VOL. L xri, No. HIGHTSTOWN, N.'J., THURSDAY, OVT. 13, 1 <J]0. AVlioie No. 4,G81 Is it up to tounmal Simday. The fir.st meeting for the year- 1910- 1,911 .was' hdld on Monday' evening, Next Hiinda.v, Kith, will be observed Oot. lOtli, in the ehiirch parlors. Ur. as Autiifnna) Hunda.v in the M, E. .4 Field electric omtiilyus: ip "Charge Clark^conduotedithe devotional e.xerci- Paragraphs •GathDred From thi Devil ? Ohuroli. TJiat it wdl he a -liig rivem oil'.. W, Husseyi:of the Fleotrie ;din ses. The musical part consisted, of a Editor Higlnstown Gazette: in the history i.fi' the olnii'ch i.s eV' . nihiis and Truck Co., of Xei^ Ydrli its' yiixiiii s,(dfl by Mr. Charles llifand, a Brother Brown's Letter in your , last deuced liy the fuliowing committees nuikeis. arrived here Sunday afternoon afl'etl! by.' Miss Jlildred Strults and .i f issue‘on I he "Ijoeal Oiifion” (rimi'en- who-liave raattw.s in charge: ' , - -f and.stopped till early the iollpwip^ tewis'li'orman, a solo by Mr. ,H - JI- Our Exchanges. ion III Trenon is-a jiec'u-liiu-gct up- anti tio'licitmgx=s',Ur,. G. IL lYatikJiii, Mr. nioriiiiiK to charge batteries at Grdss AhinNost, .Josetdi VanNest necoinpatiy- ft little diffloult of inlorpritat.ioii, Ev- and Mrs. R. R, l-'orimui, Mrs. H. G. Brothels' 5IiII where the current is di­ ing on the piano. The addie.ss was identljiMr. Brown nrieda, some eillight- Van.Miirtor, Mrs. George Gordon, MISS rect. The Borough plant’s euiireut be­ f5jv*^n by' Rev. S. V. Hpbiiison, pastor AIL WORTH READING AND GIVING FACTS. pmiient and considerable, morti oxpe- Lillie Hulllinger. „ ing alternating would notsufQoe. The of the Penn's Neck Baptist Church on lionee in fighting tlie Rum power. It Foliage. -Mossr.s. F’. T. Norcross, car was enroute to Atlantic City to personal obligation resting in-, men to Higliee Fiilleii, William Heott, (ieorge serve God. is plainly to he .seen that lie lias not exhibit at the street railway conven­ YOU OUGHT TO KNOW. ite-on reading tlie history of tlie loeal Goimver, George Eiiglo, Miss Msdi'irar' tion wliicli opened there Monday. It ^ The monument dedicated' at Cape Smith, .Mi s . .Martin Dolan ' , Frank M. Shepherd, siipei'intendent fat oysters in abundance are heiim option liglit very mhoh. , I am satistied is the lirst oar the epnipany has made Cod in August to commemorate tlie that no til ing pleases the liiiuor |ieo- Flowers.— .Mrs.L. Black, .Mrs. LB.,, Pilgrim Fathers was a tribute to their of file Pennsylvania Railroad, stated dreilged from the JfSiuriee River ('nvi\ ^ erks, Mrs .1. W. West, .Mrs, Williailt'-'i' being an Ahibition car designed for before the State Ahihlie Utility Com­ |)le moi'p today t.lian' than to -see a service, .liaviug been finished less than sense of responsibilitiy toward God and the growers Jielieve they will liavo Sehaiiok, Mrs. K. W. Xotoii.J|fcs. El- mission last TiiiiWefiiy tliat any pre­ a imi.spei'ous season. preacher tiirmiig Ins guns to liglit the a week. It was designei' by Corneli­ Above.^all Filings they put God into thing tliev theinselvea are ligliting- wood Ehlridge, .Miss .AimtJHietiui?! their Iive.s. The reason why our couiii caution which is re.usonalile and not ' Doooratloiis -.Mr. L. HlJck, Rev. "V us J. Field and Thomas A. Kdison, prohihatory, would he tukeii by the I'l'cnton, Oct. 7.-rPh.vsiciaiis who naincly l.oeal 0|ition. If |irea«her,s being what they term the city type the tr,y has not passed through the expe­ Wednesday made an, e.xainillation of and all (‘Imi-cfi penple would take to I. H. Yerks, Mr. I'. W i igi h ' >{t It. riences of Prance, Italy and Spam is company to prevent accidents whioii V aii.Marler, Mr. Elwood Ehlridge,'Afis.‘'i«, operytion of which would be by a mo^ result in loss nl life or propertj’ . or Arehilaild Her ron, the murderer of the lighting the Rum iiowe.r ami let Loe:il toftnan and conduotor same as,tlia;_pt.- on account of the oliaraoter of the Kev... li, D--1 Priekett at- -Mctnuhpn otitimi wnrk'OTit 'ftSowii brcihTi'rii iTecliT- -II. t-t. -Franklin,- Mrs.'