Newspaper scrapbook index Monday, 26 June 2017

Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

Horse trough outside Court House full of beer bottles Text 1965 8 121 Motor cycle races held in Box Hill North Text 1953 1 102 Proposal to buy old tram for display Text 1956 2 6 Planning - Master Plan needed Text 1962 6 18 School crossings campaign run Text 1962 6 29, 30, 31, 34, 35- 40 Suggestion for method of house numbering Text 1949 1 32 1st ROYAL VICTORIAN REGIMENT Highland Pipe band took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 3rd FIELD ENGINEERS, 8th FIELD SQUADRON Attended Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 185 8th SQUADRON C.O. took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 8th SQUADRON CMF Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 A. and R. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT P/L Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 A.B.C. Film of special plaque being received from U.K. Text 1961 5 38 A.B.C. ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 128, 131, 138 A.B.C. ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 139, 145, 147 A.B.C. TV SHOW Local choir to perform on Text 1961 5 68 A.N.A. BOX HILL BRANCH Report of fortnightly meeting Text 1947 1 A A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Will provide overdraft to Council Text 1960 4 26 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Gives loan to Council for road construction Text 1961 4 179 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Run children's art competition in aid of hospital Text 1960 4 58 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loans Council money to construct roads Text 1961 5 58, 59 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loaned Council money for road construction Text 1962 5 84 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Established in 1956 Text 1962 5 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loans money to Council for infrastructure works Text 1963 7 80 AAGREN, Misses G. and M. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K, L ABBERHUYS, Elizabeth, Bernadus Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 ABELA, Nicholas Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 ABERTON, K., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ACCESS ROAD Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 ADAMO, Antonina, Nicolo Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ADAMS, Anthony John Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 ADAMS, G. Request to plant street trees Text 1960 3 198 ADAMS, H.G. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F ADAMS, Ian Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 ADAMS, Jim Committee President, 11th Scout Group Text 1960 4 58 ADAMS, L. Letter to Council re street sweeper Text 1959 3 94 ADAMS, R., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ADCOCK, M.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ADLER, Herbert J. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 AGHAN, George Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 AGO, Bela, Vilma Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 AILSA STREET Residents object to cost of construction Text 1959 3 33 AILSA STREET Tender for part construction accepted Text 1959 3 115 AILSA STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 AILSA STREET Bowater Scott plan huge extension Text 1963 7 78 AILSA STREET/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Subdivision refused Text 1963 7 111 AINGE, Robin At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

AINGE, Robyn Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text 1965 8 181 AITCHISON, R.M.C. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 AIVARS, Margers, Zenta Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 ALAN COFFEY MOTORS PTY. LTD. Wins appeal to operate car yard Text 1960 4 32 ALAN STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 ALBANY CRESCENT Public phone box to be installed Text 1962 6 93 ALBERS, Adolf, Johanna Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ALBERS, E. Candidate, Council election Text 1956 2 25 ALBERS, E. Chairman, Return Ball committee Text 1961 4 203 ALBERT CRESCENT, No. 4 Oak tree removal requested by resident Text 1957 2 137 ALBERTA AVENUE Road construction scheme approved Text 196 7 12 ALBERTA STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1 ALBION ROAD Part to be constructed Text 1959 3 135 ALBION ROAD Part of, Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 ALBION ROAD Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 ALBION ROAD Levelling and filling in completed Text 1960 4 24 ALBISTON, K.I. Took pupils to attend Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 ALDINGER, George Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ALDRIDGE, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 ALEXANDER AVENUE/CANTERBURY ROAD Elm tree to be removed Text 1965 8 158 ALEXANDER, - Mrs Barkly Street; hospitalised, hit by car Text 1963 7 103 ALEXANDER, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 ALEXANDER, Phillip Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 ALEXANDRA/WINDSOR CRESCENT Poor visibility caused by trees Text 1965 8 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ALFRED STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 ALICE STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 ALICE STREET Plan to rename Text 1964 8 43 ALICE STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 ALIOTTI, Viviana, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ALKIRA CENTRE Fundraising event held for them Text 1959 3 60 ALKIRA CENTRE Fundraising for establishment Text 1953 1 112 ALKIRA CENTRE Opening of sheltered workshop Photo 1965 8 164, 166 ALKIRA CENTRE Seeks extension of land Text 1956 2 D ALKIRA CENTRE Appeal for funds by Mayor Text 1955 1 135 ALKIRA CENTRE Urgently needs sporting equipment Text 1961 4 184 ALKIRA CENTRE Helped by Rotary members Text 1960 4 101 ALKIRA CENTRE To establish a Sheltered Workshop Text 1963 7 138 ALLAN, J., Miss Committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 ALLAN, J., Miss Committee, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 ALLAN, Jean Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 ALLEN, Sjoukje Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ALLENDER, E. Factory addition approved Text 1959 3 52 ALLINA, Kurt Stefan Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 ALLINA, Kurt Stefan Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 ALLINGHAM, A.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ALLISON ROAD Temporary work done on western end Text 1959 3 83 ALLISON ROAD Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 ALLISON ROAD Residents request construction Text 1961 4 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ALLISON STREET Construction of, objection to, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32, 50 ALLISON, William John Honour awarded Text 1954 1 113 ALMA the Magician To perform in charity show at Town Hall Text 1961 5 37 AMATO, Angelo Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 AMBLER, F.J., Mrs Gave birth to triplets in 1904, one died Text 1964 8 44 ANCONA, Isadore Fined for foothpath trading; boxes on footpath Text 1961 4 163 ANDERSON, B., Mrs Given approval to coach at Baths Text 1960 4 28 ANDERSON, Dawn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 ANDERSON, G. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 ANDERSON, J. Committtee, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 ANDERSON, J. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 ANDERSON, J. Staff member, Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 ANDERSON, J.W. Wants street constructed Text 1958 2 169 ANDERSON, Jenny Brownie, at opening of Guide Hall Photo 1964 8 75 ANDERSON, Joy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 ANDERSON, Wallace Sculptored WW 2 Memorial Text 1952 1 88 ANDORA PROPERTIES PTY. LTD. Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 ANDREWARTHA, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A ANDREWARTHA, A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. President, Box Hill Club; new premises Text 1959 3 55, 56 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. President, Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 146 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 ANDREWARTHA, Alan At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Text 1960 4 13 ANDREWARTHA, Alan and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ANDREWS STREET, No. 27 Resident wants traffic lights installed Text 1964 7 196 ANDREWS, A.D. Retiring President, Florence Road Pre-School Centre Text 1963 7 76 ANDREWS, D.A. Elected President, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 ANDREWS, John Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 ANDREWS, Pamela Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 ANDREWS, W.L. Writes re traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 ANDROJNA, Agnes, Josef, Josefine, Maria Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 ANGELARAS, Constantina, Angelos Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ANGELOU, Nora Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 ANGER, John Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 ANGLISS, - Lady Opened Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 ANGLISS, Sir William Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 ANGLISS, Sir William and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 ANGWIN, J., Miss Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ANLSYN, W.F. Speeding motorists end up in front garden Text 1963 7 67 ANNESLEY HOME FOR THE AGED Residents attended Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 ANTHONY CRESCENT Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 ANTHONY, John Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 ANTONIADIS, Aglaia, Christos Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ANTONY CRESCENT Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1957 2 96, 96 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of; first dawn service Text 1964 8 7, 170 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1958 2 151 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Small gathering Photo 1965 8 173 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1959 3 62 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Details of proceedings Text, Photo 1960 4 C, 2, 6, 7 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Afternoon service; reports given Text 1961 4 178, 182, 185 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY R.S.L. to hold on Sunday before Anzac Day Text 1961 4 161 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY To be held in Town Hall Text 1964 7 201 APPLEBY, - Miss Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 APPLEFORD, Richard Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 ARBUTHNOT, Neil Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 ARDEN, F.G. Re lack of drainage work Text 1958 3 3 ARENA UNIVERSAL CONTROLS PTY. LTD. Permit for factory granted, Lexton Road Text 1961 4 197 ARGENTINE ANTS Infestation, control of Text 1956 2 22, 24, 95 ARGENTINE ANTS Invasion reported; free bait available Text 1948 1 15, 24 ARGENTINE ANTS Plan to eradicate Text 1955 1 137, 138, 143 ARGENTINE ANTS Treatment of, detailed Text 1960 4 15, 17 ARGENTINE ANTS Renewed blitz on Text 1961 4 128, 129, 197 ARLAND, - Miss YWCA, at local branch luncheon Text 1965 8 168 ARMISTICE DAY CEREMONY Brief description of event Text 1964 8 83 ARMISTICE DAY CEREMONY To be held at war memorial in Whitehorse Road Text 1962 7 7 ARMSTRONG, Geraldine Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 ARMSTRONG, N.H. and E. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 ARNOLD STREET To have public phone box installed Text 1963 7 150, 151 ARNOTT STREET Part of, construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 ARNOTT STREET Sewerage tender accepted Text 1962 6 76 ARNOTT STREET Part of, Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ARNOTT STREET Cost of branch sewer given Text 1961 4 129 ARNOTT, G. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 ARTHUR, Hugh Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 ARUNDEL COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 ASHCROFT, A. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 ASHFIELD, William R. Foundation member Lions Club Text 1960 4 124 ASHLEY STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 ASHLEY STREET Part to be constructed Text 1959 3 33 ASHLEY STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1 ASHLEY STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 ASHLEY STREET Road construction scheme approved for part of it Text 1962 7 12 ASHLEY, A.S. Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 198 ASHMOLE RESERVE Widow donated land in Seymour Road for playground Text 1962 6 19, 21, 22, 25 ASHMOLE RESERVE New playground by Box Hill Jaycees Text 1962 5 95 ASHMORE, - Mr and Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ASHTED ROAD Sim homes being demolished Text 1959 3 23 ASIAN INFLUENZA Epidemic expected, children to be immunised Text 1961 4 155, 165, 168 ASPINALL, A.R. Had 1889 Foundation Stone Dinner menu Text 1961 5 17 ASPINALL, F. At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 ASPINALL, Fred Obituary; member Elderly Citizens Club Text 1964 8 31 ASPINALL'S LAND Purchased by Council from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 ASQUITH STREET New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 ASQUITH STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 ATHANASIOU, Eleni Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ATKINS, Robert Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 ATKINSON, G.T. Vice President, Mont Albert Branch Liberal Party Text 1960 4 44 AUGUSTINI, G. and A.V. Successful Tenderer for sewerage scheme Text 1964 7 191 AUJARD, F., Mrs Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 AUJARD, Frank and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 AUMANN COURT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 AUMANN COURT Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 AUMANN COURT Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 AUMANN COURT Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103 AUMANN ESTATE Tender accepted for road construction Text 1960 4 119 AUMANN, - Mr Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 AUMANN, - Mrs Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 AUMANN, W.J. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 AUMANN, W.J. Attended Australia Day Commemoration Text 1955 1 135 AUSTIN, Bill Jaycee, going to USA Text 1958 2 193 AUSTIN, Col Coach of football team Text 1959 3 60 AUSTIN, W.J. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION First naturalisation ceremony held Text 1954 1 115 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner held Text 1960 3 190 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner held Text 1961 4 141 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Arrangements detailed Text 1957 2 48 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner held Text 1965 8 123, 124 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1955 1 135 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner and naturalisation ceremony held Text 1962 7 36 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1962 5 73, 75, 77 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Details of event given Text 1961 4 130, 133, 135, 137 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMEMORATION Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony held Text 1964 7 184 AUSTRALIA DAY COUNCIL - BOX HILL BRANCH AGM Text 1961 5 E AUSTRALIA DAY COUNCIL - BOX HILL BRANCH New office bearers elected Text 1961 4 202 AUSTRALIAN AIR LEAGUE Annual parade to be held in Irving Park Text 1960 4 34 AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE Local branch formed in 1904 Text 1964 8 91 AVEN COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 AYLWIN AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 AYTON, W. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 B.P. AUSTRALIA To instal pump equipment Text 1957 2 137 BACCHIA, Livia, Nello Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 BACKCOLLAR, G., Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 BADGER, Colin At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 BAILEY, D.W. Plans bowling centre, squash court Text 1961 5 36, 42 BAIN, Lesley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 BAINBRIDGE, A.T. Mrs Reports poor condition of Elgar Road Text 1962 6 13, 16 BAINBRIDGE, A.T., Mrs Asks when work will start on Elgar Road Text 1963 7 99 BAINES, W.H. Factory permit approved Text 1959 3 133 BAKER, D.G. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 BAKER, Geoffrey Proposed "drinking clubs" Text 1956 2 8, 13, 14, 16, 18, 26

BAKER, R. Teacher, mans school crossing Photo, Text 1965 8 176 BAKER, Tom President, Bennettswood Bowling Club Text 1960 4 77 BAKKER, Gregory John Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BAKKER, Harry Cornelius J., Elizabeth Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 BAKKER, Wilhelmus, Catherina Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 BALES, F.S. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 BALES, F.S., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 BALFE, - Mrs Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 BALINS, Milija Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 BALL, A.W. Station St., asks help to plant naturestrip Text 1962 6 101 BALMORAL CRESCENT Public phone box to be installed Text 1962 6 93 BAMFORD, F.M. Committee member, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 BANAS, Max Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 BANFIELD, D. Tried to stop fire at Woolworths Text 1961 4 154 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES Provides loan to Council Text 1962 6 51 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES Loaned money to Council for capital works Text 1964 8 88 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES Loans Council money for car park Text 1963 7 73 BANK STREET Parking area planned Text 1957 2 76 BANK STREET Parking meters stolen Text 1964 8 60 BANK STREET Residents asked to decorate for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 117 BANK STREET Infant Welfare Centre planned Text 1959 3 27, 31 BANK STREET Land to be purchased for car park Text 1963 7 58, 59 BANK STREET Council leased land for car park Text 1963 7 80 BANK STREET Parking limited to one hour Text 1962 7 3 BANK STREET Car parking increased Text 1961 5 N, 1 BANK STREET Parking meters to be installed Text 1961 5 60, 62 BANK STREET Land to be purchased for car park Text 1961 5 72 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BANK STREET, No. 1 Opportunity shop opened Text 1959 3 39 BANK STREET, No. 11 New TAB to open there Text 1961 4 173 BANK STREET, No. 17 To be demolished for Youth Centre Text 1956 2 14 BANK STREET, No. 5 Purchased by Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 145, 146 BANKS, - Mr and wife (MMBW) Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BANKSIA STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 BANNISTER, Caroline Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 BANNISTER, E.I., Mrs Entertained members of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 BAPTIST KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 BARBARA STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 BARBER, Verna Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 BARBOUR, Christine Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H BARCELONE STREET, No. 34 Resident wrote letter to Editor Text 1950 1 49 BARDSLEY, - Mrs Land subdivision approved Text 1961 5 F BARKLEY, D. Committtee, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 BARKLEY, D. Involved with Scout group Text 1959 3 138 BARKLY STREET Footpath too narrow for bus stop seat Text 1959 3 25 BARKLY STREET, No. 37 Child Care Centre, approved in 1961 Text 1964 7 185 BARKLY, D. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 BARLOW, Alan Coach, Box Hill Athletics Club, spoke to group Text 1961 4 173 BARLOW, C.J. Grocery store, given liquor licence Text 1961 5 M BARLOW, C.J. President of Bennettswood Traders Assoc. Text 1961 5 M BARLOW, David Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 BARNARD, David Inducted into Legacy Text 1962 6 19 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BARNES, Neil Member, Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 187 BARNES, Roger K. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 BARNETT, Bill Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 BARNETT, Bill Elected V. President, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 BARNETT, Will Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 BARRECA, Antonio, Isabelle Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 BARRECA, Bruno Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 BARRET, John Becomes President of Youth Club Text 1959 3 139 BARRINGTON, C.C. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 BARRINGTON, M.L. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 BARROW, Barbara Meter maids (parking meters) Photo, Text 1965 8 164 BARSON, J. Can't get phone installed Text 1959 3 52, 58 BARSTOW, Ross President, Scouts 9th Group Text 1961 4 165 BARTELS, Maria, Cornelius naturalised Text 1962 6 17 BARTLETT, Keith Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 BARTLETT, Mr. and Mrs Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 BARTON, Harold On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 BARTON, Jan Miss Box Hill Text 1964 8 17 BARTON, June Soprano, to perform at Town Hall Text 1961 4 128, 131, 145 BARTON, N. Complaint re unmade roads Text 1958 3 J BARWICK, H. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 BARWICK, J.C. Secretary, Mont Albert Traders Assoc Text 1959 3 60 BARWICK, J.C. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 BARWON STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BARWON STREET Resident reports flooding Text 1958 3 M BASHFORD, Bert Table tennis player Text 1948 1 23 BASILE, Salvatore Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 BASS BP SERVICE STATION Provides free parking Box Hill South Text 1964 8 49, 53 BASSETT, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A BASSETT, Ellen Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6, 82 BASSETT, W.L. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 BASSETT, W.L. & wife Mayoral Ball; his background given Text 1947 1 6 BASSETT, W.L. and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 BASSETT, W.L. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 BASSETT, W.L. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BASSETT, W.L. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 BASSETT, W.L. Mrs. Mayoress Reception, a Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 BASSETT, W.L., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 BASSETT, W.L., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 BASSO, John Luigi Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 BASTER, D., Mrs Treasurer, Box Hill North Progress Association Text 1956 1 149 BATATE, Neville Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 BATCHELOR, J.E. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 BATES, M. Mrs Assistant Manager, Elderly Citizens Club Text 1964 8 60, 136 BATES, Neil Scholarship winner, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 95 BATES, Neil D. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 BATTAGLINI, Attilio, Carolina Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 BAUDINET, Felicity Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BAUDINET, K. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 BAXTER, W. Derwent St., urges construction Text 1962 6 71 BAYLY, I. Spoke at meeting to opposeplanned bus depot Text 1962 5 93 BEAL, Roy Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 BEAL, Roy Ernest Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 BEANLAND, C.H. Mentioned at opening of Assembly Hall Text 1960 4 D BEANLAND, -Mr Initiated fundraising, Box Hill Tech Text 1959 3 165 BEASY, Doug Wins J.J.Liston Award, Council congratulates Text 1961 5 46 BEASY, Doug and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BEASY, Robert Head Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 'BEATING THE BOUNDS' Report on Council tour Text 1964 8 81 'BEATING THE BOUNDS' Report on Council tour Text 1961 5 43, 50 'BEATING THE BOUNDS' Report on Council tour Text 1960 4 93, 94 BEATTIE, E.M. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 BEATTY STREET Court case re objected to construction costs Text 1947 1 8 BEAUMONT, D. Wellman Street in very poor condition Text 1948 1 23 BEAUMONT, Keith Scholarship winner, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 95 BEAVER STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 BEAVER STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 BEAVER STREET Group of streets to be constructed Text 1960 4 36 BEAVER STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 BECCHIET, Lucy, Miss Naturalisation Ceremony Photo, Text 1961 4 137 BECKHURST, A. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 BEDDOWS STREET Part, new private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1, 27, 41, 157 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BEDDOWS STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1964 8 10 BEDDOWS STREET, No. 22 Resident secretary of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 BEDFORD ROAD Part to be constructed Text 1959 3 135 BEDFORD STREET In poor condition Text 1956 2 8 BEDFORD STREET Part to be constructed Text 1959 3 33 BEDFORD STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 BEECH STREET Unmade parts to be constructed Text 1956 1 148 BEGLEY, Keith Electrical Engineer, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 BEGLEY, Keith Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 BEGONIA STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 BEKERIS, Renate Emma Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 BEKERIS, Stanislawa, Vilhelmas Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 BELGRAVIA AVENUE Tender for construction accepted Text 1952 1 90 BELGRAVIA AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949, 1952 1 29, 40, 75 BELGRAVIA AVENUE, No. 32 Resident is candidate for Council elections Text 1951 1 60, 67, 68 BELGRAVIA AVENUE/WILLIAMSON ROAD Subdivision approved Text 1961 4 197 BELL STREET Construction completed Text 1962 6 62 BELL STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 BELL STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 BELL STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 BELLCHAMBERS, Stan Speaker, formation of Apex Club Text 1955 1 136 BELLOFIORE, Giuseppe, Paolo, Sebastiano Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 BELMORE ROAD First use of bitumenized rubber Text 1960 3 200 BELMORE ROAD Work to begin on open drain Text 1959 3 51, 123 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BELMORE ROAD/EVELINA STREET Land on S.E. being subdivided Text 1964 8 30 BELMORE/ELGAR ROADS MMBW to acquire land for open space Text 1963 7 73 BELMORE/ELGAR ROADS Site selected for new high school Text 1961 4 203 BELMORE/MILNE ROADS Bus shelter requested Text 1964 8 42 BELT, Randolph Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 BELT, Ron Bandmaster, Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 BELT, Ronald Band conductor Text 1957 2 104 BENDER, E.M. Requests footpath in Warrigal Road Text 1959 3 103 BENJAMIN STREET New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 BENJAMIN, J.J., Rev and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 BENN, H., Mrs Spoke on Citizens Welfare Service to local women Text 1965 8 192 BENNE, Gijsbertus, Johanna Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 BENNETT STREET Part, new private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1, 27 BENNETT, - Revived Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 BENNETT, - On first roll of Burwood School, 1865 Text 1965 8 165 BENNETT, - Mrs Elderly, donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1961 5 21 BENNETT, A. Gordon Secretary, Loyal Orange Trust Text 1953 1 96 BENNETT, E.E., Mrs Wants street name changed Text 1961 4 191 BENNETT, J.R. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 BENNETT, Jim and Margaret Family history givenBennettswood named after them Text 1961 5 47 BENNETTSWOOD Health and Pre-School Centre proposed; no grant Text 1961 5 60 BENNETTSWOOD - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Opening ceremony for new hall Text 1961 5 C, E, F BENNETTSWOOD - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Opening ceremony for Church hall planned Text 1961 4 203 BENNETTSWOOD BOWLING CLUB Proposed Text 1958 2 188 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BENNETTSWOOD BOWLING CLUB New pavilion opened Text 1964 8 60 BENNETTSWOOD BOWLING CLUB Mayor and wife present at opening Text 1960 4 73, 78 BENNETTSWOOD GIRL GUIDES ASSOC. Thanks Council for new hall Text 1961 5 56 BENNETTSWOOD INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Land purchased for Text 1960 3 192 BENNETTSWOOD KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 BENNETTSWOOD KINDERGARTEN ASSOC. AGM; office bearers elected Text 1963 7 160 BENNETTSWOOD KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION Formed, meeting held Text 1962 7 5 BENNETTSWOOD KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION Formed, committee elected Text 1961 5 64 BENNETTSWOOD KINDERGARTEN/INFANT WELFARE To be officially opened Text 1963 7 80 BENNETTSWOOD KINGERGARTEN ASSOCIATION To move to temporary premises while new building is built Text 1962 6 16, 18, 22, 97

BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Requests kinder and infant welfare centre Text 1959 3 40, 42 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Traffic concerns Text 1960 4 B BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Donates for playground equipment Text 1958 2 162 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Urges action on drainage problems Text 1959 3 142 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Requests listed; stormy meeting Text 1958 2 147, 153 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Proposes street construction plan Text 1959 3 73 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Raised various matters Text 1959 3 56 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Agenda for next meeting; gives loan to Scouts Text 1961 4 134, 144 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Claims speeding cars in Milford Avenue Text 1960 4 16 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Seeks active members Text 1960 4 74 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Supports Bailey bowling centre proposal Text 1961 5 36, 42 BENNETTSWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Re old tip site being used as sporting oval Text 1960 4 52, 54 BENNETTSWOOD RESERVE New dressing rooms/caretakers flat approved Text 1963 7 42, 47, 78 BENNETTSWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE Timed parking to be introduced Text 1960 4 J Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BENNETTSWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE Plan to increase car parking Text 1964 8 23, 24, 135 BENNETTSWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE Off street car park scheme Text 1964 8 98, 101 BENNETTSWOOD STATE SCHOOL Difficulty getting there for students Photo, Text 1962 6 29 BENNETTSWOOD STATE SCHOOL Parking area in grounds proposed Text 1964 8 24 BENNETTSWOOD STATE SCHOOL Ask footpaths to be made Text 1964 8 24 BENNETTSWOOD STATE SCHOOL Children have to walk through snakes area Text 1961 4 144 BENNETTSWOOD TRADERS ASSOCIATION Formed Text 1960 4 D BENNETTSWOOD TRADERS ASSOCIATION President is C.J. Barlow Text 1961 5 M BENNETTSWOOD TRADERS ASSOCIATION Wants stop signs installed Text 1960 4 25 BENSON, P., Mrs. PR Officer Indoor Bowling Aust Ltd. Photo, Text 1963 7 165 BENTLEY STREET To be constructed Text 1957 2 107 BENTLEY STREET, No. 25 Resident urges more road signs Text 1962 6 17 BERESFORD STREET, No. 10 Resident wrote to Council Text 1960 4 K BERESFORD STREET, No. 11 Resident writes to paper re footpaths Text 1964 8 47 BERESFORD/EARLE STREETS Overgrown trees blocking traffic sight lines Text 1963 7 149 BERNAU, Alfred Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BERRY STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 BERRY STREET Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 BERRY, L. M. Building Surveyor, report on building activity Text 1960 4 38, 57, 83, 107 BERRY, L. M. Building Surveyor, report on building activity Text 1960, 1961 4 114, 134, 144 BERRY, L.M. Building Surveyor's Report Text 1960 4 M, 1, 3, 6 BERRY, L.M. Acting Building Surveyor, Annual Report Text 1957 2 135 BERRY, L.M. Acting building surveyor Text 1959 3 60 BERRY, L.M. Report on building activity Text 1961 5 E, 31 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BERRY, L.M. Building report, sharp fall in volume Text 1961 4 189 BERRY, L.M. Reports decline in building activity Text 1962 5 81 BERRY, L.M. Report on building activity Text 1961 4 164 BERRYMAN, - Mr Council Electric Supply employee; electrocuted Text 1961 4 156, 158 BERRYMAN, Harold Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 BERRYMAN, W.A. Appointed to Council staff Text 1948 1 15 BERRYMAN, W.A. Electricity supply dept., obituary Text 1956 2 29, 31 BERTASSI, Merino, Maria Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 BERZA, Otilija Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BESLEE, Gary Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BEST, Fay Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 BEUGELSDIJK, Johannes Gerardus Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BEUGELSDIJK, Theodora Cornelia Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BEURKEAUX, L.H. Asks removal of street trees Text 1958 2 161 BEYERLE, Theodore Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 BIBBY, Betty Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BIBICH, Peter Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 BIENVENU PIANO ACCORDION TRIO Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 BIESBROEK, Fridtjof Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 BIGGS, John Sun Youth Travel tour Photo 1951 1 69 BILLINGTON, W.J., Rev Inducted, St Andrew's and Kerrimuir Text 1965 8 132 BILLOT, C.P. Has written script for Jubilee Day Text 1951 1 56 BILLOT, C.P. Designs Pageant for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 118 BILLOT, C.P. and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BILLOT, Cynthia Flowergirl at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 BILLOT, Cynthia At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 BILLOT,C. Philip Resigns from Library Text 1954 1 113 BINDON, Charles Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 BINDON, Charles Member, Box Hill Drama Club Text 1961 5 C BINDON, Charles Foundation member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 BINDON, J. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 BINDON, J. Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B BINDON, J.H. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 BINDON, J.H. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 BINDON, J.H.B. Ass. Secretary, Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 54 BINDON, J.H.B. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 BINDON, John and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BINDONIANS Group Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 BINNS, G. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 BINNS, G. Manager State Savings Bank Box Hill Text 1961 4 178 BINNS, G. Manager State Savings Bank Box Hill Text 1961 5 20, 22 BINNS, G. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 BINNS, Gordon Manager, State Savings Bank Box Hill Text 1962 6 29 BINNS, Gordon Manager, State Savings Bank Box Hill branch Text 1962 7 23 BIRCH, - Promoted forming of Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 BIRCH, A.L. Former President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21 BIRCH, A.L. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 BIRCH, Alan Past President Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 112 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BIRD, - Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 BIRD, B. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 BIRD, B.S. Dep. Electrical Engineer, leaving after 23 years Text 1963 7 79, 80 BIRD, Carolyne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 BIRD, L., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 BIRD, P. PTY. LTD. Clisby Street site purchased by Council Illus., Text 1963 7 58, 59 BIRD, P., PTY. LTD. Name of street address changed Text 1959 3 115 BIRD'S TIMBER YARD Tenders called for demolition of buildings Text 1964 7 189 BIRD'S TIMBER YARD Moved from Market St to present site in 1927 Text 1960 4 35 BIRDWOOD STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 BIRKHANS, Sylvia, Miss Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 BISHOP, Barbara Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 BISHOP, Cecilie Booked twice, moving business to Burwood Text 1959 3 182 BISHOP, J. and Mrs Court Street house broken into Text 1964 8 72 BISHOP, J.S. Secretary, Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 54 BISHOP, M. DeF. To spoke at historical society meeting Text 1965 8 184 BISHOP, Margery Interviewed for radio show Text 1962 6 25 BISHOP, Marjorie de F. Elected Treasurer, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 BISHOP, Norman Gas tanker driver, recommended for bravery award Text 1962 6 63, 64, 65 BISKUPSKY, George, Nina Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 BISSELL, Fred Scoutmaster, 11th Scout Group Text 1960 4 58 BLACK, D. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 BLACKBURN, Alan Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 BLACKMORE, Reg Offers to put tow trucks at school crossings Text 1959 3 164 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BLACKWELL, J.A. Reminiscences of early days Text 1960 3 190 BLADEN, Barbara Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H BLAIR, Janice Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 BLAIR, Lindsay Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 BLAKE, Cheryle Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H BLAKE, Sally Whitehorse Festival, Lady Godiva Photo, Text 1960 4 69, 73, 75 BLANCHFLOWER, C. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 BLANKSBY, J.B. Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BLANKSBYS, - On first roll of Burwood School, 1865 Text 1965 8 165 BLAZEVIC, Joseph Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 BLOM, Francisca Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 BLOM, Gijsbert G., Willempje Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 BLOOMER, Brian Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BLOOMFIELD, - Minister of Education New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D BLOOMFIELD, J.L., Education Minister Opened library at school Text 1964 8 21 BLOWS, Graham Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 BLUNDY, Merv President, Box Hill South Progress Assoc. Text 1965 8 154 BODKIN, M.A. Koonung Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1952 1 83, 85 BODNAR, Elizabeth, George Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 BOEK, Johanna Maria Clasina, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 BOEK, Martinus Antonius Gerardus Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 BOEK, Petrus Jacobus Josephus Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 BOERE, Franciscus P., Jacomina S. Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 BOISDALE STREET Residents opposed to Scout Hall there Photo 1965 8 171, 175, 177, 182, 199 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOISDALE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 BOLTE, Sir Henry Future Planning Needs Photo, Text 1963 7 101 BOLTE, Sir Henry (Victorian Premier) Opens Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1964 8 12, 15, 20 BOND, G.H.P. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 BOONDARA ROAD Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 BOOTH, A. W. H., Dr and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 BOOTH, A.W.H. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F BOOTHEY, W., Mrs Head of Ladies Aux. of 17th Scout Group Text 1963 7 78 BORCHERS, Rex Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 BORLAND, W.J. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 BOROJEVIC, Rade Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 BOSCH FAMILY Comment on recent naturalisations Text 1964 7 201 BOSCH, Hendrik Jan Klass, Martha Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BOSCH, Jan, Mr Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BOSCH, Martha, Mrs Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BOSUA, Christianus Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 BOSUA, Gerardus, Hanna Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 BOSWARRICK, V. Thanks Council for blocking gas plant nearby Text 1965 8 153 BOSWARRICK, V.,Mrs Complains about Drive In patron behaviour Text 1965 8 154 BOSWELL, - Miss Passed Library exam Text 1965 8 133 BOSWORTH, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 BOSWORTH, D. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 BOTTOMLEY, Bob Member of Box Hill Rotary Text 1962 7 5 BOTTOMLEY, Bob President, names Rotary Award Top Citizen Text 1965 9 19, Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOTTOMLEY, R.W. Manager Colonial Gas Assoc., wrote to residents after fire Text 1962 6 67 BOURIER, Ernst Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 BOURKE, Edna Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 BOWATER SCOTT PTY. LTD. Huge plant extension announced Text 1963 7 78 BOWEN, C.T., Mrs Requests removal of gum tree from nature strip Text 1965 8 157 BOWERS, A. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 BOWERS, A. On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 BOWERS, A. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 BOWERS, Alan To build White Horse statue; offers to repair damaged one Text 1963 7 138 BOWERS, Alan Elected V. President Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 BOWIE, L., Mrs Letter to Council, wants trees planted Text 1961 5 36 BOWMAN, - Mrs Death of wife of hall keeper Text 1959 3 98 BOWMAN, Cliff Caretaker, granted long service leave Text 1958 2 160 BOWMAN, Cliff Hall keeper, to retire after 28 years Text 1963 7 79, 81, 82 BOWMAN, Clifford Resident hallkeeper Text 1955 1 143 BOX HIL JAYCEES Accredited by Council for US trip Text 1958 2 193 BOX HILL NORTH Council campaigns for bus service Text 1962 7 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 BOX HILL & DISTRICT HORSE AND PONY CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BOX HILL ADELPHIAN FOOTBALL CLUB First club in League to pay for Coach Text 1964 7 184 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Some members going to Olympics Text 1960 4 27, 55 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Plans to provide ground for club Text 1964 8 56, 59, 64 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Takes part in opening of Youth Centre Text 1959 3 87, 89 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Hagenauer's Reserve to be site for events Text 1962 5 95 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Member Tom Kelly wins UN Marathon Text 1961 5 37, 38 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Successful club, but needs ground Text 1962 5 90, 95 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB To conduct annual 12 hour relay Text 1965 8 159 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Coach spoke to Lions Club Text 1961 4 173 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB To run all day relay race in streets Text 1961 4 166, 167, 182 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Needs own ground Text 1961 4 191 BOX HILL AMATEUR ATHLETICS CLUB To hold 3rd annual 12 hour relay Text 1963 7 64 BOX HILL and U.F.S. DISPENSARY Patients can't get a parking space in Rutland Rd. Text 1961 5 4 BOX HILL APEX CLUB Ran anti littering campaign Text 1962 6 47, 50 BOX HILL APEX CLUB Inaugural meeting held Text 1955 1 136 BOX HILL APEX CLUB Offer to build playground in Tyne Street Text 1959 3 102 BOX HILL APEX CLUB Seeks permanent home Text 1956 2 42 BOX HILL APEX CLUB At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 BOX HILL APEX CLUB Represented on Youth Club committee Text 1958 3 B BOX HILL ARCHERS CLUB To use different grounds Text 1957 2 108 BOX HILL ARCHERY CLUB To be asked to move location Text 1965 8 129 BOX HILL ART GROUP Attended meeting of Historical Society on Art Text 1964 8 25 BOX HILL ART GROUP Former instructor returns to Germany Text 1957 2 96 BOX HILL ART GROUP Irving Ave Pavilion refurbished Text 1956 2 B BOX HILL AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 30 years since opened, history given Text 1960 4 26 BOX HILL BALLET GROUP At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 BOX HILL BALLET GROUP Performance reported on Text 1957 2 116 BOX HILL BALLET GROUP Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 BOX HILL BALLET GROUP Achievements listed Text 1958 3 M BOX HILL BALLET GROUP 10th anniversary Text 1961 4 194 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL BALLET GROUP Performance for charity Text 1961 5 32, 39, 45, 51 BOX HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL BAPTIST CHURCH New Minister appointed Text 1964 7 188 BOX HILL BAPTIST CHURCH New Minister appointed Text 1960 6 188 BOX HILL BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL Anniversary celebrations Text 1949 1 39 BOX HILL BATHS To close, end of season Text 1959 3 57 BOX HILL BATHS Admission charges to rise 100% Text 1959 3 146 BOX HILL BATHS Attendances for 3 months given Text 1951 1 58 BOX HILL BATHS 5,000 people packed in during heat wave Text 1959 3 21 BOX HILL BATHS Opening of season Text 1962 7 5 BOX HILL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Some activities listed Text 1964 8 51 BOX HILL BOWL - TEN PIN Building to start; architect's sketch Illus. 1963 7 114 BOX HILL BOWL - TEN PIN Promotion of forthcoming opening Photo, Text 1963 7 165 BOX HILL BOWLING CLUB Want works done by Council Text 1956 2 5 BOX HILL BOWLING CLUB To lease land cnr Poplar Street & Whitehorse Road Text 1949 1 35 BOX HILL BOWLING CLUB Wins first pennant Text 1959 3 47 BOX HILL BOWLING CLUB Move to new greens; history of club Text 1953 1 100 BOX HILL Boy - Unnamed At J. R. Ellingworth Memorial Fountain Photo, Text 1963 7 64, 175 BOX HILL BOYS SQUADRON, AUST AIR LEAGUE Brief report on activities Text 1960 4 34 BOX HILL BRANCH OF UNION JACK CLUB Will meet in new premises Text 1960 4 38 BOX HILL BRICKWORKS Neighbours complain of nuisance/noise Text 1965 8 183, 187, 190, 195 BOX HILL BROWNIES Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 BOX HILL BUILDING SURVEYOR Report on activity Text 1959 3 74 BOX HILL BUILDING SURVEYOR Report of building activity Text 1959 3 60 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL BUSINESSMEN'S CLUB Seeks permanent home Text 1956 2 42 BOX HILL C.W.A. Offer to pay for curtains for town hall Text 1964 8 47, 104 BOX HILL C.W.A. Obituary for member Alice Sweetland Text 1965 8 191 BOX HILL CAMERA CLUB AGM; 2 Life Memberships awarded Text 1963 7 67 BOX HILL CAMERA CLUB Thanks Mayor for support; 30 members Text 1961 4 197 BOX HILL CAMERA CLUB Call to establish one; formed Text 1960 4 108, 117 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Issued Handbook and Directory Text 1964 8 21 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Worried about development of Chadstone Text 1960 4 G, L BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Plans for Festival; Wants Master Plan, welcomes new Text 1962 6 18, 22, 48 members Wants Master Plan developed; Annual General Meeting BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Plan to establish Text 1957 2 109 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Death of member Ken Turner Text 1964 8 94 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Promotes overhead bridge for road crossing Illus., Text 1964 8 45, 84, 86, 152, 159, 187, 194 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 73 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lists aims Text 1965 8 127 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Report of annual dinner Text 1962 6 50 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Speech by new President Text 1962 6 69, 71 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wants tree plantations moved for car park Text 1959 3 156-159, 161, 162, 163, 164 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Employs meter maids Photo, Text 1965 8 164 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual General Meeting Text 1959 3 105, 107, 109, 110 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Has expanded Text 1964 8 53 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual dinner; Lord Mayor guest speaker Text 1964 8 39 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Calls meeting to discuss parking problems Text 1959 3 111,112, 113, 125 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Report of meeting Text 1957 2 118 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Christmas decorations planned for shopping centres Text 1964 8 79 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thanks Council for donation Text 1965 8 136 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Formed, office bearers elected Text 1957 2 110 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Happy with Christmas trading figures Text 1961 4 130 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AGM; election of office bearers Text 1963 7 108 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To plan bigger White Horse Festival for next year Text 1960 4 87, 89 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Christmas decorations and activities listed Text 1963 7 153, 162 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Offers money to railways to lower rail line Text 1960 4 9, 11, 15 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wants centre plantations used for car parks Text 1963 7 92 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Report of meeting Text 1960 4 15 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AGM and election of office bearers Text 1961 5 16, 18 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Support undergrounding of railway station Text 1965 8 154 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Sent 4 to Sydney to look at rail crossing abolition Text 1963 7 163, 164 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2nd largest in State; seeks new members Text 1964 7 192 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Reports vandalism, wants more police Text 1960 4 11, 16, 24 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Report of meeting Text 1960 4 59 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Manufacturers' panel proposed Text 1961 4 197 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Appoints committees to run White Horse Festival Text 1964 7 189 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Report on meeting at Wattle Park Text 1961 5 A BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Christmas lights start 3 December Text 1962 7 15 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To organise White Horse Festival Text 1960 4 58, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71, 74 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Has record number of members; AGM Text 1960 4 63 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Supports pedestrian overpasses Text 1965 8 156 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE President urges undergrounding of railway Text 1963 7 64 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To launch 10 day sales promotion Text 1960 4 8 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Police advise on methods of vandalism control Text 1962 7 9 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Pay for Christmas decorations Text 1961 5 62, 63 BOX HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To run another Whitehorse Festival Text 1961 4 192 BOX HILL CHESS CLUB Activities listed Text 1958 3 M BOX HILL CHESS CLUB Meets in Irving Ave tennis pavilion Text 1961 5 D BOX HILL CHORAL SOCIETY Performed at town hall Text 1964 8 16 BOX HILL CHORAL SOCIETY Commended by Council Text 1949 1 29 BOX HILL CHORAL SOCIETY Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 BOX HILL CHORAL SOCIETY To perform as part of centenary celebrations Text 1957 2 109 BOX HILL CHORAL SOCIETY Concert for former conductor H. Davis Text 1961 5 64, 67 BOX HILL CHURCH OF CHRIST Pastor conducted hymn at town hall function Text 1964 8 16 BOX HILL CHURCH OF CHRIST Hosted annual Civic Service event Text 1964 8 82 BOX HILL CHURCH OF CHRIST Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL CHURCH OF CHRIST Pastor retires Text 1961 5 I BOX HILL CITIZENS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Formed; aims Text 1956 2 35, 74, 75, 102 BOX HILL CITIZENS HISTORICAL COMMITTEE Formed to gather material for Centenary Text 1956 2 6 BOX HILL CITY BAND Plans for Christmas Carols performance Text 1961 5 1 BOX HILL CITY BAND To perform Text 1959 3 169 BOX HILL CITY BAND Irving Ave pavilion extension organised Text 1959 3 64 BOX HILL CITY BAND History given Text 1959 3 69 BOX HILL CITY BAND Reformed; difficulty in getting members Text 1949 1 32, 43 BOX HILL CITY BAND Appeals for members Text 1962 6 27 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL CITY BAND Led Anzac Day March Text 1959 3 62 BOX HILL CITY BAND Incurred losses at Carols by Candelight service Text 1964 8 37 BOX HILL CITY BAND Report of performance Text 1957 2 104 BOX HILL CITY BAND Led Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 BOX HILL CITY BAND New Bandmaster appointed Text 1962 6 92 BOX HILL CITY BAND Report of competition success Text 1956 2 43 BOX HILL CITY BAND Took part in Moomba Parade; won trophy Text 1964 7 197 BOX HILL CITY BAND Performed at charitable appeal at Town Hall Text 1961 5 22 BOX HILL CITY BAND Activities include ABC recital Text 1961 5 18 BOX HILL CITY BAND To perform at Carols by Candelight event Text 1963 7 153, 162 BOX HILL CITY BAND Marching drill can be practised at Box Hill Reserve Text 1961 5 6, 10 BOX HILL CITY BAND Given increased Council grant Text 1963 7 64 BOX HILL CITY BAND Performed at Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 182 BOX HILL CITY BAND Pays back some of the money loaned by Council Text 1961 4 197 BOX HILL CITY BAND To host Ulverstone Band in reciprocal visit Text 1962 5 89, 90, 91 BOX HILL CITY BATHS To open for season in November Text 1959 3 138 BOX HILL CIVIC AWARD Initiated Text 1956 2 27, 28 BOX HILL CLUB Death of member Ken Turner Text 1964 8 94 BOX HILL CLUB Guest speaker Doug Warren Text 1962 6 1 BOX HILL CLUB Mayor opens new premises Text 1959 3 55, 56 BOX HILL CLUB Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 BOX HILL CLUB Formerly Box Hill Businessmen's Club Text 1959 3 56 BOX HILL CLUB Has purchased site in Bank Street Text 1958 2 145, 146 BOX HILL CLUB Report on meeting Text 1964 8 30, 32 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL CLUB Report of meeting Text 1964 8 75 BOX HILL CLUB Speaker on surviving nuclear war Text 1958 2 200 BOX HILL CLUB Mayor speaker at luncheon Text 1958 2 187 BOX HILL CLUB Report of meeting Text 1958 3 M BOX HILL CLUB Guest speaker on Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 BOX HILL CLUB Report of meeting Text 1963 7 50 BOX HILL CLUB Report of meeting Text 1960 4 15, 22, 31 BOX HILL CLUB Guest speaker was Cr L. McCredden Text 1962 5 80 BOX HILL CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETIES Report on activities Text 1959 3 139 BOX HILL CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY History of; to lose land Text 1962 6 45, 97 BOX HILL CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY First in Text 1960 4 125 BOX HILL COUNCIL Changes to Street names; 93 changed in 1931 Text 1964 8 67 BOX HILL COUNCIL To consider building toilet block at bus terminal Text 1964 8 61 BOX HILL COUNCIL Car parking limits introduced Illus. 1958 2 139 BOX HILL COUNCIL Details of revaluation Text 1964 8 80, 82 BOX HILL COUNCIL House numbers not being installed Text 1962 6 10 BOX HILL COUNCIL Annual cricket match against Nunawading Text 1965 8 150 BOX HILL COUNCIL Parking problems in shopping area Text 1957 2 50, 53, 54, 55, 58 BOX HILL COUNCIL Parking restrictions planned Text 1952 1 73, 75 BOX HILL COUNCIL Home help service statistics Text 1960 3 200 BOX HILL COUNCIL Emergency housekeeping service planned Text 1951 1 70, 73 BOX HILL COUNCIL Parking meters to be installed Text 1957 2 130 - 135 BOX HILL COUNCIL Car Parking - land acquisition plan Text 1962 6 48 BOX HILL COUNCIL Home Help Service statistics given Text 1959 3 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL COUNCIL Building surveyor's report Text 1959 3 173 BOX HILL COUNCIL Push to collect garbage twice weekly Text 1965 8 114 BOX HILL COUNCIL Holiday play centres popular Text 1965 8 116 BOX HILL COUNCIL Car Parking - land acquisition plan Text 1962 6 6 BOX HILL COUNCIL Building Surveyor's report Text 1960 3 197 BOX HILL COUNCIL Infant Welfare statistics Text 1960 3 198 BOX HILL COUNCIL Home Help Service quarterly report Text 1965 8 135 BOX HILL COUNCIL Building Surveyor's Report Text 1960 3 200 BOX HILL COUNCIL Annual Civic Service held Text 1964 8 82 BOX HILL COUNCIL Fluoridation Issue causes split Text 1964 7 201, 202 BOX HILL COUNCIL Cricket Challenge with Nunawading Photo, Text 1963 7 66, 67, 69 BOX HILL COUNCIL Toilet attendants hard to find Text 1959 3 100 BOX HILL COUNCIL Annual concert for volunteers Text 1959 3 99 BOX HILL COUNCIL Rejects demand for car parking on plantations Text 1964 8 16, 20 BOX HILL COUNCIL Parking inspector warning driver Photo 1956 2 43 BOX HILL COUNCIL Building Surveyor's Report Text 1959 3 130 BOX HILL COUNCIL Parking meters to be installed Text 1960 4 A BOX HILL COUNCIL Car park increase proposal Text 1959 3 157, 162 BOX HILL COUNCIL Will not go to bi-weekly garbage collection Text 1961 5 26, 27 BOX HILL COUNCIL Gives money for clubrooms for Elderly Citizens Text 1961 5 18, 22 BOX HILL COUNCIL Arranges free concert from ABC Orchestra Text 1961 4 128, 131, 138, 139 BOX HILL COUNCIL Interim Development Order over central area Text 1961 5 13, 14 BOX HILL COUNCIL Bans caravan living Text 1963 7 102 BOX HILL COUNCIL Purchases land from Brenock Estate Text 1961 4 148 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL COUNCIL House numbering campaign Text 1961 5 23 BOX HILL COUNCIL To investigate overhead school crossings Text 1965 8 150 BOX HILL COUNCIL Annual Civic Service held at Wattle Park Text 1960 4 102 BOX HILL COUNCIL Wants action on Station St. rail crossing Text 1964 7 182 BOX HILL COUNCIL Asks for Sunday trains to run; strike action Text 1960 4 30, 33 BOX HILL COUNCIL Home Help Service seeks staff, pay rate given Text 1963 7 41 BOX HILL COUNCIL Cricket challeng with Nunawading; Murphy Cup Text 1964 7 187 BOX HILL COUNCIL Opposed to MMBW plan for retarding basin Koonung Text 1960 4 114 Creek BOX HILL COUNCIL To issue Community Guide booklet Text 1960 4 44 BOX HILL COUNCIL Lends money to MMBW to underground drain Text 1963 7 70 BOX HILL COUNCIL Will not allow Sunday sports on its ovals Text 1960 4 9 BOX HILL COUNCIL Covers cost of Holiday Play Centre Text 1964 7 180 BOX HILL COUNCIL Additional office space needed at town hall Text 1960 4 34 BOX HILL COUNCIL Offers free polio shots of 4th injection Text 1963 7 130 BOX HILL COUNCIL Car parking problems; Proposal of scheme Text 1961 5 4 BOX HILL COUNCIL Is opposed to logging in water catchments Text 1960 4 17 BOX HILL COUNCIL Sprays blackberries with chemical 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 BOX HILL COUNCIL Report on Home Help Service Text 1960 4 70 BOX HILL COUNCIL Seeks funding to erect elderly citizen's building Text 1961 4 189, 190 BOX HILL COUNCIL Proposed direct bus route to Monash Text 1961 4 159A, 161 BOX HILL COUNCIL Details of menu for 1889 Foundation Stone Dinner Text 1961 5 17 BOX HILL COUNCIL To receive timber shield from Dorking Council Text 1961 4 138, 139 BOX HILL COUNCIL To purchase land for car parks Text 1962 5 76 BOX HILL COUNCIL Arranges free concert from ABC Orchestra Text 1961 4 139, 145 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL COUNCIL Paints kerbs red as warning re parking Text 1963 7 75 BOX HILL COUNCIL To ask for more police protection against vandals Text 1960 4 11 BOX HILL COUNCIL Display by Parks Curator wins Award Text 1961 5 66 BOX HILL COUNCIL Home Help service trebled in 9 years Text 1961 4 138, 142 BOX HILL COUNCIL Again rejects Sunday sports on Council Reserves Text 1963 7 130, 131 BOX HILL COUNCIL To sell land near Welfare Court for bus depot Text 1961 5 I, 83 BOX HILL COUNCIL Wants local poll on RSL liquor licence application Text 1965 8 168, 169, 173, 194, 197, 199, 201, 202, 204 BOX HILL COUNCIL Confirms Dry Area status Text 1963 7 154, 155 BOX HILL COUNCIL Health Campaign to stop polio Text 1963 7 73, 77 BOX HILL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Results and polling numbers given Text 1962 6 68, 72 BOX HILL COUNCIL ELECTRICAL SHOP To be used by Co-Op. Housing Societies Text 1964 8 21 BOX HILL COUNCIL NURSERIES Inspected as part of 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1964 8 81 BOX HILL COUNCIL SOCIAL CLUB Farewell function for John Cochrane, retired. Text 1964 8 93 BOX HILL COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Interview with President Photo, Text 1965 8 201 BOX HILL CRESCENT Drain works needed Text 1954 1 130 BOX HILL CRESCENT Deep holes in road Text 1958 3 B, F BOX HILL CRESCENT To be constructed Text 1959 3 33 BOX HILL CRESCENT Flooding Text 1958 3 M BOX HILL CRESCENT Part of, construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 BOX HILL CRESCENT Accidents reported, comments on Text 1956 2 2, 5, 108 BOX HILL CRESCENT Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5, 36 BOX HILL CRICKET CLUB Council refusal to install stainless steel sink Text 1965 8 110 BOX HILL CYCLE TRACK Go-karts illegally racing there Text 1960 4 27 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL DISTRICT SCOUTS To hold swimming carnival Text 1961 4 145 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP To perform at centenary celebrations Text 1957 2 78, 90, 91, 95 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP 50th production promoted Text 1965 8 128 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP Member Nancy Youl Photo, Text 1965 8 113 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 69 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP To present 10th anniversary show Text 1961 4 193, 201 BOX HILL DRAMA GROUP Activities over 10 years listed Text 1961 5 C BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Report on activities Text 1956, 1957 2 12, 103 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Report on activities; Christmas party Text 1964 8 102, 106 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Premier officially opened Text 1964 8 12, 15, 20 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Proposed Constitutional changes mooted Text 1963 7 143 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Seeking members, lists activities Text 1961 4 130 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Additional State Grant Text 1964 7 181 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Members must be over 60 and a resident Text 1962 5 74 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS' CLUB State government grant for clubrooms Text 1963 7 70 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUBROOMS Reporter visits and reports on Text 1963 7 161 BOX HILL ELDERLY CITIZENS' CLUBROOMS Tenders called for erection of building Text 1962 7 30 BOX HILL ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Electric light first turned on, 4 August 1904 Text 1964 8 39 BOX HILL ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Trialled new street lighting technique Text 1963 7 142 BOX HILL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Shop in Whitehorse Road to be sold Text 1964 7 182 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY Screened films for centenary Text 1957 2 113 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY Annual General Meeting report Text 1964 8 43 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY Celebrates 10th Anniversary Text 1962 6 51 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY Founder retires Text 1964 8 33 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY Repaid Council loan Text 1959 3 83 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY To take part in 'Made in Box Hill' week Text 1960 4 56 BOX HILL FILM SOCIETY AGM; to increase membership fees Text 1961 5 2 BOX HILL FIRE BRIGADE Local residents commended Text 1963 7 173 BOX HILL FIRE BRIGADE Fought Woolworths fire Text 1961 4 157 BOX HILL FIRE SERVICE Fought major blaze at gasworks Text 1962 6 63, 64, 65 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Buildings at City Oval to go ahead Text 1951 1 56 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Rquests certain facilities Text 1956 2 17 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Warns of slippery conditions Text 1956 2 5 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB To start season with deficit Text 1965 8 116 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Will hold a dance at Mirama Ballroom Text 1964 8 15 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Reverses position, in favour of Sunday matches Text 1963 7 37, 44, 50 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB AGM, despite debt, will not play on a Sunday Text 1961 4 141, 157 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Reaffirms decision not to play on Sundays Text 1961 4 181 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Coach/captain wins J.J.Liston Award Text 1961 5 46 BOX HILL FOOTBALL CLUB Has decided not to play on Sundays unless Finals Text 1963 7 73 BOX HILL FOOTBALL TEAM Coach named Text 1959 3 60 BOX HILL GARDENS Vandals destroy water system Text 1964 7 181 BOX HILL GIRL GUIDES Thank Council for flying Guide flag Text 1960 4 D BOX HILL GIRLS TECHNICAL COLLEGE Group attended Council meeting Text 1960 4 10 BOX HILL GIRLS TECHNICAL SCHOOL Principal to retire Text 1964 8 102, 111 BOX HILL GIRLS TECHNICAL SCHOOL Removal of new site discussed Text 1954 1 126, 127 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL GIRLS TECHNICAL SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 C, H BOX HILL GOLF CLUB Granted liquor licence; Council shocked Text 1956 2 10 BOX HILL GRAMMAR SCHOOL Senior pupils attended a Council meeting Text 1960 4 35 BOX HILL GRAMMAR, Pupil Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 45 BOX HILL GUIDES Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 BOX HILL GUIDES - 1st Company Attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 C, H BOX HILL HARRIERS Took part in 'Round the Town' event Text 1962 6 4 BOX HILL HEALTH ISSUES No polio cases this year Text 1960 4 L BOX HILL HEALTH ISSUES Birth rate has soared Text 1959 3 102 BOX HILL HEALTH ISSUES No polio cases for more than two years Text 1959 3 78 BOX HILL HEALTH ISSUES Flu epidemic raging Text 1959 3 72 BOX HILL HEATHER CLUB Donated money to kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 BOX HILL HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Report of meeting, AGM Text 1957 2 133 BOX HILL HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Deputation to Council Text 1956 2 20 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Meeting re need of a Chaplain Text 1960 4 K, L BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL New Assembly Hall Photo, Text 1961 5 57 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Ceremony to install prefects Text 1958 2 148 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Pupils attend Council meeting Text 1960 3 203 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Hosted Choral Festival Text 1964 8 6 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Public meeting wants chaplain appointed Text 1960 4 14, 26 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL J.H. Charles Assembly Hall built Text 1961 5 51 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Prefects installed in ceremony Text 1962 5 94 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Work begins on Assembly Hall Text 1960 4 91 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Installation of prefects Text 1961 4 152, 158 BOX HILL HIGH SCHOOL Head master retiring Text 1963 7 66 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Report on meetings Text 1965 8 184, 191 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Details of speaker and meeting Text 1963 7 141, 143 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Report on meeting Text 1964 8 25 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Interview with Secretary Photo, Text 1965 8 120 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Newly formed, visits home of Arundel Wrighte Text 1963 7 112, 115, 144, 145 BOX HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY AGM held Text 1964 8 83 BOX HILL HOMING PIGEON CLUB Report on activities Text 1959 3 51 BOX HILL HOMING PIGEON CLUB To use Surrey Park for a further two years Text 1960 3 198 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY History of Text 1960 4 126 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Autumn Show in Town Hall Text 1960 3 202 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Plans for Annual show Text 1959 3 42 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Provided flowers for Queen; thanked Text 1954 1 119, 123 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Asks Royalty to open flower show Text 1948 1 19 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 69 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Successful show at Town Hall Text 1961 5 66 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Ran Dahlia Show at Town Hall Text 1965 8 185 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Spring Show at Town Hall Text 1960 4 102 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY History of, activities given Text 1960 4 123 BOX HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Flower show at Town Hall Text 1961 4 187 BOX HILL HOSPITAL History of, opening plans Text 1956 2 A, F, G BOX HILL HOSPITAL Proposal to delete bus service to hospital Text 1962 6 3 BOX HILL HOSPITAL Visit by Mayor to see new equipment Text 1959 3 125 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL HOSPITAL Opportunity shop opened Text 1959 3 39 BOX HILL HOSPITAL Bus service to hospital, usage queried Text 1962 6 20 BOX HILL HOSPITAL Art show run by ANZ Bank in aid of funds Text 1960 4 58 BOX HILL HOSPITAL New midwifery block planned Text 1963 7 100 BOX HILL HOSPITAL Treats 90 Bush Fire victims Text 1962 5 75 BOX HILL HOSPITAL Costs have increased Text 1961 5 21 BOX HILL ICE WORKS Needs permit for extension Text 1962 6 21 