Creating Opportunity in GREATER BALTIMORE's Next Economy
Building from Strength Creating opportunity in greater Baltimore’s next economy Jennifer S. Vey fellow The Brookings i nsTiTuTion | Metropolitan p olicy p rograM | 2012 acknowledgments the Brookings institution Metropolitan policy program would like to thank the annie e. casey foundation for their generous support of this report. the author is particularly grateful to patrice cromwell (Director of economic Development and integration initiatives, center for community and economic opportunity), whose knowledge of and passion for the issues discussed in these pages have been critical to the project. the Metro program also thanks the rockefeller foundation, John D. and catherine t. Macarthur foundation, Heinz endowments, ford foundation, george gund foundation, f.B. Heron foundation, and the Metropolitan leadership council for their ongoing support of the program. the author also wishes to express her thanks and gratitude to the many people who provided important information, guidance, and advice that helped build and improve the report. first, she wants to thank all those who provided personal or small group interviews, or otherwise provided feedback on the project, including (in alphabetical order): tim armbruster (goldseker foundation); Bill Barnes (university of Maryland, Manufacturing assistance program); Diane Bell-Mckoy (associated Black charities); avonette Blanding (Maritime applied physics corporation); paul Brophy (Brophy and reilly, llc); Bill Burwell, Martin Herbst, paul Matino, Janee pierre-louis, and Jeanne townsend (u.S. export assistance center); richard clinch (university of Baltimore Jacob france institute); Martha connolly (Maryland industrial partnerships program); neil Davis (emerging technology centers); Dennis faber (tiMe center at the community college of Baltimore county); Stuart fitzgibbon (Domino Sugar); kirby fowler (Downtown partnership of Baltimore); andy frank (Johns Hopkins university); Mike galiazzo (the regional Manufacturing institute of Maryland); Susan ganz (lion Brothers inc.); Bob giloth (annie e.
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