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CITY COUNCIL ATLANTA, GEORGIA 20-O-1381 AN ORDINANCE BY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO AMEND PART III, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, PART 15 LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, PART 16 ZONING AND PART 19, FEES, PERMITS, LICENSES AND CHARGES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALIGN ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES TRANSFERRING FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION AND OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS TO THE ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; TO UPDATE CERTAIN PROVISIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City commissioned a comprehensive study entitled “Delivering Mobility, An Assessment of a Stand-Alone Atlanta Transportation Department” (the “Study”), which was prepared by the consulting group WSP USA and completed March 5, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Study found that restructuring the way transportation is managed in the City could catalyze, and be the vehicle for, providing transportation leadership, vision, talent and capacity; and WHEREAS, the City adopted certain Study recommendations to create the Atlanta Department of Transportation via Ordinance 19-O-1159, adopted by the Atlanta City Council on June 17, 2019 and approved by the Mayor on June 24, 2019; and WHEREAS, the Atlanta Department of Transportation (“ATLDOT”) will have purview over transportation related functions within the City of Atlanta, including certain functions previously under the purview of the Department of Public Works Office of Transportation and Office of Capital Projects; and WHEREAS, ATLDOT desires to amend the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances so as to align roles and responsibilities transferring from the Department of Public Works Office of Transportation and Office of Capital Projects to the Atlanta Department of Transportation.
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