BOX HILL INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Has moved to new premises in Bank Street Text 1960 4 29 BOX HILL INTERCHURCH COUNCIL Opposed to liquor licence for RSL Text 1964 8 A BOX HILL INTER-CHURCH COUNCIL Commenced 1961, members listed Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL INVESTMENTS LTD. Plans hotel in Canterbury Road Text 1953 1 92 BOX HILL JAYCEES To erect street numbers as community project Text 1960 4 27 BOX HILL JAYCEES To host conference Text 1960 4 37, 55, 61 BOX HILL JAYCEES Will give money for playgrounds Text 1961 5 64 BOX HILL JAYCEES Providing playground at Ashmole Reserve Text 1962 5 95 BOX HILL JAYCEES BRANCH To be established Text 1954 1 132 BOX HILL JAYCEES CLUB At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 BOX HILL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Will erect street numbers as community project Text 1960 4 27 BOX HILL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE F.J. Davis MHR was guest speaker Text 1963 7 64 BOX HILL KINDERGARTEN Report of Opening, first in City Text 1947 1 5 BOX HILL LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY Formerly Box Hill Benevolent Society Text 1964 8 51 BOX HILL LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY 53rd Annual Meeting Text 1960 4 49, 51 BOX HILL LIBRARY Increase in number of books that can be borrowed Text 1965 8 135 BOX HILL LIBRARY Annual Report Text 1953 1 90, 91, 112 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL LIBRARY Report by librarian Text 1960 4 5 BOX HILL LIBRARY To develop an Australian section Text 1958 2 162 BOX HILL LIBRARY To have new interior colour scheme Text 1954 1 134 BOX HILL LIBRARY List of staff who passed exams Text 1965 8 133 BOX HILL LIBRARY Survey of users planned Text 1959 3 65, 67 BOX HILL LIBRARY Opening of, in Bank Street Text 1950 1 54, 55 BOX HILL LIBRARY Library Week activities Text 1953 1 106 BOX HILL LIBRARY Recorded music played at lunchtime Text 1952 1 72 BOX HILL LIBRARY Display for Education Week Text 1952 1 79 BOX HILL LIBRARY Has exhibition on R.L. Stevenson Text 1951 1 58 BOX HILL LIBRARY Plan to open new branch in Doncaster deferred Text 1964 8 79 BOX HILL LIBRARY Children's section moved to rear of town hall Text 1959 3 90 BOX HILL LIBRARY Plan to combine with Nunawading Text 1959 3 92 BOX HILL LIBRARY Will have display at Royal Show Text 1951 1 57 BOX HILL LIBRARY To take over Health Centre Text 1960 4 J BOX HILL LIBRARY To expand premises Text 1951 1 65, 67, 69, 70, 75, 78 BOX HILL LIBRARY Records can be borrowed Text 1961 5 38 BOX HILL LIBRARY Australiana collection used to help students Text 1962 5 94 BOX HILL LIBRARY Combines with Doncaster Service Text 1962 5 93 BOX HILL LIBRARY Bookmobile purchased Photo, Text 1962 7 14, 16, 20, 21, 26 BOX HILL LIBRARY Latest books purchased Text 1962 7 18 BOX HILL LIBRARY Has almost complete set of 'Wild Life' Magazine Text 1962 5 77 BOX HILL LIBRARY Students room set up Text 1961 5 10 BOX HILL LIBRARY Increase in books loaned this year Text 1961 5 49 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL LIBRARY Bookmobile a success Text 1963 7 72 BOX HILL LIBRARY Borrowings are on increase Text 1964 7 178 BOX HILL LIBRARY List of most popular books borrowed Text 1961 5 28 BOX HILL LIBRARY Activities listed Text 1961 5 14 BOX HILL LIBRARY Report on; increase in books Text 1961 5 8 BOX HILL LIBRARY New books on sport available Text 1963 7 66 BOX HILL LIBRARY Increased book borrowing Text 1963 7 127, 151 BOX HILL LIBRARY Offers new book suggestions to borrow Text 1961 5 70, 72 BOX HILL LIBRARY Holds Nuremberg Trials records Text 1961 4 189 BOX HILL LIBRARY Usage increases Text 1961 4 186 BOX HILL LIBRARY Removes 'God's Little Acre' from shelves Text 1960 4 10 BOX HILL LIBRARY Celebrates 10th Anniversary Text 1960 4 99 BOX HILL LIBRARY - MOBILE SERVICE To be established, truck purchased Text 1953 1 102, 104, 105, 108 BOX HILL LIBRARY - MOBILE SERVICE Underused in Mont Albert Text 1959 3 28 BOX HILL LIBRARY - SERVICE EXPANDED Now to cover Shire of Doncaster & T'stowe Text 1962 6 39, 40 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Koonung Heights Girl Guides Hall Photo 1964 8 75 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB AGM, new office bearers elected Text 1962 6 40 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Brief details given of history Text 1964 8 41 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Gift of caravan to Council as charity stall Photo, Text 1963 7 91, 93 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Report of meeting Text 1964 8 14 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Past President is C.F. Williams Text 1964 8 2 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Given Charter by District Governor Text 123 4 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL LIONS CLUB AGM; election of office bearers Text 1964 7 203 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Formed, committee elected Text 1960 4 63, 77 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Guest speaker was Coach of Athletic Club Text 1961 4 173 BOX HILL LIONS CLUB Provides kitchen equipment for Meals on Wheels Text 1963 7 161 BOX HILL LUNCHEON CLUB Details of new hospital provided Text 1949 1 32 BOX HILL LUNCHEON CLUB First annual dinner held Text 1949 1 41 BOX HILL LUNCHEON CLUB Reports on gatherings Text 1950 1 45, 46, 54 BOX HILL LUTHERAN CHURCH Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL MARCHING GIRLS ASSOCIATION Promotion of organisation; changes name to Surrey Park Text 1962 6 23, 45 BOX HILL MARCHING GIRLS ASSOCIATION Meeting to be held Text 1960 4 44 BOX HILL MARCHING GIRLS CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Report on meeting Text 1957 2 98 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE First Annual meeting held Text 1957 2 127 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Opening of new building in Bank Street Text 1959 3 80, 87, 89 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Annual meeting held Text 1958 3 A BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE AGM, election of office bearers Text 1961 5 41, 47 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Complains of club with similar name Text 1960 4 97 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Letter to Editor from Chairman Text 1961 5 10 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CENTRE Program listed, message from Patron Text 1963 7 94 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Report on state of Text 1959 3 139, 141 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Official opening, new building planned Text 1957 2 102, 103, 123 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Open night held Text 1957 2 133 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Report of chairman Text 1962 6 100 BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Monthly meeting held Text 1959 3 32, 80 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL MEMORIAL YOUTH CLUB Letter to Editor from President Text 1963 7 145 BOX HILL METHODIST CHURCH Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL Concerned at illegal parking Text 1963 7 75 BOX HILL MISSION Death of Superintendent, obituary Text 1965 8 117 BOX HILL MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY 1850s Minutes Text 1959 3 36, 65 BOX HILL NORTH Baby Health Centre to open soon Text 1958 2 170 BOX HILL NORTH Parts to be sewered Text 1963 7 76 BOX HILL NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Future site of, in Cairo Road Text 1964 8 85, 90 BOX HILL NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Planned, but location not settled Text 1962 7 29, 31 BOX HILL NORTH KINDERGARTEN Proposed, committee appointed, opening Text 1957, 1958 2 96, 107, 108, 140, 188 BOX HILL NORTH KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 BOX HILL NORTH KINDERGARTEN ASSOC Accommodation inadequate Text 1962 7 18 BOX HILL NORTH KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION Funding needed, request to Council Text 1960 4 36 BOX HILL NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL Woodhouse Grove; to be established Text 1953 1 103 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION To survey for pre-school children Text 1956 2 4 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Letters to Council Text 1958 2 169 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Newly formed Text 1956 1 149 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Developed playground at Memorial Park Text 1964 8 89 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Thanks Council for traffic lights Text 1958 2 152 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Discussion on lack of sewerage Text 1958 2 161 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Suggests swimming pool in area; rejected Text 1959 3 38, 42 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Wants local tennis courts Text 1959 3 108, 110 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Complain of footpath conditions Text 1959 3 53 BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Deputation to Council Text 1956 2 17 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Meeting planned Text 1959 3 29 BOX HILL NORTH STATE SCHOOL Crossing roads dangerous for children Text 1961 5 42 BOX HILL OPPORTUNITY SHOP Run by C.W.A. Text 1965 8 201 BOX HILL PANEL WORKS To instal petrol pump Text 1959 3 134 BOX HILL PARKING SERVICE Offers permenant parking bays Text 1957 2 137 BOX HILL PENGUIN CLUB Proposal for lunch time club, for women Text 1964 7 197 BOX HILL PET SHOP Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 BOX HILL PHILATELIC SOCIETY Display at town hall Text 1957 2 116, 118 BOX HILL PHILATELIC SOCIETY To use Irving Road Pavilion to establish junior group Text 1960 4 120 BOX HILL PHILATELIC SOCIETY Donates to Box Hill Hospital Text 1962 5 86 BOX HILL POLICE STATION Extensions approved Text 1954 1 133 BOX HILL PONY CLUB May have new home Text 1965 8 129 BOX HILL PONY CLUB Formed, leases land next to cycle track Text 1962 5 81 BOX HILL POST OFFICE Postmaster has spent 50 years in service Text 1961 5 32 BOX HILL POST OFFICE Council to widen right of way behind building Text 1961 5 K BOX HILL POST OFFICE Telephone exchanged opened at rear Text 1960 4 26 BOX HILL POUND Used as storage space by Drama Club Text 1961 5 C BOX HILL PRESB. CHURCH Remains opposed to Sunday sport Text 1960 4 9 BOX HILL PRE-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Letter to Editor re fundraising Text 1952 1 75 BOX HILL PRE-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Asks Council assistance re kindergartens Text 1948 1 22 BOX HILL R.S.L. New clubrooms nearly completed Photo, Text 1963 7 151 BOX HILL R.S.L. Armistice Day ceremony described Text 1964 8 83 BOX HILL R.S.L. Anzac Day ceremony Photo, Text 1960 4 6 BOX HILL R.S.L. Abandons sponsorship of Mardi Gras Text 1959 3 31 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL R.S.L. To sell land in Thames Street to hospital Text 1962 6 44 BOX HILL R.S.L. Fencing destroyed by vandals Text 1964 8 42 BOX HILL R.S.L. Church opposition to granting of liquor licence Text 1964 8 A BOX HILL R.S.L. Wants liquor licence Text 1954 1 131 BOX HILL R.S.L. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 BOX HILL R.S.L. Liquor licence application, refused Text 1956, 1958 2 5, 15, 192 BOX HILL R.S.L. Proposed Youth Club Text 1956 2 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 43 BOX HILL R.S.L. Official opening of premises Photo, Text 1965 8 133, 160, 163, 164 BOX HILL R.S.L. Application for liquor licence Text 1965 8 164, 165, 168, 169, 173, 187 BOX HILL R.S.L. Held Anzac Day ceremony at Town Hall Text 1961 4 182, 185 BOX HILL R.S.L. Applies for liquor licence Text 1964 7 193, 197, 198 BOX HILL R.S.L. To hold dawn Anzac Day service for first time Text 1965 8 170 BOX HILL R.S.L. AGM, election of officer bearers Text 1962 7 28 BOX HILL R.S.L. Application for liquor licence Text 1965 8 194, 197, 200, 201, 202, 204 BOX HILL R.S.L. BOWLING CLUB Has been formed Text 1964 8 16 BOX HILL RAILWAY STATION Death of Booking Clerk O'Shea Text 1951 1 64 BOX HILL RAILWAY STATION Facility improvements promised Text 1954 1 113 BOX HILL RAILWAY STATION Busiest surburban station Text 1965 8 146 BOX HILL RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Report of meeting, letters Text 1964 8 81, 103, 115 BOX HILL RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION State Valuer to be speaker at meeting Text 1964 8 78 BOX HILL RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Meeting will adopt constitution Text 1964 8 70 BOX HILL RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Formed after revaluation took place Text 1964 8 35, 37, 70 BOX HILL RED CROSS Provided supper at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL REFORMED CHURCH Quartet, to perform at Carols by Candelight event Text 1963 7 153 BOX HILL REGIONAL INVESTMENTS PTY. LTD. Formed by local businessmen Text 1960 4 88 BOX HILL RESERVE New pavilion and caretaker's residence tobe built Text 1964 8 53 BOX HILL RESERVE West of High School, to have major facelift Text 1961 4 151 BOX HILL RESERVE Council to erect dressing rooms/caretaker's flat Text 1964 7 202 BOX HILL ROSTRUM CLUB Seeks permanent home Text 1956 2 42 BOX HILL ROSTRUM CLUB Proposal for lunch time club, for men Text 1964 7 197 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB To help Youth Club funds Text 1958 3 B BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Organises Outdoor Art Show Text 1964 8 93 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Organised Schools' Choral Festival Photo 1964 8 19 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Sponsored British migrant Text 1958 2 153 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Two members going to Japan for Conference Text 1961 4 180 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Keith Patterson is a member Text 1963 7 166 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Report of meeting, give money for playgrounds Text 1963 7 114 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Donates to new clubrooms for Elderly Citizens Text 1961 5 21, 22 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Visitor from Dorking Rotary Club Text 1962 7 5 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Organising Schools' Choral Festival Text 1964 7 175 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB To provide playgrounds Text 1963 7 75 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Meeting at Wattle Park Text 1960 4 101 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Paired with US Club, tape recordings sent Text 1963 7 121 BOX HILL ROTARY CLUB Donates to Elderly Citizens Club building Text 1961 5 A BOX HILL SALVATION ARMY Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL SALVATION ARMY BAND Performed at town hall Text 1964 8 16 BOX HILL SAUNA & FITNESS CENTRE Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 BOX HILL SAVINGS BANK Changed name to State Savings Bank in 1912 Text 1962 5 77, 80 BOX HILL SCOUTS Take part in opening of Youth Centre Text 1959 3 87, 89 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 11th GROUP To build hall in Tyne Street Text 1964 8 11 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 11th GROUP To prepare a report on growth of movement Text 1965 8 157 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 11th GROUP Expanding rapidly, needs new premises Text 1960 4 55, 58 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 14th GROUP Gets interest free loan from local traders Text 1961 4 134, 144, 159 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 16th Group New hall in Jackson Avenue to be opened Text 1963 7 92, 96, 99 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 17th GROUP Seek public funding Text 1959 3 138 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 17th GROUP Council to provide site in Elizabeth Street Text 1959 3 100, 199 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 17th Group Sign contract to build hall in Elizabeth St. Text 1963 7 78 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 17th TROOP Form Co-Op to raise funds for hall Text 1961 5 I BOX HILL SCOUTS - 19th GROUP Granted permission to hold fete Text 1965 8 157 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 3rd GROUP Granted permission to hold fete Text 1965 8 157 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 4th GROUP Paid Council loan in full Text 1961 4 202 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 8th GROUP Sought to build hall in Wattle Park; denied Text 1965 8 171, 175, 177, 182, 199 BOX HILL SCOUTS - 9th GROUP Report on opening of hall Text 1961 4 165 BOX HILL SCOUTS - ASSOCIATION Reformed Text 1960 3 191 BOX HILL SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Plan to build in Boisdale parkland; opposed Photo 1965 8 171, 175, 199 BOX HILL SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Needs a secretary Text 1963 7 136 BOX HILL SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Seek loan to erect another hall Text 1961 4 202 BOX HILL SHOPPING ARCADE Electric tram bought to opening Text 1956 2 6 BOX HILL SHOPPING CENTRE Takings increase over Christmas period Text 1965 8 110 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL SHOPPING CENTRE Christmas decorations planned Text 1964 8 79, 97 BOX HILL SOCCER CLUB New ground to be opened Text 1958 2 150 BOX HILL SOUTH BUS SHELTER Clean up ordered by Council Text 1965 8 149 BOX HILL SOUTH KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 BOX HILL SOUTH KINDERGARTEN Opened at St Aidan's church hall Text 1963 7 63, 64, 76 BOX HILL SOUTH PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE Wants adjacent land reserved for park Text 1961 5 I BOX HILL SOUTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Formed Text 1962 5 81, 87 BOX HILL SOUTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Annual General Meeting Text 1965 8 154 Box HILL SOUTH SCOUT GROUP Erecting new Scout Hall Photo 1959 3 88 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Christmas decorations planned Text 1964 8 79, 97 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Change of bus stop requested; discussed Text 1962 6 6, 9 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Free parking provided by service station Text 1964 8 53 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Traders object to mobile ice-cream vans Text 1965 8 198, 199 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Litter baskets to be installed Text 1962 7 23 BOX HILL SOUTH SHOPPING CENTRE Inspected by Councillors and staff Text 1963 7 96 BOX HILL SOUTH STATE SCHOOL Want traffic lights installed Text 1956 2 23 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS Protest reduction in bus service Text 1964 8 8, 15 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS ASSOCIATION Wants increased garbage collection Text 1963 7 56 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS ASSOCIATION Seeks more car parking Text 1962 7 10 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS ASSOCIATION Poor condition of footpath in Canterbury Road Text 1963 7 38 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS ASSOCIATION Complain of motorists cutting corners Text 1962 7 31 BOX HILL SOUTH TRADERS ASSOCIATION Want lights at back of shops Text 1962 7 25 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Wants street lights to stay on longer; right of way cleaned Text 1962 6 37 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Asks if Cnr Haig and Prince Sts could be a playground Text 1962 6 43 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Request for more frequent rubbish collection Text 1962 6 15, 16, 20 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Wants land at Welfare Court for community centre Text 1962 6 28, 33, 67 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Will help provide playground in Welfare Court Text 1963 7 152 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD ASSOCIATION Formed at public meeting Text 1962 5 93 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD PROGRESS ASSOC. Requests action on a number of matters Text 1964 8 14 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD PROGRESS ASSOC. Wants improvements around Wattle Park Text 1964 8 28 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD PROGRESS ASSOC. Supports new entrance to Drive In Text 1965 8 195 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD PROGRESS ASSOC. Requests Youth Club in Surrey Park; denied Text 1963 7 136 BOX HILL SOUTH WARD PROGRESSS ASSOCIATION Calls for enquiry into council expenditure Text 1964 8 48 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Report on holiday play centre Text 1959 3 20 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Traffic safety concerns Text 1958 2 163 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Venue for school holiday programme Photo, Text 1965 8 111 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Venue for holiday play centre Text 1957 2 46, 47 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Annual Christmas treat given Text 1948 1 26 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL School crossing monitors wearing luminous coats as trial Text 1962 6 30 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Venue for holiday play centre Text 1954 1 114 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Holiday play centre popular Text 1957, 1958 2 46, 47, 139, 140 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Want traffic lights installed Text 1956 2 23 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Improvement in crossing planned Text 1962 6 6, 7 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL To get boom gate crossing Text 1960 4 56, 88 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL 100 Children learn to swim Text 1960 4 107 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Pupil hit by car on school crossing Text 1965 8 167 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Venue for school holiday play centre Text 1961 4 136 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Crossing Boom gate too heavy, alternate proposed Text 1962 5 87 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Hosts Holiday Play Centre Text 1964 7 180 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL Playground to be established behind school Text 1960 4 68 BOX HILL STATE SCHOOL CHILDREN Pupils visit Rutherglen Text, Photo 1964 8 17, 18 BOX HILL SWIMMING POOL Drop in attendances Text 1965 8 117 BOX HILL SWIMMING POOL New pool to be investigated Text 1965 8 152, 155 BOX HILL TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS Results given Text 1948 1 23 BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Foundation stone of new Assembly Hall Text 1959 3 165 BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Grounds to be drained Text 1964 8 31 BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Opening of new Assembly Hall Text 1960 4 D BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1960 4 14 BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 BOX HILL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Prefects announced by Mayor Text 1964 7 198 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Four trees cut down in front Text 1956 2 9 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Parquetry flooring tender awarded Text 1959 3 182 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Decorations for Mayoral Ball available for viewing Text 1962 6 14 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Telephone booth to go outside Text 1955 1 143 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Two poplar trees to be removed Text 1962 6 76, 88 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Roof to be resurfaced and waterproofed Text 1965 8 136, 193 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Vandals destroy flowerbeds three times Text 1965 8 147 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Two poplar trees need removal, roots damaging Text 1963 7 79 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Cnr Cambridge & Station Sts., current usage listed Text 1961 5 3 BOX HILL TOWN HALL Small fire, among electrical equipment Text 1964 7 176 BOX HILL TOWN PLAN Experts to work on Text 1958 2 160 BOX HILL TYRE SERVICE Factory addition approved Text 1959 3 52 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BOX HILL VALUER Has completed revaluation Text 1958 3 15 BOX HILL WAR WIDOWS ASSOCIATION Held Christmas Party Text 1961 5 71 BOX HILL WAR WIDOWS ASSOCIATION Entertained at Town Hall by Mayor Text 1960 4 33 BOX HILL WOMEN'S ATHLETIC CLUB Has arranged athletic meet on Boxing Day Text 1960 4 119 BOX HILL Y.W.C.A. Young Wives Club Mayoress guest at luncheon Text 1965 8 168 BOX HILL YOUNGER SET Car trial planned Text 1960 4 J BOX HILL YOUTH CLUB Proposal for; See also BH Memorial Youth Club Text 1956 2 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 41, 43 BOX HILL YOUTH CLUB Is confused with Memorial Youth Centre Text 1960 4 97 BOXALL, Bronwyn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 BOXLEIGH GROVE Construction cost given, part only Text 1962 6 7, 11, 42 BOXLEIGH GROVE Sewerage to be laid on Text 1963 7 76 BOYCE, C.W.R. Managing Director of Hollerith (Aust.) P/L. Text 1958 3 2 BOYCE, H. Organiser, appeal funding Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1961 5 21 BOYCE, Harry, Mrs President Ladies Auxiliary Elderly Citizens Club Text 1964 8 106 BOYCE, Maureen Performed at volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 BOYD, Colin Fined for reconnecting power after being cut off Text 1962 5 92 BOYLAND, - Cr Spoke at Mayoral Ball; in accident Text 1947 1 6 BOYLAND, - Cr Retires; tributes paid Text 1947 1 9, 10, 12, 13 BOYLAND, W.J. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 BOYLE, - Mr Bandmaster, Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 BOYLE, R.V. Resigned as Bandmaster Box Hill City Band Text 1962 6 92 BOYLE, Roy Conducted Box Hill Band Text 1961 4 182 BRADBURY, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 BRADLEY, M. Letter to editor re animal cruelty Text 1953 1 95 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BRADY, Mervyn Letter to Editor Text 1957 2 104 BRAEMAR INDUSTRIES LTD. To buy Gardinol Industries Text 1957 2 136 BRAEMAR STREET, No. 9 Letter to Editor from resident Text 1965 8 123 BRAM, Ruth Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 BRANCH, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 BRAY, Dawn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 BRAY, John To represent Victoria in water polo competition Text 1961 4 173 BRAY, Mervyn Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 BRAYSHAW, - Mrs Gave alarm at Woolworths fire Text 1961 4 154 BRAYSHAWS ELECTRICAL STORE Part former saleyards Main Street sold to them Text 1963 7 86 BREARLEY, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 BREARLEY, - Mr. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 BREEDON, Anne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 BREEN, Val, Mrs Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 BREHAUT, - Member, Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 187 BREHAUT, H.W. PTY. LTD. Delays in rezoning of land Text 1958 2 160 BREMAN, Neville Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 BRENAN, G. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 BRENNER, Norma Accompanist, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 BRENOCK ESTATE Council purchsed land for sportsfield Text 1961 4 148 BRENOCK, Michael Middleborough Road, fined for dog bite Text 1949 1 36 BRESCHI, Giuliano Ferdinando Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 BREZNY, Aurel, Margaret Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 BRICK INDUSTRIES LTD. Neighbours complain of nuisance, Federation St. Text 1965 8 183, 187, 190, 195 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BRICK INDUSTRIES LTD. Middelborough Road; factory smoke very bad Text 1961 5 I BRICK INDUSTRIES LTD. Middleborough Rd., complaints by neighbours Text 1961 4 147 BRICK INDUSTRIES LTD. Will take steps to reduce pollution Text 1961 5 H BRICK INDUSTRIES LTD. To make chimney higher to reduce pollution Text 1961 5 23 BRIDGEFORD, Sir William Guest speaker,Anzac Day Text 1959 3 62 BRIDGES, J.A. Runs bus service Text 1957 2 134 BRIDGES, J.A. & C.H. DUNN Wanted to change bus route Text 1963 7 79 BRIDGES, William Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 BRIDGES, Yvonne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 BRIGGS STREET Construction of, completed Text 1962 6 11, 62 BRIGGS STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 BRIGGS STREET Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103, 119 BRIGGS STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 BRIGGS, G. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 BRIMACOMBE, G.A, Rev Promotes idea of school chaplain Text 1960 4 14 BRI-MOLD INDUSTRIES Requests road construction Text 1959 3 54 BRINSMEAD, Pixie Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 BRITISH PAINTS Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BRITTEN, Ian Instructor, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B BROAD, Lucy WCTU member, gave talk in 1904 Text 1964 8 42 BROADHEAD, A. Loaned site for Opportunity Shop Text 1959 3 39 BROADHEAD, A. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 BROADHEAD, A. On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 BROADHEAD, A., Cr and wife Guest at Elderly Citizens' Cflub Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BROADHEAD, A.H. Former President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21 BROADHEAD, A.H. Council's rep on School Advisory Committee Photo, Text 1965 8 150 BROADHEAD, Alan At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Photo, Text 1960 4 13 BROADHEAD, Alan ABC TV reports on stolen horse tail Photo, Text 1963 7 139 BROADHEAD, Alan Convenor, Miss Box Hill Olympics Text 1959 3 79 BROADHEAD, Alan Candidate, Council election, unopposed Text 1964 8 37, 38 BROADHEAD, Alan Candidate, Council election Photo, text 1964 8 9, 11 BROADHEAD, Alan Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A BROADHEAD, Alan Retires as President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 BROADHEAD, Alan Elected President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 BROADHEAD, Alan Chairman of committee for new High School Text 1962 7 29 BROADHEAD, Alan Formed investment group Text 1960 4 88 BROADHEAD, Alan and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BROADHEAD, Alan and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 BROADHEAD, Alan, Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 BROADHEAD, Allan Interview covering his interests & family Photo, Text 1960 4 112 BROADHEAD, Allan Whitehorse Festival Photo, Text 1960 4 73, 75 BROADHEAD, Allan Went to Sydney to look at rail crossing abolition Text 1963 7 163, 164 BROADHEAD, Arthur Cousin of Allan Broadhead Text 1960 4 112 BROADHEAD, Ian Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 BROADHEAD, P. Purchases site in Ellingworth Parade Text 1949 1 35 BROADHEAD, P. & SON History of site in Station St. Text 1960 4 110 BROADHEAD, P. AND SON PTY. LTD. Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BROADHEAD, W. Made Life Member of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BROADHEAD, W. First speaker to newly formed Camera Club Text 1960 4 117 BROCK, C.H. Early house being demolished Text 1959 3 23 BROCKHOFF'S BISCUITS Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 BROMELL, Noel and wife Given change by 'meter maid' Photo 1965 8 166 BRONTE AVENUE Construction of part, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 BRONTE AVENUE Plans for construction being prepared Text 1961 5 5 BRONZONI, Amelia, Arnaldo Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 BROOK CRESCENT Road constructed, cost given Text 1963 7 131 BROOKES, Sir Dallas & wife Opening of hospital Photo, Text 1956 2 F, G BROOKS, J.A. Elected Kindergarten Secretary Text 1963 7 76 BROOMHEAD FAMILY Detail given Text 1963 7 129 BROOMHEAD, G.F. Does not want TV tower enclosed Text 1961 5 28 BROTHERHOOD OF ST LAURENCE To convert house to homes for elderly Text 1963 7 75 BROUGHAM STREET, No. 31 Resident wrote re traffic concerns Text 1958 2 163 BROUGHTON ROAD, No. 104 Resident complains about MMBW rates Text 1962 6 26 BROUGHTON ROAD, No. 63 Residents write letter to Editor Text 1950 1 47 BROUGHTON, L. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A BROUWER, Theodora x 2, Theodorus Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 BROWN, A.M. Packham St., tree planting requested Text 1962 6 29 BROWN, B. and Norman W. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 BROWN, Bill Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 BROWN, Bob Assistant in Council's Plant Nursery Text 1963 7 143 BROWN, C. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 BROWN, E., Mrs Gave alarm at Woolworths fire Text 1961 4 154 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BROWN, Frank Comment on tree removal in Victoria Crescent Text 1965 8 119 BROWN, Helen Letter to editor re seating at City Oval Text 1965 8 126 BROWN, Henry F. Letter to editor re Housing Commission Text 1949 1 40 BROWN, June Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 BROWN, M. Former President, Scouts 9th Group Text 1961 4 165 BROWN, Neil Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 BROWN, Spencer Moral Rearmament H'book Photo, Text 1961 4 132 BROWNE, J.C. Performed in concert Text 1957 2 104 BROWNE, S.F. Sergeant, Box Hill police, retired Text 1960 4 K, L BRUINSMA, Foekje, Rinkje, Gerard, Sierd, Tjibbe Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 BRUNN, Theo Attended first meeting of horticultural society Text 1960 4 123 BRYANT, Gordon ALP Candidate for Deakin, spoke at town hall Text 1954 1 127 BRYANT, L. Letter to editor, praises local Councillor Text 1964 8 80 BRZOZOVSKI, Stanislaus, Juliana Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 BUCHANAN, - Mrs At Kindergarten Open Day Text 1959 3 69 BUCHANAN, - Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 BUCHANAN, K. Secretary, Bennettwswood Traders Association Text 1960 4 D BUCHANAN, Reg Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 BUCSUHAZY, Arpad, Irene Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 BUDGE, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 BUDGE, D. Cairo Road; home damaged by pollution Text 1954 1 130, 131 BUGIS, Arvids J., Erna Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 BUIVIDS, Osvalds V., Margarieta Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 BULLUSS, J. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BULLUSS, John Pupil, hit by car on school crossing Text 1965 8 167 BUMPSTEAD, Allan Hit by tree branch while riding bike Text 1961 4 162 BUNEVICIUS, Anele, Bolius, Vitas John Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 BUNTING, I.M., Mrs Suggests method of ending train strike Text 1960 4 124 BURCH, J., Mrs Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 BURGE, J.B. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 BURGESS, Elaine Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 BURGESS, Harry Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 BURGESS, Suzanne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 BURKETT, Elaine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 98 BURLAND, A. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 BURLAND, A., Mrs Organiser, Hospital Ball Photo, Text 1962 6 68 BURLAND, Norma Victoria Crescent, letter to Council Text 1963 7 64 BURLS, J. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 BURLS, Lorraine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 BURLS, Lorraine Treasurer, Auxiliary for Deaf Kindergarten Text 1961 4 196 BURMEISTER, - Mrs Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B BURNHAM, John C. Appointed to the Valuers' Qualification Board Text 1961 4 140 BURNS, A. Secretary, BH Citizens Dev. Assoc. Text 1956 2 35, 74 BURNS, Alan Moral Rearmament H'book Photo, Text 1961 4 132 BURNS, F.H. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 BURR, Wendy Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 BURR, Wendy Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 BURTON, C. Sinnott Street, floods Text 1963 7 57 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BURTON, Evelyn Floods, Sinnott St., Burwood; rescues children Photo, Text 1963 7 51 BURTON, G. Provides photos of flooding in Sinnott St. Text 1960 4 50 BURTON, Wendy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 BURWOOD BOWLING CENTRE & SQUASH COURTS Building planned for Milford Ave/Burwood Road Text 1961 5 36, 42 BURWOOD BOYS HOME Superintendent wants adults to man crossings Text 1965 8 174 BURWOOD BOYS TECHNICAL SCHOOL Choir to perform in variety show for charity Text 1961 5 25, 37 BURWOOD CEMETERY TRUST Declined to pay for nature strip changes Text 1964 8 33 BURWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Happy with Christmas trading figures Text 1961 4 130 BURWOOD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Inspected by Councillors Text 1960 4 99 BURWOOD DRIVE - IN Complaints about patrons bad behaviour Text 1965 8 154 BURWOOD DRIVE IN Entrance from Burwood Road sought Text 1965 8 169, 195 BURWOOD DRIVE IN Locals complain about traffic/disturbances Text 1963 7 167, 168 BURWOOD DRIVE IN Resident complains about traffic problems Text 1963 7 61 BURWOOD DRIVE IN Shows James Bond film; traffic congestion Text 1965 8 172 BURWOOD DRIVE IN THEATRE Complaints about late hours Text 1964 8 99, 107 BURWOOD DRIVE IN THEATRE Parking problems Text 1954 1 120, 121, 122, 123 BURWOOD DRIVE-IN Submerged in floodwaters Text 1963 7 52 108 BURWOOD EAST STATE SCHOOL Home of Tweedie family Text 1960 4 126 BURWOOD HIGH SCHOOL 12 Pupils attend Council meeting Text 1960 3 203 BURWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Prefect investiture Text 1959 3 69 BURWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Parents seek crossing Text 1962 6 21, 22 BURWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Ask footpaths to be made Text 1964 8 24 BURWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BURWOOD INDEPENDENT CHURCH Has no provision for off street parking Text 1963 7 144 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BURWOOD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Formed five months ago, meeting held Text 1954 1 125 BURWOOD ROAD Properties acquired to allow widening Text 1964 8 30 BURWOOD ROAD Cost of drain at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 BURWOOD ROAD Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33 BURWOOD ROAD To be widened Text 1962 6 92 BURWOOD ROAD To be widened Text 1957 2 138 BURWOOD ROAD Concrete footpaths needed but problem Text 1964 8 24 BURWOOD ROAD Plan to improve by CRB Text 1964 8 45 BURWOOD ROAD To become Burwood Highway Text 1960 4 70 BURWOOD ROAD Old tip site to become sporting oval Text 1960 4 52, 54 BURWOOD ROAD Reconstruction of south side Text 1961 5 H BURWOOD ROAD Median strip plantings detailed Text 1965 8 204 BURWOOD ROAD Proposed widening delayed Text 1961 4 168 BURWOOD ROAD EAST BURWOOD School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 35 BURWOOD ROAD, No. 140 Resident complains of derelict site nearby Text 1962 5 81 BURWOOD ROAD, No. 269 Liquor licence granted Text 1961 5 M BURWOOD ROAD, No. 385 Application for petrol pump refused Text 1960 4 90 BURWOOD ROAD, North Side Footpath needed Text 1959 3 84 BURWOOD ROAD/IRELAND STREET Traffic lights to be installed Text 1959 3 65 BURWOOD ROAD/ROSLYN STREET Former quarry hole site inspected Text 1964 8 81 BURWOOD ROAD/ROSLYN STREET Old quarry site to be tidied up Text 1965 8 157 BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL Requests school crossing Text 1954 1 124 BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL History being compiled; centenary this year Text 1965 8 165 BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL Traffic lights to be installed Text 1959 3 114 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL Traffic lights installed Text 1960 4 3 BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL Committee formed to celebrate centenary Text 1965 8 196 BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL Surrounding footpaths in bad condition Text 1961 5 L, M BURWOOD STATE SCHOOL 3 generations of the Bennett family went there Text 1961 5 47 BURWOOD TEACHERS' COLLEGE Ask footpaths to be made Text 1964 8 24 BURWOOD TECHNICAL SCHOOL Gymnasium to be opened by Minister Text 1964 8 93 BURWOOD TECHNICAL SCHOOL Prefects announced at ceremony Text 1961 4 175 BURWOOD TECHNICAL SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 BURWOOD TECHNICAL SCHOOL Trees removed for footpaths Text 1961 5 N, 1 BURWOOD TRAM TERMINUS 1922 view Photo 1965 8 165 BUSHY CREEK M.M.B.W.A drainage works unsatisfactory Text 1964 8 38 BUSHY CREEK Cost of branch sewer given Text 1961 4 129 BUSHY CREEK Area to the east to be sewered Text 1964 7 191 BUSHY CREEK AREA Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 BUSKENS, - Opposed to proposed scout hall in park Text 1965 8 171 BUSKENS, Hendricus A., Lambertus, Petronella Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 BUTCHER, D. Squash champion, to run sports centre Text 1961 4 194 BUTLER, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 BUTLER, A.W. Letter to editor re rate rise Text 1959 3 29 BUTTA, F.R. & S. Permit for factory granted Text 1960 4 84 BUTTERFIELD, Robyn Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 BYL, Peter Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 BYL, Peter Explains how he learnt English Text 1960 4 118 BYRNES, Olga Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

