! Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingalen wu)w. p anq asinan. g o a. p ft OFFIGE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SEGRETARY gf,BT[FTgATtON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the regular session duly constituted of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Province of Pangasinan, held on July 17, 2017 at Lingayen, P angas inan, the fo I low ing prov incial re s o lutio n w as approv e d : Authored by SP Member Jeremy Agerico B. Rosario PROVINCIAL RESOLUTION NO. 457.2017 ENDORSING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOV},RNMT,N'T' AND 'I'HI.: PHILUPTN}, NATIONAL POLICE THE TIPGRADING OF MANAOAG POLICE STATION FROM TYPE B TO TYPE A CATEGORY WiiEREAS, ivianauag is a shurv wiutiuw uruniuipaiiiy ui Fangasinan where motorists and the riding public going to north usually pass through the area; WIIEREAS, statistics show that visitor arrivals in Manaoag, a pilgrimage otod avAraftac fn nna millinn nor mnnfh onA lhqt fho i-{Irr- l^^ol onrl fnrai,'- srvS srv.sbvJ av \rrrv rrrrrrr\rrr lrvr rt.\r1r!.t srrs !t.4! !.lv rr.rrs,r ^f\r. .u94r 4.rv rvrvrSrr tourists, including high profile personalities, is mainly due to their visit to Our Lady of Manaoag Church; WIIEREAS, upgrading of the Manaoag Police Station from Category B to Category A is important considering that the Our T.ady of Manaoag Church is already declared as a minor basilica; WHEREAS, upgrading of the Manaoag Police Station will beef up its personnel, especially in the activation of its tourist police unit that will be responsible to ensure the safety and intemal security of the growing number of visitors of the municipality; WHEREAS, with the upgrading of the Manaoag Police Station, it will be more equipped to further enhance peace and order as well as to face the challenges brought by criminalities; 2F Capitol Bldg., Lingayen, Pangasinan 2401 'TeltFax (+6375) 5424040 * e-mail address:
[email protected] r q, nlxcrsrrAr Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lingalen www.pangashan.gw.pft OFFIGE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Provincial Resolution No.