

Just at dusk Dr. Franklin came along ii, iorms and flavors, then the patleni iContinued from page 5.) his auto, and not having hiS lights burn- will probably weary of them, perhaps Are You ing did not see the emhaiikment of Home Course refuse to eat them. XCortUnate Is the The-beautiful new home of John Dawes, BREVITIES. woman who know's> how to prepare earth which liad been thrown up ' at Nelsonville, ia now finished, and Mr, — Big time ,tQ-inQrruw-atJ.he.Repablioan simple foods attraetlvely. making old Thi,~wm BTtil tilt tHimlv mo-ved nn TasBllBy. lik e This ? - -the ditnh, und-ateereiJ-Jiis-jiuaebiHe,-1,,,-, In Domestic friends appear as new acipialutances. He wiii do business at Nelsonville now nrtlynmi-MafB meeting hrCfiainheHm'B tween the two red lights. ^Altlibiigli he But there are certiilu "doii'ts" (bat only. 0[)pra House, at 4 P. M. Tired all the time, not much was going slow, iiefore lie could atop the good for anything; hardly able to must be ■ observed . when cooking for Harvey N. Van Hise, of Trenton, spent —During a call at the home of Charles machine, it had pushed its way for some ir Science the sick.' over Sunday with his parents, Mr- and drag around, just all run down. Black a few days ago we saw a near tree distance in tlie bank of soft earth; hut Don't give an invalid or little child Mrs Albert Van Hise, at Red Valley. covered witj) blossoms. If you are', we guarantee our V I- liis slow speed and tlie bank of earth fried food of any kind. It Is hard w Oliver Pullen started on Monday for s.vved liira from Ix-ing ditclied. XVIIL—-Food For Inva­ Lakewood, where he has accepted a posi­ NOL will help ypu. . It has helped digest,, niid . the digestive organs of —Some mammoth chestnuts, "throe in many people aroUnd here whbwere both ..hick people . and children are tion. .—Yesterday Dr. VVui. L. Wilbur and „ ., , a bur, grown by J. E. Allen, are exhibit- in this condition. lids and Children. weak. Mrs I. S. Dawes was the guest of her ,,, ^ ™ , Oasliier Joseph H. Johues went to Col- daughter, Mr,s. Pcatson Havens, on 'Tues- ^ office window. Don’t include pork in the Invalid’s , Noyv look h,ere,.iusLtry- ope, bot­ dai;.. ______. . , ...... 4~ • - —T-h«-Enihroitl«ry6hrirmBtattltTrtinmn licr'e-MHls, in Dr.''‘ WRtaiPsTtlrto;io visit bill 'of fare. - * iwon - oi tle o f’ V. IN OL, and if you are not his Cranberry marsh there. Belore tlieir By EDITH G. CHARLTON. James H.ulse is again suffering witli a : of Miss Elizabeth Taylor, oh \Vednescloy bacon gravy may be allowed occa­ satisfied that it did you good, copie return tlie doctor had an attack of sciaS' * In CharS^t Domeitic Economy. Iowa, had attack of heart trouble. j evening, and enjoyed a delightful time. sionally. back and get your money. It ivill ica rheumatiam. He retorned totlie llai'k Slate College. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt and daugh-: __i,__ i n - ■ Don’t serve - highly seasoned food. ter, Rsba, spent from Friday until Mon-’ -Cunmngharp & Pfirrme are "taking be returned without question,. That road liotel, where he is slopping during The sense of taste ,ih generally very day- with friends at Trenton, and took in I account ,of ^tock” this week at their ■ is a fair proposition and shows bur the remodeling of his liouse, when tlie keen in sickness, and the nalural sea­ Copyright. 1910. fay Americen Pre»* the sights at Mauch Chunk and Switch- bii^ store. And the job is a big one too. ' faith in VINQL.-and .that we do disease took such a liold on liim that Associ&lion. ' soning of food is often enough. Be­ back Mountains. -We enjoyed some luscious strawber- not want your money unless you re- he became comparatively liejpless; blq.' sides. spices may weaken b.v .overstim­ B. P. Malsbury is having concrete h e chief ditrerciicu between ries a few days ago through the kindness _ ceive behefit-j ’’ we are pleased to report that liis condi­ ulation the digestive ginnds. Do not walks laid around his store and house,. .j„.- tion this morning was soipewiiat im­ cooltlti!,' for the '«lcl! and for use pepper, mustard or 'vine-gar and Mrs. Annie Pullen has been delivering | who picked several v ie know what we are talking proved. •______those 111 good lieiiltli lii that the uste salt sparingly. her fine Grimes Golden apples to parties (piurts from his patch, . about ,b(k;a«sb we have sold YI" T•sick person imist hiiy;e his food Don’t boll, eggs for either Invalids oi at Trenton. —Quite a number through this section ,NOL foriyehrSf, and have seen how pfoperly,prepared,iiiid the one who Is children. Always .coo.le them In wutei W H. Hendrickson has had his house picking strawberries during much gW :it has done among our For the Housewife. perfectly well ought to have' it. proper­ which has neit qulte,erea.(;hed the boll freshly painted by Ja^^ u se. , week or so. Among those wliose custbme^. ;, Lemon Apple Fie.’—Chop finely one Ing; point. George H. Asay killed his pork crop on ,. , Messrs Hn?bee large sour apple which has been peeled ly prepared: One is a case .of neces- .:V.IN6:L''is not a patent, secret I)on’t coeik milk directly over the Wednesday He delivered the same to ; and cored. Add the pulp of a lemon Blty ill order to. regain healljh; the oth­ J. H. Pierce, at Allentown. | P''hen and Lemuel.Black. fifH«rahi,’{5Ut an honest, tried and llfD: It Is'alihhst sure to burn. Even the grated lemon peel and the .jmee' er Is .a case of prevention th ward off If It does not, milk should not be boil­ The M. E. Church will hold their an-, —The regular meeting of the W. C. T. true bqdy'builder and strength crea­ Beat in one egg. ateaspoonful of butter sickness. There is no medlclhe more Dual New England supper in the K. of P. will be held in the rooms of the H. I. tor bfi'.'tX'orl,d-wide fame, delicious and halt a.cupt’ul of sugar. Beat until ed for the same reason that an egg thoroughly mixed and bake between Important aiid powerful than the right Hall on I-riday-evening. . A. next-Wednesday afternoon at three ,, aiiii o ^ y fo take. Come in today should not. Boiling tempera tnre makes Cl usts of puff paste for threh-quarters kind of food cooked and servinl In ,lhe James Nelson, who was thrown out of , ,, Members are earneatlv rennest. (he albumen tough aiiel Indigestible. his wagon and hurt so badly, is still con-, ® ‘-'eeK- Memnera are earnestly request ' anci. stlrt-^ your cure at once. You of an hour. best-way to iiiako It easy of digestion Don’t ceiok cream soups or boiled fined_ to his ■bed. 1 Mr. XTNelson - i improves —______- ed .,/l to Vvzxbe %w«.ACir\w«present, I- rta‘ as important matters ci f 4 ewe take; ,ti'o r i ^ ' and ilutritlo.iis. Since thi.s is tryh String Beans m Cream.—'Puke a custards dlri'Ctly over the Arc. Use a very f-lowly.- , are to be considered. ,. b:,'lErt,&U)ii,inghani, Druggist, Hights quart of fresh string beans, cut into donbie bolli-r. to keep the temperature tliere is no imrt of iini>'l,jig iiiorB' iin-. ■ Mrs. Charles Applegate, of Manasquan,; Hallowe’ en weighing'’social., under inch lengths atte'r removing the sti'iiigs portimt'than'that of preparing lli6 in­ below boiling. , .town,,' N’l .J'. ’ and boil until tender in salted 'water. valid’s meals. Solecllng and cpolfiug Don’t serve InsuHlclently- cooked ce- of Presbyterian C.E. When done, drain off the water, putiti nii'^ ls for one who has little aiipelUo i reals! llico', onUneal ami cornstarch Mrs. Sallie Parker, of Nelsonville, is ; Society, is to be held at the home of Mrs. a large piece ot butter the, size of an nicitn more tliiiii choosing certain mi- I should ho cooked for a long time over with her daughter, at Bordentown, who | .lohn Rogers on Stockton street, Monday Btrest. 'Tfia excavation in tlie street to egg and one cup o f . cream, salt and trltloiis foods and cooking thi-iii well. | hot water, Ittcc'-reniiires nhout Iwo ia very ill with diphtheria. 1 evening, Oct. 31st. A good time is antic- eonnact with the jvatermain was left open pepper to taste. Some cooks add a tiny bit of sugar to the water in which They mean presenting the-proix-r food_|_houra and (iiitiitear at least four hours’ Mrs. Joseph Haley, of Cox’s Corner, | jpaled and the public is invited, last evening and two red lighls put up, spent 'I’liursday afternoon with Mrs. the beans a'e boiled. Let the cream -to-the -patieii't h i,Inch an attractive | steam cookin' one at tlie, end,, iieai: the . center of .the, boil up. then take from the fire and~ Don’t sorvi- fried' potatoes, .When*-ttomns Reed, at Pleasant View farm Anthony -Hendrickson is flfting-up a way that an appidltc wilt be awaken atreet, and the other at the sidewalk. serve ed and there will- he a desire to eat, j (hey arc allowed (hey ii'c much better Mrs. W. H. Hendrickson and daughters, Ij bath room in liis residence on Siockton It Is essential, 'Iheh, that special c.are j Ijiikcd, hccanse they i •0 more quickly Ruth and Mildred, spent part of last ! wtek with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. be taken In arranging the paticnt’s_ [ dlgc.sU'd in I hat form, m tray. A sick in-rson is iiniisinilly sen- , I)mi’( serve chee.se mid don’t cook .'"i, Dawes. sltlve to details. Little things which 1 Imti'er too long. In niakiiig cream About ten ponies and wagons came possibly would pass iinuotlcod by the i soups add the Iniltcr just before sorv- through on Saturday evening from .Mount Holly fair. They stopped over night at Iier.son In nornnil heiillti may cause ac- log, R. H. Hendrickson’s farih and Sunday tual dlsoomfori to tlic one weakened Nurse’s Care of Herself, moriiing they started for Aebiiry I’ark. b.v disease. The Iray should always The woman who is aetirig as nurse From there they will go to Lakewood for bo covered with a clean cloth. The in her home 1s very .h|it to neglect her­ tile winter. smallest slain or a nmqili-d apiiear- self. It mii.v he hard for her to do oth­ ance may take away (he palicnl’s de­ erwise, esiieclally If there are other de- Now Is the Time to Paint sire for the food, 'Ifhe prettle.st, thin­ niamls on her time and strength. But CKANBUliY. W e Sell Hazard Corporation nest china and glass. Ihe brightest sil­ if the patient needs constant care then I’nstmaHter Frank A. Brown, wlio for ver. should Jk- sent to the, sickroom. It i.s almost imperative that the person imuiy yeara has had attacks of great Paint for $1.25 per gallon Tiiosc In themselves will appeal to, thi- who 1s caring for Jilm should he re suffering for wiilcli he lias^ b(-en treated eye mid thus aid digestion. lieved of other (Julies and responslbili- by the most pkilled local p’’hy8icians, and The food should he served in small tie.s. Ills recovery demands this, for others of great note, besides going to quanttllos and by conrse.s. It l.s not the niirae’s ineiitiil and physical condl- varuinS’ lieulth resort.”, only to find tem- W e carry in stock the best there is in has oft'en-a- i«arkcd-effeet-:OB=4he purary_XiilhiL-waami®’a^ ^ at. the University of I’ennsylvatua hos­ : [iiitlont. Tf the nurse Us tired.out, has pital, i’ liiladelphia. Word' came yester- been obliged to do without sulUl'lent dav that Mr. Brown died soon after the sU'op for several nights, she is not like' operation hau been Yierfornieil ly to lie herself, She will be .nervous. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Applegate are NEW STOCK OF HORSE BLANKETS easily excited, perhaps Irritable and spending the vvi-ek with Mr. and Mrs. utterly unlit to give her host effort to .Prescott Bnllen, oi Hightslown. her task. ■ .VIrs. Abijali Applegate has bad the Safe and Satisfactory Oil Heaters $4.25. ■ Khe • shonfil have-' regular hours for hriuk pavement taken up iroin around sleep, when her rest will be unbroken lier. jiropertv and replaced by a cenienl for at least seven hours out of each, one. twenty-four. Thou, a short time should Theodore F. Everett, of Miwiasquan, L.INOLIU 7VYS/ 1 5 C . K N D 5 0 C . he allowed every day for outdoor oxer- is vising his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac clue, Constantly breathing the a.lr-of. pj. Everett, , , Mr. and .Mrs. Rose aiid^ Mrs, Harry F. Guns and Ammunition. even ii well.’ ventilated sickroom soon Brow ri have returned to their Imiiie at tells on even rolmst health. ’X’he'uurse Soiuli River. should have also good, nourishing, Liniis Weigoll has leliirned i i Ida OIL CLOTH STOVE MATS 40c. ■ -easiXy digested -food at-regular .hours. home ill New York after spending several When sli'kiieas conies into the family montlm with Mr. and Mrs. George I’uers- : such mutters as guarding the health chner and family. j of the mirse and keeping the other By a break at the power liou.se the meinbors of the household in good town was ill darKiieas for uboiit. Iwenty- CUNNINGHAM & PERRINE health are often overlooked,^and a sim fnnr hours, coinnieucing Saturday. gle case of illiioas very often becomes i two or three Just because ot this neg- ! reW; ’ Etdrvilitilg 'stitrald tie-;<104ie -to- interwiew of I hasten the recovery of the patiqnt as well ns preserve the good health of the rest of the family. Congressmart Wood. The nurse should wear comfortable $1500.00IilUm A bbott-D etroit clothing—a wasliiible dress and broad in an interview with a reporter of soled slioes-.and if the disease Is at all the Trenton Times, Congre.