Anterior anatomy OPINION In humans, the hippocampus is cradled by the parahippocampal , which is Anterior hippocampus: the anatomy positioned beneath it. The anterior part of the bends over and rests upon itself, forming the . of perception, imagination and The various gyri that are visible on the surface of the (BOX 1) cover both episodic the and the anterior portion of the hippocampus. Beneath this surface, Peter Zeidman and Eleanor A. Maguire the hippocampus is divided into cytoar- chitectonically defined subfields. These are Abstract | The brain creates a model of the world around us. We can use this commonly thought of as being arranged representation to perceive and comprehend what we see at any given moment, in a canonical circuit, which can be but also to vividly re‑experience scenes from our past and imagine future (or even visualized in the cross-section of the main fanciful) scenarios. Recent work has shown that these cognitive functions — body of the hippocampus (FIG. 1). In this perception, imagination and recall of scenes and events — all engage the anterior circuit, in the (EC), which is part of the neighbouring hippocampus. In this Opinion article, we capitalize on new findings from functional parahippocampal gyrus, project to the to propose a model that links high‑level cognitive functions to (DG), which in turn drives specific structures within the anterior hippocampus. subfield CA3 then CA2, CA1 and the . The subiculum and CA1 then project back to the EC. Also visible in this The hippocampus is critical for learning, However, we are only beginning to plane are regions related to, but distinct memory and cognition. It is one of understand the precise anatomy of this from, the subiculum: the prosubiculum, the most studied brain structures in brain region in humans10, and consequently the presubiculum and the . neuroscience, and efforts to understand little is known about the specific structures The prosubiculum is situated between its functions continue apace. In particular, within the anterior hippocampus CA1 and the subiculum. However, despite there is considerable interest in functional that contribute to these important many differences between its connectivity differences between neural populations cognitive functions. and that of the subiculum12, these two located at different points along its anterior– In this article, we focus on the human regions are not normally separated in posterior axis1–5. A recent literature review3 anterior hippocampus. We summarize human neuroimaging because their showed that, in addition to the gradients current knowledge of its anatomy and borders are not visible with MRI. The of gene expression and connectivity that highlight a striking consistency in the presubiculum and the parasubiculum are vary along the length of the hippocampus, functional MRI (fMRI) literature, which situated between the subiculum and the the anterior portion of the hippocampus suggests that specific substructures EC. These regions can be delineated with (also known as the head, ventral or within the anterior hippocampus make high-resolution MRI10, which offers new temporal region) can be distinguished critical contributions to episodic memory, opportunities to study their functions from the intermediate and posterior imagination and visual scene perception. in humans. sections (also known as the tail, dorsal or Claims that the hippocampus (and the Understanding the arrangement of the septal regions) by sharp changes in these medial temporal lobes more generally) subfields in the anterior hippocampus functional characteristics. performs functions beyond memory (such requires awareness of their three-di- Owing to its complex anatomy, the as visual perception) are heavily contested11, mensional shape. The main body of the anterior hippocampus (particularly that particularly because it is difficult to design hippocampus bends medially in its anterior of humans) has proved to be difficult experiments that unequivocally control for portion (FIG. 1a) to form the extraventricular to study6. It has an intricate structure memory encoding and retrieval. We propose part of the anterior hippocampus, which with unique cellular morphology and is a model of anterior hippocampal function is positioned within the uncus. As a result, positioned at the junction between the that takes into account the importance CA1 and the subiculum must bend around parahippocampal gyrus, the amygdala of anatomical detail and refers to known a wider radius than the other subfields13. and the posterior hippocampus. It has connectivity across species; this model Thus, the most anterior portion of the widespread connectivity, and hippocampal may help to clarify recent discussions of hippocampus is dominated by CA1 and lesions that include damage to the anterior functional differences in the long axis of the the subiculum (FIG. 1b), whereas the more hippocampus have a deleterious effect hippocampus1–4 as well as the relationship posterior part of the uncus contains only on learning, memory and navigation7–9. between visual perception and memory. the DG, CA2 and CA3 (FIG. 1d). After the

