TITL Lady of the Lavender Hist PUBL c. Tempo Music- REC May 25, 197*1- Recorded by Oscar Peterson on album: "The History of An Artist"- Pablo 2625-702-2B.

COHP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC C TITL PUBL 1947. Publication unknown.

COHP Ellington, Edvard Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC Rec TITL Main Stem (with percussion and bass) PUBL c- Robbins Music Corp. REC May 25, 1974. Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio on album: "The History of an Artist"- Pablo 2625—702-2A.

COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC S TITL New Korld A-Coming (Piano solo from in church) PUBL Publication unknown. COHP Ellington, Edvard Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC HU> K PCG TITL Prelude to a Kiss PUBL Exclusive Publications Inc., 1938. REC 1954.

COMP Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1974 SORC HU> K TITL PUBL Exclusive Publications Inc., c- 1938; Belwin Mills, n.d. COMP Ellington, Edvard Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-197(1 SORC HU> K P&G TITL Solitude PUBL Milsons Music Publ. Corp., c. 1939; Belwin-Kills, n.d. REC 1991. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Levis. Blue Note

COHP Ellington, Edvard Kennedy "Duke" DATS 1899-1979 SORC P&G TITL Who Knows (unable to determine if composed by Ellington) REC 1959.

COMP Ellington, Mercer DATS 1919- SORC BB PCG TITL Things Ain*t What They Used to Be REC 1959. Recorded by Duke Ellington.

COHP Euba, Akin DATS n.d. SORC BPIM (Vol.4, 11) TITL Scenes from Traditional Life PUBL 1970. Ife Music Editions, no. 2 Ile-ife, Nigeria; University of Ife Press, 1975. COHP Europe, Janes Reese DATS 1861-1919 SORC B1 HU> TITL Castle House Rag PUBL Joseph W. Stern & Co.-Edvard B. Harks, 1919. PPR Herbert no *; US Music 66998 .

COHP Europe, Janes Reese DATS 1B81-1919 SORC HUS TITL Castle House Rag DUET HUS IN: Ragtime Duets, arranqed by Denes Agay Harks Husic Corp., 1975. 123

COMP Europe, Janes Reese DATS 1881-1919 SORC B1 HU> TITL Castle Lame DucJc Waltz (with Ford Dabney) PUBL Joseph w. Stern & Co., c. 1914. PPR Connorized 5581 and 2758; US Music 66598. COMP Europe, James Reese DA TS 1881-1919 SORC B 1 TITL Castile Maxixe-Brazilian Haxixe (with Pord Dabney) PPR Connorized 2736 and 5574; US Husic 66533. COHP Europe, James Reese DATS 1RC1-1919 SORC B1 H0> TITL Castle Perfect Trot PUBL Joseph w. Stern t> Company, c. 1914. PPR US Music 66567,

COHP Europe, James Reese DATS 1881-1919 SORC B1 TI TL Castles* Half and Half PUBL Joseph W. Stern & Co., c. 1914. PPR US Music 66488. COHP Europe, James Reese DATS 1881-1919 SORC B1 HU> TI TL Castles* Innovation-Tango PUBL Joseph W. Stern and Company, c. 1914. PPR US Music 66534.

COHP Europe, James Reese DA TS 1881-1919 SORC B1 TITL Castles* Modern Dances PPR Standard no f.

COHP Europe, James Reese DATS 1081-1919 SORC B1 TITL Clef Club March PPR Herbert no I. COHP Europe, Janes Reese DATS 1881-1919 SOTiC BX HU> TITL Coon Band Parade PUBL Sol Bloom, 1905. PPR Universal 69B05.

COHP Ezell, Will DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Bucket of Blood REC Feb., 1929. Recorded by Will Ezell. Paramount 12773. COMP Ezell, Will DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Mixed Up Rag PUBL c. Nov. 16, 1928. REC Sept., 1928. Recorded by Will Ezell. Paramount 12688. COMP Ezell, Will DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL West Coast REC Sept., 1927. Recorded by Will Ezell. Paramount 125U9. COMP Pax, Mark DATS 19 11-? SORC R TITL Three Pieces for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. MVMT Toccata (one of the three pieces)

COMP Fischer, williaa DATS 19 35 — SORC S TITL Several works for solo piano POBL Publication unknown. COMP Garner, Frroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC P&G TITL Barclay's Bounce (see Slow Gin Fizz) COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC P&G TITL Blue and Sentimental REC 1999-

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC P&G TITL Blues Garni REC 1997.

COKP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC Rec TITL Dreamstreet REC 1961. Recorded by Erroll Garner* Album: "Dreamstreet". Octave Records, ABC-Paramount, ABC 365.

CDMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC Rec TITL Fantasy on "Frankie and Johnny" (with percussion and bass) REC 1997. Recorded by Erroll Garner in Trio. Columbia P6 11891. COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC P&G TITL Frankie C Gamy (also called Fantasy) REC 1997.

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC PCG TITL Loose Rut REC 1997. 127

COUP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC PEG TITL Love for Sale REC 1997.

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC Rec TITL Mambo Gotha a (with percussion and bass) REC 1961. Recorded by Erroll Garner. Album: "Dreamstreet", Octave Records, ABC-Paramount, ABC 36 5.

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC PEG TITL Movin* Around REC 1995.

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC PEG TITL Play Piano Play REC 1997.

COMP Garner, Erroll DATS 1921-1976 SORC P&G TITL Slow Gin Fizz (otherwise Barclay's Bounce) REC 1997.

Conp Garnett, Leroy "Blind" DATS Early Twentieth Century SORC 0 TITL Louisiana Glide REC Oct., 1929. Recorded by Blind Leroy Garnett. Paramount 12879.

COMP Gillespie, Dizzy DATS 1917- SORC Mus TITL Anthropology (with ) PUBL c. 1998, Consolidated Music Publishers, Inc- HUS IN: The Joy of Jazz Torktown Music Press, Inc., 1969.

< 128

COUP Gillespie, Dizzy DATS 1917- SORC Mus TITL Oop Pop Sh-Ban PUDL c. 1948, Consolidated Music Publishers, Inc. MUS IN: The Joy of Jazz Torktown Music Press, Inc., 1964.

COMP Gillespie, Dizzy DATS 1917- SORC Mus TITL Things to Cone PUBL c. 1948, Consolidated Music Publishers, Inc. MMS IN: The Jov of Jazz Torktown Music Press, Inc., 1964.

COMP Gregory, Percy L. DATS 20th Century SORC PR TITL Pive Miniatures (Potpourri) PUBL Publication unknown. MVMT Mishmash (Past) Bittersweet (Heartfelt) Down Country Memories (Playfully Past) Old Inner City Nights (Slowly) Hey Now! (Ripped Off). COMP Guy, Harry P. DATS 1870-1950 SORC Bl TITL Belle of the Creoles - Cake Walk and Two Step PUBL H.A. Evans, 1699.

COMP Guy, llarry P. DATS 1870-1950 SORC MUS TITL ''Cleanin' UpH in Georgia - Cake-Walk Patrol or Two-Step PUBL Willard Bryant, 1899. MUS IN: Ragtime Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975.

COMP Guy, Harry P. DATS 1870-1950 SORC Bl 11 TL Echoes from the Snowball Club - Syncopated Waltz PUBL Willard Bryant, Detroit, 1898. MUS IN: Raotiae Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. COMP Guy, Harry P. DATS 1870-1950 SORC Bl J TITL Pearl of the Harem - Oriental Rag and Two Step PUBL Willard Bryant, 1901. PPR American Piano Co- 2653. COMP Hagan, Helen E. DATS 1993-1964 SORC C TITL Concerto in c minor for Piano and Orchestra PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Hakim, Talik Rasul (Stephen Chambers) DATS 1940- SORC PPJM (Vol.4 #1) TITL Placements (for 5 percussion and piano) REC 1975. Recorded on album: "New American Music", Tol Folkways FTS 33902.

COMP Hampton, Lionel DATS 1913- SORC P&G Rec RJ TITL Central Avenue Breakdown (with band) REC 1990. Recorded by Lionel Hampton with band. Swing Classics, RCA Victor LPM 2318. n.d. Recorded by Lionel Hampton. Victor 266 52. COMP Hampton, Lionel DATS 1913- SORC P&G RJ TITL Denison Swing REC 1939. Recorded by Lionel Hampton. n.d. Recorded by Lionel Hampton. Victor 26233. COBP Hampton, Lionel DATS 1913- SOHC K TITL Banip's Boogie-Woogie PUBL The Big Three Music Corp. n.d. REC n.d. Recorded by Lionel Hampton with accompanying instruments. Decca ED 720. 45 rpm.

COMP Hampton, Lionel DATS 1913- SORC PCG PUBL Ramp's Boogie Woogie No. 2 REC 1949. Recorded by Lionel Hampton. COMP Hampton, Lionel DATS 1913- SORC P&G TITL New Central Avenue Breakdown REC 1949. Recorded by Lionel Hampton. COMP Hampton, Robert DATS 1891-ca. 1999 SORC Bl Mus TITL Aaitation Raq PUBL Stark Music Co., 1915. PPR Artempo 3027 HUS IN: Classic Piano Kaos, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COMP Hampton, Robert DATS 1891-ca. 1999 SORC Bl J Mus TITL Cataract Rag PUBL Stark Husic Cb., 1919. c. 1919, Edwin H. Morris 6 Co., Inc. REC Nov., 1999. Recorded by Ralph Sutton, Down Home 7 n.d. Recorded by Parenti, Sutton, Nettling. Circle 1059. PPR Artempo 1863. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d. COMP Hampton, Robert DATS 1891-ca. 1999 SORC Bl TITL The Bogin* Rag - Ragtime Song PUBL John Stark and Son, 1913. COMP Harris, Fats DATS Early 20th Century SORC Unknown. TITL The Fats Harris Rag PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Hayden, Scott DATS 1882-1915 SORC Bl Mus TITL Felicity Rag (with Scott Joplin) PUBL John Stark G Son, 1911. PPR Kimball B6781; US Husic 65050B. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library G Belwin Mills, 1972 132

COHP Hayden, Scott DATS 1882— 1915 SOFiC Bl MUS TITL Kismet Rag (with Scott Joplin) PDbL John Stark C Son, 1913. PPH Kimball E6793; OS Music 5819 MUS IK: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library S Belwin Kills, 1972- COMP Hayden, Scott DATS 1882— 1915 SOHC Bl Hus TITL Pear Blossoms (incomplete) PUEL 1899-1900, C. held by Robert Darch; unpublished. MOS IK: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971- COMP Hayden, Scott DATS 1882-1915 SORC Bl Hus TITL Something Doing - Cake Walk March - A Rag Time Two Step (with Scott Joplin) PUBL Val A- Reis, 1903. c- 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. PPR Connorized 4433; QRS 30396 and 30786; Royal 3389; US Husic 6055. MOS IN: Scott Joplin Coliected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library C Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Raos. selected by Rudi Dlesh Dower Publications, Inc., 1973- IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic 6 Books, n.d- 133

COMP Hayden, Scott DATS 1B82-1915 SORC Bl J MUS TITL Sunflower Slow Drag - A Rag Tine Two Step (with Scott Joplin) PUBL John Stark £ Son, 1901. Cm 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation - REC n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Circle 5009. PPR Aeolian 8979; American Piano Co. 1072; Connorized 899 and 9082; Universal 6979* MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected P iano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library E Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: C lassic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music E Books, n.d.

COMP Hazzard, Isaac DATS Early 19th Century SORC BPIM (Vol.9 #2) TITL Alarm Gun Quadrille PUBL c. 1692 by I. Hazzard.

COMP Hemmenvay, James DATS Early 19th Century SORC BPIM (Vol.9, #2) TITL The Hop Waltz PUBL George willig, n.d. COMP TJenderson, Pletcher DATS 1898-1952 SORC J TITL Unknown Blues PEC Sept., 1921. Recorded by Pletcher Henderson. Black Swan 2026.

COMP Heyvood, Jr., "Eddie” DATS 1915- TITL Canadian Sunset PUEL Cm 1956. MUS IN: Jazz Giants. Eddie Heywood Piano Interpretations Hansen Publishing, n.d. COMP Heyvood, Jr., "Eddie" DATS 1915- SOltC Mus TITL Land of Dreams PUBL C. 19511- MU S IN: J a n Giants- Eddie Ft ey wood Piano Interpretations Hansen Publishing, n.d.

COMP Heywood, Jr. , "Eddie" DA TS 1915 SORC I TI TL Soft Summer Breeze PUEL Regent Music , n -d . COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC C PSG TITL Anything For You PDBL Publication unknown- COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC C P&G TITL Baby Brown PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC P&G TITL Dixie Lee PU BL Publication Unknown-

COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC HU> PGG TITL •Long About Midnight FUEL Lawrence Husic Publishers, Inc. c. 1939. COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC J TITL Stompin' em Down PUBL c. April 13, 1928. REC March, 1929., Recorded by Alex Hill, Tocalion 1270 COMP Hill, Alex DATS 1906-1936 SORC PCG TITL Tack Head Blues T35

FEC 1929.

COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SOKC Rec TITL Ann (with Charles Carpenter) (with band) FEC n.d. Album: "Earl 'Fatha* Hines". Capitol T 1971. Mostly piano lead in this recording. COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG RJ TITL Blues in Thirds (also called Caution Blues) PUBL Publication unknown. REC n.d. Record by Earl Hines. Hot Record Society 21. COHP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG TITL Boogie Woogie on St. Louis Blues (St. Louis Blues by W.C. Handy) REC 1990, 1949. Recorded by Earl Hines. COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG RJ TITL Caution Blues (also called Bines in Thirds) PUDL 1928. Publication unknown. REC n.d. Recorded by Earl Hines. Columbia 3 5876.

COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SOKC Rec TITL Cavernism (with James R- Bundy) (with orchestra) REC n.d. Album: "Earl 'Fatha* Hines". Capitol T 1971. Piano lead in this recording. COMP Bines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG TITL Deed 1 Do REC 1950. COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC Rec TITL Deep Forest (with Razaf and Forsyth) (with orchestra) REC n.d. Album: "Earl >Patha' Hines". Capitol T 1971. Piano lead in this recording. 136

COHP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG RJ TITL Fifty-Seven Varieties REC 1928. n.d. Recorded by Earl Hines. Columbia 35875.

COMP Hines, Earl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG Rec RJ TITL My Monday Date (with orchestra) REC 1928. n.d. Album: "Earl 'Fatha* Hines". Capitol T 1971. Piano lead in this recording, n.d. Recorded by Earl Hines. Hot Record Society 19. COMP Hines, Farl "Fatha" DATS 1905- SORC PGG Rec RJ TITL Rosetta (with Henri Woods) (with band) REC 1939, 1950. Recorded by Earl Hines. 1940. Recorded by Art Tatun. n.d. Album: "Earl *Fatha* Hines". Capitol T 1971. Piano lead in this recording, n.d. Recorded by Earl Hines. Bluebird 10555. n.d. Recorded by Teddy Wilson. Brunswick 7563. COMP Holt, Nora DATS 1903- SORC I TITL Rhapsody on Negro Themes PUBL Publication unknown. 137

COMP Jackson, Cliff (Performer) DATS 1902-1970 SORC P&G TITL Memphis Glues (unable to determine if composed by Jackson) REC 1995.

COMP Jackson, Tony DATS 1876-1921 SORC Bl C I TITL Michigan Water (exists only in an arrangement recorded by Jelly Roll Morton) PUBL 1912. Publication unknown. EEC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton, Circle JH-583 Commodore 588.

COMP Jackson, Tony DATS 1876-1921 SORC Bl C I TITL The Naked Dance PUBL c. 1902; publication unknown. REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton, Circle JH-05, Commodore 588.

COMP Jackson, Tony DATS 1876-1921 SORC Bl C I TITL Pick-It Boy PUBL 1917. Publication unknown. (Manuscript never found) (Mentioned in "Rag Time Review", 1917.)

COMP Jamal, Ahmad (Fritz Jones) DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Ahmad's Blues (with accompanying instruments) REC Sept. 2, 6, 1958. Recorded by Ahmad Jamal with other instruments. Album: "Portfolio of Ahmad Jamal". Argo LP 2638.

COMP Jamal, Ahmad (Pritz Jones) DATS 1930- SOHC Rec TITL Ahmad's Waltz (with bass, percussion, guitar) REC Aug. 15, 16, 17, 1970. Album: "Listen to the Ahmad Jamal Quintet". Argo LP 673. 136

COHP Jamal, Ahmad (Fritz Jones) DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Aki 6 Ukthay (with accompanying instruments) REC Sept. 2, 6, 1950. Recorded by Ahmad Jamal with other instruments. Album: "Portfolio of Ahmad Jamal". Argo LP 2638.

COHP Jamal, Ahmad (Fritz Jones) DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Lament (with percussion and bass) PUBL c. 1969. REC n.d. Recorded by Ahmad Jamal in Trio. Album: "Poinciana Revisited", c. 1969. Impulse A-9176. Solo introduction then with trio; piano lead throughout. COUP Jamal, Ahmad (Fritz Jones) DATS 1930- SORC Rec TITL Night Hist Blues (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Recorded by Ahmad Jamal in trio. Album: "Ahmad Jamal at the Blackhawk" () • Argo LP 703- Piano lead throughout.

COHP Jamal, Ahmad (Fritz Jones) DATS 1930- SOKC Rec TITL Seleritus (with accompanying instruments) REC Sept. 2, 6, 1956. Recorded by Ahmad Jamal with other instruments. Album: "Portfolio of Ahmad Jamal". Argo LP 2638. COHP James, uillis L. DATS 1906-1966 SORC I TITL Five Sketches for Piano PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Jarrett, Keith DATS 19U5- SOHC Rec TITL Bremen July 12, 1973 Rec July 12, 1973. Recorded by . Creative Records. ECM The Creative Label, Polydor Inc. ECH-1035-37. 139

COHP Jarrett, Keith DATS 1995- SGUC Rec TITL The Koln Concert REC Jan. 29, 1975. Recorded by Keith Jarrett. Creative Records. ECM The Creative Label, Polydor Inc. ECM-1069-69.

COHP Jarrett, Keith DATS 1995- SORC Rec TITL Lausanne REC March 20, 1973- Recorded by Keith Jarrett- Creative Records. ECH The Creative Label, Polydor Inc. ECH-1035-37 .

COMP Jarrett, Keith DATS 1995- SORC Rec TITL Sand/Staircase REC 1977. Recorded by Keith Jarrett. Creative Records. ECU The Creative Label, Polydor Inc. ECM-2-1090. COKP Johns, Al DATS 1878-1928 SORC Bl HO> TITL Boardwalk Parade PUEL M. Ritnark t Sons, 1903. PPR American Piano Co. 980-

COMP Johns, Al DATS 1878-1928 SOHC Bl H0> TITL Ethiopia - African Intermezzo PDEL M. Hitmark C Sons, 1903. PPR American Piano Co. AH-2209.

COMP Johns, Al DATS 1878-1928 SORC Bl TITL I Guess That Hill Be About All PUBL P.A. Mills, 1899. COMP Johns, Al DATS 1878-1928 SORC HU> J TITL The Mississippi Bubble POOL Sol Dlooa. c. 1902. REC April, 1929. Recorded in England by Ernest Jones. Columbia 558 3. COMP Johns, Altona Trent DATS Twentieth Century SORC X TITL Barcarolle PUBL Publication unknown; available fro* composer: P.O. Box Ht9 Cambria Heiohts, N.T. 11411.

COHP Johnson, Dink (see Johnson, Oliver Dink)

COMP Johnson, Hall DATS 1888-1970 SORC I K TITL Piano Sonata PUBL Theodore Presser Co., n.d. COMP Johnson, Hank DATS 1931 SORC I TITL Sonata PUEL Publication unknown; Available from composer: 175 Claremont Ave. Hew York, N.T. 10027.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl I TITL After Hours PUBL Mills Music Co., 1923. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Rec TITL Blueberry Rhyme REC n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Columbia Cl 1780. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Adv Bl J PGG SH TITL Caprice Rag PUBL Mills Music Co., 1914. REC Dec., 1943- Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Blue Note 26. Sept., 1953. Recorded by Willie the Lion Snith. Album: "Musical Compositions of Janes P. Johnson Blue Circle LP 1500. PPR Universal 203177, Metro Art 203176. ■ m MUS IN: Ragtime Piano Available iron Bolvin Mills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SO PC J TITL Carolina Balmoral REC Nov., 1943. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Blue Note 25.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891— 1955 SORC B1 J L Hl)> Ki Bus P6G Rec S SH TITL Carolina Shout PUBL Williams & Piron, and Clarence Williams Music Company, 1925. REC Oct., 1921. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Okeh 4495. 1921. Recorded by James Price Johnson. Album: "Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz". Columbia P6 11891. May 13, 1941. Recorded by Pats Waller. Victor 27563 His Masters Voice; AV 722 (Italian), 7EG 8098 (English); CDN 131. Aug., 1944. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Decca 24885. Oct., 1947. Recorded in Prance by Eddie Bernard. Blue Star 56. Dec., 1949. Recorded in Prance by Willie the Lion Smith. Royal Jazz 745. Sept., 1953. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Musical Compositions of James P. Johnson". Blue Circle LP 1500. n.d. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Columbia CL 1780. PPR QRS 100999.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1691-1955 SORC Adv PI J SH TITL Daintiness Rag PUBL Mills Music Co., 1914. REC June, 1947. Recorded in Prance by Janes P. Johnson. Blue Star 198. Sept., 1953. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Musical Compositions of James P. Johnson". Blue Circle LP 1500. PPR Metro Art 203106, Universal 203107. MUS IN; Ragtime Piano Available from Belvin Mills Publishing Co., n.d. COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 142 SORC B 1 TITL Eccentricity Waltz PUBL Williams & Piron, and Clarence Williams, 1926. PPR QRS 101000.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl Rec TITL Pascination REC n.d. Recorded by James Price Johnson. Columbia CL 1780. PPR Metro Art 203226, Universal 203227.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC J P&G Rec TITL Gut Stomp (with Willie the Lion Smith) REC Nov., 1943. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Blue Note 24. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl J TITL Harlem Strut PUBL Mills Music Co., 1917. REC March, 1950. Recorded in Switzerland by Joe Turner- Columbia SCM2 3019.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL He's My Man Blues PPR QRS 3676.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL Jasmine (Jazz-o-Mine) Concerto PUBL Mills Music Co., 1935.

COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL Jasmine Concerto - Second Movement (piano arrangement) PUBL Mills Music Co., 1949.

COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl J P&G TITL Jinolcs PUUL Clarence Williams, 1926. 1*13 REC Jan., 1930. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Brunswick 4762. n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Brunswick 80032. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC P&G TITL Jungles (probably a misprint of Jingles) REC 1930. Recorded by James P. Johnson.

COUP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl HU> I TITL Junale Nymphs PUBL Mills Music Co., 1924. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891— 1955 SORC Bl TITL Just Before Daybreak PUBL Mills Music Co., 1942.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl J L P&G TITL Keep Off the Grass PUBL Clarence Williams, 1926. REC Oct., 1921. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Okeh 4495. Aug., 1944. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Decca 24883.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Rec RJ TITL Let 'em Jump REC 1938. Folkways PJ 2810. n.d. Record by Pete Johnson. Solo Art 12005.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Rec TITL Lonesome Reverie REC n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Columbia Cl 1780.

COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl HU> S TITL Mama and Papa Blues PUBL F.B. Ilaviland, 1916. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1R91-1955 SORC J PGG Rec SH TITL Mule Walk REC Dec., 1993. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Blue Rote 1994. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Sept., 1953. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Musical Compositions of James P. Johnson Blue Circle LP 1500. n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Columbia CL 1780 COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SOHC HU> PGG SH TITL Old Fashioned Love PUBL Harms, Inc., c. 1923. REC 1944. Sept., 1953. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Musical Compositions of Janes P. Johnson Blue Circle LP 1500.

COBP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL over the Bars (or Steeple Chase) PUBL Clarence williams, 1936.

COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC S TITL Piano Concerto in A Flat (possibly the Jasmine Concerto) PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC I TITL Poem of Love PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL Reflections - Tone Poem (piano arrangement from symphonic work) PUBL Bills 1935.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1B91-1955 SORC Bl PGG TITL Riffs 145 PUBL Music Co., 1930. REC 1929, 1944.

COBP Johnson, James Price DATS 1091— 1955 SORC E Kus TITL Scalin* the Blues PUBL Clarence willians, n.d. COMP Johnson, James Price SORC Bl J TITL Scoutin' Around PUBL , 1927. REC Aug., 1923. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Okeh 4937. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1691-1955 SORC Bl PCG Bee TITL Snowy Morning Blues REC n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Asch 350-3. n.d. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Columbia CL 1780. n.d. Columbia 14204-D. n.d. Folkways FJ 2809 Vol. 9. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl PSG TITL Steeplechase Rag (Over the Bars) REC 1944. PPR Metro Art 203178; and Universal 203179.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl J TITL Toddlin* (Bone) PUBL Perry Bradford, 1927. REC Aug., 1923. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Okeh 4937. COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl TITL Twilight Rag (Duet with Wilson, probably Teddy Wilson) PPR Metro Art 203274.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC PSG Rec TITL Weeping Blues REC 1923. n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Columbia CL 1780. 146

COUP Johnson, Ja»es Price DA TS 1891 — 1955 SOHC Pf.G Rec TITL Worried and Lonesome Elues REC 1923. n.d. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Columbia CL 1780.

COMP Johnson, James Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl E HU> Bus TITL Yamekraw, Neqro Rhapsody PUBL Perry Bradford, 1927. REC n.d. Folkways 2842. 12" long play. COUP Johnson, Janes Price DATS 1891-1955 SORC Bl J PSG Rec TITL You've Got to be Modernistic PUBL Clarence Williams, 1930. REC Jan., 1930. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Brunswick 476 2. n.d. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Brunswick 80032. n.d. Decca DL 8383, Vol. 1. COHP Johnson, John Rosanond DATS 1873-1954 SOHC I S TITL African Drun Dance, No. 1 PUBL Publication unknown. COHP Johnson, John Rosanond DATS 1873-1954 SORC C TITL Florida Cakewalk PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Johnson, John Rosamond DATS 1873-1954 SORC K TITL Lift Ev *ry Voice and Sing PUBL Schaun Publications, Inc., n.d. COMP Johnson, Oliver Dink DATS 1092-1954 SO PC Hus TITL Stella Blues PUBL 1965; Ilarrison Snith, c. 1967. BUS IN: Barrelhouse and Boogie Piano, by Eric Krlss Oak Publications, 1974. COUP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SOHC P&G TITL Barrelhouse Breakdown REC 19 39.

COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1904-1907 SOHC PCG TITL Central Avenue Draq REC 199 6—5 0 - COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC Death Bat Boogie MOS IN: Pive All Star Boogie Woogie Piano Solos Leeds Music Corp., n.d. COHP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC Adv E TITL Pive boogie Woogie Pianos Solos by Pete Johnson PUBL Leeds Music Corp., n.d. MVMT 1. Blues on the Downbeat 2. Kaycee On My Mind 3. Cherry Red 9. Roll 'em Pete 5. Roller Stomp.

COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC P&G TITL Just Por You REC 1991. Decca DL 79226. COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC P&G TITL P.J. Boogie REC 199b— 19 50. COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC P&G TITL St. Louis Boogie REC 1996-1950.

COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1909-1967 SORC P&G TITL 6 6 Stomp FEC 1946-1950.

COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1904-1967 SO EC PfiG TITL Someday Blues REC 1939.

COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1904-1967 SORC P&G TITL svannee River Booqie FEC 1946-1950. COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1904-1967 SORC P&G TITL Vine Street Bustle REC 1939. COMP Johnson, Pete DATS 1904-1967 SORC P&G FJ TITL Yancey Special REC 1946-1950. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Levis. Decca 819. COMP Jones, Clarence M. DATS 1889-1949 SORC Bl J TITL Modulations or Stepping on the Keys PUBL Will Rossiter, 1923. REC Jan., 1923. Recorded by Clarence H. Jones. Autograph no t .

COMP Jones, Fritz (see Ahmad Jamal) COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1866-1917 SORC Bl Mus TITL Antoinette - March and Two-Step PUBL stark Music Co., 1906. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belvin Rills, 1972 IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. conp Joplin, Scott DATS 1068-1917 SORC Bl tlUS R TITL Augustan Club waltz P0BL John Stark. C Sons, 1901. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works, Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972 IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music E Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus Rec TITL - A Concert Waltz PUBL T. Eahnsen Piano Mfg. Co., 1905. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation REC 1972. Recorded by . Album: "Piano Rag by Scott Joplin". Nonesuch H-71269. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972 IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d*

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus TITL Bilik's Waltz PUBL Bahnsen Music Co., 1905. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Prodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972 IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music C Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl MUS It Rec TITL A Freeze From Alabama - A Ragtime Two Step PUBL John Stark & Son, 1902. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation REC n.d. Recorded by Max Horath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanguard SRV 310 SD. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972 150 *N: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1068-1917 SORC Bl HD> MUS R W TITL The Cascades - A Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 1909. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. REC Nov., 1999. Recorded by Ralph Sutton. Down Home 10. June, 1950. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 27. PPR Connorized 930 and 6097 and 9 172; QRS 30088. BUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Laurence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encvclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC AdV Mus TITL The Cascades - A Rag DtlET MUS IN: Scott Joplin Classic Rags, arranged by Denes Aqay Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Corp., n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> Hus Rec TITL The Chrysanthemum - An Afro-Intermezzo PUBL John Stark G Son, 1909. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. REC n.d. Recorded by Max Morath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanguard SRV 310 SD. PPR Connorized 6076. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1860-1917 SORC Bl HUS R TITL Cleopha - March and Two Step 151

PUBL S. Simon Publisher, 1902. c. 1972, Shattinqer-International Music Corporation. MUS IN: Scott Joul in Col looted Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Laurence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Bags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaod ia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

CO HP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Combination March PUBL Robert Smith, 1896; Charles Sheard 6 Co., 1896. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. MUS IN: Scott JopIin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rang. selected by Rudi Elesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-19 17 SORC Bl TITL Confidence Rag (A piano arrangement of a song) PUBL Unpublished.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Country Club - Rag Time Two Step PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Ragtime Piano Available from Belwin Hills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1860-1917 SORC A Bl H0> Mus R TITL - A Ragtime Two Step PUBL Scott Joplin Music Company, 1901. c. 1972, Shattinqer-lnternational Music Corporation. REC June, 1950. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 28. June, 1951. Recorded in England by Roy Sturgis. Melodise 1028. 152

n.d. Recorded by William Bolcoa. Album: "Heliotrope Bouquet (Piano Rags 1900*1970)". Nonesuch H-71257. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Broosky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Adv Mus TITL The Easy Winners - DUET Mus IN: Scott Joplin Classic Rags, arranged by Denes Agay Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Corp., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 SORC El HU> J Mus R Rec TITL PUPL John Stark & Son, 1902. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation* REC 1951. Recorded in England by Roy Sturgis. Melodise 1028. 1972. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Piano Rags by Scott Joplin". Nonesuch H-71264. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl K Mus R Rec SS TITL - A Ragtime Two Step PUBL John stark & Sons, 1902. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. Schaum Publications, Inc., 1975. REC 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Raqs". Nonesuch H-71248. n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Jazz Classics 539. n.d. Recorded by Mai Morath. Arpeggio 1209 (S) . PPR Cecilian 6096; Connorized 6046; 0RS X3087 and 30358. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: C lassic Piano Rags. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. 153 IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 186R-1917 SOHC Adv Mus TITL The Entertainer - DDET MUS IN: Scott Joplin Classic Haas, arranged by Denes Agay Available from Belwin Rills Publishing Corp., n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1660-1917 SOHC AdV TITL The Entertainer - Simplified edition by David Carr Glover PUBL Available from Belwin Rills Publishing Corp., n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 SORC Bl Mus Rec TITL Eugenia PUBL Hill Rossiter, 1905. c. 1972, Shattinoer-International Music Corporation. REC 1972. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Piano Rags by Scott Joplin". Nonesuch H-7126U. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. I*: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> J Mus R Rec TITL Euphonic Sounds - A Syncopated Novelty PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. REC June, 1999. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. Asch 551-1. July, 1951. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 51. 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Rags". Nonesuch H 71298. PPR Medley Rolls: Angelus 90193 and others. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Rills, 1972. IN: Ragtime Piano Available from Belwin Hills Publishing Corp., n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott 15*1

DATS 18 68—1917 SOHC Bl Mus TITL The Favorite - Ragtime Two Step PUBL A.W. Perry 6 Sons Music Co., 1909. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. PPR Connori2 ed 9173; ORS X3395. MUS IN: Scott Jonlin Collected P iano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972- IN: Classic Piano R aqs. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SOHC Bl Mus TITL Felicity Rag (with Scott Hayden) PUBL Stark Music Printing - Publishing Co., 1911. PPR Kimball B6781; US Music 65050B. MOS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl MUS Rec TITL Fig Leaf Rag PUBL John Stark S Son, 1908. REC 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71298. n.d. Recorded fron Pianola Roll. Jazz Classic 533. PPR QRS 03073 and QRS 30191. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus Rec TITL Gladiolus Rag PUBL Joseph V. Stern & Co., 1907. REC June, 1950. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 25. Jan., 1950. Recorded by Lee Stafford. Castle 11. 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71298. PPR American Piano Co. 12623; Angelus 90002; Electra 76896 4m Kimball C6529; Metro Style Tbemodist 79513 and 92261; QRS 30162; Standard 76836; Universal 77690 and 92265. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Giants of Ragtime. edited by Max Morath E 155

Available from Belwin Hills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Adv Mus TITL Gladiolus Rag DUET HUS IN: Scott Joplin Classic Rag s. arranged by Denes Agay Available from Belwin Mills, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Great Crush Collision March PUBL John R. Fuller, 1896. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Erodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music £ Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Harmony Club Waltz PUBL Robert Smith, 1896; Charles Sheard 6 Co., 1896. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC A Bl H0> Mus R TITL Heliotrope Bouquet - A Slow Drag Two Step (with Louis Chauvin) PUBL Stark Music Co., 1907. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. REC Jan., 1950. Recorded by Lee Stafford. Castle 10. n.d. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Heliotrope Bouquet (Piano Hags 1900-1907)". Nonesuch H-71257. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Cl ashic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d. 156 IN: The Mississippi Vailcv Rags selected by Max Morath Schirmer, 1975. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Kismet Rag (with Scott Hayden) PDBL Stark Music Co., 1913. PPR Kimball B6793; OS Music 5819. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. COSP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus Rec TITL Leola - Two Step PUBL American Music Syndicate, 1905. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. BEC 1972. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Piano Rags by Scott Joplin". Nonesuch H-71269. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl MUS TITL Lily Queen - A Ragtime Two-Step (with Arthur Marshall) PUBL W.w. Stuart, 1907. Cm 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R Rec TITL Maanetic Rag PUBL Scott Joplin Music Publishing Co., 1919. REC 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71298. n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll played by Scott Joplin. Circle 5012. PPR Played by Scott Joplin - Connorized 10266. 157

HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Kills, 1972. IN: Ra^limp Piano Available from Belwin Kills, n.d.

COHP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> J K Kus B Bee S SH TITL PUBL John Stark E Son, 1899; Ashley Dealers Service Inc., n.d.; Big Three Music Corporation, n.d.; Edward E. Marks, n.d. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. REC June, 1937. Recorded by Teddy Weatherford, Swing 315. 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz. Columbia P 611891. June, 1945. West Coast 112. Feb., 1949. Recorded by . Jazz Limited 101. Oct., 1949. Recorded in Sweden by Sune Borg. Gazell 3001. Dec., 1949. Recorded by . Capitol 154 35. 1950. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. LP Album: "Reminiscing the Piano Greats". Dial LP 305. July, 1952. Recorded in Switzerland by Ralph Sutton. Elite Special 9114.

May, 1953. Recorded in France by Lil Armstrong. Vogue 5169. Hay, 1954. Recorded by Max Borath. Gold Camp 105. 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Fags". Nonesuch H-71246. n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll by Scott Joplin. Circle 5003. n.d. Recorded from April, 1916 Cannarized (Connorized?) Piano Roll played by Scott Joplin. Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz. Columbia P611891. n.d. Recorded by Scott Joplin. Biograph PLP 1006Q- n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Riverside 9003 and 140. PPR Played by Scott Joplin: Connorized 10265; Metro Art 202704; Uni-Record 202705. Played by other pianists: Aeolian Grand 8440; American Piano Co. 493 and 95101; Angelas 90080; Artempo 9976; Arto 8440; Capitol 95101; Connorized 148 and 4028; Melographic 0369 and 1731; Heo-o-Dee 89965; Metro Style Themodist 89961; Perfection 8440; QRS *3817, 7308, 30900, 100419; Starr Piano Co. 8057; Supertone 10029; Universal 8440, 89965; US Music 1366, 61368B. 158

BUS IN: Scott Joplin Collectod P iano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Go!den Encyclopaed ia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN: The Ragtime rook edited and arranged by John W. Schaua Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d. IN: The Ragtime Songbook . by Ann Charters Oak Publications, 1965.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Adv Mus TITL Maple Leaf Rag - DUET MUS IN; Scott Joplin Classic Rags, arranged by Denes Agay Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Corp., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 sonc J TITL Maple Leaf Rag (St. Louis 6 New Orleans versions) REC May, 1936. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM 21/22. June, 1995. Nest Coast 112.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL March Majestic - March and Two-Step PURL John Stark & Son, 1902. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. MUS IN; Scott Jop1in Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime ’Jansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SOliC Bl Mus TITL The Nonpareil (None to Egual) PUBL John Stark Music Company, 1907. c. 1907, Edwin li. Morris & Company, Inc. PPR Connoriv.cd 9901. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Plano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Rills, 1972* 159

IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SOKC Bl MU> Mus R S TITL (arranged by Charles H. Daniels) PUBL Carl Hoffman, 1899. c. 1972, Shattinqer-lnternational Music Corporation. FEC Dec., 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. General 9001 , and Commodore 587. Feb., 1997. Recorded by Wally Rose. West Coast 112. Oct., 1999. Recorded in Sweden by Sune Borg. Gazell 3001. n.d. Recorded from piano roll. Circle 5006, and Jazz Classics 539.

PPR Aeolian Grand 209 28; Automusic Perforating Co. 9051 «l Connorized 893 and 9051; HeloT raphic 0370; QRS 3268. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. 1N: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R Rec TITL Palm Leaf Rag - A Slow Drag PUBL Victor Kreraer Company, 1903. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. FEC n.d. Recorded by Max florath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanquard SRV 310 SD. PPR QRS X3039 and 30392. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1R6R-1917 SORC Mus TITL Palm Leaf Rag - DUPT MUS IN: Ragtime Duets, arranged by Denes Agay Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, 1975. COMP Joplin, Scott 160

DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> Bus R Rec TITL Paragon Rag PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. REC 1972. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Piano Rags by Joplin". Nonesuch H-71265. PPR US Music 75378 (Medley). MUS I N : Scott Joglin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Ragtime Piano Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl MUS R TITL Peacherine Rag FUEL John Stark 6 Son, 1901. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Corporation. PPR Connorized 6097. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected P iano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Rills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> Mus R Rec TITL Pine Apple Rag PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1908. REC June, 1950. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 27. 1972. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Piano Rags by Scott Joplin". Nonesuch H-71269. PPR in medleys: Angelus 90193; Lyon G Healy 6067; Metro Style 102303; Universal 77987 and 92715- MU s IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972- COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Hll> MUS R TITL Pleasant Moments - Ragtime Waltz PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Corporation. PPR Played by Scott Joplin, Connorized no I • HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works 161

Edited by Vera Frodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Raos, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational riusic G Books, n.d.

COflP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668*1917 SORC Bl nn> HUS R Rec TITL The Ragtime Dance - A Stop-Time Two Step PUBL Stark Husic Company, 1906. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. REC 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: ”Scott Joplin Piano Raas". Nonesuch H-71298. PPR QRS 73626. HDS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Kaos. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1860-1917 SORC Bl Mus R Pec TITL Reflection Rag - Syncopated Busings PDBL Stark Husic Company, 1917. c. 1972, Shatting'er International Husic Corporation. REC n.d. Recorded by Mar Morath. Album: ••The World of Scott Joplin**. Vanguard SRV 310 SD. HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works, Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972- IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d.

CO HP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus TITL Rosebud - Two-Step PUBL John Stark G Son, 1905. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Golden En c vclop a ed i a Qf Ragtime 162 Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d.

00HP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Ktl> TITL Rose Leaf Rag PUBL Joseph H * Daly Husic Company, 1907. PPR Connorized 1336.

COUP Joplin, Scott DATS 1068-1917 SORC Bl K Hus TITL Scott Joplin's Hew Rao PUBL Joseph w. Stern & Company, 19 12; Edward E. Harks Corporation, n.d. REC 1970. Recorded by Joshua Rifkin. Album: "Scott Joplin Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71298. n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll, Jazz Classic 533. PPR Aeolian Grand no #; American Piano Co. 11263; Angelus 90B06; Connorized 2121; Kimball C-6132; Hetro-Style Themodist 99362; QRS 31262; Starr Piano Co. no #; Universal 79527 and 99365. HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Giants of Ragtime. edited by Hax Horath E Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Adv Mus TITL Scott Joplin's New Rag - DUET HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, arranged by Denes Agay Available from Belwin Kills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 SORC Bl Rec TITL Search Light Pag PUBL Joseph w. stern t Company, 1907. REC n.d. Recorded by Max Horath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanguard SRV 310 SD. PPR QRS X 3866 and 30595.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl MUS TITL (attributed to Scott Joplin, 1971) PUDL c. trust of Lottie Joplin Thomas, 1971. PPR National no •; QPS 31533. 163

BUS I N : Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills* 1972. COMP Joplin, Scott PATS 1e 68-1917 SORC Bl Bus R TITL Solace - A Mexican Serenade PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. REC 1972- Recorded by Joshua Rifkin- Album: "Piano Rags by Scott Joplin"- Nonesuch H-71264. BUS IN: Scott Jonlin Collectod Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New Tork Public Library and Belwin Bills* 1972. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC B1 Mus R TITL Something Doing - Cake Walk March - A Ragtime Two Step (with Scott Hayden) PUBL Val A* Reis Music Company, 1903. c- 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation* PPR Connorized 10278 (played by Scott Joplin) ; Connorized 4M33; QRS 30396 and 30786; Royal 3389; US Music 6055. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills* 1972- IR: Classic Piano Raos, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973- IN: Golden Encyclonaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books* n.d. IN: The Mississippi Valiev Rags, selected by Max Morath Schirmer* 1975.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> Mus R TITL Stoptime Rag PUBL Joseph W. Stern S Company* 1910. PPR QRS 30786. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected P iano Works New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972* Giants of Ragtime . edited by Max Morath E Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Adv Mus TI TL Stoptime Rag - DDET BUS IN: Classic Piano Rags . arranged by Denes Agay

I Available from Belwin H ills Publishing Co., n.d

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl K Hus R TITL The Strenuous Life - A Ragtime Two Step PUBL John Stark and Son, 1902; Theodore Presser Co., n.d. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. PPR Connorized 4090. HUS 1N• Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 SORC Bl HU> Mus R TITL Sugar Cane - A Ragtime Classic Two Step PUBL Seminary Music Company, 1906. PPR Connorized 9421. HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected P iano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. CO HP Joplin, Scott DATS 1868-1917 SORC Bl HU> Mus R TITL Sunflower Slow Drag - A Ragtime Two-Step (with Scott Hayden) PUBL John Stark G Son, 1901. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation, REC n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Circle 5004 or 5005 PPh Aeolian Grand 8479; American Piano Company 1072; Connorized 844 and 4082; Universal 6479. nos IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works. Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. I®5 Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d. IN: The Hississippi Valley Rags selected by Max Horath Schirmer, 1975.