-.1; -R. .melt. The oDinmuniiiy and naitdii both. Ife theyt'wei'e for ei’enting F. E. Wilson..Mrs. J. F. Lamiing. , O* dinary Streereai. ~ The cbmpahy will signs, at, say, I'lO yards from'erossings, in .1 illy-, 1008, declared that he still od gams would he iiladi-. also make a. suburban type designed need today men who rely on God an»l is iii.saiie. Tlie examination was made Oneaii t:hn iiio.st ptisiliie protifs of (,'oiiieyances. Di\ G. II, Fi'tiiikhn,' take God into their plans. Many such so Uiat even an automohilist travel­ .Messrs. George Gordon, Marlin. Dqla-n," for operation bj' one man; the passen- ing at a rGeldes.s speed, would have at the direction of .Sniire'ihe Court the I'iglit,of l.oeal Opi.jon is to lie .seen genp .entering and leaving by the front men h.ave been found in England and Jii.sliee 'Bergen, before whom Herron ill the,Wily tlie -li<[itor pen)iU> hale It, F. T, .Noreross, D. \V. .Meusiiroll,-I. F. America. Presidents Lincoln and j\!e- Utnely warning to stop Ins maohiiie. Lanniiig, ,1. ,S.. Rogers, George ' dpori ' The oar here was twenty-two Xhe otlie ■ railroad men Were muoh"of wils emivLeted. hang it, dclirttiiice i(, ■-desiiiac it ami feet long, seven feet wide and carries Kinley were noted instances of men lig'htl,it. over. f ' I of this kind. Moody by his sincerity tha sanie oimiiim as those of the Penn- tweiHy-nine,passengers. It is opera' Ciivnclius Messier., of Ailelplua, say.s Mr. Brown i.n.siiutate4 that Local Oii- It is hoped that you will not b n ® grfew to. he a great power in the land^^Tvania management. , The hoard has thal for several weeks ho has been hear do uetivo.work in the partieiuir- lino * ted by two seven horse power electric; '^issued no order.OM it. only called the tion-.is of the Uovil. Well, lot us sec: motors which are supplied with our He was so unknown and ignoralft mg of some big potato stories, hut - he Iii-hmtiy state's it lias elo.sed out sa- to wliioU-yoii have hecn assigned, .but,.--' when a young man that the officers of representativGs of the roads together has heard of none larger than his own _teiit.h'PJB_?evehty/tw;(y_e6llajlLt.ha.^.E^ tu-aet tlieir liest thoiiglit on this inno* lapris at the rato ol forl.y. a day. U tlial you will lend a Jiolpjng liatl!|i;p Hie-ehnohrepessed him. A life de­ "Gn ,a plot'ol grimnd contauing cme-lmlf wlierever poss'ilile to” 'itiake this oni!* -o L -; - ison new storage battery and is capable vation. for to erect signs away from .that, of the Devil * It’ has oiudded pending on God gives happiness to the acre Mr. .Messier raised 'eighty-three (ho gieatest events in tiie history ' (if , .r of running, about geyent.y-five miles the right of way of, a railroad'-'.'is an Georgia, North Carolina ami otl with one charge, The weight of the life and secures daily guidance. All baiTels.of suned potatoe.s. Who cap the (.’hurcli or l.eague.' innovation. • - beat this'.-' . ' , - states to go dry, Ls tliat of tlie Devir,' storage batteries, are about eighteen men need the help and guidance that It has cleared whole citie.s ami town.s riie coiimmitt.eos as a w hole are re- God alone can give. hundred pounds.' The interior, was Bids were, opened at, Philadelphia Tlio Allentown Improvement, Assooih- of file wretolicd saloons, fa that i|iies(ed to lie present al the Chapel much like the ordinary trolley ear It was regarded by all as one of the last week for oonstruelidh of the '12 tioii.^.wiUi a long pull and a.strong pail the Devl'f It lias enalileil nearly f'U'l v .Momhiy cvciiiilg, 17th, iii.sl., when with cross seats <?f cane and center best and most practical addresses giv­ foot channel. 200 feet wide, fromPJijl- and a pull-all-togetlier-pull, will get millions of mir pe.oiile lo live in iirohi- the goods are fo'he sold. ' aisle. en for a long time. At the close .a adelphiu to Trenton, for which Cop/ togellier at an early date and make ar­ hilimi territory, Ls that of the Devi We, would also he plea.sod to Imve hei.u’ty-yote of thanks was given him Two assistants also accompanied gress has anpropriated* ifilOO.OOO.and rangements for one of the gVaiide.st fail's The tronhle with Mr. Brown and a all who can meet at the eliurch Satur­ by” a rising vote The nominating the car, one representing the Edson has authorized a further expenditure and rpsi ivals ever iiold iii that vieinitv,. whole lot nl men toda.v, is they wont day atlei'iioon, 15th, iiist., at 3 o'clock Company whose interest w'as in the bat­ committee reported as officers for the of $260,000, makitig *600,000 in ail. Grange Hall has been secured for tlie recognize anything along temnoranee lo a,ssist 111 decorating, arranging pro­ year : President, A. B. Mdunt, \Gce duce, ety. tery only. The men with the car were IJie bids subiuitted will make the eveuipg.s of Ueceniber 15, 16 and 17— agitation or icgislation.
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