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medial turn within the uncus, the subfields mossy fibres project from the DG to Importantly, there are differences in bend upwards, ascending vertically towards CA3, and upon reaching distal CA3 the hippocampal anatomy of different the amygdala (FIG. 1b,c), which changes they change direction to extend 3–5 mm species. The uncus is particularly highly their orientation from the coronal to the in the anterior direction17. By contrast, developed in , and the degree to axial plane. associational and local connections within which it is homologous to its counterpart Subfields within the uncus have cellular the DG — which may have excitatory and in rodents is uncertain10,13. There are also ‘peculiarities’ (REF. 14): for example, CA1 inhibitory roles, respectively16 — extend differences in connectivity. Whereas rodents in the uncus — referred to as CA1’ — has bidirectionally along much of the length have commissural connections along the smaller and more densely packed neurons of the hippocampus. The DG in the uncus length of the hippocampus, in monkeys than CA1 in the body of the hippocampus13 is connected to the anterior DG in the these connections are largely restricted to (note that CA1’ is labelled uncal subiculum main body of the hippocampus through anterior regions, particularly the uncus18. in an alternative nomenclature15). The these associational projections16. The In monkeys, cells in the DG of the uncus vertical part of the uncus has particularly connection from CA3 to CA1 (the Schaffer project via the of the fimbria differentiated cytoarchitecture — for collaterals) and connections within CA3 or , before crossing hemispheres via instance, vertical CA1’ contains more also have longitudinal projections through the ventral hippocampal commissure19, densely packed bodies than most of the hippocampus17. Once again, returning along the same pathway in horizontal CA1’ or CA1 of the hippocampal the uncus is distinct, with the targets of the opposite hemisphere to terminate body10. The functional implications of these projections of the uncal CA3 (CA3’) being in the contralateral uncus. Other regions cellular differences are unknown. largely confined to CA3’ and CA1’. The associated with the hippocampus — the Although the subfields are usually human hippocampus can therefore be presubiculum, the EC and the posterior studied in slices perpendicular to the divided into subfields in the main body parahippocampal cortex — connect across hippocampal long axis (the coronal plane of the hippocampus that are connected in hemispheres via the dorsal hippocampal in humans; see FIG. 1b–e), connections cross-section and longitudinally, as well as commissure. These findings point to a also extend through the length of the modified subfields that comprise the uncus striking role for the anterior hippocampus hippocampus16,17. In the coronal plane and have more limited connectivity with in connecting the hippocampi of each and with a slight anterior inclination, the anterior hippocampus. hemisphere. It has been suggested that

Box 1 | A tour of the anterior hippocampus The anterior hippocampus may be understood in terms of its uncal . Moving posteriorly along the uncus (towards the right cytoarchitecture (see the main text) or in terms of the features that are of the figure), the gyrus ambiens becomes the uncinate gyrus, which visible on the surface of the brain, which are summarized here based on contains the hippocampal–amygdaloid transition area (HATA) previous observations10,13,94. See part a of the figure for context. Dashed (FIG. 1b,c). Next, the uncus becomes the band of Giacomini and finally lines labelled b–e correspond to the coronal slices shown in FIG. 1. the intralimbic gyrus, getting progressively smaller towards the Starting in the parahippocampal gyrus and moving anteriorly (towards posterior. The point at which the intralimbic gyrus is no longer visible the left of the figure), the gyrus becomes the entorhinal cortex (EC). in coronal section is a landmark for the posterior-most slice of the Its approximate position is indicated for clarity, although its borders are anterior hippocampus2. Thus, the anterior part of the uncus comprises not visible on the brain’s surface (in coronal slices, the EC appears the uncinate gyrus, whereas the posterior consists of the band of approximately at the level of the lateral geniculate nucleus101). Giacomini and the intralimbic gyrus. The main hippocampal body and The parahippocampal gyrus then bends upwards, separated by the fimbria are positioned lateral to the uncus. Part a is adapted with narrow intrarhinal sulcus from the gyrus ambiens above. The gyrus permission from REF. 102, Springer. Photograph of the dissected ambiens extends laterally to the sulcus semiannularis, which marks the brain is adapted from REF. 103. lateral extent of the EC. Further lateral to this is the semilunar gyrus, which covers the medial portion of the amygdala and the most Uncinate gyrus Uncal sulcus anterior part of the hippocampus. Semilunar gyrus Band of Giacomini The uncus of the hippocampus (marked on Sulcus semiannularis Intralimbic gyrus the figure by the light red shading) is part of the anterior parahippocampal gyrus that bends over and rests on itself, Main hippocampal separated from EC below by the body Fimbria a

Intrarhinal Parahippocampal gyrus sulcus Gyrus ambiens

Lateral EC Anterior Posterior b c d e Medial

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Uncus the ventral hippocampal commissure may a b Amygdala c not exist in humans20; however, there is a notable lack of research relating human hippocampal connectivity to that of b non-human primates. c

