REVIEW Oral contraceptives - journey so far: A review Kanaka Bhushanam GVVS1 and Sakuntala Devi Gampa2,* 1 2 Gitam Medical Collage, Gandhi Nagar, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Minister Road, Secunderabad-500003, Telangana, India Abstract since 1970s. As per WHO (1998), over 100 million women are using oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) worldwide, mostlyOral contraceptive in developed is acountries. widely accepted In India and only most 2% effectiveof married method women of offertility reproductive control. ageIts wereuse has using been OCPs growing for fertility control during the period from 1990 to 2001. The history, evolution and development of oral pills till Keywords:date is discussed oral contraception; along with the fertility benefits, control; risks and contraceptive side effects pills of oral contraceptive pills. *Corresponding author: Dr. Sakuntala Devi Gampa, Gitam Introduction Medical Collage, Gandhi Nagar, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam,
[email protected] Once upon a time contraception was a taboo in many countries and practicing or even promoting ReceivedAndhra Pradesh, 28 October India. 2015; Email: Revised 11 December 2015; Accepted 19 December 2015; Published 29 December 2015 contraception was punishable. From that situation oral pills have now reached a stage where they are Citation: most widely accepted method of birth control and Kanakabhushanam GVVS, Gampa SD. Oral1 contraceptives- also became a useful therapeutic modality for many journey so far: A review. J Med Sci Res. 2016; 4(1):35-40. DOI: gynaecological conditions avoiding unnecessary C © 2016 Kanakabhushanam GVVS, et al. Published by hysterectomies. Many breakthroughs in the article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons evolution of birth pills are responsible for today’s AttributionKIMS Foundation License, and which Research permits Center.