
Surgical Extended Use, Donning and Doffing

 Surgical are to be worn by staff with close patient care (within 6 feet for more than a few minutes).  Due to a limited supply of surgical masks, you should wear the same mask for an entire shift, or until it becomes soiled, wet, or torn.  Masks must be left in place. Never touch the outside of the mask or your face during use.  If you need to touch the mask to adjust the fit perform hand prior to and after touching the mask.  Masks must not be worn under the chin, hung from an ear, or hung on one’s chest.  Remove the mask for eating and drinking by following the donning and doffing procedures below.  A mask must be immediately replaced if it becomes visibly soiled, wet, or torn.  Masks that are not visibly soiled, wet, or torn may be stored in a paper bag or other breathable container labeled with your name and date in a designated area on your unit.  Discard your paper bag when you discard your mask.  Surgical masks should not be worn out of the facility or in the community.  If you are leaving the facility place your surgical mask in a paper bag or other breathable container for safe keeping and don your cloth mask.  If a patient is on airborne precautions or receiving an -generating procedure, place your surgical mask in a paper bag or other breathable container for safekeeping and don your N95 for that patient’s care. Please see N95 donning and doffing protocol.

Surgical Mask Donning (Application)

 Perform hand hygiene (if donning a used mask from your paper bag, put gloves on first).  Carefully grab the mask holding the ear loops.  Without touching the outside of the mask, carefully place the mask on your face.  Remove gloves if used and perform hand hygiene.  If donning a previously worn mask from a paper bag, discard the paper bag. Surgical Mask Doffing (Removal)

 Perform hand hygiene.  Remove mask by holding the ear loops. The front is contaminated so remove it slowly and carefully.  If mask is NOT visibly soiled, wet, or torn, carefully store it in a paper bag or other breathable container labeled with your name and date in the designated area on your unit. If it is soiled, wet, or torn discard it.  Perform hand hygiene.