Representing the environment d e We can vividly re-experience past events, simulate future events and imagine Anterior d e fictitious scenarios, in addition to DG experiencing the environment we currently Medial Lateral inhabit. To achieve this, we must be able Posterior to construct internal representations of environments on the basis of incoming sensory information and/or prior experience. As we argue, there is evidence Hippocampal body Uncus CA1 Pro EC that structures within the medial part of DG CA2 Sub HATA the anterior hippocampus have a role in CA3 PrS/PaS Fimbria constructing these representations. Figure 1 | Anatomy of the anterior hippocampus. a | A schematic showing a dorsal view of the Decades of research, carried out hippocampus with the dentate gyrus (DG) visible inside. The main hippocampus body as well as primarily in rodents, has revealed several the uncus are indicated. b–e | Coronal slices showing the hippocampal subfields in the anterior hip‑ key cell types in the hippocampus and pocampus. Red lines indicate subfields that are found within the uncus and which have distinct cyto‑ neighbouring structures that contribute architectural properties relative to the main body of the hippocampus. The slices in panels b and c are to spatial processing. Place cells in CA1 at the level of the uncinate gyrus, whereas the slice in panel d is at the level of the intralimbic gyrus. represent an animal’s location21, whereas The arrows in panel e indicate the flow of information in the canonical hippocampal circuit in the body grid cells in the EC, presubiculum and of the hippocampus. EC, entorhinal cortex; HATA, hippocampal–amygdaloid transition area; Pro, pro‑ parasubiculum may provide a metric-like subiculum; PrS/PaS, presubiculum and parasubiculum. Panel a is adapted with permission from REF. 94, framework for spatial representation22,23. Springer. Panels b–e are adapted with permission from REF. 10, Wiley. Head direction cells, which represent the animal’s heading relative to fixed landmarks, have been discovered in several the anterior hippocampus, despite each Recalling and imagining scenes interconnected regions including the individual cell only representing a larger Scenes are coherent object-containing spaces presubiculum, postsubiculum, anterodorsal area of the environment. Computer within which we can potentially operate. , EC, , simulations demonstrated that this If scenes develop over time, they may be mammillary bodies and thalamus23–25. distributed representation in the anterior referred to as events or episodes (however, a More recently, boundary vector (border) hippocampus (which is no less precise temporal dimension is not required in order cells, which represent the position of than that of the posterior hippocampus) to involve the hippocampus39,41). Tasks that environmental boundaries, have been makes it better suited to generalizing require scenes or events to be imagined or found in the subiculum, presubiculum, across environments (pattern completion), recalled41–50, including those that involve parasubiculum and EC26. In humans, whereas the smaller place fields in the navigation28, engage the hippocampus, fMRI and neuropsychological studies posterior hippocampus would be better and performance in these tasks is have suggested that the hippocampus9,27,28, at resisting interference from similar impaired or abolished following bilateral EC29 and retrosplenial cortex30 are locations (pattern separation33). Although hippocampal lesions7–9. implicated in spatial navigation. this finding is still to be replicated, the It has been hypothesized that the The properties of place cells are general consensus is that having a spatially hippocampus contributes to performance modulated by their anterior–posterior large-scale or generalizable representation in these tasks by providing a spatial position within the hippocampus. In of the environment depends on the representation (or model) of the scene being rodents, the firing fields of ventral (anterior anterior hippocampus2,32. processed51,52. If so, common subregions in humans) place cells are larger than those Hippocampal cell populations involved within the hippocampus should be engaged of dorsal (posterior in humans) place cells31. in spatial processing represent both by any task that involves the construction of The notion that the anterior hippocampus the current state of the animal and also scene representations. Indeed, as described represents less specific information imagined future locations34–36, and enable below, there is a striking consistency in contributed to the proposal2 that anterior– ‘replay’ of remembered past locations37. the fMRI results across many studies posterior differences in the hippocampus However, recent evidence suggests that in the literature, which differed in the tasks can be understood as a gradient in the level a purely spatial account of hippocampal that were used but all involved naturalistic of detail, from coarse representations in function is insufficient. For example, some scenes. These studies reported activation the anterior hippocampus to fine detail aspects of allocentric spatial navigation of the anterior hippocampus, and close in the posterior. An alternative explanation are preserved in patients with bilateral examination of their findings reveals a comes from a recent finding32 that an hippocampal damage9,38, whereas these common region of activation in the medial animal’s precise location can be decoded individuals exhibit a clear deficit in bank of the anterior hippocampus, which from the activity of cell populations in imagining scenes39,40. we refer to as amHipp (FIG. 2a–j). Here, we

