CO tUMTKR WATCHMAN*, KvtabtUb^d April, 1SS.. "Ro JoK and Fear not.Het all the ends thy Country's. Thy God's aad Troth**.'* XMJG ' Elte TRUE SOCTDROX jtbUVhed Jun *. Ti* 'Consolidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER, C, Wi4D| ar, OCTOBER 4, 1S16. Vol.'/'HI. No. 14. mm Ml Bit HEGRO (UiW HÄNG IUES. We are this week mailing 1 all subscribers whose TWELVE fcl.WIlt Or l»OLICFMAX ALs- subscrlpth na arc not paid il F This is LUf/i! DENIS. TWO PltlSONFUS LYNCHED IN really not neces- o- ¦BOOKt SHOT TO sary, or s lould not be nee< SOUTH CAROLINA Dl'.ATIl. NOWATA liV MOB. hc address la hoi on each COMMISSION llUtf , - extremely ipatient with subscribers tion.Leave for New Orleans. sottthern Congressmen. who uro i:i arrears and have Hsnnetlsvllle, Sept. 29.--Henry N,owata, Okla.. Sept. 29..Two ne- Pquite a number of them on tho our book! since the '; Lewis, who shut und killed ;»>es accused of complicity In the fall of jfinancial conditions ut that Atlanta, Ca., Scot. 80..Gov. Man¬ Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. I..Henry negrp thne been Aural Policeman E. J. Alsbrooks a l tiling: of Deputy Sheriff James Gib* having such that ci -were demoralized and we ning and other members of the boll X. Pope, president of the Farmers' few days n;;o. died in the hero |md for it jull sun, during a .i. il delivery htro todft/, very nany requests pit, bui it is impossible to weevil eOmmi: .-ion readied Atlanta Union State Presidents' association, ttus afternoon as tho result of svounis continue sending the paper t( were taken from jail here tonight and Itoho cannot or will not pay, at 0 o'clock tonight and left 20 min¬ has submitted to all Southern mem- Inr.ietrd wld'.Q srirost this and those who do not resisting lynched In front of the court house. respond^] |By to the statements sent out utes later for New Orleans. Other bers of oongreni the suggnstlon that nor. » u. Sheriff FuUeraon received will be dropped from the 'ess A fit$t attempt to lynch one of the Jfcst. Without further notice. members of the party are: B. li. com ft* or empower 'he federal Word Us that Lew!» was In We will do this with reserve night Ptgiaei in a church yard immediate¬ velvet ^conditions are now such in Itawl, chief of the division, board to fix a minimum loan the connly and lmmcdlet< summon the business that dairy \f ly alter their capture was frustrated publishing iossihje to do business at ail. United States department of agricul¬ price of 12 cents per pound on coi- ed n poeso to arrest him. For a timo except on a cash basis. WitJ ton for all if the Rev. Perry K, Pierce, who ^ast eighteen months the ture; Dr. \V. D. Hunter, expert on crops. A large majority he eluded the oflkors, although .< was 'cost of pu 'limbing rt ncwspapsH Of the pl -adcu mob until tho sus- tnereased .steadily week by held crop pests; J. A. Evans« ass.stunt replies from senators and rep- a the section wltl^the tho rock bottom In general way ptnded negro was cut down, uncon- week, until jtting out this paper is now in charge Of the United States farm resentatives favor the plan and Mr. of the county he was In. The blood- fully sevc.Uy-live per cent, j -ous, hut alive. The mob dispersed, |t*|han it was a year and a- I demonstration work in the South; Pope stated today that he would call houru.i Her« thought here from Co- rcfoin.ed half ago. On tho itot fcrhlte a special of later, and made short work sinnlp i paper alone the cost to- Senator Alan Johnstone, chairman Of meeting his association lnml»»a rurly this an ' nddl- day is mo e than I'lo in morning pi both ne|croe8. per cent re what it was a year and a- I-the board of trustees of Clemson col¬ New Oilcans at an early date to tyOTMfl Information was received by Kvents culminating In tho double half ago .ind other materials^ expenses have ad- lege; Dr. W. M. giVS it linal consideration and work the sheriff IjlU'ecessary Rlggs, president of and the oUleers in pursuit ] lynching moved with dramatic swift¬ vunccd almost as much. Ch mson college; \v. \v. Long; director out the details. of the ne /ro'M whei on eabouts, and he ness. Three negro prisoners escaped The loss pkpers sent to Ibers who do not pay is too Of the Clemson college farm demon¬ Many members of congress have wrs traced to finally a swamp. from the county Jail late today. great to b) borne, and the onlj that we can continue the stration forces; Joe -Spark.;, secretary expressed their willingness to give the The was and ol an/amp surrounded, Sheriff James May discovered them, publlcatior: the paper untlonä ant conditions is to put It on of the Soutli Carolina Press associa¬ movement their cooperation. Among three of the Pr. J. a party, A. Wood- was knocked down and robbed of his strictly cash basis and elim|l the losses heretofore sustain- tion; J. X. Harper, director of the the numerous communications receiv- ley. Marlboro Humor and ed on lit F.dgar pistol. Gibson went to his aid and n-paying subscribe! ClettUton college experiment stations; ed by President Pope was one from David. were at head of a Tnose who Jr.. |ho wus shot to death. appreciate the-p* id want to have it continue A. c. Moore of the University Of South nator Hardwick of Georgia saying: branch when the came its negro out. In a fsw minutes a mob bent on regular viuits to their 'hoi IJ pay at once and thereby Carolina faculty; Bright Williamson 'I can not see for a moment Xvhy He waa ordered to throw up his ua to meet our this Jmnds vengeance was in close pursuit of tho hell» bills p. of the South Carolina Bankers' asso¬ board should not be authorized and surren',er and instead of doing no&rocs. Two of them took refuge in teßN PUBLISHING CO. ciation; B. F. Taylor of the South Car¬ to Jix a minimum price on which Dot- en he began a revolver firing, shooting a houpe in the outskirts of Nowat, olina Cotton h'eed Crushers' associa¬ ton loans should be accepted. I am three times, when a ball one of from Th*y were surrounded and captured. tion. already giving this subject careful con¬ the party shot tho fingers off his The third negro apparently escaped. GoV. Manning said tonight that he sideration and I hope that at an early him to righ/-hand, causing drop his 1 >no of tho captured negroes, John would not attempt to rnako the 'late something effective and reason- weapon. trip Foreman, alleged to have killed Gib¬ to El Paso for a \isit to the Soutli able may be worked out along the After this he ran 100 about yards son, was wounded when caught and Carolina troops on the border. line of your suggestion." end into a got i.itch where he ivos was not molested, but the unwounded Jj VISIT sr'Ttl IX XKaI* F IXlAJ/TKAIN CARRIES IXJVft. Representative T. W. Sims of Ten¬ overtaken and to brought Uennetts- negro was seized by the mob, which tciu:, stoppp«; at cap* I) TO nessee writes: "I am ii hearty* sym¬ vllle. It COLUMBIA HOSPTIAL. Lcscsiic-Mclntotdi. was found that two balls had grown to large proportions, and Tx\ls. pathy with this proposition and I shall had pnnsed through his bo entirely body. a parade through the principal K|f*i2 Hunting Bc- Manning, Sept. 30..Pretty in its glad to do all I can to secure tho After reaching Bennettsvllle modl- Senator Party Caught streets began with the negro at a FlctdMr Will Insist T! E&euth Auto.A. lt. .Moor;' and II. A. simplicity was the marriage of Mi.-. legislation needed just as soon as con¬ cal aid was summoned and Drs. rope's and, screaming for mercy, Substantial IVeio^nitioii iio -Jviiims Unconscious uml (Tranke Leaeane of Sliver to Dr. Mil- gress convenes in December. You and Jordan did Ol^f May Die May everything that When the mob reached the Methodist Tills Section Of Country. liana Ernest Mclntosh of can rely upon me without any sort cniild be lone, but for Injuries. j Lynchburg. the wounds were church a lilrge tree tho The was of hesitation to give this or kindred fatal. offered op¬ ceremony performed in the portunity which the rope around the Washington, Sent. 29..With the, Sept. 29..A ; hall of the bride's hoipe at 4 o'clock legislation active and earnest sup¬ Reward* amounting to had Iparirtyell, $300 negro's neck suggested. "Let's lynch turn of the farm loan board to W, ».«sing accident occurredmosJF'is- i Wednesday afternoon, September 27. port." been offered for the arrest and de¬ '^fev the negro on holy ground," a man ingtbn yesterday, Senator D, £fea. from here this afternoon The house waa decorated/vith South- Representative Otis Wingo of Ar¬ livery Of and those who took when !'.