ihk Portland daily press is published BIFISIWESS OAliDft. MSCMXAIOiOlJS. RUIOVAU). IWSUMANUJb at No. t Printers’ do mean to the fact MjrvdiT, (Sunday excelled,I ignore which all th. ... Exchange Street, Portlaud. gentlemen from the frontiers Kvcliange, DAILY testify to th ,i n. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. «i:okgi: E. PICKETT, THE KKMOVAL. PURELY MUTUAL! PRESS. there is collision. That is so undoubtedly Are we of tho Dollars a in advance. ignorant fact that we are .d 1 BE*5:-Eight year Successor to __ THE spre Stephen Gale, POBl'LAND. our now DEB LOIS A ing population right in contact with WEBB, IVew these Indians? And are we i 11K MAINE STATE PRESS, ls-f.ubllshedat the and mutual benefit Huplaiid Mutual ignorant ol Ibe a Druggist fact that there is an utter s.ni iiircc every Thursday i.nrumg at $2.90 year, Apothecary, disregard of tiio in advance. and dealer American Counsellors & at Isife Insurance of these Indians under the u variably inEaglishand Fancy Goods, Law, Gomp’y, TWedtiy Morning, 18, 1807. rights treaty stipe Attorucys OF July latious have made with NO. 14.1 SAfe Insurance Have removed to BOSTON, LIAS3. Organized 1343. you them? is tbe.e iiAlt3 OF ADYEBTterso.—On inch 01 space,lu CONGRESS, Company. Cush Assets, lbG7. any Indian reservation in Kansas or Nebraska a Near January 1, 84,700,000. length 01 column, constitutes “square.*’ Washington Me. 61 Cash Dividends oi er i5 cents Street,.Portland, No. St. 1&U4-5, now in course of anywntre else that is not absolutely iuvad 7 1.39 daily 11 ret week: per TST. »T. Exchange per square ByPhysicians carefully TsTewark, payment, m 0C0 ed three insertions. O’* less, $1.00; continu- Prescriptions componnd- REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. to-day, and the rights of the ludiaus set wv*'k alter; 13. July 8-dll Total Divided. alter flrsl 50 cents. July dlt_ in 1845. Charter Surplus onn’mio Mine as if there were no ing every other day week, w._ Organized Perpetual. I.osses Paid ill 1866, ’all ram' treaty stipulations? flail square, three Insertions or less, 75cents; on* Everybody that knows about Indian Total Losses Paid, , n,-? non anything week, $1.00; 30 cents per week alter. BRADBURY & BRADBURY. Uemoval. allurs knows is You losses ou deceased members Income lor 1866, that true everywhere. tinder head of “Amcsemfnts," £2 00 ter square Having paid amounting tc $5,125,425, and & WOODBURY have remo'ol th-lr i 778 000 FOB QOVEB.VOB, make treaties U Annual Distributions in Cash, jw with the Indians; you put them pei week; three insertions or less, $1.50. Office to No. 107 Fore over Sam- tu at COFFINShipping Stree1-, 60 Local Agents Wanted, and also advance of your and the mo- c; 1 At. Notices,$1.25 per square for the first In- Counsellors Law,, declared in Dividends to the the sum of with assets well uel Waterhouse’S store. Canvassers can populations; living $6,002,839, Clothing make arrangements to woik for the ment, your settlers sertion. and 25 cents per square for each subsequent 10. dim* good above Co advance and come in con- Hayings Bank Building, Exchange Hi, July Ai.ply to UBFUS MMAI.I. & JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN tact wlt'i them Insertion. secuied to over MO,V, they take possession bodily, amounting $12,000,000, has just declared its TWENTIETH annual feFJdtt General Agents for Maine, and then comes Advertisements Inserted lu the ‘MaIke State HENBir P. HEKIULL, H. B., Biddcford, Me. collision, and theu the saV»"o ha? a circulation tn PORTLAND. OF BRUNSWICK. show their PitESB” (which large every par- “°WBB?& j character, and then treaties are Siatoifor for first insertion* Dividend, being 50 per cent. anti Surgeon, made ol the $1.00 per square June 27-dtf Physician PHCENIX to push luui farther away h id ’,0 routs per square for each aubseqnent ins.T- 103 CONGRES3 STREET. in all this The A nnunl Income for wus Bur, sir, country which is covered tlon. W. T. BROWN & CO., 1866, $4 034,855.39. 9-dlf The Mniue State the order of General July Mutual Life Insurance Press, by Sherman, there are General Commission It continues to all Company! treaty stipulations wliieli secure that land of Merchants, issue classes ol Life Policies, at the lo west rates consistent with 1YI R R K I L I. Published this contains the text of A. , Of Coun. morning the Indians—if there is such B'lr$IBIJ29l!i CAtiWS. No. 90 1-4 Commercial Hired, Hartford, the any tiling as so perfect security to the members. Its distinguishing features are economy iu expenditure, declaratory Reconstruction Act passed and if we tho (Thomas Block,) Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ED:-i< .N FESSENDEN, President. by curing it; go upon theory that and care in its Congress with other in they are independent nations and make treat- Wiixakd T. 1 _ management. JAMES P. important proceedings Brown, _ has removed to 1444 Street, BURNS, Secretary. ADAMS & DECOSTEB, Walter H. Portland. Exchange opposite pres- both Houses; the ies with them, those treaties urn to lie obse. v- Brown, J ent Pos t Ollice. July 9d 11* important evidence in the It pays no stockholders for the use of capital, no bonuses or commissions to officers, W. IttVlXG HOUGH, General Agent, Surratt ed. They are entitled to that country Sole Wholesale Agents for the Boston Match Co. trial; letters from our Paris and Ban- hy C5 Me. treaty stipulations and tho orders of General for Maine. By permission r (hr to Dana & Co., J. and no immoderate to agents. JABEZC. Exchange St., Portland, Mechanical W. compensation WOODMAX, gor correspondents; 8henn.ui supersedes those Engineers, Perkins & Co., Josiah H. Drummond, Burge..?, Divi 1. lids in 50 cent. interesting intelligence treaty stipulations paid 18C5, per the execution ot in instance. If they No. St,Portland, Fobes & Co. june2Gdtt All its Directors attend ita and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- respecting Maximilian and every were independent 3G Commercial meetings, Dividends in 50 per cent. Counsellor & Solicitor in paid 18CG, the arrest of Santa nations in the sense in which our as- DEALERS IN selected so as to secure sound lives. It is careful in losses aud in Bankruptcy Anna; Dominion Affairs- theory S. fully adjusting prompt Dividends being paid in 1807, CO per cent. signs it, of course it would cause a war. FREEMAN & CO., 1-4 They No. 144 Exchange §t. Religious Intelligence; together with a great havo to war Steam payment. It allows the insured to travel and reside in a right to go and show cause to Steam Fittings, July 9-dtt any of domestio and Engines, of All Kinds. Commission Merchants 1 variety foreign nawa, market the civilized nations of the earth. And Machinery portion of the and Europe, at any and Its funds are invested with lo never I will not a to a Patent House Horizon- regard security, hazarding principal for interest; reports, shipping hews &c., &c. vote dollar piosecute war Also, cew Rotary Pumps. 131 Broad Removal. all seasons of the year without extra charge. street, it a against these Indians on inforuia tal ana Rotary St ram Pumps. Also Rotary Pumps hence has never lost dollar on its investments. After paying losses and expenses, and my present Samcel i It throws out almost oil restrictions on tion and belief on with pulleys—a new principle. Steam anu Water Freeman, occupation the subject. I do not bo- E. D. Appleton. NEW reserving the value of all it has always made anAKNOAL dividend of lit ve it Ganges, Steam Whistles, Roller Pumps. Knowles’ } YORE. outstanding policies, OERRISH A REARS OK, from its policies. ‘‘Organizing lit II in (be ISlulhi rg Miulea.” necessary. Whatever is necessary for Celebrated Boiler Ruteliet Drills, Slide attention Uelenoe against the madness Feeder, E3?