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Imagination and recall of scenes and/or events a b c use a working definition of the anterior hippocampus as the region having an MNI y coordinate of less than or equal to –22 (ensuring complete coverage of the uncus), and we define amHipp functionally as clusters of activated locations (voxels) that peak in the anterior hippocampus and d e f exhibit a clear bias towards the medial half of the structure. Using this definition, it can be seen that many cognitive tasks engage amHipp (see below). Although several of these tasks, particularly those involving visual stimuli, also engage other parts of the hippocampus, amHipp Perception of scenes and/or events appears to be the most consistently engaged g h i subregion across studies and often shows the greatest effect size. Quantifying the proportion of studies that have found this specific region to be engaged during recall and imagination would require a formal meta-analysis, which would Perception and imagination of scenes be complicated by the limited scanning j Perception Imagination Overlap resolution of some studies. However, our observation is that this finding is the norm rather than the exception. As we discuss below, high-resolution MRI is starting to relate this fMRI activity to the precise underlying anatomy.

Episodic memory and imagination. fMRI studies of episodic (autobiographi- Figure 2 | Activation of the anterior medial hippocampus during fMRI. The images show the results cal) memory, which require participants of a selection of functional MRI (fMRI) studies in which the anterior medial hippocampus (amHipp; to vividly recall specific events from their indicated by arrows) was engaged by imagination and recall (panels a–f) and visual perception (pan‑ past, generally find that a ‘core network’ els g–i) of scenes and events. Coloured regions are those in which there was an increased haemo‑ of brain regions — including the anterior dynamic response during each task (in panel g, colours represent the percentage of subjects (n = 34) 53,54 (BOX 2) with activation, in the range of 50–80%). The tasks involved constructing static atemporal scenes41 hippocampus — is engaged . (panel a), constructing and elaborating upon imagined events42 (panel b; white circle indicates the Activation within the hippocampus hippocampus), recalling past events and imagining events set in the past and future43 (panel c), imag‑ may be limited to amHipp. For example, ining specific rather than general future events44 (panel d), autobiographical memory retrieval45,46 when subjects were cued to imagine (panels e and f), viewing novel scenes relative to scrambled images66 (panel g), viewing scenes in which static atemporal scenes based on short an object had been moved relative to the background67 (panel h; white circle indicates the hippocam‑ descriptions, amHipp was the only part pus) or correct versus incorrect scene oddity judgements69 (panel i). The overlap in activity between of the hippocampus to be significantly the perception and imagination of scenes is shown in panel j. Hippocampal activation for scene per‑ engaged, relative to a control condition ception relative to object perception is shown in red, activity for imagining scenes versus imagining in which participants imagined isolated objects is shown in blue, and the overlap is shown in turquoise (also shown in sagittal and coronal static objects41 (FIG. 2a). Specific increases slices)47. Panel a is adapted from REF. 41, republished with permission of the Society for Neuroscience, from Using imagination to understand the neural basis of episodic memory, Hassabis, D., Kumaran, D. in amHipp activity were found in another & Maguire, E. A., 27, 2007; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Panel b is study in which subjects constructed and adapted with permission from REF. 42, Elsevier. Panel c is adapted with permission from REF. 43, Elsevier. elaborated upon past events and imagined 42 Panel d is adapted with permission from REF. 44, Wiley. Panel e is adapted with permission from REF. 45, future events (FIG. 2b). When participants Elsevier. Panel f is adapted from McCormick, C., St‑Laurent, M., Ty, A., Valiante, T. A. & McAndrews, M.P., recalled episodic and imagined Functional and effective hippocampal–neocortical connectivity during construction and elaboration fictitious events set in the past or the future of autobiographical memory retrieval, Cereb. Cortex, (2015) 25 (5): 1297–1305, by permission of Oxford (based on recombined elements from University Press. Panel g is adapted with permission from REF. 66, Wiley. Panel h is adapted from REF. 67, episodic memories), amHipp was again republished with permission of the Society for Neuroscience, from Double dissociation between hip‑ the only part of the hippocampus to be pocampal and parahippocampal responses to object‑background context and scene novelty, Howard, significantly engaged during imagination43 L. R., Kumaran, D., Ólafsdóttir, H. F. & Spiers, H. J., 31, 2011; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Panel i is adapted from REF. 69, Lee, A. C. H., Brodersen, K. H. & Rudebeck, S. R. and was part of a larger region that was Disentangling spatial perception and spatial memory in the hippocampus: a univariate and multivar‑ activated during both imagination and iate pattern analysis fMRI study. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 25, 534–546 (2013), reprinted by permission of MIT recall (FIG. 2c), whereas activation of the Press Journals, © 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Panel j is adapted from Zeidman, P., posterior hippocampus was found to Mullally, S. & Maguire, E. A., Constructing, perceiving, and maintaining scenes: hippocampal activity occur specifically during vivid recall of and connectivity, Cereb. Cortex, (2015) 25 (10): 3836–3855, by permission of Oxford University Press. real memories. Only amHipp was found