-ewU, I to have shouted. The pris- Fletcher of Florida at once took 01 era smilax, ivy and candles. The kansas states: "I shall be glad to do ' idmoblle A. R. Moore, ndli in the arrest unanimously aak was and not only to ha"e the board mak< taste of .anything 1 can toward swung clear was being to , W. W. Moore, /adjutant Mesdames J. W. Thames and amending the <*rsrde be collected and niinedlate federal reserve pr trip South, but to give K. s M. Cannon, aunts of the brido, act along proper linos tb^g^p^>Ot thj^üe with a view of facilitating credits I greater freedom in his pleadings for the seemingly doom¬ it is underatcod to bo the Intention scrioufly hurt, and Dr. J. G/. Just before the ceremony Dr. IT. the marketing of IfOT PLAKliKP BOLT. of Wooley his, cotton. ed man's life. tho board to make a very limited and V. Seymour Owens suffered paln- M. Griffin of Lynchburg sang in President states that Columbia Record. "Men, I beseech you in tho name stay tho Bouth and to stop only ut ful bruises. 15. G. Bolen, the fifth "Melody of Love," accompanied on Pope there '.It la the the should be a careful distinction be¬ all a mistake to charge tint of God not to desecrate this holy capitals of the different States occupunt of the car, was uninjured. piano by Mrs. John Mclntosh, the call of W. -ister of the tween the loan minimum and the sell¬ A. James, of Hishöp- ground," pleaded Mr. Pierce. "Do Waited. Ti'C young men were, on their way j bridegroom. 4 ing minimum of cotton. "The *ille. for a meeting of 'Reformers' to not stain the name of our city by Senator Fletcher believes that al¬ io shoot doves and the. automobile j At o'clock, to the strains of the loan minimum should be "ether In Columbia on October 18 Is going into this terrible affair.'' though, the present law is a splendid, whieh is said to have been running Lohengrin wedding march, the bridal protected by tho for the purpose of a bolt With (thing, that It n he party entered ihe roar government*" he said, "and cotton engineering great earnestness he demand¬ ay improved upon, ut a rapid rate of speed, \ r-truck a ball, passing i to would of course never be sold from the I>cmocratle party or to fath¬ ed that the law be allowed to take it* lie has recently made a compilation soft, sandy spot in'the road and be¬ the front of the beautifully con- below that point. The minimum er a new party In Bouth C* rollna," course. Five minutes the pastor from census I. urcau figures Which came unmanageable. Before Mr. structed altar, along the top of which selling is said a .-.ho.vj that the candles were one that the union advises its members prominent Mease leader from spoke, until on a of tho mob leadors, In South there should Moore could regain control, the ma¬ many burning. First I (> came to sell atid may vary from to Lee county, who was visiting Colum¬ turning to hin followers, said: "Men, more farm loan banks than wili chine turned over, pinning the driv- the maid of honor, Miss Hattie crop bia I Mr. Pierce be of erop or from time to time. With a today. "Mrl James had no sueli Is right Tako the Rtfrtl pro',-ably tho ca3e under present j er and Mr. Simms under it and ren- aibson Ektmter, with Dr. r. :;. I protected loan minimum of 12 centi object In view and it Is doing him an I'.ick to Jail and lot the law take it: condition*. The wealth of that see- j dering them unconscious. Dr. Wooley [Grltfh/ Then tlu bride entered on Injustice to him cournc." The mob Uon and the arm of the the selling minimum of 20 cents can. charge with nHefter led tho negro back the growth which It Is wan also knocked senseless. A pass¬ bridegroom. They motive* ^crc be more easily maintained. The gov- in culling this convention fo* to Jail, and excitement apparently making convince Senator Flat* her that ing ear renderd first aid and the in¬ met under a suspended weddina he Is what one call a 'dicd-in- Mulcted down. tho South I bell btf the Itev. W. S. the eminent would never be called upon may Should have more recogni¬ jured men were brought hurriedly to i Trimble, th'-wooP arid to put up one cent tinder this plan for Democrat and one of th Tonight Foreman and the negro tion more banks. E&arnwel] and given medical attention. Presbyterian pastor of Summcrton. best men In Tho who when a. farmer knows he can borrow I-ce county." into* had been rescued from the mob efforts of the people of Co¬ A Special train left here Cor performed the ring ceremony. The tonight 12 cents per pound on cotton l.o will meetlm, of IM.