-smiiii Ira Please forget for a moment that the price of the AbboU-Detroit is but ®15G0, equipped. I Infectious she should he careful tiv W. Ward says: ’ ’ In viow of some statements being made in the press The fundamental idea in producing the Abbott-Detroit is not to bring out a cheap car, but rather to A IIODEIIN OD'I'Flf von INFAKT. I wawh her hands each time she touches and elsewhere by my opponent as the meet the requirements that exist at this time for an automobile that will represent the ultimate car of the [t. Hand. 2., Band to be worn after sec- '.the patient. Professional nurses learn Democratic nominee for Congress in o n d m o n lh . 3. StocU luB a. 4. S h ir t 6. 7, Cambric I’very early In tlieir tralning^Jke inipor- this district. 1 wish to s.ay that I was future. , , . , •• I'elttcoat. C. .NJglngoWM. tan'ee of disinfecting anrfwslng every first elected to Congress on t he ticket Men of experience know that most cars Being built at this time, especially thpse of-low cost, a r e , largely slip.l , preciiullou til prevent further develop with Theodore Roosevelt when he ran n. matt.er of experiment. Th£M.aj^idianginft4Ui4iAvill-. d b an ^- -T-he--cM’S' that ha-fs^hdiieveiTia' 'perfectibiTfif'' on whicli generou, qfttnrdtr fctftrlr-mv—tlOTf design that will stand the test of time can be counted ■Kin the fingerssof one hand. helpings of food are served to^takc cxpcrlencpd sometimes llnd it hard to at, the session of Congress which oon- vened in December following tlie elec­ The Abbott-Detroit is the logical car of the future. The men who produce it are well known, and their awiiy the iiatleut’s appctlle before he f'eiilize how very powerful and insidi­ tion. li’roin that time to tlie end of past experience places them beyond the necessity of experiment. ha.s ta.sted a luoiitbrul. .-V well tilled ous are tlic.se nilnmo germs. trav may be gralifyitig to Ihe persou ids iulniin.istration 1 always supported It is enough to say that the designer of the Abbott-Detroit is Mr, John G. Utz, well known as the It is not at nil tieceHsary .for the and voted lor the Roosevelt imlieies. convalescing from a long Illness when home mirse to he versed In drugs and 1 voted for the Hepiirn railroad rate designer of the popular Chalmers-Detroit “ 30,” and formerly with the Olds Motor Works and the Autocar. food was. limited to Ihiiiids. but ns a medicines, nor .should she he required law, the pure food law,’ the meat in­ In his latest creation, Mr. Utz has worked for refinement of detail and scientific proportioning of rule it is unuppetl/.iug ulniosfto every to put on complicated .Imndages, pre- j spection law, the new imturidization weight to power, coupled with economical operation and upkeep cost. persoU. Before taking the tray to the pare dressings or ndminlstcr treat­ law, the consnlaf reorganizuliiui law, With this policy in view we have produced a car thgt is amply strong in every pari, to insure great and all the other measures adr ooated patient make sure that his room Is in ments which require professional'skill j durability, and yet by the use of special materials, held down to minimum weight t o insure economy in order and that he Is ready for the by XTesident Roosevelt which made and experience. All such matters vylll ills administration such a hcilliant fuel and tires. meal. Freshen the air In the room for i lie undertaken by the physician when few moments, wipe . the pulients i record of aohievemlit. I also voted A study of the detailed specifications given herewith will enable you to compare it.s mechanical structure a a trained nurse is not employ ed. But for and supported all the Taft, bills iiand.s and face w-lth a dampened cloth, ’ with other cars. But as soon as possible, see the car itself. Tliat will tell yon more than anything 've the woman who knows bow to put on which were so heartily approved by could'say here. ’ ' ' Btralghteii the hedclotlies and. rear- i a .simple bandage, how to stop an or- Theodore Roosevelt in his Saratoga range the pillows. Then bring,, in the I speech, including the amendments to I diiinry attack of nosebleedliig. what ^ ^PECIFtlCHTIONS. tray with the food on It freshly pfe- ]I to do when some one faints find also i the Inter-State Commerce law, the pared. Serve hdt tilings hot unci colc^ ! safety appliance law, the law relating - MOTORS—25.6 h. p. A, L. A. M. rating. Bore, 4 in., Stroke, 4j in., Coropreesion-64 lbs;, Inlet Yalve in'Heart 2i in. open­ i is familiar with simple remedies for to the publioity ot campaiagii expen­ things cold. Have evcrytliiug as near­ ! simple ailiiient.s will always find the ing, Exhaust Valve at side 2j owning, Crmik Shaft—thire large phiin bearings die’ cast, Coimecting. Rod Bearings—Parsou* ly perfect as possible. Place the tray ses and the law creating the 'Tariff W'bite Brass, large in size; Fan Blades in Fly wheel ; Cylinders cast in pairs. I knowledge useful. In fact. It is a part Board. within easy reach of the patient If he TRANSMIS.SION—Sliding Gear, three speeds forward and reverse ; Annular Ball Bearings, F. & S. ; Clutch, Multipi'l® I of the all round woman’s education to " I am a staunch advocate, and a Disc ; liardened saw blade discs running in oil, Is able to feed himself and then while : know these things and be able to ap- linn supporter ot the policy of protec­ ot Interesting, FRONT AXLEr—Drop Forged, one-piece I-Beam, heat treated ; Timkin Roller Bearings in hubs. he eats' la'nr“ f(UTirrn i ply them in a sense way. tion to American industries and Amer­ REAR AXLE.—Special new design, full floating type ; Pressed Steel Hubs with forged steel drive flanges; Brakes aietal ’ pleasant things, which will c.aiise him ican labor. I voted, of course, lor the to. metal. 12 in, internal expanding; F. & S. Annular B'all Bearings in wheels ; Nickel Steel Drive Shafts. to forget himself and what he is do­ I The Care of Little Children. Payne tariff bill. If 1 had done other­ LUBRIC.'VTION—Constant level splash, sight feed on dash. ing. Do not sit down licside the bed ! No woman should consider her edu- wise 1 should not be a fit representa­ IGNlTlDN—Splitdorf dual. and watch every moiithfal he takes, ! cation complete until she has nn In- tive ot a great industrial district. COOLING— Water, with centrifugal pnivip. 'When I voted for the Payne tariff bill, occasionally remarking on his im­ ! telligent knowledge regarding the care f r a m e —Pressed Steel, wide flanges, raised at rear. Such ! of little children. When we consider I voted for a bill that protects every STEERING GEAR-W orm and full geai’, irreversible ; 17 in. Steering W heel; Large diameteriPoBt - No’ Brazed .Jeiii«-... proved appetite or the lack of it. industryin my distriot_.under w.hicli- a procedure Is very -likely to -make-tbe -l 4ba4-the-rBBter4al oat o f wbleb either - - ;WiiEELS-ii-HBavy Spokes, ;34 tB; K 34'ha Hiamdhd Quick-Detachable''Kres, Marsh rlnif. . ourradtofieFna've'been kept unnmg, RUNNING Bo a r d s —Pressed Steel Boards, Pressed Steel Hangers, Dust Plate lietweeii boards and frame. patient feel he has eaten enough he heroes or Invalids are made is found and our workmen kept on pay-rolls. In ,the nursery It behooves every wo­ SPRINGS—Front 38 in. long, 2 in. wide, semi-elliptic, Rear, 44 in. long, 2 in. wide, three-quarter elliptic. fore he is fairlv started on the meal. 'The same bill that fixd the rates CONTROL—One peddle clutch and’brake. The patient’s diet Is naturally some­ man to see to It that either by her per­ provided for a tariff board for the FENDERS—Enclosed tyi», perfect mud protection. ~- what limitiHl. There are a grout many sonal effort or by her Influence she is testing oi those rates, and rlir the as­ DRIVE SHAFT—Two-Spicev univerBiil joints ; Tuberlar one-piece torque arm. certainment of the difference in the kinds of foods that he Is not allowed doing her part to have the future gen­ DASH—Nothing on dash but sight feed and electric light switches ; Ignition Switch on heel hoard eration composed of strong men and dost of . production at home and WHEEL BASE—110 in. ' to eat, and even those that are per­ abroad. Before long we shall have ao- mitted cannot be cooked In all sort.4 women. Capable of being heroes, and EQUIPMENT—Magneto, Splitdorf dual ; Square Side-Light, combination oil and electric ; Tail-light combination oil a"® that the number of weaklings is less­ ourate, exact, lynpartial information electric ; 6 in. Head-light equipped with silver pafabolic reflectors and powerful Tungsten bulbs ; 120 ampere hour lighting o f ways. The physician in charge of uixin this point, all of which will be battery, specially suited for purpose ; Horn; Tool Kit, pump and jack, the case will give a list- of foods al­ ened. One of the greatest errors available to Congess for the eoiTeetion made In tl8e management of children WEKjHT—About 2000 pounds, empty. lowed, and in some cases he will state of any inequalities that may be shown PRICE-*1500 f. 0. b. Detroit. how they are to be prepared. But his relates to their nutrition. “ Xf the child to exist. BODY—5-Passenger Touring Car. directions are often general, as "give Is properly fed he will stand a grrat I shall not enter into any disous- deal of abuse In other directions,” says sion of the specific rates of duty on him soft cooked eggs" or “let him one authority. But ’ more Is necessary the more than 2000 items contained Sold by PERRINE & W IL S O N , have a bit o f chicken or a nice cream in the tatiff law. I will simply say in soup.” Any specific instructions re­ than food If the child Is to develop properly. He must have fresh air. reference to the rubber seliedule, upon Agents for Mercer, Middlesex and Monmouth Counties. garding recipes or dllTerent ways o t which my opponent dilated at auoh serving the same food are not often at­ suitable nutrition and a chance to live length, that I am authorized to say by Car can be seen at Perrine & Wilson’s Garage, Hightstown, on Saturday and Sunday of each week; »* i tempted-by the doctor. If the nurse— a. a young child should, free from Judge Thaddeus S. Sharrets, chairman care, with nothing to excite nerves or Hanover street, in front of Bismark Hotel, Trenton, Tuesdays; Princeton, on Mondays, in front of Ge®"** < be she wife, mother, daughter or pro­ of the Board of General Appraisers Bennem Hotel, Witherspoon street. J fessional-does not know how to serve prevent the proiier development of of the United States Treasury Depart­ iKidy and mind—as nearly Uke a yonag ment. who is a Democrat, that the If you expect to buy an auto, after you look all the others over, in- your own interest investigate J eggs In a variety of ways, how even Abbott-Detroit before purchasing, .. , ______J beef 'yn and gruels may be given new animal as possible. (Continued from .Page 3.1 - HIGHT8TOWN GAZETTE,: THU^ESDAY, OCT. 13, . 1910

Interview of Congressman Wood. (Continued, from Page 2 ) dja^nge made 'in the raftes of duty on manufaotutes or India rubber on the one hand and gutta pereha on the other was not made in the interest of any manufacturer in New Jersey,, or any o t ^ state Jitihe United Mates.^ but was made at the. personal soPel- , tation of himself as chairman of the Board of General Appraisers solely for administative puposes, 'to avoid that eopstant conflict that had aisen between the impotera and the United means more to to a States Government, and that tins showing a stock whicb change made at his suggestion was ot its prodecessors did. recommended by all the leading im- For better yajnes cannot be fo.unsJ'unywh'cre. while many of ort§s of the United Sftites. If I had the Yard selection surpass yvliat are usually sold for oiir prices, „«Hed-to~vote .against tins chilrige -o' fit, finish, fabric ami stvle combined in the made by the Treasury, Department ideal degree at whatever price one wishes to pav—ihe best at solely tor administratfvd purposes'I Its price-^aiid in some cases, llie best at ANY price. i l k ' could have, done so only by 'votimr SPICML SNOW DtfS against The ,ei; tire tariff bill- that' pro'-' vidcd protective duties for every in- diistry in in.y district. Some o f W t Fdi Leaders for ” In reference to ray attitude toward At 2 paiis for 2oc.— Black, tan and baltwHggaii. Cofton. Mr. Cannon J; would say, as I have previously said, to those who have At 25c.-Gauze iiml medium weight lisle; fleeced cotton and • wool.- All black-, or- black with, white soles,. Fleeced balbrig- asked me. that in order to secure the gan, also. *' Authoritivc Fail i Winter Fashions best legislative results, and in the, in­ terest of party harmony, I believe AtJSo.' Or ,3 pairs for. $1.00. I-i-sle in black, white and that Mr. Cannon shduTd po be a. can­ tan. Cotton, in all black or vVith wliite soles. in didate, should hot be eleo'ted spbakoU new: .effects..in black lisle, embroidered in of the next house of. Ti;e,preupiit5iti eotors.; . Latest designs. ■..Otbers witti'black embroidery. 1 shall not. tiierefore, ,su pport* Or vote ■ Gauze . oolton,-of finer qmdifjr, all black or with white solos Furs and Fur Gamients, Millinery^ Suits, Dresses tor Mr. Cannon for apea’ke.r.' ' J.: wilU Medium,,and hgavy weight eottoii, also- Gauze lisle, all black : further say that 1 shall vote for any or lace boots. ■ ' changes in the rifies. that my .six year^ At 75.C,, $1,00.—French li^le, plain and brilliant. Hand-, Gowns, Coats, Wraps, Waists) ; Shoes . . - experience in thel House would lead some stOtikings of very PwpoHor grades. me to believe wonid expedite the busi­ ness of the Housp qr would he .con­ and Furnishings . . . T , . ductive to good legislation.” ^alue Silks at 50c. interesting Unhsually fine for the; price, ami lade more iliinible by having lisle tops. All week==Beginnin§: Tuesday _ Quite stylishly...slieer, popular ami better flmii one t ^ could expect.for half ,a dollar. PEDDIE .