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to respond more strongly to imagining representation, as suggested by studies Visual perception and the posterior specific past or future events rather than in humans with bilateral hippocampal hippocampus. If the hippocampus is general events (FIG. 2d), whereas the anterior lesions. Self-reports from these patients required for the internal representation lateral hippocampus distinguished past demonstrate that they can fully of spatially coherent scenes or events, from future episodes44. Autobiographical comprehend the elements that should then it may also support perception by memory retrieval was also found to appear in an imagined scene but cannot representing the environment currently engage only amHipp45 (FIG. 2e), although arrange them into a spatially coherent being experienced. This contrasts with a other subregions of the hippocampus representation39,40. In one study, patients long-standing theory of the hippocampus58, were responsive to whether retrieval was and control participants were asked to which holds that the human medial cued using a direct association with the describe what they would see beyond the (including the hippocampus) cue or a strategy of searching through edges of a scene photograph40. The patients is involved only in memory and that memories. A subsequent study sought to described relevant objects that they would perception involves a separate system. distinguish the initial construction stage have expected to see, demonstrating Over the past two decades, this proposed of auto biographical memory recall from preserved associational processing, but separation has been challenged by elaboration46, and within the hippocampus were specifically unable to describe how converging functional and anatomical found solely amHipp engagement for the extended scene would fit together results across species (for reviews, see construction (FIG. 2f). The posterior and reported being unable to visualize it REFS 11,59,60). hippocampus was engaged during in their imagination. In another study57, Investigations into hippocampal elaboration, which connectivity analyses patients with bilateral hippocampal damage involvement in scene perception have showed was also linked to areas processing were tested on their ability to reflect on focused on visual discrimination studies, visual stimuli. These studies suggest ‘what might have been’. The patients could in which subjects decide whether visually that despite different research questions, deconstruct a given narrative and then add, presented stimuli are identical or subtly tasks and some points of divergence recombine and re-order narrative elements different from each other or from a sample — including the extent of differences into a counterfactual alternative reality. stimulus. Patients with bilateral hippocampal between recalling the past and imagining However, detailed questioning showed that lesions cannot match morphed pictures the future55 and the relationship between they had specific impairment in the spatial of scenes to a sample but do not show this imagination, novelty and encoding (BOX 3) coherence of the mental representations impairment when other stimuli are used, — one common feature across studies was needed to perform some aspects of the task. such as faces and objects61. Responding to the engagement of amHipp, in addition to Although these patients rarely, if ever, have criticism that this effect may be driven by regions of the wider core network42,53,54,56. lesions limited to the anterior hippocampus, learning over trials, a subsequent study62 The hippocampus may contribute to these findings have been instrumental in used trial-unique stimuli in an odd-one- performance in these tasks by linking demonstrating a spatial scene-related role out task. The patients had difficulty in elements of scenes in a coherent spatial for the human hippocampus. identifying non-matching scenes; however,