—Particular given to the purchaaiug return premiums to the members, and paid them when due. Dealers in Its policies are all non-forfeiting, as it al ways al- and extreme lav Wrenches, Files, Picks and Handles, Rubber and of Flour anil Grain. This pithy legend ha3 been received in ageness of these tribes in their lows tiie assure t to surrender his should he infuriated con- Packing, Lubricating and o her oils. Black References—Dai hi E. Silver and policy, Hemp Kearor, Esq McKenna? & It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT” Company, but one class of all life Watches, Jewelry, circles and by as dition, growing out, as the evidence is befoio Varnish foi Vices, Screw Plates, Dies W. & C. K. J. B. T." H. having members, policies, the company a therefer. sporting sporting journals ol Iron, Lanterns, Co., AliUikea, Carroll, Esq., Plated Ware, d?s!re, giving paid-up policy ns, our own of course I and for Gat Oil Weston & Co. new and in an of the effect Badi- aggressions, am wil- Taps Fitrers, Cups, Gauge Cocks, Junelldtf b°th old, sharing equally the annua) division of surplus, receiving a dividend on It pays all its losses promptly, during the sixteen apt characterization of ling to vote. If General and all kinds of Railroad and Steamboat supplies. Have taken the store in the Canal Nat'onal Bank Sherman and tho of Us existence never contested a claim. cal the rebel States. The \Var Department that Also o let, a store, with cellar, suitable for grocery B. it. A G. W. every premium paid. Building, year., having legislation upon say they have not suf- TERRILL, ficient force tor tho of or produce. Jy9eod2w JySdlio SU Middle St. word which the an protection the frontiers Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, It endeavors, in brief, to act in all as a faithful trustee for the members. for gives expression energy let them say and I shall be respects Having The subscriber is now prepared to give prompt it, very glad to voto IVo. IT Uffc. which would not otherwise to it is one the both meu Exchange M., Portland; over this it to at tention to all matters pertaining to this agency de- belong means, and money, to enable Charles P. Mattocks, twenty years pursued coarse, proposes continue it in the future, and offers its RE M L them Ocean Insurance Building. O^VA partment. that is most at home in the Police Gazette, to defend the frontiers and the people of March 18 U6m advantages to all who desire ti> insure in a Company so conducted. All persons desiring information as to insurance, the frontiers ag inst the savaae hands. TUCKER’S aud we would not consideration But, Attorney and Counseller at Law, the practical working and result ol all the different upon any sir, I am not willing, while the record stands A. N, NOYES & LEWIS C. President. forms of policies of life *c. will he at- as SON, GROVER, insurance, trust it at large in our columns outside of I say it does, to authorize a war of extermi- CANAL BANK tended to in at his or address- BUILDING, EDWARD A. Secretary. C by calling persou office, a war for the of these Manufacturers and dealers in STRONG, BENJ MILLER, Vice-President, JOB PRINTING OFFICE hi in mail. Persons all aud de- quotation marks. lint thanks to those nation, scalps people. I ing by eady insured, saving do not believe in No. S« Middle Street Portland, ALEX, H. JOHNSON, Cashier. AMZI Mathematician. additional will receive all neces^arv it. Let us perform our trea- DODD, Is now permanently locatod at siring insurance, devices—those circum- febl Idti mfonnaliou, and can effect their insurance helpful extenuating ty stipulations; let us do our wholo to _ & Medical Examiners. through duty Moves, Manges Furnaces, NO. 115 EXCHANGE STREET, him upon the most favorable terms. stances—convenient typographical barriers by these Indians; and theu it will be time enough J. XV. 8YMONDS, JOSEPH B. JACKSON, M. GABRIEL M. Parlies throughout the State desiring to act as for us to talk about Can be lound in their D., GRANT, D., Printers’ lower floor. means of which one extermination. at I EDGAR HOLDEN, M. D., F. G. SNELL1NG, Itf. D. Exchange, Agents for this old and popular Company, will be lib- may separate his own Counsellor jaw, erally dealt with. W. IRVING HOUGH, NEW Portland, July 4th, 18 -7. julySdSw sheep from the alien that will some- 8(1} Middle St, (Caual Bank Building,) IfUILDHVCl ON LIHIB W\, General Agent, 06 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. goat^ Varieties. June 10. dtf li-dti in.' ly A >11_> DIRECTORS. times wander into his chaste diction, we may May 1*0 (Opposite the Market.) Removal! LEWIS C. GROVER, RANDALL H. GREENE, EDWARD A. STRONG, freely discuss the phrase in question. Like —The New Orleans Tribune calls for the & Where will be pleased to see ail their former DBS. CHADWICK FOGG they HENRY McFARLAN, 1. H. JOSLAH O. election of a colored Mstomers and receive orders as usual. n FROTHINGHAM, LOW, most of the of the mayor and colored mem 301 1-1 CONGRESS angl7dtf CHARLES S. JOHN R. WORTH & MAXWELL have iemoved Brooms, Brooms ! pet phrases opposition par- STREET, MACKNET, WEEKS, JOSEPH A. HALSEY, bers of tbe In A. S. MISSESto No 36 Free Street, where they will keep a it is and was coined city council, order to secure the brown’s new block.

Dissolution of *1.11 il.irti'.,** Southern Corn, Flour and Cats. House and Land tin- bale, Copartnership, /lOItN ER ot‘ Montreal and Willis new one Arm A ROBBINS’ Street, rriHE of Bradbury ,& Sweat is this dav dls- Delightful Summer Resort. International Co. Til .—'i*• i.;t■ 1 in on the Parthenon, yj a nno-^ialf house and six Steamship GRAhD TRU'K Bn.EtcI*. Prime Vi ’lt.w Corn. slory L. containing X solved by mutual consent. RAILWAY ! In enVil i.*- th Mil)tile 3.000 “ rooms and wood shed. On tlir lot is a stable, OF Greek, •2.500 « W»*h* t.oOd BION BRAOBTHY, THE CtIVADA. 11 on in >n have carved them on wntar, &c. Will bo sold ufc a if Panacea. A 11 iOfl Bni-rrJa B»it ■chestor f' ioai. (jpod bargain applied L- D. M. SWEAT. Vegetable Calais St. tor » Eaatport, JToh»t, >■ SQota. Enquire ou the or of June If07. F there is Panacea in the eli roods ;i.i! arches antkjoc: 1 a Itjro Blow. premises, 22, MINERAL SPRING HOUSE | world it is this prepa- &8i F. O. BAILEY”, _Je27-tl3w I ration, it is sale and ! e c .• :U> Coin, with vandal 590 JBnshels Onls simple, particularly useful DIGBT, WINDSOR AND HAJIFAX. SUMMEU AUiLANGEALENT. !.a.l.l, w 1G9 Fo:o Street. West as a convenient to Bethel, situated in the beautiful lamily medicine, in sadden Colds G ive -ope Ills envy dark, Carg.1 Schooner “Francie Adams,” from Baltimore, 2uly|6<11 Dissolution. ot tno Valley Androscoggin River, and on Febrile Attacks, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Couch*’ nanaa 25 an'L*tter July is, nmr, It:. iv'o.u- c. nit in a tend now and for SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Mfietev*!'trains will run as lotlowsi— many landing <;o»il House for Sale. fllHEeopartnerBhipberetolore existing between the tbe line of the Grand Trunk is Cramp and Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain* in’thc ^ BR0THE™ under thr, Arm name of Railroad, si.ie’ iraiiuor Lewiston. 'ir?nu'..berk. ,i ®“b8«f*>ers, Fove, Col- now open tor or other of the liyivsi MouUcal. Quebec and Hadgrayvuits two house lin *t company. Tula is a dcl’ght- stomach, bowels, part body, Head- the L oig Wlraid. 1 he large and commodious story dissolved mutual eons>nt on ti e West, at 7 A. M. Junediltf Lawrence Swan,was by snmmer resort, surrounded Cold bands and teet. __Head aud Jot. corner Monument nn.J St lost. Ans tinsel tied by lofty ache, Toothache, Diarrhoea, THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. Mai. Train lor ii: •») ;>• matters will be adjusted by mountains and the and Wat.rvldo, fian .or. Montreal, v*“Quo iis!:3oW t-.o bruit and m .. most romantic scenerv. Dysen lei y, Cholera, Fever Ague, &c. Lee P,ramies, US,streets. The h-mas Is thirongldy Mr, Coffln, at tlieir late plate of £x- walks and Chilblains, and the West at 1.10p M. A n •: i v. SJA business, No. 13 affording dnve9 In New &c. It Hulls to out the in ldi-'u ie,v t Contains fifteen finished rooms; would unequalled Eng- rarely bring eruptions ('lines, goo order. thange Street. land, and tbe streams abound On and after Monday, July 1st, the *' *“■* intermediate sta- 'i-li sains! Wood I The for is 70 90 In trout. A beautiful measles and canker ra9h; and these diseases are 11 cri the coffin lids make a capital Hoarding House. by Mr. may also be for a tear.tors of this line 'will leave nail- onf1'!t^tr!1 p0r,v°U ■ hicto;;lyj)l»s Foye found, few at the torest of woods surround the of water. Terms days, house, and on the prem- often cured with this Panacea nkne. And for that i t inn ic If is a stiblo and plenty same place for the of “ -^Sroad foot of Stale No baggage can be received or Vyp lrin.es; good \\. II. purpose attending to such ises are tbe celebrated Mineral most terrible of all this ■vTftfrr' Wfcart, street,every checked after time * * * deUvar ti all favorable. to .JLRiilS. business as has been Springs,” which diseases, DlPPTnERLA, prepa- above suited -r;i .