■W JH aniHuineing tliiHiinUinui exhibitnf llu* new Liisliinns in riMiiinincdross, we to New boys eonti'nue to, arrive m great enipiiasize the fact that we have uuule more I'Uibniatn pri'|iarations for tin* season ifying numbers. Recent . arrivals ' ar- M' Other silk hose; .$1 to $-5. Blister Brown Hose.-Supporters of liiUMl than at any lime since Uil* store waH e^^ialiiisht. Frank B. Newton, Lewiston,, Me., A l­ 15c. and 20c. bert Esselstyn, New YqrK 'Cityb Wal- I: 1 l''Ve!v departiiient of the store responds to tlte eall of the occasion u itii fresh . , ter.J..-Fu.fler, Sewickly, I’o'mi.’ ,’tK. CL and complete stocks, gathered from tlie most aiitheiitit'. Houices, and with tlie retiuire- Kester, Ecig,e.wood,Pemi,, , v,,,,: ment-s of aAii.se.jimuiating.public.ever iu mind. ^ Principal-and Mrs. Swetltthd atten­ And in tlie successsni interpeetation of the modes for a season that has brought many ' ded the Trenton Association at Penn’s Neck and the Monmouth Association innovations, this exposition will add in a great measure to the fiirthei recngnitioit of tlie at Matawan last week. 1 \ i.nn iiet s store as a style-autiiority of very tinst importance. Hiit-*as we have no tie- The beginning Prencli class lias sire to be boastful— we invite,vou and your friends to view opr new fall lines at any time grown to such proportions that Mr. that meets your convenience during tiiis week, and judgfr-for yoiirselve.-'. Green hears it recite in three sections. The same condition prevails in the ju ­ nior English class under Mr Mitchell. A new feature has been introduced To Make these Show Days Doubly Interesthig into the Y. M. C. A. work throuh the and to cimminigi- immeclintc piirclmsiiig, the following a,ml nianv other e.xceptional viihius will be offered, efforts of Mr. Winters. A plan some­ what similar to the Boy 8oout move­ bear in mind that that the.iirices quoted will pievail during tills week only. ment has beeri worked out by liira and all members of the Y. M. C. A. may W om en’s $20 L-ymansville earn ’ ’degrees” by the performance ot G M flG CLEARING SALE Women’s $2.50 Hand »em- Children’s $7.50 “Peter ” various sorts of ’ ’stunts.” . Such as are Cheviot Suits $15 broidered All-Linen Waists $2 Coats $6 involved in the study of nature, by Strietlv man-taih . Tailored models tlml hnttfin at means of bird life, insect life, trees, black and t .Mun-lailored, box models itiadi* .P,t°.b.t|'..flsli, .also.in photography, triim- side. Fronts witli pocket and of Wool t’heviot red and green, ...litntnSftror 'weSf oooaTd'T()' the injured, etc. •'daiiiLy_jiiubi'jajil4xv._4‘S-j^ Sllii-nil__ ami lined vvdh lliiniinl. Sizes n'lt effect trout luid side gores. linen eollar and cuffs. ~ ? to n years. Tlio musical organizations are get­ ting under way tor the rehersals and concerts ot the coming winter. The THOS. MASON & SON ^Women’s $6 Panama Skirts $5 glee club is in eliarge of Mr. Ford, Finely tailored, senii-pluited and gored inndelaln black and navy. with Mr. Schubert as director on the Button trinime-1. evenings of bis weekly visits. Mr. M. W. Swetland has the band well started. $25 Crepe de Chine Dresses $20 Several of the new boys are band men Must Be Closed Out in 30 Days llanclHoim* models in ast-urted and the outlook for that oi'anization • caliirn. with' Inee yoke. IS partieulary brigjit. Mr...Green and Mr. Mitchell have the mandolin club . euioml silk eiii- under way. y .. .. ■ tefT tuoks;' Tnckt long ^ I G BKRCT tY I N ^ o n E i Z E R V - sJeeves. , ^ ^ The lirst number of the Peddle lee-; ture course ivill 1* Geore Kieinan. of (lathered, niodiliod hobble-nkirt 109-113 East stale street Cofinectod with lo South Broad Street Philadelphia in his -Joseph Jefferson THING IN THE STORE. with wide fold. Wide foM laid c,yele. He will give this -year Jeffer­ girdle.. TRENTON, NE'iV JERSEY. son's masterpiece, ” Uip V*iln Winkle” . - J.le has played flii.s aj, Yale, Dart- nioiith, Williains, Lehigh' and man3------Sale WiUE£gin^DnJyLQnda'Y,„DcL.iQ,J9.LQ,^____ ^_ other colleges as well as in the lead­ ing cities of the eountrj', and. always with great acceptance. Single admis­ S. P. DUNHAM & CO„ t r e n t o n , n . j. sion tickets will be sold at the chapel This is a Straight Clearance Sale as tlTe Firm on the evening ot the play, Baturdu.y, W H Y ;■ Octl 22,_ at twenty-live cents each. No is going out of business season tickets will be sold this year, NOT LE T ...The.fontball prospect gi'inis, better, with each day’s practice. Last Satur­ Our 28th Anniversary day’s game with State Schools, w'liich the Peddle hoys won handily 17 to 0, EXPERTS demonstrated the effieienej- of Coaoir THOS. MASON & SON MaoArthur’s preliminary work witli the-men, as w'etl as the playing strength Invest your surplus Celebration all of the team. At no time was the Ped-' die goal in danger -and the State School boys made lirst down not more FRESH HOHE MADE , SAVINGS than once'or twice during the game, la the last.quarter several substitutes in next week. were put in for the sake of practice to them and vet the oimosing teijjlixmikl GILT EDGE gaih.no'ground. Fairhiirst at center IS playing a steady game and passse 5'mi, (Hir idtl fiii-iuls, niii] m'-w, lium far and I'll!', wi- invite vou. tlie ball ivell. Woodward is much im- ^HURTGAOES- prov'ed over his form last year and We ask .vou l-q-eutnc and deti-rmine wiio has bopt bids fair to be one of the b.es’t guards planned tor the betLemi.i-nt ol yonr .shopping faeiliiiea Pfiddie- has knOwn. Endioott, too, is in tlii.s seelion of llu! e-jiintry. - ' _ playingia piuoh better game and is REAL ESTATE breaking through in line shape. Wat­ 1011 may go far afield if ym will,.jnii may look diligently, and yon will find kins is strong at tackle, but is not as in the progressive City of very few peiipie who Imre looked as keenly into your needs as tin- versatile as man ot his height and Trenton, N. J. weight should be. He should make a niamvgenieiit of iM.h stole has done during the i>repariitionB of star man before tlie season ends. Bey­ this,—tlial we eonsiiler by far and far away, the nioet er at the other tackle, though a new MORTGAGES EROM imp'oi'tant of all store demoiustraUmis made, in man at Peddle, is not n ew . to the game, as his consistent work shows. $500 UPWARD . . tliis more tiuui a quarter of a century He ia,a heady player and knows the "I Tieiiton’.H greatest efforts game well. Marshal Pat end can play , in iiiercliaiidiKing. . . . 11 brilliant game, but needs to work .1 harder and train better in order to i^ich has secured for J. P. BUCK such a reputation HIRSGH & CO show his best form. Boekus at the other end of the line is one of the new not only in Hijghtstown but Trenton as S, BROAD ST., men, but an experienced prayer who 4 S. P. DUNHAfl & CO. plaj-s his position like a veteran. Back well, can now be had at the of the line ” Hed” Miller is putting up TRENTON, N. J. state & Broad Sts., Trenton, N. J. a good fight for quarter against ” Jim- toy” Bew, whose ill luck stmak lays him out on' aoount of injuries about W H I T E m a r k e t once a fortnight. Both men are bea- MR. J. G. THOMAS dy players, but lack experience in the signal position. Captain Paddock and Hightstown Representative Uoroross at halves are unexcellea in dodging and picking openings, while PRINTER’S INK SPELLS Address Box 653...... Garrett at ■fU'lr'ia' 6'sp-eoiiny ' srf6'ng' ' in 1 nterference “and' defense. -The back $1,000 Challenge field men work well together and Hiough light are fast and plucky. The manufacturers of the STERLING RANGE Hakes at end would give either Mar­ make the challenge for any other range or stove to shall or Bokus a stiff light had he more weight. He is a most acceptable bake one barrel of flour into bread of 250 loaves suDstitute and will make a strong player. Thompson, Edgar, Walls, CIRCULARS with one hod of coal. P A Y S FO R I T S E L F IN Hoffman, ’ ’Jimmy” Mann, and a lot of other men are good candidates lor T H R E E Y E A R S . Call and see them at places. ” Pat” Dunn is doing some fine drop kicking and may be called A . T . SKIl-LMAN’S, on at any time at a critical moment. Main Street, Newton of Lewiston. Me., and Doda of Ptedonia, N. Y., are new men just 0pp. Baptist Clmrch. H IG H T ST O W N , N J arrived who give promise of good ina- |erml, while Helfrich, last year’s star fullback, is out this week for the first. We Make It SPELL For YOU at Prices —If you have something tp sell or ex­ change, try our cent-a-word column. If So Low They Will Astonish You you are a subecriber, it costs yon nothing. Com* and Get Those Letter Head* You Have Been Needing So Long M a n ifoar Ordtr Today $I TRY T e e g a z e t t e $1 ^ni'‘i’ili^iii> i>^ J 'ii.li'•'• *V^'’'V ^‘^^.^^> u..^ ..,.jU'--I jj-" n~ ~ r n 'T''

- ■ ,i ■^': : ■' HlGHTga^WN GAZETE, THURSDAY. OCT: 13. t9];0l„

fUE Hightstown Guette Call for Honwty* If You W ant Advertising to Pay You W ell Just The call for honest^ln political and -aorperate nt'e made at Baratoga not Stick One in the GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1910; long since is finding an echo in other (UI4S. Tile baseness that leads great corporations to cheat the Government L D. TILLYER. by false weights finds its lesser coun­ Publisher and Proprietor. terpart in trade customs that vitiate a very large part of the dealings ol every hmsekeeper, Startl ng |«yela« L . 4>.TU lyar- , 42o'.00 lx VIERCHANDISE FREE to the person sub­ tions ol tile prevalence of trdii weigMs mitting the best slogan of 15 words or less, exploiting the nier J. Stults jlE ailors. and measures have rewarded the vigor­ ils of the Fred’ k W. Donnelly .Stores. ous investigation of Commissioner Driscoll of \ew York. A legiil potato (Drop US a postal for full particulars,) Entered at tlie Higlitstown, N. .1. l.mrrel in .\'ew- York must contain Ppstoffice for tranaportation through the tnaila as second-class mktter. 17-1 pounds. Search of the wh I - sale markets revealed—nut onetbftt The Gazk-ite is published Tlinrsday size and al.so elfcted tlie protest­ Our teraas-are-Gash in-Ad^tmce.^is: ing statement—by—the—dcalirm—tJnrtr ■ LIHL-NEWEALL ’ ’trade custom” authorized a barrel of One Year $1.00. Six nonths 50 i.ts. 140 pounds. Similar 0 mditions were Three months aS cents. foniul for other products. Anibng re­ tailers false scales, buckets with dou- Single Copies 3 Cents. SUITS AT = Ide bottoms, and even interiors .Were $15.00 Bubscriptions can be'tirdered any Ihne,^ confiscated by tlie tlioiisaiid. Ice kcales At This Price WeVe Values Which No paper discontinued Until all arrear­ were found nearlyvlitty per cent ’ ’long.” ages are paid, unless at the option of Jhe It was shown that the Jiaokages in Simply Can’t Be Excelled Anywhere publishers. which oenals are gii toinarily sold had The latest products ol foremost manufacturers; designed by artists A failure to notify the publisher of its lieen .stealthily' reduced in size. The made by experts. ' discontinuance vv^ll be, considered a re­ .Atii.teip.ettt of amigiits founnUon, the ear­ Tliey'Vo the suappmess 'about Tliein' wnwrsuggi'st DijiiiiettyuETTrst newal of subscription lier issues, being omiitede The poor glance, and have a style and finish which surpass many made-to-order When you want your pa^er cliangdd, as is apt to he the. ciisfc, Were inost garments at twice the' price. Let us show them to yon. always give tlie old as well as the new defrauded, hut all e|,a.sses sun'orod, address. most of all perhaps tlie lionest dealers Rates for Advertis'ng are reasonable who under the..strain of .rising prices, and will be made known on application found theinselyes liard pressed by dis­ loyal oompetil ion. I’ lilic. interest lias been aroipsed anil, a eonsidwalii meiis- Mr. Frank \'. .luiuison, Borough Cletk, III'O of piiliC' co-operation in'-llic, fiU'ort.s' showed a representative of the (lazelti: to remedy- e.xi.sling eopditioife. ’ The e'lTort is a iiart of the moxe-meiit. tor his system of keeping the aecniinls of tlie file,, eiiiralion .of national 'standards Ia n l o r Opi-DA iHoust SrciHi s borough, and stated that each iteln of re- of coii.rnei'cial and political morality c 'ipts and expenses were pro]icrly kepi that' is .st.trring the. conscience, of tlie u ider proper headings. We have pevei; .whble nat ion. % ' ■■ charged that the ueCiiunts of the boro,iigli , were not properly and systeniatically New Use for SneiKes. keiil, nor even hinted such a tiiiiu; itor Farmers in various sections o f tlic that there ever 1ms been a single iieilny, country have Tot a nuitiiier of years , misappropriated by the borough, official,--; declared snakes that are non poisonous FARMERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE. are.viifst valuafe to tlie farmers ’I'ligy - nor that'their official transactions were say.,tiie reptUbkare. very good atcaldi- Large assortment of Blankets and Robes not done most ecimoniically. What we ing field nilact^gts niid even the fi'is- 1)11) say and wliat we 1)0 say is tliat tlif- ky;.g!ronnUAY .U’e, US'. snTt'Rk'iricir’oIT iinn~'Jevonr. (lo/.ehs of men to office wlio are conaervative-pio- tlio troublesome potato Imgs. lie did gressive, and wlio are not afraid to lei to=day, fit Qtiaranteed. not kill the reptile, and says ho will ,:p' For Prompt Delivery of orders the people know W 11 AT they are doing not alow any of those snakes to lie harm- through a cohipreliensive published re­ oil on tlie lantj he has charge of, for lie Uiiiiks tliey have liecoine very fisel'nl. port. _ . CHAS. J. KEELER & BRO. ^ ...... HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY. We have heard it remarked l.lniL all V Prai.ses Prison Keeper. s - politicians were dishonest. We think llii • Andrew .1. Canipbel'l, an iminate of a harsh Hnd^uncalled for statement. - Wi; the New .lersy ,Slate I’nson, lias writ­ ‘ would rather believe tliat alUpoliticians ten a letter to Head Keeper (.ieorge,X), ARK lionest. In fact w’e tliink tliey are Osliiirn commending him for tlie ell'orts , [ Pure Food 5tore he has iiiadc to Hecqro a iinijcjrni piijiii.e (ill holiest ill purpose, but tlie trouble witli s.vstvni 1 lirouglioiit 1 he Country. ,Mt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD many of tliem is that aftei tliey are elec­ Osliorn will urge smdi a sysleni at the ted their pur(po)se is their only con­ meeting of tlie .National Prison Cong­ Mark’s Teas, Coffees, Spices, sideration. ress,- now 111 session in Wa.