ihk Portland daily press is published BIFISIWESS OAliDft. MSCMXAIOiOlJS. RUIOVAU). IWSUMANUJb at No. t Printers’ do mean to the fact MjrvdiT, (Sunday excelled,I ignore which all th. ... Exchange Street, Portlaud. gentlemen from the frontiers Kvcliange, DAILY testify to th ,i n. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. «i:okgi: E. PICKETT, THE KKMOVAL. PURELY MUTUAL! PRESS. there is collision. That is so undoubtedly Are we of tho Dollars a in advance. ignorant fact that we are .d 1 BE*5:-Eight year Successor to __ THE spre Stephen Gale, POBl'LAND. our now DEB LOIS A ing population right in contact with WEBB, IVew these Indians? And are we i 11K MAINE STATE PRESS, ls-f.ubllshedat the and mutual benefit Huplaiid Mutual ignorant ol Ibe a Druggist fact that there is an utter s.ni iiircc every Thursday i.nrumg at $2.90 year, Apothecary, disregard of tiio in advance. and dealer American Counsellors & at Isife Insurance of these Indians under the u variably inEaglishand Fancy Goods, Law, Gomp’y, TWedtiy Morning, 18, 1807. rights treaty stipe Attorucys OF July latious have made with NO. 14.1 SAfe Insurance Have removed to BOSTON, LIAS3. Organized 1343. you them? is tbe.e iiAlt3 OF ADYEBTterso.—On inch 01 space,lu CONGRESS, Company. Cush Assets, lbG7. any Indian reservation in Kansas or Nebraska a Near January 1, 84,700,000. length 01 column, constitutes “square.*’ Washington Me. 61 Cash Dividends oi er i5 cents Street,.Portland, No. St. 1&U4-5, now in course of anywntre else that is not absolutely iuvad 7 1.39 daily 11 ret week: per TST. »T. Exchange per square ByPhysicians carefully TsTewark, payment, m 0C0 ed three insertions. O’* less, $1.00; continu- Prescriptions componnd- REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. to-day, and the rights of the ludiaus set wv*'k alter; 13. July 8-dll Total Divided. alter flrsl 50 cents. July dlt_ in 1845. Charter Surplus onn’mio Mine as if there were no ing every other day week, w._ Organized Perpetual. I.osses Paid ill 1866, ’all ram' treaty stipulations? flail square, three Insertions or less, 75cents; on* Everybody that knows about Indian Total Losses Paid, , n,-? non anything week, $1.00; 30 cents per week alter. BRADBURY & BRADBURY. Uemoval. allurs knows is You losses ou deceased members Income lor 1866, that true everywhere. tinder head of “Amcsemfnts," £2 00 ter square Having paid amounting tc $5,125,425, and & WOODBURY have remo'ol th-lr i 778 000 FOB QOVEB.VOB, make treaties U Annual Distributions in Cash, jw with the Indians; you put them pei week; three insertions or less, $1.50. Office to No. 107 Fore over Sam- tu at COFFINShipping Stree1-, 60 Local Agents Wanted, and also advance of your and the mo- c; 1 At. Notices,$1.25 per square for the first In- Counsellors Law,, declared in Dividends to the the sum of with assets well uel Waterhouse’S store. Canvassers can populations; living $6,002,839, Clothing make arrangements to woik for the ment, your settlers sertion. and 25 cents per square for each subsequent 10. dim* good above Co advance and come in con- Hayings Bank Building, Exchange Hi, July Ai.ply to UBFUS MMAI.I. & JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN tact wlt'i them Insertion. secuied to over MO,V, they take possession bodily, amounting $12,000,000, has just declared its TWENTIETH annual feFJdtt General Agents for Maine, and then comes Advertisements Inserted lu the ‘MaIke State HENBir P. HEKIULL, H. B., Biddcford, Me. collision, and theu the saV»"o ha? a circulation tn PORTLAND. OF BRUNSWICK. show their PitESB” (which large every par- “°WBB?& j character, and then treaties are Siatoifor for first insertion* Dividend, being 50 per cent. anti Surgeon, made ol the $1.00 per square June 27-dtf Physician PHCENIX to push luui farther away h id ’,0 routs per square for each aubseqnent ins.T- 103 CONGRES3 STREET. in all this The A nnunl Income for wus Bur, sir, country which is covered tlon. W. T. BROWN & CO., 1866, $4 034,855.39. 9-dlf The Mniue State the order of General July Mutual Life Insurance Press, by Sherman, there are General Commission It continues to all Company! treaty stipulations wliieli secure that land of Merchants, issue classes ol Life Policies, at the lo west rates consistent with 1YI R R K I L I. Published this contains the text of A. , Of Coun. morning the Indians—if there is such B'lr$IBIJ29l!i CAtiWS. No. 90 1-4 Commercial Hired, Hartford, the any tiling as so perfect security to the members. Its distinguishing features are economy iu expenditure, declaratory Reconstruction Act passed and if we tho (Thomas Block,) Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ED:-i< .N FESSENDEN, President. by curing it; go upon theory that and care in its Congress