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University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48106 USA St John's Road. Tyler s Green High Wycombe. Buck*. England HP 10 BHR I 77— >1,808 PHILLIPS, Linda Nell, 1942- PIANO MUSIC BY BLACK COMPOSERS: A COMPUTER BASED BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Ohio State University, D.M.A., 1977 Music University Microfilms International , Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 © Copyright by Linda Nell Phillips 1977 PIANO MUSIC BY BLACK COMPOSERS: A COMPUTED BASED BIBLIOGRAPHY DOCTORATE OF MUSICAL ARTS PAPER Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University By Linda Nell Phillips, B.M., H.M The Ohio State University 1977 Reading Committee: Approved by Dr. Rosemary Platt Dr. William Poland Dr. David Butler (Jt/ jjlQ (f* Adviser School of Music Dedicated to Wesley Harrison Phillips i i ACKNORX.EDGBBNTS I wish to express appreciation to all those who hare been of assistance in this paper: to Dr. Roseaary Platt for serving on the reading coaeittee; to Dr. David Batler for serving on the reading coaeittee, and for the aany hours spent guiding the coapnter input of this paper; and special thanks to Dr. Hilliaa Poland for his guidance, direction and interest in the writing of this paper, and the encourageaent he offers all his students to beeone all that they are capable of beconing. For the use of their valuable jazz record collection, I wish to thank Claudia and Noraan Harris. For assistance in conputer usage, X wish to thank Hr. George Golden and the State University College Conputer Center at Predonia, Rev York, and Mr- Thonas Whitney and The Ohio State University Instruction and Research Conputer Center. Ry wariest thanks are given to Sister Eleanor Ragner for her faithful assistance in proofreading and typing the bibliography onto disk, and for her constant encourageaent and prayers. iv * n• VITA December 21, 1?>i2.......... Born — Benton Harbor, Hlchigan 19 64.. Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan 1969 —1966. .............Teaching Assistant Department of Basic Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan 19 66....................... n.R., Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan 19 66-1970 ..................Instractor of Music Departnent of Basic Western Michigan University Kalaaazoo, Michigan 19 70-1974..................Teaching Associate School of Hnsic The Ohio State University Colnabns, Ohio 1974-1977..................Assistant Professor of Hnsic Departnent of Basic State University College Fredonia, New York i v FIELDS OF ST0DT Major Field: Piano Performance Professors Marilyn Neeley, and Bosenary Platt Minor Fields: Chamber Basic and Music Theory Chamber Music Professors Robert Gerle, Stephen Katz, Roseaary Platt Music Theory Professors Burdette Green, William Poland, Wolf Rosenberg v TABLE OP CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.............................. -iii VITA .... ._ i v INTRODUCTION.............................. ..T Purposes..............................................1 Definitions of Piano Hnsic as Used in the Bibliography........................................2 Origins of the Bibliography...........................4 CHAPTER I . A Survey of the Composers and the Hnsic Contained in the Bibliography.......................6 The Composers.......... .............................6 The Hnsic...........................................8 Music for Solo Piano...........................11 Hnsic for Piano Duet...........................12 Hnsic for Two Pianos...........................12 Hnsic for Piano and orchestra..................13 Piano Music with Accompanying Instruments......15 Piano Hnsic with Words and Vocal Line..........18 II. Compilation....... ......... ................ ........20 Sources: Libraries................................22 Books - ....... ............................ 29 Periodicals..............................39 Hnsic....................................35 III. Explanation of the Computer Based Bibliography...-.36 Computer Usage........... ..........................36 Entry Fields...... .90' Keyterms...........................................99 ▼i IT - The Bibliography of Piano Music by Black Composers..-.................................69 V • Values of a Computer Based Bibliography..........-269 Conclusion......................................266 REFERENCES............ -............... .269 APPENDIX A: The composers, their dates and places of birth and death*............................275 APPENDIX B: Pianists not included in the Bibliography...295 v i i 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSES The purposes in this bibliography of piano music by black composers are: 1. to draw together a body of historically significant music of a race which has often been overlooked or excluded in the history of music; 2. to provide a direct source for those who wish to locate the music for performance, study, or teaching; 3. to organize the material through computer usage so as to make the matr rial accessible to the reader, and to make it possible to search the material for specific keyterms within the bibliography; h. and to provide the reader with further sources in which additional titles might be found. 2 DFPINITION OP PIANO HDSIC AS USED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY The tern piano music as used in this bibliography signifies music which exists in a version which could be played at one or two pianos with or without orchestra or accompanying instruments. It excludes piano accompaniments with the exception of a few examples in the area of barrelhouse and boogie piano which are valuable, early illustrations showing the piano patterns characteristic of this music. The music can be classified into two generic categories: Classical and Jazz. As used here, the definitions are taken from The American Heritage Dictionary of Hi.® English Language f 1976. pgs. 13h, 382) and are defined as follows: classica1- 3. H0S...b. designating any music in the educated European tradition, distinguished from popular or folk music. lazz - 1. a kind of native American music in most styles having a strong rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations. Within these two types of music, the line between the two catagories cannot always be clearly defined. A composer say write a composition in a "classical" fora and the composition may have jazz characteristics. An example is 3 the Piano Sonata. by David Baker, which has individual movements entitled: **Black Art**, "A Song After Paul Lawrence Dunbar", and "Coltrane (reference to Jazz Musician)Or a composition may be considered to be in the jazz idiom, but the underlying form nay be one which is derived from "classical" forms- An example is the rag, a form derived from "classical" forms (marches, rondos), but considered to be a composition in the jazz category- Further reference to the piano music can be found in C hapter One in which a survey of the composers and the music in the bibliography is given. ORIGINS OP THE BIBLIOGRAPHY The author's initial contact with piano music by a black composer came through the hearing of the two record album, Natalie Hinderas Plays Music by Black Composers, (Desto DC-7101/3). Due to the attractiveness of several compositions in this album, a search was undertaken to locate the scores of these compositions for the purpose of performance. After several months during which the manager of a music store and a music librarian searched for this music with no publication information gained, Natalie Hinderas was consulted and the addresses of four of the composers were obtained so that direct communication could be made regarding the availablity of scores. After writing to these
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