-ihingin. B w l l g t i n , Canijiliell tolls of llio great retorin m - — Extracts, - AmmoniR;— lion, ilarry 1). heaviU, cnndiilntc fur TiTi'srjh liT(i tliat Mr. (.)MiIjrTrhas~a(i(;bni- plislied during ids lorm as head of tlie Opening of the Great Pennsylvania re- to the Stale Senate, 1ms the pn.son hero, winch, he says, have done gratitude of this comimvnity for the part miieli towani making the prison life On the Profit Sharing Plan he took in securing the conopssions from liearable. Tlie prisoiior prai.ses the Station in New York. the railroad oomi'iiny whereby thon.sands keeper in the highest terms lor abolish­ ing the'lock step, olianging tlie prison On Suiulny, November 27, full train service will be in- of dollars are saved aimually to tlu- stripes for .suits of gray, iiermitting the farmers and iitlier shippers.____ lUlgurated Uy-ihe Pouiw-ylvanin Rai-lroad~h*.4Uid.fr-04»-JA*wii®-w-'.™* f o r 'es'latillstiihg prison schools. The laboring man. the farmer and the .“tation hi ,Sev(*ntb Avenue and Thirty-second Street, New small bnsine.ss nian has uue consnlatioii, Roads in Bad Condition. York 'Oily. • - and that is that lie receives consideration from tlie averagi' politician one day out At a conl'eri'uce held -by the Road The location of IbciPenasylvaiiia Station, one block from Committee- ..of-the Mercer--Cmyity of the ;{ft5-=^lec.tion day. That oiv UiVs Board of iFreeliolders and Btale com Broadway, two blocks from Fifth Avenue, is-in the heart of day he is recognized as being- in exist­ miasione.r llilkysoii, recently held at hotel, club, and theatre district of Mauhattin. Within, a ence.. o, ’rrenton reports were received to the elTect that the continued dry, weather short radius are located the majority of the l)ig retail stores It was a Hebrew wlio said; ''Yon and greatly increased-automobile traffic pays ynnr nioneys and you takes your have repdered the rpadsTrom Trenton and restaurants. Tlie Seventh Avenue surface cars and the ■'‘(itV6ice.''' 'T.iie fel'TseJ verSIbh of liiTs for to MaTcef v il;h.'',7i'}di,itb 11 rg ■aiyt-Wiu-dsof■ in liaii e(ifuli,tinn, and that the same Eighth Avenue slirface cans pass its doofs; the Thirty-fourth ^ election ilav slimild be: ‘ ‘ You receives -dll) 111 (t lit- otltHDaiKI lixed immediately Street surface cars (ci'osstown) pass its Thirty-fourth Street 5DMMERSTGCIC voiir nioneys and yon takes your clioii-e.” ■before, the winter frosts eoiild further jiijuro till) roads. The expen.se-of thi.s entrance, and stations of the' .Sixth Avenue Elevated and Do yon notice liow the politicians are repair is to be taken from the State Auto funds. It would lie a good idea Hudson and Manhattan Tubes, are a short block fromuts wariningv up its tlie cold weatlier ap- if wo eouht got some of this juice on . proaclu-s'.’ It is good timt tliis stops on tile old York and Monmoiitli roads. mhiii entrance. , ^ election day, or tliey would pmluibly Time tables showing the service to and from the Penn­ get to a wliite lieat before mid-winter. m m TIlEATilE. sylvania Station are now being arranged, and may lie oh- ' in order to even up things in lliglits- Fred (liiiiiett, the well know’n Brit tained at Ticket OitlceR l.efore the opening d.ay of the Station. town tlie Democrats sliould get Woodrow ish ciicu,s man, has written a very Wilson with a miniber of tlie otlier can­ otever comed.v sketcii. enttjted TTie Connections will l)c made at Manhattaii Tran,sfer (near didates to coriie liere fur a mass meeting Horse Dealer, ” , which is one of the Newark) witli local trains t-o and from the downtown stations and rally. features of the donung ' week’s bill at the Trent ilieatre. This is one of the by way of Jersey City, so that downtown New Y'urk passen­ Cannon lias proved himself Boss, and gr(‘at('s.t linigli-pi'odiicers yet imuorted from aliroad. Four people make up gers who desire inay continue to use the Cortlandt and Des- W'ill prolialily now retire wliile he 1ms tlie company and four horses are em the laurels to his credit. - ployed. Tlie act is a wonderful.presen­ brosse.s Street Stations -aiid the Hudson -Terminal .Statirm of- tation of animal training combined witli roiigh-liouse comedy, and in Eng­ the Hudson and M.anhattan Tubes. MATTINGS ; Shark River Poor Farm. land amlionces have been known to Wall towhnship in Monmouth cuiily laiigit tliemselves into exhaustion as =AND= and Dover township in Ocean county tlie result of tlie many liumui'oiis situ- most trenchant critic of the Taft ad­ Legislature. But the vote in Novem­ will vote on a proposition at Hie Nhi- ation.s. Another big comedy feature is ministration, has Wisoonsin virtually ber won’ t be close when it is counted Mar.sliall Montgomery, the eelerated vember eleelioii for or against their ro- solid at his back. All the power (>f the up and doolarofl, and it will show- siiective slae of intre.st in the Hiiark ventriloipiist. Mr. Montgomery has administration, and the national or- itiver poor farm, located in Neptune a wunderfiil eolloclion uf iiutoinatio gan.ization was hurled again.st him in some great surprises. The Repulonn tow,ng,hii),. These towh.siiips with .Mid­ talking ligures and in addition to lie- the primaries, and yet he goLa major­ State managers delayed the opening dletown, Atlantic and Howell in this ing ma.sfer of tlie art i)f ventr’iloqliistn ity ot over 100,000, carried evefy Con­ of their campaign for the purpose of FURNITURE county and Brick in Ocean, owns the lie puts into th(y»«Hiths of his ligures gress and Assembly district, ..ami.. al.l utilizing their efforts and their cam- tract jointly. ; r ■ a. (imuitity of gl

filGHTSTOWN g a z e t t e ;' THi&E§bAY, o C l i S; l& ior ; CROSSWICKS. m Hkihtstowii Gazette PERSONALS. Old Establishment New Ownership Mrs. Susanna'jiloke of North Cross- Brief and Breezy. HIGHTSTOWN "THURSDAY, OCT: 13, 1910: Mr. IsaacStuits is spending some time Ijviokd has returffedTtoin Cream Ridge PhiladoinMa / I where she was the guest of Mr. Land Mrs. Alvin Satterthw^aite. ■Really the State Department ought Marble and Granite Works, , Miss Helen Norton, of Etrl?, is spend. Benjamin hiis had his to have that consul examined who >ng some time at Buffalo, ,N. Y. BREVITIES Main street residence painted. reports th^t pearls grow on palm trees. ARTHUR DURYEE, Mrs. Ida ,Penny43ack_fir aad Jliss Eliza-, Mrs. Amanda Knowles and Mr. and Eevn if the Treasury Department i.s SUCCESSOR TO. SAMUEE FRYER. betli StliltS are visiting friends in New IMrs. Charles Knowles have ''returned 'a little 'slow getting out that new sized __pgn’ t fail to try our cent-a-word col- monejr the bills now in use feel smallei A'ork. from Newark, where they were the I wish U\ call your attention to the faui that 1 am prepared to furnish Headstones, Slonuments OBB. It brings results. guests of friends. ’ every day. , and (.’tfiiH'UTy work, of all kinds, at jirk't's that will COmpan* favorabli' with any establishment in the state. In other words. I will hot l>e undersold. ^Olfioer Clark was called upon Satur- Mrs. E. II. Savige, Jr., received a nnm- Warren Watson of Trenton wlio has The Standard'oil Company has de­ ber.of first prizes for her elaborate fancy been visiting Thomas g :' Ilavidsoii has clared 'auiitlier dividend of $(i,.00 a Granite W ork a Specialty day evening 1° <1“0" ® disturbance in a leturned to his home. ' ' ■ 'E share hut there are laiglity few w'lu) j„54[p,nlroom. Imnil work displayed at the recent Inter- share iiiiit. I use'the Rest Dark Quincy or any kind of feranite wanted. I would be pleased to have you Si-a,te Fair. Mrs. J. F. Pycraft of Treton Is, the call ami examine my designs, work and prices. Work erected at any cemetery, regardless of dis^ .-Tbe moving picture show at the op- guest ot Iier sister, Mrs. Lvdia Diivld-: Joe Camion lias been offered $,1,000 tanee. l.shiji to any point direct from the Quarries, therefore can put ft up at the lowest prides. ^,.,1 house Saturday was well attended, Earl Bradley, of Allentown, was a Sun- son. a week to go into vaudeville. But in ARTHUR DURYEE. -dpy--ev«ntng visitor - here; having-eeme- modern "polite” vaudeijle swearing is and gav.e generarMllsfacltOu. “ — Mrss-Carwe-K-no-wles of Trenion - is TiarrerT.' ----- ' ------• over his a.u.to. : . : . the guest ,qf , Ml-ss , Lydia KnowjeS of —The Union Meeting of the tliree con­ 'I|0i'tt?.G'toss\5qj3,fth', ' " ■ ' s.-illL'-., I'.he worst news W'e lia\'e lieard for u Mayor John. iti. Sbahgle is fiie'paiy gregations of town will not be held until ■ ; lionAlid liraisl in tong time is that the Earl of Yar- the first Sunday bight of November. representative of .H|'glYtatpwn qn the Co-, lyhVe'fo the guests of their .gr/irttiWai'A, moutli is to return to the stage. c c NOTICE OF ELECTION tober Grand Jury. ^ —The Baptist state meetings will be ehts-i Mt.'' ap.d Mrs. John' IR'i^isilh;',:B’ri>' '. The sate of a Georgia editor was bur­ OF THE Miss I‘llizaheth.-:&p,n,u.ti’ ibf CamSsiij ij, nay and Sutiiniav. ■ , glarized and $12.00' stolen. Ami yet held this year at Atlantic Citv, begin- th,©y say (Georgia editors are not Dres- visiting Mrs. Burt Ttioimis, at tier lumte ; 'MrS.vFSedriek Leivis was, tv'ntierp'ij:" a. p^oiis. B O R O U G H o r -aing Monday, October 21, and continu­ ,birt.hdaT;'auriirise party ' by ' a ,-'h'ii#ber BLAUVELT on .Morrison avenue. . -.i ing three days. o'f he't frieiid;), Saturdsiy ,m; ''hiitidr' - ^ The person second in command at gi'ciit.udvanliigcs i h isg 'oiv- hibita at tlie Inter-State Fair was five Miller k . .Anderson ami Charles An­ the :of .New .lei'seyeU .yMeiiitier of Syracuse I'niyersity must lie very iiig >!ot'c olTcrs over niij'' Bartlet pears, the total, weight of which JIrs, William lI..:B}gg3:'b'ntertaiii^lier derson have had ooncrete sidewalks ihe House :of RepresentiitiveB d f tlie and ourb laid in fwmt of ilieir hofftes. 'busy, w'ltli college opening up and all. asters, Mr.s. R.?B, I}ey,,';i:^ James^n.rgwnd ntliiT '-ton- ill tills coiiinm - i nited States, Three Mt'tii'liiyrs . of tiie aae over five pounds. as .(hiaiicclior Day positively hasn’ t Gcneriil'ly, .Awumlfiy, two Gtnin'ciimen, Mrs. Albert Perrine oFH'Owetf,%''r a few Miss Ell'a Ellis ha.s returned from nity, you woutilsliop liiTc.,, —The Orand Jury of the Mercer coun Plijladelphiji wliere she w'lw the. guest any liiiii; tq do any'thing hut "yiew JlajHir anil State Senator. days recently.. ' ...... of lier brother ChnHe's Ellis. with alarm’ ’ . ' ()ur collertinn of Bcau- ty court met for the'OoToBer teiTm in .tiful ( liiods (or fall is tlie; BOARD OF REGIsfir’Y. -Mrs Wm. M. Riggs arid' her two sis­ -'There was an iilterestiilg nie.oting ,of . Senator ILile of Maine, who prophe­ Trenton, Friday. Several cases of lociv sied Republican victoy in liis state is gi'catcsl and uiiost atlnu'- Knrtlthr take notice that 1 liy Jiuard of ters last TImrsday visited the Mpufit’a the Gross wicks Grung Satwrdayeye'n,- Regi.strv" and Klectihn in aiill '. for the interest will be up at this term. ■ ,ing'iW,heri Miss Halt ie Heriiert, -Jfhsop'lfi not hahitiially a prrophet, but is enn- tive of any wt; have ever home at Perriiieville,; now-’ ocoupieil by spieuous for dignified silence. He must li'Uough 01 Hightatbwii, w'iii nieet’.at the —The pastor of the Baptist churcli wil -I- Ivlein-.iand Clarence StcDe -received atU'iiilited to exhiliit: lioHiti'g-iililoe 011 ' nr. MacMillan. be t'orgiyeu. speak next Sunday .morning on “ Ha the. 'k'lird and fourth degrees- It was Tuesday, Novetpber i, iQio, Mr. diaries Wooden and daiigiiter Jeii- dpoided to hold a Hallbtv'e'leii' .s.oeidi 'The waiter’s union has resolyed to God given us as much light as we need? on Friday the 28th. ‘ ' ' . refuse all tip.s of "an insulting size". from one -o’clock r, >r,, to iiiiie o’clock iiette, ot Baltimore, Md., ace visitors at e. M., for the piirpo.se of makiiig a final At night, on “ The perils of the Cliristiaii Henry Benners it visiting Iriehdskn How siiiall does tlie insult have' to the-beme of Mr.