••yv.n 9^°* ,au purchases wanting Apply under Ids especial ctaree are well known for their WEDNESDAY and FKI- Pompeii, v ? many effective cures. Abun- ration has not its in the World. 57*«^a»MO.NDAY, either large or eiuall lots. Cargoes of Fresh 4-d3w* equal **** ** ;‘i- *or Trait:s will arrive a* •_ Iinri. d. a el sir and Jqly ___ W. H. dant evidence ot the Eaatport and St John, tollow* _ oven, stark, Mined FOYE, peculiar efficacy of the water can This medicine is of recent date, but has been ex- Si'iy® wl J. H. be from 1 leaveSt. John and ft on the From Montreal, Quebec, Lowest on and Have m.'n.lilo on ids that v ii not die, COFFIN, shewn, several a«sayists, and used lor the cure of the various disease s same Easipc Nice * arm lor Sale F. K. many promi- tensively Auburn, Their primitive Mason Murk. i.ehigh, Red \sh tv hit* Ash, nnd SWAN, nent Physicians. Families, tourists and invalids for which it is recommended, and it lias proved, e lo a 4i C. II. FOYE health and with the Steau.jr B Ue From Montreal, Quebec, Wo- seeking the pleasures of retirement m the over a wido its immense over Brownfor^ i* Bangor, country, superiority ., t'uiuhvrland or Smith’s t oal, ,4 xovd in Cumberland, eight miles Irom Portland, July 13, 1867. dtt will find the Kobblnaton and Calais, with tervilie,«c.,at 2 ,, c and fri and country, “Spring Hou=e” a quiet,clean every Panacea known. It is the best Pain the New Upon :zc, capita!, r,b !. iTSv-fcS Portland, very;leasautly situate I— Expeller *" Wo°"- Local Train tront South Paris and In- iota, and desirable homo, Transient and iu use: Is recommended for instantane- KaUwaV- inti: ye ol’tho chaste volute, Embracing al! ihe j&v,>rite •kstriptior.* which we i 1 only three minutes walk from permanent highly the termediate statons, at fta uTsJU depot, boarders solicited. Terms moderate. will ous relief of all and aches "aYZZSZ\8b£*"* 7.43 P On on vrarrunr pure a* and will seli at lowest £5 mow- Dissoluti on Carriages pains the flesh is subject :'folia's curve. or astrajtu, any mined, WSiv/P-.-tSSLcontaining2i>acres wood, be at woat Bethel on acres Depot the arrival ot thf* cars to. Or e. market rates. in rand 15 pasture; abi ndanoe el excellent in ti.yy,lull’s channel ueii to couvcy passengers ro the bou e. «nd with E. The me not 11 sponsible tor bt Also best of oie-new 1 1-2 store All persons who are subject to t^oliE Iv N A n\uwavi,,rD^^lia;,Hl7 'L aud«?•“«. Company ’.ti* to Cnl u- here on the entablature, ^unities water; house, thoxongldv Hn- rPHk Copartnership formerly existing between Uan' *«* "run* fi.T any amount iSO it. value land tbac is iod, conia mug it rooms; barn I Dearborn & is this K1N(1SBBBT- P^vletor. I THROAT, which.neglected, is vtrv art to result F^lericton exceeding pet n- ■end oft like a suddan good 3Cx60, pant- Down*., day dissolved Juno 27. !3w0HN in that dreadful al) unless notiuei* given, HUM paid tor at the rate it spark, HA RD and SOFT WOOD. ed and has a cupola; has by mutual consent, All business _e disease, UIPllTHliRIA, fV'Freight received a on a date wood-shed, carriage-house, connected with should have this on embark, ; large Arm 01 CHASE & OWEN Is this dis 1867, and a well of water. Now fur- day after OB. MILTiER’a 7*400 they triumphed on many an filterer, good spring THEsolved by mutual consent. being thoroughly reuoratod ami new- through trains Daily be tv een Dos ton, Portland Appian Wav, Western Mixed nace! in the cellar which warms cf the furnished amd \« here they vekffc their Mason HigJt Corn, every part L. T. l.v throughout. the Kennebec. ^H^k. and (or *ale house. Gas in room. CHASE, The central local ion in store l>j every Sewerage perfect. J. W. OWEN. of the house and t3 nearness to A very desirable re ideucc for a small family and June „„ 1807. the Railroad Depots and Steamboat Soothing tile 25, Wharves, render andHealing Balsam, kave Pori land ar 1 P. M. Crossing Alps, like will be sold at a bv jtl3dlw* the moat QflBREl ,?5SiS# lor Hannibal, II- SURGIN' <£ groat baignin it desirable of any in the for the travel- stauons on Or skirting the HOWARD CO., ROSS& city this lino, and t'oi Lewis- Pyrenees,- STURDIVANT, ling public, and the proprietors are* determined to NATURE’S ASSISTANT. ton ana ».utJon9 on the On peak aud in aud 151 Commercial St. make it Androscoggin Road. Also plain, crypt cell, COMMERCIAL 8 S BKf T, .iy9dtf Dissolution of what has ao long been needed in tbe vicinity, has proved infallible for Banger and stations on Maine Cent?»I On foot or ou Copartnership Burns, Frozen Limbs. road. bandaged knees; Wounds of all u*.' a «&cop> «u.; Portland Ibr Bath and Augusta a* 8.15 P. From in cars or vessels promptly. Tliev are A IT Bruises, Sprains, kinds, Pains in M. Tilaer to Danube, from Rhine to Seine, FIRST CLASS HOTEL. the Back or Trains are due at Portland at 8.3ft A. M.. IoADKDJ now prepared to furnish from lliefr Ntw First «'oh~ jsajlj£. copartnership heretofore existing under the Side, Shoulders, Chilblains, Chapped and 2 80 They needed no “letters of name ol CALVIN The terms will be as low as in the £J5'“‘"8... and 0.42 P. M. marque,” Glass Grist Mill THE EDWARDS & CO., is this other hotels of same Hands, Stilf’Neek, Ague Face cr Breast, Ear Dec*»... 1.00 Their art was their in Fi ance and day dissoh ed mutual consent. All rank, and every attention will be to Aclie, and Inflam- The thr> ugh Train with ear at- passport desirable two-story brick house, No 58 by persons hold- given the com- Deafness, Poisoning, Erysipelas Froigiit taken 43 usual, Freight passenger .nEASi m ajulnst the are fort, convenience and pleasure of mation of the For Rheumatism leaves Portland f,r morn- Spain, CORN Pleasant st, 11 finished rooms;— Arm, requested to present guests. Eyes. it is not a tached, bkowhegau every CKALivBty containing them tor and certain L. BliiLlKOs A 'enr at 7 o.clock. Aud in Britain their Mason Mark. for heated with abund- payment, those indebted will please call ADAMS & cure, yet hundreds have been relieved by it Juno •“ ing (.»the wholesale trade from ll'Oto 500bushels nrouppt- SApiped gas, by furnace, and settle PAUL, Proprietors. when other 14,1807Hitt An Train leaves ance of a soil Lot about 32 VO E. L. O. ADAMS. W remedies had felled. Express Augusta '* > order, at lowest hard d water. by ft. Jelltl PAUL. very prices. Al.-.o, GROUND A9 an internal when taken in it for Boston, connecting at Poitiand with The monolith and Druid’s KOOK SALT from Terms liberal. Immediate possession given. 337 Conffress Street. medicine, season, Evening gray chair, very purest Salt known, put up in will cure Inflammation of the Express leaving at 7o’t'ock, and ariiving in Boston The towers of the ten ami five Inquire ol JOHN C. PROCTER. Bowels, Dysentery, For fcae pillared Gael, twenty, pound poplar boxes, or bags i CALVIN EDWARDS, Kidney Complaint and Cholera Morbus. It will also Islands! at 11 P. M. In tbeir deslre l. J une 28-d3w occult bear flour and wheat Meal. Shorts and —- — ...... WILLIAM G. a« Ogham ago they Oats, --- /■ — TWOMLET. cure and Asthma. Far* low by M rouu lo WatervUlc. Fine Feed. RETREAT, Diphtheria, Dry Cough i.owloton, That time can only reveal, ^SUMMER This medii-inc is in its THE Kendall s Mills and us the Maine Cen rttl For sale. Ike subscriber Sonlli Side of Peak’s purely vegetable composition, Bangor by Live on! Old of the April 15. diwteodif baving obtained the hne store No. Island, and in toa*l» auti tickets in Boston for Maine monuments past, 1J story house, stable and wood shed, 637 [ijHig soothing healing Its influence, and may be giv- purchased Congress Sheet, will continue the business and en to steamer i. eutral .Stations are Our beacons with two acres of excellent sil u- any age or sex with neriect It has been gazelle good for a assu e on this line. through ages dark, ANEWtogether land, will on safety. In keep constantly hand HENRY >1. Proprietor. before the Passengers j) om will primal majesty still von’ll last. Coal. ated in Cape Elizabeth, on Pleasant street, *new BRACKETT, public during the past nine years, and has Bangor, Newport. Ac., pur- &7. €)iie»f» $7. for some of the most chase tickets to Kendall <* Mills and after tak- ■ about one mile from Genteel wrought cure-. Endeared ny each Mason Mark. >*• • street), Poi UanJ bridge, near Open Boarder3—three miles from Port- astonishing The only, FT 1 within world ing the cars on ou this road the Couuactor will fur- the Town House. It is one of the best locations in AN O FORTES anil, Me., thirty rwfls 01 the ocean—with good proprietor challenges the to produce its superi- K cun n»rw offer nice CXnsflTN I'T itfAL or as a nish tickets and make the hue the san \fQr town, there being a view of the har- from the opportunities for Fishiag, S>a and Water remedy. For sale by all druggists. e iLrou/li to --: ■- V? at 7.0j delivered at oi the splendid city, BEST MANUFACTORIES, them Bathing, Portland or Boston as via the Maine $ pei t-*n, any part bor an I island.