Curriculum Vitae

Name: ten Asbroek First names: Augustinus (Guus) Henricus Antonius Date and place of birth: 14 June 1963, Haaksbergen, the Sex: Male Nationality: Dutch E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Address Wolfsven 16, 5646 JK Eindhoven Telephone +31 (0)40-8432876; +31 (0)6 38383816

Professional experience In chronological order, for each position teaching and research activities are listed separately.

Master and Postgraduate Coordinator at Department of Global Health AMC/ Institute for Global Health and Development Period: since 1 January 2013 – current Tasks: coordination of all education activities within AIGHD. Includes research project supervision of Bachelor and Master Students, curriculum development and initiating new Master programmes, teaching with collaborative partners in AIGHD network and beyond.

Senior program manager Talent at AHTI - Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute Period: since 1 September 2014 - current Tasks: coordinating activities in talent domain of AHTI: liaise with network of academic partners to develop and strengthen education in the field of health and technology. This applies to vocational training, bachelor, master and post master programs.

Coordinator of Academic Skills and Research Education at Netherlands School of Public and Occupational Health. Period: since 1 January 2013 – 1 september 2014 Tasks: coordination of academic skills and research education in medical specialist training programmes at NSPOH (Insurance ; Occupational Medicine; Public Health Medicine) and Master of Public Health. Includes curriculum development, research supervision, teaching and collaborating with research networks of professional organizations in the Netherlands;

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Researcher at Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Department of Public Health Period: since 1 July 2011 – 31 december 2012. (since February 1998 on and off, see below) Teaching activities • Module Coordinator (together with K. Stronks) & Lecturer: Master in Evidence Based Practice, Module Health Care Policy Evaluation • Thesis supervisor: currently 1 fourth year medical student AMC. Analysis of hospital surveillance in rural Ghana. Topic : admissions and referral during pregnancy and delivery • Module paper supervision: “medische informatiekunde” AMC. • Lecturer and assistant Coordinator: Global Health, AMC Medical Curriculum: Teaching, paper supervision. Topic: Maternal and Child health • Lecturer: Minor programme HvA Introduction in Global Health: topic Maternal and Child health Research Project • Validity of quality of care indicators in Dutch hospitals.

o Role: senior researcher on qualitative study of validity of specific performance indicators.

o Content: coordinating and conducting qualitative research within a team of 3 directly involved researchers. Collecting data, coordinating data analysis and reporting.

Lecturer at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK Nutrition and Public Health Intervention Unit, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population health. Period: October 2007 – present (full time until July 2011; since July 2011 part-time). Training and teaching activities: o Supervision of MSc students, during practicals and thesis writing o 2008 University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine o 2009 LSHTM: MSc Epidemiology DL o 2010 LSHTM: MSc Public Health, Health Promotion o 2012 LSHTM MSC Epidemiology DL o Advisory Committees of PhD students (4) since 2008 o Tutoring on Distance Learning module EP103 – Practical Epidemiology (2007 – present) o Tutoring on DL EP201 - Writing Proposals (2009 – present) • Setting up Epidemiology and Statistics Class & Journal Club at Kintampo Health Research Centre Ghana (2009) Research Projects April 2010 – July 2011

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• Project coordinator for the project: Evaluation of Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Diseases in Uganda and Mozambique Cluster randomised controlled trial of innovations to improve retention, motivation and performance of volunteer community health workers in Uganda and Mozambique.

o Role: project coordinator for the evaluation team, based at LSHTM and ICH o Role: liaison with main contractor Malaria consortium o Content: team management and coordination; development of evaluation research tools. October 2007 – April 2010 • Team Leader Maternal and Child Health Collaborative Research Programme of Kintampo Health Research Centre and LSHTM:

o ObaapaVita trial: a cluster randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of weekly low dose VitA supplementation to women in childbearing age. (120,000 women in active surveillance)

o Role: team leader trial management team o Content: trial management, research. Evaluation of vitamin A on marternal mortality.

o Newhints trial: a cluster randomized trial of home visits by trained volunteers to pregnant women, recently delivered women and their newborns to improve newborn care practices and reduce neonatal mortality

o Role: team leader trial management team o Content: trial management, research. Evaluation of effect of home visits on neonatal mortality.

