Species Action Plan for the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni in the European Union Revised Prepared by: On behalf of the European Commission 1 Species action plan for the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni in the European Union The revision of the action plan was commissioned by the European Commission and prepared by BirdLife International as subcontractor to the “N2K Group” in the frame of Service Contract N#070307/2007/488316/SER/B2 “Technical and scientific support in relation to the implementation of the 92/43 ‘Habitats’ and 79/409 ‘Birds’ Directives”. Compilers Ana Iñigo, SEO/BirdLife,
[email protected]; Boris Barov, BirdLife International,
[email protected] Contributors Beatriz Estanque Portugal LPN Bousbouras Dimitris Greece Biologist Carlos Rodríguez Spain EBD/CSIC David Serrano Spain EBD/CSIC Elena Kmetova Bulgaria Green Balkans Federation Fernando Díez Spain SOMACYL (Castilla y León) José Miguel Aparicio Spain IREC (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM) Maurizio Sarà Italy Universita de Palermo, Dipartimento Biol. Anim. Mia Derhé UK BirdLife International Pedro Rocha Portugal ICNB Pepe Antolín Spain DEMA Philippe Pillard France LPO/BirdLife France Ricardo Gómez Calmaestra Spain DG Medio Natural y Política Forestal, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Rigas Tsiakiris Greece HOS Rita Alcazar Portugal LPN Milestones in the Production of the Plan Workshop: 07-08 July 2010, Madrid, Spain Draft 1: 31 July 2010, submitted to the EC and Member States for consultation Draft 2: 31 March 2011, submitted to the European Commission Final version: 21 April 2011, submitted to the European Commission International Species Working Group n/a Reviews This Action Plan should be reviewed and updated every ten years (next review in 2020) unless a sudden change of the population trend requires urgent revision.