Development Management Officer Report Committee Application

Summary Committee Meeting Date: 11 September 2018 Application ID: LA04/2018/1216/F Proposal: Location: Amalgamation of units E and F, creation of Units E-F Westwood Shopping Centre 51 new mezzanine floor, minor elevational Kennedy Way BT11 9BQ changes and change of use from comparison retail (Class A1) to an indoor trampoline park (Sui Generis) including trampoline play area, party areas and ancillary facilities.

Referral Route: Major Development (floorspace over 1000 sqm outside town centre) Recommendation: Approval Applicant Name and Address: Agent Name and Address: Johncorp (No.3) Limited Turley Rushmore House Hamilton House 46 Cadogan Park 3 Joy Street Belfast Belfast BT9 6HH BT2 8LE

Executive Summary: The application seeks full planning permission for the amalgamation of units E and F, minor elevational changes and change of use from comparison retail (Class A1) to an indoor trampoline park (Sui Generis) including trampoline play area, party areas and ancillary facilities

The key issues are: - Principle of amalgamation of Units E and F and change of use - Economic benefit - Design - Access, Movement, Parking and Transportation - Contaminated land

The site is located within the Westwood Centre off Kennedy Way. The application relates to two adjacent vacant retail stores.

The proposal has been assessed against and is considered to comply with the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for (SPPS), Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001 (BUAP), Draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015 (BMAP) and Planning Policy Statement (PPS3).

All statutory consultees have raised no issues of concern.

Accordingly, it is recommended that the proposal is approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and it is requested that committee delegate authority to finalise wording of conditions. Application ID: LA04/2018/1216/F

Case Officer Report Site Location Plan

Representations: Letters of Support None Received Letters of Objection None Received Number of Support Petitions and No Petitions Received signatures Number of Petitions of Objection and No Petitions Received signatures Characteristics of the Site and Area

1.0 Description of Proposed Development Amalgamation of units E and F, creation of new mezzanine floor, minor elevational changes and change of use from comparison retail (Class A1) to an indoor trampoline park (Sui Generis) including trampoline play area, party areas and ancillary facilities

2.0 Description of Site The site is located within the Westwood Centre off Kennedy Way. The application relates to two existing retail stores, units E and F, which are in the middle of a row. There is car parking to the front and access for service vehicles to the rear. The site is mostly level. The boundaries are defined by paladin fencing. The site is adjacent to other retail uses, including Asda and B and M Bargains, as well as an Ulster Bank and McDonalds.

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Planning Assessment of Policy and Other Material Considerations

3.0 Site History There is extensive planning history which relates to the Westwood Centre however the planning history listed below is the most recent: Z/1989/2443/F – Shopping centre and associated car parking –Approved – 02/09/89 Z/2009/1692/LDP - Internal alterations to facilitate the erection of a mezzanine floor within the existing supermarket premises - Permitted – 19/01/10 Z/2011/1494/F - Proposed extension and alterations to existing Westwood Centre to provide new car parking, new retail and ancillary storage incorporating a 35,000 ft sq food store - Approved – 26/11/12 LA04/2017/1403/F – Application for the change of use to Unit G at the Westwood Shopping Centre from non-convenience goods sales to a Bank (classA2) with the provision of ATM and night safe to the front elevation - Approved – 25/07/17 LA04/2017/1399/F - Variation of condition 2 (gross floorspace restriction) of planning permission Z/2011/1494 (Proposed extension and alterations to existing Westwood Centre to provide new car parking, new retail and ancillary storage incorporating a 35,000 ft. sq. food store) to allow for the reconfiguration of Units F and G and an increase in the gross floorspace of Unit F – Approval – 17/08/17 LA04/2018/0732/F - Amalgamation of existing ASDA and adjacent retail unit to facilitate extension to existing supermarket; external alterations and improvements – Approved – 09/08/18 LA04/2018/0968/F - Application under Section 54 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 in respect to planning permission LA04/2017/1399/F for the variation of conditions 2, 3 and 4 to allow for the reallocation of approved convenience and comparison floorspace between Unit 11 and Unit H – Approved – 09/08/18

4.0 Policy Framework 4.1 (Draft) Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) 2015 and Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001 (BUAP) 4.1.1 Westwood Centre District Centre: BT 010/5 4.1.2 Rapid Transit Route 4.2 Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) 4.2.1 Good Design paras.15-19 4.2.2 Town Centres and Retailing paras. 6.272 - 6.283 4.3 Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 3: Access, Movement and Parking 4.3.1 Policy AMP 1: Creating an Accessible Environment 4.3.2 Policy AMP 7: Car Parking and Servicing Arrangements

5.0 Statutory Consultees Responses 5.1 DRD Transport NI - No objection 5.2 NI Water – No objection

6.0 Non Statutory Consultees Responses 6.1 (BCC) Environmental Health - No objection subject to condition

7.0 Representations 7.1 The application has been neighbour notified and advertised in the local press. No comments have been received.

