NEWCOM# Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications
Ref. Ares(2013)1025853 - 08/05/2013 Network of Excellence NEWCOM# Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications# FP7 Contract Number: 318306 WP2.3 – Flexible communication terminals and net- works D23.1 Open Lab access and experimental setups EuWIn@CNRS/Eurecom and preliminary plan of activities Contractual Delivery Date: April 30, 2013 Actual Delivery Date: April 30, 2013 Responsible Beneficiary: CNRS/Eurecom Contributing Beneficiaries: CNRS/Eurecom, CTTC, CNIT/UniBo Estimated Person Months: 8 Dissemination Level: Public Nature: Report Version: 1.0 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS STATEMENT This document contains information, which is proprietary to the NEWCOM# Consortium. This page is left blank intentionally PROPRIETARY RIGHTS STATEMENT This document contains information, which is proprietary to the NEWCOM# Consortium. FP7 Contract Number: 318306 Deliverable ID: WP2.3 / D23.1 Document Information Document ID: D23.1 Version Date: May 7, 2013 Total Number of Pages: 65 Abstract: This deliverable introduces EuWin, the European Laboratory of Wireless Communications for the Future Internet, which is one of the main activities of Newcom#. In particular this deliverable describes the facilities established at EuWin@Eurecom and how they can be accessed in situ or remotely. Last but not least we present a preliminary plan of activities and policies for Eu- Win. Keywords: Wireless communications, real-time testbed, LTE, open-source, radio experimentation, prototyping, software defined radio, OpenAirInterface Authors IMPORTANT: The information in the following two tables will be directly used for the MPA (Monitoring Partner Activity) procedure. Upon finalisation of the deliverable, please, ensure it is accurate. Use multiple pages if need- ed. Besides, please, adhere to the following rules: • Beneficiary/Organisation: For multi-party beneficiaries (CNIT) and beneficiaries with Third Parties (CNRS and CTTC), please, indicate beneficiary and organisation (e.g., CNIT/Pisa, CNRS/Supelec).
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