CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1454 HON
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E1454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2019 enthusiasm that could affect anyone who Turkey, where increasingly authoritarian lead- Representative Holland served in the State heard his lectures or commentary. ers are undermining democracy and the rule House of Representatives for 36 years and Among the many awards he earned over his of law. We owe it to President Wałe¸sa and all proudly represented Mississippi’s 16th district. career were three commendations from the the others who continue to fight for democracy During his extensive career, Representative Virginia General Assembly, the Virginia Press in the region to show our support. Holland served on many committees, includ- Association’s 2004 Virginian of the Year, the I want to close by thanking President ing: the Committee on Public Health and Best NonFiction Book Award by the Library of Wałe¸sa for everything he has done in support Human Services, Appropriations, Congres- Virginia in 1997, and the Outstanding Pro- of freedom and democracy, and for visiting sional Redistricting, Gaming, Judiciary A, Judi- fessor Award of the Virginia Council for Higher with us today. And I want to urge everyone ciary En Banc, Budget, Legislative Reappor- Education. In turn, Dr. Robertson strongly sup- that we can best honor President Wałe¸sa’s tionment, Medicaid, Local and Private Legisla- ported Virginia Tech financially and through legacy by continuing the fight against tion, Tourism, Transportation, Fees and Sala- the donation of a large portion of his enor- authoritarianism wherever we may find it. ries of Public Officers, Ways and Means, and mous collection of Civil War books. f Youth and Family Affairs. After his retirement from Virginia Tech, Dr. Representative Holland is a true Mississip- Robertson resided in Virginia’s Northern Neck. IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE, pian who prioritized legislation that would cre- He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth ‘‘Betty LEGACY, AND SERVICE OF ate a brighter future for Mississippi. I thank Lee’’ Robertson; his sons, James I. Robertson JAMES DUNCAN him for his service, and I hope he enjoys his III and Howard Robertson; his daughter, Beth well-deserved retirement. Brown; his stepson, William W. Lee Jr.; his HON. MIKE GALLAGHER f stepdaughter, Elizabeth A. Lee; seven grand- OF WISCONSIN HONORING OFFICER JONATHAN children; and four great-grandchildren. I would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to express my condolences to them and to DIAZ Friday, November 15, 2019 the Virginia Tech community on the loss of this fine scholar and gentleman. Mr. GALLAGHER. Madam Speaker, today I HON. TJ COX f rise in honor of the life, legacy, and service of OF CALIFORNIA James Duncan of Appleton, Wisconsin. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 30 YEARS AFTER THE FALL OF Jim was born on June 28, 1947 to Rodney THE BERLIN WALL: HONORING and Bertha Duncan in Appleton, WI. He at- Friday, November 15, 2019 HIS EXCELLENCY LECH WAŁE¸ SA, tended Menasha High School and graduated Mr. COX of California. Madam Speaker, I THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF PO- in the Class of 1965. Jim then served in the rise today in honor of Officer Jonathan Diaz, LAND U.S. Army in Korea during the Vietnam War of the Lemoore Police Department who as a medic. Upon returning home from serv- passed away on November 2nd at the age of HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL ice, Jim was employed as the fourth ever 31, while intervening in a domestic violence in- OF NEW YORK paramedic in the state of Wisconsin through cident while off duty. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gold Cross Ambulance where he aided the Officer Diaz began his law enforcement ca- community for 30 years. reer in his hometown of Huron, CA in 2014 as Friday, November 15, 2019 Jim continued to serve his community from a Reserve Police Officer and in 2015 was cho- Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, it is my great 1998 to 2019, holding various leadership posi- sen as Officer of the Year. pleasure to be here today to help welcome tions on the Outagamie County Board. He uti- He was hired by Lemoore PD in August of back to Washington a true hero of democracy, lized his extensive background as an Army 2016 and was an asset to the community from former President Lech Wałe¸sa. medic and an emergency responder during his the day he joined. Thirty years ago, we all watched with sur- time on the Public Safety Committee. Jim was Officer Diaz received many commendations prise and jubilation at the fall of the Berlin an advocate for rehabilitation and a supporter during his time with the force, including being Wall, for decades the symbol of repression of jail diversion programs, like drug treatment selected to be the Recruit Training Officer for and tyranny that had fallen over the