-, and surrounding The Among The steamer Gazelle leaves Burnham's CJ. ■>» IaEET, Proprietor, Mass. i.suirai load. Also tor sale al the country. the 2,na>, Springfield, city. lowest market pijce house eontams nine finished cedar and Wharf, Portland, four time3 daily for the Island. Demas Barnes & Co.. 21 Park Row, Kew York Stages* lot Aucklandconiw.t at Ball.; and ur Bel Miscellany. rooms, good la t at Icavln ok arrit brick ciste n. June 20-d2m will also supply the trade at List Prices. Augusta, daily iloi tiaii> from Old A. i.utl it Anson Also, a limited number of house near the Instrument, Phillips & Co,Wholsesale Agents, Portland. 13tli, M.‘; Soh-u, lots, Steinway Norridgcwe. A thou- :uvf Mooso Acad Lake ai A Sitcplic. ab Ae io which he can sell at the march26eowlyr Runningas follows until farther k, SUGAR LOAF property. Apply manufacturer's notice: Leave Skowhegan. and for China. £a#t and North Vassal- LEHIGH, J. L. augusta’ Burnham's Whan for Peaks’ Island at 9 and 101 A. A Lake PAltROTT, LOWEST PRICES, house," boro* at Vu salboru*; ihr L;JLly ut hendah Aji!l*s George correspondent of the N. Y. For 1 nniacca* May 28. dti On the premises. M., and 2 and 3J P. M. GRE&T DISCO and for Canaan at Pishcu’s Perry. a assortment STATE S VERY I Returning leave island tor Portland at Evening Post turaichcs the fwi K&ugc* and Cook Sieves, JoIiu’m White Also, good uf ORGANS and MELODE- THE ET. Cnsbing’s \V t> %TtMKNK1> JUNK go make another landed* scriber. tended lo. I, 1S67. Excelsior Pain Curer. Tickets down and hack 25 eta. Children 15 cts. acquaintance—a I for Also, two three storied brick stores on Fere IVU, «. dune 11. dll’ Skeptic. suppose that ILcli^li Lump, Foundry Use! Sireet, TWOHRLT. J * H. K LING, pcktland irom corner of Pearl. the Custom House, with November 26,1866. dtf iJi-oj>i-ietoi’. The Best good Dr. Payson (wlio I believe wrote Wo on hand n hill assortment oi opposite Preparation Ever Pfade keep i.onstrintly luuition slated the rear on a method with wall, rool3, Wharf Street t;t?"Trans'ent rates $2.00 to 2.30 For the them) down to Choice Family t'cui. Those wishing to pur- per day,according following Com plaints PORTLAND AND NEW YORK me—nobody tour stories, with cellars. For terms and particulars to rooms. FREE to and ALL and SMI) l PORTSMOUTH K. 8. ever travelled who didn't meet chase largo lots will do well to give ns a call before Carriage from Heine— NERV OCS NEURALGIC PA INrl ST K A M Still* COM PAN ¥. a skeptic, and enquire of the subscriber. CGLEBBATED I.ATE IMPROVED Cara and Steamers. PLEURISY I am sure that the purchasing. junctdif PAINS. skeptic exists in all clos es NATHANIEL BLANCHARD. RHEUMATISM. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, HARR A NR IS: 7. dtf irtrn Herbert Spencer down to the backwoods- SORT WO OR Portland, April 3, OCEAN HOUSE. TOOTHACHE, HE71I-WEEHLY LINE. CoHittiencliig Mouila), April i.iih, 1SLT. man who ean't stand Deliver., rt at any par* nr On oily at short notice. l'Ofticr.r r Train, leave Portland gammon. We were Valuable Keal HEADACHE, EARACHE,* L.-Vh*^.-..to tor Kstate on Lojimier- STIFF The what is K This House will be NECK, splendid and twit bte&iu- y-tmlf EBgpB.uto.i r.to.4# A. Si., and 2Zt P. SI.and alongside called “Roger’s Slide” when aortal?, McAllister & Co., cial Street for Sale. opened to the public, * O. 53 for the ships D1KIGO, eapt. H. SHEfc- Exiles.) P. SI. the addressed nre. A LOT of land about 52 feel on ieae.’n,on Saturday .Time25. DIPHTHERIA, skeptic ffo.eq COBO.TE1U.TAL ST., front Commercial SORE THROAT and AGUE. A wool*, and FRANCONIA, Cap*. Leave Boston lor Portland at 7.JO A. St., and 3. “rou see street and 2Gi ft to Fore the same CHAMBERLIN, HALL eg CO., that said mayMif Heal of Bfaiuc WUaif. extending sf, Also Invaluable In all cases of Sprains anil Bruise?. Ajfeg«£feftl«adA> \V. W. Suebwood. will, until r. M. and 7.00 (Express) p. M. precipice?" he; “its now li. F. & ■■ o. jun.lt ivf occupied by Noble Proprietois. it and **F,‘ rwf further run A r about live hundred srtx, i~r >’JLy--NaMKa--... Try you will be satisfied. Manufactured and notice, as follows: MscaAstc’s d vDui-Kit’e Train tv III leave fa :t nigh, and hare’s ver to J. Apnl.v I1KOWNE, sold wholesale and retail W. W. Leave (Jalt’n Wharf. WEDNES- Btddeiord .Sunders at 6 A. hand, the Indians Lumber and Coal. tf by Roger?, Hampden Portlaud,every dally, excepted, M., and they say chased Major May 1. 10 State {Street. Maine. Sold in DAY and at 4 P. leave Saco at in ____ Corner, Portland bv H. H. HAT SATURDAY, M., and Piei 0.U9, Portland at 6 do. to the of ri 'ilK uuleraiguad have on ! a*4 for the arming Kcgem edge that rock, aud then he lolivcrv, s T >fi & CO., wholesale and retail. Jal2dCm» 3vi East River, New York, eveiv WEDNESDAY an** Ileturniiig, will leave Po.llan.u„r Saco and Bid. slid l v».'lo|tb sizes of SUPERIOR lOAo, a-. EOlVEST Farm tor down it into the lake on his snow-shoes Sale, SATURDAY, at l o'clock P. ftl. d• lord and tuie;meuixt: stations al 6.1J I’. SI. MARKET PRICKS. A'wi 15 acres, more or less, situated within miles and shet on 'em. 1$ I These vessels are fitted up with fine accommoda- A special I'rcigbi train, willi ear attach, got He did, did he f I mieso of the Tost of Portland, bounded on the passenger bajfclis, ? OF Oiike, tions lhrpassengers, making this the most ed, will leave Portland at 7.10 A. Si. far Saco and Look ahore! this is what he hmgies, Clapboards, road west beyond the Westbrook Alius House HEFIINED SHIPS ! speedy, did: He got live farm, An Invaluable Medicine sale and comfortable ron*e tor travellers be (ween P. Ideford, and loav blddelortl at 8.J0 Spruce and Pine Lumber. Spruce Dimensions sawed and down on retaining, minutes’siurt. He ran to continuing to the canal the lower side. New York uud Maine. and Saco at 8 the edge of the to order at short nyrlce. Passage, in State Room 4? A. Jl. anu he Itisaveiy lilting place tor a market garden, or a Cabin abyss changed his snow-shoe^ to heel JACKSON fir $6.00 passage $5.00. Meals extra. FEANCTS CHASE, Snpt. FKttKIHN, CO., beaut Uhl place ibr a private residence, as there is a LEATHlTd£• GORE, THE PURIFYING OF THE BI.OOD ! Good« forwarded red. Tiieu he Wheel by this line to and from .Mon Portland, April Id, 16<,7. apr)3dtl toy jumped round in his tracks Mil'll Wharf, Commercial, splendid orchard In a very high state of cultivaiton, solicit the atlenUwi ot the trade and and loot of II * Dr. trcal, Quebec, Bangor Bath, Augusta, Ea-tportand put backward. He run that till he pf-3J Igii street: on the farm. Tlio larm cuts about 45 tons of bay j it WrOULl)consumer; to their Standard Brands ol J. W. Poland’s St. John. way has. been well manured for the last ten neerd tiio Indians cornin'; then he very years, Shippers are requested to *eud thtir to th« TEW C ft. dodged into Jj a of fte.ght 8. the mOtWJS, consequently gives very large yield produce, STEAM REFIXEIf •tcamers as as 3 P. Af. on the brush one side. The and SOAPS, HUMOR DOCTOR. early day that thev £im Indianskep* on, also lias a very good barn, and k iusui ed or $503. J t leave Portland. SPRCsG aU?a A IV *rilENT when they see his lest Wholesale and Ketall. TJZ: A Positive for all Kinds of tracks at the ed"e of would be very convenient lor a splendid brick yard, Remedy Humors, For or the rock )'lank. ami or all fires Kxnu, freight passage apply to they him and Shingles Scantling as there is any amount oi brick material pn the PARTICULARLY & Galt * give ud, circulated as on hand. EMERY FOX, Wharf, Po (land On an*l atier how lie went BGARUS,eofristantly premises. Perfect title For further FAMILY, -^^1 Monday, April 15tb, over. Thai'# how it was.” material guaranteed. J. F. AMES, Pier 3fj Eusl River. tiains will Ruit'ling sawed't« order. particulars of H. •V«. 