Researcher at Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Department of Public Health Period: 1 April 2010 – 1 December 2010, 0.05 FTE. Research project: • Health Services Research into European Policy and Practice.

o Content: Contribution to a conference and a report regarding the future role of Benchmarking and Performance Indicators in Health care and Health policy oin the .

o Role: senior researcher o Methods: study, practice observations, interviews

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Researcher at Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Department of Public Health Period: July 2002 – October 2007. Training and teaching activities: • Development and implementation of a database for monitoring and evaluation of health and social parameters in a slum area in Beira, Moçambique. This project is part of a consultancy regarding revision of public health modules in the medical curriculum for Universidade Catholico Moçambique, medical faculty in Beira. Since January 2006. • Lecturer in the ‘Master of Midwifery’ and ‘Master of Evidence Based Practice’ course at AMC-Amsterdam: Health Care Policy and Evaluation. • Supervision of medical students during term papers and scientific internships. • Module coordinator (blok 6) Coordinator of nursing-aid internship for all first year medical students of the AMC (since 2004) • Training of medical students in the course “International Public Health”, supervision of research internships. • Participant in working groups responsible for education activities of the department and revision of current medical curriculum.

Research projects November 2006 – October 2007 ♦ Evaluation of health care services for asylum seekers in the Netherlands .

o Role: researcher o Content: Evaluation of content, context and process of health care “intake”(introductory consultation) for asylum seekers.

o Methods: Literature study, practice observations, interviews April 2006 – October 2007 ♦ Monitoring and evaluation of Public Mental Health Care in Amsterdam: development of a performance indicator framework

o Role : executive researcher o Content: development of performance indicators for policy management in the area of public mental health. This project is part of the Academic Working Place of the AMC and GGD Amsterdam (Amsterdam Municipal Health Office) 2003-2007

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♦ Evaluation of patient experiences with health care in the Netherlands: development of measurement tools.

o Role: researcher/coordinator of research team. o Content: Development of instruments (questionnaires), pilot studies addressing diabetes care, hospital care and general performance of health care insurers. 2002-2005 ♦ Monitoring and evaluation of the Dutch health care system: developing a national performance indicator framework

o Role: Coordinating member of the AMC Performance Indicator Framework Team. o Content: Research support to the ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Sports o Method: research partnership for policy development

Project manager and senior researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment. Period: 2001 – 2004 (2001: 1.0 FTE; 2002-2004: 0.25 FTE) Training activities: • Teaching sampling techniques for community diagnosis to students of Bachelor of Public Health program at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. Supervision and support of PhD students. Research project: ♦ “Cost –effectiveness of respiratory guidelines: An evaluation of Practical Approach to Lung Health in Nepal.”

o Role: Responsible project manager and senior researcher on-site of a cluster randomised trial investigating the effects, costs and processes of guideline implementation.

o Setting: 7 months on location in Kathmandu, Nepal, 28 months in the Netherlands. (first year full-time, last three years part-time 0.25 FTE)

o Content: o Development of research protocols for the cluster randomised trial and training materials for research assistants and enumerators

o Supervision of data collection and PhD students during field work assignments

o Analysis and reporting of results o Responsible for project budget in Nepal o Liaison with international multi-party research collaborative

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Researcher at Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Department of Public Health Period: February 1998 – January 2001. Teaching activities: • Coordination of the course “Tropical Public Health”, for medical students and supervision of research internships. Research project: • “Evaluation of costs and effects of the Dutch family based genetic screening programme for familial hypercholesterolemia”.

