Art Weekend nline ortfolio eview O P R 2020 presented by Aarhus Billedkunstcenter / Aarhus Center for Visual Art

Luna Lund Jensen Instagram: @lunalundjensen

Luna Lund Jensen (b. 1992) lives and works in Aarhus, and graduated from Jutland Art Academy in 2020. She works with creating fabulations and rethinking already existing narrative structures. Her works explore these narratives in previous works through themes such as human/animal relationships in 2d drawn animated video, application of human or- gans to lab mice in small scale sculpture, turning female demons from Japanese Noh theatre into vengeful protagonists in a filmed opera play, exploring the materiality and mythology of water by pouring water out of simulated antique vases in video, and the act of storytelling itself, through exploring oral storytelling practices in Nordic folk tales as well as text works. Throughout these works, Jensen suggests the use of storytelling as a tool for thinking. Jeg er en kniv i din strube, jeg er sværdet ved din side, jeg er tænderne omkring dig 08.05.–13.05.2020 at Multi-screen video and sound installation Link to video: (password: foxy)

In the video work I am a knife in your throat, I am the sword by your side, I am the teeth around you (2020) Luna Lund Jensen’s drawn animations appear in small passages of detached action on an empty, white background. The animations are drawn over found video material and show foxes in- teracting with humans. They are accompanied by a medieval-sounding piece of music with song. The song presents us with a fox’s perspective on a situation that alternates between luring and being lured, between desire and the desire to use violence.

In her work with videos and music, Lund Jensen explores folk tales from Asia and Europe about foxes that transform into humans in order to gain power and vitality. As small poetic statements, her song and video stages the human desire to personalize nature. Whether it is about imagining foxes, whose greatest desire is to become human or just the notion that a human can be friends with a fox.

Someday, maybe one day in the future a patient will come into the intensive care unit with a serious infection and will be given a treatment to transiently render the patient to be more like a mouse 31.01.-02.02. 2020 at Jutland Art Academy Sculpture, colored gelatin

In the work Luna Lund Jensen shows a gelatin cast modeled after the Vacanti mouse, an experiment where scientist Charles Vacanti created and transplanted an artificial human ear under the skin of a lab mouse. The sculpture is made in gelatin, a material originated from bones and skin of a cow or pig and used to thicken foods, pointing back towards the materials of the original Vacanti mouse, the cartilage of the ear and the skin of the mouse. The title refers to a quote from a TED talk by doctor and professor H. Shaw Warren talking about using lab mice as a testing unit for humans.

My current grudge is the revenge for your disservice 12.05.-12.06. 2019 at Oraum, RUM9 ( Screening of the work in the artist’s backyard 10.05. 2019 Video Link to video: (password: MCG)

In the work Luna Lund Jensen stages an opera play based on characters and narratives from the stylized Japanese theatre form Noh. The play centers around three characters and two singing voices. Each character wears a ceramic mask providing the actor with a significant archetype; the virtuous woman, the demonic woman and the righteous man. Two of the actors play the same person, separated into two masks, but who’s voice is the same. The actors play out their characters’ actions and lines through opera while placed in a modern, domestic scene.


Luna Lund Jensen [email protected]

Education: 2015-2020: Jutland Art Academy 2014: VERA School for art and design 2012-2013: Kunsthøjskolen på Ærø

Solo shows: 2019: My Current Grudge is the Revenge for your Disservice, Oraum, Aarhus, Denmark

Group shows: 2020: 2020, Graduation show of Jutland Art Academy, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark 2018: Parliament of Owls, Murder of Crows, bachelor show of Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus City Hall, Aarhus, Denmark 2017: Dyrepolitik, Art Weekend Aarhus 2017, Splab, Aarhus, Denmarjk A4 B4 Closing, Tonenton, Copenhagen, Denmark 2016: Klumpglomerate, Aarhus Art Weekend 2016, Splab, Aarhus, Denmark Curatorial Tongues, Tonenton, Copenhagen, Denmark