with other in they are independent nations and make treat- Wiixakd T. 1 _ management. JAMES P. important proceedings Brown, _ has removed to 1444 Street, BURNS, Secretary. ADAMS & DECOSTEB, Walter H. Portland. Exchange opposite pres- both Houses; the ies with them, those treaties urn to lie obse. v- Brown, J ent Pos t Ollice. July 9d 11* important evidence in the It pays no stockholders for the use of capital, no bonuses or commissions to officers, W. IttVlXG HOUGH, General Agent, Surratt ed. They are entitled to that country Sole Wholesale Agents for the Boston Match Co. trial; letters from our Paris and Ban- hy C5 Me. treaty stipulations and tho orders of General for Maine. By permission r (hr to Dana & Co., J. and no immoderate to agents. JABEZC. Exchange St., Portland, Mechanical W. compensation WOODMAX, gor correspondents; 8henn.ui supersedes those Engineers, Perkins & Co., Josiah H. Drummond, Burge..?, Divi 1. lids in 50 cent. interesting intelligence treaty stipulations paid 18C5, per the execution ot in instance. If they No. St,Portland, Fobes & Co. june2Gdtt All its Directors attend ita and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- respecting Maximilian and every were independent 3G Commercial meetings, Dividends in 50 per cent. Counsellor & Solicitor in paid 18CG, the arrest of Santa nations in the sense in which our as- DEALERS IN selected so as to secure sound lives. It is careful in losses aud in Bankruptcy Anna; Dominion Affairs- theory S. fully adjusting prompt Dividends being paid in 1807, CO per cent. signs it, of course it would cause a war. FREEMAN & CO., 1-4 They No. 144 Exchange §t. Religious Intelligence; together with a great havo to war Steam payment. It allows the insured to travel and reside in a right to go and show cause to Steam Fittings, July 9-dtt any of domestio and Engines, of All Kinds. Commission Merchants 1 variety foreign nawa, market the civilized nations of the earth. And Machinery portion of the United States and Europe, at any and Its funds are invested with lo never I will not a to a Patent House Horizon- regard security, hazarding principal for interest; reports, shipping hews &c., &c. vote dollar piosecute war Also, cew Rotary Pumps. 131 Broad Removal. all seasons of the year without extra charge. street, it a against these Indians on inforuia tal ana Rotary St ram Pumps. Also Rotary Pumps hence has never lost dollar on its investments. After paying losses and expenses, and my present Samcel i It throws out almost oil restrictions on tion and belief on with pulleys—a new principle. Steam anu Water Freeman, occupation the subject. I do not bo- E. D. Appleton. NEW reserving the value of all it has always made anAKNOAL dividend of lit ve it Ganges, Steam Whistles, Roller Pumps. Knowles’ } YORE. outstanding policies, OERRISH A REARS OK, from its policies. ‘‘Organizing lit II in (be ISlulhi rg Miulea.” necessary. Whatever is necessary for Celebrated Boiler Ruteliet Drills, Slide attention Uelenoe against the madness Feeder, E3?—Particular given to the purchaaiug return premiums to the members, and paid them when due. Dealers in Its policies are all non-forfeiting, as it al ways al- and extreme lav Wrenches, Files, Picks and Handles, Rubber and of Flour anil Grain. This pithy legend ha3 been received in ageness of these tribes in their lows tiie assure t to surrender his should he infuriated con- Packing, Lubricating and o her oils. Black References—Dai hi E. Silver and policy, Hemp Kearor, Esq McKenna? & It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT” Company, but one class of all life Watches, Jewelry, circles and by as dition, growing out, as the evidence is befoio Varnish foi Vices, Screw Plates, Dies W. & C. K. J. B. T." H. having members, policies, the company a therefer. sporting sporting journals ol Iron, Lanterns, Co., AliUikea, Carroll, Esq., Plated Ware, d?s!re, giving paid-up policy ns, our own of course I and for Gat Oil Weston & Co. new and in an of the effect Badi- aggressions, am wil- Taps Fitrers, Cups, Gauge Cocks, Junelldtf b°th old, sharing equally the annua) division of surplus, receiving a dividend on It pays all its losses promptly, during the sixteen apt characterization of ling to vote. If General and all kinds of Railroad and Steamboat supplies. Have taken the store in the Canal Nat'onal Bank Sherman and tho of Us existence never contested a claim. cal the rebel States. The \Var Department that Also o let, a store, with cellar, suitable for grocery B. it. A G. W. every premium paid. Building, year., having legislation upon say they have not suf- TERRILL, ficient force tor tho of or produce. Jy9eod2w JySdlio SU Middle St.
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