BYRON STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 C.B.C. Bank Makes loan available to Council Text 1962 6 3 C.Y.S. [COMBINED YOUNGER SET] Details provided Text 1956 2 8 CACHARD, Georges Antony Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 CACHARD, Louis Georges Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 CACHARD, Louis Georges Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 CADORNA STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 CADORNA STREET Council rejects name change Text 1960 4 76 CAIN, - Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 CAIN, John Speech at town hall Text 1954 1 127 CAIRNDUFF, - Australia Day Council President, Annual Dinner Text 1957 2 51 CAIRNDUFF, W. and wife Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1957 2 124 CAIRNDUFF, W. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 CAIRNDUFF, W. J. (Past President) AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, CAIRNDUFF, W. J. and wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. Attended Australia Day Commemoration Text 1955 1 135 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. Aust Day Council, local committee president Text 1954 1 115 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. President, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A CAIRNDUFF, W.J. Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1955 1 142 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. At naturalisation ceremony Text 1956 2 38 CAIRNDUFF, W.J. Past President Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 CAIRNDUFF, Walter Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 CAIRO ROAD Temporary work done Text 1959 3 83 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CAIRO ROAD Drain work needed, road resurfaced Text 1959 3 51 CAIRO ROAD Construction planned in part, completed Text 1964 8 1, 85, 157 CAIRO ROAD Drain finally fenced but inadequate Text 1959 3 99 CALAVETTA, Maria Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 CALDOW, L. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 CALLAHAN, James Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 CALLANDER, Tony Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 CALLIS, Dianne At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 CALLISTER, Jennifer Library Art show winner, student Text 1953 1 98, 101 CALLOW, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 CAMELIA STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 CAMERON ROAD Construction planned Text 1964 8 1 CAMERON ROAD Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 CAMERON ROAD/DONCASTER ROAD Plan to use for shopping centre Text 1959 3 102, 107, 108 CAMERON, - Lady Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 CAMERON, - Sister Burwood Community Hospital Photo, Text 1960 4 98 CAMERON, A. Performed at opening of Box Hill Club Text 1959 3 55 CAMERON, D.F. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CAMERON, E. and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 CAMERON, E. P. Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 CAMERON, E., MLC and wife At thank you to retiring Town Clerk Text 1956 2 B CAMERON, E., MLC and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 CAMERON, E., MLC and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 CAMERON, E., MLC and wife Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CAMERON, E., MLC and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CAMERON, E.P. MLC and wife. Mayoral Ball, Text 1959 3 68 CAMERON, E.P. and wife At opening of Box Hill Club's new premises Text 1959 3 55 CAMERON, E.P., MLC and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 CAMERON, E.P., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A CAMERON, E.P., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 CAMERON, E.P., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 CAMERON, Ewan, Minister of Health Opens Kindergarten Text 1958 2 188, 190 CAMERON, Ewan, Minister of Health Kindergarten opening Photo 1958 2 188 CAMERON, Ewan, Mrs Opens Baby Health Centre Text 1958 2 188, 190 CAMERON, Ewen, MLC Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A CAMERON, Ewen, Sir Obituary, former Minister of Health Text 1963 7 175, 179 CAMERON, I. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 CAMERON, Ron Accompanist, Concert for Young Artist Text 1956 2 16 CAMPAGNA, Grazia, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 CAMPASPE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 CAMPBELL PARADE To be constructed Text 1964 8 74 CAMPBELL, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 CAMPBELL, G., MLC At opening of library, Koonung Heights S.S. Text 1964 8 21 CAMPBELL, H.D. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 CAMPBELL, H.D. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CAMPBELL, H.D.TOWNSEND To retire from Council Text 1951 1 62 CAMPBELL, H.O. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F CAMPBELL, Harold D. and wife Ball arranged in their honour - Mayor Text 1948 1 21 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CAMPBELL, Peter Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 CAMPBELL, Valmai Given gift by citizens Text 1948 1 21 CAMPBELL, W. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CAMPBELL, W.M., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 CANINE CATERING CO. PTY. LTD For registration of factory Text 1957 2 137 CANTERBURY ROAD Making of footpath delayed by weather Text 1964 8 81 CANTERBURY ROAD Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33 CANTERBURY ROAD Plan to ban peak hour parking on one side Text 1964 8 96, 102, 127 CANTERBURY ROAD Criticism of CRB road widening Text 1960 4 128 CANTERBURY ROAD, No. 734 Resident opposed to enclosing TV tower Text 1961 5 28 CANTERBURY ROAD, Nos 895-899 Nature strip to be paved Text 1964 8 33 CANTERBURY ROAD/STATION STREET Traffic lights to be installed Text 1960 4 30, 47 CANTERBURY/ELGAR ROAD Park to bde Emergency Assembly Centre Text 1962 5 91 CANTERBURY/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Retarding basin planned by MMBW Text 1964 8 81 CANTERBURY/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Traffic lights needed, many accidents Text 1964 8 64, 70 CAPPER, A.J. Stationmaster at Box Hill Text 1964 8 71 CAPPER, A.J. Stationmaster, Box Hill is busiest suburban station44 Text 1965 8 146 CARBINES, - Mrs Librarian, speaker at Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 45, 46 CARBINES, - Mrs At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 CARDENTI, Assunta Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 CARDENTI, Dina Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H CARDENTI, Dina Deputy Town Clerk, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 CARDENTI, U. Objects to use of tennis court for car yard Text 1963 7 103 CARFRAE, Bruce Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CARINGA CAFÉ Carrington Road, hosts club meetings Text 1956 2 42 'CARINYA' KANGERONG ROAD Housing for elderly; to open shortly Text 1963 7 128 CARLSTRAND, Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 CARNE, F. Dep. Electircal Engineer, 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 CARNE, F.V. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 CAROLINE STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33 CAROLINE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 CAROLINE STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 CARR, William National Theatre, directing Royal Visit events Text 1954 1 117, 118 CARRINGTON PRESS Printed Chamber of Commerce Handbook Text 1964 8 21 CARRINGTON PRESS Application for printing factory approved Text 1960 4 114 CARRINGTON ROAD Bus terminal car park in dreadful state Text 1964 8 81 CARRINGTON ROAD Occupiers complain about briquette dust Text 1962 6 99 CARRINGTON ROAD Railway to build car park for commuters Text 1959 3 158 CARRINGTON ROAD Factories registered Text 1959 3 57 CARRINGTON ROAD Factory addition approved Text 1959 3 52 CARRINGTON ROAD SEC will reduce briquette dust nuisance Text 1962 7 5 CARRINGTON ROAD Trees to be removed this season Text 1961 4 201 CARRINGTON ROAD Railways car park a disgrace Text 1961 5 N CARRINGTON ROAD Changed parking conditions Text 1963 7 122 CARRINGTON ROAD Plane trees to be removed Text 1960 4 119 CARRINGTON ROAD - SEC Fuel Depot Improvement in conditions promised Text 1962 7 11 CARROLL, F., Mrs Secretary, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 CARROLL. C.I. Teacher, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 183 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CARSE, - Mr Ballet master Text 1961 4 194 CARSE, William Performer in ballet, proceeds to charity Text 1961 5 32, 51 CARSON AVENUE - LANEWAY AT REAR Smelly area Text 1959 3 55 CARTER, - Principal, Wattle Park High School, leaving Text 1965 8 111 CARTER, - Mrs Albert St., turned 101 years Text 1948 1 20 CARTWRIGHT, Brian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 CASEY, R.G., MHR Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 CASTLES, - Mrs V. Pres., Ladies Auxiliary, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 CATHCART, C.A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 CATHERINE STREET, No. 3 Resident opens garden to public Text 1948 1 17 CENTAZZO, Ilario Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Mardi Gras Carnival held Text 1957 2 66, 75 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Activities planned Text 1956 2 C, 35, 43, 57 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Suggestions for 1957 commemoration Text 1956 1 150 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Programme Text 1957 2 110, 111, 112, 114 CENTOFANTI, Ceasare Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 CENTOFANTI, Vincenzo Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 CENTRAL AVENUE Cost of drain at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 CENTRE COURT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 CENTRE COURT Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5, 30 CENTRE COURT Road construction cheaper than estimated Text 1962 7 10 CENTRE COURT BURWOOD Plan to subdivide rejected Text 1958 2 160 CERTAIN STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 CERUTTY, Percy To open new Youth Centre building Text 1959 3 87 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CHACKSFIELD, W.H. Asks for street tree to be removed, dangerous Text 1961 4 183 CHADWICK, - Miss Passed Library exam Text 1965 8 133 CHALLINGSWORTH, - Mrs Trained Debutantes Text 1947 1 6 CHALLINGSWORTH, I., Mrs Trained Debutantes Text 1965 8 189 CHALLINGSWORTH, N., Mrs Trained Debutantes Text 1964 8 10 CHALMERS W. (Honorary Treasurer) AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, CHALMERS, W. Treasurer, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 CHALMERS, W. and wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 CHAMBERS, C., Mrs Oldest resident Text 1957 2 129 CHANDLER, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 CHANDLER, G.I., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 CHANDLER, G.L., Minister of Agriculture Opened Flower show Text 1961 4 187 CHANDLER, G.L., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 CHANDLER, K.S.P. Had hardware store in Station Street Text 1959 3 166 CHAPMAN, - Mr National Bank branch opening Photo 1956 2 0 CHAPMAN, G.W. Letter to Editor Text 1950 1 49 CHAPMAN, P.J. Supports planned drainage scheme Text 1963 7 120 CHAPMAN, R.A. Letters to Editor re change of street name Text 1964 8 68, 80 CHARLES, J.H. School Hall named after him Text 1961 5 57 CHARLESWORTH, Arthur Roy Funeral of former town clerk Photo, Text 1965 8 121, 125 CHARLESWORTH, Roy Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CHARNOCK, J.H. Reports car accidents Text 1959 3 61 CHARTWELL PRESS PTY. LTD. Factory registered Text 1959 3 57 CHASEMORE, C.R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CHATFIELD, Wilma Suggests Council run creche Text 1965 8 133 CHAUCER STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 CHEAH CHENG HIN Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 CHEFFERS, L.F. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 CHENALL, D., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 CHENHALL, L., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 CHENHALL, Merilyn Flowergirl at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 CHENHALL, Noel, Dr and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CHENNAL,- Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 CHESSELL STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 CHESSELL STREET Part of, Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 CHESSLER, Egidio Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 CHESTERFIELD, R. Drainage problems in Poole Street Text 1961 5 37 CHESTNUT STREET Unmade parts to be constructed Text 1956 1 148 CHESTNUT STREET, No. 16 Resident requests removal of gum tree Text 1965 8 157 CHIACCHIA, Gabriele Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 CHILCOTE AVENUE To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 CHILCOTE COURT Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 198 CHRISTENSEN, Chris Zither Player, Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 CHRISTINA STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 CHRISTINA STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 CHUCK, S.J., Mr President, Parkside Kindergarten Text 1959 3 69 CHURCH OF CHRIST History of in Box Hill Text 1959 3 33 CHURCH OF CHRIST Explorer Boys Club exhibition Text 1959 3 134 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CHURCH OF CHRIST Lent hall at The Avenue for kindergarten Text 1963 7 76 CHURCH OF CHRIST HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Became Box Hill Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 123 CHURCH OF CHRIST SURREY HILLS Final service in Chapel, new church being built Text 1961 5 71 CHURCH OF CHRIST, SURREY HILLS History of Text 1959 3 134 CHURCH ROAD Part to be sewered Text 1963 7 76 CHURCH, L. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 CHURCH, R.B. Wants Rodgerson Road constructed Text 1960 4 45 CHURCHILL STREET Parking to be banned on north side Text 1947 1 5 CHURCHILL STREET Site used for mobile library service Text 1959 3 28 CHURCHILL STREET, No. 20 Resident opens garden to public Text 1948 1 17 CHURCHILL STREET, No. 64 Resident opens garden to public Text 1948 1 17 CICCHELLI, Alfredo,Luigi Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 CICCHELLI, Filomena, Umberto Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 CICCHELLI, Maria F. Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 CITTADINI, Alfredo, Gerda Maria Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 CITTADINI, Arthur, Carmela Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 CITY OF BOX HILL GAZETTE First issue editorial Text 1965 8 110 CITY OVAL Pavilion inspected as part of 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1964 8 81 CIVIC WEEK Arrangements detailed Text 1958 3 I CIVIL DEFENCE ORGANISATION Plans to create Text 1962 6 21, 24 CIZEK, Frantisek J., Gertrude A. Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 CIZEK, Gertrude A., Frantisek J. Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 CLANBRAE AVENUE Plans for construction being prepared Text 1961 5 5 CLANBRAE AVENUE Construction of, objection to, costs Text 1962 6 11, 28, 32 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CLANBRAE AVENUE Road needs constructing Text 1959 3 110 CLANBRAE AVENUE Construction is delayed Text 1961 4 166 CLARE, Jim Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CLARE, Valda Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CLARENCE, Kevin Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 CLARICE ROAD Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 CLARICE ROAD Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 CLARICE ROAD Factory permit approved Text 1959 3 133 CLARICE ROAD New roadmaking method being used Text 1962 6 70 CLARICE ROAD, No. 17 Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 CLARICE ROAD, No. 21 Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 CLARINDA TRANSPORT PTY. LTD. Proposes new bus route to Oakleigh Text 1965 8 147, 164 CLARK, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 CLARK, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 CLARK, H.A.G. Donates to new Church of Christ building Text 1961 5 71 CLARK, H.E. Wants name change for Doncaster Road Text 1961 4 172, 175 CLARK, L. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 CLARK, Lyle V. President, VFA Delegate for Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 CLARK, Lyle and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 CLARK, Merv Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 CLARK, Merv Tenor, performed on Australia Day Text 1954 1 115 CLARK, Merv and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 CLARK, Oliver Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 CLARK, P. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CLARK, W.L. Letter to Editor re child safety in crossing road Text 1964 8 24, 28 CLARK, W.L. Asks for temporary footpath to be installed Text 1959 3 84 CLARK,W.L. Child at Warrawong School, wants traffic lights Text 1964 7 196 CLARKE, - Matron At opening of hospital Text 1956 2 G CLARKE, C., Mrs Complained to Council re bus shelter site Text 1960 4 90 CLARKE, Derek Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 CLARKE, Neville Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 CLARKE, Terry Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 CLEARY, Genoveffa, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 CLEMENTS, J. Foundation Treasurer, 16th Scout Group Text 1963 7 99 CLIFTON STREET To be constructed in part Text 1957 2 107 CLISBY STREET New name for West Station Street Text 1959 3 115 CLISBY STREET Proposal to purchase nearby land for redevelopment, Text 1962 6 50, 54, 58 inclulding carpark CLISBY STREET Council to purchase Bird property Text 1963 7 58, 59 CLISBY STREET Bird's buildings to be demolished Text 1964 7 189 CLISBY STREET, No. 6 Branch of World Travel Service to open there Text 1961 5 D CLISBY STREET, Nos 5-7 Sold to Council Text 1964 8 42 CLISBY STREET/WHITEHORSE ROAD Site purchased for car parking Text 1964 8 21, 70, 101 CLISBY, William Land holdings given Text 1959 3 36 CLOSE, J.J. Opposed to street name change Text 1964 8 82 CLOTA AVENUE Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 5 90 CLOTA STREET Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 6 1 CLYDE STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 28 COATES, - Combined Pensioners Assoc; attended local Dinner Text 1961 5 69 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

