Parish Magazine


Photo by Kamil Szumotalski

April 2019 50p


Parish Office Contacts

Parish Office: Open Monday to Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm Parish Office Address: Parish Office, Rectory Garth, Rayleigh SS6 8BB Telephone Number: 01268 742151 Parish Administrator: Jo Jackson [email protected]

Team Rector: Rev’d David Oxtoby – The Rectory, Hockley Road PA to Team Rector: Gail Collingwood-Turner [email protected] Team Vicar: Tracy Marlow Associate Minster: Rev’d Tracy Nutter Family & Children’s Worker: Cara Parker [email protected]

Readers: Mike Tautz and Duncan Johnson

Pastoral Team: Maree Gaskin, Christina Hall, Ann Fox, Mike Tautz, Tracy Nutter, Susan Bradshaw and Cara Parker

Church Wardens: Jacky Wragg and Wayne Prankard

Parochial Church Council: Gordon Simmonds (Vice Chairman)

For all enquiries please refer to the Parish Office contact details above



Letter from Reverend Page 4 A Note from the Editors Page 6 Flowers Page 7 Homegroups and Film club Page 8 Friends of Holy Trinity Page 9 CAMEO Page 10 2nd Rayleigh Scout Group Page 11 Message from Trinity Bear Page 12 Family and Children’s Team Page 13

Prayer Page 15

Church Services Page 16

Tracy Marlow Team Vicar Page 18

News from Up North Page 19

The Railway Sermon Page 20

Easter crossword Page 22

Timebank and Message from R.C.C.R.G. Page 25

Psalm Back page


Letter from

By the time this article is read we’ll probably be just about at the end of Lent, and getting ready for Easter. Getting ready for Easter! How, oh how do you get ready to recall God’s Son being crucified on the Cross? His sacrifice for you and for me? It’s an idea, a truth, a concept that goes way beyond anything our own human imagination and understanding can truly comprehend; there are no words that encapsulate what it means for the creator of the universe to come to earth in human form, yet fully divine, to take upon himself the sins of the whole world, so that we might be restored into a right relationship with Him. Yet this is the truth, this is what took place, this is how much God loves each and every one of us. No wonder countless hymns and songs have been pencilled, each trying to capture an essence of this truth, and to share just one:

How deep the Father’s love for us, How vast beyond all measure, That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss – The Father turns His face away, As wounds which mar the Chosen One Bring many sons to glory.

Behold the man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders; Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice Call out among the scoffers. It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished; His dying breath has brought me life – I know that it is finished.


I will not boast in anything, No gifts, no power, no wisdom; But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer; But this I know with all my heart – His wounds have paid my ransom.

Stuart Townend Copyright © 1995 Thankyou Music

Lent is indeed often thought to be about giving something up, so we might make space to remember; or equally we might think about what we take on in acts of kindness, as our response of gratitude for all we have gained in Christ. Whatever act we might have done through Lent, it can hardly prepare us for the enormity of Easter Day.

Yet, God doesn’t ask us to give things up, or takes things on; He simply asks us to abide with Him, to believe in His Son Jesus Christ. And this is what’s even more staggering: that Jesus, in the account of Mary & Martha (where Mary sat at Jesus’ feet while Martha busied herself) says “41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better [to sit at my feet and listen], and it will not be taken away from her.”” Sit at my feet and listen to me: this is all that Jesus asks of us this Lent and Easter, so may we find those precious, precious moments to be still, to stop, to listen.

Every blessing,

Rev’d David


Note from the Editors

Hello everyone, and welcome to the April edition of the Parish Magazine. We’re thrilled to be bringing you our Easter edition and hope that you enjoy all our new articles. On page 11 we have a special update from our 2nd Rayleigh Scout group; you can read about recent CAMEO activities on page 10; and we have a guest appearance from Trinity Bear on page 12. Our thoughtful prayer for this month has kindly been supplied by Wayne Prankard, and we have some very exciting parish news featuring on page 16!

If you would like to send anything to the Parish Magazine for us to include, we’d love to hear from you. We’re still looking for book and film reviews, but also images we can use to put on the front cover of our magazine. We are aiming to make this a ‘community magazine’ as one of our congregation helpfully put it – so any input from the community of Holy Trinity or St Michael’s is greatly welcomed.