- and Mrs. LT- 1>: -Norton, - be,-we wmiileiu— LET US SERVE rc'visioh ofjlitMy^isler. '- life.” ' Philadelphia. , of Stockton street. ' Tall lias a ’ ’house party" only now Fii.iXK A'. J k.mison, —Alexander Mason has laid a new walk Noiam'L. Miller was a Gonshohnken liorongli Cler.r. Dr. .Monte Franklin and wife, ?JIrs. vksitor Sunday. and then, hut L'nele Joe (hmnon lias ill front of his Mercer St, property. It is been having one contiiioualy loi‘ a YOU a great improvement over the old dilapi George Eldridge and JIrs. Bert Davison Mr. and Mrs. 1<\ W. Kreugerof’Tren- number of years. Tepuriied Jlonday from a week’s stay at tiinVhd have Been visiting Mrs. Kreu- dated and brick jvalk wifieli ger's' mother Mrs. Charles Haianes, Mr, Tall feels the need of a cheei'-up O u r B e a u ­ it lias replaced. Let the good woek go on Delaware Water Gap have returned to their home. cabinet. NOTIGE OF ELECTION —Messrs. Cloud and Moyer . Peddie Mrs. and JIrs. Arthur Lang and Arthur Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Braislui, Mrs. It IS jilain lliat those Jliimesota chaps wlio turned down Jlr. Tawiiey t i f u l H a t « OF Btudeiits, tiad charge of tlie .Ktra Sunday .r. H. and Alfred of Broad St. Park, wlio Charles H, Camp and Jliss Edna Camp w'ere Philadolphia vi.sitoi'.s over Sun­ do not (piite agree that the Alldrieli- ai'c not a)i]iroa(:liod by any School on Sunday last. Tliey request ttie recently arrived from England, visited Rayne taritV is "the best ev'Oi'"-. EAST^WINDSOR day the guests of Mrs. Camp’s daugh­ otluT shop cxcrpl ill llu' co-operation of all in tlie iicighborhoi.d tlieir niece, Mrs Minnie Wolfe. The liallinger Pineliot controversy ter, Mrs. E. C. Lawreiioe. city, and then-- you pay TOWNSHIP to lend their influence to lielfiing tl e Mrs. Francis Pullen left Sunday morn­ Brick's mincemeat factory is now threatens to resolve itself into a ma­ jority-minority aitercal un. double the in'ii'c for same Nnfice is tu*r.*by gdvun tlmt a school. ing for Pittsburg, to attend the animal running full time with a .full force. There is a movement in Kentucky workmanship and materi­ GENERAL ELECTION , —The next meeting of tlie Men’s Club National Session of-tlie Shepherds “of Aaron E. Johnson wiis an Alleiitown visitor Jloiiday. to sell the Mamoth Cave to the go\L als. ’ will bu held on ot the Baptist Church wilT be held on -Betlileheiu, wlilch lasted four days. ermui'iil. It may not be easy to show Tuesday, November 8, 1910. Monday iiiglit, Oct. 17. The topic w il Joseph^ Heriiert spent Tuesday iii^ Uncle 8am, iii iiis pre.-'cnt framo of Mias Beatrice Hutcliinson, of the Gold­ Wrightstown the guest of friends. in ihu Township of Hast Windsor from be, "The'benefits of cluirch attendance.’ berg-Single Co. Department store, Treii- mind, just, w'liat lie wmiits with ti nia- 5 0 New Xrim - Miss Eva Gulick ot Windsor i.s the inotli cave, as that . ’ ’cAve’ ’ m tlie rev­ o’etouk .U M to suven o'clock i\ m. The leader will be Mr. George W. Kvvaii. t-on, spent Thursday visitingTier mother, guest of Mr. and Mrs, Miller H. Hart­ enues is an ample siillicieney at pres- >uid I'ilcctioii wdl be held in Mrs. Laura B. lliitchiiison of_Cliurcli St. man. ent. -\ ' ■ _ m e d H a t « .TOWNSHIP OFFTCE —Mr. Geo. W. Eldridge has disposed Among those who attended the auto­ Tin-aiiiouni of meat eaten by the have just liccn added to Hightstown, N, J-., pulic has decreased. of iiis property on Morrison avenue to mobile races at Philadelphia on Saturday our hig stock at S'-’) to iSLa. for the purpose of ducting a dovoniorof the Sintu vf NVvv Jursoy, a Muiiiber of Mr. George Updil^e, who some time ago was John Mullen, accompanied by his Grand Jury Chared. The day iuay yet atrive w'lien, the heel proprietors will.be olTering induce­ tliu IhuTfie of PvuprusuntativcH of tlie purchased the Ackerson house and lot, three cliildreii, Katherine, Edward and In his cliarge to tlie October terra ments to tlieir old eustomei's not to Our Silkts I’ luud flatus, Statu Smiator, Three adjoining the Eldridge property. Exten .Anthony. grand jury Monday nioniing in Mercer become vegetarians. Members of the (h-neral A.«senil)ly, One Muinburjof Township. Conimittee, Owe ?i\:e improvements are contemplated by Mrs. Charles Manlove, her daugiiters Court, .lustice .Alfred Reed said there If Judge Landis keeps a scrap ,booj-c aud Sati u« Towiuhip ('ierk to he ducted for tliree Mr. Updike. - he may find'that soin'p of the 'things Mari' and Bertha, and grand daughter, was nolhiiig of a special character tiiat t\n* the richest for soilitUe cost. vuars. Two Snrveyor.s of Highways to lie lie deemed it his duty to dwell upon he said of the Standard Oil wpll cofiie in iPlias^everbeun mil |>l«*a8ure to ,, —The State Convention -of U'niversal who moved fi'oiii. here to Atlantic City, handy in deciding the beef pahlccrs eleclud lor unu year. pariiciilarly. slmvv. iete was held in Hammonton this week. have sold there ]iroperty tlierp aiid will case. ' , BOARD OF REGISTRY rhpve to California. - Justice Reed warned the jurors that in Plain Silks luid Sutiii.« - - 50c tq , Those attending from this x^lace were Mr. Oavalieri is angry. - This may be re­ Porsiane, PiaiUs ainJ Further take notice that ihu iktard of finding or rejeciing a hill,.only the testi­ garded by her old suitor as at lea.st IJegtstry ami I'ilurtion, in and lor the and Mrs. II, (t. Jlne,.Mrs* Jp^^ph Shinn Tlie Bordeiitown Register says tliat Novelties...... - :>5c to $2 00 mony offered-oouldbiicKisilleA-d, ' Firo an .uqpr.oyftmeRt. on lier attituda'.siif Township of Kaei Winilsor will meet in Mrs. Walter C. Black, and Rev. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong has taken a position at cold indifference. Conmiiasioner Cliariee G. Cook is fore­ thu jHillijrgjMace on G, H. Ashworth, Mrs. George Shinn and Iliglitstown as assistant to tlie engineer man of the jury. Otiier members are Washington will .be more tlian ever O u r D r e « « Tuesday, November i, 1910 Mrs. Jos. Shinn. ill cliarge of tlie municipal sewer plant a capital eiiv when the plans of hall Coiiiidlmaii Stephen G. Plant, Citv I’liy- from one o’d(»ck r...M, to iiiine o'clock jiowi-aboui. tu. buxonstmcted .liexe______a dozen foreign gov eriimeiits for pro- -?^ETOryTarmer and other busTheW iiiifh GoudLs_Stocl^ Jj-,.l!2LJj.T purpose of making a linal sIBiil’n....TTT'r'SaTfi'ueTDT'r"'SaTri'ueT...Fi'ee inaiT, forifier 'vtrtrag'IBbre eTa'Iioi'atiniomes TUrthen’ ot tlTe register. should use printed stationery. If it is pro­ Mrs. Josepli Davison, of Monmouth Sheriff Spafford W. Bergen, Edivard M. embassies at an outlay estimated at was never so CGni])l(‘tp. If there .h'S. I’. Joil.N’.snN, .111 , cured in lots of 500 it would cost no more street, entertained on Sunday Jlr. and Spear, Charles Wheelaiis, James Hum $1.1)00,000 sliall iutve been c'lrried out. is a weave or make that we have omitted, in colors or Township C’luik. neatly.printed than it would plain, if pur- Mrs. William Iluglies of Prospect Plains, phreys, George D. lleiickeii, Evan Jlore coalfields discoveied in Alaska ; Now, where iij Climiiiigham, Guggen­ l)lack, at moderate cost, we do purchased in small lots; and much neat­ Mrs. Matthias Dey of JIanalapan, Mr. Kerns, Harry \V. Legg, Herbert Fletcher, heim and Co. ■? not know it. Scores of styles at 25c to 12.50. D. er and more buainess-likej Come in and and Mrs. Wm. P. Lott, Mr. and Sirs. Charles II. Whitehead, William 1’. Ivin.“, Tlie voters in Mr., Cannon’s district ‘ see what we can do for you. J dm 1). Dey cl Iliglitstown. Charles Fulkert, Tlionias Craw'foi'd, say they are going to return him to Globe —Tlie .Mission Band of the Firs-t Bap­ Dkv'id •K.'-T'RfWOT*V4\Jdtfa-'W:~'«t%H8h7 -C-ungrQi4fi-.a.i.a iiuttter of -[-M'l.ie. -R-yrdi Jlr. Gilbert Pullen, cornet soloist in gocth before a fall. tist Churcli called on Mrs. R. II. Riven- the M. 'E. Cliiirch choir, played Sunday Jolin R. Shangle, Leonard R. Blackwell, Woman ruled man lor ceiitiii'ie.s” , burg at lier lioine on Main street Monday morning the well know'll sold, “ Oh, dry D. Livingston Cook, Elmer H. Locke, d^r i n 1 n i i u Alexis Y. Allen and .A. Frank Lincoln. says Prof' Clark of the University of Wernicke evening, in the nature of a'surprise par­ your tears.” Ills fine playing and tlie Chicago. A'es and she is still on tlie job. lire more beautiful than ever ty, Tliey were cordially? welcomed aiTd Mr,-Lincolii being Hie twenty-foiirtli mid ill greater variety. orcliestrai support of the organ accompa- A North Caroina fanfier complains asocial evening followed, in wliioli plea­ man was excused. Till' new all over .Nets,* niiueiit reminded usi ot Pryor and his or­ that crows have eaten 4,000 of his Band.», Hniiiiiis, liiiltoiip, Onia- sure was derived by those participating. chestra at Aaliury Park. chickens this year. Relief in sight. meiits, Ac,, Ac. to -match tlie “Elastic” Cabinet Eating is oiug to be fasliionalile new si lilies. y A couple of drivers hitting up a fast soon. Card of Thanks. 7 “ pace in the nature ot a race oil Main Trenton Baptist Association. Our H'ailored Mrs. L C. Earlv and Dr: and Mrs. street Sunday evening, were held up and Nothing like it, tliat cent-a-word column IS a system of units.’ It pro­ ailed down by Officer Clark. We trust Whi. WaiiCii Gdiuble, of Piiiladei[j]iia, SkirtiA and Cc>at» vidu.s at a h )W cost till Neck, on Tuesday.and Wednesday of last great fSbrc of tlie speeders, both with liorses desire to thank their many—friendsTTr ------are.attracrting now biiycia froiii iuEuZEv week, - were well attended. About one , I'liero is more I'lUnrrh in this section ol the Slid autos,, .will be held up and called Hightstown for tlieir kindiies and sym­ country than all fitlicr disi'asuB jiut toKotht?r, and every direction hecaiisH of tin- devices f<^r taking care i f all hundred and fifty took dinner on Tues­ unlil thu la.st few years was supixwed Ut Ik‘ in­ matermls. ’wyles, fit ami price. kinds of Imsiness papers. In down before something moreeerious hap­ pathy slioivii them on Monday, Oct. 10, day. Dr. Manning preached the annual curable. For a ffreat many years doctors )*m-’ AVe save you money u|)oii one .cabinet yon can combine pens. 1910. It w'as a solace to them in - Iheii noiinced it a Iqciil disease and iireseribed local sermon. Two who had beep pastors died n-modies, and by constantly failmg to turn with all garments for Indies,'misses few or many letter tiles, doc­ great bereavemeirt. local treatment, pronounced it incupilih'. .'Science and,children $.i,00 to J'l.A.OU. ument tiles,' or other files, —Among the n6,w.a,dvertia.ers to make during the year. Rev. T. S. Griffiths and proven calarrli to be a eonstilutlonal discu.'e drawers, .«lidves, pigeon their bow tp the Gazette readers this week Rev. Job Folwell. One new church was therefore requires consUtiorml treatment. Our Stiits and liole boxes, etc., as want-e(.l, Universalist Church. 'luvU s Catan'li ('are. manufactured l»y F. .f and ask for a share of their patronage, received, the Gethsemane of Trenton. i.heiiey & Co., Toledo, Oliio, is the on!v consti and you can add to them ruiional cure on the market. It is takdi inier- are Win. C. Hirsch & Co., of Trenton, The morning subject next SiiiAlay will coats to order when desired. Catalogue The churches, as a rule, are I'n good con­ hi dijscs f)f IQ droTis to a teasiMHinful. It S05 gives full information ij be “ Helping the Minister.” The eyoning act.s directly on the bloofl and mucous surfaces of are a new tVatiire that is briny:- This firm is represented in HightstOwn dition. Two churches are without pas­ von cHivt- calT. subject will be, “ The continued need of tlie system, ‘piey -.olTer oueliiumlred dotlar> for. , ing to onr cuunter.s ladies \diO by J- G. Thomas, W'ho will be pleased to tors The Association meets next year any case it fails to cure. Send for (dreulars and the UniverSalist Gliurch.” Tliese servi­ testimonials. Address: F .1. CIIFNFV A U) are hard to lit, or wfio wi.’^li talk business with anybody who has J500 with the Clinton Avenue Church, Tren­ fine goods much below cny ces will be of spiritual interest to all wlio ’’>■ BruKKists, 7.')C.' Take or more te-invest“in gilt edge -inoftgages ton, Rev.'J. D. Killian, of Old Bridge, HalPs-I'amiiy Pill.s lor Conslii'ation. . prices. Yon .should see. u)ie liear them, and the public is cordially or real estate in Trenton. preaching the sermon. Rev. 0. A Gil- rich* BroudeUahs, r^erges, invited. Cheviots and Novelties we moie, of Allentown, was the moderator —Last Sunday Millton Pullen again G. H. AsmvoHTti, Pastor. make iij) at $20.00 to $55.00 fit ot the meeting. guaranteed. supplied the pulpit of the Baptist church C. M elville at Point Pleasant, Pa. In connection with Wounds of th» tisan. Kvery Jhlouse Its inoriiing service Mr, Pullen sang a bass Dr. Roster’s 88th Birthday. In wounds of the heart Itself the es­ TEACHER OF '® STOLL’S cape of blood .,1s never in large quanti­ i^old Need • solo entitled “ The Lost Chord,” by Siil- Trenton’s oldest physician, Dr. Rich­ 20-22 E. State St. ty, and the lethal consequences are hyan. At the close of the meeting ard R. Rogers, celebrated the eighty- Pianoforte, Org-an, Harmony, Etc is in tills great stock and for eighth anniversary of his birth last due to the fact that the escape of less than you can buy it elae- TRENTON, N. J, among others who expressed appreciation wliere. Friday. Mrs. Emelins Heeler, the blood from 'within Its cavity or cavities ^PIANO TUNING.^ uf Ills services was a prominent merchant rhysioian’s sister, will on September Into the surrounding sac of the peri- who placed a $5 note in the young niaiPs Graduate In Department of Tuning anil Repair 24, celebate her Ninety-first hithday. cardlnm mechanically Interrupts the ing from Onind Cohseryatorv' of New York Do You take the Gazette? hand, his personal gift, in addition to the an intbmal Feceotion was held at the alternate contraction and expansion by If Come and Subscribe tegular salary. The pulpit bouquet of home ot Dr. Rogers on East Hanoyer 'Which Its pumping action I’s maintain­ —H you are a.subscriber to tlie Gazette Street, and many friapds and relatives .Address 139 Stockton Street ohoice flowers was also sent Mr. Pullen’s ed. Accordingly the results o f the and want help or a position, advertise for it and note the availed themselves of the pleasure and ™ ceiit-a-\yo/d eol'cinin. Itwiilcast .