COCHRAINE, J. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 COCHRANE, - Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 COCHRANE, G.A. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 COCHRANE, J. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 COCHRANE, John Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 COCHRANE, John Floods, Burwood Text 1963 7 35, COCHRANE, John Council Overseer, thanked for 30 years service Text 1964 8 81, 93 COCHRANE, John Elected Treasurer, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 COCKERELL, Brian Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 COCKING, Malcolm S. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 CODY, F. Staff member, Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 COFFIN, Brian Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 COHEN, Philip Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 COHEN, Phillip Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 COLCLOUGH, Alan Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 COLE COURT Plan for subdivision approved Text 1960 4 123 COLE, Gillian Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 COLE, H.J.R. Former town clerk, to prepare a report for Federal govt. Text 1949 1 34 COLE, H.J.R. Former Town Clerk, appointed to Launceston Text 1963 7 116 COLE, H.J.R. and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 COLE, J., Schools Inspector At opening of library, Koonung Heights S.S. Text 1964 8 21 COLE, J.R. Former Town Clerk, went to Hobart, retiring Text 1960 4 28, 123 COLENSO, Peter Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 COLLAS, D. Complains re state of road Text 1959 3 83 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

COLLAS, D. Harker Street in dangerous condition Text 1961 5 A, F COLLER, Noel Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 COLLER, Pamela Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 COLLETT, Francoise, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 COLLETT, Henry Louis Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 COLLEY, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 COLLIER COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 COLLINS, Alan Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 COLLINS, E. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 COLLINS, Mary Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 COLLINS, Pamela Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 COLLINS, R. Health risk in unmade road Text 1959 3 114 COLLINS, T.A. DLP Candidate, letter to editor Text 1958 3 L COLLINS, W.F. Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 COLLINS, W.F. Senior projectionist, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 COLLINS, W.P. Projectionist, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 COLLIVER, M.J. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 COLLYER, A.L.W. Secretary of Presb. Church Surrey Hills Text 1961 4 203 COLONIAL GAS ASSOCIATION Residents complain of nuisance Text 1953 1 109 COLONIAL GAS ASSOCIATION Elgar Road, fire at Text 1962 6 63, 64, 65 COLONIAL GAS ASSOCIATION Pollution damaged house Text 1954 1 130, 131 COMBARTON STREET Playground to be erected with Rotary help Text 1963 7 96 COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOC. Box Hill Branch holds Christmas dinner Text 1961 5 69 COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOC. Box Hill Branch, to seek rate reduction Text 1962 5 87 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOC. Membership requirements explained Text 1962 5 74 COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION Box Hill Branch; see GARING obituary Text 1963 7 139 COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION Box Hill Branch, to seek rate reduction Text 1962 7 6 COMBINED PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION Box Hill Branch, increase in new members Text 1963 7 48 COMBINED PENSIONS ASSOCIATION Box Hill Branch, meeting urges rate reduction Text 1962 5 95 COMEADOW, Ann Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY Death of Box Hill Branch manager Text 1964 8 94 COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY Loans money to Council for car parking Text 1963 7 74 COMMONS, P.G., Dr Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F COMMONWEALTH BANK Loans money to Council Text 1963 7 39 COMMONWEALTH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE To open in Palmer's Arcade Text 1962 5 76, 79, 89, 94 COMMONWEALTH SAVINGS BANK Approves loan to Council Text 1962 6 9 COMMUNIST PARTY - BOX HILL BRANCH Applies to hold street meetings; refused Text 1948 1 24 COMPANION HEATERS PTY LTD Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 CONEY, Geoff Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 CONGIUSTO, Giovanni Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 CONNOP, Patricia Soprano, performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 CONQUEST, - Father Warns churchgoers about illegal parking Text 1963 7 75, 87 CONQUEST, D., Father Gave prayer at town hall function Text 1964 8 16 CONQUEST, D.J., Rev Father At Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 CONRAN COURT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 CONRAN COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 CONROY, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 CONSTABLE, Suzanne Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189, 190 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