8.0 Other Material Considerations 8.1 Parking Standards

9.0 Assessment 9.1 Following the recent Court of Appeal decision relating to BMAP, the extant development plan is now the Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001. However, given the stage at which the Draft BMAP

Page 3 of 12 Application ID: LA04/2018/1216/F had reached pre-adoption through a period of independent examination, the policies within the Draft BMAP still carry weight and are a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The weight to be afforded is a matter of judgement for the decision maker. The site is located inside the development limits of Belfast as shown in the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015, and the Westwood Centre District Centre. The site is also located adjacent to a Rapid Transit Route. Within BUAP however the site is located on unzoned land.

9.2 The proposed development will amalgamate units E and F whilst changing their use also, from retail to sui generis. A mezzanine floor will also be created with minor elevational changes.

9.3 The key issues are: - Principle of amalgamation of Units E and F and change of use - Economic benefit - Design - Access, Movement, Parking and Transportation - Contaminated land

9.4 Z/1989/2443/F with the exception of the 5 year time limit for development was not subject to any planning conditions. This granted permission for the Westwood Centre itself. Units E and F were built following the approval of Z/2011/1494/F.

Principle of amalgamation of Units E and F 9.5 Unit E currently displays a retail area of 650 sqm on the ground floor and 383 sqm of mezzanine space. Unit F whereas displays a retail area of 866 sqm and a mezzanine space of 133 sqm. The amalgamation will not create any additional floorspace overall. The new mezzanine will remain the same overall floorspace but will be a reconfigured design to allow for the amalgamation.

9.6 Paras 6.272 - 6.283 of the SPPS provides the context for Town Centres and Retailing. Part 9 regulation 32 and associated Schedule of The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 states: ‘during the transitional period a departmental development plan shall operate as the local development plan for the area for which it is made and shall be treated for the purposes of the 2011 Act and any other enactment relating to planning as being the local development plan for the area’.

9.7 BUAP is considered the extant plan and the site is on unzoned land, however given the advanced status of the draft BMAP purported to be adopted and the site’s location within a District Centre on BMAP should be given appropriate weight in the assessment of the proposal. The SPPS states that in the absence of an up to date LDP, as is the case, the sequential test for proposed main town centre uses will apply. However having said this the proposal is for a use not normally found in town centres and therefore there would be no economic or geographical rationale to seek an alternative location within the town centre, and hence no sequential test is required.

9.8 The site is located within a draft District Centre. District Centres fulfil an important retail role in providing customers with convenience and choice in locations outside city and town centres. They coexist with city and town centres and fulfil a role which is complimentary to the role of the city and town centres. The SPPS notes that existing district and local centres should be retained and consolidated as a focus for local everyday shopping. As stated previously the proposed use is not considered that of a town centre use and should approval be granted it will not have an adverse impact on the distinctive role of the city centre as the leading regional shopping centre. Therefore the proposal complies with Belfast City Council's objectives and policies for retailing and town centres, in that there will be no adverse impact on the viability of the town centre with the loss of this existing retail space.

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Economic benefit 9.9 The proposed development will bring two vacant units into use which will in turn create jobs and investment, with of course a number of short term construction jobs. The proposal will therefore contribute to the economy.

Design 9.10 There are two doors to the front of Unit F as existing however it is proposed to close one of these off, and have a total of three doors to the front instead of four (as is currently existing on Units F and E). This external change is considered minor and there will be no detrimental visual impact caused by the development. The proposal is not contrary to the principles of good design in the SPPS, in that the development is obviously compatible with its surroundings.

Access, Movement, Parking and Transportation 9.11 The existing access and parking arrangements will remain unchanged. The scale of development and transport implications of the proposal were assessed by DFI Roads and they consider them to be acceptable. They stated no objections in their consultation response dated 20/08/16. Therefore the proposal complies with Policies AMP 1 and 7 of PPS 3 and Parking Standards.

Contaminated Land 9.12 BCC Environmental Health noted the site is located on land that was previously used as a scrap yard and therefore a land type that has the potential to contaminate land and pose a risk to human health. Due to the nature of the proposal however a contaminated land assessment is not required. BCC Environmental Health responded to consultation with no objection subject to condition restricting the use of hot plates, fryers or grills, however this is not considered necessary to make the proposal acceptable since the site is not within the vicinity of any residential properties.

10.0 Conclusion 10.1 Having regard to the policy context, the proposal is considered acceptable and planning permission is recommended subject to conditions. The proposed amalgamation and addition of a mezzanine floor will bring vacant units into use which will in turn create jobs and investment. Should members agree with the recommendation to approve, delegated authority is requested for the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalize the wording of conditions. Neighbour Notification Checked: Yes


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.

