B1 bus time schedule & line map

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The B1 bus line (Bury) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bury: 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM (2) Holcombe Brook: 3:15 PM (3) Peel Brow: 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM (4) : 3:20 PM (5) Ramsbottom: 5:58 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest B1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next B1 bus arriving.

Direction: Bury B1 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Bury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM Fir Street, Peel Brow Tuesday 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM Fir Street, Peel Brow Wednesday 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM Ashwood Avenue, Peel Brow Thursday 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM Ashwood Avenue, Friday 7:43 AM - 4:58 PM Lime Grove, Peel Brow Lime Grove, England Saturday 7:44 AM - 4:58 PM

Beechwood Avenue, Peel Brow Beechwood Avenue, England

Fir Street, Peel Brow B1 bus Info Direction: Bury Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom Stops: 59 Trip Duration: 47 min East Lancs Railway, Ramsbottom Line Summary: Fir Street, Peel Brow, Fir Street, Peel Brow, Ashwood Avenue, Peel Brow, Lime Grove, Peel St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom Brow, Beechwood Avenue, Peel Brow, Fir Street, Peel Brow, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom, East Lancs Market Place, Ramsbottom Railway, Ramsbottom, St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom, Killer Street, England Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom Ramsbottom, Cross Street, Ramsbottom, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Buchanan Street, Ramsbottom, Porritt Way, England Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Market Place, Ramsbottom Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Hope Street, Paradise Street, England Ramsbottom, Alfred Street, Ramsbottom, Regent Cross Street, Ramsbottom Street, Ramsbottom, Cunliffe Avenue, Holcombe Brook, The Brook, Holcombe Brook, Hare & Hounds, Cross Street, England Holcombe Brook, Avondale Drive, Holcombe Brook, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook, Lane, Holcombe Brook, Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Caltha Street, England Brook, Newcombe Road, Summerseat, Garden Buchanan Street, Ramsbottom Centre, Summerseat, Twist Bridge, Summerseat, Rowlands Road, Summerseat, Manley Close, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Summerseat, The Waterside, Summerseat, Ruby Aitken Close, England Street, Summerseat, Railway Street, Summerseat, Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook, Trinity Green, Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom Holcombe Brook, Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook, Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook, Hazel Hall Lane, Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom Holcombe Brook, Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme, Springside View, Brandlesholme, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme, Garside Hey Aitken Close, England Road, Brandlesholme, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill, Hope Street, Ramsbottom Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill, Brandon Close, Dorothy Street, England Higher Woodhill, March Drive, Higher Woodhill, Woodhill Road, Higher Woodhill, Licheld Drive, Alfred Street, Ramsbottom Higher Woodhill, Logwood Avenue, Woodhill, Spruce Street, England Tottington Road, Woodhill, Bury Bridge, Elton, East Lancs Railway, Bury, Mill Gate Shopping Centre, Bury, Regent Street, Ramsbottom Bury Interchange, Bury Zama Street, England

Cunliffe Avenue, Holcombe Brook Road West, England

The Brook, Holcombe Brook Adelaide Street, England

Hare & Hounds, Holcombe Brook

Avondale Drive, Holcombe Brook

Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook Mayeld Road, England

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Newcombe Road, Summerseat

Garden Centre, Summerseat Railway Street, England

Twist Bridge, Summerseat

Rowlands Road, Summerseat Crag Lane, England

Manley Close, Summerseat Manley Close, England

The Waterside, Summerseat Kay Street, England

Ruby Street, Summerseat Waterside Road, England

Railway Street, Summerseat

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook Manseld Avenue, England Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook

Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook

Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook

Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme Longsight Road, England

Springside View, Brandlesholme

Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme Brandlesholme Road, Bury

Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme

Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme

Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill

Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill

Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill

March Drive, Higher Woodhill

Woodhill Road, Higher Woodhill

Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill

Logwood Avenue, Woodhill Ely Drive, Bury

Tottington Road, Woodhill Back Crostons Road, Bury

Bury Bridge, Elton

East Lancs Railway, Bury Bolton Street, Bury

Mill Gate Shopping Centre, Bury 24 Market Street, Bury

Bury Interchange, Bury Haymarket Street, Bury Direction: Holcombe Brook B1 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Holcombe Brook Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:15 PM St Gabriels School, Bury Tuesday 3:15 PM Tenterden Street, Bury Jubilee Way, Bury Wednesday 3:15 PM