o Role: researcher o Content: o Data analysis and modelling of health benefits due to screening. o Writing research reports and scientific papers

Project coordinator at Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, The Netherlands Period: 1994 – 1997, 1999 Project Coordinator 10/05/94 - 10/02/96 • Mother and Child health care programme, EPI, support to outreach clinics: Waat, South Sudan • Tuberculosis and Kala Azar programme, Ler/Duar South Sudan

o Specific duties: Team manager, responsible for monitoring and surveillance reports, supervision of international and national staff, project planning, liaison with counterparts Survey Coordinator Macedonia 28/04/99 – 12/05/99

o Design and implementation of a household survey among Kosovar Refugees in Macedonian refugee camps, investigating atrocities during the exodus from Kosovo.

Consultant, project coordinator at Score Datacom BV, Varsseveld (NL) 18/01/93 - 31/12/93 ♦ Design and implementation of time and motion studies in health care institutions to obtain health care management information

General nurse 1988 - 1992 ♦ Nurse on a variety of hospital wards in The Netherlands as well as in the ‘Primary Health Care Clinic and Emergency Hospital’ in Polilo, Philippines (1989)

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Education 2002- 2006 of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam. Dissertation title: Health Services Research at work for National Health Policy. University of Amsterdam (NL) URL: Degree: PhD , 14-12-2006.

1997 -1998 Postgraduate Epidemiology Programme Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Research Internship at KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Scientific Paper: Serial interval and incubation period of tuberculosis in the Netherlands.

Certificate: 05/06/1998. Registered Epidemiologist (MSc level) since November 1998.

1989 - 1993 Health , University of Limburg, Maastricht (the Netherlands) Major subject: Theory of Health Sciences Research Internship: Operations Research Unit, MOH Volta Region, Ghana Thesis: “Exempting the Poor: an exploratory study” Degree: “Doctorandus” (Master of ) 21/01/1993

1994 Tropical Community Health and Medicine, Liverpool (UK). January - April 1994. Certificate : 8th April.1994

1985 – 1988 General Nursing: In-service training, Nieuwegein (NL) Diploma and registration: 18/08/1988

1982 - 1984 Medical School, University Utrecht (NL) Changed to nursing after two years.

Other courses: 2010 LSHTM Core Programme for middle management and academic leadership – Managing People / MD034N (followed-up with 1 hour MBTI, 3 hours action learning)

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2007 Tutoring for Distance Learning. Oxford Brookes University. November – December 2007 Certificate awarded.

2005 Certificate Course in Education for Academic Teachers February – April 2005 University of Amsterdam, ‘Centrum voor Nascholing’ Certificate: April 2005, followed by accreditation by AMC.

Languages Dutch (fluent), English (very good), German (working knowledge)

Memberships • Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health • Association Doctors Without Borders – Netherlands

Publications In chronologic order:

A. Peer reviewed articles in international journals:

1. Botje D, Ten Asbroek G, Plochg T, Anema H, Kringos DS, Fischer C, Wagner C, Klazinga NS.Are performance indicators used for hospital quality management: a qualitative interview study amongst health professionals and quality managers in The Netherlands. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Oct 13;16(1):574. 2. Alexander Manu Zelee Hill, Augustinus HA ten Asbroek, Seyi Soremekun,Benedict Weobong, Thomas Gyan, Charlotte Tawiah-Agyemang, Samuel Danso,Seeba Amenga-Etego, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Betty R Kirkwood. Increasing access to care for sick newborns: evidence from the Ghana Newhints cluster- randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2016;6:e 008107 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008107 3. Pitt C, Tawiah T, Soremekun S, Ten Asbroek AH, Manu A, Tawiah-Agyemang C, Hill Z, Owusu-Agyei S, Kirkwood BR, Hanson K. Cost and cost-effectiveness of newborn home visits: findings from the Newhints cluster-randomised controlled trial in rural Ghana. Lancet Glob Health. 2015 Nov 27. pii: S2214-109X(15)00207-7. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00207-7. [Epub ahead of print] 4. Weobong B, ten Asbroek AH, Soremekun S, Gram L, Amenga-Etego S, Danso S, Owusu-Agyei S, Prince M, Kirkwood BR. Association between probable postnatal depression and increased infant mortality and morbidity: findings from the DON population-based cohort study in rural Ghana. BMJ Open. 2015 Aug 27;5(8)