COHP Joplin, Scott DATS 1668-1917 165

SORC Dl HUS R TITL Swipesy Cake Walk (with Arthur Marshall) POOL John Stark & Son, 1900. c. 1972, Shattinqer-International Husic Corporation. REC 1950. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 17. PPR Connorized 9087; QRS 30328. nus IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Hills, 1972. IN: C lassic Piano Rags. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN: The Mississippi Va11ev Rags selected by Max Morath Schirmer, 1975. COMP Joplin, Scott DATS 1R68-1917 SORC Bl Mus TITL The Sycamore - A Concert Rag PUBL will Rossiter, 1909. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Husic Corporation. PPR Connorized 9320; QRS 30395. BOS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Joplin, Scott DA TS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus R TITL Nall Street Rag PDBL Seminary Music Company, 1909. PPR Master Record 653. BUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New York Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972.

COMP Joplin, Scott DA TS 1868-1917 SORC Bl Mus F TITL - Ragtime Two Step PURL Val A. Reis Music Company, 1903. c. 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation, REC n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll by Scott Joplin. Circle 5005. PPR Connorized 10277 (played by Scott Joplin); Connorized MOO and MM 11; QRS 3040M or 3030M (7). 166

HUS IN: Scott Joplin Collectod Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence Hew York Public Library and Belvin Hills, 1972. IH: Classic Piano Rags. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN; The Ragtime Book edited and arranged by John W. Schaum Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d. COMP Jordan, Joe DATS 1862-1971 SORC B1 TI TL The Darkey Todalo - A Raggedy Rag PUBL Harry Von Tilzer, 1910. PPR Universal 78529.

COUP Jordan, Joe DATS 1882-1971 SORC B1 TITL Doubled Fudge - Ragtime Two Step PUBL Joseph F. Hunleth, 1902.

COMP Jordan, Joe DATS 1862-1971 SORC B1 C S TITL J . J . J * Rag PUBL Pekin Publishing Co., 1905.

COMP Jordan, Joe DA TS 1682-1971 SORC B 1 C Hus S TITL Nappy Lee - A Slow Drag PUBL J.E. Agnew, 1903. HUS IN: Classic Piano Bags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. COMP Jordan, Joe DATS 1682-1971 SORC B1 C S TITL Pekin Rag - Intermezzo PUBL Pekin Publishing Co., 1909. COMP Jordan, Joe DA TS 1662-1971 SORC B1 TITL Salome Dance PUBL Unpublished 1908. COMP Kay, Ulysses DA TS 1917- SORC Ff TITL Bailo (Spanish Dance) PU BL ACA Library, n.d.

COMP Kay, U ly s s e s DATS 1917- SORC F H PAH (Vol. 7) TITL Eight Inventions PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1946. MVMT 1. Allegro 2. Moderato 3. Andantino 4. Scherzando 5. Grave 6 . Moderato 7. Larghetto 8. Presto COMP Kay, Ulysses DA TS 1917- SORC F H TITL First Mocturne PUBL KCA/Belwin-Mills, 1973.

COMP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC Bt F H I R TITL Four Inventions PUBL Leeds, 1964; Music Corp. (MCA), 1964. COMP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC PAN (Vol. 7) TITL Piano Quintet for piano and string quartet PU BL 1949. Publication unknown. MVMT 1. Allegretto 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 168

COUP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC I HU> PAN (Vol. 7) TITL Pieces for Children PUBL 1939 - Duchess Plusic Corporation (RCA) , n.d RVRT 1. So Gay 2. Tender Thought 3. Sprite's Dance 9. Little Tune 5. Old Lament 6. Make Believe 7. Two Voices 8. Playing, Playing 9. Game Song 10. Sleep Song 11. Barch Song 12. Sad Story 13. In Glee

CORP Kay , Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC Unknown TITL The Rope PUBL Composer's Facsimile

CORP Kay , Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC BPIM (Vol. 3, #1) TITL Second Nocturne PUBL 1973. Publication unknown.

CORP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC B C H 1 Pan (Vol.7) TITL Sonata PUBL American Composers Alliance, 1991 KVMT 1. Allegretto 2. Andante 3. Allearo 169

COHP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC Bt E> H I TITL Ten Short Essays (possibly Pieces for Children) PUBL HCA, 1939, 1965. MVHT So Gay Tender Thought r Old Lament Slumber Song March Song. COHP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SOLC Pan (Vol-7) R TITL Two Short Pieces for Piano - DUET PUBL 1957. Publication unknown. MVMT 1. Prelude 2. Moto perpetuo.

COMP Kay, Ulysses DATS 1917- SORC BPIM TITL Visions PUPL c. 1975, Ulysses Kay. Unpublished. HUS IN: Black Perspectiyes in Music (Periodical) Vol.3, #2.

COMP Kerr, Thomas DATS 1915- SORC R TITL Caprice for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Kerr, Thomas DATS 1915- SORC I Rec TITL Easter Monday Swaager - Scherzino REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Ilind era s. Desto Dc-7102/3.

COMP Kerr, Thomas DATS 1915- SORC R TITL Seven Dancetudes for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Kimbrough, Andrew Lawrence DATS 1924- SORC I TITL Arietta PUDL Publication unknown; available from composer: 6237 Evans Chicago, 60637 COMP Kimbrough, Andrew Lawrence DATS 1 924 - SORC I TITL Sarabande with Pour Doubles PD6L Publication unknown; available from composer: 6237 Evans Chicago, Illinois 60637. COHP Kimbrough, Andrew Lawrence DATS 192*1 — SORC I TITL Sonatina PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer:

6237 Evans Chicago, Illinois 60637 COHP Kimbrough, Andrew Lawrence DATS 19 24- SORC I TITL Toccata PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 6237 Evans Chicago, Illinois 60637 CO HP Kitchen Tom DATS Early 20th Century SORC SH TITL Kitchen Ton Rag PUBL Publication unknown. 171

COMP Lambert, Lucien DATS ca. 1831-7 SORC HU> T TITL Au Clair de la Lune (Variations et Final sur 1'Air) Opus 30 PUBL Edward Bote and G. Bock, c. 1879. MUS IN: Hu sic and Some Highly Musical People. by James Trotter Lee & Shepard, 1881, Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.

COMP Lambert, Sydney DATS n.d. SORC T TITL Les Clochettes - Fantaisie Mazurka PUBL Alphonse Leduc, , n.d. MOS IN: Hu sic and Sorae Highlv Musical People. by Ja ses Trotter Lee 6 Shepard, 1881. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968. COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 1882-1953 SORC BPIM (Vol.9 #3) I TITL Danses Kspagnoles PDBL Lamothe, 1955.

COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 1882-19 53 SORC BPIM (Vol.U #3) TITL Feuillets d'Album PUBL Jean, Antoine, Fernand Lamothe Editeurs, 1955. COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 1882-1953 SORC I TITL Papillons Noires; Valse Lente PUBL Mahillon, ca. 1910.

COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 1882-1953 SORC BPIM (Vol.9 #3) I TITL Scenes de Carnaval PUBL Jean, Antoine, Fernand Lamothe Editeurs, 1955. 172

COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 18B2-1953 SORC I TITL Tango PUBL Lamothe, 1955- COMP Lamothe, Ludovic DATS 1862-1953 SORC BPIM (Vol.tt #3) I TITL Vaises PUBL Jean, Antoine, Fernand Lamothe Editeurs, 1955-

COMP Lamothe (no first name listed) DATS n.d. SORC K TITL Chanson Arabe PUBL Franco Colombo Publishers, n.d.

COMP Lamothe (no first name listed) DATS n.d. SORC K TITL Madrigal de Francois I PUBL Franco Colombo Publishers, n.d. COMP Levis, Frederick Elliot DATS 18M6-? SORC I T TITL Scenes of Youth Fantalsia Opus 3 PUBL Publication unknown. MUS IN: Music and Some Highly Husical People. by James Trotter Lee G Shepard, 1B81. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.

COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-196U SORC Rec TITL Boogie Woogie at the Philharmonic REC n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis at Philharmonic Auditorium, , California. E P B W A T R. 1*5 RPM. MVMT Several piano solos in different tempi, but no titles.

COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-196U SORC K TITL Cafe Society Rag PUBL MCA, n.d. 173

COMP Lewis, Meade Lax DATS 1905-196*1 SORC L TITL Celc~te Flues PUBL P»* jIa ation unknown. COMP Lewis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-196*1 SORC Adv Hu> TITL Five Boogie-Woogie Piano Solos by Meade Lux Lewis PUBL Leeds Music Corporation, 1991. MVMT Six wheel Chaser. K L MCA, n.d. Bass on Top. If MCA, n *d. Bearcat Crawl. K L MCA, n.d. Boogie Woogie Prayer. K MCA, n.d. Answer to the Prayer. If MCA, n.d.

COMP Lewis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC K Hus TITL Honky Tonk Train PUBL c. 1939, Shapiro, Bernstein C Company, Inc.; Shapiro, Dernstein Organization, n.d. EEC Dec., 1927. Recorded in Chicago by Meade Lux Lewis. Folkways FJ 2810. MUS IN; Barrel house and Boogie Piano by Eric Ifriss Oak Publications, 1979. COMP Lewis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC L PEG Rec RJ S TITL Honky Tonk Train Blues (possibly the sane composition as Honky Tonk Train) REC 1929. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Paramount-Riverside. 1936. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. RCA Victor. 1936. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Decca- 1937. RCA Victor LPM 2321. 1937. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Albua; Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz. Columbia P611891. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Bluebird BB10175. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Clef Records E P B W A T P. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Lewis. Canden CA-1328- COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-196*1 SO TIC Rec TITL Special #1 REC Aug. 18, 199*. Folkways FJ2809. COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC Rec TITL Traveling Blues REC n.d. Folkways FS 2810- COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC L TITL Variations on a Theme - A Four Part Inprovisation PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Levis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC L TITL Hhistlin* Blues PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Lewis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-1969 SORC Adv TITL Yancey Goes Honkey Tonk MUS IN: Five All Star Booqie Wooaie Piano Solos Leeds Music., n.d. COMP Lewis, Meade Lux DATS 1905-t969 SORC HU> K Kus P&G RJ TITL Yancey Special PUBL Shapiro, Bernstein and Company, Inc., 1938; Shapiro, Bernstein Organization, n.d. REC 1936. n.d. Recorded by Meade Lux Levis. Decca 819. MUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COMP Levis, Ramsey DATS 1935- SORC Rec TITL Look-A-Here (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Album: "The Best of the Ramsey Levis Trio". Argo LP-755. Piano lead throughout. COMP Lewis, Ramsey DATS 1935- SQRC Rec TITL Blue Sprina (with percussion, bass, and strings) REC n.d- Album: "The Best of the Ramsey Lewis Trio". Argo LP-755. Piano lead throughout. COMP Lewis, Ramsey DATS 19 35- SORC Rec TITL Soul Mist (with percussion and bass) REC 1958. Album: "Down to Earth" (Ramsey Lewis Trio)- Mercury MC 36150. COMP Lewis, Ramsey DATS 1935- SORC Rec TITL Movin1 Easy (with percussion and bass) REC 19 65. Album: "Hand on Ramsey" (Ramsey Levis Trio) Cadet LP-761. Piano lead throughout. COMP Lindsay, Andrades DATS Early 20th Century SORC I TITL Concert Fugue PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Lofton, "Cripple" Clarence DATS 1896-1956 SORC Hus PCG TITL I Don't Know REC 1939. HOS IN: Barrelhouse & Boogie Piano, by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1974.

COMP Logan, Wendell Morris DATS 1940- SORC I TITL Textures PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Lovingood, Sr., Penman DATS 1895- SORC I TITL Melody in F PUbL The Lovingood Company, 1965. 176

COHP Lovingood, Sr., Penman DATS 1895- SORC 1 TITL Nocturne PUEL The Lovingood Company, n.d. COHP Lovingood, Sr., Penman DATS 1895- SORC I> TITL Songs Without Words PtJBL The Lovingood Company, 1969. 177

COMP McCann, Leslie Coleman "Les" DATS 1935- SORC Rec TITL Dorene, Don't Cry, I... (with percussion and bass) PUBL c. 1961. REC c. 19b1. Recorded by Les McCann in trio. Pacific Jazz Records PF-25. Piano lead.

COMP McCann, Leslie Coleman "Les" DATS 1935- SORC Rec TITL She's Here (electric piano and accompanying instruments) REC 1972. Recorded by Les McCann. Jana, ASCAP. Piano throughout, instrumental interjections.

COMP McCann, Leslie Coleman "Les" DATS 1935- SORC C Rec TITL The Shout (with percussion and bass) REC c. 19 60. Recorded by Les McCann. Pacific Jazz Records PJ-7. Slow improvisatory introduction by piano, then with trio. COMP McIntyre, Kenneth Arthur DATS 1931- SORC I TITL Chatoyance PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP HcLin, Lena Johnson DATS 1928- SORC I TITL Impression No. 1 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 1917 West 119th Place Chicago, 111. 60693.

COMP McLin, Lena Johnson DATS 1928- SORC I TITL Song in c minor PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 1917 West 119th Place Chicago, 111. 60693. 178

COMP BcLin, Lena Johnson DATS 19 35- SORC I TITL A Sumner Day PUBL Publication unknown; available froa composer: 1917 West 1Hth Place Chicago, 111. 60693. COMP McShann, Jay "Hootie" DATS 1909- SORC Adv TITL Five Boogie Woogie and Blues Piano Solos by Jay McShann PUBL Leeds Music Corporation, 1992. MVMT Confessin* the Blues (with Walter Brown) c. 1992. Dexter Blues. K c. 1992; MCA Music, n.d. Rec. 199 1. Vine St. Boogie. R PSG c. 1992. MCA Music, n.d. Rec. 1991. Hootie Blues (with Charles Parker). K c. 1992; MCA, n.d. Jumpin * the Blues (with Charles Parker) c. 1992.

COMP McShann, Jay "Hootie" DATS 19 09- SORC K TITL Jay McShann Boogie Woogie and Blues Piano Solos PUBL MCA, n.d.

COMP McShann, Jay "Hootie" DATS 1909- SORC K TITL Swingnatish PUBL MCA, n.d.

COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Air and Choral Theme PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 37 Simpson-Stewart Road , 'Texas 75291. COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- SORC I TITL The Chase PUBL Publication unknown; available froa composer: 37 Siapson-Stewart Boad Dallas, Texas 75241. COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Passacaglia, e Minor PUBL Publication unknown; available froa coaposer: 37 Siapson-Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241. COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Rustic Dance PUBL Publication unknown; available froa coaposer: 37 Siapson-Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241. COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- 50 RC I TITL Suite PUBL Publication unknown; available froa coaposer: 37 Siapson-Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241. COMP McSwain, Augusta Geraldine DATS 1917- SORC I TITL Waltz Grotesque PUBL Publication unknown; available froa coaposer: 37 Siapson-Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241. COMP Marquis, Janes DATS n.d. SORC I TITL Toccata PUDL Publication unknown. 1B0 c o u p Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SOKC Bl Hus TITL Century Prize - March and Two Step PURL c- 1966, A- Marshall. REC 1950. Recorded by Athur Marshall. , no h MUS IN: Th^cy All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971.

COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC B1 C I TITL llan and - Rag PUBL John Stark t Son, 1908. COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC Mus TITL Ham and! in Ragtime (probably the same composition as Ham and - Rag) PUBL Stark Music Company, 1908. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications In., 1973.

COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS ie81-1956, or 1968 SORC B1 C I Hus TITL Kinklets - Two Step PUBL John Stark S Son, 1906. PPR QRS 30519- HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Mississippi Valley Rags, selected by Max Horath Schirmer, 1975- COHP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC B1 I Mus TITL The Lily Queen (with Scott Joplin) PUBL Willis-Woodward, 1907. c. 1972. Shattinger-International Music Corporation. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence New york Public Library 6 Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d. COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 s o r c ni c i nus TITL Missouri Romp - A Slow Drag PUBL c. 1950 and 1966, A. Marshall. REC 1950. Recorded by Arthur Marshall. Circle Records. HUS IN: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971. COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881—19 56, or 1968 SORC Bl C I TITL National Prize Rag POOL Unpublished; c- 1950, A. Marshall. REC 1950. Recorded by Arthur Marshall. Circle Records.

COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC C I Hus TITL Pan-An Rag (composed by Tom Turpin, arranged by A. Marshall) PUBL Unpublished 191**. MUS IN: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971. COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC Bl C I Mus TITL The Peach - Ragtine Two Step PUBL John Stark and Son, 1908. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1960 SORC Bl C I Mus TITL The Pippin Raq - A Ragtime Two Step PUBL John Stark and Son, 1908. REC n.d- Recorded by Max Horath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanguard SRU 310 SD. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, by Rudi. Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Mississippi Valley R aqs. selected by Max Horath Schirmer, 1975. 182

CO HP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1081-1956, or 1968 SORC Bl C I TITL Silver Arrow Rag PUBL Unpublished, e. 1950, Arthur Marshall. REC 1950. Recorded by Arthur Marshall. Circle Records. COMP Marshall, Arthur DATS 1881-1956, or 1968 SORC Bl MUS TITL Silver Rocket PUBL c. 1966, A. Marshall. MUS IN: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971. COMP Marshall, Arthur SORC Bl 1 J Mus TITL Swipesy Cake Walk (with Scott Joplin) PUBL John Stark and Son, 1900. c- 1972, Shattinger-International Music Corporation. REC 1950. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 17. PPR Connorized U087; QRS 30328. MUS IN: Scott Joplin Collected Piano Works Edited by Vera bod sky Lawrence New fork Public Library and Belwin Mills, 1972. IN: C lassic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Matthews, Artie DATS 1880-1959 SORC Bl I Bus Rec TITL Pastime Rag No. 1 PUDL John Stark G Son, 1913. REC 1979• Recorded by William Bolcon. Album: "Pastimes & Piano Raqs". Nonesuch H -71299. PPR US Music 66071—B . MUS IN: Classic Piano Raqs. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973- 103

COMP Matthews, Artie DATS 1880-1959 SORC El I Mus Rec TITL Partime Rag No. 2 PUBL John Stark G Son, 1913. REC 1974. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album "Pastimes K Piano Rags”. Nonesuch H-71299. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

OOMP Matthews, Artie DATS 1088-1959 SORC Bl I Mus Rec TITL Pastime Rag No. 3 PUDL John Stark C Son, 1916. REC 1974. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Pastimes S Piano Rags". Nonesuch B-71299. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Matthews, Artie DATS 1888—1959 SORC Bl I Mus Fee TITL Pastime Rag No. 4 PUBL John Stark 6 Son, 1920. REC 1974. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Pastimes & Piano Fags". Nonesuch H-71299. MUS IN: Classic Piano Raas. selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Matthews, Artie DATS 1888-1959 SORC Bl I J Mus Rec TITL Pastime Rag No. 5 PUBL John Stark & Son, 1918. REC June, 1946. Recorded by Rally Rose. West Coast 118. 1974. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Pastimes 6 Piano Rags” . Nonesuch H-71299. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Matthews, Artie DATS 18BR-1959 SORC Bl I S TITL The Weary Blues DUEL John Stark & Son, 1915. PPR Metro Style 302382. 184

COKP Memphis Slim (Peter Chatman) DATS 1915- SORC Mus TITL Sail on Ulues MUS IN: Barrelhouse & Poogio Piano* by Eric Ariss Oak Publications* 1974.

COMP Monk* Thelonius DATS 1920- SOPC Rec TITL Epistrophy (piano* vibraphone duet) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Monk". Vol. I. Blue Note 1510.

COMP Monk* Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL Evidence REC n.d. Recorded by Monk Quartet. Album: "Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz". Columbia P611891. 1948. Elue Note BLP 1509.

COMP Monk* Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Mus TITL 5 2nd Street Theme PUBL c. 194 8, Consolidated Music Publishers* Inc. MUS IN: Take *em You *11 Love *61(1 Song Album Screen Gems* n.d. IN: The Joy of Jazz Yorktown Music Press* Inc.* 1964. COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL I Mean You (piano, vibraphone doet) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Honk". Vol. I. Blue Note 1510. COMP Monk* Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL Introspection (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Monk". Vol. I. Blue Note 1510. 185

COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SOFC Fee TITL Misterioso (piano, vibraphone duel) FEC 1951. Album: "Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz". Columbia P611891. n.d. Blue Note 1509. COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SOFC Fee TITL Monk's Mood REC n.d. Recorded by Bud Powell. Album: "A Portrait of Thelonius". Columbia CL 2292. COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL Off Minor (with percussion and bass) REC n.u. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Honk”. Vol. I* Blue Note 1510. n.d. Recorded by Eud Powell. Album: "A Portrait of Thelonius". Columbia CL 2292.

COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL Found About Midnight (with accompanying instruments) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of The?onius Honk". Vol. I. Blue Note 1510.

COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 19 20- SOFC Rec TITL Fuby My Dear (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Monk". Vol. X. Blue Note 1510. n.d. Recorded by Bud Powell. Album: "A Portrait of Thelonius". Columbia CL 2292.

COMP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SOHC Rec TITL Thelonious (with accompanying instruments) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Monk". Vol. I. Blue Note 1510. n.d. Recorded by Bud Powell. Album: "A Portrait of Thelonius". Columbia CL 2292. 166

CO TIP Monk, Thelonius DATS 1920- SORC Rec TITL Well You Needn't (with percussion and bass) REC n.d. Album: "The Genius of Thelonius Monk". . I* Blue Note 1510. COMP Hontqomery, Eurreal "Little Brother" DATS 1907- SOPC Mus TITL Bass Key Boogie PUBL c. 1972 by Eurreal Montgomery, Sue-Kay Publishing. MUS IN: Sir Blues-Roots Pianists Oak Publications, 1973. COMP Montgomery, Eurreal "Little Brother" DATS 1907- SORC MUS TITL Treoblin' Blues PUBL c. 1972, Eurreal Montgomery, Sue-Kay Publishing. MUS IN: Sir Blues-Roots Pian ists Oak Publications, 19 73. COMP Montgomery, Eurreal "Little Brother" DATS 1907- SORC Mus TITL Vicksburg Blues No. 2 (with words and wocal line) PUBL c. 19 30, Eurreal Montgomery; Copyright renewed 1968 by Eurreal Montgomery. MUS IN: Sir Blues-Roots Pianists Oak Publications, 1973.