Box 2 | A core network for recall and imagination A recent study47 showed that recalling and imagining scenes the DMN compared with healthy control subjects. Indeed, changes activates the anterior medial hippocampus (amHipp) as part of a in the DMN have been reported in amnesic patients with bilateral well-established ‘core network’ of brain regions56. There are various medial temporal lobe damage111. suggestions as to what common function this network may serve56,104,105. It is similar to a set of regions found to be most active Correlation during rest periods, termed the ‘default mode network’ (DMN) 106. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The figure shows resting-state fMRI activity (based on 1,000 subjects Ventral at rest107,108, accessed via the Neurosynth meta-analysis tool109 — see Further information), illustrating regions that had activity RSC that correlated with that of the right amHipp. The colour scale Septal indicates the strength of the correlations (Pearson correlations (r)) nucleus between the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) time series in each voxel and a seed voxel in the right amHipp (seed MNI coordinates 22, –20, –18; r > 0.2). This demonstrates the association vmPFC between the DMN and amHipp. The DMN brain regions shown are the anterior (STS), inferior parietal cortex (IPC), retrosplenial cortex (RSC), ventromedial Dorsal (vmPFC) and the septal nuclei. In agreement with other authors110, we suggest that scene-related tasks such as recalling the past engage a similar set of brain regions as the DMN because they depend on common cognitive processes. When at rest, people often construct spatially coherent scenes, which may be generated in their imagination or recalled from their past. This gives rise to several STS testable predictions regarding the brain at rest. As patients with hippocampal lesions cannot imagine fictitious scenarios39,40, their mind-wandering behaviour should be limited to events in the IPC Hippocampus present. Moreover, these individuals should show changes within

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Box 3 | Other functions of the anterior hippocampus the posterior hippocampus appeared to be particularly responsive to visual scene Evidence points to the hippocampus being a site of integration between spatial and non-spatial perception rather than imagination, whereas information. There are several key themes in the literature implicating the anterior hippocampus. amHipp was engaged by scenes regardless Anxiety and stress. The anterior (ventral) hippocampus is associated with anxiety across species112. of whether they were generated internally Contextual fear conditioning, in which a spatial location is associated with an aversive stimulus, or externally (FIG. 2j). This study also showed is associated with activity in the anterior hippocampus in humans113,114 and rodents (reviewed that amHipp was engaged by novel scenes, in REF. 115). The anterior dentate gyrus (DG) is the source of adult-born stem cells in the whereas the posterior hippocampus was hippocampus116, and stress-related decreases in neurogenesis in primates are accompanied by engaged regardless of novelty, supporting increases in depressive symptoms117. However, neuroimaging studies in humans that have tested for changes in hippocampal volume associated with depression suggest that there are more often the hypothesis that amHipp is involved with changes in the posterior than the anterior volume118,119, potentially because neurogenesis effects constructing an initial representation of the are more difficult to measure in the anterior hippocampus119. scene, whereas the posterior hippocampus has a more specific visuospatial role. Novelty and encoding. The anterior hippocampus responds to novelty, particularly of spatial stimuli. Also of relevance to scene perception For instance, there is a stronger response to novel scene stimuli than to those that are more 72 familiar120,121, and the anterior hippocampus also responds to novel spatial configurations67. is ‘boundary extension’ (BE) , a cognitive Moreover, it is engaged by associative novelty, in which novel stimuli are paired with familiar stimuli phenomenon whereby people remember to form new associations or to violate expectations122. It has also been suggested that the anterior seeing more of a scene than was actually hippocampus is involved with encoding memories123 and has been found to respond more strongly present in the original stimulus. This effect to imagined scenarios that are subsequently remembered than to those that are forgotten124. is attenuated in patients with hippocampal However, successful encoding is not a prerequisite for anterior hippocampus engagement69 or lesions40 (see also REFS 65,73). Of note, during for its interaction with the core network124 (BOX 2) in response to scene or event stimuli. an fMRI study in which healthy participants Decision making. Although beyond the scope of this article, the anterior hippocampus is viewed scenes and experienced BE in one-half associated with decision making and representation of value — functions that might relate to its of the trials, there was greater engagement of anatomical connections with the prefrontal cortex. For instance, the anterior hippocampus and the posterior hippocampus during the amygdala were found to represent value- and task-specific goals in spatial decision making125,126. viewing of scenes that induced BE74. The BE Summary. Here, we build upon the proposal that the hippocampus constructs representations of effect was not linked with amHipp activity scenes52. This will necessarily occur when a stimulus is novel or not recently recalled, and may during neuroimaging, potentially because integrate non-spatial elements, including emotional valence. scene perception (which was present in all conditions) always engages amHipp, regardless of whether BE is experienced. this impairment was only apparent when hippocampus. This study did not identify The evidence that the hippocampus the scene pictures were taken from different posterior hippocampus