•pother, who is ill at her home in Pen- honor of shaking hands and offering' 'wound of-the-heart are usually Identi­ HIGHTSTOWN, N,Ja you nothing. benefits you Pington. congratulations. cal 'With those of gradual suffocation. S[>ocialTerirs for Tuning by the Year —Don’t fail ,to attend the Republican Receive. •Pass meeting and rally in Chamberlin’s Pcra House to-morrow (Friday) after- Poon at 4 o’clock. The candidate for overnor, 'Vivian M. Lewis, will give an A BIG LINE OF HEN’S W ORK SHOES •atei'esting address on the State issues on. Ira Wood and Senator Harry B Leavitt will also speak on the issues of Shoes that will stand by you through the hardest the day, Mr. C. U BlaUvelt, candidate “I Mayor of Hightstown, will talk kind of service. It wiippay you to •efly on local issues. From these tal­ ented gentlemen good speeches may be ^pccfed. Other candidates will also be give them a trial. Hesent. Goodwin’s band has been en- ■gsged for the occasion. Come, get your new suit before you freeze out. Vei^y truly yours, (Continued on page 2.) CHAS. J. KEELER & BRO. HTGHTHTOWN GAZETTE, TH U RSD AY, DOT. 13, 1910. 6 CONSIDERING ROOT 12 TOWNS RURNED PLOT TO KILL FRANK WELLER SUBSCRIBE FOR J elling Better T***** m a n Of a c t u r e r o p a n d d eale r im ' AS CHIEF JUSTICE, RY FOREST FIRES • TAFT REVEALEO. CIGARS, t o b a c c o , THE HIGHTS- •Ever-Q ur SMOKER^ ARTICLES TaH Has Had Him In Mlad Death T# Ifl Noflfi?rn linns- TOWN GAZETTE Ever Since Vacancy. sota May Rsac!] 800. He Overheard Tlirea}, WALL PAPER GERTIFiCATE OF DISSOLUTION, PresiitPiU Tatt is ^'Oiisldi'riiif; nnlted Hundreds o£ persons have hocp'lmrn An alleged scheme for the assr.ssl- T{| T ‘ > A ll. 'I'o W hom T hkse J’ re.sknt.s Ma v Cumk. Tiiere’s a Reason Btate.s f^euator Hoot for aiiiioiiilim'iit sd to death, preperty wortfi $T()0,0U0, nalioii of l’i('.si(ietit Tafl was unf"'d- Mll-.KTINO : DOO destroyed, 5,0dU men, women ainl- NY'hh-reas, It a|i|H.‘ars lo my Fiii!sfacti(»n. ky '1'ily as chief Juslice of the si]iin‘im> court. (>d (0 Miss Delia C. Torrey, aunt of ilie HiitheiliifaiL'il n-cord of Uie, piXiOoedinKS f»ni- now T^aper pro JJUSEJUlLOEiS four- otlier towns are menae.iai and liiiii nl tliis’ Suue, wlvo.'te priiK’ ij'al odine is hilu- ship,; Hut Senator. Hoot is regarded liy alecUaf No. y-15 Clinton litreet, in tlu* City of mnny miles of forest lands have liceii 1 Newartc, Couuly of K.‘ise.K, Slate •‘An act' cfinceniing corporations*' { ILevisinii i>f at a small cost, wiiieli appoiotiilfsiit ,of Senalor Itoot.'ln viiiml ern :iillnilesofsi. ' 1«W),” jirelhninary to Ihe issiiing of. thi.s Cerii- you are unable to eral new houses of brick Oyer the fird scarred wasle era-,!ed cate of ld. Kniler. and ollicials of t4ie^riri pnrjwTrathin dirt'mr riiu TweTily-Tlrsl day -Ing-vainly for relallves , anil,, rriends vif March, pjio, fHo in niy ollice a ihily'execiilcd furniahiny:. Let us this year.; - We would like thd adnilalslrathiii vl.i" jiave coiiferred and HttesUiil consent in \triting lo Lhe'dis.solution ■with hkn are aiKlinrlly for tile state- who were caught In the Kweep"of'the of said corporation, executed liy all tlie stocks show ..von the new to (Riote onr Special’ all Inildei-s thereof, whi(*h saifi cijiisent aiul tl>e flajnh. 'i'wii Imndi-ed hodie.s’ alreaily line of IblO l•ecor^l of the .proceedings aforesaid arc now on brick house price of brick, have hei.n fui|nd. and H Is Ihoiiglit tile ill ihy ollltu; H.H provided hy law. iniTesttinVmj^' Wlutreof, I luivc hereto set rny 80(1 persiius have .pefislieil. liahd.an'd allixeiT itiy uibelal seal, fit Trenhin. bqfore the, niaterials are The .silualiuii is ,so (hlhgei’mis llial' T.wenty-lirsti iTiiy i.if Miirch. A.. n. one tlinusand i)liKLlihndrof},a,ii(l.len. bought. special trains are at ail railroad sta . n, DICKINSON. tioii.s in i-endine.ss to 1‘iisli tliO'.settlers rUKTAKV OF STATR, oul of tile fire zone. Steamboats, too, L NEUMAN loadcnl wftli women and children, and ' AN' ;UAL CLEARANCE SALE | wilit .sieain up and linos loo.sely fast­ .Liiy'ltnnkc •ii'.enr, i-r T'usiness wagon, Tuuiis'g Cu.f'.s $350 up. Runuhout.s $150 up. i ened, ai-i> prepared to steam away at i'Tilly eqdi pl’cd. ovcrlnuilotl, reiiaiiited..good tires. | Ihe iiOiir ap|,iroaeh of danger. Every Car HtrUyfiuaranteed. B J. REED & BROS. .Towns and villages htirneil: Hau- • -Cars ijongiit foi- cash or traded 20th CENTURY AUTOMOBILE COi, AmusemenTPark detle, Spooner. Uoosevelt, IjongworHi. il l i-2,50 Vest ‘filth St., miar Broadway NewjYork. Swift, rill,'Zipple, Solal, 0Hdar Spilr, “ Hints to'Upyers and Sellers ” mailed free. OVER THE LAKE, (..ravel fit.fjpiir,’(iraceloa and- I'inghle, I Partly hui;ned and Intniing: Hainy HIGHTSTOWN, J. FLOWER GARDEN lOc I lUver, \Varroa(i..,S|iriigiie, Inlernatjoii- a u n t d k l ia t o r r e y . al Fulls and Filidwood. I want every reader of tlie Gazette to trv m* who retmsieil to give his name, de- Satlsiactory Seeds. } r in dangei'i^Sjratton and Fort Fran- ehired he had overheard the plotters JAS. H. THOMAS, PrOp. SI’ ECUALjOFFER—To introduce,.I win jmii) cis. ' .y , — oiie' fiiirsize packet each oT”the follonuiy bpiniii. 'while in Boston. fill Flowers for only 10 cents. Many hodig.s have been Inkon to Something New eizeRv EiZ’G As he departed ho declared tlml it ALYSSL’ M ^ , SENATOR E LinU ROOT, Hiilny Itlver. Not quo had a ve.sllge 'what he said got into the papers they F=-OR D KN CIN C B.VLSAM, ITolland DouMeMixai meiit tluit H iH Sonafiir Rout and not of elollilng eveept purt.s of shqes, and CANDYTUFT, Finest Mixed would kill him. and CUirMOS, Mammoth Mixed lIiiAi'lioK whoj'n the president eaeh looked a.s ,if 11. had been baked in . The man went away from Mlllhiiry K L -L . K I N D S OF= CANARY BIRD ^fixed were. ofTered Idui. fei'liig, hill it will be days, before all Inimediately rejim-ted the facts to the Spacious Dancing Pavillion under the Man­ Soon be time to plant. Ordertoday. diitalDpefre Tills was leariKMl on excellent au- the (lead ciiii he foiimi, If ever, heennse Mlllhiiry anthoritle.s, and thgy In turn agement... of R; B- EARLY; thorily. ScMuUor Rfonl’s eliaiict's Tur ot Ihe greiil (ree.s that have fallen * J. AUG. DRAKE asked the as.slstance of the AVorcester First-clas^ Floor. aiipointmeijl will depend larj^vdy, how­ across the road mid will have to lie CHESTER, Box 300 NEW JERSEY police. The nhitter has also been re- ever, on the result of liie coinini; elec­ choiip('(| away hefiilre wagons can gel porled to the secret service anlliori- Iloqdj !!\rnsic, (Talleiy,'^ tion In .New York slate, if a Itcpiili- thrimgli. Ih'S. and they, too, are expected to FLEISCKMAN’S 1“ Kiidcjk the .Baby Down,” llcan k'fi.lsla'tlire is el(‘cled the siuialor’s Houses Unit have e.seiipt'd Hie Haines take a hand in the Investigation. ptrLiigt^'i Teeting iluciirnep,- aleo chances will he im-rcased,^ for his ap- a.rq lUled with refngei.'S, some of them GunnttigbaTn’s seriously fainii'd. - The report ot the plot to murder piachin^e to Test Your Skill. Ice pitintinent umler any oilier cinaiin Bronchjal Tablets stances would -mean' llie surremhT -of Disease also is adding Its horrors to President Tqft reached the secret |Cream,;,8ul't Drinks, Coiit'eciion- service agents at Beverly, and ns a his seat to the nemocrals. the sulTering of the refugees, (J'ne |ery and Cigars sold un the WilJ, Senator Root called on tlie, [yresidi'id hundred and ninety tylihold lever vic­ result the guard ahout the summer t( T -a -■ Break a Grip- - 'ot lU‘V(3rIy iini~T7mg a,t,o>, hut, as .Mr. tims haTT>“ iTi'on removed from old capitoT'is ev'on more alert than ever. The Park will be open to the Remove a Hack Taft's friends here understand H, noth­ Knudclle to Ihe newer town, and there linhlic,\V(‘d]i'-ftday and Saturday Cure a “ Ham are si'veral cases of the disease among Dcatroy a Frog ing detlnlle jiassed hidween them ahout nights t)t’ each week for dancing. those who sought safety at Interna­ Kill a Ho(a)rse Senator Itool Ink' a pla<-e ^oii Ihe tional Falls, ’!• SPAIN IN DANGER ’ Other eveninjis music for dancing Remove a Husk bench. The stale of Minnesota Is sparing no Arrangements made for private Stop a Bark and expense to clieck the lire. Every iivail- part-PSf Keep you from a ’Coffin. nble mall is fighting the fires, hut be­ OF A REVOLUTION. MINE EXPLOSION cause of Die moss, whieh covers the -f-QO-Wjf-GRDER WtLL-»E MAINTAINED. T e n C e » t s ^ ground for-a depth-of from one to two feet, it ,seems Impossible to put tlieui BURIES 52 MEN. out. Unniversary ol Ferrer’s Execu­ Our new Eye Glass Mount­ INDEPENDENCE TICKET. tion Awaited Anxiously. J, V. DAVISON’S, GECIr GE W. EWAN ing, the Accident Starkville, Goto., Hopper and Hearst Nominated For A state of Increasing excitement Governor and Lieutenant Governor. SONS hiGHTSTOWN, N, J. SNJEEZO” Probably Fatal to All, Tlic ImhMicudmici!' lit.agiiR ooniplotlgl reigns all over Spain, Tlie success of the revolution in Portugal appears to its slate ticket with these noiulua- Mechanical work in all iu have fanned the fire of rebellion that is both secure and cuiiiforlable. flona: braiicliea. Pattern making in A irtiH oxirlosion- wreckert the btg: has smoldered since the furious out­ “ Can’t even sneeze them off," For governor, .lulrn ,J. Hopper of HIGHTSieWH, N, J, all its brsiichos. coni iniiioH of I In? Ooloradq i‘'uel luul New York. break of a year ago. Iron romptuiy Starkville, Colo. I’or lieiilenanf governor, William -The government feels the deepest FA’ GlNKS SUN OPTICAL MF’G 00., Kanddipli Hearst' of N(uV York. [''ifty-two men tire known lo Intve anxiety at the approach of what Is li(.iILKT;.7 ___ Incjj. -1899. jjeeji eiilomlHMi anil tlie number may l''.or-_seereUiry of state, Thomas P. now. (lopli'larly kiuiwn tis “Fcrrc.r day,” . . .- JLU'llINRitY' Srully 'of'Diinlda...... - ' ■ - fein'Tr 100. ' „ . will'll it is foarej Unit the manifesta­ ‘ FI.F.CTRIC BKLL8 , r APPLEGATE OPTICAF, ItOOMS For eom|itroller, Arnold B. MeSlay Kiny-four liouv.s afler the exiilosiun ii"- ul’eil and rejjaiivd, of New York. tions marking the first anniversary of DO Y E A R o ’ oei-uiTi'd tile irrst of Ihe bodies of tlu‘ Estab. 1880.) For slate treasurer, William trviug the execution of Professor Ferrer, the EXPERIENCE virniiiamF ■' viftiniH woi‘o found. 'I'wo men were Sirovleli een disfigured l)eyoiid Ideiit.ltlea- .lames A. AlUm of Now York. miners imirxdieil to fhg eeiiietery in C opyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may With the latest iu tion. All speenUilion eoneernlng the attt- the aiihurhs of Bareohma ami placed quickly ascertain our opini.on free whether an Does yourJAwn Mower.cut or ' hiipn IhaLlhe. renmlnim^ hull, of Mr Hearst wa.s si.\l...'lt rest hy 'I'lu"'" D wt-aiilhs iipi.in llui lonilis of 'tioiiBBtriotiyroM ^m m HAWDBOOK wi I’atwitB' =daaaJt=4uM=pttU=tlM»=tfegrasi-out^ furly art- sllll alive. Kescue iiai'ties Ills imciinivocal InilorscmCnJ of thi' n; "entfree. Oldest agency Tor Becuring patents. Give me a trial 71x1 the Alower the revolutionist Garcia, win, also was Rateiita taken through Muim & Co. receive Tbotwear have been ('ndeavorlng to eiitc'r Ihe jeetion of the plan to fuse with Hie BXoi'Ulcd in coiiseijnenco of the revolt. '•perialJfBKU •flOIlCe,notice, without Wll liuui, Giimcharge, KW, in m the t.m j ..----- and watch a guara'iiteed result. wni-kings at Intervals, hut iimie had Repiihilean party. Violent siieeclui.s were iniiile by lead­ I'arming tools and iinplenieiits, f(irr.iulie.s, Misses aiul Cliildren, Kueei^iU'd in petieU'iithig inure Ilian ers of the niiuers, who (layed the Scientific Merican. a him I'eel. The Iasi parly of eleven A hnndflomely illustr^ed weekly. LargeBt cir- repaired. BARNES RESIGNS. Cloi'ii'iils, charging Hiejji with respoh- - dilation o f any o clo n a ^ Journal. Tonus, *3 o, Men, Youths and Bp3’.“, men was overeonie by gas and barely sltilllly fo'r the c.vcciitiims. .\ specta­ year 5 fo u r months, f l.^ o lil by all nowadealorfl. escaped dealli. eimipaiikms who were tor who slionicd, “ It was yinh- fault as MUNN&Co.38''>™'>-<™hfi8wYork GEORGE W. EWAN Also a hno assortment of the lat­ roped lo them and Iweiiiy feet hehind Albany Leader Says Party Loyalty Branch Offico. <«5 F gU Washington. D. C. Has Been Questioned. well as the f'lcricals,” wjis seized by est stjdes of - thi'in dragging lliem out uneonseknis. the mlaers aiul li.-ld been healeu al­ 4*^4^ 4 ^ d i - d i ( ’nnleniiing iliat his iiarty loyalty There is no hope that any are still most to dcaili When he was rescued by iuiil been (|Ueslioned .tlirongli the fail- alive. Ueseiie iiarties have been en­ the police. Hats and Caps nre of Ezra P. Prentice, the new chair- deavoring to enter the workings at in­ Come and examine goods and tervals ever sinte the explosion, hut inan ot Hie Itcpnbliqan state commit­ • QUNSON none had snceoeded in penetralliig tee, to reappoint him a incinlier of the HUPPOCH SUCCEEDS DIX. compare prices. more than HOU feet. Thi' last imrty ol' exceiiHve Cfiminittoe of the state coni- "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR % W . K I K B Y eleven men was overcome hy gas mill mitlec. Williai'ii Barnes, Jr., of Albany Democrats Elect Washington County DOES IT’S DUTY” A. J. ASHTON, barely escaped death, eompanions who has tciiilcroil his, re.siguiUlon as stale Man as State Chsfirman. FIRE INSURANCE were roped to them and Iwonty feet commiUccmmi from Ihe Twenty-third Willhim A. Huppuch uf .S:mdy IIUl, Hightstown, *. Church. “““ behind thein drugging them out un congreasiniial dlslrict, comprl.siug Al­ Washingtou t-uiuity. N. V., business conscious. bany and Relicneetady counties. assochitu of Julm A. Dix, the Demo­ Fall Clothes That The force of the explosion lore out Jlr. Barnes was looked upon as the cratic nominee for governor, was REAL ESTATE forty toot of Hie emranee which caved leader of the ‘'old guard'' In the fight elected chairman ol’ [he Democratic Are Right - In, rendering resene work through Ibis against Colonel Itoiisevelt as tempo­ state committee, succeeding Dix, after W eller Bros. cnlrailie Inipossihle until the debl'D rary ehairman of the recent Repub­ the members Imd wrangled for two That’s the only kind we ever handle. T he purchase and sale of has been eli.