COMP Moore, Alex DATS 20th Century SORC MUS TITL whistlin' Alex Moore's Blues PUBL n.d. c. Traditions Music Company. REC July 30, 1960. Recorded in Dallas, Texas. Arhoolie F 1008. MUS IN: Barrelhouse and Boogie Piano. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1974.

COMP Moore, Carman Leroy DATS 1936- SOUC I TITL Sonata PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 148 Columbus Avenue New Tork, New York 10023. 187

COUP Moore, Dorothy Rudd DATS 20th Century SORC BPIM (Vol-2, #1) TITL Dreai and Variations PUBL Rudmor Publishers, 1973-

COKP Moore, Undine Smith DATS 1904- SORC I TITL Scherzo PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Moore, Undine Snith DATS 1904- SORC I TITL Valse Caprice PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Morel Campos, Juan DATS 1857-1896 SORC I> Pan TITL Danzas Vols* 1-5 PUBL Instituto de Cultura Puertorriguena San Juan, Puerto Rico.

COMP Morel Campos, Juan DATS 1857-1896 SORC I> Pan TITL Obras Varias PUBL Instituto de Cultura Puertorriguena San Juan, Puerto Rico. MVMT Carita de cielo Los guerreros La joyeta La lira Les oficiales de bonberos. COMP Morel Campos, Juan DATS 1857-18 96 SORC I> Pan TITL La Olimpia PUBL Instituto de Cultura Puertorriguena San Juan, Puerto Rico.

COMP Morton, Perdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Albert Carroll's Blues (Rag) PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Horton Estate, unpublished 1949. 188 corp Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885— 1941 SORC Bl J TITL PU BL Ferdinand Joseph Horton Estate, unpublished 1948.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1RB5-1941 SORC Adv Bl BU> I HUS TITL Black Bottom Stomp PUBL Melrose brothers Husic Company, 1926. c. 1926, Edwin H. Morris and Company, Inc.; copyright renewed. HUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN: . Jelly Roll. Morton. "Blues, stomps, an^d Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music S Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DA TS 1885-1941 SORC Bl I TITL Boogaboo PUBL Melrose Brothers Husic Company, 1928.

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DA TS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Buddy Carter's Rag PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Horton Estate, unpublished, 1949.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv PI I TITL Cannonball Blues PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1926. HUS IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Morton. "Blues. Stomps. and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. 189

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Noll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv Bl KU> I J MUS TITL Chicago Breakdown PUBL Melrose Erothers Music Company, 1926* Edwin H. Morris and Company, Inc.; copyriqht renewed. REC August, 1949. Recorded by Dick Wellstood. Rampart 15. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtitne Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. IN: Jazz Giant . Jelly Roll Morton * "Blues, Stomps, and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d. COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl J PGG R TITL The Crave PUBL Unpublished 1939. REC May, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM-31. Dec., 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. General 4003; Commodore 589.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Crazy Chord Rag PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Morton Estate, unpublished 1949.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Crazy Chords PUBL Southern Husic, unpublished, 1932-

COHP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Creepy Feeling PUBL Tempo Music Company, unpublished, 1944. REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton- Circle JH-29/30. COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1 BBS —1941 SORC Adv TITL Dead Man Blues PPR QRS 3674. HUS IN: iU*zz. Giant. Jelly Roll Morton. "Blues. Stomps, and Raotime" E> Hansen Educational Husic G Books, n.d. 190

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl TITL Fat Frances PUBL Southern Music, unpublished, 1931. COKP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC L TITL Fat Meat and Greens PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl TITL Fickle Fay Creep PUBL Southern Music, unpublished 1931.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl TITL The Finger Breaker PUBL Tempo Music Company, unpublished 1992-

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl J Kr TITL Finger Fuster REC Dec., 1938- Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Jazz Man 12. Dec- 1, 1938- Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Historical HLP29 .

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC J RJ TITL Frances REC July, 1929- Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Victor V-3B627. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Bluebird 10257.

COMP Horton, Perdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC J TITL Francis PU BL c. Jan- 10, 1931. 191

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1605-1991 SORC B1 J L RJ TITL Freakish PUBL Southern Basic Company, unpublished 1929. REC July, 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Victor 27565. May, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Circle JM-71. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Victor 38527.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Rec TITL Freakish Take 1 REC July 8, 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. RCA LPV 529.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Rec TITL Freakish Take 2 REC July 8, 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. RCA LPV 529.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Rec-Adv TITL Frogqy Moore (probably a different spelling of Frog-I-More) REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Milestone MLP 200 3.

COBP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC B1 C I J R TITL Frog-I-Hore Rag PUBL Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton - Tempo Music Company, 1918-1996. REC April, 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Steiner-Davis 103. June, 1950. Recorded by Armand Rug. Good Time Jazz 20.

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1085-1991 SORC B 1 TITL Gambling Jack PDDL Southern Music Company, unpublished 1932. COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph “Jelly Roll* DATS 1B85-1991 SORC Adv B1 HD> I J F TITL Grandpa*s Spells FUEL Melrose Erothers Music Company, 1923. REC Nov., 1923. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Gennett 5218. 1926. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Vocalion, Commodore. 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. General. May, 1999. Recorded by Knocky Parker. Paradox 7. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Riverside 12-11 PPR Vocalstyle 50987. MRS IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Poll Horton. "Pines. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph “Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl I TITL Han and Eggs PUBL Triangle Music, 1928.

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885—1991 SORC Rec-Adv TITL Harmony Slues REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. RCA Victor Vintage LPV-508.

COHP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Adv I H U S R S TITL The Jelly Roll Blues PUBL will Rossiter, 1915; Edwin H. Morris S Company, Inc 1915. REC n.d. Biograph Records, No I. MUS IN: Barrelhouse E Boogie Piano by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1979. IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Poll Horton . "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d. 193

COMP Norton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Boll" DATS 1885-19H1 SORC Adv Dl C I> J HUS ft TITL Kansas City Stomp I’D DL Melrose Erothers Music Company, 1923. c. 1923, 1925, Edwin H. Morris G Co., Inc.; Copyright renewed. REC July, 1923. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Geonett 5218. May, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM-lfl/19. April, 1944. Recorded by George Zack. Commodore 597. June, 1950. Recorded by Armand Hug. Good Time Jazz 19. n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 92- MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Morton. "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Adv HI C HU> I J MUS Rec RJ TOT! King Porter Stomp PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1924. c. 194 2, Edwin H. Morris G Company, Inc., Copyright renewed. REC July, 1923. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Gennett 5289. April, 1926- Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Vocalion 1020. May, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM 23/73. Dec., 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. General 9005. March, 1940. Recorded by . Blue Note 503. June, 1950. Recorded by Hall Rose. Good Time Jazz 28. May, 1952. Recorded in England by Sandy Brown. SGH. n.d. Recorded by Merrill Moore. Capitol 3397. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM-23, Commodore, Autograph 617, Session 1- n .d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Album: "Encyclopaedia of Jazz". Vol. I. Decca DL 8383- PPFt Vocal Style 50480. HUS IH: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. IN: Jaz2 Giant. Jelly Roll Horton. "Blues. Stomps an Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. 194

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Boll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv Bl C H0> I TITL Blues PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1923. PPR Vocal Style 50479. MBS IN: Jazz Giant. JelIv Poll Morton. "Bines. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC B1 J R TITL Mama Nita PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Morton Estate, unpublished 1949. REC April, 1924. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Paramount 11216. June, 1924. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Gennett 5632. Hay, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Circle JM-25.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC B1 TITL Mama's Blues PPR Artempo no *; Universal 2355-Duet vith James P. Johnson and Teddy Vilson.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl HU> I TITL Midnight Mama PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1925. PPR OKS 3675.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv Bl I Mus R TITL Milenberg Joys (co-composed vith Leon Rappolo G Paul Mares) PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1925. c. 1925 by Edwin B- Hcrris G Company; Copyright renewed. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Horton. "Blues, Stomps and Ragtime E> Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d. 195

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Holl" DATS 1RB5—1991, SORC Bl J L PGG TITL Mister Joe PUBL Tempo Music, unpublished 1939. REC Dec., 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. General 9009.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Adv Bl TITL Mr. Jelly Lord REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Circle JH-3. PPR Vocal Style 12973. HUS IN: Jazz Giant . Jelly Roll Horton. "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl J TITL The Naked Dance (an arrangement of a rag by Tony Jackson) PUBL Tempo Music, unpublished 1939. REC Hay, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JH-85. Dec., 1939. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. General 9002. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Commodore 588.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Adv Bl C TITL PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1925. MUS IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Morton. "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1991 SORC Bl C R S TITL The Original Jelly Roll Blues PUBL will Rossiter, 1915. PPR QRS 32351. 196

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Foil" DATS 1885-1941 SOBC Adv Bl I tins R RJ TITL The Pearls POBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1923. c- 1923, 1925, Edwin H- Morris & Company, Inc-; Copyright renewed. BBC July, 1923. Recorded by Jelly Foil Morton. Gennett 5323. April, 1926. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Vocalion 1020. Hay, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Circle JM 41/42. Sept., 1938. Recorded by Mary Lou Williams. Decca 2796. June, 1950. Recorded by Wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 26. May, 1953. Recorded in France by Lil Armstrong. Vogue 5157. n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 70. n.d. Recordings by Jelly Roll Morton from 1923, 1926, 1938, on Album: "Saga of Mr. Jelly Roll", Album VI. HDS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Raotime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. IN: Jazz Giant . Jelly Roll Horton. "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl J P&G RJ TITL Pep POBL Southern Music, unpublished 1931. REC July, 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Norton. Victor V—38627. Hay, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM-43. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Bluebird 10257.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl J R TITL The Perfect Rag PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Horton Estate, unpublished 1949. REC June, 1924. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Gennett 5486. 197

COUP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl R TITL Ponchartrain POLL Southern Music, unpublished 1930. COUP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl PGG RJ TITL Seattle Hunch PUBL Southern Music, unpublished 1929. REC 1929. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Bluebird 10257.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv Bl C I Mus R TITL Shreveport Stomp (s) PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Cenpany, 1925. c. 1925, Edwin H. Morris & Company, Inc.; Copyright renewed. REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Gennett 5105-5590. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Norton Trio, Victor 21658, Bluebird 7710, His Master's Voice 9220. PPR Vocal Style 50481. MUS IR: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music S Books, n.d. IR: Jazz Giant * JelI t Roll Morton. "Blues. Stomps and Pagtime" E> Bansen Educational Music 6 Books, n.d.

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Adv El I TITL Sidewalk Blues PUBL Melrose Brothers Music Company, 1926. MUS IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Morton ■ "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Spanish Swat PUBL Ferdinand Joseph Horton Estate, unpublished 1948. REC n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JH-26. T90

COUP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC J P&G TITL State and Madison REC May, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Circle JH-70. % COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Stratford Hunch PPR Vocal Style 50485.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl C TITL Superior Rag PUBL Unpublished ca. 1915.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1085-1941 SORC Bl TITL Sweet Man PPR Capitol 1334.

COMP Morton, Perdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl J PCG TITL Sweet Peter PUBL Southern Music, unpublished 1933. REC Hay, 1938. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JM-69.

COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl Rec TITL Ton Cat Blues REC July, 1924. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Folkways FJ 2809. Vol. 9. PPR Owen Player Roll Conpany no I ; Vocal Style no #- COMP Morton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll* DATS 1885-1941 SORC Bl TITL Turtle Twist PUBL Southern Music Conpany, unpublished 1930. 199

COMP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 1885-19M SORC Adv TITL Wild Han Blues HUS IN: Jazz Giant. JelIt Foil Horton - "Blues, stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational nusic 6 Books, n.d.

COHP Horton, Ferdinand Joseph "Jelly Roll" DATS 10R5-19U1 SORC Adv Bl C I PGG R Rec TITL Wolverine Blues PUBL Helrose Husic Company, 1923. REC June 1A , 1927. Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Folkways FJ 2809. Vol. 9. n.d Recorded by Jelly Roll Horton. Gennett 5289, Circle JM 55/56. MUS IN: Jazz Giant. Jelly Roll Horton. "Blues. Stomps and Ragtime" E> Hansen Educational Husic 6 Books, n.d. 200

COMP Nelson, Kalvert DATS 1951- SORC I TITL Piece for Judy PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: % Black Music Center School of Husic Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47401.

COMP Nelson, Oliver DATS 19 33-1975 SORC E > I> Mus TITL Blues and the Abstract Truth PDBL Marks Music Corporation, 1965. MVMT In Tine Lea and Aide Majorca The Heetin* Nocturne One for Erucie Shufflin• Six and Pour Stolen Monents. Mus MUS IN: Jazz Sampler for Piano Edward B. Marks Husic Corporation, 1975 There's a Teamin' Three Seconds. COMP Nelson, Oliver DATS 1933-1975 SORC Rec TITL Lamb of God (piano and orchestra) REC n.d. Plying Dutchnan. Stereo FDS-116. COMP Nelson, Oliver DATS 1933-1975 SORC Rec TITL Requiem (for two pianos) REC n.d. Flying Dutchman. Stereo FDS-116. COMP Nketia, Kwabena DATS 1921- SORC R TITL Eioht Piano Pieces PUBL Publication unknown. 201

COMP Oliver, Joe DATS n.d. SORC Bl TITL High Society Rag (arranged by Lil Hardin) (unable to deternine if for piano) PUBL c. 1923; unpublished. COMP Oliver, Melvin Janies "Sy" DATS 1910—? SORC Mus TITL Opus One PUBL c. 19U5, Embassy Music Corporation MUS IN; The Joy of Ja?7 Yorktovn Husic Press, Inc., 196**. COMP OliV' -, Melvin Janes "Sy" DATS 1910- ? SORC Mus TITL Yes Indeed (vith words in first half of composition) PUBL c. 1941, Embassy Music Corporation. MUS IN: The Joy of Jazz Yorktovn Music Press, Inc., 1964. COMP Ory, Edvard "Kid" DATS 1686-1973 SORC Mus TITL Get Out of Here (vith ) PUBL c. 1961, Dorsey Brothers Music, Inc- MUS IN: The Joy of Jazz Torktovn Husic Press, Inc., 1964. 202

COMP Parker, Charles Christopher "Bird" DATS 1920— 1955 SORC Mus TITL Anthropology (with Dizzy Gillespie) PUEL c. 194ft, Consolidated Music Publishers, Inc. HUS IN: The Joy. of Jazz lorktown Music Press, Inc., 1964.

COMP Perkinson, Coleridge Taylor DATS 19 32- SORC R TITL Piano Sonata PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Perkinson, Coleridge Taylor DATS 1932- SORC R TITL Grass Poem (piano, strings, and percussion) PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Perryman, Rufus "Speckled Red" DATS 1892-1973 SORC Hus TITL The Dirty Dozens (with words and vocal line) PUBL c. 1929 by MCA Music; copyright renewed. HUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. OOHP Perryman, Willie (see Piano Red)

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Adv TITL Canadiana Suite PUBL Hansen Educational Music & Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Gay's Blues PUBL c. Torai Music Company. REC Feb. 14, 1973. Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 26 25-702-2B. COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Greasy Glues (For Count Basie) PUBL c. Tomi Music Conpany. REC Feb. 19, 1973- Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625—702-2A• COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Mus TITL Hallelujah Tine PUBL c. 1973, Toni Husic Conpany. HUS IB: Oscar Peterson Solos Hansen Educational Music G Books Inc., n.d. COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Hus TITL Hynn to Freedom PUBL c. 1973, Toni Music Company. MUS IN: Oscar Peterson Jazz Piano Solos Hansen Educational Music G Books, Inc., n.d. COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Mus TITL Jazz Exercises and Pieces, Book I PUBL Hansen Educational Music & Books, Inc., 1965. MVMT Jazz Exercise No. 1 Jazz Minuet No. 1 Jazz Exercise No. 2 Jazz Minuet No. 2 Jazz Exercise No. 3 Jazz Minuet No. 3 Jazz Exercise No. 9 Jazz Minuet No. 4 Etc. through 14 Exercises and 14 Minuets- 204

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1 925- SORC Adv TITL Jazz Exercises and Pieces, Book II PUBL c. 1965, Music Limited; Hansen Educational Husic & Books, n.d. MVHT Jazz Etude No- 1 Jazz Piece Ho- 1 Jazz Etude No- 2 Jazz Piece No- 2 Jazz Etude No- 3 Jazz Piece No- 3 Jazz Etude No. 4 Jazz Piece No. 4 Etc. through 9 Etudes and 10 Pieces. COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- TITL Jazz Exercises and Pieces, Book III PUBL Hansen Educational Music 6 Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Adv TITL New Piano Solos, Book I PUBL Hansen Educational Music & Books, Inc., n.d. OOMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Adv TITL New Piano Solos, Book 2 PUBL Hansen Educational Music G Books, Inc., n.d. COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Adv TITL New Piano Solos, Book 3 PUBL Hansen Educational Music G Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Okie Blues PUBL c. Tomi Husic Company. REC Dec. 27, 1972. Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625-0702-1B. 205

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SOftC Rec TITL R . B . Blues PUBL c. Tomi Music Conpany. REC Dec. 29, 1972. Recorded by Oscar Peterson with bass* Album: MThe History of an Artist*. Pablo 2625-0702-1A.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Richard's Round PUBL c. Toni Music Conpany. REC Feb. 19, 1973- Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Albun: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625-702-2B.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC MUS TITL Roundalay FUEL c. 1973, Toni Music Conpany. MUS IN: Oscar Peterson Jazz Piano Solos Hansen Educational Music E Boots, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Mus TITL Sedley's Blues PUBL c. 1973, Toni Music Conpany. MUS IN: Oscar Peterson Jazz Piano Solos Hansen Educational Boots E Music, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC MUS TITL The Snudge POBL c. 1973, Toni Music Conpany. HUS IN: Oscar Peterson Jazz Piano Solos Hansen Educational Books E Husic, Inc., n.d.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC MUS TITL The Strut PUEL c. 1973, Toni Music Conpany. HUS IN: Oscar Peterson Jazz Piano Solos Hansen Educational Boots E Husic, Inc., n.d. 206

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Swamp Fire PllBL c. Tomi Music Company. REC May 25, 197ft. Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Album: "The History of an Artist**. Pablo 2625-702-2A.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SORC Rec TITL Sweety Blues PUBL c. Tomi Husic Company. REC Feb. 1ft, 1973. Recorded by Oscar Peterson in trio. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625-702-2A.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 1925- SO RC R ec TITL PUBL c . Tom i H u s ic Com pany. REC Dec. 27, 1972. Recorded by Oscar Peterson with bass and guitar. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625—0702-1B.

COMP Peterson, Oscar DATS 19 25- SORC Rec TITL This Is Where It's At PUBL c. Tomi Music Company. REC Dec. 27, 1972- Recorded by Oscar Peterson with bass and guitar. Album: "The History of an Artist". Pablo 2625—0702-1A .

COHP Piano Red (Willie Perryman) (Dr. Feelgood) DATS 1913- SORC Hus TITL Atlanta Bounce PUEL c. Tradition Music Co., n.d. REC n.d. Arhoolie LP 106ft. MUS IN: Barrelhouse 6 Boogie Piano, by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 197ft.

COMP Pickett, Jess DATS 1060-1922 SORC Bl TITL Digah's Stomp (also known as The Dream) REC n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 21358. COKP Pickett, Jess DATS 1860-1922 SORC Dl P S TITL The Dream (also known as Digah*s Stomp) REC 1926. Recorded by Fats Waller. In: '•The Diqah’s Stomp**. RCA Victor, n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson and Band. A5CH 551-1. (twelve inch)

COKP Powell, Bad DATS 1929-1966 SORC Rec TITL Audrey REC n.d. Recorded by Eud Powell. Blue Rote BLP 1509. COKP Powell, Bud DATS 1929-1966 SORC Rec TITL REC n.d. Recorded by Bud Powell. Blue Note BLP 1509. COKP Powell, Bud DATS 1929-1966 SORC Hus TITL Hallucinations PUBL JATAP Busic Inc. MBS IK: The Book of Jazz From Then Till Row, by. Leonard Peather Horizon Press, 1965.

COKP Powell, Bud DATS 1929-1966 SORC Rec TITL Wail REC n.d. Recorded by Bud Powell. Blue Rote BLP 1509.

COKP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC I TITL Dances in the Canebrakes POBL Mills Husic, n.d.

COKP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC I TITL Fantasie No. 9 PUBL Publication unknown. con? Price, Florence B. DATS 1088-1953 SORC I TTTL The Goblin and the Mosquito PUBL Publication unknown. COBP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC I TTTL The Old Eoatman PUBL Summy, n.d* COMP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC R S TITL Piano Concerto PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC R TTTL Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC I TITL Sea-Swallow PUBL Summy, n.d*

COMP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC I TITL Sonata e ainor PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Price, Florence B. DATS 1888-1953 SORC Hu> I> K TITL Three Little Negro Dances PUBL Prcsser, n*d. BVMT 1. Hoe Cake 2. Rabbit Foot 3. Ticklin* Toes. COKP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Dance of -the Hearts PUBL Publication unknown; available from conposer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC 1 TITL Dance of the Planets PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054 . COMP Price, John E. DATS 19 35- SORC I TITL Editorial II PUBL Publication unknown; available from conposer 3321 M.S. 175th St. Miami, Florida 330 54. COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TTTL Waltz PUBL Publication unknown; available from conposer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I T IT L Fuque No. 2 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Golden Claws PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Hushed Bells PUBL Publication unknown; available from conposer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COKP Price, John E. DATS 19 35- SOP.C I TTTL Hymns for Piano PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.w. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, John E. DATS 19 35- SORC I TITL Invention No. 1 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Invention No. 2 PUEL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Joseph Prelude PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Riami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, John B. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Miniature Waltzes PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer 3321 N.W. 175th Street Riami, Florida 33054 . COUP Price, John E- DATS 1935- SORkJ I TITL Paraphrase of "Sometimes I Peel Like a Motherless Child* PUBL Publication unknown; available fron conposer; 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miani, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- 90 RC BPIM (Vol. 4 II] TITL Pieces for Piano - For Ratachia: Dog and Kitty PUBL 1975- Publication unknown. MVMT 14 pieces for piano (juvenile).