>njo oplc to h< in the afternoon wore taken from the lumbia who art interested in secur- (Columbia, earning Messrs, Moore .Viler the ceremony an informal re- never sell unless he ean a much held here t h for the purpose of re¬ Jail by a larger mob. Foreman w V inj,«; one of thoie banks for their and j eeption was held, during Which Dr. get city I Simms to a hospital. The ac¬ Iii iterating the on strung up to a should iad Mrs. Mclntosh her price. Neither could the con- principles which the lump post noar the bo\ directed toward Senator cident cast a gloom over the entire received the con¬ friction is averred court house and the Matcher and gratulations and wishes sun..; be penalized, for the Uuctu- founded, this lead¬ othor ne.^ro wa:- they should get in itov.n, as the yoU):g men are good of the h very ation In tho price oi cot ion has lit¬ er, and to Inculcate a spirit of enthu¬ ingod frdm a tree a few feet dis¬ touch with him without delay so that popular here. relatives and liienda present, Pia In in tle effect upon the price of the tinished siasm the faction. He further stat¬ tant. Tho antritt was not at the n the farm loan board goes to and while block cream with Cake ed that the was product to the consumer. We expect certain needs along legislative apian mob sought cntr.un o. Tho Jacksonville it nay also stop a reason¬ A. K. BANDERS IX served by six little girls. RACK. to mature our pb.ns at our linen probably will be considered am' deputies left to guard tho ntgrota able length of time at Columbia, The bride wore a dark blue cost meeting Mr. A. K. a NOW Orleans and it is we will plans for pressing them beforo the were pushed aside and forced into Senator Fletcher is In touch Sanders of Hagood, one ail and large black picture hat and likely daily of Sumicr i seek the counsel and of general assembly discussed. submission. with Secretary McAdo and theifctem- county's representatives In carried a shower bouquet of White approval the the general federal reserve board before prescnt- The Lee county man al»;o said th t Ibera Of toil board and competition assembly, was in the city carnations and lern. Her only orna¬ It Is Mr. James* is today and while here he was a I our plans to congress." idea to have the con¬ WKEYlIi MOVING past. lljKoly to become lively as the re- stated to a ment beautiful old brooch vention Indorse Woodrow Wilson ami sult of his efforti to get action imme- representtaive of The Bumter Da\iy which had been worn by the grand¬ Item that he was a COTTON CHOP CONDITION. lUrhard I. Manning as nominees for p< st Said to He Only Miles (11 t< ly from a Southern candidate for the mother of the bride. Another item Forty-lUc standpoint. office of l»r»>*Jd< at aiul governor, respectively, West of the South Carolina I With Senator Fletcher's strong in- superintendent of the Stati of Interest was that at dinner the of Border, to Harvin, Oct. 2..As a result of my the Democratic party. AuenCe the. beard can not overlook penitentiary succeed Col. D, J. Gr|f- health of the bride was drunk in w had Clomson th< interests of the iith, ho ahnouhed that he would wine which WSS 27 years old. It was compilation of reports of the condition College, Sept. 28..There South, even should not HTHIKF, I'lvTI HS Is there be a be a candidate to succeed him¬ made her grandmother cotton OUT. consid'v rable speculation as to th . dlspoaltlon otherwise to by and this of In every cotton growing do self. Mr. Sanders New York. Sept. 30..The advance of the boll weevil so, in favor of some of the stated that the out¬ bottle put away to be opened on t ic State of the Union up to mid-day of proponed toward bigger look seemed Industrial strike received a hard South I'aro'inu. Prof. A. F. agricultural sections of very blight for the suc¬ most important d:i> in the bride's this date, the condition for the month Jolt Conrad! the West. cess * hi n of his and he life. i-ne hundred and llfty thousand said today that the ItntC crop candidacy was of September Is which includes p#*1 much pleased with the garment workers decided to return MM. Ion has kept in close touch hook CliUD many offers of j Mrs. Mclntosh is a graduate Ol the States of Arizona, Kentucky and to MEETING, support which were work at the end of the Jewish hol¬ With the boll weevil Situation cud coming to him Winthrop college and for the past MOW Mexico. Counting only the 14 from all sections of the iday. Six thousand brewery workers, [that during the past two atoaontthe Mayesvllle, Sept. 3u..The Tuesday Stale. three years has been teaching in regular cotton growing States usually after voting to hud Mr. Sanders has been in politics for Lynchburg. Dr. Mclntosh is a dan-, Included in of tho strike are now nsgfrlng pest ntoveVi enatward at an un- Afternoon Booh: club held compilation reports, u ! the last many years and is well tal i reinstatement. w rata. Tliara has been a con¬ known graduate of the University of Olldltton is 54.4 and is by States as matting of tho club year throughout the State tinual eastward fprtad tfalalenaon and with Mrs. Bi by the lead¬ . Dr. and Mrs. Mclntosh follows: W. Mayes on September !'