On Arrest of Sit-Ins
Fair, cold tonight. Low !• to 24. Increasing ^oudiaess Tnssdajr, Highest temperatare In 40s. Manchester— A City of Village Charm -------------- ■ VDL. LXXX, NO. 143 TOURTEEN PAGES— PLUS TWELVE PAGE TABLOID MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1961 (ClMiUied Advertltlng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Blacks, Whites Riot State News Kennedy Seeks Roundup $500 Million In Johannesburg as Budget Bpifet I Autopsy Shows Washington, March 20 (/P) Voerwoerd Returns —President Kennedy, askeci Driver, 60, Died Congress today to boost ne.xt Johannesburer, South Afri-t At the same time, security po Of Lung Injury year’s budget by nearly $500 ca, March 20 (/P)— Fighting lice in nationwide raids arrested million. broke out between blacks and 10 African NationaUst leaders to He sought', among other things, On Arrest of Sit-ins head off possible demonstrations Groton, March 20 (^)—The additional, funds to step up State whites outside Johannesburg tomorrow, first anniversary of the death of a motorist who was Department activities in Africa, City Hall today as Prime Min day white police killed 60 Africans being held in a cell at the strengthen the U.S. Information ister Hendrik F. Verwoerd re and wounded 180 others at Sharpe- Agency’s program in Africa and vllle. State Police Troop here has Latin America and expand the Louisiana’s turned from a conference in Verwoerd was met at Jan Smuts been attribnted to a build-up U.S. staff at the United Nations. London during which he an Airport, 15 miles outside Johanes- of fluid in his lungs as a re Kennedy also proposed increases nounced South Africa is leav burg, by lieveral thousand whites.
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