1, Erysipelas, Nettle Rash,Salt Rheum,Scrof- s^aK^S^tuxrcuf, iMve Pott land tbt And Iriciid the enquire DOLAN, MayS*,l$$$. dtt ;;uayfor ana oil int my skeptic, having reformed ISAAC J*VER. 237 Fore Portland. OliKl V K, .rnicdi.'Ue Italian cn tbU ’ine, al a JelStf street, ula, Carbuncles, Bails and Piles. 110 P. M. For : ewi-tuii h:s smiled at me with a -No. If] Union Wharf. WEED FHE tlltAI. daily. and Auburn only, Mt history, jabor-worn OLIVK, I DIRECT A. M. taco, bu$ all the of a Valuable Hotel Property for Sale. CR AMO’S PATEM , It is to of or other 7.0] serenity Niebuhr. very easy say this, any medicine, j^yFrcigiit (luiui for ATalcrvIEeand ail interme- •‘I toil f©a* E Oxford House, pleasantly situated in the vil- SOtM.aMl AMKRIBA.t CASXIIAU, “It is the best known. It is not Mail Line you what I did see, in CuhacSaSlate 8alcT rpH1 very Remedy Steamship diate station' 1. are Forllaua al $.25 A. though, 1129” lagcoi Frycburg, Oxford county, Maine, is of- Maclaine so to it. It -TO- M, Sewing Allot always easy prove is, however, exceeding- Tram trern < continued the alter a fered for sale at a il for soon. Sfri’KRIOJtOtT VLITli.S,u, packages suita- Bangor *5 uc at P«r land at 2.15 F. M. skeptic, pause: “Two baigain, applied ble lor ly gratllyiug to the Proprietor of this students from 8q«»*®s Boscquulitv Caaailn Elate.. Par- The House is in with the trade and family use. medicine, that, Halilaac, JV. W. Iji MSton to< c’:i;u c with u.'iiii I r Follow. crossed the lake in I 5(f'llTl large, good repair, furniture While he declares to tne that this is a most iliddlebmy I I ic., bai!dfii« on (bo Bui ot Ditliict ale en- Importing direct our and a public -Tom Lewi.*ton j*J Antuia .10 A. K. a small ami and utf uros ihrotgliDul, together with all necessary SALESROOM chemicals, -mg only the wonderful and effective «. The Steamship J. only,at boat, come over to titled to ;l diawbaek oi E1 75cl. in Gold best and as our specific for Humors, as stated CARLOTTi, Kogcr's Slide per square of building:-, materials, goods are manulactured W. Master. will mil lhr >- VV i N N O V iv>, 5 Upi. on these aia‘e«. to No. 1 under he above, he has abundant proof at hand to sustain his Ma;nne, joliygizing. While they was a climiii’ ’round Apply Foi M! of Free Street personal supervision ol our senior partner, ttom l\OT« I, l^C ilo.uti particulars iuqaire Block, statement. HalUtr:, ilimt, Gal*.’» Whari, _ on t ue low their boat i. &J. B. CUMMINGS, HONViTO who has bad thirty years practical experience in the ledges got adrift. They fcUOTllBY, WITH EVANS & For sixteen years the Humor Doctor has been hadnt no Lumber Dealers, No. 220 Commercial St. BAILEE, business, we theroibre assure the with con- way of off Proprietor. public manufactured and sold, and has increased KVCItt 4 getting except to claw Apr'5.l»(. Portland, Maine, deuce that we can and will lurnlsh the every year mi'ZIDit,,! aklMliP. M. QRTUftD &R0£KcSTE3R.R, their — the of its way them firs to —a w value reputation, and the amount of its up the north tide of 1- it Mnrui III — ■ .1 n ji ■iwi—f 'r,f (Taf* Eelu l.lng ler.vo Pryor’, Whari dtf HERE may be found for sale a assortment sales. In Now It no Hallflij, tiie and make V\7 good Hampshire, where originated, for evei at 4 slide, then across the T v of all kiuds of Bb»l woods at the Lowe A pxicagi Portland, y Tuesday o’clock P. M. SPRING AURA NO EM EXT. way Machines manufactured by this for humors is so highly prized. An eminent Cahill moumains to r uii’ertown. THE For Sale. and remedy Passage, with State Room, «7 Meals extra. ijr-HrigKgJ hn.ndt.r »locd,c When they reach- Company, operators always ready to cheerfully Having recently enlarged and erected Kf.W physician (now an army surgeou) when practicing in For further April U, t$d7, ed there fine lot ot Land neai street. show the and information apily to L. BILLINGS, Units will run us ttUcxa: the bone3 wa3 stickin’ their ?|MiE onfcpnng, High maohine samples of work. WORKS, contain# ah them adorn we purchased between and srt»9t!3C5* through 1 known as the lot. about improvements, Now'Hampshire, fifty sixty Atlantic Wharf, or ti alns leave Soco for aud elbows where Boyd containing 10,000 are cnr.Mcd to furnish a nf of the gallons of it, some seven or anil Passenger hirer Port al they'd scraped the also about and supply >nn,»s during eight years, JOHN J.ID and 9.00 A. and I precipice, feet; 200,000 Brick 200 perch of Stone. We Warrant the Machine Kesi tiuw I it to used it in his He has since then ordered it _apr.Sdtf_ POBTEOUP, Agent. M., 3.40 P. Al. cave Portland cv! CKI0H PACIFIC ies, adapted the demand, fbrKx® practice. t they didn't out of Said lot will be Bold with or without the material. I Sai o l iver 7.!3 A. 2.C get bed for three fti*vi auu DuujpstJc for tho hospital whe re he was stationed. Other Al., and 6.16 P. M. in on tli For further of JOHN In every to satisfaction and Cou-«is|fe&»Mi%>u« phy- The o o’clock train 3,” particulars enquire G. TOTr- particular, give perfect sicians have purchi sad it. and have used it in Dita <1 Honte. ftom Saco ltivcr, a.il the 2 EAJLIiOAD CO. or CHARLES SAGER. mehlldll guarantee to refund the in if practice o'clock trout be -Vow I hear the call FOltl), money every instance, with great success, when the proprietor lived in Portland,aid Height treins with top of“Ty!” and the Ihe machine does not fulfill all we claim for it. LEATlfE can attached. Are now constructing a Railroad from cP GORE'S New Hampshire, at Goffs town Centre, for tlio j senger skeptic kindly that this is a Laud on Commercial Street to space Meant Accommodation explains Horico- C. E. 1U ON VIE It, Agent. of thirty or torty piilcs around, ami in Manchester Car, Train.—Loav (lor- ne .e abbreviation tor June To Mt. Desert and M&chias, ho.ni at 8 A. ill. and 2 P. Al. Tieonderoga. I wring OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Lease. 24. tf STEAM the Humor Doctor was well known and REFINED SOAPS I particularly Leave Portland at 12. W and 1P. his hand, assure hhu that I like subscriber is desirous of impreviug his lots valued lor the numerous and wonderful cures II. the analysis westward toward? the Pacific wit rpHE SOLD BY ALL TI1L highly Ocean, making JL on Commercial and will let.se a or TWO TRIPS PER WEEP. _ s.V'Aitiigv -ccat'cci at tiorham It w which he subjects and street, put BARNUM>S which it effected. Though manulacturcd in large IVert t'orbam, facts, welcome him He connections an unbroken the whole lor s term of Wholesale Glscers'l the Slate. B- ■sateh, ed-17 FUG. ar a line years. lirosglisui quantities, the was frequently exhausted, and VU-'.-'n. L'oamark, c.-bago, brother Here is supply t philosopher. the foot of Or he will erect buildings suitable for manafhetur- purchasers had to wait for more to be made. In that Steamer CITY OF Budgton, Lot ill, tlirur. 'r -rCeld. Vryohnrr, the where ACROSS THE CONTINENT. or other if Booms ! RICHMOND, C ba-tb ;| ... :. lake, we take stage lour mile3 to ius purposes, desired. Bathing some severe cases of were Coa6. master. will leave mtcov, .ton,. Per* ygion very Efysipelas Deebixg, 1 c. the The now a will bo received E. E. or -AT- Hieatlie &u |J7. 3 I 1 ..... ruins and dinner. Company offer limited amount ot their Proposals by IIPHAM, Goro, cheated with—and they were cured! Erysipelas sores, Railroad Wharf, foot of States reel, FroMcm, the subscriber. At Boxton ilk .. Elizabeth 307 or caibunclcs, those ugly, painful ulceis, wore entire- every and t* t.n.-lUrde. Cape Mineral Springs. t'diaaierclalSi, 17 A 10 ltcncli Street, Tncvdnjr rhlny ■ N P. a. .h Ldhitu.t 1.1.