<'.. The form ing men. Ho has D. C. M'Li:<>D TO WKD. to the latest report of the represented Sumter left Immediately for a short bridal Alabama. 3S.2 of entertainment was an county for live .statt- eatotnolofflal of Georgia, which automobile years in the house*Of trip. They Will be at home in . contest. Picturei of representatives and was Brother of F. A. Mcleod to has just beta received, the weevil has advertisements of re-elected for Lynchburg after October I. California. S7.6 Marry automobiles were cut from the sixth term in Mal»:.m;i (.Irl. 'i found 48 allies, et* the current the fir8t primary on Mrs. itobert Baker of Silver enter¬ Florida. 52.6 weal the South ma islncs and he August Invitations hav« Rna ta guests had to guess 29th. tained for Miss Leeesne on 524 been rr<«»\. i here rder. Ha thinks that In all the correel make Monday Georgia. ».«oied of each cur. Moa- He serve d f<>r sixteen y< ars as a di¬ i>>- Dr. and Mrs. Andrew probability the aril] afternoon, September -."». at a mla- Xjouislnnn . Lee peat reach this damca C, D, and k. a. rector of the Stato . Cooper ('hand¬ and Wynn. \o i hi nui. i la ¦-<. Of their An it* l y the end of this season. penitentiary cellaneoUs shower. Willie Spain Mississippi. .*». ugh* ier tied for the members' was chairman ter, Kathrrlne Lee, |e DnvM Cnrll prize, a of the board of direc¬ Baker and Ruth Briggs came in. Missouri. hand-painted celery r Converse coIIck" in the ( lass of 1910 helped him tents of the packages, which eonelat- Crawford arid Airs. w. w. tho office h<- Is and ban many friend* in this %% \V;i biauton, Gardner, seeking. There or ed of many beautiful pieces ol linen Virginia . *'4-4 Oct. -'. ^Cotton crop The club will told a throe oth r men who will special meeting seeking the on*l< e, Mr, i many ai d wiu n hear of htr proapaeti are in other pretty useful Arttona, Kentucky and New appfonchtni only per cent, of transact the bueinoss Sanders stated, Mr. the book¬ marriage with interest. Tha boil pertaining W Lesesno, lifts, Mrs. Taker invited the guests Mexico are Included the condition is normal, ntttvll has bean the annual reception on October It keeper at the Mr. \ at penitentiary; 11 into the dining room where an Ice .r,.M. This S crop of eral ir.-: more dcatruotlvt than ever the th< Indicates 9,- bafora, realdance oi Mrs. It. A. of ßpnrtanhurt; and Mr. «u has been In the turpentine bUStneeS in IcnHural Chandler* Huffman. rse was served. On returning to 1... 1 no bales exclusive of Unters. department announces. Miss Louise Knight has to Ifalcell. Ala.. Im a -a» ih gone tin parlor paper and pencil were These reports show A A. per cent, Gnrol ni in. The Virginia ootton condition hi S3 Convorae college to Will origin iiiy resume her studies. Marry Soon. given the guests and each wrote u i).: i rest ed. Cross Lornehbi rg< He pat etat] North Carolina, 11] Bouth Mrs, u. A. Ch Ki a marriage of their da' -.b amusement of those present. Three ftumter In the State, one brother be*^Carolina, 114] Routh Carolin.!., IT". Miss boys played ex-l.teut ihr, Virginia faith Allen and on In« (luv. T. C. 11 <'.":.;;.: 1,'irciu shov\s Mr. Hi Virginia-Davidson football game report 4,043.« "'id Fo'som is attending col¬ Hansomo .lud'on Williams, Wednes¬ Mrs. Harv< B. lefl this Another brother) ¥ a MeLeod Of 191 1:1 ginned to at y Topp morn¬ Saturday: Ralph Hlowera and AlvtS September 10 lege Wo'Toni. having entered that day evening, October II, al > to return to her home at Il Snni'er Mr l> : I i al fram 1814 ing Salem, >unson for Davidson and Robert Mc- groWth, compared to 2.- in titutlon at th: in the Firs! t to uttiiud beginning oftheaaev [/clock l>aptl.->t church, .. : ft.-.- \i ;M t«» her Mr. K< \ for ts tho wodding. .99,1 - B kürt ycur. alon, parents Virginia. Rowland Boyle billon. and Mrs. John s. Ulchordsou. one «d Wofford's players tin* your*