COMP Price, John E. DATS 19 35- SORC 1 TITL Prelude in c linor PUBL Publication unknown; available fron composer: 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Romance No. 1 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer; 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Romance No. 2 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Romance No. 3 PUBL Publication unknown; available fron conposer; 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. 212

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Romance Ho- 5 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 3321 H.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Sonatina No-1 PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer; 3321 N.H. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, John E. DATS 1935- SORC I TITL Spiritual PUBL Publication unknown; available from conposer: 3321 N.W. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054.

COMP Price, John E- DATS 1935- SORC I TTTL Study in C PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 3321 N.H. 175th Street Miami, Florida 33054. COMP Price, Sammy DATS 1908—? SORC PCG TITL I Finally Gotcha Eoogin• for Mezz REC 1945.

COMP Pritchard, Robert S. DA TS n.d. SORC I K TITL Ti Jacgues Suite PUBL Franco Colombo Publications, n.d.; Belwin-Hills, n.d 213

COMP Reed, Freddie DATS 19 28- SORC Hu e TITL Time to Smile PUBL c . 1959, 1962, Jeneva Music. MBS IN: Jazz sampler for Piano Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, 1975.

COMP Reese, Cortez DATS n.d. SORC I T IT L Sonata PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Reese, Cortez DA TS n .d . SORC I TITL Suite PUBL Publication unknown. OOMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyetb "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C I TITL Helter Skelter PUBL c- Ricorai, 1915.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey* DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Adv Bl C Hu> I J TITL Junk Man Rag POBL J o s e p h W. Stern S Conpany, 1913; John Stark, 1913. REC Aug., 1915. Recorded by Lionel Belasco. Factor 67685. May, 19U6. Recorded by Luckey Roberts. Circle 1026. 1972. Recorded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Music EBM-2. PPR Metro Style Thenodist 6190; Standard no #; Starr Piano Company no #; Oni—Record 200985. MUS IN: Giants of Ragtime, edited by Mar Horath E> Available from Kelvin Mills Publ. Corp. COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC C TITL M'lasses (probably a different spelling of Bo'lasses) PUBL 1923; Publication unknown. 214

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth ‘•Luckey*1 DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Dl Hu> TITL Mo'lasses PUBL Shapiro, Bernstein 6 Conpany, and Shapiro, Bernstein 6 Von Tilzer, 1923- COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth ‘•Luckey* DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Hu> S TITL Moonlight Cocktail (Ripples of the Wile at a slower tempo) PUBL Jewel Husic Publishing Conpany, 1941.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Adv Bl C Hu> J K TITL Music Box Rag PUBL Joseph V. Stern S Conpany, 1914; Marks Music Conpany, n -d • REC May, 1946. Recorded by Luckey Roberts- Circle 1027. PPR Aeolian Grand no #; Angelus no #; Connorized 2890; Dominant 10336; Metro Art no «• HUS IN; Giants of Ragtime, edited by Max Morath E> Available fron fielvin Mills Publishing Corp-

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C TITL Palm Beach PUBL Joseph W- Stern C Company, 1914. PPR QRS 31772-

OOMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C TITL Park Avenue POBL c- 1949, Luckeyeth Roberts- 215

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Adv Bl C J PCG SH TITL Pork and Beans FUBLJ.w. Stern, 1913. REC Way, 1946. Recorded by Luckey Roberts. Circle 1027. 1949. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Reminiscing the Piano Greats". Bogue LP 177 (Prance) Dial LP 305 (United States) • 1972. Recutded by Eubie Blake. Eubie Blake Husic EBM-2. HUS IN: Giants of Ragtime, edited by Max Horath E> Available from Belwin Hills Publishing Corp.

COHP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC M us TITL Pork and Beans DUET HOS IN: Ragtime Duets, arranged by Denes Agay Harks, 1975.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Lackey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C HO> TITL Railroad Blues POBL Van Alstyne and Curtis, 1920. REC n.d. Recorded by Luckey Roberts. Circle 1026.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl J L S TITL Ripples of the Nile REC May, 1946. Recorded by Luckey Roberts. Circle 1028.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C J L TITL Shy and Sly REC May, 1946. Recorded by Luckey Roberts. Circle 1028.

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC Bl C TITL Spanish Suite (for piano and orchestra) POFL Unpublished c. 1939. HVMT Spanish Venus REC 1968. KB Recorded by Eubie Blake. Columbia C2S 847. Spanish Pandango Porto Rico Naid. 216

COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC 61 C TITL Spanish Venus - Tango PUBL Unpublished 1915. COMP Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey** DATS 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 SORC 61 C TITL whistlin* Pete - Miniature Syncopated Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra PUBL Unpublished, c. 1939.

COMP Roldan, Amadeo DATS 1900-1939 SORC I TITL Mulato PUBL Composed 1939. Peer International, 1965-

COMP Roldan, Aaadeo DATS 1900-1939 SORC I TITL Piezas Infantiles PUBL Publication unknown. BVHT 1. El diablito 2. Cancion de cuaa del nino negro. COKP Roldan, Amadeo DATS 1900-1939 SORC I TITL Preludio Cubano PUBL Southern Music Publishing Conpany, 1967.

COMP Russell, Oswald DA TS n . d • SORC I TITL Pieces (possible pieces listed in The Pianist *s Resource Guide ... by Joseph Rezits and Gerald Deatsnan) rUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Ryder, Noah DATS 1919-1969 SORC C I S TITL Five sketches for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. COUP Ryder, Noah DATS 1914-19611 SORC h TITL Idyll PUBL Publication unknown COSP Ryder, Noah DA TS 1914-1964 SORC R TITL Rhapsod ie PUBL Publication unknown CO BP Ryder, Noah DATS 1914-1964 SORC R TITL Serenade PUBL Publication unknown 218

COMP St. Georges, Chevalier de DATS 1739-1799 SORC PPIM (Vol.7 11) TITL Sonata in G for Keyboard PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Sawyer, Jacob DATS 19th Century SORC T TITL Welcome to the Era March PUBL c. 1877, John P. Perry E Company. MUS IN: Music and Some Highly Musical People by James Trotter Lee £ Shepard, 1881. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968. COMP Schuyler, Philippa Duke DATS 1931-1967 SORC HU> TITL Five Little Pieces PUBL c. 1938, Mrs. George S. Schuyler.

COMP Schuyler, Philippa Duke DATS 1931-1967 SORC I TITL Little Pieces (two sets, one with six pieces and one with eight pieces) PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Schuyler, Philippa Duke DATS 1931-1967 SORC HU> TITL Three Little Pieces PUBL c. 1938, Mrs. George S. Schuyler -

OOMP Schuyler, (no first name given) DATS n.d. SORC K TITL Rumpelstiltskin PUBL Franco Colombo Publications, n.d.

OOMP Scott, Arthur "Bud** DATS 1890-1999 SORC Mus TITL Get Out of Here (with ) PUBL c. 1961, Dorsey Brothers Music, Inc. MUS IN: The Joy of Jazz Yorktown Music Press, 1969. 219

COMP Scott, Hazel DATS 1920- SORC K TITL Hazel's Boogie Woogie PUBL MCA Music, n.d.

COMP Scott, Hazel DATS 19 20- SOUC K TITL Hazel Scott Five Solos - Boogie Woogie to the Classics PUBL MCA, n.d.

COMP Scott, Janes Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC B1 C I Hus Rec S TITL Broadway Rag - A Classic PUBL John Stark & Son, 1922. REC n.d. Recorded by Max Horath. Albua; **The World of Scott Joplin” , vanguard SHV 310 SD. MUS IN: Classic Piano Haas, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, inc., 1973. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1806-1938 SORC Bl Mus TITL Calliope Rag (incomplete) PUBL c. ca. 1910, Robert Darch- HUS IN: They All Played Raotine. by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1866-1938 SORC Bl C I J Hus S TITL Climax Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 1919. c. 1919, Edwin H. Morris & Company, Inc. Copyright renewed by Ed. Morris. REC Nov., 1999. Recorded by Ralph Sutton, Down Home 8. n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks, Poydras 17- PPR Anaelus 91333; Artempo 1857; Metro Style 109369 and 301036; Universal 100797 and 301037. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I TITL Dixie Dimples - Ragtime Fox Trot PUBL I. Seidel and Seidel Husic, 1919; Ragtime 220

Society, n.d.

CO PIP Scott, Janes Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Plus TITL Don't Jazz Me Rag - I*m Music PUBL John Stark & Son, 1921. HUS IN: Classic Piano Fags. selected by Rndi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973-

CO HP Scott, Janes Sylvester DA TS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Mus TITL Efficiency Pag PUBL John Stark E Son, 1917. REC 1979. Recorded by William Bolcom. Albun: "Pastimes 5 Piano Haas". Nonesuch H-71299. PPR Metro Style 303152; Universal 303153; US Music 8397. HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COMP Scott, Janes Sylvester DA TS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I Mus TITL Evergreen Rag PUBL John Stark E Son, 1915. c. 1915, Edwin H. Morris E Company, Inc. PPR QRS 32269; US Music 7278. HUS IN: classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encvclonaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DA TS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Mus TITL The Fascinator - March and Two-Step PUBL Dunars Music, and Dumars, Gammon Music Company, 1903. MUS IN: The Mississippi Valley Rags, selected by Max Horath Schirmer, 1975. IN: Ragtime Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. COMP Scott, Janes Sylvester DATS 1886-1930 SORC Bl C I J Has Rec S TITL Frog Leas Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 1906; Ragtime Society, n.d. REC Nov., 1999. Recorded by Ralph Sutton. Down Home 8. June, 1950. Recorded by wally Rose. Good Time Jazz 25. n.d. Recorded by Max Korath. Album; "The World of Scott Joplin". Vanguard SRV 310 SD. I*PR Connorized 582 and 9301; Electra 76202; Kimball B-5132; Meloqraphic 0804; Standard 76202; OS Music 1255 and 61255. HOS IN; Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

CO HP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I J Hus TITL Grace and Beauty PUBL John Stark & Son, 1910. REC Harch, 1946. Recorded by Dink Johnson. American Music 515. April, 1949. Reocrded by Knocky Parker. Paradox 8. Nov., 1949. Recorded by Ralph Sutton. Down Home 10. n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 16 n.d. Recorded by . Circle 1030. n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Century 4022. PPR Angelas 90969; Connorized 20960; 88 Full Note Score 80260; Kimball B6317; Metro Style 102609 and 300118; Standard no I; Universal 79839 and 300110; US Music 3294 and 5162 and 63194. HUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d.

COMP Scott, Janes Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I Mus Rec TITL Great Scott Rag PUBL c. 1909, James Scott; Allen Music Company, 1909 or 1919. REC 1979. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Pastimes Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71299. PPR QRS 31138. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. 222

COMP Scott, James Syl vester DATS 1886-19 30 SORC Bl C I TITL Hearts Longing - Waltz PUEL John Stark & Son, 1910.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-19 38 SORC EL C I J MUS TITL Hilarity Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 1910. REC n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 69. n.d. Recorded from piano roll. Circle 5003. PPR Angelus 91069; Melographic no •; Metro Style 103173 and 300278; Universal 100017 and 300279; US Music 5399 and 69592B. MUS IK: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Ragtime Book (edited and arranged John W . Schauta) Available from Belwin Mills Publishing Co., n.d.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I> Mus TITL Honeymoon Fag PUBL John Stark S Son, 1916; c. 1916, Edwin H- Morris C Company, Inc., copyright renewed; Ragtime Society, n.d. PPR Arteapo 9935; Metro Art 203008; Universal 203009; US Music 8193- MU S IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music C Books, n.d.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 18R6-1938 SORC Bl C I K U S S TITL Kansas City Rag PUBL John Stark S Son, 1907; Ragtime Society, n.d. PPR Connorized 1560 and 9339; QRS 30566. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications Inc., 1973. 223

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1866-1930 SORC Bl I Mus Rec TITL Modesty Rag - A Classic PUBL John Stark S Son, 1920. REC 197U. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Pastime & Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71299. HOS IN: Classic Piano Rags selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886— 1938 SORC Bl I Mus Rec TITL New Era Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 19 19. REC 197U. Recorded by william Bolcom. Album: "Pastimes S Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71299. HUS IN: C lassic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I Mus TITL On the Pike - March and Two Step PUBL Dumars Music Company, 1904. MUS IN: Ragtime Rarities. selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC C1 I TITL Ophelia Rag PUBL John Stark S Son, 1910-

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl 1 Mus TITL Paramount Rag PUBL John Stark G Son, 1917. MUS TN: Classi c Piano R aqs, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I MUS TITL Peace and Plenty Rag PUBL John Stark S Son, 1919. HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh 2 24

Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Scott, Janes Sylvester DATS 1866-1936 SORC A BL C I Bus S TITL Peqasus - A Classic Rag PUBL John Stark G Son, 1920. REC n.d. Recorded by William Bolcom. Album: "Heliotrope Bouquet (Piano Raqs 1900-1970)". Nonesuch H-71257. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COKP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I TITL Princess Rag PUBL John Stark G Son, 1919; Ragtime Society, n.d.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 188C-193B SORC Bl I Mus TITL Prosperity Rag PUBL John Stark & Son, 1916; c. 1916, Edwin H. Morris C Company; copyright renewed. PPR OS Music 7905 (7205?). MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1686-1938 SORC Bl I J Bus S TITL Quality - A High-Class Fao PUBL John stark G Son, 1911; c-1911, Edwin H . Morris G Company, Inc. REC n.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Circle 5005. PPR QRS 32226; US Music 5270. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1686-1938 SORC Bl I Mus TITL Rag Sentimental PUBL John Stark G Son, 1918. PPR Music Note 1075. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. 225

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Mus TITL The Ragtime Betty PUBL John Stark & Son, 1909. MOS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC El C I J Mus Rec TITL Ragtime Oriole PUBL John Stark, £ Son, 1911. c. 1911, Edvin H. Morris & Company, inc. REC n.d. Recorded by Max Morath. Album: "The World of Scott Joplin'1. Vanguard SRV 310 SD. PPR Anqelus 91182; Arteapo 1898; Connorized 10311; 88 Pull Note Score 80353; Kimball C6787; Metro Style 103672 and 300642; QRS 32228; Starr Piano Company no t; Universal 100345; Uni-Record 300642; US Music 5311 and 65311. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, n.d. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I TITL The Springtime of Love, Valse PUBL I. Seidel, 1919; Ragtime Society, n.d.

OOMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I TITL Suffragette Waltz PUBL John Stark 6 Son, 1914. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl C I HUS TITL A Summer Breeze - March and Two Step PUBL Dumars Music, 1903. HUS IN: Ragtime Rari ties, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975. COHP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-19 38 SORC Bl I J Hus TITL Sunburst Rag PUBL John Stark G Son, 1909. REC n.d. Recorded by Wally Rose. Rest Coast 103. (according to Jason, West Coast 103 is Lu Ratters and Yerba Buena Jazz Band). PPR Kimball 86794; OS Music 2261 and 62261. MUS IN; Classic Piano Rcigs, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC MUS TITL Sunburst Rag DUET MUS IN; Raotime Duets, edited by Denes Agay Edvard B. Marks, 1975.

COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Mus Rec TITL Troubadour Rag POBL John Stark G Son, 1919. REC 1974. Recorded by Hilliam Bolcom. Album; "Pastimes Piano Rags". Nonesuch H-71299. HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. COMP Scott, James Sylvester DATS 1886-1938 SORC Bl I Mus TITL Victory Rag POBL John Stark G Son, 1921. c. 1921, Edvin H. Morris G Company, Inc. HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Raotime Hansen Educational Music G Books, n.d.

COMP shav, Robert DATS 1908- SORC Mus TITL The Cows PUBL C. Tradition Music Co. PEC n.d. Arhoolie LP 1010. MUS IN: Barrclhouse G Boogie Piano by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1974. 227

COMP Shook, Ben DATS Late Nineteenth Century SOItC Bl TITL Dat Gal of Mine (unable to determine if for piano) PDBL H.N. White, 1902.

COMP Silver, Horace DATS 20th Century SORC Rec TITL Senor Blues REC 1956. Album: "The Best of Horace Silver". Blue Note BST 81*325.

COMP Singleton, Alvin Elliott DATS 20th Century SORC I TITL Mutations PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: % Tale University School of Music New Haven, Conn. 06 520. COMP Singleton, Alvin Elliott DATS 20th Century SORC 1 TITL Preludes PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: % Tale University School of Music New Haven, Conn. 06520. COMP Smith, Chris DATS 1R79-1949 SORC Bl TITL Jungle Jamboree Rag PtIBL Joseph W Stern B Company, 1913. PPR Angelus no #.

COMP smith, Chris DATS 1879-1949 SORC Bl TITL Ragtime Engineer REC N.d. Recorded from Pianola Roll. Circle 5010. 228

COMP Smith, Clarence "Pine Top" DATS 190*1-1929 SORC Adv K> HU> Mus TITL Five Boogie Woogie Blues Piano Solos hy Pine Top Smith PUBL Leeds Music Corporation, 19h1. MVMT Pine Top's Blues. K RJ MCA Music, n.d. REC n.d. Recorded by Pine Top Smith. United Hot Clubs of America 113. Jump Steady Blues. PEG RJ REC 1929, Recorded by Pine Top Smith. n.d. Recorded by Pine Top Smith. United Hot Clubs of America 65. I'm Sober Wow. PEG REC 1929. Recorded by Pine Top Smith. I Got More Sense Than That Wow I Ain't Got Nothin* at All. COMP Smith, Clarence "Pine Top" DATS 1909-1929 SORC Adv TITL Ode to Pine Top MUS IN: Five All Star Boogie Woooie Piano Solos Leeds Music Corporation, n.d.

COMP Smith, Clarence "Pine Top* DATS 1909—1929 SORC C I PEG Rec S RJ TITL Pine Top's Boogie Woogie REC Dec. 29, 1928. Original Version recorded in Chicago by Pine Top Smith. Album: "Leonard Feather's Encyclopedia of Jazz", Yol. 1. Decca DL 8383. n.d. Recorded by Count Basie and Orchestra. Folkways Vol.10. FJ 2810. n.d. Recorded by Pine Top Smith. United HOt Clubs of America 113.

COMP Smith, Hale DATS 1925- SORC The Composer TITL Anticipations, Introspections, and Reflections PUBL Unpublished; work in progress. OOMP Smith, Hale DATS 1925- SORC F H I K Mus Bee TITL Evocation PUDL C.F. Peters Corporation, n.d. REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Hinderas, Desto Records DC 7102/3. HUS IN: International Library of Piano Music University Society, Inc., n.d. COMP Smith, Hale DATS 19 25- SORC Bt C E> I> S TITL Faces of Jazz PUBL Marks, 1968. HVKT My Scarf Is Yellow The Broken Saxophone Pooty*s Blues Day's End Off-Beat Shorty Blooz Following Scrambled Eggs and Ernie That's Mike An Asphodel for Marcel Goin' in a Hurry Come to My Party. COMP Smith, Hale DATS 1925- SOFC BPIM TITL For One Called Billy PUBL c. 1975, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. MUS IN: Black Perspectives in Music (periodical) Vol.3 #2, pages 224-225. COMP Smith, Hale DATS 19 25- SORC I TITL Study in Sonority PUBL Edward 8. Marks, n.d. COMP Smith, N. Clark DATS 1 877-7 SORC I TITL Fantasie on "Steal Away" PUBL Publication unknown. 230

COMP Smith, Russell DATS 20th Century SORC Bl I TITL Everybody Knows I Love Him PUBL I. Seidel and Seidel Music Company, 1918.

COMP Smith, Russell DATS 20th Century SORC Bl I TITL Princess - Two Step Oriental PUBL Will Morrison, 1908. COMP Smith, Russell DATS 20th Century SORC Bl I Mus TITL That Demon Rag PUBL 1. Seidel and Seidel Music Company, 1912. FPR OHS 31195. BUS IN: Raotime Rarities, selected by Trebor Jay Tichenor Dover Publications, 1975.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C HU> I RJ SH TITL Concentratin• REC Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 524. March 18, 1958. Recorded in France by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Luckey and the Lion, Harlem Piano". Good Time Jazz LP 12035. BUS IN: Modern Piano Solos. HU> , Inc., 1939.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC Bl I PEG SH TITL Contrary Motion PUBL Unpublished, 1949. COMP Smith, william Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C I SH TITL Conversation on Park Avenue PUBL Shapiro, Bernstein C Co., 1941; 1950. Publication unknown. COMP Smith, william Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1 (197-1973 SORC C 1 PEG SH TITL Cutt in• Out PUBL Irvinq , 1938; 1999. Publication unknown.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1 697— 19 73 SORC Bl C I J R RJ S SH TITL Echoes of Sprinq PUBL Robbins Music Corporation, 1935. REC Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 521. Dec., 1999. Recorded in France by Willie the Lion smith. Royal Jazz 730. May, 1958. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Grand Award LP 33-368. COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 18 97-1973 SORC HU> I J S SH TITL Finaerbuster PUBL Leeds Music, 1939. REC Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 522. MUS IN: Modem Piano Solos HD> Leo Feist, Inc., 1939. COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC J TITL Gut Stomp (with James P. Johnson) REC Nov., 1993. Recorded by Janes Price Johnson. Blue Note 29.

COMP Smith, william Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC Bl C I PEG TITL Here Comes PUBL 1999. Publication unknown. 232

CO (IP Saith, Willian Benry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I TITL I Ain't Gonna Swing No More POBL Publication unknown. COUP Smith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C I PSG TITL I*m Gonna Ride the Pest of the Way POBL 1999. Publication unknown. COUP Saith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC J SH TITL Keep Your Teaper POBL Leeds Music, c. Sept. 19, 1925. REC July, 1950. Recorded by Ralph Sutton. Columbia 39457.

