Nuclear Medicine for Medical Students and Junior Doctors
NUCLEAR MEDICINE FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS AND JUNIOR DOCTORS Dr JOHN W FRANK M.Sc, FRCP, FRCR, FBIR PAST PRESIDENT, BRITISH NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOCIETY DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 1ST MEDICAL FACULTY, CHARLES UNIVERSITY, PRAGUE 2009 [1] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would very much like to thank Prof Martin Šámal, Head of Department, for proposing this project, and the following colleagues for generously providing images and illustrations. Dr Sally Barrington, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, St Thomas’s Hospital, London Professor Otakar Bělohlávek, PET Centre, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague Dr Gary Cook, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Marsden Hospital, London Professor Greg Daniel, formerly at Dept of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, currently at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Past President, American College of Veterinary Radiology Dr Andrew Hilson, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Free Hospital, London, Past President, British Nuclear Medicine Society Dr Iva Kantorová, PET Centre, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague Dr Paul Kemp, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Southampton University Hospital Dr Jozef Kubinyi, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University Dr Tom Nunan, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, St Thomas’s Hospital, London Dr Kathelijne Peremans, Dept of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghent Dr Teresa Szyszko, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, St Thomas’s Hospital, London Ms Wendy Wallis, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Charing Cross Hospital, London Copyright notice The complete text and illustrations are copyright to the author, and this will be strictly enforced. Students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, may print one copy only for personal use. Any quotations from the text must be fully acknowledged. It is forbidden to incorporate any of the illustrations or diagrams into any other work, whether printed, electronic or for oral presentation.
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