COOK, L.G. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 COOKE, - Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 COOKE, F. Vice President, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 COOKE, F., Mr Treasurer, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 COOKE, Robin Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 COOK'S SHOE STORE Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 COONEY, Barbara Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 COONEY, June Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 COOPER, Janet, Cr To visit and encourage women candidates Text 1952 1 78 COOPER, R.C., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 COPPARD STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 COPPARD STREET Construction cost less than expected Text 1962 6 10, 11 COPPARD STREET Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 COPPARD STREET Footpaths to be completed in part Text 1961 4 169 CORACI, Vito Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 CORAS, - Mrs Passed Library exam Text 1965 8 133 CORIO ROAD Footbridge completed Text 1955 1 137 CORLESS, Ern Lions District Governor Text 1964 7 203 CORLETT STREET Construction of, objection to cost Text 1962 6 11, 32 CORLETT STREET Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 CORMACK, M., Mrs Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 CORNFIELD GROVE Part to be constructed Text 1964 8 74 CORNISH, - Mrs Snr VP of Combined Pensioners Assoc. branch Text 1963 7 48 CORNISH, Bob Comment about state of swimming pool Text 1965 8 131 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CORONET MODEL COLLEGE Premises in Station Street Text 1959 3 137 CORRIGAN STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 CORSER, H.W. Elected V. President RSL Text 1962 7 28 COSTELLO STREET Part of, construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 COSTER, Ruth Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 COTHER, Ralph Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 COTT, G. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 COTT, Valeria Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 COTT, Valerie Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 COTT, Valerie Usherette, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 COTT, Valerie Usherette, Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A COTT, Valerie Town Hall staff, on overseas trip Text 1962 5 81 COUCHMAN, L. Leader, 16th Scout Group Text 1963 7 99 COUDYZER, Ivona, Robert Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 COUGHLIN, R.J. Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 COUNCIL OF ADULT EDUCATION Lectures held at town hall Text 1949 1 30 COUNTRY ROADS BOARD Plan to widen Burwood/Whitehorse Roads Text 1964 8 45 COUNTRY ROADS BOARD Proposal for bike lane in Burwood Text 1961 5 24 COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Box Hill Branch activity Text 1957 2 112 COURBRANT COURT Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 COURT STREET East side; no parking during business hours Text 1961 4 152 COUSINS, A. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 COUSINS, E. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 COUSINS, Eric Council employee; Head Gardener Text 1964 7 181 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

COUSINS, Helen Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H COUSINS, P. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 COUTTS, Anne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 COUTTS, Gay Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 COVENTRY, - Mrs Won award at flower show Text 1949 1 31 COVENTRY, Alan Chairman of local branch of Legacy Text 1962 6 19 COVENTRY, Alan Chairman of new Legacy Branch Text 1961 4 190 COVENTRY, Alan At Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 COWAN, John Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 COWAN, Lawrence Baritone, performed at town hall reception Text 1957 2 131 COWAN, Zelman, Professor Speaker at Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 7 36 COX, A. Organises road making by residents Text 1957 2 48 COX, K. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 COX, Kevin J. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 COX, Ray Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 COX, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 COX, W.S. Graham Ave., objects to street change Text 1962 6 1 COYSH, M., Inspector Retires after 37 years in police force Text 1961 5 38 CRAFT INDUSTRIAL FINISHES Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 CRAGO, T. Howard, Rev Complains of confusion at his address Text 1960 4 108, 109, 111, 113, 140 CRAIG, R., Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 CRAIG, R.A. Suggested name change; rejected by Council Text 1965 8 148 CRANE, K. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 CRAWFORD, Janet Vocalist, performed at Town Hall Text 1961 5 18, 22 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CRAWFORD, W.J. Candidate, Council election Text 1951 1 63, 68 CRAWFORD, William J. To stand as Council Candidate Photo, Text 1951 1 61, 66 CRAWN, V.L. Secretary, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 CREEK, Carol Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 CREEK, Herbert William Obituary; founder of sheet metal business Text 1963 7 172 CREEK, Wendy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 CREMER, Andries, Willempje Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 CRESPIN, Allegra D., David R. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 CRESWELL, S. Foundation President, 16th Scout Group Text 1963 7 99 CRISP, K. Elected President of Koonung Heights P.A. Text 1949 1 37 CROCKER, N.B. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 CROCKER, Neville Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CROCKER, Neville Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B CROCKER, Pamela Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CROCKER, Yvonne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CROCKFORD, Geoff Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 CROMB, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 CROMPTON, Marjorie Would like to see Outdoor Art Show an annual event Text 1965 8 123 CROOKS, Charles Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 CROPLEY COURT Street construction cost less than anticipated Text 1965 8 136 CROPLEY COURT Construction planned, completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 CROPLEY COURT Residents do not want made footpaths Text 1963 7 68 CROSBIE, W. Secretary, Pageant for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 118 CROTTY, Alan Blind singer, performed in concert Text 1957 2 104 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CROUGHCHOF, Brian Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 CROW, - Mr Revived Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 CRUISE, Ken, and Wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 CRUSE, Yvonne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 CRUTTENDON, Doris Albion Road, bitten by dog, won court case Text 1949 1 36 CUDMORE, P. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 CULLEN, C. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 CULPH, Alex District Chairman of Lions Clubs Text 1960 4 124 CUMMING STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 CUMMING STREET In poor condition Text 1959 3 113, 114 CUMMING STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 CUMMING STREET Footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169 CUMMING STREET, Lot 97 Sold by Council for unpaid rates Text 1961 5 53 CUNNINGHAM STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 CUNNINGHAM, Graeme Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 CUNNINGHAM, J. President, Mont Albert Traders Assoc. Text 1957 2 137 CUNNINGHAM, J.R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 CUNNINGHAM, J.R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 CURREY, - Mrs Return Ball to thank Mayor Text 1949 1 36 CURREY, A. Bruce Vice President of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41, 54 CURREY, A. Bruce Prepared booklet on history of Box Hill Text 1948 1 15, 18 CURREY, A. Bruce Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F CURREY, A. Bruce & wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1947 1 6 CURREY, A. Bruce and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1951 1 61 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

