Forest Day Side Events Provisional list 20/11/07 Date/Time/ Organizer Title/Theme Room Saturday, Food and Agriculture Sustainable forest management and climate 8 December organization of the change mitigation: building on past experience. 12.00-13.30 united nations (FAO) The side event will provide an overview of the Cigar Room Susan Braatz experience in sustainable forest management that
[email protected] can be applied to the challenges of climate change Tel: (+39) 06 57051 mitigation, particularly reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. It will consider technical tools and mechanisms, governance and legal frameworks, livelihood concerns, financial considerations and capacity strengthening needs in key areas, including forest law enforcement, forest fire management, reforestation and forest landscape restoration, protected area management, and reduced impact logging. It will also highlight key intersectoral issues to be addressed, particularly related to agriculture. Existing tools, mechanisms and partnerships that can support forestry efforts in climate change mitigation will be highlighted. The side event will include presentations from FAO and various partner institutions working to strengthen SFM in developing countries. Saturday, Poverty and REDD & Poverty 8 December Environment 16.00-17.30 Partnership (PEP) The impacts of deforestation extend beyond Grand Ball David Huberman biodiversity loss and increased greenhouse gas Room A david.huberman@iucn. emissions. The livelihoods of many of the world's org poorest people are strongly linked to both the Tel: +41 79 813 1214 clearing and conservation of forested ecosystems. Mechanisms for REDD will thus have far-reaching economic implications. Rural communities rely heavily on the use of timber and non-timber resources from forests, as well as the conversion of forests to agriculture and other uses.