The deadline for the magazine is on the second Sunday of every month; if you would like to send in an article, review or photograph please email [email protected].

Ellen Morris & Sarah Hal


Parish of Rayleigh Flower Ministry

This month flowers have been donated to the glory of God by

7th April Lent

14th April Lent

21st April Easter Sunday: The Butler Family in memory of PC John Butler 529KD (anniversary 9th April); Frances Medcraft. Easter Lilies as listed in Church

28th April Robert and Julia Swann in memory of Mum (Sue Dean); Deborah Pocock in memory of Tim


To celebrate Easter on Sunday 21st April, anyone who would like to donate an Easter Lily in memory of a loved one can contact Deborah Pocock or Maggie Smith (details below).

If you feel you would like to support the flower ministry in memory of loved ones, to celebrate an occasion or just because you appreciate God’s beautiful world please contact:

Deborah Pocock on 01702 Please204757 call - [email protected] email via the Parish Office Maggie Smith on 0126801268 742151771039 [email protected] - [email protected]

Cheques should be made payable to “PCC of Rayleigh” and can be handed in via the office or put in an envelope with “Flower Donation from … for …” in the collection plate.

Deborah Pocock


Homegroups: Lent meetings

Lent is the name given to the 40 days from Ash Wednesday (6th March this year) until Easter. During Lent our Homegroups meet weekly (5 sessions). This year we will be doing a study called ‘Beautiful Lives’, about living beautiful lives for God, and, through our lives and words, to draw people to want to know Jesus for themselves. (It’s much less scary than it might sound!) Anyone not already in a Homegroup who would like to come along just for Lent will be very welcome, so please contact me (see below).

After Easter we shall go back to fortnightly meetings.

If you would like to know more about Homegroups, or have any questions, please get in touch with me, or speak to one of the clergy:

Chris Griffiths Tel: 01268 779596 Please call or email via the Parish Office Email:01268 [email protected] [email protected]

FILM CLUB – Dates for 2019

27th April 28th September

25th May 26th October

29th June 30th November

27th July 21st December

31st August


I hope you all enjoyed our short but early spring and all the beautiful flowers. We somehow get used to the sunshine very quickly, but unfortunately, as I write this in early March, the weather seems to be back to normal.

Our Games Evening was once again a great success. Thanks to all who attended; to Gordon, Maggi and Ian who organised the evening; and to others who helped on the night. We raised £212 for our funds!

We have three great events for you to put in your diaries. The Rayleigh Town Council's Trinity Fair is on Sunday 9th June; the Tower will be open to visitors, and as usual we will need as many helpers as possible for stewarding and helping in the kitchen. The Teddy Bear Jump is on Saturday 13th July, and don't forget our ever-popular Garden Trail over the August Bank Holiday weekend. We always need people to open their gardens; they do not have to be finished gardens – work in progress is often interesting, and helpful ideas can come from visitors. If you are able to help at any of these events please contact Jane Brown on 01268 742215.

At our AGM we were once again able to hand over a substantial sum of money, £19,000, to the PCC to help with the ongoing preservation of our beautiful Church. To a large extent, this is thanks to the hard work of our very small committee, and we really would appreciate some new members to lighten the load for us all.

Joyce Giles

Committee Member


Rayleigh Parish CAMEO Group (“Come & Meet Each Other”)

We are a friendly group of ladies who meet weekly in the Parish Centre. Our two secretaries arrange a wide variety of speakers, member’s evenings and outings. We also raise money for charity, and sponsor a 13 year old girl in Brazil. Please do come along one evening; you will be very welcome.

Our programme for April is:

Thursday 4th April: Informal

Thursday 11th April: Fish & Chip Supper

Thursday 18th April: Maundy Thursday Service, usually at St Michaels

Thursday 25th April: “Thames River Front” with Ian Kirby

Please note: We meet on Thursday evenings from 7.30 – 9.30pm in the Underspire.

For further details please contact: Please call or email via the Parish Office 01268 742151 [email protected] MRS S BENTLEY OR MRS H JONES

Under the tuition of Wendy Carr, last month we had an enjoyably “crafty” evening, doing stencilling. In the pictures below you can see the results of our endeavours.