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5. Weobong B, ten Asbroek AH, Soremekun S, Manu AA, Owusu-Agyei S, Prince M, Kirkwood BR. Association of antenatal depression with adverse consequences for the mother and newborn in rural Ghana: findings from the DON population-based cohort study. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 30;9(12):e116333. doi: 0.1371/journal.pone.0116333. 6. Ansah Manu A, Ten Asbroek A, Soremekun S, Gyan T, Weobong B, Tawiah-Agyemang C, Danso S, Amenga-Etego S, Owusu-Agyei S, Hill Z, Kirkwood BR. Evaluating the implementation of community volunteer assessment and referral of sick babies: lessons learned from the Ghana Newhints home visits cluster randomized controlled trial. Health Policy Plan. 2014 Sep;29 Suppl 2:ii114-ii127. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu080. 7. Weobong B, Soremekun S, Ten Asbroek AH, Amenga-Etego S, Danso S, Owusu-Agyei S, Prince M, Kirkwood BR. Prevalence and determinants of antenatal depression among pregnant women in a predominantly rural population in Ghana: the DON population-based study. J Affect Disord. 2014 Aug;165:1-7. PMID:24882170 8. Zelee Hill, Mari Dumbaugh, Lorna Benton, Karin Källander, Daniel Strachan, Augustinus ten Asbroek, James Tibenderana, Betty Kirkwood and Sylvia Meek. Supervising community health workers in low- income countries: a review of impact and implementation issues. Glob Health Action 2014, 7: 24085. 9. Gram L, Soremekun S, ten Asbroek A, Manu A, O'Leary M, Hill Z, Danso S, Amenga-Etego S, Owusu- Agyei S, Kirkwood BR. Socio-economic determinants and inequities in coverage and timeliness of early childhood immunisation in rural Ghana. Trop Med Int Health. 2014 Apr 28. PMID: 24766425 10. Weobong B, ten Asbroek AH, Soremekun S, Danso S, Owusu-Agyei S, Prince M, Kirkwood BR. Determinants of postnatal depression in rural ghana: findings from the don population based cohort study. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Nov 25. 11. van Middendorp D, ten Asbroek A, Bio FY, Edusei A, Meijjer L, Newton S, Agyemang C. Rural and urban differences in blood pressure and pregnancy-induced hypertension among pregnant women in Ghana. Global Health. 2013 Nov 14;9:59. 12. Vesel L, Manu A, Lohela TJ, Gabrysch S, Okyere E, ten Asbroek AH, Hill Z, Agyemang CT, Owusu-Agyei S, Kirkwood BR. Quuality of newborn care: a health facility assessment in rural Ghana using survey, vignette and surveillance data. BMJ Open. 2013 May 9;3(5). 13. Danso S, Atwell E, Johnson O, ten Asbroek AH, Soremekun S, Edmond K, Hurt C, Hurt L, Zandoh C, Tawiah C, Fenty J, Amenga Etego S, Owusu Agyei S and Kirkwood BR. A semantically annotated Verbal Autopsy corpus for automatic analysis of cause of death. 2013 April. ICAME Journal 37; 37-70. 14. Kirkwood BR, Manu A, ten Asbroek AH, Soremekun S, Weobong B, Gyan T, Danso S, Amenga-Etego S, Tawiah-Agyemang C, Owusu-Agyei S, Hill Z.Effect of the Newhints home-visits intervention on neonatal mortality rate and care practices in Ghana: a cluster randomised controlled trial.Lancet. 2013 Apr 8. 15. Hurt L, ten Asbroek A, Amenga-Etego S, Zandoh C, Danso S, Edmond K, Hurt C, Tawiah C, Hill Z, Fenty J, Owusu-Agyei S, Campbell OM, Kirkwood BR. Effect of vitamin A supplementation on cause-specific mortality in women of reproductive age in Ghana: a secondary analysis from the ObaapaVitA trial. Bull World Health Organ. 2013 Jan 1;91(1):19-27.