• .i.v ... RICHARDSON. ly removed wherever this medicine was tUithfiiliy JEviuiiis* at 11 o’clock for Keefe* d Jvoam IiHECKiNiiiKOE Used to FIRST MORTGAGE May SOtb. maySIdtf addition to the Salt and Mineral Water K PORTULhOJ, MAJKii used. So it was with ScroiWa and Salt Uheum. The Ft 'ronrurliia-d relate the BONDS Baths, aroUSC—Ol land, Castine, Deer isle, Sedgwick, Ml. Deseit, INthe proprietor has Introduced the Medicated Va: Humor Doctor cured them. Mill arid am having thirty year* t> run, and annual in- bridge, Jonesport Maehiasport. ■ foJlownjg: bearing For S' ale. is ar I orth 7! •- I ouee terest. on the ilr3t of and por Bath, which very efficacious in the removal ol For the sake of showing what is of it, a will leave every -rdy heard a payable day January July, Me of land thought Reluming, Machiaspon Monday Virginia lawyer object to in tli? lot on Union Btieet Serohila, Humors and Rheumatism from the City of Portion tl. tew testimonials are here inserted: and 5 *•} TdcrAtbcPr lb id. an expression in one. ol City of New* York, at the rate ct system. riiuiAday Movuiu^, r*t o'clock, touching the acts of the As- H. DOLAN, Kf Bath Rooms open at all hours and at above named und Portland, April 12, U07. dt. of Sundays In ;he Milton Rale, Esq., Boston. landings, arriving Pi Portland sembly Pennsylvania, whirl, ‘That 237 Foie btieet. week-days. year eighteen lumared and sixty-seven. the same night. read, Female An Ordinance additional to the Ordinance 1 I hereby that I was afflicted with the Swte House in the Six Per G#ht. in Ai'jus copy. attendence to wait upon ladies. elating certify sorely The “City of Richmond” connects at Rockland yard city of'Phila- Gold, to Boils for two years, developing themselves upon my Tiolcets ISAAC BARNUM. Evergreen Cemetery. with Steamer Kaial-d n lor Bangorand intermediate Through delphia short} remain an for- AT Be it ordained the and limbs and other parts of The suff ■ 1 pjtpn Enclosure Valuable for Hale Portland, June, 1867. je8dtf by Mayor, Aldermen, Com my body. erings landings on thoPeuobseot Bay and River. cyer. But Property m<;n Council, in Council which I endured from them are indescribable. Suf- ErMBBTo ilie I.put him do.vn one of on City assembled, as follows, checked t roach. [ff j|J by citing Ninety Ceitte the Dollar. SUITABLE FOR A viz: fice it that 1 6ir“Kaggage the acts of the to say faithftilly tried sevcftil of the most & ST UR Legislature of his own Jars road is to Hotel or Private Kcnidcuce. DEV AN r, Gencial agents, less tha.ii ether a 1 ail Routs, v a the State, already completed Julesburg, three A 1. One-fourtli part of the amount re- humor remedies, but without removing the JUOs $6 any winch u entitled. ‘A A. The is at the termination of the CARD. popular Apr27dtf 131 Commercial Street. supplement to au act en- humliod miScswest ot property SECTIONceived from the sale of lots in Cem* affliction. At length, by the earnest request of an tit.od au f.cventy-Fix Omaha,andIsfully Porlland Horse Ra Iroad at Evergreen Grand Trunk act it to >1 Morrill’s Corner, etery. and all sums received from transfer of intimate rVicndH was Induced to Dr. J. W. Po- Railway/ making penal alter the mark and trains are over it.— lots, try au ” equipped, regularly rnhnmg ILand is now offered for sale. The house is TIKE land's am Ol unmarked hog.’ f anlersignedlia-JngEEMOYEDfiom Ware'l together with all donations made by the holders ot Ilumor Doctor, and very‘ happy to nttost Inside Line To Detroit,? hiea.vo, a'.l points West, The ha? n' w on hand sufficient three story—built of brick, in the most substantial L will 1 or other all Steamboat company Iron, tics, Hail, its, persons, slmd constitute a fund to be that my Boils were removed, and my health was 99.1J I.om via 1 manner; an abundance of Laid and soft a TO- *arai:, iur, to tbicn- to finish the to the eastern water; called “fivergiecn Fund,’ the interest o: which si all restored by using Dr. Polaud's aforesaid me iicinc. BANGOK. / etc., remaining portion iinc and out-buiJ house is sur- <\Itgo. HHlvvnugce and ail i> lnts West. Also, stable dinars. The be to MILTON GALE. Wav Use Is? Ail base ot the 212 wlil^li is appropriated improving and ornamenting the liETunx Ticks is st L. >TT 1;atLh. Ttcl.ets via r.xcuange pertinently Rooky Mountains, miles, toimded by shade trees, and is most beautifully sil* OPEN THIS DAY and lots in said THKEE remarks: We saw a bill grounds cemetery and keeping the Boston, January 11,1856. TEH’S PEK WEEK. Bcosb, Hew l'eik L'rie Kuilwoi sticking upon a fence under contract to be done 1st oi this uated Ibr a private residence. same icsirnl, September TUEIK N£W STOKE in good order under the direction of the com t'ho beaut!In 1, afaunch and swill to JBuflfoio ami the West. the that Terms moderate. Apply to mittce on yesterday, informing people aline year, and it is expected that the entiroroad will be cemeler.es and public grounds The pav- A, C. Wallace, Esq., Manchester, N. XX. Sgfjj® steamer “Billion Blariin,” Al- for Reliable and CifARLES nicnt I!jfok>:atiow, Tickets at the milch row was lost. V?e enter an SMITH, of a sum not less than dollars into J. call inflamma- in running order from Omaha to iLs western connec- on the emises. twenty-five Dr. W. Poland—Dear &ir:—I very cheerfully l.owrai Kates, at the p’ je!4-dtt the land for each lot the holder or oilier tory protest against that word‘‘milch.” tion No. 3 Free St. by any per- give my testimony in favor of your Humor Doctor as Why witli the Central Pacific,{now being rapidly Block, son, shall entitle the donor to hate ilie lot Union and Grand u-e it? Would talk of the designat- an excellent remedy for humore. My numerous ac- Trunk Ticket Office, you ‘-milch of hu- built ward from FOR SALE/ And wo«:ld invito the attention of the ed by Lo t in order the Sacramento, Cab. dining 1870 hint, good by superintendent quaintances in Manchester know how severely I was Eetoro purchaunj elsewhere, man kindnessV Not of said — «• very frequently. IIow of the moat desirable residences in the cemetery forever. And the said commilteo with ----.--p. “Wvamuu, vnniuvil, UVAMCtj w city, aliikted lioils, and they know liow perfectly ©Ulf.pOTt, entice oppotl.o Preble undor Lancaster Flail. woald it on cemeteries shall m their uiscretien cam c care Saxidy and House, sound to hear one speaking at the Means ot the Company. ONEon Myrtle Stree% a new French roofhouse, thir- & Goods such good my health is at present. Your Humor Doctor Point, Buckspori, Winterport Hampden. Clothing, Tailoring Dry an ! attention to be bestowed n such lots a* v:ll ioave “itii’ch in the cocuaBut?” It would teen rooms beautifully frescoed; gas and wa'ei Trade to their up may cured me. Please refer to me for particulars in my I«‘oturning Bangor every Monday, D. II. li Ani. cause the be in accordance with the and LANCHJUV, £fti the to be built the Union throughput A line g arden on the premises. En- written request oi the uo- case. A. C. WALLACE. Wednesday Friday Morning, at six oVfock. May SO—o3ru hearer to snicker louder than thunder. eating distance by nors. Then trance to rhis nrot on two streets. This and well Assorted New Stock This steamer will truick at Tenant's llarbor Pacific 10 be the States Govern- erty proper- Larjjo Manchester, N.H., Tune 11,1856. every talk about milch cowa? 1,505 miles, United a Section 2. The Cilv Treasurer 1 avo cast* anti Wednesday why Quit it. ty will be sold at large discount from cost. Apply — Oj£ shall the Saturday, go*n>.r coning west, care and until turtlrr notice. ment Sfsucs its Six per oent. Thirty-year bon is to to GEO. It. DAVIS & CO., custody of said fund, aud such portion of Mrs. Prtoer, Dover, X, II. the same as not be wanted for ticketed tlx to and from the as the road is finished at the average Dealers in Deal Estate, No. 1 Mo:ton Block, above may immed ato use in N. h., Passenger rough Bogtor, by Lea PerrlHs’ The Presidexi’s Death Boom.—A corres- Company & Domestic accordance with Dover, July 22,1858. Railroad and Steamboat. the Preble House. Foreign Woolens, the provisions oi this Dr. Poland T as rateci about am july<f ordinance, received your letter inquiring who a visit to $28,250 per mile, unling to $44,- be loaned to the on & Cfci kllillAT L' u pondent paid recently tbe room may city interest, or securuiv in to the effects ol your medicine on sea-sickness. 