COMP Saith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I P&G SH TTTL Late Hours POBL Willie Smith, 1940; 1949. Publication unknown.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C H(J> I MUS PGG RJ S SH TITL Horning Air REC Jan. 10, 1938. Recorded by Willie the Lion Saith. Decca 2269. Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 523 LP 30003. March IB, 1958. Recorded in France by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Luckey and the Lion, Harlem Piano". Good Tine Jazz LP 12035. HUS IK: Modern Piano Solos. HU> Leo Feist, Inc., 1939. 233

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I TITL The Old Stamping Ground PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C RU> I J Mus PEG RJ SH TITL Passionette POBL Leeds Music, 1935. REC Jan., 1938. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Decca 2269. Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 523 LP 300 03. 1949. Recorded in France by Willie the Lion Smith. Album: "Reminiscing the Piano Greats". Vogue LP 177 (France) ; Dial LP 305 (United States) • HUS IN: Modern Piano Solos. HD> Leo Peist, Inc., 1939.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC PEG SH TITL Portrait of the Duke (an Improvisation) PUEL Dayton Music, 1949. COMP Smith, william Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I PEG SH TITL Relaxin• PUBL Composers Music, 1949. REC March 18, 1958. Recorded in France by Willie the Lion Saith. Album: "Luckey and the Lion, Harlem Piano". Good Time Jazz LP 12035.

COMP Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC C HU> 1 PEG RJ SH TITL Ripplin* Waters PUBL Leeds Music, 1939. REC Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 522. MUS IN: Modern Piano Solos. HD> Leo Feist, Inc., 1939.

COMP Smith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SO PC C I J PCG RJ SH TITL Sneak Away PUBL Mills Music, 1937; 1938. Unpublished. REC Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Commodore 524.

COMP Smith, Willian Lenry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I TITL The Stuff Is Here and Mellow PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Smith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC I TITL The Swamp PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Smith, Willian Henry Joseph Bonaparte Eertholoff "Willie the Lion" DATS 1897-1973 SORC Bl I P&G TITL Z ig Zag PUBL 1949. Publication unknown.

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin M, DATS 1940- SORC 1 * TITL Atonal Piece PUBL Publication unknown; available fron composer: 1119 West Gilnan Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin It. DATS 1940- 50 RC I TITL Mood Piece PUBL Publication unknown; available fron conposer: 1119 West Gilnan Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 2 35

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin B. DATS 1990- SORC I 11TL Pieces PUBL 1958. Publication unknown: available froa coiposer: 1119 Vest Gilman Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 •

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin B. DATS 1990- 50 RC I TITL Pieces PUBL 1960. Publication unknown; available froa composer: 1119 West Gilman Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501.

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin B. DATS 1990- SORC I TITL Pieces PUBL 1967. Publication unknown; available froa composer: 1119 Vest Gilaan Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501.

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin H. DATS 1990- S0RC I TITL Pieces PUBL 1969. Publication unknown; available froa composer: 1119 Rest Gilnan Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501.

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin B. DATS 1990- SORC I TITL Sonata PUBL Publication unknown; available fron composer: 1119 West Gilaan Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501.

COMP Sonnier, Jr., Austin B. DATS 1990- SORC I TITL Twelve-Tone Compositions PUBL Publication unknown; available froa composer: 1119 west Gilman Road Lafayette, Louisiana 70501.

COMP Southall, Mitchell DATS 1922- SORC I R TITL Rif's Dance POBL Schirmer, 1947.

COMP Southall, Mitchell DATS 1922- SORC I R TITL Impromptu, d minor PUEL Schirmer, n.d.

COMP Southall, Mitchell DATS 1922- SORC I TITL Impromptu Militaire PUBL Schirmer, 1950 (?) .

COMP Southall, Mitchell DATS 1922- SORC R TITL Piano Concerto PUBL Publication unknown. COMP Southall, Mitchell DATS 1922- SORC I R TITL Romance PUBL Schirmer, n.d. COMP Spann, Otis DATS 1931-1970 SORC Mus TITL Don't Tou Know (with words and vocal line) PUBL c. Sonet/Dansk Kusik, Copenhagen. HUS IH: Sir Blues-hoots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. COMP Spann, Otis DATS 1931-1970 SORC Hus TITL Spann's Stomp PUBL c- 1966, Ryerson Music Publishers, Inc. REC n.d. with drums. Vanguard USD 1/2 / 196?, Chica HUS IN: Sijr Blues-Roots Pian ists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973- COMP Speckled Red (see Rufus Perryman)

COMP Still, William Grant DATS 1895- SORC E> Pf H HU> I> TITL Bells (Suite) PUBL Delkas, 1944; Leeds Music Corp., 1944; MCA, n.d. MVKT Phauton Chapel. H I MCA, n.d. Fairy Knoll. H MCA, n.d.

COMP Still, William Grant DATS 1695- SOFC HU> I> TITL A Deserted Plantation PUBL Robbins Music Corporation, 1936. MVMT Spiritual Toung Missy Dance.

COMP still, William Grant DATS 1895- SOPC S TITL KaintucX (piano solo and full orchestra) PUBL 1935. Publication unknown.

COMP still, Willian Grant DATS 1695- SORC K TITL Marionette PUBL MCA, n.d. HUS IN: Piano Music USA MCA Music, 1946.

COMP Still, Willian Grant DATS 1895- SORC 1TD> I TITL Quit Dat Fool'nish PUBL J. Fischer 6 Brothers, 1938. OOMP Still, Willian Grant DATS 1895- SORC A BP1M E> F Ff H HU> I> S TITL Seven Traceries PUBL WGS Music, 1939; J. Fischer S Brothers, 1940. MVMT Cloud Cradles REC n.d. Recorded by . Co-Art 5037. Mystic Pool Muted Laughter REC n.d. Recorded by Verna Arvey. Co-Art 5037. Out of the Silence REC n.d. Recorded by Verna Arvey. Co-Art 5037. Woven Silver REC n.d- Recorded by Verna Arvey. Co-Art 5037. Hailing Dawn A Bit of Hit. COUP Still, William Grant DATS 1895- SORC BPIM F Pf H I S TITL Throe Visions PUBL WGS Music, 1936; J. Fischer G Brothers, 1936. REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Rinderas. Desto DC-7102/3. MVBT Dark Horsemen Summerland Radiant Pinnacle. COUP Stone, Fred S. DATS ? -ca. 1912 SORC Bl HU> TITL Eos*n Rag PUBL Hhitney-Harren and Renick Music Coapany, 1699. COBP Stone, Fred S. DATS ? -ca . 1912 SORC Bl TITL A Kangaroo Hop PUBL Hhitney-Harren and Renick Music Conpany, 1903. COBP Stone, Fred s. DATS ? -ca• 1912 SORC Bl TITL Lady of Quality - Waltz PPR American Piano Company 2918.

COHP Stone, Fred s. DATS ?~ca. 1912 SORC Bl HP'v TITL Ma Ragtime Baby PUBL Hhitney-Harren and Remick Music Company, 1896. PPR Aeolian Grand 8207. COMP Stone, Fred S. DATS ?-ca. 1912 SORC Bl HU> TITL Silks and Rags Waltzes PUBL Hhitney Warner Publishing Company, v. 1901. PPR American Piano Company 2956.

COMP Stone, Fred S. DATS ?-ca. 1912 SORC Bl TITL Stone's Barn Dance 239 PUBL Whitney-Warren and Remick Music Company, 1898.

COMP Swanson, Howard DATS 1909- SORC S TITL Concerto for Piano and Orchestra POBL 1956. Publication unknown. COHP Swanson, Howard DATS 1909- SORC P Ff H I K R TITL The Cuckoo (piano scherzo) PUBL Lees Music, n.d.; MCA Music, 1999; Weintraub, 1999. COMP Swanson, Howard DATS 1909- SORC HO> I S TITL Four Preludes for Piano PUBL Weintraub Music Company, 1950. COMP Swanson, Howard DATS 1909- SORC I K R S TITL Piano Sonata (probably the sane piece as Sonata) PUBL Weintraub Music Company, n.d.

COMP Swanson, Howard DATS 1909- SORC F Pf H BU> TITL Sonata PUBL Weintraub Music Company, 1950. MVMT Allegro risoluto Andante cantabile. Mus MUS IN: An Anthology of Piano Music Vol. IV Yorktown Music Press, New York. Allegro vivo.

COMP Sweatnan, Wilbur DATS 1882-1961 SORC Bl K TITL Down Hone Fag PUBL will Fossiter, 1911; Shapiro, Bernstein Organization, n.d. PPR Standard no #; Uni-Record 200869. COMP Sweatnan, Wilbur DATS 1882-1961 SOHC Bl HU> TITL Old Folks Rag PUBL Joseph V. Stern S Conpany, 1919. PPR Anqelus no I; US Music 66597.

COUP Sykes, Roosevelt (recorded under the following pseudonynns: "Dobby Bragg", "Willie Kelly", and "Easy Papa Johnson") DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Gulfport Bootrie (with words and vocal line) POBL c. 196 3 by Roosevelt Sykes, Sue-Kay Publishing REC n.d. Delaark DL-607. HUS IBi Six Blues-Boots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973.

COUP Sykes, Roosevelt (recorded under the following pseudonynns: "Dobby Bragg", "Willie Kelly", and "Easy Papa Johnson") DATS 1906- SORC Mus TITL Highway 61 Blues (with words and vocal line) REC n.d. Yazoo L-1033. MUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973.

COMP Sykes, Roosevelt (recorded under the following pseudonynns: "Dobby Bragg", "Willie Kelly", and "Easy Papa Johnson") DATS 1906- SORC Hus TITL Red-Eye Jesse Bell (with words and vocal line) PU BL c. 1963 by Roosevelt Sykes, Sue-Kay Publishing REC May, 1963. Delaark DL-607, Chicago. MUS IN: Six Blues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. 241

COMP Tatum, Art DATS 1910-1956 SORC K TITL Art Tatum Improvisations, Ho. 2 PUBL Big Three Music Corporation, n.d.

COMP Tatum, Art DATS 1910-1956 SORC MUS TITL Blues in B Flat POBL JATAP Music Inc., n.d. MUS IN: The Book of Jazz from Then Till Nov by Leonard Feather Horizon Press, 1965.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC Hus TITL Big Horn Breakdown PUBL c. 1950, Hansen Educational Books 6 Music, Inc. HUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC Mus TITL Black Swan Rag POBL c. 1950, Hansen Educational Books S Music, Inc. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music & Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC Mus TITL Crazy Oak Cakewalk PUBL c. 1950, Ransen Educational Books & Music, Inc. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Music £ Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SOFC F R TITL Dixieland Piano Solos PUBL Charles H. Hansen, Company, 1949-50. COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC Adv TITL Dogzigity Rag HUS IN: Raotime Piano Available from Belvin Hills Publishing, Co., n.

COHP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 19 21- SORC B1 TITL Evolutionary Fag PUBL Billy Taylor, 1953.

COHP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC Hus TITL Hotfoot flamfat, the Cloo-Dance Han PUBL c. 1950, Hansen Educational Books C Husic, Inc. MUS IN: Golden Encyclopaedia of Ragtime Hansen Educational Husic C Books, Inc., n.d.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SOFC E R TITL Haabo Piano Solos PUBL Charles H. Hansen Company, 19 99-50.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SORC P H TITL Midnight Piano PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Taylor, Jr., Billy DATS 1921- SOHC P&G TITL Stridin• Down the Chanps Elysees REC 1996. Recorded by Billy Taylor, Jr.

CDMP Taylor, Cecil Percival DATS 1933- SORC Rec TITL Call (with accompanying instruments) REC Nov. 23, 1962, in Copenhagen. Album: "Cecil Taylor Live at the Cafe Montmartre". Fantasy 6019/86019. 243

COMP Taylor, Cecil Percival DATS 1933- SORC Bee TITL D Trad* That's What REC Nov. 23, 1962, in Copenhagen. Alban: "Cecil Taylor Live at the Cafe flontnartre". Fantasy 6014/86014. COMP Taylor, Cecil Percival DATS 1933- SORC BPIM (Vol. 2, # 1) TITL Indent POBL Available fron B. Webb Disgues Box 272 N . Bollyvood, Cal. 91603. COMP Taylor, Cecil Percival DATS 1933- SOFC Bee TITL Lena REC Nov. 23, 1962, in Copenhagen. Albas: "Cecil Taylor Live at the Cafe MontBartre". Fantasy 6014/86014. COMP Taylor, Cecil Percival DATS 1933- SORC Rec TITL Trance (vith acconpanying instruments) REC Bov. 23, 1962, in Copenhagen. Albun: "Cecil Taylor Live at the Cafe MontBartre*. Fantasy 6014/86014. COMP Thoaias, George DATS Early 20th Century SORC E> TITL Bop cop Blues MDS IN: Boogie Woogie Blues Folio by Clarence Willians Willians Publishing Conpany, 1940. COMP Thonas, Bersal DATS Early 20th Century SORC Adv TITL The Fives MDS IN: Five All Star Boogie Woogie Piano Solos Leeds Music Corporation, n.d. COMP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 I TITL Buffet Flat Bag PUBL Unpublished. COMP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 I TITL Deep Lawton PUBL Unpublished.

COHP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC PGG TITL Deloan Rag (possibly a misspelling of Dclaar Rag) REC 1950. Recorded by Charles Thompson.

COHP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 J PGG RJ TITL Delraar Rag REC Aug., 1949. Recorded by Charles Thoopson. American Music 528. n.d. Recorded by Joe Sullivan. Commodore 538. COHP Thoopson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 PGG TITL Derby Stomp REC 1950. Recorded by Charles Thompson. American Husic 527. COMP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 I TITL Hop Alley Dream PUBL Unpublished.

COMP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 I J Hus PGG TITL The Lily Rag (arranged by Artie Matthews) PUBL Syndicate Music Company, 1914. REC Aug., 1949. Recorded by Charles Thompson. American Music 527. 1950. Recorded by Charles Thompson. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COMP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC B1 I TITL Mound City Walk Around PUBL Unpublished. 245

COHP Thompson, Charles Hubbard DATS 1891-1964 SORC Dl I TITL Raq Tine Humming Gird PUBL Unpublished.

COHP Tillis, Frederick DATS 1930- s orc n TITL Three Hoveaents for Piano PUBL Publication unknown. COHP Turpin, Thoaas Billion "Ton" DATS 1873-1922 SORC El C HU> X> H U S R S TITL Bowery Buck - Rag Tiae Two Step (arranged by D.S. De Lisle) PUBL Rob’t de Tong, 1899; Ragtine Society, n.d. REC n.d. Recorded froa Pianola Roll. Circle 5008. PPR American Piano Company 676. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesb Dover Publications, Inc., 1973.

COBP Turpin, Thoaas Billion "Toa" DATS 1873-1922 SORC B1 C I BUS R S TITL The Buffalo Rag PUBL Will Rossiter, 1904. BUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. Comp Turpin, Thoaas Billion "Tew" DATS 1873-1922 SORC I TITL Easy Winners (authenticity questionable; saae title by Scott Joplin) PUBL Publication unknowh. 246

COMP Turpin, Thomas Million "To*" DATS 1873-1922 SORC Adv B1 C I> J Hus R s TITL Harlen Rag - Two Step (arranged by D.S. De Lisle) PUBL Rob*t de Yong C Company-Joseph V. Stern, 1897; Ragtime Society, n.d. REC July, 1951- Recorded by Vally Rose. Good Time Jazz 51. n.d. Recorded in England by Eric Brooks. Poydras 16. HUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Mississippi Valley Rags, selected by Max Morath Schirmer, 1975. IN: Giants of Ragtime, edited by Max Morath E> Available from Belwin Bills Publishing Corp- COMP Turpin, Thomas Million "Tom" DATS 1873-1922 SORC B1 I Mus R TITL Pan-Am Rag (arranged by Arthur Marshall) FDBL c. 1944 by Tom Turpin. HUS IN: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh & Harriet Janis Oak Publications, 1971.

COMP Turpin, Thomas Billion "Tom" DATS 18 73-1922 SORC A B1 C I Hus R S TITL A Rag-Time Nightmare - March and Two Step PUBL Rob*t de Tong, 1900. REC n.d. Recorded by william Bolcoa. Album: "Heliotrope Bouquet (Piano Rags 1900-1970)". Nonesuch H-71257. PPR Connorized 4149. MUS IN: Classic Piano Rags, selected by Rudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Mississippi Valley Rags. Selected by Max Morath *~ Schirmer, 1975. 247

COHP Turpin, Thonas Billion "Tom** DATS 1873-1922 SORC B1 C HU> I> J Mus R S TITL The St. Louis Rag PUBL c. Nov. 2, 1903. Sol Bloom, 1903; Ragtime Society, n.d. NEC n.d. Recorded from a piano roll. Century 4024. PPR Chase C Baher 2150-J; Connorized 1460 and 4143. MUS IN: Classic Piano Wags, selected by Fudi Blesh Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. IN: The Mississippi Vlaaev Rags. selected by Max Morath Schirmer, 1975. COMP Turpin, Thonas Million "Tom" DATS 1873-1922 SORC Bl I R TITL Sivash: Indian Fag Intermezzo PUBL c. 1909 by Tom Turpin. Unpublished.

COMP Turpin, Thomas Million "Tom" DATS 1873-1922 SORC Bl I R TITL When Sambo Goes to France (arranged by J.fl. Harris) PUBL Unpublished, 1917- 248

COMP Underwood, Sugar DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Dew Drop Alley Stomp REC Aug., 1927. Recorded by Sugar Underwood. Victor 21538. COMP Vodery, Will Henry Bennett DATS 1885-19 51 SORC Bl HD> TITL Carolina Pox Trot (new one step) PUBL Joseph W. Stern G Company, 1914* PPR Dominant 10304. 249 c o u p Waits, Jr., Jonas L. DATS 20th Century sonc I TITL Spirituals PUBL Publication unknown; available fro* composer: 209 Chester Street Buffalo, H.T. 14206.

COMP Waldron, Malcolm DATS 1926- sonc E> I K TITL Beflections in Modern Jazz PUBL Sam Fox Publishing, Inc., 1963. HVHT 1. Summerday 2. Easy Going 3. Ollie’s Caravan 4. Modal-Air 5. Lullaby Chant 6. The Call to Arms 7. Skipper’s Waltz 6. Love-Span 9. Quiet Temple 10. All of My Life.

COMP Waldron, Malcolm DATS 1926- sonc I> Mus TITL Sweet Love, Bitter; Della’s Dream PUBL Piedmont Husic Company, 1965, 1967. MUS IN: Jazz Sampler for Piano Edvard B. Harks Corporation; Belvin Rills, 1975.

COMP Walker, Charles DA TS 20th Century Sore I TITL Short Pieces PUBL Publication unknown; available from composer: 1100 South Goodman Box 176 Rochester, H.Y. 14603.

coup Walker, George Theophilus DATS 1922- sonc P PI H (Vol.4 #1) TITL Piano Concerto PUBL Publication unknown. 250

COMP walker, George Theophilus PATS 1922- SOliC R TITL Sonata for Two Pianos POBL Publication unknown; 196H.

COHP Walker, George Theophilus DATS 1922- SORC F I K R TITL Sonata Vo. 1 PUBL 1953. Composers Autographs Publications, n.d.; General Music Publishers Company, Inc., n.d. REC n.d. Recorded by Watalie Hinderas. Desto DC 7102/3. MVMT Allegro ferooe Moderato Allegro con brio.

COMP Walker, George Theophilus DATS 1922- SORC F I R TITL Sonata No. 2 PUBL 1957; General Music Publishing Company, Inc., 1966 Galaxy, 1966. REC n.d. Recorded by George Walker. Composers Recording, Inc., CR1 SD 270. HVMT Adagio non troppo Presto Adagio Allegretto tranguillo.

COHP Walker, George Theophilus DATS 19 22- SORC F I K R S TITL Spatials PUBL General Music Publishers Company, Inc., 1960. REC n.d. Recorded by George Walker. Composers Recording, Inc., CRI SD 270. COMP Walker, George Theophilus DATS 1922- SORC F K Mus TITL Spektra POBL 1970; General Music Publishers Company, Inc. 1972. 251

COMP Haller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC J Ki TITL African Ripples POBL c. April 20, 1931 * REC Nov. 16, 1939. Recorded by Fats Haller. Victor 29830; Bluebird 10115; His Masters Voice B8596 (English) , EA1958 (Australian), HE2289 (Swiss), JP11 (English).

COMP Waller, Thomas w. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl HD> Ki L PEG RJ TITL Ain't Misbehavin* REC August 2, 1929. Recorded by Fats Haller. Victor 22108, 20-1581, 68-0073; His Masters Voice: B3293 (Enolish), EA691 (Australian), FDLP1005 (French), DLP1005 (English); Victor 22092. n.d. Recorded by Ben Light. Tempo OR83791. n.d. Recorded by Jelly Roll Morton. Circle JH-99. n.d. Recorded by Teddy Heathersford. French Swing.

COHP Haller, Thomas H. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC HU> Ki I PEG RJ TITL Alliqator Crawl PUBL Joe Davis, Inc., 1937. REC Hov. 16, 1939. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor: 29830, A1337 (Japanese); Bluebird B10098; His Masters Voice: B87R9 (English), EA1958 (Australian), HN2632 (Italian), IP370 (Irish), IH89 (Spanish), JF11 (English), K8176 (French), 19990 (English), X9507 (English) . COMP Haller, Thoaas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL Bach Up to He PUBL Sam Fox, 1938.

COMP Haller, Thomas H. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Ki PEG TITL Birminaham Blues REC 1922. Recorded by Fats Waller. OKEH 9757, Biltmore 1005, Jazz Society AA503 (French)• 252

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL Black Rasberry Jam PUBL San Fox, 193B.