-ared away. lican stale conventiiin at Saratoga. hours in the parlors of the Hoffman For this reason we have even gone fur­ Wholesale and Retail Deale^ . Tlmbov.s, steel rails, dirt and roqks He has been a raemher of the Re­ House.,in New York. ther by installing Sanitary Cabinets to Farms a specialty. protect them from the dust. See the were imrh'd froui the entnmee for publican state committeo since 1892, Chairman IIuj)poch was at one time m arid. Manufacturers of secretary of the committee. He has point? You not only get the BEST Also Loans ot any amount negotiated. hundreds of feet hy the force of the aiid dnrhig most of that time has also been prominenl in DP state Demo­ clothes but O jEAN clothes as well. cxidosioUi bee'll a inehiher and chairman of the Think it over ! ' Tow n property taken full charge executive coininittee. There has been cratic. politics for many years. FINE CIUARS Men’s and Y'oung Men’s New Fall Suits of and rents collected, etc. GRAND PRIX RACE OFF. no .stale eampalgu. In that time in SIO to $35. whieh he has ndt taken a prominent PIPES, POUCHES ROOSEVELT FLIES. Top Coats and Raincoats $10 to $35. If you have town or farm property L oss of Life In Vanderbilt Cup Race part. Boys’ Suits $3 to $8. the Cause. Goes up In Aeroplane With Archie for sale I Would be AND Top Coats and reefers $3 to $6. The doom of auloiuoblle racing on CHEER UP, BOYS! Hoxsey—Likes Experience, please to list it. Colonel Itoosevelt miulo a llight iu an fine TOBACCO OF ALL KINDS. the highways of Nassau county, N. Y., all Aerijlilune nt St. Louis with Archie was pronounced when the Grand Prlx No More F logging In Jersey Schools. PI urnishings u Particulars cheerfully event, which was scheduled for Oct Maybe Everywhere Soon. Hoxsey, .the aviator. The machine, Smoke Shop, Qpp, P- 0' 15, ivas virtually declared off. Chai:le.s J., Baxter, Nehv Jersey su­ with the former president, rose from given. Representatives ot the Motor Cups perintendent of tiublle Instruction, Is­ the State Fair park and made .three The American Tobacco CIo’b. Tags Holding compauy, which held the sued a warning to teachers against laps of the field. They stayed In the QUNSON, Box 454. Hightstown N . J, Coupone, for premiums, redeemed hers, Vanderbilt cup race ou Saturday,, Oct. the ipacllce of corporal punishment. air three minutes and twenty seconds, 1, In which four lives were lost and life superintendent says that the in- landing easily. THE HOME OF COLLEGE BRAHD HIQHT5T0WN, N.J- twenty-oue Injured, said that the re­ tUctiou of physical pain, whether by A fter . allghthig, he. said it was the CLOTHES PARKER’S flection of public sentiment was di­ hand or rod, Is corporal punlshineut. finest experluuve he ever had and that » HAIR BAt.6AM . —If you want anything let your 117-119 E. Suie St.. TRENTON, N, J. q w w n snd bewiUfits thr rectly respousihle for abandonment of Such iiractlces arc contrary to school be would liked to have stayed up an rromotaf • Itanriant powttL be known through our cent-a-wor W VsTor riU m to Bestore Q w the 278 mile contest against speed and regulations, he says, and should be hour If he had the time. He said he ^.Bolir to ita Youthful Colon -'■■'J Coiei tetlp diwMei h faslr -death. avoided. lid not feel a particle of fear. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 )4 4 4 Mc,SDd|L00At BnioiiM for years, bht he would say nothing, as t{ie price" of It^ on the result of thej A Rapid Growth. to the Immediate cause of the murder. match. 20,1100 NECKTIE After making a fight tor life through The world’s record for the long dis­ When the bicycle fever was well on, the state courts and being twice re­ tance throwing of a baseball, that had several years ago, throughout the prieved, Cecil La Grang.d of Johus- stood for thlfty-slx years, was broken length ami breadth of the land were found great factories turning out iSiany WORKERS STRIKE.- town, N. Y,| was 4uuiged-ln I’hiladel- .81 the field day between the Cincinnati -anU-,iTttsImrg Nnlioiial league tcanij -tbetwfHulij -of tile tw-jpwTwe.ted BRtvlpBes.. -phia for-kllttiig Paul Hiller in a saloon- eV5Ty".ye'ar. lliin.v men turned over In 1908. La. Grange was Infatuated hi Cincinnati, when Sheldon Lejcuue big profits year after year; and larger lodlgiianl .Because They’re Not with a girl,- who repulsed him, and In of tbe Evansville club of the Central laotories were built, and milions of dol­ 1-2 Spring Patent a fight about l^ei- he killed HlHer. .league threw the sphere 42tl. feet OV4 lars weie invested in the business. Many inches of rain have fallen In inches, 25 feet 10-';4 Inches over the old Then came the .sudden •disappcaanee record. ‘ of the bicycle', and with ii’ a fall in the iWoweil to Talk or Laugh. southwestern Indiana in sixty hours, Napoleon Lajole, second baseman of prices. 1-2 Winter Patent and large areas of lowlands are flood­ Some of tlid lug oolioerns engaged in ed. Houses are floating away and oth­ the Clevelands, regginetl his title ns ifl the necjctie workers In New king of the batsmen and incidentally making bicycles.were foced to the wall, ers are tottering,, and the former oc­ and many of the fortunes made were won the automobile offered-, by a De­ torlt, 20,(i00, mpst_of w;liora are girls cupants have been compelled to seek disipated. Tlien there caine _into use troit firm fur,: UiQ -host--Ual-ter- in,-tiie . '.have BOOS on a sfFlke. safety on rafts. Hundred.s of horses, ,-wtettis now I'i'Mikeirupiin'as a piTrltlt league, t'idJhc Am'erloui .let.igne came to Samuel Gonipers and the American and cattle have been drowned. automobile, iind thc- ptaiTtcal use of an.,;ei>i

X- ■ ' ■“ ' ^ ‘— —-■ J- . - ■ ______HIGtlTSTOWN GAZETTK, THURSDAY, OCT., 13 ', jm.

*'’it-h water. Ih e manhole opened, Wlzner snapped the chain Into u ring, A Romance slipped into the submarine and reap­ ©aturdayQi^ peared with something small and fiat Peppler’s Chats. Of Flying In his hand. •Til fis you, you a s s g wbein!" hr © i l k s " yelled. "Take that!” BASKETS He aimed at Carson, Bred.'and the I ?tiH luu’i' a Rill (>n bullet sang away Into-'the- »ky. TUcu- J’.diivl, I’ciirli,'‘ .ivnil Busilol Xi> changf in price’ GHslfiilSHl’cvcrv ^'i jui-l itiUvaiiizeii Hu.'-iliel dorc seized Virginia im.his arms and, , THE KING SITTING IN JUDGMENT drew her down into the.',bottoiu of tiio'|,?r OALVANIZEI) r o o f in q a n d s id in o car, where they lay iianttng in earlk;f.,' iX’i'iiir. or iimk.' n<;\v' mnD. ! bCll tlie HcGt nrinif GitlVtiiilzed Rno(-ing Ipternational Bible Lesson for (V. " I’l-iii- persihi’u’ By other’s arms, panic stricken. 16, ’10— (Matt, 25:31-46). "I must put the ship put of raiigi Copyright. 1909 by the 8obh«. - C.VKKYAI.LS cried Carson, leaiiliTg fo Qm lever ’ — ' H e r b e r t O tricK Merrill' Com.'any ■s-i V l -'l"rk, 'froiii ill/’ 111.’ li,,i-rt sii to tlu* .heavy triiekers carryall at ‘ -BVhry aerm ty-of ihan, every work' , She rose Ulce a feather for just a T" Cnim-im.!. i i I. Tlu*y uiTf niniie my order. Noiuf Better of his hands is in reference to InvBau moment, and then she swung atioiu- gation, scrutiny and judgment From like a kite with its string fouled, an­ I^ARM WAGONS the hour when the. little child brluaj chored by sonie devilish contriviinar ; ■ liHSetl*' J"l) 11. win. "Now, shall I keep the manomclei - F n f_ , 'J' nmn...... 'w,iu>i arrivi’d. No liner or hetter inmlc wagons has ever to its mother the first, rude att'emot ■ ; '.V',,;.': : iQMNTi.sri i).'j Chfsbn stopped to the side again •inji' readings? Oh. you haven’t any! iVall; Pinhody iinprovt’imiuDi found in im to make something, to tiie time 'when > , : .vrs, (Jrayhlll, looked over. The Virginia hung some f o U rfe «x lc.a n d a ll widths of tire. .Send then, the altimeler staioscope'?”,'slie ^he old jnau folds his weary haj^, ' *ibf‘ 'iyr^t.s'’ tliaiv" thirty yards above the ivatcr, and SU gggSled BlA^iKETB AND ROBES upon his breast and lies down for ]j|. , .Mra.-Criiyhill. ■ s't'calhlng- backward ami downward ria "It's self regisierliig," siild Theodore. last sleep, everybody works for Uf. froiii hc.vatiid I Ik* (Ihik'H. a.? If The steel i-hain looped through tn-r 4 inarkot wiVk tidail >toc.k .o' r.iankcls and Kobis in iho Slaty, alt Imught when Die test of judgment, . . ’ . frbhi tlio SOM. tltcre soartal u groat ‘Tteally ihencs nothing to do e.vcept iu works and fasieiied hy b <.li eud.s to iuid .'-UUaXC you giiirniiui-H^gRins on-* EhlMgi'neies, a n d "- '! f*^thir’ (Yrhui'nM 1 1 finj-uiiiil you sec my stock. I can save many a hard-earned ■The parent, the teacher, the em- whff'ti tiintprl Illvp it'till'd, I'iikfiiS o ' F.uttcr.s, I’orn S'hcltyrs. Fodder CiKlors r.n.-io- pJoyer, the auditor, are but so many 'll swcllotl ■ lilio n rii.'igie slili) att It :„,.;’’'And there'll lie no emergencies!,’.,' ,K| b- * d ;M1J1>, >>tj-i]jj T'wlni’, A .Ktc. Ci^^iy and soy tnre -I am always at home. ■she,-cried. “'I'hroy- in (lie ^lutch, "U^y judges sitting upon the throne of au- ncaretl Ihofu, HtiiUn.!,' low anti doinlnat- thority to . pass judgment upon our lug the fiky tike ji rliuut. It rtune with iniral or the rlrcuinanihieat iuiiae! work and to condemn and punish or i. 'tUe M(nii7.ing ..siH!oil. like an eagle .you d o , till- work, tind n i [day lady! THOS.PEPPLER, Box 80, B jightstow n, N. J W.v’rir'iiiT:" approve and reward the worker ' ,,;to (MtljjW'iop. ati’ .swiff, so Iiglit,'so -;'^=:z==a~=:==!r— - . - - - — Every day is a day of judgment. Every '■ tliM.t,. .fill lliiiirosslon o f tveighf , .“Are .,voii willing," said he, turning act Is being canvassed, weighed. In- «was .aholi.slioii,, a'litl the huge tiling In H#r, ,"fe forgive me for this and ev- vestigated, scrutinized, copdeiime;Lor flUed tliO inlml wlHi the notion of levi-. et’,t ll)ii,i3,l in.-iy evr-r linve done, .wliat- 'I'.WfT.Titippens?’' approve([,“ arid there is no ' poison to tyysUlto n lumiraiiig hircl. whom this does not apply, u jj /■Oh, .of, nuirae,” ’srtM. Gralglinatl,. his. ".ilVliiilevdy liappens or doegjiA-hnp- T')'.'i),.i forgive you!" sliu cried,- “ Throw universal as the race, as far-i-e,aching 'Tlgnah trembllhg. Ills fnco white, "this lrD »l.'/Vkl i 1 as the human family. .huip iJSirstji) la.a frimti; Oh, yes, we .iti-'ilti" elnteh liefore 1 lie gyroscopes W e PAY Our Liberal Credit Terms W E PAY * Not Incredible. Imew If 'nil the time; But .vou sen' siiip and Hie Virginia gets brain fag-/- *' m EIQHT RAffe'ROAD ea r in your homes throne of the unlvei'se, wlinm to wop frightened heron, she .swept seaward curve, which he gradually narrowed PARLOR DINING ROOM BED ROOM ship would he a mockery-an’il-to In­ KITCHEN voke a lilaapheniy. and came down the vvliid like an ar­ by a mere e.xtreiiie use of the helm un­ Fine Velour Suit, 5 Oak Sideboard, bev­ Golden Oak Dressing pieces; ,Pler Mirror, elled Mirror, or ele- Case and Washslnml; Oak Kitchen Closett Righting of Wrongs. row, Virglnl.M waving an American til she was spliuiliig round aiid French bevel glass; firnut Sewinje Ma­ iron enamelled Bed, I*arlor Table (brass chine 'With 5 years* brass trimmed; woven glass doors; Kitch« In the teaching of this lesson, tit- flag over the r.aJI and Theodore swing­ riaiiid 111 'iui orbit, in which tlie Ups HE AIMED AT OAESON, FIRED AND THE feet) { hands ome guarantee; leather wire Bed Spring; soft l.amp and Globe; en Range or Re­ tered by our Lord two dtiys br-f-ire Hs ing Ills hat. of the inner wings- were almost sta- BUPPET SANG AWAY INTO THE BKY. Couch; 6 oak cane to'D MaUress; pair pair of handsome seat chairs; oak Feather Fillows; Com­ frigerator; three stood a prisoner li't the bar of Piliite, Suddenly as she passed theiii with a Homiry and "treading’’ air like a paus­ the submarine. The harsh, rnucmis Tictures; larsre Ori­ Mining Table; f»G- fortable; 1 Oak Chair; KUcheh'ClKiirs; 40 ing swliimier. ental R u K * T.Ux niece Minner Set, 12 yard.s Malting; the tact is unequivoi-aily sIi-imI Uiat maneuver so astounding for aerial laugh of \Vlzuer rose with horrid slg- 10.6: 1 Rocker, 2 Tattle Cover; 10 English Toilet Set. 10 pieces of Tinware: Fairs Curtains. yards Matting. the hour is .coming when every wrong craft that they could scarcely believe "i’lial tests out the balancing de­ ulUcauee-from the Stickleback’s man­ pieces. 12 yards Oilcloth. their .eyes she Rpjpped. The sharp vice;’’ s'houted Theodore, “ How’s hole, w h l^ was again- above water thing will be straightened mtt^ iyhqa "ffi3” op&? tie'' eMTb'nelir” when, every iniquity will feel the lask of the sudden reversal of their stroke "Aye, aye. sir!” said- Vlrglala. "That "Don’t he in a hurry!" he shouted. and of the unpri'cedented plionomenoii do sure test out the balaiiclug device. “ Stick around with us awhile. We’re of justice and every righteous’ deed of the almost Instant arrest of such a And If you lot her chase her tall like going out where It’s deep. Come In; will be proclaimed and applauded machine In midair. It was an unuec- this much longer' I’m going to hb In­ the -water’s fine! Got your bathing that men, angels and devils may fully essary strain, thought the captain. . disposed, I’ lcase whirl her the other suits? When she draws short telo- understand. In that day the nations He saw the reason, however, a mo­ way awhile, unkle.” • phone down. Don’t yell, for there will be judged, the individuals will be ment later. A black slimy nose—the Virginia walked, forward, - They won’t UO: ,ona hoar you. There won’t, .tHSSeJr, -toe-.tMllKMs,-..and .intents, of. .9?’