1 ROSS STURDIVANT, in which President Tailors" vested under the direction oi said on General 14i» Lincoln breathed his last, 20rf,l;u>. I.Ot tor Sale. Trimmings, comniiltIP am happy to say ihat I Hiink it is “the medicine"’ for Agent'*, Commercial Street. —AND— cemeteries and public s, mu all micro ts re- April 13,18b7. dtf says: “The room is kept as nearly like it was Tc Company Is a’so to issue it* own groan that drcidlul sickness. I tried\ariousprescriptions, Worcesters permitted FINELY loca'ed lot on Franklin street, near the each above the ire Sauce! at the time of the sad occurrence as is Gentlemen’& Goods! ceived, during year, expend!hues but found none that settled the stomac and cleared possible. i^*i>t Mortgage Roms loan amount, and at A near Pork. The cellar and foundation tU Furnishing be added to f-JtOXOUJTOfcD tv equal pre- made,shall the principal of the fund. the head like the Humor I as EXTRACT The tamil.v in Ih dr the for Purohase.l the week for Doctor. lelt though I keep possession pillow iue same which Act of are pared building. Apply to past Cash, which will bt The Treasurer shall, at the close oi each financial on which he lime, by special Congress cou.d wait tu get ashore, to entreati ou to in- &m&. x died, which is all stained with his W. H. JEKEIS, offered to the trade at the lawest market prioei. year, report lo the City Connell the state of the con- hardly B.HiTcrones f«9tt«iHCUn el a tetter trout a male a First on the entire the troduce It into that it n av life bleed. Ad 10 two Mortgage line, bonds Heal Estate dition oi the funds. ship ebanrtkry stores, pillow cases, on one of jytdSw* Agent. Soliciting your patronage, we remain fin: its wav to thote who tin OAKBFtfOL^DAT OH winch ot the Ui.ited States subordinate to them. Section 3. ordinances of sulfcr'npoii mighty deep arc portions of the brain that exuded being Yours Very Truly, ot paris ordinances troiu sea-sickucss. If captains who take their tain Xo lx Medical GeH/Untan A inconsistent with the of this ordinance from tiie wound. The other is saturated The Government mokes a don a lion of 12 800 acres F~O R $ L E~, provisions Hies with tlieiu, or carry i as engers, should tr it lor deeply are befeby repealed. The at Madras, to M« with blood. I have no words to oi land to the once, they would never be willing to voj a.^c without PaiVATE mmL “On«r till how mile, amounting to 20,052,0o0 acres, than can CHADBOUKN & KENDALL. In Boaro of Mayor and Aldermen. ) ROOMS, solemn I Cheaper he Built! Brother at strangely ieit as I stood within the estimated to be worth the tota January 15, 1867. June 27,1807. Ao. JJ I’rehlc direct, forever V30,Ooo,000, making House and Lot In the rear No 24 Chestnut } I have used it in my family since Us introduction 1S51. room, hallowed tbe death and blood This Bill been read twice to bo or- Worcester, May, by resomces, jxdusivo ot the but Street. Lot contains 1600 10x40. having passed to the public, fo: bilious habits, headache an i hu- (iood Sauce!” ol a capita), $118,416,000; {’ feet, being dained. E. Near ihu 1-ruble martyr.” AUG. STEVENS. mors about and have iouihI It a ilsnot', the full value ot the landscauuot now be realized. LHouse, story and half In good condition. my children, i.lways “Tell Lea * Pet- Pianos and Belorieons Prest. Board Aid. sure cure. hi .an be consulted uid Ar.. dained. affll. lien rivet!; CHENEY, ing will be of any service to you or the yon uf, diseases, whether arising froir oi atable as well as the that more public, supposed than twenty-five millions at FRANKLIN FOX, President. can make u .j oi it. Impure onne. ticn or the terrible vice of self-abuse. most ME fWr-tV«D 96 Yours, wholesome most will be Exchange Street, Approved June 28,1807. Devoting Ills entire time to that U required. S ‘Li HARRIET M. PUR1ER particular branch ol I 9 H Sauretbatisinade.” DEALER IN’ June 2J. d3w AUG. E. STEVENS, Mayor. the medical profession, he feels warrai-led in Dear- The dost; of the road is estimated by competent *ti i i PinuosyOrgBOH) ftfelodeons and IHimical Mra. Wfcceler, Stoucliam, Mass. anteeing A Or UK lit ALL Cases, whether of long Lhe succese ot tills m-et dellsicuf and unrivaled engin jgrs to be aboat on? million dollars hundred Ttlcrcbamtisc, Umbrellas and Season of ISO?'. I standing or recently comroctcd, eutirely removing Die Parasols, very confidently and earnestly recommend Dr. condiment having caused many unprincipled dealers exclusive ol Nan Tiolins and dreys of disease IVom the unJ.T.a* a equipment. PUtf i*3 «iw Umbrellas, Cdncs, J. W Poland’s H umor Doctor as an excellent reme- system, lug per- I t fect and rrr.MA.N'r.NT cere. to apply tbe name to S>urieus Ctmjioumlt, tbe f Bows, Accortlcoos, Violin and HAIWBIiF-TO\?4N STAf.T.ION dy tor Humors, having been beneiitkd pub- Tor Gnimr wonderfuLy He would esllthe attention of tlie afflicted to lic Is and PvQspects Business. Hirings. by it m\ seif. own case was a severe and the respectfully earnestly requested to sec that n 1 **£* «£ My very /act of Ids Ion --standing and well-eama.1 2- M *\i te>'-A'*iJ hi? old friends and customers be thinks it reed- obstinate oac. For more than two years the skin reputation the names ot La a & Pubbi.ns are upcu tbe Vhe raHioad Rnncctton between Omaha and the famishing ludident is-.uraece of V. .kill and «uc- Wrap- TO lc .s to expatiate on bis qualifications for the GIDEON, upon the iusideof both my hands, and even down on '.a:,t Is now an i ■ess, per, Label, Stopper and Bottle. complete, the earnings of the Union Music business. Strangers in search of juugical in- Will make the present season at the stables connect- the wrist, was constantly cracked and broken so up, Manufactured Pacific oh the sections already finished for the first strument's he invites to a trial before purchasing ed with the that l was unable to u&e my hands in any kind of Coutlou to ihf ItaL-lftc. by elsewhere, assuring them in instance wet work, and was oblige to wear glo es In si wing two weeks in May were «. thoroughbred Engineer, lie bv imp. Messenger, I felt sale to give it up entirely, but they cured me. ble only anti reffahle iustruu .nt in use.- Company Hilly May 13. ME. fact, that many syphilitic patieuts are made mis- 3 3mPORTLAND, thus being very inbred to one oJ Harriet whfeleil ^1,s statement oi facts o closely Messenger, erable with ruined constitutions joseejuTstory ,r a re-jtiii ibut as tally demonstraks the by maltreatment th ISare oms, security the l est ol trotters ever foaled. Gideon Stoneham. they equally superior lor ot progenitors Mass., July 5,185G. from inexperienced physl ians in general foi htanutactnrcr and Dealer in Enameled Light rieivyy woath- the»x Bon '■&. and a3 additional proof would sug- is the only son of old Hambletonian in this Sta e for practice; Slat* ei, and njiveu cei oit of ojiuiin, they 1807. SPRING. 1807. it is a point conceded the best Chimney Brackets. Pier stock is half brother to Kcnerally by syphilogra- Pieces, sears, Grate* now gest that the Bonds now offered arc less than ten purposes, l'pxter, George that the and and being sent all over (lie phers, study tminageincnt of these come Chimney Tops. Importer and dealer in Eng- „^S™******w.dil 1 lie Wilkes, Volunteer, Shark, Biuao, sud many other lish necessity l-»r a jjeifocf Com pass lias been million dollars cn 617 miles of on which over W. 'F. & Co., plaints should engross the whole time of those wlic Floor Tiles, German and French Flower Puts, so road, of the fastest trotters in the country, and Phillips lougand serluuly lell, and upon which the inet although would le competent and suc-'essinl In their treat Hanging Va-.es, Parian. and BronroStnlueits twenty million dollars have been & never haviDg been used tor track lias ex- General for the Bisque, unity of every Maritime already expended: woodmahTtrue CO, purposes, Agents State. inentand cure. The lne> ind Busis. Glass Shades and Walnut itationk been lameli ifut hibited oi that and i*orienced general practi- Sends, Eohe unsucecs; on 330 miles of this road cars are now this removed to the promise speed endurante which tioner. fully si cut, has caused this to the mining, Having Jay spacious warehouse having neither opportunity nor titan to mak- whin and Lava Vases and other wares. Con.pass evccteil has made liis relations io .inslly famous. RETAIL AGENTS. bni few and the 1S7 mile3 are upon hiinself acquainted with tlieir US TKE7HONT STREET Studio «out I American in- remaining nearly completed. vouchers of his' can be pathology, commonly Bnlhllng vendors:k,>05“jds. It had been,to inen aliio THEIR OLD Satislaetory pedigree pro- H. pursues one system of in most cases mak- mar l5dSiu Mass. recently enlorsod At tic rale of on these duced to those W. W Whipple, H. Hay, L. C. Cros- treatment, BOSTON, present premium gold MTG, who desire his services or any parties Gilton, an indiscriminate fcc by the Pcrt- man <5t Co.. Edw. Mason, A. G. Schlolteiboeh & ing use of that antiquated and -Ian Und aIJIloIuteJ bonds an annual on the o who may dispute it. Co., THE ^ pay iutertst present cost Nos. 64 & 56 MIDDLE Rollins & J. R. Lunt gerous weapon, the Mercury. f'diowHig STREET, C. re will lie taken to prevent aecltfciit or Gilkty, & Co l". Sweetser, H. SJ&JS eSSSSfe. :-ns,8,;ug escapes, T. & Would Invite the attention of but should occur will be at the owner s Cummings Co., M. L. Whittier. £«ine Po» respectfully purchasers they they Have CenfidcKCe. Concrete Pavement Jictn' Cent., to their large, new and attractive stock of risk. Apl 0—1eod Molim A«, Cit2J“ Is the best and hi use lor Peti F. S FALMGH. All who have committal an excess of cheapest n Hanma. and It. Is believed tliat on the completion of the road, any k ES! tiheates are issued, Have removed their Opposite the Canal National where will l>e Family Day will commence troubled with too frequent evacuations from the blad- bearing interest until redeemed Bank, the Dividend tor ten found a assortment often accompanied a or Average yean, past :,g pef eent!' good of der, by slight smaitintr burn- ORGAN Morse Rakes ing wn^otion, and weakening the system in a man- JOIIX kutsma V - Revolving Third in The has ! Monday August, ner the patient cannot account for. On Company the following Assets vi, AND dumber Yard In large quantities; 230 dozen Plimpton's two and examining haa a good assortment of States and the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be United State of New-York three tined Hay Porks; 235 Pa'imei’s Horse Ray and continue thirteen weeks. Send for Catalogue to Ready-Made found, and sometimes small particles of semen or al- GAS Bank and other Blocks, 771 MftlodsGE Clothing Forks: Rifles, Whetstones, Foik &<■ &o. H. F. FIXTURES V« Vsy oi -AND— Handles, EATON, Principal. bumen will appear, or the color wi‘1 be of a thin milk* Loans teemed by Stock,., an! otherwise. l’pViWnhn STURDIVANT'S WHARF, Also the celebrated 4. dew of all and will sell Norridgewock, July Ish hue, changing to a dark and turbid appear- kinds, them as low as they can be Heal li.'tai ■•>, and Bonds and hi o; ix-ages MAXITFAC- again in wimSS" TORY ance. There are men who die of tills bought Boston, New York or elscwhor Interest and sundry nob s and elaiiis due FOOT OF PARK STREET, FURNISHING GOODS! many diflfeuity BUCKEYE MOWERS! ignoiant of the cause, which is the JOHN tv IN A VI Union the company, estimated at „, AN, hl.-eel, p,, ^ And hi e prepared to Ihrnlsh kind oi Lumber at -ALSO SECOND STACK OF WFARNE93. Premium Noies and Bills No. in any Ncs. and 3. lor Buckeve Mowers Packard Book-Store! SEMINAL PORTLAND, ME Ctceirable. 3,8.37’,73fi 41 short notice. 1,2 Repairs always I can warrant a in and • mcMdli_ Cash in Bank lor Woods’ perfect cure such case*, si dicaluat We now offer for sale ready. Rtpairs Mower'punished at short 43k\m 100,000 feetlf, U and 2 Inch AND full and healthy restoration of the urinary orsrans. Pine notice, All orde s promptly attended to and thank- CHARLES Dry Dimension Lumber. Broadcloths, Tricots, Persons who caim t personally consult the Dr., GRIMMER, a POBTLAKD. fully received by (Late ol tlie 17tli ln;antry Ba*:r, Congress Street. these LETTERSone may leave America without tak- locipedes, Rubber, Foot and other Balls, together 3nd°Maiiel Revolvers. GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, McKay Mewl .g Markins the only l^arpetingH luild*, and draw on at With the Base 107 machine tn exl -teuce bv which a sewed loot or eyomco hour- from s a. ing money landing QUEENS- regular Bali, Childicn’sChairs to learn No. FEDERAL STREET. THK Frotn 8 to 24 feet. M^osf^S*udeut" TOWN. or CONTINENTAL them to Doll shoe In- made, to ah kinds, and J. M. LIVERPOOL, any walk, Heads, bodies, arms, a iar"e tr- Caffb Fait! f-.r C'oltV r.od We have in store one of tlic iinest nw-orttnent of can fd.ipted styles 0/1 tec lr,r> Fore KIMBALL & for which can be made in any town sortmeut of dtessed ami other Work Rcmiugion’i FRENCH and sixes of boots and sho»s. SOS palm ean be niarto with A1A nl Ibe S(„ JPortlanrt * CO., CITY, payment Dolls, boxes and ENGLISH. GERMAN. DOMESTIC I.OWKSY C ASH FRICK* Mam, VK now on hand a 4nny or Mat f iievolrrru. nn.l nun. one in ten hours. 12—.llai.veodfpJauPC-A wCw and for sale the largest and or city i America whore there Is Bank or Banking Writing Desks, Violins, Accordions, Bai jos Guitars llrury’i CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &c., that can 1c found in ease by one with machine, boitassortmentol whom Flutes. Fifes and »r use e of all o! tier* In the mar- HA Cariiages ever oilered in this House, through arrangements may be made if Conceriinas, Bird cages all kinds’ 4|icncerN lliilc*. Portland. These goods have been selected with great These’shots prove..cu. VO. 90 MIDDLE STD EFT. markot in Parrot and arc at cojt consisting i.ait ot the following celebrat- desired Squirrel Cages, Heinisch and Lenonrhl care and adapted to the Cash Ion able ket and made substantially tile of peg- 12m The larges; assortment or Goss, SronTjso especially trade. t' •’one 5- WiiKiifacibrinif Jeweler. ed stills, via: iixteusi in Ton Cabriolctls, !'],> We offer facilities and lnore favorabin celebrated BarberShcarsand a good assortment and at that cannot lhil to In use bv all e leading mannf icturers. Ma- loan nn-iirpasscd But- Goods, Fisiiisg, & to prices and ail goods ging mamilacturer ou.i l terms OF ton hole and otlior Scissors, a Tackle, Cctuct, &c, {.lease, with men to set thorn in K«E\K*. of ever- ms-rir- Spring Porch, very tight: ight Carryalls, than any House issuing “LETTERS good assortment of Pen he tound in the for sale thoroughly shrunk and satisfaction guaranteed. chines, competent opera- 01T. tiun oi Standing aud Extension lie CREDIT.” find it lor their interest to and Pocket t State, tion, furnish d u! on notice. For Jewelry, having established himself at Top Top; celebrated Parti swill Knives, Shipping Papers, oasters’ Man- A call Is respectfully solicited. Thankful iu friends day’s particulars minors oxide gas i s«5 is now '‘Kiuib.ill GILBERT F,. 01 license toG UIWN McKf T. Congress Street, prepare I to mareati"- .iaup Slcal” with improved front communicate with us belore providing themselves ifest, Notes, Receipts, Deeds, and other blanks all B11LEV, for past patronage, hoping to merit a continuance of apph A"ent. "Bath thing in th line. Seat; ‘-Sun Shades” the Boston and Now York B Vs«s. Anl 10. 4 j:tf« and Anesthetic In the extracllcn of Poisons lurnlslilng their on n acid of elegant pattern; Gentlemen’s elsewhere. Papers, Dime Novels 53 ICvchatige tract, fir In-A Middle the «anie. Street, stoii, d*m pleftsan' can 1. ive their jewels ‘‘Ko i BILLS Cook and teeth. A ImlmstereU made to order. Diamonds and Wagons,” very light; “Hancock,” “Godeiard,” OE EXCHANGE on all points Song, Fortune tolling Books. Harper’s, At- july 8-d3w JanJdrf M. H. REDDY, Proprutoi. every and mounted in ‘Jenny Lind'’ aud other Top Buggies ot superior BOUtiHX AND SOLD. lantic, Lady’s and Peterson’s Magazine. His TUESDAY AVI* o the lar- Library fxecu FRIDAY est s. V ,jr,'raWcJ make ami will tor’s Sale. st.vh Jewelry, &e.. finish. O. FRENCH, Cashier. tic supplied with all the now Books as fast as Tried Tallow. 1 tans,canes, tapes, repaired jylocodSv,_ Notice. stock nf tn No 3 New Bl ok —BY— »n mounted. A Top Buggies as low as $”50.00. Concord _F. issued, 'flte very best Tallow on and sale Millinery Clapp’s iarge assortment of Jewchv style Violin, Guitar, Banjo and constantly hand, for or Is now lor nr r« cheap clearing the mins cellarswil THE offered sale at two thousand dollars s>aie. pul vpu wago is Irani Slob 00 to S2U0.00—Warranted. Also 200 M. imported and domestic other strings. Come one, come all. and liberally TRIEDbv the Barrel or Firkin dlgginj Or* Kimball * Prince. Ben Cigar fray hy ttndagood place to Uicir rul'Msh on ($2,000) less than cost. It must be sold tints, Junel^d(1 No. 335 Two Seat Wagons for farmers’ use. CIGAISfLlor salo by C. C. MITCHELL & so I can pay my rent and the and J. I,. WEEKS. deposit Immediately Congress Street. SON, supply spiritual nkUn Wharf. to c ose (lie estate ol tho late H. W. Robinson. Wo aprijd&wjui n!31tf 17? Fore Street temporal man. 21. d2m Nos. 72 & 71 EERSONS Ulapp’a Block, Connrcaa Street, ap26eod3nj. May Fore St. septlO du S. ROUNDS. Wharfinger. Portland, June 20. dtf reb.Mtf Portland, mb.