Bury Bridge, Elton Thursday 3:15 PM Crostons Road, Bury Friday 3:15 PM

Merton Street, Woodhill Saturday Not Operational

Logwood Avenue, Woodhill Ely Drive, Bury

Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill B1 bus Info Direction: Holcombe Brook Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill Stops: 21 Trip Duration: 13 min March Drive, Higher Woodhill Line Summary: St Gabriels School, Bury, Tenterden Street, Bury, Bury Bridge, Elton, Merton Street, Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill Woodhill, Logwood Avenue, Woodhill, Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill, Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill, Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill March Drive, Higher Woodhill, Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill, Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill, Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme, Springside View, Brandlesholme, Brandlesholme Road, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme Brandlesholme, Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook, Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook, Longsight Road, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme Holcombe Brook, Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook

Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme Brandlesholme Road, Bury

Springside View, Brandlesholme

Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme

Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook

Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook

Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook

Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook Newcombe Road, England Direction: Peel Brow B1 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Peel Brow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM Bury Interchange, Bury Tuesday 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM East Lancs Railway, Bury Bolton Street, Bury Wednesday 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM

Bury Bridge, Elton Thursday 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM Crostons Road, Bury Friday 8:25 AM - 6:20 PM

Merton Street, Woodhill Saturday 8:20 AM - 6:20 PM

Logwood Avenue, Woodhill Ely Drive, Bury

Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill B1 bus Info Direction: Peel Brow Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill Stops: 49 Trip Duration: 37 min March Drive, Higher Woodhill Line Summary: Bury Interchange, Bury, East Lancs Railway, Bury, Bury Bridge, Elton, Merton Street, Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill Woodhill, Logwood Avenue, Woodhill, Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill, Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill, Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill March Drive, Higher Woodhill, Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill, Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill, Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme, Springside View, Brandlesholme, Brandlesholme Road, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme Brandlesholme, Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook, Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook, Longsight Road, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme Holcombe Brook, Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook, Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook, Newcombe Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme Road, Summerseat, Garden Centre, Summerseat, Brandlesholme Road, Bury Twist Bridge, Summerseat, Rowlands Road, Summerseat, Manley Close, Summerseat, The Springside View, Brandlesholme Waterside, Summerseat, Ruby Street, Summerseat, Railway Street, Summerseat, Summerseat Lane, Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme Holcombe Brook, Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook, Kendal Road, Holcombe Brook, Avondale Drive, Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook Holcombe Brook, Hare & Hounds, Holcombe Brook, The Brook, Holcombe Brook, Cunliffe Avenue, Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook Holcombe Brook, Regent Street, Ramsbottom, Alfred Street, Ramsbottom, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Dundee Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook Lane, Ramsbottom, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom, East Lancs Railway, Newcombe Road, England Ramsbottom, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom, Fir Street, Peel Brow Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Newcombe Road, Summerseat

Garden Centre, Summerseat Railway Street, England

Twist Bridge, Summerseat

Rowlands Road, Summerseat Crag Lane, England

Manley Close, Summerseat Manley Close, England

The Waterside, Summerseat Kay Street, England

Ruby Street, Summerseat Waterside Road, England

Railway Street, Summerseat

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook Mayeld Road, England

Kendal Road, Holcombe Brook

Avondale Drive, Holcombe Brook

Hare & Hounds, Holcombe Brook Longsight Road, England

The Brook, Holcombe Brook Adelaide Street, England

Cunliffe Avenue, Holcombe Brook

Regent Street, Ramsbottom Spruce Street, England

Alfred Street, Ramsbottom Frederick Street, England

Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Aitken Close, England

Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom

Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom

Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Aitken Close, England

Dundee Lane, Ramsbottom Wilds Place, England

Kay Brow, Ramsbottom Lever Street, England

Market Place, Ramsbottom Smithy Street, England

East Lancs Railway, Ramsbottom Bridge Street, England

Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom Patmos Street, England

Fir Street, Peel Brow Direction: Ramsbottom B1 bus Time Schedule 51 stops Ramsbottom Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:20 PM St Gabriels School, Bury Tuesday 3:20 PM , Bury Wednesday 3:20 PM Bury Interchange, Bury Thursday 3:20 PM

East Lancs Railway, Bury Friday 3:20 PM Bolton Street, Bury Saturday Not Operational Bury Bridge, Elton Crostons Road, Bury