. Slielclelmcli,—poked._ltsel£ yyjeri” UyillgJilgluir,. uaw.jiuU -she could DO one hear either of you ------::---- :~~T^ aBoVe w'nter right ahead of the Vir­ see 'Hie pliie 'woods far Inland, with worlti e.vcept Just you two. By-byl from the "least to' the greaiest will re­ ginia. A boat lhat looked 'stove and their sfjuare patches of plowed fields, See you in Davy Jones’—d—n you!” ceive the deedy done in the body ac« sinking drew away from her, with a their white houses behind the great And with this, as If pulled down cording to what they have done, struggling, gesficulailng figure In it gri-Mi globes of tho china trees.. Far from beloiy, the mau vanished, into, the W I D E-WE LD whether it.bp ,goo/.i pF Jv'id. - waving a slgiiul of di.strc,ss, The slimy, over the northwest soared, a groat dark infcrluf.„Uifi, manhole closed,-and a s p h a l t In. other words, the record of every nose sank, and iho apparent castaway aerouat, silver wliUe, as ,lf covered the, chain, like a line taken by some individual is to be scruiinized and was left ns IT to [lerlali unless rescued with till faj.1. titanic li.sh. started out to. sea. The passed upon. And the judgifient is to b.v the Virginia. "1 wonder If that Isn’t the Uoe?” airship hfid been captured by the sub- be based upon just one essential thing -----Accepting-the—bumane-iaslv, lower; querled-A’trgliUa-.... ------raarl-aef—T’he-mechanicaTdevilflsIr was' ■'^Condncirrrf^'hot said, tliaLhe will lower, lower sank the ueroiief, until "If It is." said he, "and she comes not ruuaing very deep; her round deck This six-inHi, asphalt- put the rich on his right hand, and Us car appeared almost to touch the about this filaeo w^’ll show lifir what rose awash sometimes, but with the the poor on liis left; the nu his waves. The man In ,distress seemed real uvhitlou is." manholes closed, and with no sign save cement-welded joint right hand and the de.spised on his to tUBO-vs, somethjng like a lasso over Tlien tliey, swept over and down the the erection of her periscope that she left; the learned on his right hand the nacelle of the airship, and the coast, 'riiey turned back and swirled was more than an inert mass of kteel gives you a roof with­ and the illiterate on his left; but tha great bird rose slightly, ns If to be out over the sea. ■ ! she swam on. out A N Y weak spot. godly on his right hand and the un- safe from the blllowa. TUg,,Stickle- "dll, look, look!" suddenly said Vir­ Still seated whtro .'ilbGodore had ^odly^pn his. Left. All otiier diA'isioiva— Tiack again peeped above the waves, ginia. ,“Tliere's some One In the wa­ placed her, ’VlrgtuliHooJted at Him in ..a,nx] SLibilivisfeons .will then tie aboj-^ ter!"___,- her nmnhole opened, and the ca.stnway (luestionlng ttfrror. He was White and 'N o nail-holes—no leaks— ished; but the great distinction of of_ ttie stove boat went down Into the Below floated Hie half collapsed and horrified. At; this moment lie was de­ no repairs — no painting men- into thofee wlio have done good s’^bmariniT"' sinking go-tlevii of a submarine. Se- pressing her In her fliglHsil as to get and and those who have done evil will re­ '' if Was absolutely beyond the power Bide It lay a great blotch of darkness nlj possible slack In the cTiMo, so that -----NO COAL TAR— . main forever. of any one looklnf? on to guess what so symmetrical that 'Theodore was im­ by a sudden upward rush he might Judgment Satisfactory, pressed with the Sudden Idea that U But mark yoii.'^ this investigation was faking place. Why had ihe man break the tel her. Once, twice, thrice SOLD BY made the signals for help It the sub­ was a submarine rather than a patch he did this, but the chain held. and scrutiny will be made by the King marine was standing by? If Ihe com­ of dark sand, -A man on the derelict “ What Is it, Theodore? What Is it?” Himself. And therefore it will , be ing of the submarine to his roseiip was was struggling' shouting and waving a said she. ^ ...... universally satisfactory. The infer­ nnexpected, why had he pot cist off white cloth as if in distress. Theo­ "I don’t know,” said he, “but I think ence is that many will be surprised the line from the aeronef? Why— Ahd dore’s eyes flashed. He revgysed the It’s tft«-entir '■ ' -.tQ_disgQv.er.iliiiJ.-He^i&^a-w.uro of ovepy*-^' thrust of the wing iirnpeUers, and In Carson was not looking at her. He HIBAM i COOK & SON good deed .they have done, and nthers suddenly they nil felt limi 'someyjl'tg. sinister, something devilish, w.as' tak an Instant they werS fighting the air Was looking upward, like a man seek­ will be overwhelmed to discover that lug place. They lieard a slmut from with all the po-n-er of the mighty en­ ing for .some sort of Inspiration. She D U T C H N e C K , '‘ N, J, i He knows the occasions when'they gines. The passengers felt their bod­ failed to do a good deed tlirouga Theodore, a scream from Virginia, -stood looking out over the great deso­ ies sWuy forward with the momon- Tile submarine Inid come awnsli again, late sea and back to the receding shore, stubbor’^iess of heart. Tne inference him as the Virginia slowed up, halted uer tne way to manage tne mecnan- and W'om lier opeti iiianliolo caiiie I lie 6u which she saw a group of forms— la emphatic that no faith but that and moved astern, and as accurately Ism. He lashed a pair of pliers about crack of a idstol—a pistol aimed at the; forms of their friends. Nothing which proves itself by works ran se- . as If he had had years of practice his neck with a lanyard, thrust a cou­ tile alrsliip. Tlien siie sitnic again, and could seem more helpless. They were cure a. title to the Kingdom of ilcaV- Carson brought licr to over the strug­ ple of files into his pockets, took off BOY LOST the nlrsfilp was drawn dowinvaial by chained to their fate—a dark lierid of en. If a man has real faith his works ■ gling man and lowered her slowly, his boots, his coat and waistcoat and the line. Struggling toward laud, n machine that was taking them out will demonstrate it; if he has no good slowly, low U’d Ihe swells which rose stepped to the slde_. . hanging by the fatal thread, like a to -aea.-to deeps profound-.enoufitno works his claim to have faitlt^wiU to meet be ' until the line thrown over "You may get ashore.” said he, trajiped bird, she, strained at her teth­ drown them—It might be an hour; It avail him nothing in that day. by Carson dabbled In the, water by “while I may not. If so goodby, and er,. -while the grim pubmarlue, like a, might be the ue.xt momeut. A person might claim to be able to the castaway’s side. God bless yoh, dearest!” devilfish which had thrown a tentacle Carson stood ovef her with a pistol paint a picture, carve a statue, write Can you climb up?” cried Theodore. In his hand. She threw her arms about his neck about a waterfowl, made seaward, out a poem, but if lie never did it, his “I don't dare come much lower.” and kissed him over and over again. into the gulf, out Into deep water, with "Virginia, can you shoot?” he asked. claim would amount to nothing. So ‘‘For God's sake,” called the man, He felt her warm tears on his lips. a purpose as manifest as It was dend- She took the pistol and nodded af- a man may claim all the graces of a flrmnHvplv ‘Don’t cry!" said he. "Clear your Christian life, but if he cannot point “bring her do-wn a foot or sol I'm too eyes and shoot straight Goodby!” ” I shall have to ask you t6 protect to the exhibition of those graces in CHAPTEIt ,xril,' weak to climb!" _ She stepped^ to the rail and looked me,” said he, “while I try to cut that Christian living his claim is a sham. ngVIPFISU VERSUS BIRD. “Cheer up!” callea Theodore. "It’s fixedly at the black shadow like a gi­ chain. They can see with their peri­ In the judgment, no man will have HEN the aeronef was run ou. risky, but Til try.” gantic fish that represented the sub­ scope what I'm doing, and when it 1s the audacity to claim Christian char­ on her ways by the long If ho was to be saved there was no marine. Carson had disappeared over necessary they-will come up into.the acter if in the record of his life there shed in which she had been time to be lost. So thought Carson as the side la a terrifying hand under he depressed the Virginia /more and open and fire. By pulling out to sea I Is no at^count of good deeds accoih* built there was a flutter of hand descent until he reached the plished. W more. Wlzner set his teeth in a fierce can get her at an angle that will force expectancy among those so deeply con­ trusswork of the nacelle. The black them into the open to shoot. When Thus It will happen that many pe< cerned In her flight determination to put both man and shadow grew more qjistinct, the round the manhole opens shoot Into It. If pie. who have been considered heretic "The first mate always sails with the ship out of the field at once. He was deck broke water, and as the manhole .Ypu should hit one.of them don’t let-lt on earth will be crowned in heaven ship, uncle.” Virginia suggested. the sole custodian of the secret of her -upeued Wlzner appeared and aimed construction save, for Carson. If he trouble you.” • anti many iyho have hypocritlcall "Would you really go on the trial coolly as at a target Too heW high places will go down t trip?” lie asked. could drown her and master the, se” “I shall kill one of them if I can," hastily Virginia fired. The bullet cret of the glass globe he could re­ said she. “Never mlad that! Toll me shame and everlasting contempt. Th “Try me,” said she. “I want to." struck the edge of the deck with a build her, make his terms with the things to do!” lesson is plain, he who truly loves an "You’d be worth a dozen of Oaptaln vicious spat Wlzner’s pistol spoke; Shayne, be the greatest in his line. ”I shall take the pliers and a file,” helps man, out of unselfish sympath Harrods,” replied Carson. "He hasn’t his bullet, striking metal, flew singing proves that he loves God also, for h And he seized the nacelle with fierce said b e ^ “l don’t think the pliers will away, and the girl replied with the the faintest' Idea of the principles of does over again the work that Chrin energy, threaded a steel chain through cut IL \ may be too weak to climb third shot of this strange duel. She the Virginia, while you could fly her In Himself did when He was here o an opening In the structure and drop­ back, t don't know that I can do It braced herself against the rail, aimed a week.” earth and He says, "Inasmuch as y ped back Into the water, holding the anyhow. You must take us back to conscientiously at the middle of the ” I could now,” . asserted Virginia. did it unto one of the least of thes chain in his hand. It ran around the .lan^-tf I cut her free,” mark presented by the villain below *‘The Virginia is a simple, manageable my brethrfen, ye have done It unto me. aluminium beam -with a sharp, rasp­ 'Never fear. I know every lever.” and fired—fired with the curious certi­ little thing, like her namesake.” Good Works the Test. ing, startling rattle. “There’s another thing,” said be. tude the marksman feels when he Is ”If she shows all her namesake’s ^evidently we shall have to revise ‘‘He's fallen in!” cried Virginia. ”We came out with only a little gas. making a good shot Wlzner had just sweet traits” — began Theodore. omf ideas of the sheep and the goatfi Theodore looked over the side, a If we go- much farther we haven’t ’Then I’m to go?" lifted his arm to fire again, but his •mall donble chain ran down from the enough to get ashore with. I think I band fell as If struck do-wn by a for according to these words of Chr> "Capuln,” cried Theodore, "here’s a only He who knows the heart is abl< airship, Iti ends moving sbont In a could soar her In with the aeroplane giant’s blow. He dropped back Into girl that wants to ship as first matel most mystifying manner In the sea. tO“ dlBtmgflfeh tfierantfen have eve set o f the blades. I think we hgd bet­ the d a r k n ^ tike ,0., shot woodchuck, Make BaU. captain. W^’re going."' been swift to Jddge their fellows an^ And aa he looked In astonishment the. ter fly low going back and not waste the m a n h o l^ lo i^ and the snbmailne But Virginia seated herself' beside dark blotch of sand rose to the ear- fuel. Keep her eliding about a hunr went on ootkard deep water aa grimly„ to' put their eccleslasUcal tags oi Theodore, wearing a dress of soft face and defined Itself as the rounded dred feet from the water, but If you as before." those whom they approve. It is th' white wool, a close fitting little cap on top of the Stickleback, on the black want the.aeroplane set this Is the way fTO BE CONTINUED ] P tr^pa irau ki’Toai’t ioat • boy, most natural thing In world head and carrying a jacket over hull of which sat Wlzner blowing to fix It" but If yira’va lost SOMETHING rule people off according to our ideas arm. W anted.—Y our adv*t in the Gazsite and to aH,,down In smug satiafactio brine from his mouth, bis head ahin- With a swift' movement be showed Tenne reasonable. BUI put on ad. In thli yap«r lad w rita u a tp t q u t o j in r w . teinple of Qpd, te - pid of CM are we!”