CURREY, A. Bruce and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 CURREY, A.B. and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 CURREY, A.B. and wife Citizens committee, arranged Ball for Mayor Text 1948 1 21 CURREY, Albert Bruce Resigned as Town Clerk; farewell Text 1952 1 76, 77, 79 CURREY, C.S. President, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 CURRIE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 CURRIE STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1960 4 L CURRIE STREET Complaint re unmade road Text 1959 3 101, 103 CURRIE STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 47 CURRIE STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 CURRIE STREET Footpaths to be completed in part Text 1961 4 169 CURRIE, Bruce and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 CURRY, C.S. President, Film Society, retires, becomes V.P. Text 1964 8 43 CURRY, C.S. President, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 CURRY, C.S. President, Film Society AGM Text 1961 5 2 CURTIS, Leo, Cr Lord Mayor, guest speaker Photo, Text 1964 8 39 CURYER, C. Fireman, risked life to stop fire at gasworks Text 1962 6 63 CUTHBERT, B. and Wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 CVEK, Anton Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 CYPRESS AVENUE Weeds to be sprayed with chemicals Text 1961 5 66 CYPRESS AVENUE, No. 10 Resident asks weeds to be sprayed Text 1961 5 66 DABARS, Anna Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 DAFFY, Richard Opposing suggested nearby shopping area Text 1959 3 90, 100 DAISY COURT Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DALEY, Mary Dame, DBE Guest Speaker, Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 D'ALIA, Angelo Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 D'ALIA, Guiseppe Antonio Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 D'ALIA, Lorenzo Antonio Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 DALLEY, Beryl Entertained members of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 D'ALOISIO, Angelo Antonio Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 DALTON, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 DALZELL, V., Mrs Letter to Editor re Bennettswood history Text 1961 5 47 D'ANDREA, Giuseppe Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 DANE STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 DANE STREET Request to be constructed Text 1958 2 169 DANE STREET Construction completed Text 1962 6 62 DANE STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 DANE STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 DANGERFIELD, Glenn R. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 DANIEL, E.H. Donated white horse statue; has key Text 1962 6 77, 84 DANIELL, G. Secretary, Box Hill Pony Club Text 1962 5 81 DANIELS, Donald Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 DANIELS, Donald Junior Council Mayor Text 1961 5 11, 13 D'ARCY,F.J., Squadron Leader Letter to Council re danger in crossing Elgar Road Text 1963 7 109, 112 D'ARGENIO, Adele, Giuseppe Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 DARWIN, R.H., Mrs Calligrapher, did book in St Andrew's Centre Text 1960 3 202 DASHWOOD, Betty Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 DASHWOOD, Fred Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DAUNT, June Entertained at Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 DAVEY STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 DAVEY STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 DAVIDSON, T. Appointed Bandmaster Text 1949 1 32 DAVIDSON, Tom Trained Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 DAVIES, Alan Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 DAVIES, Audrey Performed on Australia Day Text 1954 1 115 DAVIES, Bert Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 71 DAVIES, Ian Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 46, 48 DAVIES, R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 DAVIS, - Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B DAVIS, A.W. Secretary, Box Hill RSL Bowling Club Text 1964 8 16 DAVIS, Albert David William Candidate, Council election Text 1964 8 37, 45, 49, 50 DAVIS, Audrey Elecutioniste, performed at town hall recepti Text 1957 2 131 DAVIS, F. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 DAVIS, F. Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 DAVIS, F., MHR and wife Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954, 1955 1 115, 135 DAVIS, F.J. Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 DAVIS, F.J. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 DAVIS, F.J., MHR Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1958 2 158 DAVIS, F.J., MHR Spoke at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 169 DAVIS, F.J., MHR Was guest speaker at meeting Text 1963 7 64 DAVIS, F.J., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 DAVIS, F.J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DAVIS, Frank M.P. and Wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 DAVIS, Frank MHR Speaker, Memorial to Jessie Robinson Text 1954 1 126 DAVIS, Frank MHR and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 DAVIS, Frank MHR and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 DAVIS, Frank MP and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 DAVIS, Frank MP and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 DAVIS, Frank, MHR Letter to editor, candidate Text 1958 3 L DAVIS, Frank, MHR and wife Australia Day Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 7 184 DAVIS, Frank, MHR and wife At Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 DAVIS, Frank, MP Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 DAVIS, Frank, Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 DAVIS, Frank, Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A DAVIS, Gwen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 DAVIS, H. Choral Society have concert for him Text 1961 5 64, 67 DAVIS, H.T. Treasurer, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 DAVIS, H.T., Mrs Retires from committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 DAVIS, V.C. Complains about state of road Text 1959 3 64, 140 DAVIS, V.C. Complains about state of road Text 1960 4 5 DAVIS, V.C. Congratulates Council re funding for made streets Text 1960 4 32 DAVIS, Vin Organises road making by residents Text 1957 2 48 DAX, Cunningham, Dr At opening of Alkira Sheltered Workshop Text 1965 8 164 DAY NURSERY, 18 JAMES STREET Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 DAY, K., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 DAY, Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) de BOAR, R. Objects to cost of street construction Text 1962 6 50 de BOER, A. Injured helping truck driver Text 1956 2 2 de BRUIJNE, Adrianus, Elizabeth, Jozua Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 de BRUYCKERE, M., Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K de CLERCK, Faranciscus, Trinjntje Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 de ELZEN, Leonardus J, Maria T. Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 de GRAAF, Johannes Pieter Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 DE GRAAF, Rhonda Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 DE GRAAFF, E. Mrs. Grand-daughter of Robert Sutton Text 1961 4 137 de GROOT, Arend R.T.J. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 de GROOT, Jacob, Willemijntje Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 De GRUCHY, - Mr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 de JONG, Frederik, Geertje Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 de JONGE, Geert Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 de KEIJZER, Teresa M., Alfonsus Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 de KONING, - Mrs Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 DE LACY, Brenda Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 DE LACY, Ian Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 De PRATO, Fleanna Pia, Carlo Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 de SACHAU, Harry Dandenong, DLP member Text 1958 2 168 DEACON, Rupert Head Prefect, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D DEAR, Terry Takes part in Pageant for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 118 DEARRICOTT, Ken Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 DECKER, Erna F. Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DEEHAN, - Miss Principal BH Girls Technical School; on holiday in U.K. Text 1961 5 38 DEEHAN, May, Miss Principal, Box Hill Girls Tech., to retire Text 1964 8 102, 111 DEL RASO, Sebatino Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 DEL TONDO, Luigi, Tommaso, Antonietta Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 DELACOMBE, Sir Rohan Opens new RSL premises Photo, Text 1965 8 160, 163, 164 DELANEY AVENUE Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 DELANEY AVENUE Road construction cheaper than estimated Text 1962 7 10 DELANEY AVENUE Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5,30 DELANY, B . Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 DELANY, J.M. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 DELBRIDGE, H., Rev At farewell function for Rev Eggleston Text 1961 5 B DELTA CLUB Wives of Apex men; help at library Text 1962 6 15 DELVES, W. Lions Club International Representative Text 1960 4 124 DEMOCRATIC LABOUR PARTY Report on meeting Text 1958 2 168 DEMPSEY, Greg Performed at Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 DENENFELD, Antoni Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 DENGL, Ignac Stephen Naturalised, Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 DENMAN, R.C. Elected V. President RSL Text 1962 7 28 DENNIS, C.J. Whitehorse Road poem reproduced Text 1963 7 58 DENNIS, C.J. White Horse Hotel poem reproduced Text 1963 7 63 DERMODY, Bill Member, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 DERRICK, Edgar Speaker, Memorial to Jessie Robinson Text 1954 1 126 DERWENT STREET Construction urgently needed Text 1962 6 71 DERWENT STREET Drainage needed Text 1962 6 8 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DERWENT STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 157 DEUCHAR, W. President Box Hill Branch R.S.L. Text 1952 1 88 DEUCHAR, W. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 DEVILEE, Petrus A. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 DEVLIN, W.P. Attended Australia Day Commemoration Text 1955 1 135 DEVLIN, W.P. Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1955 1 142 DEVLIN, W.P. Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1957 2 124 DEWAR, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 DEWAR, C.S., Cr. Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 68 DEWAR, F.J. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 DEWAR, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 DEWAR, James Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 DEWAR, Janne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152, 169 DEWAR, S. Anzac Day ceremony Photo, Text 1960 4 6 DEWAR, S. Laid wreath on Remembrance Day Ceremony Text 1963 7 144 DEWAR, S. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 DEWAR, S. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball; organised Return Ball Text 1960 4 18, 52 DEWAR, S., and wife Attended function for War Widows Assoc. Text 1960 4 33 DEWAR, S., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 DEWAR, S., Cr Placed wreath at war memorial, Armistice Day Text 1964 8 83 DEWAR, S., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 DEWAR, S., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 DEWAR, S., Cr RSL President, Remembrance Day ceremony Text 1962 7 7 DEWAR, S., Cr Returned unopposed; letter to Editor Text 1963 7 111 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DEWAR, S., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 DEWAR, S., Cr and wife Guest at Elderly Citizens' Cflub Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 DEWAR, S., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 DEWAR, S.G. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 DEWAR, S.G. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 DEWAR, S.G. and wife Nominated for Hospital Life Governorships Text 1964 8 27 DEWAR, S.G., Cr Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 DEWAR, S.G., Cr Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 DEWAR, S.G., Cr Spoke at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 169 DEWAR, S.G., Cr MC at Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 182, 185 DEWAR, S.G., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 DEWAR, S.G., Cr. At Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 8 4, 45, 81 DEWAR, S.G., Cr. Box Hill council Elections Text 1963 7 114 DEWAR, S.G., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 DEWAR, S.G., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 DEWAR, Stan President RSL; new clubrooms Text 1963 7 151 DEWAR, Stan Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 DEWAR, Stan Elected to Council, unopposed Text 1960 4 72 DEWAR, Stan, Cr Re-elected as RSL President for 4th year Text 1962 7 28 DEWSBURY, - Pastor Conducted hymn at town hall function Text 1964 8 16 DI FIORE, Guiseppina, Miss Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 DI FIORE, Teresa, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 Di QUINZIO, Adele, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 DICKINSON, Lois Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 98 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DICKSON, B.W. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 DICKSON, K. Elected secretary of Koonung Heights P.A. Text 1949 1 37 DILLON, B.J., Father Urges traffic lights in Warrigal Road Text 1960 4 46 DILLON, John Joseph Nan Street, receives bravery award; Council to write Text 1962 6 4, 9 DIMITTANA, D.B., D.J., S.F. Directors of 'Squash Bowl'; Ten Pin Bowling Text 1961 5 71 DIMMITTIANAU, F. In partnership, building sports centre Text 1961 4 194 DIOSZEGI, Victor Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 DIX, Roma Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 DIXON, T. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 DOBSON, A.L. Wants warning lights on intersection Text 1962 7 14, 15 DODDS, A. Mrs Letter re traffic concerns Text 1958 2 163 DOE, C.E. Praises Home Help Service Text 1961 4 169 DOHERTY, J.W. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 DONALDSON, Don Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 DONALDSON, W. Engineer, Burwood; Go-kart enthusiast Text 1960 4 27 DONCASTER ROAD Land near purchased Text 1962 6 93 DONCASTER ROAD Plan to rename to Dorking Road Text 1964 8 43, 70 DONCASTER ROAD Levels fixed in part, footpath constructed Text 1959 3 57, 91 DONCASTER ROAD Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 DONCASTER ROAD Council to investigate name change Text 1961 4 172, 175 DONCASTER ROAD Part of, work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 DONCASTER ROAD New bus service approved; inadequate Text 1963 7 40, 42, 65, 71 DONCASTER ROAD Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 DONCASTER ROAD, No. 123 Resident concerned over car accidents Text 1961 5 I Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DONCASTER ROAD, No. 168 Resident complains of lack of bus routes Text 1962 7 5, 7 DONCASTER ROAD, No. 176 Resident complains of poor bus service Text 1962 7 22 DONCASTER ROAD, No. 211 Resident asks change of street name Text 1961 4 172 DONCASTER ROAD, No. 219 Resident wrote re poor bus service Text 1962 7 13 DONCASTER ROAD, No. 221 Resident complains re lack of bus service Text 1962 7 10 DONCASTER/SPRINGFIELD ROADS Bus shelter erected Text 1963 7 91 DONDEREWICZ, Ursula Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H DONEGAN, W.P. Letter thanking Council Text 1956 2 D DONISI, Guiseppe Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 DONNELLY, A.P. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 DORKING ROAD Formerly Doncaster Road Text 1964 8 70 DORKING ROAD School crossing planned Text 1964 8 94, 98 DORMAND, W.E. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 DORRAT, Douglas Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 DOSSER, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 DOSSETER, D. Randal Letter re price of homes Text 1962 6 24 DOTT, M., Mrs Asks for Houston name to be changed Text 1964 8 70, 72 DOUGHERTY, - On first roll of Burwood School, 1865 Text 1965 8 165 DOUGLAS AVENUE, No. 9 Resident suggestsway to reduce litter Text 1962 6 92 DOUGLAS COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 DOUGLAS, - Mr Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 DOUGLAS, Clive, Dr Conducted Vic. Symphony Orchestra at town hall Text 1962 7 12 DOUGLAS, Clive, Dr Conducted orchestra at Town Hall Text 1961 4 128, 131, 145 DOUSEK, Alena J., Karel A. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DOWIE, - Mrs Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 DOWKER, Howard, Dorothy Motel proprietors Text 1962 6 75, 81 DOWN, H. and L. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 DOWN. H.S. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 DOWNEY, W.B. Wants street name change Text 1960 4 76 DOWSETT, Loris Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 DRAEGER, Dorothy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 DRAEGER, E.H. Trained in accounts at Council office; from Nth Borneo Text 1955 1 138 DRIVER, Roy Screened films at Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 DRUITT, John Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 DRUMGOLD, - Explains why bus service is reduced Text 1964 8 15 DRY AREA DEFENCE LEAGUE Campaigns against hotel licences Text 1951 1 60, 62, 64, 78 DRY AREA DEFENCE LEAGUE Holds public meeting Text 1953 1 110 DRY AREAS RESTORATION OF RIGHTS MOVEMENT Letter to Editor re RSL liquor licence application Text 1965 8 197, 200, 204 DRYSDALE, Joyce Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 DRYSDALE, Joyce Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 DRZENSLA, Pawel, Helena Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 DUCK, Jennifer Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H DUFFY STREET To have new concrete paths Text 1961 4 195 DUFFY STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 B DUFFY STREET Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33, 51 DUFFY, Dawn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 DUKE, A. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 DUKE, Alan and wife Citizens committee, arranged Ball for Mayor Text 1948 1 21 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DUKE, D.C. Committee member, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 DULAVA, Jan Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 DULFER, W.J. Letter to Council re need for footpath Text 1960 4 K, 4 DUMAR ENGINEERING PTY. LTD Addition to factory approved Text 1959 3 83 DUMMELOW, H. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 DUNCAN STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 DUNCAN, - Mr. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 DUNKIN, Horton, Professor and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 DUNLOE AVENUE Criticism of Squash Bowl Centre Text 1962 6 1 DUNLOE AVENUE Seats at shopping centre Text 1964 8 73 DUNLOE AVENUE Angle parking approved Text 1962 6 6 DUNLOE AVENUE Residents complain about 'Squash Bowl' patrons Text 1962 5 89 DUNLOE AVENUE/ARCADE ROAD New sports centre being erected Text 1961 4 194 DUNLOE AVENUE/ARCADE ROAD Opening of 'Squash Bowl' Text 1961 5 71 DUNN, A.M.B. Mersey Street, requests tree planting Text 1958 2 161 DUNN, A.M.B. A.N.Z. Branch manager, transferred to NSW Text 1961 5 69 DUNN, Arthur M. Vice President, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 DUNN, M. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 DUNN, Merv Treasurer, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B DUNNE, M. ANZ Manager, did city tour with Councillors Text 1961 5 43 DUNNER, L.H. Deputation to Council Text 1956 2 20 DUNNER, L.H. Secretary, BH Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1957 2 133 DUNSCOMBE, Joan Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 DUNSCOMBE, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

DUNSMUIR, - Miss Accompanist, school ceremony Text 1959 3 69 DURAS, - Dr Lectures for C.A.E. at town hall Text 1949 1 30 DURRAN, R. Member, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 84 DUTCH CHORAL SOCIETY CHOIR To perform at Carols by Candelight event Text 1963 7 153 DWERRYHOUSE, F.P. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 DYRING, Peter Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 EAGER, - Lady Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 EAGER, - Lady Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A EAGER, Sir Clifden Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 EAGER, Sir Clifden and Lady Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 EAGER, Sir Clifden and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 EAGER, Sir Clifton and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 EAKINS, - Mrs. Wife of Commonwealth Bank manager Text 1960 4 13 EAKINS, Arthur Manager, Commonwealth Bank, transferred Photo, Text 1960 4 13 EARL, Margaret Involved with ballet group Text 1957 2 116 EARL, Margaret Created ballet work for Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 EARLE STREET Residents make various requests to Council Text 1963 7 149 EARLE STREET, No. 3 Resident report trees blocking traffic sight lines Text 1963 7 149 EAST, Valerie Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1955 1 144 EASTERN SUBURBS CO-OP HOUSING SOCIETIES Dinner held Text 1960 4 115 EASTERN SUBURBS CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING Loses site in Clisby Street, given another Text 1964 8 21 SOCIETIES EASTERN SUBURBS MODEL AIRCRAFT CLUB Seeks area which can be developed for club Text 1961 4 195, 197 EASTERN SUBURBS MODEL AIRCRAFTCLUB Information on Text 1960 3 191, 197 EASTERN SUBURBS RUGBY UNION CLUB Suitable ground found Text 1960 4 4 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

EASTERN SUBURBS RUGBY UNION CLUB May use Barwon Street oval; declined Text 1959 3 48, 60, 198 'EASTERN TIMES' Two editions published for first time Text 1964 7 176 'EASTERN TIMES' OFFICE On north side of Whitehorse Road Text 1962 7 2 EBBELS, E.T. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 EBBOTT, D. Head Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 EBBOTT, Douglas Head prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 5 57 EBELING, - Mrs State President, at Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 EBERACH, A.E., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 EBERBACH,- Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 EBERBACH, - Mrs Guest, Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A EBERBACH, A. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 EBERBACH, A. A. Mrs. Guest, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 EBERBACH, A.A., Mrs Guest, Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 EBERBACH, A.A.. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 EBERBACH, Alec and wife Travelling overseas to represent Rotary Text 1961 4 180 EBERBACH, Alex Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 EBSWORTH, - Mr 1904 article states opposed to women's suffrage Text 1964 8 91 EDDISON, Keith Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 EDDY, Peter Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 EDEN AVENUE To be constructed Text 1964 8 74 EDGAR, W.H.L. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 EDGGLESTON, E.M. Rev Conducted last service at Box Hill Text 1961 5 B EDGLEY, Gary Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 EDGOOSE AVENUE Construction planned Text 1956 2 1, 10 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

EDGOOSE, A.J. Retires as Chairman of Bench of Magistrates Text 1950 1 43 EDINBURGH STREET Ruined by timber trucks Text 1959 3 47 EDWARDS STREET Drainage plan needed; objected to in 1957 Text 1961 4 191 EDWARDS, C.E. Thanked Council for improvement to Stott St Text 1960 4 60 EDWARDS, Thorold Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 EDWIN STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 EGGEMANN, Hans Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 EGGINGTON - Candidate, Council elections Text 1947 1 10 EGGLESTON, - Mrs Church organist Text 1961 5 B EGGLESTON, E. Rev. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 EGGLESTON, E., Rev Thanks Council for letter on leaving district Text 1961 5 L EGGLESTON, E.M. Rev. Leaving St. Peter's, function held Text 1961 4 203 EGGLESTON, E.M., Rev Appointed to St Peter's Text 1951 1 64 EGGLESTON, George Suggests club for TPI Pensioners like him Text 1959 3 99 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Assistant manager appointed Text 1964 8 60 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Held first meeting in new premises Text 1964 8 87 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Premises used for Meals on Wheels service Text 1964 8 32 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB History given Text 1964 8 51 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Proposal to form one Text 1955 1 145 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Meet in Irving Avenue pavilion Text 1956 2 8, 14 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Rotary donates money for new clubrooms Text 1961 5 A ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Appeal for new clubrooms Text 1961 5 53, 78, 93 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Plans to erect building in Carrington Road Text 1961 4 190 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Report on number of meals served Text 1965 8 150, 158 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Appeal for new clubrooms to be launched Text 1961 5 18, 21, 22, 25, 29 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Appeal for new clubrooms Text 1961 5 32, 35, 37, 42 ELDERLY CITIZENS CLUB Appeal for new clubrooms Text 1961 5 45, 47, 49, 52 ELDERLY CITIZENS SOCIAL CLUB New clubrooms in Surrey Park proposed Text 1958 3 9 ELECTRICITY SHOWROOMS Moved from Main Street Text 1954 1 133 ELEY ROAD Plan to subdivide land Text 1958 2 148 ELEY ROAD Titles Office queries correct spelling; attempt to move bus Text 1962 6 20, 21 stop ELEY ROAD Trees had to be removed Text 1959 3 53 ELEY ROAD 68 Street trees planted, many vandalised Text 1961 5 12 ELEY ROAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Opposes proposed car parking plan Text 1959 3 133 ELEY ROAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Thanks Council for tree planting Text 1959 3 125 ELEY ROAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Suggest improvement to bridge on Station Street Text 1958 2 163 ELEY ROAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Formation of; wants road fixed Text 1957 2 66, 97, 105 ELEY ROAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Objects to tree removal to make footpaths Text 1961 5 N, O, 1 ELEY ROAD, No. 55 Letters to Editor from resident Text 1965 8 124, 133 ELEY ROAD, No. 63 Resident asks for street tree to be removed Text 1961 4 183 ELGAR ROAD Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 54 ELGAR ROAD New public phone box installed Text 1962 6 21 ELGAR ROAD Under water in places Text 1959 3 100 ELGAR ROAD Widening, between Riversdale Rd, Shepherd St. Text 1962 5 92 ELGAR ROAD To be reconstructed between Belmore/Doncaster Rds Text 1963 7 99 ELGAR ROAD, No. 409 Letter to Editor from resident Text 1965 8 153 ELGAR ROAD, No. 478 Approval for industrial petrol pump refused Text 1960 4 29 ELGAR ROAD, No. 635 Resident wrote to Council re footpaths Text 1961 5 1 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ELGAR ROAD, No. 641 Resident asks for signposts to be installed Text 1962 6 3, 4 ELGAR/CANTERBURY ROADS No traffic lights; CRB is short of funds Text 1964 8 68, 70 ELGAR/CANTERBURY ROADS Traffic light installation to go ahead Text 1965 8 136 ELGAR/WHITEHORSE ROAD Liquor licence applied for Text 1951 1 56 ELGAR/WHITEHORSE ROADS Traffic lights to be installed Text 1960 4 30, 47 ELIZABETH STREET In dreadful condition Text 1959 3 63, 64, 114 ELIZABETH STREET Scouts to build hall in reserve Text 1961 5 I ELIZABETH STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 ELIZABETH STREET RESERVE Scout Hall to be built on Council land Text 1963 7 78 ELLAND AVENUE Land sold to Lutheran Church Text 1950 1 55 ELLEN COURT Resident complains of poor street lighting Text 1965 8 156 ELLEN, Joff TV star, at Box Hill Shopping Centre Text 1964 8 15 ELLERKAMP, Antonius Ignatious Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 ELLINGWORTH FAMILY Sell site in Ellingworth Parade Text 1949 1 35 ELLINGWORTH PARADE Residents ask removal of street trees Text 1958 2 161 ELLINGWORTH PARADE Trees to be removed and replaced Text 1959 3 70, 94 ELLINGWORTH PARADE/STATION STREET Site sold; oldest house in Box Hill Text 1949 1 35 ELLINGWORTH, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A ELLINGWORTH, E. J. Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 ELLINGWORTH, E.J. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 ELLINGWORTH, E.J. To retire from Council Text 1952 1 77 ELLINGWORTH, E.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 ELLINGWORTH, Eleanor Caroline Obituary Text 1956 2 45 ELLINGWORTH, J.R. Memorial fountain lacks water Photo, Text 1963 7 64, 175 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ELLINGWORTH, John Richard Obituary Text 1948 1 26 ELLINGWORTH, W. Old homestead demolished Text 1956 2 B ELLIOT, - Mr Elderly, donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1961 5 21 ELLIOTT, D.J. Annual Report; Ranger Text 1960 4 110 ELLIOTT, Merle Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 ELLIOTT, Peter Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 ELLIOTT, T. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ELLIS, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 ELLIS, D., Dr and wife Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 ELLIS, D., Mrs Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 ELLIS, David, Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 ELLIS, E. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 ELLIS, E. Treasurer, Return Ball committee Text 1961 4 203 ELLIS, E. On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 ELLIS, E. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 ELLIS, Eric Member of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 ELLIS, Eric Thanked retiring Town Clerk for service Text 1956 2 B ELLIS, Eric Florist, arrived in 1920, reminiscences Text 1960 4 35 ELLIS, Eric and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 ELLIS, Eric and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 ELLIS, Frederick Letter to editor re car parking Text 1959 3 116 ELLIS, Geoff Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 ELLIS, J.E. Florist, had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 ELLIS, J.E. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ELLIS, J.E. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 ELLIS, Joan Comment on bus drivers Text 1962 6 7 ELLIS, John Dunloe Ave., complains of noise Text 1962 6 1 ELM STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 ELMORE, Robert To represent Victoria in water polo competition Text 1961 4 173 ELRINGTON, M.J. Assistant to secretary of Box Hill Band Text 1962 6 27 ELSUM, William Henry Activities and background given Text 1965 8 184, 191 ELSWORTH, Louise Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 ELWOOD STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 EMBERSON, P. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 EMERTON, Widge Former Box Hill Band player, sought by Tas. Friend Text 1961 5 30 EMMERSON, P. R. Offers to repair damaged White Horse statue Photo, Text 1963 7 138 EMPIRE DAY COMMITTEE Letter to Council Text 1956 2 1 EMPIRE YOUTH DAY Discussion on activity Text 1954 1 127 ENGLISH, John Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 ENGLISH, John Head Prefect, Burwood HighSchool Text 1959 3 69 ERAM ROAD New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 ERASMUS STREET Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33 ERNST, Elizabeth, Rudolph Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 ESSEX STREET Part to be constructed Text 1965 8 149 ESTAUGH, Lois Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 ETHERINGTON, L. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 EVA CRESCENT Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 EVA CRESCENT Construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 2 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