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16. Dzakpasu S, Soremekun S, Manu A, ten Asbroek G, Tawiah C, Hurt L, Fenty J, Owusu-Agyei S, Hill Z, Campbell OM, Kirkwood BR. Impact of free delivery care on health facility delivery and insurance coverage in Ghana's Brong Ahafo Region. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e49430. 17. Kallander K, Tibenderana J, Akpogheneta OJ, Strachan DL, Hill Z, ten Asbroek AHA, Conteh L, Kirkwood B, Meek S. Mobile Health (mHealth) approaches and lessons for increased performance and retention of community health workers in low- and middle-income country settings: A landscape analysis. J Med Internet Res 0000;##(##):e##. URL: 18. Daniel L. Strachan, Karin Källander, Augustinus H. A. ten Asbroek, Betty Kirkwood, Sylvia R. Meek, Lorna Benton, Lesong Conteh, James Tibenderana, and Zelee Hill Interventions to Improve Motivation and Retention of Community Health Workers Delivering Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM): Stakeholder Perceptions and Priorities. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012 87:111-119; 19. Edmond K, Hurt L, Fenty J, Amenga-Etego S, Zandoh C, Hurt C, Danso S, Tawiah C, Hill Z, ten Asbroek AH, Owusu-Agyei S, Campbell O, Kirkwood BR. Effect of vitamin A supplementation in women of reproductive age on cause-specific early and late infant mortality in rural Ghana: ObaapaVitA double- blind, cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2012 Jan 4;2(1) 20. Klazinga N, Fischer C, ten Asbroek A. Health services research related to performance indicators and benchmarking in Europe J Health Serv Res Policy. 2011 Jul;16 Suppl 2:38-47. 21. Kirkwood, B.R.; Hurt, L.; Amenga-Etego, S.; Tawiah, C.; Zandoh, C.; Danso, S.; Hurt, C.; Edmond, K.; Hill, Z.; Ten Asbroek, G.; Fenty, J.; Owusu-Agyei, S.; Campbell, O.; Arthur, P. Effect of Vitamin A Supplementation in Women of Reproductive Age on Maternal Survival in Ghana (ObaapaVita): A Cluster-Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial EDITORIAL COMMENT. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 2010; 65(9):552-554 22. Kirkwood BR, Manu A, Tawiah-Agyemang C, ten Asbroek G, Gyan T, Weobong B, et al. NEWHINTS cluster randomised trial to evaluate the impact on neonatal mortality in rural Ghana of routine home visits to provide a package of essential newborn care interventions in the third trimester of pregnancy and the first week of life: trial protocol. Trials 2010 May 17;11:58.:58. 23. Kirkwood BR, Hurt L, Amenga-Etego S, Tawiah C, Zandoh C, Danso S, Hurt C, Edmond K, Hill Z, ten Asbroek G, Fenty J, Owusu-Agyei S, Campbell O, & Arthur P. Effect of vitamin A supplementation in women of reproductive age on maternal survival in Ghana (ObaapaVitA): a cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2010 May 8;375(9726):1640-9. 24. Z Hill, A Manu, C Tawiah-Agyemang, T Gyan, K Turner, B Weobong, AHA ten Asbroek and BR Kirkwood. How did formative research inform the development of a home-based neonatal care intervention in rural Ghana? Journal of Perinatology (2008) 28, S38–S45. 25. Ten Asbroek AH, Bijlsma MW, Malla P, Shrestha B, Delnoij DM.The road to tuberculosis treatment in rural Nepal: A qualitative assessment of 26 journeys. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Jan 11;8:7. 26. Baltussen R, ten Asbroek AH, Koolman X, Shrestha N, Bhattarai P, Niessen LW. Priority setting using multiple criteria: should a lung health programme be implemented in Nepal? Health Policy Plan 2007 Apr 5. 27. Ten Asbroek A.H.A. Health Services Research at work for National Health Policy. PhD Thesis. Amsterdam 2006. URL:

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28. Gonzalez,G.Z., Klazinga,N., ten Asbroek G., & Delnoij,D.M. (2006). Performance indicators used to assess the quality of primary dental care. Community Dent.Health 23(4), 228-235 29. Delnoij DM, ten Asbroek G, Arah OA, de Koning JS, Stam P, Poll A, Vriens B, Schmidt P, Klazinga NS. Made in the USA: the import of American Consumer Assessment of Health Plan Surveys (CAHPS(R)) into the Dutch social insurance system. Eur J Public Health. 2006 Mar 8; 30. Arah OA, ten Asbroek AH, Delnoij DM, de Koning JS, Stam PJ, Poll AH, Vriens B, Schmidt PF, Klazinga NS. Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Hospital-level Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey instrument. Health Serv Res. 2006 Feb;41(1):284-301. 31. ten Asbroek AHA, Delnoij DMJ, Niessen LW, Scherpbier RW, Shrestha N, Bam DS et al. Implementing global knowledge in local practice: a WHO lung health initiative in Nepal. Health Policy Plan. 2005 Sep;20(5):290-301. 32. Mohan CI, Bishai D, Kumar S, ten Asbroek G, Niessen L. Changes in utilization of TB health services in Nepal. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2005 Sep;9(9):1054-6. 33. ten Asbroek AHA, Arah OA, Geelhoed J, Custers T, Delnoij DM, Klazinga NS. Developing a national performance indicator framework for the Dutch health system. Int J Qual Health Care 2004; 16 Suppl 1:i65-i71. 34. Arah, O.A., Klazinga, N.S., Delnoij, D.M.J., Asbroek, A.H.A. ten, Custers, T. Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance: a quest for effectiveness, quality, and improvement. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15 (2003) 5, p. 377-398. 35. Marang-van de Mheen PJ, ten Asbroek AHA, Bonneux L, Bonsel GJ, Klazinga NS. Cost effectiveness of a family and DNA based screening program on Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Netherlands. Eur Heart J 2002; 23(24):1922-1930 36. ten Asbroek AH, Tuynman W, Coppens K. Kosovar refugee assessment in Macedonia (research letter). Refuge 2001; 19(2):49-50. 37. ten Asbroek AH, de Mheen PJ, Defesche JC, Kastelein JJ, Gunning-Schepers LJ. Results from a family and DNA based active identification programme for familial hypercholesterolaemia. J Epidemiol Community Health 2001; 55(7):500-502. 38. ten Asbroek AH, van Lunsen S, Marang-van de Mheen PJ, Gunning-Schepers LJ. [Genetic screening for familial hypercholesterolemia in 1992-1997: primarily younger patients in the care of family physicians]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000; 144(3):125-129. 39. ten Asbroek AHA, Borgdorff MW, Nagelkerke NJD, Šebek MMGG, Devillé W, van Embden JDA and van Soolingen D. Estimation of serial interval and incubation period of tuberculosis using DNA fingerprinting. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3 (5): 414-420.