COHP Waller, Thomas W . "Fats" DATS 1909 — 1993 SORC Rec TITL Blue Black Botton (with Hike Jackson) REC n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller. RCA Victor LPV-516.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC PSG SH TITL The Boy in the Boat (alternate title for: Squeeze He) REC 1938. Feb., 1939. Recorded by Willie the Lion Smith. Conmodore 525 LP30003.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC K TITL Bugle Call Rag POBL Oriqinal by W.C. Handy, 1916; Belwin-Hills, n.d.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL China Jumps PUBL Published 1991, publisher unknown.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats* DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL Chinese Blues POBL Hills Husic Company, 1926.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL Falling Castle PUBL Published 1991, publisher unknown. 2 53

COMP Waller, Thoaas w. "Pats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC E> Mus TITL Fats Waller's Original Piano Conceptions No- 1 PUBL Hills Husic Company, n.d. MVMT 1. Dinah (Fats Waller conception) 2. Ain't Hisbehavin' (Fats Waller conception) 3. Margie (Fats Waller conception) 9. Girl of My Dreams (Fats Waller conception) 5. who's Sorry Now (Fats Waller conception) 6. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (arrangement) 7. For He and Hy Gal (arrangement), Mills Husic, 1932 8. Oust a Girl That Ben Forget (arrangement) 9. Mary Lou (arrangement) 10. Sweet Hama (arrangement). Bills Music, 1920.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DA TS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I TITL Fractious Fingering PD BL Sam Fox, 1938. REC n.d. RCA LPT 537.

COHP Waller, Thoaas W. "Fats" DA TS 1909-1993 SORC P6G TITL Gladys PUBL Published 1929, publisher unknown -

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC J Ki TITL Gladyse (probably same composition as Gladys) PUBL c. Dec. 26, 1929. REC Aug. 2, 1929. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor v-38559. His Masters Voicei HE2366 (Swiss), JF9 (English) .

COHP Waller, Thoaas W. "Fats" DA TS 1909-1993 SORC El C I O Ki P&G Rec-Adv RJ TITL Handful of Keys PUBL c. Dec. 29, 19 30- Southern Husic, 1930. REC March, 1929. Recorded by Pats Waller. Victor V-38508. Aug.2, 1929. Recorded by Fats Waller. LPT6001, 930209. n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller- Victor LPH 1502. n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 27768. 254

COMP Waller, Thoaas W. "Tats* DATS 1904-1943 SORC Bl I TITL Happy Feelinq PUBL Published 1940, Publisher unknown.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Pats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC J TITL Harlem Fuss PUBL c. Dec. 17, 1930. EEC March, 1929. Recorded by Fats Waller and His Buddies Victor V-38050.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC J TITL Hoq Maw Stomp PUBL c. Nov. 5, 1928. EEC Feb., 1927. Recorded by Thomas Waller. Victor 21525.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC HU> Ki PGG RJ TITL Honeysuckle Rose PUBL Composed 1929. REC May 13, 1941. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 20-1580; His Masters Voice: FDLP1005 (French) , DLP1008 (English) . 1944. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson. n.d. Recorded by Joe Sillivan. Columbia 2876-D.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC Ki PGG RJ TITL Keepin" Out of Mischief Now REC June 11, 1937. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor: 25618, 27767, JA1047 (Japanese); Bluebird B10099; His Masters Voice: B8625 (English), EA2382 (Australian), EG6757 (English), HE2290 (Swiss), N4479 (Indian), X4 479 (English). 1944. Recorded by Janes P. Johnson.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC Bl I TITL Latch On PUBL Sam Fox, 1938. 255

COBP Haller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl C Ki TITL London suite PUBL London Gramophone Company, 1998. REC June 13, 1939. Recorded by Fats Waller. His Basters Voice: B10059-B10061, EG7630-7632 (English), HR2721—2723 (Swiss); Encore ENC181. MVKT Piccadilly Chelsea Soho Bond Street Limehouse Whitechapel. COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909—1993 SORC C L TITL Minor Drag PUBL Publication unknown. COHP Waller, Thomas ». "Fats* DATS 1909-1993 SORC Ki L PSG RJ TITL Muscle Shoal Blues REC Oct., 1922. Recorded by Fats Waller. OKEH 9757, Biltmore 1005, Jazz Society AA503 (French). COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Ki PGG RJ TITL My Feelings Are Hurt REC 1929. n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 28613.

COMP waller, Thomas W. "Pats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl 1 Rec Rec/Adw RJ TITL Numb Fumblin* PUBL Southern Husic, 1935. REC n.d. Recorded by Pats Waller. Victor 25338 and V —38508. 256

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Pats" DATS 190*1 — 1943 SORC Bl I Hus TITL Palm Garden POPL c. 1941, Dorsey Brothers Music. HUS IN: Take »Bm You *11 Love 'Em sono Album Screen Gems - Columbia Publishers; Karamar Publishing Company, Ltd.

COMP Waller, Thomas W- "Pats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC Bl I TITL Paswonky POBL Sam Fox, 1938.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC I TITL Piano Pranks PUBL Publication unknown.

COHP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC Ki PEG TITL Ping Dem Bells REC May, 1941. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 27563, His Rasters Voice AV722 (Italian), RCA RD27185.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC PI I TITL St. Louis Shuffle (with Jack Pettis) PUBL Robbins - Engel, 1927.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1904-1943 SORC Bl I J Ki L PEG RJ TIT±- Smashing Thirds PUBL c. March 23, 1931. Southern Music, 1931. REC Sept. 24, 1929. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor V-38613, 2533B; His Masters Voice: B4902, B8546 (English), DLP111 (English). 257

CO HP Waller, Thomas w. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SONC Bl I Bus TITL Sneakin’ Home PUBL c. 191*1, Dorsey Brothers Basic. mus IN: Take 1 Km You *11 Love T m Souq Album Screen Gems - Columbia Publishers; Karamar Publishing Company, Ltd.

COMP Waller, Thomas w.. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SOKC El Ki PSG TITL Sgueeze Me (also under title: The Boy in the Boat) REC Aug. 10, 1939. Recorded by Fats Waller. Bluebird 10905; Victor: 20-2217, LEJ12; His Rasters Voice: GY552 (Spanish), J0132 (English), N19051 (Indian); Folkways FJ2811; CDN 131; CAL328; CAL973. 1999. Recorded by James P. Johnson. n.d. Recorded by James P. Johnson. Decca 23596.

COBP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DA TS 1909-1993 SORC 110> Ki PEG RJ TITL Sweet Savannah Sue REC Aug. 2,19~9. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor 22108; Bluebird 10269; His Masters Voice: BA691 (Australian), DLP1111 (English).

CO BP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 SORC Bl I J Ki PEG Rec-Adv RJ TITL Valentine Stomp PUBL Southern Music, 1929. REC Aug.2, 1929. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor V-38559, Bluebird B10263, His Masters Voice: DLP1111 (English) , HE2366 (Swiss) , JF9 (English) • Oct., 1997. Recorded in France by Eddie Bernard. Blue Star 56. n.d. Recorded by Fats Waller. RCA Victor Vintage 525.

COMP Waller, Thomas W. "Fats" DATS 1909-1993 sonc C I Ki PEG RJ TITL Viper's Drag REC Nov. 16, 1939. Recorded by Fats Waller. Victor: 25015, 27766; Bluebird B10133; His Masters Voice: BR709 (Enqlish) , EA1529 (Australian), HN2632 (Italian), IP370 (Irish), IW89 (Italian), JF35 (English), K8 176 (French), N9980 (Indian), X9980 (English). PLEASE NOTE:

Page 258 is lacking in number on 1 y.


COMP white, Clarence Cameron DATS 18R0-1960 SORC HU> I TITL Reflets PURL , 1925. COHP wiley, Arnold DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Arnold wiley Rag PULIL c. May 2B, 1925. REC July, 1929. Recorded by Arnold Wiley. Brunswick 7113. COMP Wiley, Arnold DATS Early 20th Century SORC J TITL Windy City REC July, 1929. Recorded by Arnold Wiley. Brunswick 7113.

COMP williams, Clarence DATS 1893-1965 SORC Mus TITL Michigan Water Blues MUS IN: Boogie Woogie Blues Folio E> Clarence Williams, n.d. COMP williams, Clarence DATS 1693-1965 SORC Mus PSG TITL Organ Grinder Blues REC 192B. Recorded by Clarence Williams. n.d. Okeh 8604. MUS IN: Boogie Woogie BIues Folio E> Clarence Willimas, n.d.

COMP Williams, Clarence DATS 1893-1965 SORC Mus TITL Rattling Rhythm (with Connie Berry) PUBL c. 1939. Publication unknown. MUS IN: Boogie Woogie Blues Folio E> Clarence Williams, n.d.

COHP Williams, Clarence DATS 1093-1965 SORC Hus TITL Red Onion Blues MUS IN: Boogie Woogie Blues Folio E> Clarence williams, n.d. 260

COMP Williams, Clarence DATS 1893-1965 SORC J TITL W ildflower Rag PUPL c. Aug. 21, 1916. REC July, 1928. Recorded by Clarence Williams, okeh 8609. April, 1999. Recorded by Knocky Parker. Paradox 8. Oct., 1S99. Recorded by Armand Hug. Capitol 987.

COMP williams, Henry F. DATS 1813-? SORC T TITL The Parisien Waltzes PUBL 1859, O. Ditson £ Company; c* 1867, Oliver Ditson, £ Company. HUS IN: Hu sic and So me Highly Husical People. by James Trotter Lee £ Shepard, 1881. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.

COHP Williams, Henry F. DATS 1813-? SOFC BPIM (Vol.9 12) TITL Sunny Side Polka PUBL c. 1852, Oliver Ditson, £ Company. COKP Williams, Hary Lou DATS 1910- SORC AdV TITL Five Barrelhouse Booqie Woogie £ Blues Piano Solos by Hary Lou Williams PUBL Leeds, n.d. WVHT A Mellow Bit of Rhythm. HU> Leeds Music Corporation, 1990 Toadie Toddle. HU> Leeds Music Corporation, 1991 Scratchin* in the Gravel. HD> Leeds Music Corporation, 1991. Mary Lou Williams Blues. HU> Leeds Husic Corporation, 1991 Walkin' and Swinqin'. HU> Keeds Music Corporation, 1991. COMP Williams, Mary Lou DATS 1910- SORC Rec TITL Libra REC May, 1995. Folkways FJ 2809. COHP Wilson, Garland Lorenzo DATS 1909— 195ft SORC J PEG RJ TITL Get Up, Fessie REC Nov., 1932. Recorded in Prance by Garland Wilson. Brunswick A-500220. n.d. Recorded in England by Garland Wilson. Brunswick 0178U.

COHP Wilson, Garland Lorenzo DATS 1 909 — 19 5*1 SORC J TITL Shi* Shan Drag BEC Sept., 1936. Recorded in England by Garland Wilson Brunswick 02283.

COHP Wilson, Oily DATS 1937- SORC Hus R TITL Piano Piece (for piano and electronic sounds) PUBL Unpublished. REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Hinderas. Desto DC-7102/3

COHP Wilson, Teddy DATS 1912-? SORC Mus TITL Blues for the Oldest Profession PUBL JATAP Husic Inc., n.d. HUS IN: The Book of Jazz fro* Then Till Now, by Leonard Feather Horizon Press, 1965.

COMP Wilson, Teddy DATS 1912-? SORC AdV TITL Five Original Piano Solos by Teddy Wilson PUBL Leeds Music Corporation, n.d. MVMT Warnin' Up Blues in c sharp ninor Sailin’ Just a Hood Answer to Just a Hood.

COMP Wilson, Teddy DATS 1912-? SORC K TITL Teddy Wilson, Piano Patterns PUBL Big Three Husic Corporation, n.d. 262

COMP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC H K P TITL Appalachia for Piano (Three Piddle and Ganc Tunes) PUBL Shawnee Press, Inc., 19*45.

COMP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC R TTTL Fauily Album (5 piano pieces) PUBL Publication unknown.

COHP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC R TITL Night in La Vallee (two pianos) PUBL Publication unknown. COHP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC R TITL Sasafras PUBL Publication unknown.

COHP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC K Rec TITL Scuppernong (Suite) PUBL 1951, Templeton Publishing Company, Inc.; Shawnee Press, Inc., n.d. REC n.d. Recorded by Natalie Hinderas. Desto DC-7102/3. HVMT At a Certain Church Ring Game Visitors from Town.

COMP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC R TITL Variations on an Oriqinal Theme PUBL Publication unknown.

COMP Work III, John Wesley DATS 1901-1967 SORC R TITL Yenvalou (an arrangement for two pianos of a symphonic work) PUBL c. 1997. 263

COUP Yancey, Alonzo DATS 2 0th Century SOFiC J TITL Everybody's Rag REC Dec., 1943. Recorded by Alonzo Yancey. Session 10-015.

COUP Yancey, Alonzo DATS 20th Century SORC J TITL Hobo Rag REC Dec., 1943. Recorded by Alonzo Yancey. Session 10-003.

COMP Yancey, Jimmy DATS 189b— 1951 SORC Mus TITL Yancey's Ruole Call POBL c. 194 0, Duchess Music Corporation. MDS IN: Six Plues-Roots Pianists. by Eric Kriss Oak Publications, 1973. 26a



The bibliographic listing in Chapter Four represents only one of the many ways the bibliography can be listed*

Using basic computer retrieval techniques, any number of bibliographies can emerge from the material of the existing bibliography- Any of the nine established entry fields of: composer, dates, sources, title, publication information, recording information, player piano roll information, music, or movement information, can be retrieved in any desired order and printed out. This material can be further manipulated (alphabetically, chronologically) depending on the objective of the study.

In addition to manipulating the material of the bibliography by field of entry, the material can be searched by any of the keyterms or combination of keyterms listed in

Qhapter Three: or the name of any composer or publisher can be searched individually or linked to any of the keyterms.

For example, one could find all RAGS, or find all RAGS by Scott doplin; or one could find all SONATAS, TWO PIANOS, or all PUBL, 1939. Millions of search possibilities exist.

Since all these retrieval possibilities exist, the bibliography serves as material for two nodes of study: as a research tool to be studied and developed; or as a 265 reference for any study dealing with any one topic or topic combination contained in the bibliography.

As a tool to be studied, an analysis of the contents of the bibliography could be made to determine what the bibliography represents in its present form. The following are examples of possible studies: a statistical analysis of the contents of the bibliography to determine the number of composers, titles, movements, recordings, and player piano rolls; trends in publication as to peak year of output; chronological scale of dates of composers; or peak years of recordings of piano music by black composers.

As a reference source, an individual interested in only one topic within the bibliography could search the bibliography using computer retrieval techniques and find out if any information is contained in the bibliography which relates to his study. For example, if an individual were studying piano concertos written since 1990, he could search the biblioqraphy for any concertos written after

1940. Further examples of possible studies are: player piano rolls made by Scott Joplin; piano music published by

John Stark 6 Son; recordings made by Jelly Roll Horton; rags published between 1897 and 1920; and piano sonatas written before the year 1900. 266


Piano Music By Black Composers: A Bibliography, is presented as a service basis for the study of piano music by black composers. There is no intent that this bibliography be considered to be exhaustive or complete in any sense. As indicated in Chanter Two under the heading LIBRARIES, there are major library holdings which have yet to be analyzed.

When these holdings are analyzed, in all probability significant additions to the bibliography will be found and these additions will not only represent new titles, but also information about many of the compositions already listed in this bibliography.

During this , music by black composers is emerging as a topic which is being studied by many scholars. Articles and books dealing with various aspects of black music are being written and published, and one can find evidence of these writings in periodicals such as Black

Perspectives in Music, and Black Books Bulletin.

Piano music by black composers, particularly in the jazz idiom, is being published. As is evident in the bibliography, since 1970, Oak Publications, Hansen

Educational Books and Music, Incorporated, and Dover

Publications have published a great deal of ragtime, blues and barrelhouse music by black composers. Black composers. 267 such as Arthur Cunningham, Stephen Chambers (TaliK Rasul

Hakim), Hale Smith, George Walker, Oily Wilson to name only a few, are becoming well known as composers, conductors, and performers, and their works are being published.

As far as can be determined, no other project has been undertaken to collect titles of piano music by black composers and organize them through computer storage and basic computer retrieval techniques. The closest project of this kind is a computerized list of piano music compiled by

Joseph Rezits and Gerald Deatsaan entitled. The Pianist*s

Resource Guide: Piano Husic in Print and literature on the

Pianistic Art. 1979 (see References for publication

% information) . This publication is a collection of titles of piano music, and seventy of the titles are by black composers. However, this publication lists all published piano music, and not piano music specifically by black composers both published and unpublished. Further, since the publication is in hardcover book form, it cannot be manipulated through computer retrieval, nor can it be searched for specific keyterms.

It has been the intent in this project to provide material which can serve as the basis for research on the topic of piano music of black composers. Further, it is expected that the bibliography will serve as a resource list for anyone seeking titles of compositions by black composers 268 for the purpose of perforoing, studying, or teaching. 269


Apel, Willi. The Harvard Dictionary of Fin sic. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Press, 1970.

ASCflP Biographical Dictionary of Composers. Authors and Publishers. The, compiled and edited by The Lynn Farnol Group, Inc. New York: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, 1966.

Baker* s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, revised by Nicholas Slonimsky. New York: G. Schirmer, 1971.

Blesh, Rudi. Shining . A History of Jazz. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1958.

Blesh, Rudi, and Harriet Janis. They All Played Ragtime. T.fev York: Oak Publications, 1971.

Eutler, Stanley. Guide to the Best in Contemporary Piano Music. 2 vols. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1973.

Chilton, John. Who *s Who of Jazz. Storyville to Swing Street. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Co., 1972.

Claghorn, Charles Eugene. Biographical Dictionary of American Music. West Nyack, New York: Parker Publishing Co., Inc., 1973.

Clough, F.F. and G.J. Cuming. Third Supplement to the World *s Encyclopedia of Recorded Music. 1953-1955. London: Sidgwick and Jackson in association with the Decca Record Company. In USA, London Records.

Clough, F.F. and G.J. Cuming. The World »s Encyclopedia of Recorded Music. London: Sidgwick and Jackson in association with the Decca Record Company. In USA, Ambassador Books, 1966. Compor>ors of the Americas . Biographical data and catalogs of their works. 17 vols. Washington, D. C .: Union Panamericana, 1955 through 1971.

Contemporary American Composers, compiled by Hugh William Jucobi. Paradise, Cal.: Paradise Arts Publishing, 1975. 270

Davies, Peter, ed. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1976. deLenna, Dominigue-Rene. Black Music in Our Culture. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1970.

Pictionary o£ Latin American and Caribbean Fiographv. 2nd ed . London: Melrose Press Limited, 1971.

Farr, Kenneth R. Historical Dictionary of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Metuchen, Rev Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1973. F&urot, Albert. Concert Piano Repertoire. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 197h .

Feather, Leonard. The Book of Jazz from Then Till How. New York: The Horizon Press, 1965. Feather, Leonard. The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties. New York: The Horizon Press, 1966. Feather, Leonard. The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz. New York: Bonanza Books, 1960.

Fernett, Gene. Swing Out. Great Negro Dance Bands. Midland, Mich.: Pendell Co., 1970. Fox, Charles. Kings of Jazz■ Fats Waller. New York: A.S. Barnes £ Co., Inc., 1960.

Friskin, James and Irwin Freundlich. Music for the Piano. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. Godwin, Joscelyn. Schirmer Scores. A Repertory of Western Music. New York: Schirmer Books, 1975.

Goss, Madeleine. Modern Music-Hakers. New York: E-P- Dutton t Co., Inc., 1952. Grossman, William L. and Jack w. Farrell. The Heart of Jazz. Washington Square, New York: Press, 1956. Haas, Robert Bartlett, cd. williaa Grant Still and the Fusion of Cultures in American Husic. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1972. 271 Hadlock, Richard. Jazz Masters of the Twenties. New York: HacHillan, 1965- lIare, Maud Cuney. Henro Musicians and Their Music. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1936 .

Harris, Re*. The Story of Jazz. New York: Grosset 6 Dunlap, 1955.

Hilton, Ronald, ed. who*s who in Latin America. 3rd ed. Vol. I. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, reprinted 1971.

Hinson, Maurice. Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1973. Rixon, Don and Don Hennessee. Women in Husic. A_ Bibliography. Hetuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1975- Hodeir, Andre. Jazz: Its Evolution and Essence, trans. David Noakes. New lork: Grove Press, 1956- Howard, John Tasker, ed. Our American Husic. 3rd ed. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1959-

Boward, John Tasker, ed. Our Contemporary Composers. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1991. Hughes, Langston, and Hilton Heltzer- Black Haqic: A^ Pictorial History of the Negro in American Entertainment. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1967.

Jasen, David. Recorded Ragtime. 1B97-195B. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Book by Shoe String Press, Inc., 1973. Jones, LeRoi. Black Husic. New York: William Borrow 6 CO., Inc., Third Printing, April, 1971.

Jones, LeRoi. Blues People. New York: William Borrow & Co., 1963.

Katz, Bernard, ed. The Social Implications of Early Negro Husic in the United States. New York: Arno Press and the New York Tines, 1969.

Keepnews, Orrin and Bill Grauer, Jr. A. Pictoral History of Jazz. Nov York: Crown Publisher, Inc., 1955. 272

Kimball, Robert and william Bolcoa. Reminiscing with Sissle and Blake. New Tork: Viking Press, 1973. Kirkeby, Ed. Ain *t Hi sbehavin •. The Story of Pats Waller. New York: Dodd, Head and Co., 1966.

Locke, Alain. The Negro and Bis Music. Albany, New Tork: J.B. Lyon Press, 1936.

Longstreet, Stephen. The Real Jazz Old and New. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Dniversity Press, 1956.

Marvelous Musical Prodigy. Blind Tom. The The Nearo Boy Pianist. Erie County Library Rare Book Room. No author or date in book; date in pencil on cover: Oct. 19, 1870. Listed in card catalogue as being published by Sun Book and Job Printing, 1666. Negro Almanac a Reference Work on the Afro-American. The, compiled and edited by Harry A. Ploski. 1776 Bicentennial Edition. New Tork: Belwether Co., 1976.

Orrego-Salas, Juan A., ed. Husic from Latin America available at Indiana Dniversity . Bloomington, Indiana, 1971.

Panassie, Hugues. The Peal Jazz, trans. Anne Sorelle Williams. New Tork: Smith & Durrell, Inc., 1992.

Panassie, Bugues, and Hadeleine Gautier. Guide to Jazz. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1956.

Pleasants, Henry. Serious Husic-and All That Jazz. New York: Simon 6 Schuster, 1969.

Polillo, Arrigo. Jazz: A Guide to the History and Development of Jazz and Jazz Husicians. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, 1967.