states be- court and veterans treatment court. Tulare-Kings Counties Basic Police Academy, hind the Iron Curtain. As it happens, that was In addition to his service on the County Field Training Officer for his department, being my first year as a member of Congress. What Board, Jim was actively involved with several appointed as the Gang Investigator for the followed the fall of the wall was the collapse organizations throughout the Fox Valley. He Kings County Major Crimes Task Force, and of the totalitarian regimes and the restoration assisted in fundraising, event planning, and in September 2018 was awarded Lemoore of those countries to their place among the medical care for the Special Olympics, was a PD’s Public Safety Officer of the year. world’s democracies. This was an incredibly foster father for over 15 years, and volun- In addition to keeping our community safe, momentous occasion, we in Congress under- teered with the food pantry through Fox Valley Officer Diaz mentored at-risk youth in stand that. Christian Fellowship. Lemoore through the Youth Adult Awareness In November of 1989, a humble electrician Jim was a true altruist who was tireless and Program. from the working-class Polish city of Gdansk tenacious in his efforts to help others. He al- Officer Diaz leaves behind his girlfriend, Vic- spoke before a joint session of the United ways went the extra mile to serve when others toria Gonzalez and their IO-month-old daugh- States Congress. I remember it well. He de- around him would not. His goal was not to ter, Stephanie, along with sons Jonathan Jr., scribed his years-long struggle for freedom surpass all others at any cost, but to serve Damian, his parents Juan Sr. and Blanca Diaz and asked for support from the United States. others whatever the cost. Jim’s leadership will and three younger brothers. That man, of course, was soon-to-be Presi- be missed by all. f dent Wałe¸sa. Madam Speaker, it is truly an honor to rec- More than anyone else, President Wałe¸sa ognize Jim’s selfless service to our country. IN RECOGNITION OF BOULEVARD helped us understand the heroic and honor- His love of country and service to the Fox Val- BREWING COMPANY’S THIRTIETH able fight that the people of Poland and others ley community will always be remembered. I ANNIVERSARY throughout central and eastern Europe were offer my sincerest condolences to Jim’s family. waging to win their freedom over dictatorship. f HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER We understood that the people of Europe OF MISSOURI RECOGNIZING REPRESENTATIVE needed our help in this struggle for freedom. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And U.S. support was indeed critical in helping STEVE HOLLAND those countries transition to democracy. Friday, November 15, 2019 Thirty years later, some of those countries HON. TRENT KELLY Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I proudly need our help again. While the specter of OF MISSISSIPPI rise today to recognize and celebrate the thir- communism has faded, many countries in cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tieth anniversary of Kansas City’s own Boule- tral and eastern Europe face renewed threats vard Brewing Company. Born from one man’s to democracy. Today at a hearing of the Euro- Friday, November 15, 2019 dream to put Kansas City back on the map for pean subcommittee, President Wałe¸sa and Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, brewing, Boulevard Brewing Company has be- other experts described some of these new I rise today to recognize former Mississippi come an iconic and beloved institution by threats, in countries like Poland, Hungary, and State House Representative, Steve Holland. locals and tourists alike. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:07 Nov 16, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.015 E15NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS November 15, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1455 In the summer of 1984, while on vacation in Moortgat USA. Krum has been with Boulevard Claudette’s heroic story was nearly forgotten Europe, John McDonald, founder of Boulevard since its founding and is committed to taking by history. The story of Claudette illustrates Brewing Company, discovered his love and in- the brewery even further. Krum has also been how the role of women in the Civil Rights trigue for Belgian beers. It was this curiosity an active contributor to our Kansas City com- movement has been largely overlooked. Her and interest, coupled with the opportunity to munity in other ways, founding Ripple Glass, actions led to monumental progress in our na- address a gap in the market that fueled which created a local and regional glass recy- tion’s history. Not only that, her heroic actions McDonald’s dream. Kansas City was once cling solution, and serving on the board on di- led to the rise of other great African Ameri- home to more than a dozen breweries, pro- rectors of the Kansas City Streetcar Authority, cans.