B. Other scientific and professional publications:

1. D.S. Kringos, H.A. Anema, A.H.A. ten Asbroek, C. Fischer, D. Botje, J. Kievit, E.W. Steyerberg, N.S. Klazinga. Beperkt Zicht - Onderzoek naar de betrouwbaarheid, validiteit en bruikbaarheid van prestatie-indicatoren over de kwaliteit van de Nederlandse ziekenhuiszorg. AMC, Afdeling Sociale Geneeskunde, Amsterdam december 2012. URL: _Eindrapport_Onderzoek_Bruikbaarheid_Zichtbare_Zorg_indicatoren.pdf

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2. Ines Rupp, Jeanine Suurmond, Conny Seeleman, Guus ten Asbroek, Karien Stronks. 2008 (August). Verpleegkundige intake en medisch onderzoek volwassen asielzoekers - Een Heroriëntatie. [Admission and medical assessment of adult asylum seekers – A reorientation -] AMC Universiteit van Amsterdam. URL: 3. S. Lauriks, M.A.S. de Wit, M.C.A Buster, A.H.A. ten Asbroek, O.A. Arah en N.S. Klazinga. Performance indicators for Public Mental Health Care: a conceptiual framework. [In dutch] TSG, 2008; 86 (6):328- 36 4. Groenen, C.J.M, A.H.A. ten Asbroek. Why do —or don’t— midwives participate in peer review groups? [In Dutch] Dutch Journal for Midwives. 2007; 32 (6): 19-22. 5. Stubbe, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Asbroek, G. ten. CQ Index Diabetes: schaalconstructie, betrouwbaarheid en discriminerend vermogen van de ervaringenvragenlijst. Utrecht, Nivel 2007. 6. ten Asbroek AHA , Arah OA, Geelhoed J, de Koning J, Delnoij DM, Custers T et al. Building a performance indicator framework: the Dutch experience. Lemieux-Charles L, Anderson G, Baker GR, Brown A, Champagne F, editors. In : Making Sense of Performance Assessment in Health Care. Toronto, University of Toronto. Accepted for publication 7. Delnoij, D., Asbroek, G. ten, Arah, O., Koning, J. de, Klazinga, N., Stam, P., Poll, A., Schee, E. van der.Wat vinden Nederlanders van de gezondheidszorg en de zorgverzekering? Eerste landelijke resultaten van de Nederlandse vertaling van de CAHPS 3.0 Adult Commercial Questionnaire. 2005, Utrechtm, Nivel 8. ten Asbroek AHA, Delnoij DM, Arah OA, Report of the development and validation of a new instrument to measure patient experiences with health care in the Netherlands. 2004, Amsterdam: Department of Social Medicine AMC-Amsterdam. 9. Asbroek, G. ten, Arah, O., Delnoij, D.M.J., Koning, J. de, Schmidt, P., Klazinga, N. Ervaringen van AGIS- verzekerden met de zorg: pilotstudie naar mogelijkheid voor implementatie van CAHPS® in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. 2004 Utrecht, Nivel. 10. DD Delnoij, ten Asbroek AHA, Arah O, Custers T, Klazinga N.S. Bakens Zetten. [Developing a framework of performance indicators for the Dutch health care system]. [In Dutch] Den Haag, VWS, 2002. 11. ten Asbroek AHA, Delnoij DM, Arah OA, Sixma H, de Koning J, Rupp I, et al. Measuring patient experiences with diabetes care in the Netherlands: the validity of a new survey instrument. In review. 12. Marang-van de Mheen PJ, ten Asbroek AHA, van Maarle MC, Stouthard MEA, Bonsel GJ, Klazinga NS. Screening for Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Netherlands. An evaluation of costs, effects and societal consequences.[In Dutch] Final project report. 2000. Amsterdam: Academic Medical Centre, Department of Social Medicine. 13. ten Asbroek AHA, Šebek MMGG, Borgdorff MW. [New technique contributes to insight about the incubation period of M.tuberculosis: Estimation of incubation period using DNA fingerprinting]. [in Dutch] Tegen Tuberculose 1999; 95-3.

In addition to the above list several abstracts for oral or poster presentations have been published.

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