Reason: As required by Section 61 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

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Date Valid 29th March 2018

Date First Advertised 25th May 2018

Date Last Advertised

Details of Neighbour Notification (all addresses) The Owner/Occupier, 14 Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AJ, The Owner/Occupier, 14a ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 16a ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, 2 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 27 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 29 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 3 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, 31 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 33 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 34 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 35 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 36 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 37 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 38 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 39 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 41 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 43 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 45 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AF, The Owner/Occupier, 47 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP,

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The Owner/Occupier, 5,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, 5-8a Dc Enterprise Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, 6,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, A & J Rogers,Unit 11 ,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BL, The Owner/Occupier, Advertising Site,N50 ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Aisling Productions,3,3 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Amusement Sales & Service,Unit 19a,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Asda Stores Ltd,Unit 1,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Asda Stores Ltd,Unit H,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, B & M,Unit A,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Baltor Systems Ltd,Kennedy Enterprise Centre,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Baltor Systems Ltd,Unit 19b,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Bass Ireland Ltd,Unit 14,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Brookfield Designs,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Carpetworld (N I) Ltd,Unit 7,D C Silencers Complex,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Carpetworld Ltd,Unit 7,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Carpetworld Ltd,Unit 17-18,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Carpetworld Ltd,Unit 6/7,D C Silencers Complex,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Combiflow (N I) Ltd,Unit 18,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT,

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The Owner/Occupier, Computing Advisory Services,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, D & D Joinery,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, D + D Joinery,Unit 6,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, D C Exhaust,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, D Sturdy P Turkington,35,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, D Watson TRoomplan,Unit 18,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, David Mclarnon,19a ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Dc Upholstery,Unit 11,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Delap & Waller,Unit 25,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Delap & Waller,West Belfast Enterprise Centre,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Edward Manning,4,4-5 ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Engineering Equipment Co (N I) Ltd,Unit 17,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Fern Computer Services Ltd,24,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, First Stone,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Glenand Youth Training,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Glendale Carpets,19 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Grove Services Group,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Hand Fuels,Unit 16,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Harry Corry Ltd,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Heath Micro-Graphics,Factory 7,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier,

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Hi-Q Modern Tyres,Tyre Depot,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Homefit,30 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Information & Imaging Systems,1c ,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, J & S Tyres,Unit 4,48 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, J.L. Ornamental Castings,12,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Jesroe Ltd,45 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Jim Devine,Unit 24,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, John H Place (Steels) Ltd.,Unit 10,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, John Mccandless,Unit 5,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Lidl Uk Gmbh,14 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AJ, The Owner/Occupier, Lidl,14 Andersonstown Road,Andersonstown,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AJ, The Owner/Occupier, M C Heath Micrographics,Unit 7,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Mcdonalds Restaurant Ltd,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Mr Joseph Strong,6 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Northern Ireland Pub Company,Unit 7b,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Office,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Patrick Collins & Co,Unit 8,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Pumps & Fuel Installations Ltd,Unit 18,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Rent Tel,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Room Plan,Unit 2,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Safeway Stores Plc,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Sarah Mcstravick,Unit 22,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ,

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The Owner/Occupier, Sarah Passi,36,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Speedline Garage Ltd,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Standard Direct,Unit 1a,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Sunstone Jewellers,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Tasty Oriental Cuisine,40 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, The Cookie Box,Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, The Hopkins Partnership,50 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, The Hopkins Partnership,50 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, The Irish Linen Shirt Co,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Tiles With Style,32 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Tom Best,1,6a ,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 10,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 11,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 12,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 12,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 14,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 14,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 15,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 15,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 15a,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 16,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 16/17/18,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 17,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier,

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Unit 19,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 2,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 20,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 21,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 22,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 23,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 24,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 25,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 26,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 27,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 28,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 29,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 3,2 Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 3,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 39,2 Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 4,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 5,Blackstaff Road,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 5/6,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 6,48 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 6,5 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 7,48 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 7,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 8,48 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9AP, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 8,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit 9,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier,

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Unit B,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit C,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit D,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit E,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit F,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Unit G,Westwood Shopping Centre,51 Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, West Belfast Enterprise,Unit 5 ,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT, The Owner/Occupier, Westwood Shopping Centre,Kennedy Way,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9BQ, The Owner/Occupier, Worknet Training Division,Blackstaff Road,Kennedy Way Industrial Estate,Belfast,Antrim,BT11 9DT,

Date of Last Neighbour Notification 6th June 2018

Date of EIA Determination N/A ES Requested No

Notification to Department (if relevant)

Date of Notification to Department: N/A Response of Department: N/A

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