2nd Rayleigh (Holy Trinity) Scout Group Beaver Scout Section

In celebration of 100 years of Essex Scouting, 2nd Rayleigh Beaver Scouts are undertaking the Essex Scouts Centenary Challenge. The task is to complete 100 challenges throughout the year, most of which fit with our new programme of developing ‘Skills for Life’. So far, we have enjoyed several evenings practising traditional scout skills, such as whittling, den-building and tying knots. We have also attempted some more unusual challenges, including blindfolded sandwich making, which was linked to our Disability Awareness badge work.

We are looking forward to a visit from a hearing dog (Ludo) and his partner (Maggie), along with a representative from the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity. We will be learning about what it is like to live with a disability and how these dogs can be an invaluable part of helping people with their everyday lives. The Beavers will be keeping their promise of helping others by taking part in a sponsored silence to raise funds for the charity.

We are always looking for volunteers to help run our activities. If you think you might be interested and would like more information, please contact Karen Vassallo, Group Scout Leader, on mobile: 07768 074553. Alison Jones Beaver Scout Leader


A Message from Trinity Bear

The mild February weather was not only great for humans, but it also brought an early end to hibernation for Trinity Bear and his friends. With fat reserves depleted over the winter, the natural thing would be for Trinity to start eating a lot. Fortunately, he happened to read a copy of the March Parish Magazine and noted that The Friends of Holy Trinity were to hold another Teddy Bear Parachute Jump on Saturday 13th July. "What a bit of luck!" he said out loud. "I shall have to eat enough to have the energy to do the leg strengthening exercises, but not so much that the parachute won't fit, or that I am too fat to climb into the basket that will take me to the top of the tower." There was much excitement when Trinity explained to his friends what he had discovered, and they immediately started to plan their Boot Camp for getting into training in readiness for the great day. Next month Trinity will share some of the exercises he will be doing in his lead up to the event that he loves so much. Trinity thinks it is three years since there was a Teddy Bear Parachute jump from the church tower and The Friends of Holy Trinity have confirmed this. So, if you are a bear reading this, you know what to do. If you are a human reading this, do let the bears in your household know so that they can prepare. Remember, this will be a sponsored event and so it is never too early to spread the word and muster as much support for your bear as you can.


Families and Children ‘My Life’ Art Day Wednesday 29th May 2019

The families and Children team are holding an Art day on the 29th May 2019, open to children of all ages from toddlers up. The event will be held In the Parish Centre, and it will be free to participate.

11am – 12pm and 2pm – 3pm: Artwork sessions Come and get creative and complete a picture about 'My Life' – e.g. family member portraits, self-portraits, home, pets, holidays, favourite things etc. There will be several art stations for working in different media and styles – so something for all ages!

Children must be accompanied by an adult. Do bring photos along with you that you might like to use as a basis for your art work.

6.30pm – 8pm: Exhibition of the artwork Please try to come and support our budding artists. Refreshments available.

If you think you would like to help host the event, please speak to Cara Parker ([email protected])




Father God, we pray that you would give to all people the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, in order that everyone may come to know you better.

And we pray too that the eyes of our hearts might be opened so that we are able to embrace the hope and the heavenly inheritance that you have won for us through the death of your Son Jesus.

We thank you for the supernatural power of your Spirit, the same power that raised your Son back to life, and who is working in us day by day, helping us to live our lives in His great strength and to your greater glory.


(Based on Ephesians 1:17-20)



April Theme Time Service 7th Foundation Pt5 – 8am Holy Communion Presenting Christ 9am Holy Communion Lent 5 10.30am Holy Communion

14th Palm Sunday 8am Holy Communion Hoy Week 9am Morning Worship 10.30am All Age Worship

21st Easter Day 8am Holy Communion 9am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion

28th Easter 2 8am Holy Communion 9am Morning Worship 10.30am Morning Worship

Coffee at Holy Trinity after the 9am and 10:30am services

Choir and Music Group provide our service music at Holy Trinity. To join the Choir please contact the choir director.

A supervised Crèche is available every week during the 10:30am service at Holy Trinity (except for school holidays) and it is located in the Cloister Hall. Toys are available in the Yew Tree Room, if parents prefer, where there is a speaker to relay the service.



April Theme Time Service 7th Foundation Pt5 – 11am SundayOne Presenting Christ Lent 5 14th Palm Sunday 11am Holy Communion Hoy Week 21st Easter Day 11am Café Church 28th Easter 2 11am Holy Communion

Coffee at St Michael’s after the 11am service ADDITIONAL EASTER SERVICES

April Theme Time Service 18th April Maundy Thursday 8pm At St Michaels 19th April Rood Friday – 2pm At Holy Trinity Reflections

Daily Services – Morning Prayer daily at 9am until 9:30am in the Yew Tree Room. All are welcome – join us when you can. Enter through the Parish Centre.

Wednesday Services – Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, 1st and last Wednesday as common worship, others are Book of Common Prayer.

Visiting Services Rosedale Court: 3pm – 3rd Tuesday Great Wheatley: 2pm – 4th Wednesday Sweyne Court: 3pm – 4th Wednesday


Licensing and Installation of Tracy Marlow as Team Vicar

On 21st February at St Michael’s Rev Tracy Marlow was licensed and installed as the new team vicar of the Parish of Rayleigh.

The church was full, and the congregation included members of Tracy’s family as well as representatives from the local community; it was lovely welcoming Tracy’s family. The Bible reading was from John chapter 1, following which the , John Perumbalath, gave an uplifting sermon.

The service was replete with a number of symbolic elements, including members of the church presenting Tracy with key symbols of her new ministry in our parish; Bishop John anointing Tracy with the oil of Chrism; and Archdeacon installing Tracy in her church ‘stall’.

There was a tangible sense of God’s Holy Spirit among us throughout the evening. Immediately following the service everyone enjoyed warm fellowship and refreshments in St Michael’s Annex, where we were all able to congratulate Tracy.

I am sure that you will want to join my fellow churchwarden Jacky and me in wishing Tracy every blessing in her new ministry among us.

Wayne Prankard


Alison Ball: News from “Up North”

By the time you read this I will be settling into a new job and a new house. I have very much felt God’s timing since I left St. Michael’s in November. I have been staying with friends and family and I have caught up with a wide range of people all over the country!

I have been up to Northumberland about three times and finally decided on a new build house in Rothbury, with a view of Cragside from the sitting room window. It wasn’t what I was thinking of but nothing else was suitable and this house gave me a ‘warm feeling’ as I looked around. It is also larger than I expected but I am sure I will easily fill it – especially as you aren’t allowed to put anything in the loft in a new build these days.

The next thing was work and I was successful in applying for a job working for English Heritage. I will be mainly based at Belsay Hall castle and gardens, but I will also find myself working at other local properties. This is a part-time job and does include weekend and bank holiday work but only between 8-16 hours a week from April to October.

Next on my list is a church, and Rothbury has a Parish church, a URC and a catholic church which seem to work together: they do a joint Messy church, joint Bible study and some joint services. I am looking forward to meeting the local Christian community. God has certainly provided for me.

Much love to you all,

Alison Ball


The Railway Sermon: A Comic Sermon by Clive Lewis as preached to the parishioners of Sodor Island, home of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends

‘As vicar of St Thomas and All Coaches, with its daughter churches of St Annie and St Clarabel, I find it somewhat strange to be criticised for using a former Great Western booking office for my pulpit and an 0-6-0 shunting engine to bring the offertory to the front during regular services. In this matter I merely follow the example of the prophet Isaiah who declared in his great vision:

I saw the Lord seated on his throne, high and exalted, and his train filled the temple.

I have to acknowledge that sometimes my Sunday services do run rather late, but I have to ask: would you wish to change these for a bus replacement service? I do not think so! The fact is that, as I leave the vicarage engine shed each week for my weekly sermon, I have many points to go through, and sometimes I forget to change the points and become stuck on one particular line of argument. In my desire for long, well-engineered sermons, I have added a number of sleepers to my congregation. And I also must

20 acknowledge that, in our last Palm Sunday worship, the wrong sort of palm leaves brought the whole service to a standstill.

Now, I have no wish to use my pulpit as a platform for signalling my displeasure, but I must ask members of the PCC to know their station and realise where they should get off. I am not, as is well known, a supporter of the HSL2 (High Speed Liturgy Two) but, on the other hand (or track, I should say), I have no desire to listen to the huffing and puffing of the old buffers in the sidings – I mean the side aisles.

However, there is room in my congregation for all types of travellers. Some of us are inter-city express trains, rarely stopping to greet people because of the many tasks to be completed. Some of us are commuter coaches, overworked, old-fashioned but strangely predictable. Some are donkey engines, being shunted around by everyone else. Then (praise the Lord), there are those moved by overhead power lines, direct from the great Electrifier. Let me state this clearly: we do all need each other – otherwise the Network cannot operate efficiently.

But please make sure you have the right ticket for your journey on the Gospel train. Indeed, make sure you have not boarded ticket-less! For what will you do when God’s inspectors (I mean the clergy) seek out the fare dodgers? Believe me, there will be no hiding in the loo.

Whatever type of locomotive you may be, one thing is certain. The time will come when our clanking pistons and connecting rods will clank no more; our smoke boxes will no longer send out their sooty incense; our bogies will come loose; and we shall make our last, slow journey to the great Terminus above, where the Infinite Controller will blow his final whistle, lower his green flag and whisper to us, as we pass, Well done, you good and useful engine.


Easter crossword



5 How many books in the Old Testament? (10)

7 How many days is Lent? (6)

8 In what book of the Bible would you find stories of Abraham? (7)

9 Jesus died on this. (4)

12 Who did Jesus first appear to? (13)

14 How many books in the Bible? (8)


1 How many days did Jesus stay after rising from the dead? (6)

2 How many times did Jesus appear on Easter Sunday? (4)

3 Jesus died on the cross for our ______. (4)

4 Who was the first disciple to see Jesus after he rose from the dead? (5)

6 How many books in the New Testament? (11)

10 Mary thought Jesus was a ______. (8)

11 What are the first five books of the Bible called? (3)

13 People often give up something for this time period. (4)



Rayleigh and Timebank

Timebanking is volunteering with a twist! It’s a project which supports and encourages people to help each other and a great way to be part of your community by offering some of your spare time and skills to others. You can also ask for some help yourself. In turn, you may be able to offer someone else some help, perhaps becoming a telephone buddy to a housebound person. Let’s help build a community where everyone is respected and regarded as an asset! Please contact us if you would like more information:

Sandra Marsden or Julie Wilson

Rayleigh & Rochford Timebank Telephone: 01245 250731 Email: [email protected]

A Message from R.C.C.R.G. (Rayleigh Combined Churches Refugee Group)

You are invited to take Coffee or tea and hot cross buns with R.C.C.R.G.

Date: Thursday 11th April Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm Venue: Christ church, Caley hall, crown hill, Rayleigh



For more information please check out our Facebook page or contact the Parish Office on 01268 74215


Crossword answers…





Electoral Roll: Wayne Prankard


HT Young Church Contact the Parish Office Talk & Tots Contact the Parish Office Teds ‘n Tots Deborah Prankard Mother’s Union Contact the Parish Office Friends of Holy Trinity Contact the Parish Office

CAMEO Sylvia Bentley (Sec) Hazel Jones (Sec)

Christian Listeners Contact the Parish Office Home Groups Co-ordinator Chris Griffiths Parish Centre Bookings Contact the Parish Office St Michael’s Church Bookings Contact the Parish Office Bell Ringers Penny Drayson [email protected] call or email via the Parish Office

01268 742151 [email protected] Organists & Choir Director of Music Warren Symes Assistant Organist Joseph Zammit Organist (St Michael’s) Alan Tillett

Uniformed Groups Beavers, Cubs & Scouts (HT) Trevor Izod Beavers, Cubs & Scouts (StM) Kyla Tosh [email protected] call or email via the Parish Office Rainbows, Brownies Clare01268 Griffin 742151 - [email protected] & Guides (HT) Brownies StM) Donna Horton

Parish Magazine Ellen Morris and Sarah Hall [email protected] To advertise in the magazine contact the Parish Office

Parish Office Email [email protected]


Psalm 54

1 Save me, O God, by your name; vindicate me by your might.

2 Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth.

3 Arrogant foes are attacking me; ruthless people are trying to kill me— people without regard for God.[c]

4 Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.

5 Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them.

6 I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, Lord, for it is good.

7 You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.

Photo by John Tyson