activation. However, is engaged during scene perception is viewpoints. By contrast, they were able the posterior hippocampus was engaged challenged by studies of patients with to match pictures of faces regardless of during a scene discrimination task68, and hippocampal lesions who can lucidly the viewpoint. This is important because subregions of the hippocampus responded produce narratives to accompany matching scenes from different viewpoints to viewing of scenes, regardless of whether visually presented cartoon images or requires an internal global scene model, they were subsequently recalled69 (FIG. 2i), photographs40,75. However, impairments which we suggest is represented in the suggesting that the activation of the posterior become apparent when patients are asked hippocampus. However, these results hippocampus does not depend on memory to extend the scene beyond the edges of the were not replicated in a separate group of encoding. To probe which aspects of scenes picture into the imagination40. This suggests subjects63, and another study involving four the hippocampus responds to, a task was that a hippocampus-based model of the patients found only two to have impaired developed70,71 in which scene discrimination scene, which is constructed during visual perception of the topology of virtual reality based on global layout (‘strength-based perception, facilitates prediction beyond scenes64. Differences in the nature and perception’) was dissociated from the edges of the view as well as beyond extent of intra-hippocampal damage may discrimination based on local visual features the sensory domain into imagination and help to explain these disparate functional (‘state-based perception’). The posterior recall. We predict that asking patients outcomes65 and emphasize the need to better hippocampus was involved specifically with with hippocampal lesions challenging understand intra-hippocampal anatomy and strength-based perception, reinforcing the questions about visually presented scenes its mapping to function. notion that it represents the configuration of that could only be answered by possessing a In healthy participants, the hippocampus the scene as a whole. Beyond discrimination coherent internal scene model might reveal consistently responds to visually presented studies, a recent experiment had participants impairments that are not evident in more scenes. Making an indoor versus outdoor passively view scenes and single isolated general narrative description tasks. decision about scene photographs was objects as they underwent fMRI scanning47. The tasks that we have discussed, which sufficient to engage much of the length of Activation of both amHipp and the tap into apparently distinct cognitive the hippocampus, with the most consistent posterior hippocampus was observed in functions, share a common requirement to result across subjects found to be in response to perception of scenes, relative form internal representations of spatially amHipp66 (FIG. 2g). In another study, when to perception of isolated objects. When coherent scenes. This, we suggest, involves the spatial configuration of items within the same participants constructed scenes amHipp. The existence of amHipp as a visually presented scenes was altered, in their imagination, there was significant distinct functional region was noted in amHipp was activated67 (FIG. 2h) together engagement of amHipp without evidence a recent fMRI study47 and lately by two with a more anterior lateral region of the for posterior hippocampus activity. Thus, studies that parcellated the hippocampus

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based on a meta-analysis of fMRI data76 and These results suggest that the engagement of and the PFC via the amygdala: both the functional connectivity77. The posterior amHipp in the studies using scene or event prosubiculum and CA1’ project to the basal hippocampus responds particularly strongly stimuli described above is likely to have been nucleus89, which in turn projects widely to visual scene perception, which may relate driven by activity in the presubiculum and through the medial PFC (BA24, BA25 and to its direct anatomical connections with parasubiculum, potentially in conjunction BA32), lateral PFC (BA12 and BA45) the parahippocampal and retrosplenial with the anterior subiculum and the uncus. and orbital PFC (BA7a, BA13b and BA14)90. cortices78. How involvement of the posterior Functional neuroimaging studies in humans hippocampus with scene perception relates Anterior presubiculum and parasubiculum. have also found that the PFC, particularly to its known role in navigation79 is yet to The presubiculum/parasubiculum were the ventromedial PFC, is co-activated be investigated. Interestingly, posterior engaged by both scene construction and with the anterior hippocampus (BOX 2). hippocampal volume has been found scene recall50. These findings complement Of particular relevance are studies that to be reduced in blind people80,81, with those of another recent fMRI study in implicate the ventromedial PFC in memory concomitant volume increases in the anterior humans, which identified the peak activity consolidation48,91,92. Thus, the uncus and hippocampus81,82 (although there are various for perceiving novel scenes to be in the ventromedial PFC may be jointly involved possible explanations for this, such as presubiculum85. In , the presubiculum in retrieving the