Merton Street, Woodhill B1 bus Info Logwood Avenue, Woodhill Direction: Ramsbottom Ely Drive, Bury Stops: 51 Trip Duration: 45 min Licheld Drive, Higher Woodhill Line Summary: St Gabriels School, Bury, Bury Grammar School, Bury, Bury Interchange, Bury, East Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill Lancs Railway, Bury, Bury Bridge, Elton, Merton Street, Woodhill, Logwood Avenue, Woodhill, Licheld March Drive, Higher Woodhill Drive, Higher Woodhill, Woodhill Farm, Higher Woodhill, March Drive, Higher Woodhill, Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill, Skegness Close, Higher Brandon Close, Higher Woodhill Woodhill, Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill, Holme Avenue, Skegness Close, Higher Woodhill Brandlesholme, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme, Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme, Springside Brandlesholme Road, Higher Woodhill View, Brandlesholme, Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme, Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook, Hunstanton Drive, Higher Woodhill Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook, Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook, Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook, Holme Avenue, Brandlesholme Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook, Newcombe Road, Summerseat, Garden Centre, Summerseat, Garside Hey Road, Brandlesholme Twist Bridge, Summerseat, Rowlands Road, Summerseat, Manley Close, Summerseat, The Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme Waterside, Summerseat, Ruby Street, Summerseat, Brandlesholme Road, Bury Railway Street, Summerseat, Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook, Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook, Springside View, Brandlesholme Kendal Road, Holcombe Brook, Avondale Drive, Holcombe Brook, Hare & Hounds, Holcombe Brook, Brandlesholme Road, Brandlesholme The Brook, Holcombe Brook, Cunliffe Avenue, Holcombe Brook, Regent Street, Ramsbottom, Alfred Hazel Hall Lane, Holcombe Brook Street, Ramsbottom, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook Ramsbottom, Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Dundee Lane, Ramsbottom, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom, Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom Trinity Green, Holcombe Brook Newcombe Road, England

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook Newcombe Road, Summerseat

Garden Centre, Summerseat Railway Street, England

Twist Bridge, Summerseat

Rowlands Road, Summerseat Crag Lane, England

Manley Close, Summerseat Manley Close, England

The Waterside, Summerseat Kay Street, England

Ruby Street, Summerseat Waterside Road, England

Railway Street, Summerseat

Summerseat Lane, Holcombe Brook

Mayeld Road, Holcombe Brook Mayeld Road, England

Kendal Road, Holcombe Brook

Avondale Drive, Holcombe Brook

Hare & Hounds, Holcombe Brook Longsight Road, England

The Brook, Holcombe Brook Adelaide Street, England

Cunliffe Avenue, Holcombe Brook

Regent Street, Ramsbottom Spruce Street, England

Alfred Street, Ramsbottom Frederick Street, England

Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Aitken Close, England

Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom

Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom

Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Aitken Close, England

Dundee Lane, Ramsbottom Wilds Place, England

Kay Brow, Ramsbottom Lever Street, England Market Place, Ramsbottom Smithy Street, England

Market Place, Ramsbottom Killer Street, England

Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom Porritt Way, England

Market Place, Ramsbottom Paradise Street, England Direction: Ramsbottom B1 bus Time Schedule 17 stops Ramsbottom Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:58 PM Fir Street, Peel Brow Tuesday 5:58 PM Fir Street, Peel Brow Wednesday 5:58 PM Ashwood Avenue, Peel Brow Thursday 5:58 PM Ashwood Avenue, England Friday 5:58 PM Lime Grove, Peel Brow Lime Grove, England Saturday 5:58 PM

Beechwood Avenue, Peel Brow Beechwood Avenue, England

Fir Street, Peel Brow B1 bus Info Direction: Ramsbottom Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom Stops: 17 Trip Duration: 11 min East Lancs Railway, Ramsbottom Line Summary: Fir Street, Peel Brow, Fir Street, Peel Brow, Ashwood Avenue, Peel Brow, Lime Grove, Peel St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom Brow, Beechwood Avenue, Peel Brow, Fir Street, Peel Brow, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom, East Lancs Market Place, Ramsbottom Railway, Ramsbottom, St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom, Killer Street, England Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom, Market Place, Ramsbottom Terminus, Ramsbottom Ramsbottom, Cross Street, Ramsbottom, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Buchanan Street, Ramsbottom, Porritt Way, England Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom, Whittingham Drive, Market Place, Ramsbottom Ramsbottom Paradise Street, England

Cross Street, Ramsbottom Cross Street, England

Kay Brow, Ramsbottom Caltha Street, England

Buchanan Street, Ramsbottom

Nuttall Lane, Ramsbottom Aitken Close, England

Whittingham Drive, Ramsbottom B1 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved