On Arrest of Sit-Ins
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Fair, cold tonight. Low !• to 24. Increasing ^oudiaess Tnssdajr, Highest temperatare In 40s. Manchester— A City of Village Charm -------------- ■ VDL. LXXX, NO. 143 TOURTEEN PAGES— PLUS TWELVE PAGE TABLOID MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1961 (ClMiUied Advertltlng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Blacks, Whites Riot State News Kennedy Seeks Roundup $500 Million In Johannesburg as Budget Bpifet I Autopsy Shows Washington, March 20 (/P) Voerwoerd Returns —President Kennedy, askeci Driver, 60, Died Congress today to boost ne.xt Johannesburer, South Afri-t At the same time, security po Of Lung Injury year’s budget by nearly $500 ca, March 20 (/P)— Fighting lice in nationwide raids arrested million. broke out between blacks and 10 African NationaUst leaders to He sought', among other things, On Arrest of Sit-ins head off possible demonstrations Groton, March 20 (^)—The additional, funds to step up State whites outside Johannesburg tomorrow, first anniversary of the death of a motorist who was Department activities in Africa, City Hall today as Prime Min day white police killed 60 Africans being held in a cell at the strengthen the U.S. Information ister Hendrik F. Verwoerd re and wounded 180 others at Sharpe- Agency’s program in Africa and vllle. State Police Troop here has Latin America and expand the Louisiana’s turned from a conference in Verwoerd was met at Jan Smuts been attribnted to a build-up U.S. staff at the United Nations. London during which he an Airport, 15 miles outside Johanes- of fluid in his lungs as a re Kennedy also proposed increases nounced South Africa is leav burg, by lieveral thousand whites. sult of an injury sustained in of nearljj $41 million for various School Bias ing the British •common They cheered, sang, and waved an accident. Interior' " Department operations wealth. placards reading "Welcome to our and more than $442 million for the beloved prime minister. South Dr. Robert Henkle of Water Agriculture Department. The South African Presa Aa- ford, acting medical examiner, The latter would be mainly to aociation described the ciaah as a Africa thanks you.” Held Illegal The scene was far different in said today the victim, Joseph J. strengthen research, watershed, ‘,‘fuIl-Bcale riot.” The agency re Carrol, 60, Rt. 216, North Stoning- 2 downtown Johanncaburg in front forestry, con.servation and school ported: ton, had been in a tuberculosis of the city hall. There Verwoerd's lunch programs, loan programs of Wafihintfton, March 20 </P) "Europeans (whites) ran among supporters and white liberals de hospital until several weeks ago. the Rural Elcctriflcation Adminis the natives (blacks) in the crowd, manded Verwoerd resign milled Carol was arrested in Groton tration and Farmers Home Ad —The/Supreme Court today kicking and strilcing out at them. and fought with flats. ' Saturday night on a charge of op ministration. Agriculture funds refused to reconsider its Jan. The Africans fled down the street. White students backing Ver- erating a motor vehicle under the also would repay the Commodity 23 decision upholding ..censor* There was a cry of 'Let’s clean up woe'rd fought Negro demonstra influence of liquor after his car Credit Corp. for costs and losses. ship of inotimi pictures before those— and then the white mob tors of the Black Sash, an antiseg hit a parked auto. He died about Kennedy's proposed revisions in turned on another crowd ✓ blacks, regation organisation. The Black 7 a.m. Sunday. former President Dwight D. Eisen their public showing. who scattered and fled. A number Sash tried to distribute leaflets He was treated at Lawrence and hower's budget for the 1962 flscal The decision rejected con* o f them were caught, however, reading: Memorial Hospital, New London, year are not necessarily all those tentions by Times Film Corp., and beaten up by the mob.” "Can South Africa afford Dr. for a cut on his chin and was x- he will recommend for the depart Verwoerd got a rousing recep rayed before being taken to the which had refused to submit Verwoerd? He made the whole ments and agencies concerned. the film “ Don Juan” to Chi tion at the airport but opponents world hate us and apartheid (seg State Police Barracks. An officer The Chief Executive expects to of hia racial poUcy and of the regation). He led us into isola there explained persons arrested send general budget revisions to cago’s censors. As a result of Commonwealth decision were dem- tion." for drunken driving are usually Congress within the next few days, the refusal Times film was onatratlng even then in downtown held for several hours before be except for defense spending. denied a permit to show the Johannesburg. (Continued on Page Thirteen) ing released on bond. Those will )>e submitted later. Dr.' Henkle said an autopsy Whether the budget changes will picture in theaters. showed the accumulation of fluid reach capitol hill this week, as in Carroll’s lungs apparently re originally planned, is now uncer Washington, March 20 (/P) sulted from a combination of his tain, the White House said. ^ —^The Supreme Court today Rusk, Gromyko Fail drinking, his history as a tubercu For the. State Department, Ken agreed to rule on appeals by lar, and a blow on the chest re nedy actually proposed a net de 17 Negro students who were ceived in the accident. crease of $130,000 because of re Half an hour before he was ductions in contributions to inter arrested in “ sit-in” demon found dead in his cell, Carroll was national organizations and a re strations at white lunch coun To End Laos Crisis up and walking arotind, the physi programming of funds for Inter ters in Baton Rouge, La. clan said. Because he had been national Fisheries commissions. ’Their appeeds are the first which complaining of pains in the chest, But on the plus side, for the will be heard by the Supreme Washington, March 20 (JPt—No^dersecretary of state Chester arrapgements, to move him to a fiscal year which begins next July Court as the result of prosecutions Indications of progress toward Bowles,“ Assistant Secretary Fo, hospital were being made when he 1, he asked for a $300,000 increase of sit-in demonstrators in the South. ending lAotlan crisis have D. Kohler and Soviet affairs e: died. State Police said. "for emergencies in the diplomatic ’The High Court’s order agreeing stemmed from a lengthy U.S.-So pert Charles E. Bohlen. and consular service," $350,000 to to hear the appeals said that three viet conference on Cold War is Gromyko w m accompanied by expand African programs, $500,000 hours would be allowed for argu sues that threaten to become hot. Deputy Foreign Minister Arkady Proclamation for policy planning studies and ments. The date for hearing the Secretary of State Dean Rusk Sorolev and Ambassador Mikhail Hartford, March 20 (,T>,—Citi $155,000 to prt)vide 23 extra staff arguments will be set later. and Soviet Foreign Minister An Menshikvo, Soviet envoy to Wash lens of Connecticut regardless of members for the U.S. mission at The students contended in three drei A. Gromyko restated in de ington. their form of worship today were the U.N. ' separate appeals that a state has tail the U.S. and Russian positions urged to observe Good Friday ” in This would bring the U.S. mis no' power to compel segregaUon of during an extraordinary 5-hour Berkeley! Calif., March 20 (/P>— earnest and devout prayer to show sion staff to 134 to nelp it meet the races and, therefore, Louisiana conference Saturday.. Secretary of State Dean Rusk to us how to lift the veil of darkness problem of enlarged U.N. activities could not impose criminal penal The two, accompanied by top day delivers the pHncipal address obscuring the sunlight of peace.” and intensified diplomatic negotia As Spring Loosens Winters Grip ties for their expression of dissatis advisers, began talking over lunch at the University of California’s This appeal was made today by tions there. ’Thawing waters whirr over the dam at Tankeroosan Lake in Vernon as soft weekend snow nettles faction at ’’being relegated to sec at the State Department at 1 p.m. Charter Day ceremonies—his first Gov. John N. Dempsey as. he pro Kennedy is reported ready -to on rocky ledgwf flanking the dam. Whiter seems reluctant to surrender its icy blanket on branches ond class status in public estab smd did not part until dusk was major speech on the West Coast. claimed March 31 as a day of fast submit a balanced budget to Con even today, the first day of spring. (Herald photo by Satemlli.) lishments.” shadorwlng Washington at 6 f.m. He arrived at nearby Alameda ing and prayer. gress soon—and then supplement The IT Negroes, all of whom at A Joint statement, couched in Navkl Air Station from Washing Noting that St. Luke’s account it with a request for at least $1 tended Southern University, were very general terms, said only that of the cruclflxion read: "It was now billion in deficit defense .spending. sentenced tq four months’ imprison ton late yesterday aboard a Mili Congressional leaders have been they hoped their "open and frank tary Air Transport plane with about the sixth bouc. and-there Spring Returns, ment, each. Three months of the dlacuaston . will lead to a bet Mrs. Rusk and ^ g e r Tubby, as was darkness over the whole Jand infornied that the President hopes Reds Seen Opening Sentence could be suspended by ter mutual understanding of the by making separate recommenda Swallows, Too payment of a $100 fine by each.