Give your student a yearbook of memories to last a lifetime. EARLY ORDER SPECIAL! This special yearbook price is only available through 9/30/18!! Shout-Outs are short messages that can be purchased for any student. Purchase an Ad or Shout-Out and email your photos and message to
[email protected] before January. For questions regarding Senior Ads or Shout-Outs, email
[email protected]. (Please call 800-944-5430 to change your address if you move after you place your order.) Available Name Stamp Icons 3 Ways to Order Up to 4 activity icons available with name stamp. Actual icon size is approximately ½” square. Online Visit 118.)(Jr,oo.~A:f:~·Football Basketball Volleyball Baseball/Softball Track Cross Country Soccer Wrestling Gymnastics Golf Tennis - 101 102 103 104 105 167 106 107 108 109 110 select your school and follow the ordering instructions Swimming 1_ ,,/ FieldtJ Hockey • ~Dance Team ~Surfing Skateboarding1f ~ a Diving Hockey Lacrosse Rugby Cheerleading ~i f Skiing Phone 115 111 112 113 114 168 116 117 118 119 165 To order by phone (Para ordenar en español) Equestrian Color Guard call 1-800-944-5930 SnowboardingA~v-J,'lie) Skating Archery Band Dance Weightlifting Martial Arts Bowling ~ n·I~127 Drama 124 ~ ~ 121 8 120 122 123 125 164 126 128 129 Mail Just fill out the bottom Technology Music Art Yearbook Photography Student Govt Speech/Debate Guitar Choir Journalism 137 !-,._ Honors portion of this form and 131 134 166 136 m 138 130 If? ' "6 • 132 'i f ~133 ~ Ill tl 135 139 mail payment to: Balfour Om Yin-Yang Christian Fish American Flag Peace Symbol Cloverleaf P.O.