elements of memories that differences in the navigation performance and parasubiculum contain grid cells and have been consolidated, to be reconstructed of blind people82). border cells23, pointing to a spatial role as spatially coherent scenes by amHipp. In suggesting functional differences for both regions. In monkeys, neurons between the anterior and posterior in the presubiculum at the level of the Anterior subiculum. The subiculum hippocampus, it is important to note uncus project to the medial EC18, which is is the main output structure of the that these functions are not completely commonly associated with spatial function hippocampus (although there are outgoing segregated. For instance, although the and where grid cells were first discovered in connections from various other parts of posterior hippocampus responds more rodents22,86. On the basis of these findings, the hippocampus93). This region includes strongly to visual perception of scenes we hypothesize that the presubiculum/ border cells26, pointing to a role in than imagination of scenes47, there is parasubiculum contribute to the spatial modelling the environment. The anterior evidence that it is engaged by imagination basis of scene representations in humans. subiculum is engaged when subjects and recall48,49. All of these functions imagine novel scenes50. In human fMRI, involve extrinsic connections that link Uncus. As described above50, the uncus the subiculum and prosubiculum are not the hippocampus to parahippocampal is engaged when recalling scenes from generally distinguishable but differ in their and perirhinal cortices83,84. There is also a week before scanning. Although connectivity. The subiculum projects to variability in the locus of hippocampal subfields within the uncus were not the mammillary bodies and retrosplenial activation between studies, which may be distinguished owing to the limited spatial cortex12, two regions that are closely involved explained by multiple factors, including resolution of MRI, one striking property with the representation of head direction. the time that has lapsed since the stimuli of this region is its inter-hemispheric The prosubiculum, however, has reciprocal to be recalled were first experienced48,50, connectivity. In non-human primates, connections with targets including the differences in task demands, differences in the uncus of hippocampus sends and ventromedial PFC12. the definition of anterior versus posterior receives commissural connections18, which hippocampus and varying statistical complement the even stronger commissural Methodological issues. The anterior thresholds. This variability, we suggest, connections arising from the presubiculum hippocampus is particularly challenging makes the striking overlap in amHipp across and terminating in the contralateral medial to study using fMRI. A consensus has not studies all the more interesting. EC. Little is known about the precise yet been reached on the definition of the differences in hippocampal function between subfields at the resolution attainable with From scenes to subfields hemispheres beyond suggestions of general MRI, although work is underway6. Weak To investigate which specific structures verbal or visuospatial distinctions87, and the contrast-to-noise ratio is a well-known underlie the activation patterns observed homology of inter-hemispheric connections problem in the anterior temporal in amHipp in neuroimaging studies, an between humans and primates is uncertain20. lobes and may cause false negative experiment was recently conducted50 in However, we speculate that recall of results. Furthermore, the uncus is flanked which subjects constructed novel naturalistic consolidated representations from memory by significant vasculature94. The influence of scenes in their imagination and recalled may involve the integration of information vasculature on fMRI interpretation has been scene photographs from a week earlier while from across regions located in both questioned95, but this issue is not specific to undergoing high-resolution structural MRI hemispheres and thus may be supported by the hippocampus. These concerns emphasize and fMRI. The anterior presubiculum/ connections that terminate in the uncus. the importance of having well-matched parasubiculum (either or both) were The uncus is also well placed to control conditions, the need for precise activated by tasks specifically involving the mediate communication between the anatomical detail as well as the necessity of construction and recall of scenes. There was prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the rest of further research into neurovascular coupling. also activation of the uncus when subjects the hippocampus. In non-human primates, recalled scenes first viewed a week earlier, subfield CA1’ mainly projects directly to the A model and future directions and of the anterior subiculum when subjects PFC, particularly medial areas Brodmann On the basis of the available anatomical constructed novel scenes. Effect sizes in area 25 (BA25)83,88 and BA14 (REF. 88), and functional data, we propose that the the anterior lateral hippocampus and the with fewer projections to the orbital PFC. hippocampus (specifically amHipp) supports posterior hippocampus were far smaller. There is an indirect pathway between CA1’ modelling of scenes. It can be driven ‘offline’

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