Pore11, Elsa Z. American Composers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1963.

Reis, Claire. Composers in America. revised edition. New York: HacHillan & Co., 194?.

Rezits, Joseph and Gerald Deatsman. The Pianist *s Resource Guido: Piano Husic in Print and Literature 273 on the Pianistic Art. Park Ridge, Illinois: Pallma Music Corp., 1974.

Roach, Mildred. Black American Husic. Springfield, Va.t Korvec Publishing Co., 1970.

Roberts, John Storm. Plack Music of Two Worlds. New Torkr Praeger Publishers, 1972. Hose, Al and Edmond Souchon, M.D. New Orleans Jazz . A^ Fami1y Album. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1967. Rublowsky, John. Black Music in America. New Tork: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1971.

Russel, Ross. Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest. Berkeley: University Press, 1971. Sayers, W.C. Berwick. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Musician. Chicago: Afro-Am Press, a Division of Afro-Am Books, Inc., 1969.

Schafer, William J. and Johannes Riedel. The Art of Ragtime, Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana University Press, 1973.

Schuller, Gunther. Early Jazz. New Tork: Orford University Press, 1968.

Sidran, Ben. Black Talk,. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 197 1.

Simon, George T. The M g Bands. New York; Macmillan Company, 1967.

Smith, Willie the Lion, with George Hoefer. Music on My Mind,: The Memoirs of An American Pianist. Garden City, New York: & Co., Inc., 1964.

Southern, Eileen. The Husic of Black Americans. New York: K.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1971.

Standifer, James A. and Barbara Reeder- Source Book of African and Afro-Rierican Materials For Music Educators. Contemporary Husic Project, Music Educators National Conference, 1972.

Stearns, Marshall. The Story of Jazz. New York: , 1974. 27a

Trotter, James. Music and Some Highly Musical People. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968. Ha It on, Ortiz. Music: Black White and Blue . Hew York: William Borrow & Co., Inc., 1972- Hard -Steinman, David and Susan I. Ward-Steinaan. Conpa rativo Anthology of Musical Forms. Vol. II. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1976 •

Williams, Martin. Kings of Jazz. Jelly Roll Horton ■ New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, Inc., 1963. 275



In the following listing, complete names of the composers are given with composers dates, place of birth, and place of death. If any of these items are unknown, a question mark occurs. If the composer is known to be alive, only date and place of birth are given. Adger, Joseph Banneker dates: ca. I860-? place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Alexander, Dave dates: 1938-still alive in 1974 Pi ace of birth: rural Texas

Allen, Gilbert dates: 1918- place of birth: USA

Ammons, Albert dates: 1907-1949 Pi ace of birth: Chicago, 111. place of death: ? Anderson, Thomas Jefferson dates: 1928- place of birth: Coatesville, Pa.

Atwell, Winifred 20th Century place of birth: ?

Baker, Jr., David Nathaniel dates: 1931- place of birth: , Ind.

Bankole, Ayo 20th Century place of birth: Nigeria (7)

Bares, Pasile dates: 1846-1902 place of birth: New Orleans, La. place of death: New Orleans, La. 276

Barnes, Georne H. dates: ? - ? place of birth: ? place of death: 7

Barrett, Richard dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: 7

Basie, Killian "Count" dates: 1906- place of birth: Red Bank, N.J.

Belasco, Lionel 20th Century place of birth: USA Bethune, Thomas Green dates: 1049-1908 place of birth: Columbus, Ga. place of death: ?

Blake, Janes Hubert "Eubie" dates: 1863 place of birth: Baltimore, Maryland

Blythe, James "Jimmy" or "Jimmie” dates: ca . 1901-1931 place of birth: Louisville, Ky. place of death: Chicago, 111.

Eonds, Margaret dates: 1913-1972 place of birth: Chicago, 111. place of death: ?

Boone, John (Blind Boone) da tes: 1864-1927 place of birth: Miami. Mo. place of death: 7 Bowman, Euday Louis dates: 1007-1949 place of birth: Fort Worth, Teras place of death: Brady, William dates: 7-1859 place of birth: place of death:

Brooks, Shelton dates: 1886-7 place of birth: Anesburg, Ontario place of death: ■>

Brown, Al V. dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: 7 Brown, John Harold dates: 1902- place of birth: Shellnan, 6a. place of death: 7 Brown, Jr., Oscar dates: 1926- place of birth: Chicago, 111. Brynn, James Tiaothy dates: 18 81— 1996 place of birth: Kinston, K.c. place of death: New York City Burkes, Eugene A. dates: 1880-? place of birth: ? place of death: ? Burleiqh, Harry T. dates: 1866-1999 place of birth: Frie, Pa. place of death: Stanford, Conn.

Butler, Frank S. dates: 1883-7 place of birth: 7 place of death: ? Byard, Jaki dates: 1922— pl ace of birth: Worcester, Hass. Byrd, Donald dates: 1932- place of birth: Detroit, Mich.

Carroll, Albert dates: ca. 1880 ■># place of birth: ■9 place of death: ? Carter, John dates: 1937- place of birth: St. Louis, Bo- Chambers, Stephen (Hakim, Talik Fasul) dates: 19110- place of birth: Asheville, N.C. Charles, Fay dates: 1930- place of birth: Albany, Ga.

Charlton, Melville dates: 1880-? place of birth: Raw Tork City place of death: ?

Chatman, Peter (see Memphis Slim) Chauvin, Louis dates: 1881-1908 place of birth: St. Louis, Ho. place of death: Chicago, Til.

Clarke, Edgar Fogie dates: 1913- place of birth: ?

Cole / Nathaniel "Nat King" dates: 1917 or 1919-1965 or 1969 place of birth: Montgomery, Ala. place of death: Santa Monica, Cal.

Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel dates: 1875-1912 place of birth: Holborn, England place of death: Croydon, England 279

Cook , J . Lawrence 20th Centura-still aliwe in 1966 place of birth: ? Cook, will Marion dates: 1869-1999 place of birth: Nashinaton, D.C. place of death: New York City

Cooke, Charles L. dates: 1891-1958 place of birth: Louisville, Ky. place of death: Wurtsboro, N.Y. Cordero, Roque dates: 1917- place of birth: Panama City, Panama Craig, Walter P. 19th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ? Crump, Jesse dates: 1906- place of birth: Dallas, Texas

Cunningham, Arthur dates: 1928- place of birth: Nyack or Piedmont, N.Y,

Dabney, Ford T. dates: 1883-1958 place of birth: Washington, D.C. place of death: New York City Davenport, Charles "Cow Cow" dates: 1899-1955 place of birth: Anniston, Ala. place of death: , Ohio

Dawson, william Levi dates: 1899- place of birth: Anniston, Ala.

Dett,, Nathaniel datestes: 1682-1993 pi ace of birth: Drummondsville, , Canada placeace of death: Battle Creek, Rich. 280

Dickerson, Foqer dates: 193*1- Pl ace of birth: Dorsey, Janes E. dates: 1905- place of birth: ? Douglass, John T. dates: 18*17-? place of birth: Mew Tork City place of death: ? Duncan , John dates: 1911-1975 place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Dupree, Champion Jack dates: 1910- place of birth: ?

El-Dabh, Halim dates: 1921- place of birth: Cairo, Egypt Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke** dates: 1899-197*1 place of birth: Washington, D.C place of death: Mew Tork City

Ellington, Mercer dates: 1919- place of birth: Washington, D.C Euba, Akin dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: ? Europe, James Reese dates: 1881-1919 place of birth: Mobile, Ala. place of death: Boston, Hass. Ezell, Will 20th Century place of birth: ? Fax, Mark dates: 1911- place of birth: Baltimore, Maryland

Fischer, Williaa dates: 1935- place of birth: Shelby, Miss.

Garner, Errol1 dates: 1921-1976 place of birth: , Pa. place of death: ?

Garnett, Leroy "Blind" Early Twentieth Century place of birth: 7 Gillespie, John B. "Dizzy" dates: 1917- place of birth: Chersav, S.C.

Gregory, Percy L. 20th Century place of birth: 7

Guy, Barry P. dates: 1870-1950 place of birth: Zanesville, Ohio place of death: Detroit, Mich.

Haqan, Helen E. dates: 1893-196** place of birth: Portsaouth, N.H. place of death: 7

Hakia, Talik Rasul (see Stephen Chambers)

Hampton, Lionel dates: 1913- place of birth: Louisville, Ky.

Hampton, Robert dates: 1891-199U place of birth: Little Rock, Ark. place of death: 7, California Harris, Fats Late 19th, early 20th Century place of birth : ? Pi ace of death: ? Hayden, Scott dates: 1881-1915 place of birth: Sedalia, Hiss. place of death: Chicago, 111.

Hazzard, Isaac Early 19th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ? Heamenway, Janes Early 19th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ? Henderson, Fletcher dates: 1898-1952 place of birth: Cnthbert, Ga. place of death: Hew Tork city

Heywood, Jr., Eddie dates: 1915- place of birth: Atlanta, Ga. Hill, Aler dates: 1906-1936 place of birth: Little Rock, Ark. place of death: New York City Hines, Earl dates: 1905- place of birth: Dttguesne, Pa. Holt, Nora dates: 1903- place of birth: ? Jackson, Cliff dates: 1902-1970 place of birth: Washington, D.C. place of death: ? 283

Jackson , Tony dates: 1876-1921 place of b~rth: Hew Orleans, La­ place of death: Chicago, 111. Jamal, Ahmad, (Fritz Jones) dates: 1930- place of birth: Pittsburgh, Pa. James, Willis L. dates: 1906-1966 place of birth: Montgomery, Ala. place of death: ?

Jarrett, Keith dates: 1945- place of birth: Allentown, Pa.

Johns, Al dates: 1878-1928 place of birth: Washington, D.C. place of death: Paris, France

Johns, Altona Trent 20th Century place of birth: ? Johnson, Dink (see Johnson, Oliver Dink)

Johnson, Hall dates: 1888-1970 place of birth: Athens, Ga. place of death: New York City Johnson, Hank dates: 1931- place of birth: ? Johnson, James Price dates: 1891-1955 place of birth: New Brunswick, N.J. place of death: , N.Y. Johnson, John Rosamond dates: 1873-195U Pi ace of birth: Jacksonville, Fla. place of death: Few York City

Johnson, Oliver Dink dates: 1892-1959 place of birth: Biloxi, Hiss, place of death: Portland, Oregon

Johnson, Pete dates: 1909-1967 place of birth: Kansas City, Ho. place of death: 7 Jones, Clarence W. dates: 1889-1999 place of birth: Wilmington, Ohio place of death: New York City Jones, Fritz (see Janal, Ahmad)

Joplin, Scott dates: 1868-1917 place of birth: Texarkana, Texas place of death: Hew York City Jordan , Joe dates: 1882-1971 place of Birth: , Ohio place of death: Tacoma, Wash.

Kay, Ulysses dates: 1917- place of birth: Tucson, Ariz.

Kerr, Thomas dates: 1915- place of birth: Baltimore, Maryland

Kimbrouqh, Andrew Lawrence dates: 1929- place of birth: 7 Kitchen Tom Early 20th Century place of birth: southern Doited States place of death: 7 Lambert, Lucien dates: 16 3 1 -? place of birth: New Orleans, La. place of death: ? Lambert, Sydney 19th Century place of birth: ? place of death: 7

Lamothe, Ludovic dates: 18B2-1953 place of birth: Port-au-Prince, Haiti place of death: ?, Haiti Lewis, Frederick dates: 1896-? place of birth: Boston, Hass, place of death: ? Lewis, Heade Lux dates: 1905-196* place of birth: Louisville, Ky. place of death: Hinneapolis, Hinn. Lewis, Ramsey dates: 1935- place of birth: Chicago, 111.

Lindsay, Andrades Early 20th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Lofton, "Cripple" Clarence dates: 1896-1956 place of birth: Kingsport, Tenn. place of death: Chicago, 111. Logan, Wendall Norris dates: 1990- place of birth: Thompson, Ga. Lovingood, Sr., Penman dates: 1695- place of birth: Texas

McCann, Leslie Coleman "Les" dates: 1935- place of birth: Lexington, Ky. McIntyre, Kenneth Arthur dates: 1931- place of birth: Boston# flass.

McLin, Lena Johnson dates: 1926- place of birth: Atlanta# Ga .

HcSh ann, Jay "flootie" dates: 1909- place of birth: Muskogee, Okla.

McSvain# Augusta Geraldine dates: 1917- place of birth: ? Marquis# James dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: ? Marshall# Arthur dates: 1881-1956/1958(7) place of birth: Saline County# Ho- place of death: 7

Matthevs, Artie dates: 1888-1959 place of birth: Minonk# 111. place of death: Cincinnati# Ohio

Memphis Slim (Peter Chatman) dates: 1915- place of birth: Memphis# Tenn. Monk, Thelonius dates: 1920- place of birth: Rocky Mount# H.C.

Montgomery# Eurreal HLittle Brother** dates: 1907-still alive in 197*1 place of birth: 7

Moore# Alex 20th Century place of birth: Dallas# Texas Moore, Carman Leroy dates: 1936- place of birth: 7

Moore, Undine Smith dates: 1904- placc of birth: Jarrett, Va

Morel Campos, Juan dates: 1857-1896 place of birth: Puerto Rico place of death: ?

Morton, Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" dates: 1885-1941 place of birth: New Orleans, La­ place of death: Los Angeles, Cal< Nelson, Kalvert dates: 1951- place of birth: 7

Nelson , Oliver dates: 1932, or 33-1975 place of birth: St- Louis, Mo. place of death: Los Angeles, Cal, Nketia, Kvahena dates: 1921- place of birth: Ghana (?)

Oliver, Joe dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: 7

Oliver, Melvin James "Sy" dates: 1910- place of birth: Battle Creek, Mich-

Ory, Edward "Kid" dates: 1886-1973 place of birth: La Place, La. place of death: Honolulu, Hawaii Parker, Charles Christopher "Bird" dates: 1920-1955 place of birth: Kansas City, flo place of death: New Tork City

Perkinson, Coleridge Taylor dates: 1932- place of birth: New Tork City

Perryman, Rufus "Speckled Red" dates: 1B92-1973 place of birth: Monroe, La* place of death: ?

Perryman, Willis (see Piano Bed)

Peterson, Oscar dates: 1925- place of birth nontreal, Quebec

Piano Red (Willis Perryman) (Dr. Feelgood) dates: 1913-? place of birth: nonroe. La. (?) place of death: ?

Pickett, Jess dates: 1860-1922 place of birth: Philadelphia, Pa, place of death: ?

Powell, Earl "Bud" dates: 1929-1966 place of birth: New Tork City place of death: Brooklyn, N*T. Price, Florence B. dates: 1888-1953 place of birth: Little Rock, Ark, place of death: Chicago, 111.

Price, John E. dates: 1935- place of birth; Tulsa, Okla. Price, Sammy dates: 1908- placc of birth Honey Grove, Texas Pritchard, Robert S. 20th Century place of birth: 7

Reed, Freddie dates: 19 28- place of birth: New Tork City Reese, Cortez dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth "Luckey" dates: 1890, 1893, or 1895-1968 place of birth: Philadelphia, Pa. place of death: Mew York City

Roldan , Aaadeo dates: 1900-1939 place of birth: Paris, France place of death: Havana, Cuba, W.I. Russell, Oswald dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: ? Ryder, Noah dates: 191M-1964 place of birth: Nashville, Tenn. place of death: Norfolk, Va.

St. Georges, Joseph Boulogne Chevalier de dates: 1739-1799 place of birth: Guadeloupe place of death: Paris, France

Sawyer, Jacob 19 th Century place of birth: ? place of death: 7

Schuyler, Philippa Duke dates: 1931-1967 place of birth: 7 place of death: 7 290

Scott, Arthur "Bud" dates: 1890-1999 place of birth: New Orleans, La. place of death: Los Angeles, Cal.

Scott, Hazel dates: 1920- place of birth: Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Scott, James Sylvester dates: 1886-1938 place of birth: Neosho, Ho. place of death: Kansas City, Ho. Shaw, Robert dates: 1908- place of birth: Stafford, Texas

Shook, Ben dates: ?-? place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Silver, Horace dates: 19 28- place of birth: Norwalk, Conn Singleton, Alvin Elliott 20th Century place of birth: ?

Smith, Chris dates: 1879-1999 place of birth: Charleston, S.C. place of death: New York City

Smith, Clarence "Pine Top" dates: 1909-1929 place of birth: Troy, Ala. place of death: Chicago, 111. Smith, Hale dates: 1925- place of birth: Cleveland, Ohio

Smith, N. Clark dates: 1077-? place of birth: 7 place of death: 7 291

Smith, Russell 20th Century place of birth: Indianapolis, Ind. Smith, William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" dates: 1897-1973 place of birth: Goshen, N.T. place of death: 7

Sonnier, Jr., Austin H . dates: 1990- place of birth: 7 Southall, Mitchell dates: 19 22- place of birth: Rochester, N.T. Spann, Otis dates: 1931-1970 place of birth: Jackson, Hiss. pi ace of death: 7

Speckled Red (see Perryman, Rufus) Still, William Grant dates: 1895- place of birth: Woodville, Hiss. Stone, Fred S. dates: 7-1912 place of birth: 7 place of death: Detroit, Hich. Swanson, Howard dates: 1909- place of birth: Atlanta, G a . Sveataan, Wilbur Dates: 1882-1961 place of birth: Brunswick, Hiss, place of death: 7 Sykes, Roosevelt dates: 1906- place of birth: 7 Tatum, Art dates: 1910-1956 place of birth: Toledo, Ohio place of death: Los Angeles, Cal

Taylor, Jr., Billy dates: 1921- place of birth: Greenville, N-C.

Taylor, Cecil Percival dates: 1933- place of birth: ? Thomas, George Early 20th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ? Thomas, Hersal Early 20th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Thompson, Charles Hubbard dates: 1891-1969 place of birth: St. Louis, Ho. place of death: St. Louis, Ho. Till is, Frederick dates: 1930- place of birth: Galveston, Texas

Turpin, Thomas Hillion ,,To■,, dates: 1873-1922 place of birth: Savannah, Ga. place of death: St. Louis, Ho.

Underwood, Suqar Early 20th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ? Vodery, Will Henry Bennett dates: 1805-1951 place of birth: Philadelphia, Pa place of death: New York City 293

Waits, Jr., Jonas L. 20th Century place of birth: ?

Waldron, Halcolm dates: 1926- place of birth: ?

Walker, Charles 20th Century place of birth: ? Walker, George Theophilus dates: 1922- place of birth: Washington, D-C. Waller, Thomas W. "Fats'* dates: 1909-1993 place of birth: Waverly Place, Hew Fork City place of death: Kansas City, Ho. White, Clarence Cameron dates: 1880-1960 place of birth: Clarksville, Tenn. place of death; Hew Tork City Wiley, Arnold Early 20th Century place of birth: ? place of death: ?

Williams, Clarence dates: 1893-1965 place of birth: Plaguemine, La. place of death: Hew York City Williams, Henry F. dates: 1813-? place of birth: Boston, Hass, place of death: ? Williams, Nary Lou dates: 1910- place of birth: Pittsburgh, Pa-

Wilson, Garland Lorenzo dates: 1909-1959 place of birth: Hartinsburg, W. Ta. place of death: Paris, Prance Wilson, Oily dates: 1937- place of birth: St. Louis, Ho. dates: 1912- place of birth: Austin, Texas

Work III, John Wesley dates: 1901-1967 place of birth: Tullahoma, Tenn. place of death: ? Yancey, Alonzo 20th Century place of birth: Chicago, 111.(?) Yancey, Jimmy dates: 1899-1951 place of birth: Chicago, 111. place of death: Chicago, 111. 295


Followinq is a list of black pianists not included in the bibliography as no piano compositions have been found for these pianists* Sam Allen Frank. Amacker Emma Barrett ("Sweet Emma") Sammy Benskin Walter Bishop Walter Bishop, Jr. Perry Bradford Lester Brown William (Sonny) Brown Raphael (Ray) Bryant Erskine Butterfield Albert Cahill S. Brunson Campbell (The Ragtlmo Kid) Buddy Carter Berman Chittison Mary Alice Clarke James Cleveland Mary Colston Glover Compton L.Z. Cooper Marge Creath Octave Crosby Tadley (Tadd) Ewino Dameron •Putney' Louis Dandridge "Blind" John Davis Desdemona Davis Frazier Davis Piano Price Davis Sammy Davis William (wild Bill) Strethen Davis Dorothy Donagan Thomas A. Dorsey (Georgia Ton) Bank Duncan Jim Fellman Sadie Goodson Walter Gossette Walter Gould Baby Gryce Herbert Jeffrey (Herbie) Hancock Lilian (Lil) Hardin (Armstrong) Barry Doyle Harris Hazel Harrison Clyde Hart Cyril Haynes Horace Henderson Andrew Hill Frederick (Freddy) Roosevelt Hill Fannie Howard Hike Jackson Samuel V. Jamison John the Baptist Henry (Hank) Jones Richard B. Jones Vynton Kelly Kenny Kersey Lawrence 88 Keyes Jeannette (nee Salvant) Kimball Porter King Don Kirkpatrick William Osborne Kyle Donald Lambert Lillian Lane Ellis Larkins Pete Laudeman Varner Lawson Turner Layton Julia Lee John Aaron Lewis Steve Lewis "Ragtime Mame" Julian C. Mance Manuel Hanetta Fate Harable "Coochie" Martin The Honk Sisters (Gertie and Susie) Charles F. Montgomery Phil Koore III Hay Neely Romeo Nelson Dwight Newman Camille Nickerson Benny Payne Billie Pierce Nat Pierce Alton Purnell Frank Rachel Lionel Reason Boogie Woogie Red Todd Rhodes Charles "Red" Richards Joe Robichaux Jinay Rushing Luis Russell Burnell Santiago Lester "Blackie” Santiago Otis Saunders Johnny Seymour "Mr- Freddie" Shayne Nina Sinone Samuel Snaer Jess Stacey Joe Steele William (Billy) Strayhorn Joe Turner Sarah Lois Taughan Charlie Warfield Johnny Waters Teddy Weatherford Little Patty Whisker Alfred Wilson Willie Toung