EVANDALE ESTATES PTY. LTD. Gives land on Koonung Creek to Council Text 1959 3 40 EVANS STREET Pipe drain constructed at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 EVANS, A. Elected Treasurer, Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 EVANS, Bernard & Associates Architects for Assembly Hall at High School Text 1960 4 91 EVANS, E.P. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77 EVANS, Eric and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 EVANS, Ken Table tennis player Text 1948 1 23 EVANS, Leonard Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 EVATT, H.V., Dr and wife Speakers at town hall Text 1954 1 127 EVERREADY BATTERIES Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 EWART, K.L. Letter to Council re traffic signs Text 1963 7 144 EWART, K.L. Letter to Editor re providing water for dogs Text 1961 4 176 EXINGER, Eugen, Ruth W. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 EYRE STREET Cost of drain at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 EYRE STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 FAGAN, J.D. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1957 2 99 FAGG, K. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 FAGGETER, P., Mrs Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 FAIRCHILD, Elizabeth, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 FAIRHALL, - Mr Pays for asphalting of nature strips near store Text 1960 4 35 FAIRHALL, G. Liquor licence granted Text 1958 3 A, 1 FAIRHALL, G. Application for liquor licence Text 1958 2 161, 164, 199 FALCONER, Janice Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 FALCONER, John Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FANKHAUSER, Lois Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 FARBER, Joseph Armond, Yolande Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 FARDELL, M., Mrs Letter to Council re footpaths and playgrounds Text 1961 5 1 FARGHER, F. Spoke at Box Hill Historical Society meeting Text 1964 8 83 FARLEIGH AVENUE Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 33 FARLEIGH AVENUE Plans for constructionbeing prepared Text 1961 5 5 FARMER, Claire Performed at town hall Text 1964 8 16 FARMER, Clare Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 FARMILO, - Mrs Judged amateur flower show Text 1949 1 31 FARMILO, A.E. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 FARRAR, Barbara Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 FARROW, R.G., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 FASHAM, Pamela Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 FEDERATION STREET Brickworks noise a nuisance Text 1965 8 183, 187, 190, 195 FELWICK, V. Letter to Editor re re-surfacing of Elgar Road Text 1965 8 153 FEMMELINE FOUNDATION GARMENTS Business moving to Burwood Text 1959 3 182 FENN, T. and Wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 FERGUSON, A.E. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 FERGUSON, A.S., Surgeon Commander Guest speaker, Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 FERGUSON, John Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 FERLAZZO, - Elgar Road land to be subdivided Text 1959 3 54 FERLAZZO, Giovanni Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 FERRY, Len Involved with Scouts 9th Group Text 1961 4 165 FICKERT, Joseph Malvern, naturalised Text 1962 6 12 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FIFE, M., Nurse Suggests films on food handling Text 1956 2 11 FINCH STREET Part of, construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 FINCH, Brian Organist, took part in Choral Festival Text 1964 8 6 FINN, Jeanette Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H FINNEY, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 FISCHER, Magdalena Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 FISHER, E.G., Mrs Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 FISKE, - Mr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 FISKE, T. Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 FISKE, T. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 FISKE, Tom and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 FITHIE FAMILY Named original property 'Kerrimuir' Text 1961 5 I, N FITZGERALD, - Lady Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1956 2 3 FITZGERALD, - Lady Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 FITZGERALD, - Lady Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A FITZGERALD, - Lady Died recently, brief obituary Text 1964 7 183 FITZGERALD, - Lady Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 FITZGERALD, - Lady Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 FITZGERALD, A.A. Former Councillor, given OBE Text 1953 1 97 FITZGERALD, A.A. Patron of Box Hill Memorial Youth Centre Text 1963 7 94 FITZGERALD, Jan White Horse statue tail returned Photo, Text 1963 7 160 FITZGERALD, Sir Alex At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 FITZGERALD, Sir Alexander At official opening of new factory Text 1958 3 2 FITZGERALD, Sir Alexander To become Patron of Youth Club Text 1961 5 41 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FITZPATRICK, B.C. and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 FKIARAS, Eletherios Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 FLEISCHER, Nola Attended Return Ball; Debutante Text 1954 1 132 FLEMING, - Mr MC at Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 FLENLEY, Peg President, YWCA Young Wives Club Text 1965 8 168 FLETCHER PARADE Construction planned, completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 FLETCHER PARADE Street construction cost less than anticipated Text 1965 8 136 FLETCHER, - Plan for subdivision approved Text 1960 4 123 FLETCHER, A. Heathcote, Mrs Opened flower show Text 1949 1 31 FLETCHER, Joan Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 FLOCKART, A. & M., Misses Central Ave., Burwood want shelter sheds Text 1961 5 C, F FLOCKART, A.P. Letter to Council re unmade road Text 1959 3 94 FLORAL FESTIVAL Details given Text 1959 3 42 FLORENCE ROAD KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 FLORENCE ROAD PRE-SCHOOL Full enrolment; to transfer premises Text 1952 6 3, 97, 100 FLORENCE ROAD PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE AGM; election of office bearers Text 1963 7 76 FLORENCE ROAD PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE Opened kindergarten at St Aidan's church Text 1963 7 63, 64 FLOWERS, G. Fire Brigade Station Officer, no serious fires this year Text 1963 7 173 FLUCK, - V. President, Scouts Association Text 1963 7 136 FLUCK, Lorraine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 FLYNN, K.B. Asks when Garden Street will be constructed Text 1960 4 53 FOCH STREET To be constructed, in part Text 1959 3 33, 133 FOCH STREET Car accidents in Text 1959 3 61 FOCH STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FOCH STREET Construction plans prepared Text 1959 3 94 FOCH STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 FOCH STREET Work proceeding on part of channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 FOCH STREET Part of, to be constructed Text 1960 4 54 FOCH STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 FONTANA, Maria Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 FOO, Yee Tuck Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 FOOTE, John Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 FORMAN, - Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 FORSTER, G. Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 34 FORSTER, G. Complains about MMBW rates Text 1962 6 26 FORSTER, Wendy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 FORSYTHE, Terry Opposed to proposed car parking plan Text 1959 3 124 FORTUNA, Mario Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 FORTUNE STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33 FORTUNE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 FORTUNE STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 FOSTER, Alex Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 FOSTER, Alex Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 FOSTER, Alex Shared producer's award with Nandor Jenes Text 1961 5 C FOSTER, H. Secretary, 1904 Surrey Hills Progress Assoc. Text 1964 8 24 FOSTER, Keith Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 FOTHERINGHAM, Mary Free Mobile Library Service Photo, Text 1962 7 21 FOULIS, F.J. Wants drainage plan for Somers Street Text 1961 4 191 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FOUN, Lorraine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 FRANCESCA STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 FRANCESCA STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 FRANCESCA STREET Land donated to Council Text 1959 3 43 FRANCESCA STREET Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T again Text 1961 4 187 FRANCESCA STREET Paving and footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169, 195 FRANCESCA STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 FRANCESCA STREET, No. 11 Resident a member of Adelphian Football Club Text 1964 7 184 FRANCIS, A. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 FRANCIS, Egils Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 FRANCIS, J.P. Cr. School Visit Rutherglen Text 1964 8 18 FRANCIS, R. Vernon Designed new Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D FRANCUSKI, Ivanka, Bojana Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 FRANK MASON ADVERTISING Burwood Road; manager going to Rotary conference Text 1961 4 180 FRANK STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 FRANK STREET Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 198 FRANK STREET Proposal to change name rejected Text 1960 4 76 FRANKFORT, Dirk Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 FRANKLYN, M., Mrs Son has fallen in unmade road Text 1959 3 114 FRANZ, John H.A.W. Bass Street; obituary Text 1955 1 136 FRANZ,Geoff Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 FRASER, D. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 FRATER, J., Mrs Secretary, Ballet Group Text 1961 4 194 FRAZER, E.L. At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FREDERICK, F.H. Offers donation for playground in nearby Reserve Text 1961 5 60, 64 FREEMAN, Janine Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 FRENCH, W.L. Candidate for Council election Text 1962 6 59, 60, 61, 67, 70, 72, 90, 92 FRENCH, W.L. House and garden; candidate for Council Illus., Text 1958 2 184 FRENCH, William Leonard Candidate, Council elections Text 1958 2 172 FRICSONS, Nora Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 FRICSONS, Nora Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 FRIED, Emanuel Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 FRIED, Ibolya Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 FRIEND STREET Construction planned, objections to Text 1949, 1952 1 29, 40, 75 FRIEND STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1952 1 90 FRIIS, Tom Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 FRUSHER, H. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 FUERST, Eva Veronika Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 FUERST, Karl Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 FULLER, - Offers permanent parking bays Text 1957 2 137 FULLER, N.N. Wants parking in plantation areas Text 1961 4 149 FULLER, R., Mrs Member, Box Hill North Progress Association Text 1956 1 149 FULLER, R.R. Wants more car parking made available Text 1964 8 16, 20 FULLER, R.R. Wants plantations used for car parking Text 1960 4 42 FULTON, J. and wife Organised Return Ball Text 1956 2 20 FULTON, J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 FULTON, J.H. Secretary, Box Hill Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 32 FULTON, John Organised Return Ball to Mayor Text 1959 3 105 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

FULTON, John F. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 FULTON, John Oliver Obituary, history of family Text 1963 7 129 FULTON, R. Letter to editor re parking problems Text 1954 1 133 FULTON, William Oliver Obituary, history of family Text 1963 7 129 FURMEDGE, Bryan Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 FYFE, Peter Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 GAFFNEY, W.V. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F GAHAN, Neil Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 GALLIENNE, Ron Gas works employee, risked life to stop fire Text 1962 6 63 GALLUS, Helena Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 GALT STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 47 GALT STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 GALT STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1960 4 L GALT STREET Unmade, complaints on condition Text 1958 3 J, 100, 103 GALT STREET Footpaths to be completed in part Text 1961 4 169 GALT STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 GALT, E. L., Miss Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 GAMBLE, - Judge Death of Text 1962 6 24 GAMBLE, R.S. Urges school crossing lights Text 1964 7 199 GANDOLFO, M. Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 GANDOLFO, M. Chemist, Wattle Park Text 1958 2 162 GANNON, Janice Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 GARDEN STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 41, 157 GARDEN STREET Part to be sewered next year Text 1963 7 76 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GARDEN STREET Unconstructed, resident asks to be done Text 1960 4 53 GARDEN, B. Requests road construction Text 1956 2 9 GARDEN, G. Complaint re unmade road Text 1959 3 101, 103 GARDINER, - Mrs President, Ladies Auxiliary Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 GARDINER, C. Convened meeting to form Kindergarten Assoc. Text 1961 5 64 GARDINER, C. President of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 GARDINER,Alec Supports Sunday football Text 1963 7 37 GARDINER'S CREEK Land to be purchased from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 GARDINER'S CREEK Problems in realigning. Text 1962 6 41 GARDINER'S CREEK Burst banks again Text 1963 7 107, 108 GARDINER'S CREEK Burst banks, major flooding Text 1963 7 37, 38, 52, 57 GARDINER'S CREEK MMBW to cut and clear banks Text 1963 7 46 GARDINER'S CREEK Drains blocked, MMBW not clearing up Text 1960 4 50 GARDINERS CREEK AREA Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 GARDINOL INDUSTRIES LTD. To sell to Braeme Industries Ltd. Text 1957 2 136 GARDNER, James Graham Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 GARDNER, R.A. Speaker, City Development Association Text 1958 3 I GARDNER, Winifred Mezzo Soprano, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 GARING, E.C. V. President, BH Citizens Dev. Assoc. Text 1956 2 35 GARING, E.C. Treasurer, local branch Comb. Pensioners Assoc. Text 1961 5 69 GARING, E.C. Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 GARING, Edwin C. Letter to editor re parking problems Text 1957 2 78 GARING, Edwin C. Explains difference Pensioners Assoc/Elderly Citizens Text 1962 5 74 GARING, Edwin Clement Obituary, member RSL, bowling club Text 1963 7 139 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GARING, K. Appointed Deputy Town Clerk Text 1952 1 76 GARING, K.C. Appointed Swan Hill Town Clerk Text 1956 2 32, 34 GARING, Ken Former staffer, went to Swan Hill, died there Text 1960 3 192 GARMY, Edwin C. Opposes car parking plan Text 1959 3 138 GARRETT, - Mr Donated toys to kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 GARRETT, - Mrs Cut ribbon to turn on electric light in 1904 Text 1964 8 39 GARRETT, Fred Reminiscences of early days Text 1959 3 188 GARRETT, G.H. Request to plant street trees Text 1960 3 198 GARRETT, H.T. Cr Turned on electric lighting in 1904 Text 1964 8 39 GARRETT, W. R., Mrs Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 GARRETT, W.R., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A GARRETT, W.R., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 GAS WORKS Elgar Road, fire at Text 1962 6 63, 64, 65 GAS WORKS Nearby drain dangerous Text 1959 3 51 GASPERO, Greg Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 GATHERCOLE, Harry Candidate, Council elections Text 1958 2 179 GATHERCOLE, Phyllis Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 GATHERCOLE, Phyllis Member, Box Hill Drama Club Text 1961 5 C GATTEGNO, Albert Charles Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 GAUDION, F. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 GAULWAY, Annette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 GAWLER COURT Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 5 GAWLER COURT Construction work completed Text 1962 6 9 GAWLER COURT New private street Text 1961 5 5 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GAWLER COURT Construction cost given Text 1960 4 14, 195 GAWLER, J. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F GAWLER, J. S., Mrs Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 GAWLER, J.S. At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 GAWLER, J.S. Retired from University; service detailed Text 1947 1 6 GAWLER, J.S. Given Civic Award Text 1960 4 72 GAWLER, J.S. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 GAWLER, John Stevens Plans to retire from Council Text 1951 1 59 GAYFORD, Douglas Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 GAYNOR, B.W. Letter to Council re trees blocking traffic sight lines Text 1963 7 149 GELSI, Giovanni. Ivalda Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 GEORGE, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A GEORGE, L. T., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 GEORGE, L.T. and wife Citizens committee, arranged Ball for Mayor Text 1948 1 21 GEORGE, L.T., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 GEORGE, Les Obituary, former Councillor Text 1963 7 112 GEORGIADES, Alexandra, Byron Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 GEPP, R.T. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F GERALDIE, - Mrs Involved with ballet group Text 1957 2 116 GERALDIE, - Mrs On committee, Ballet Group Text 1961 4 194 GERARD, J. Elected to committee of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 GERRARD CO. OF AUSTRALASIA Purchased Daniel Harvey company Text 1961 4 136 GERRARD, H. Letter to editor Text 1958 3 I GERRARD, H. Letter to Editor re Soviet aggression Text 1961 4 153 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GERRITS, Anna, Gerardus Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 GIBBS, E. Treasurer, 1904 Surrey Hills Progress Assoc. Text 1964 8 24 GIBBS, J. V. President, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 GIBSON STREET To be constructed Text 1957 2 107 GIBSON, Charles William Lyndon Applies for liquor licence Text 1951 1 56 GIBSON, N.J. President, Mont Albert Branch Liberal Party Text 1960 4 44 GIBSON, Neville Organised petition against tree prunning Text 1964 8 26 GIETMAN, Cornelia, Wilhelmina Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 GIGGINS, Graham Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 GILCHRIST, J. Member, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 84 GILDING, J. Performer at Elderly Citizen's Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 GILDING, John F. Committee member, Elderly Citizens Club Text 1961 4 130 GILDING, John Foster Gives notice of Constitutional changes Text 1963 7 143 GILES, Ludmilla, Mrs, Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 GILES, M. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 GILES, Mary Singer, too ill to perform at Aust Day ceremony Text 1962 5 73, 77 GILES, Michael R. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 GILES, Stan, Jean Letter to Editor Text 1950 1 47 GILL, F. Requests seat be moved to bus stop Text 1965 8 159 GILL, Frank Secretary Rotary; Award given to Bert Lewis Text 1965 9 19, GILLAN, - Rev Father Said Grace at Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 GILLARD STREET Residents request roadworks Text 1956 2 9 GILLARD STREET Construction cost less than expected Text 1962 6 10, 11 GILLARD STREET Footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GILLARD STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 GILLARD STREET, Lot 73 Sold by Council for unpaid rates Text 1961 5 53 GILLIES, A.I., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 GILLIES, M.J. Head of 17th Group of Scouts Text 1963 7 78 GILLMAN, Robert Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 GILLMAN, Robert Secretary, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 GILLMAN, Robert Founder of Film Society, retires Text 1964 8 33, 43 GILLMAN, Robert Secretary, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 GILLMAN, Robert Secretary, Film Society AGM Text 1961 5 2 GILLMAN, Robert, Mrs Vice President, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 GILMOUR, G.H. Former member, Church of Christ Text 1961 5 71 GILMOUR, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 GILMOUR, S.M. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 GILMOUR, W.F., Rev. Leaving Surrey Hills Presb. Church; function held Text 1961 4 203 GILTINAN, Dawn City Curator, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 GINN, J.H. Byron St., complains of unsealed roads Text 1962 6 45 GIOIA, Vincenza Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 GLASIER, Leighton Member of Rotary Text 1960 4 101 GLASTONBURY, Jill Successful at ballet exam Text 1961 5 32, 51 GLAZIER, Leighton Wattle Park Chalet staff member Text 1961 5 A GLEGHORN, G.O,. Mrs Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 GLEGHORN, G.O., Mrs Secretary, Committee for Australia Day Text 1961 4 130 GLEGHORN, R. Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 GLEGHORN, R. Vice President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GLEGHORN, R. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 GLEGHORN, R. and wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 GLEGHORN, R. J. Chamber of Commerce Photo, Text 1960 4 85 GLEGHORN, R. J. Candidate, Council election Photo 1964 8 22, 45, 46 GLEGHORN, R., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 GLEGHORN, R.J. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Text 1959 3 127 GLEGHORN, R.J. Background given Text 1957 2 109 GLEGHORN, R.J. Candidate, Council election Text 1964 8 37, 38, 46, 49, 50 GLEGHORN, R.J. Supports Boom Gates on Station St crossing Text 1963 7 143 GLEGHORN, R.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 GLEGHORN, R.J., Cr To Canberra for summer school Text 1965 8 127 GLEGHORN, Ron Formed investment group Text 1960 4 88 GLEGHORN, Ron J. Candidate, Council Election Photo, Text 1962 6 47, 49, 59, 60, 61, 72 GLENGARRY AVENUE Council to purchase land from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 GLENGARRY AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 27, 157 GLENISTER, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 GLIKSMAN, Abram, Alexandra Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 GLOUFTSIS, Simos, Trantafilia Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 GLOVER, Betty Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 GLOVER, Keith Compere, at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 GLOVER, Keith Took part in schools Choral Festival Text 1964 8 6 GLOVER, Keith To compere variety show for charity Text 1961 5 25 GLOVER, Keith Announced Debutantes, Mayoral Ball Text 1963 7 84 GLOVER, L.C. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GODDARD COURT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 GODDARD COURT Road construction planned Text 1960 4 123 GODDARD COURT Street construction under way Text 1961 5 5, 67 GODFREY COURT Construction cost given Text 1954 1 129 GODFREY, A.L. Took pupils to attend Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 GODFREY, Jack Street cleaner, with horse Nigger Photo 1964 8 77 'GOD'S LITTLE ACRE' Removed from library shelves after court case Text 1960 4 10 GOLDBERGS, Harijs, Margarieta Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 GOLDSBROUGH, O. Cr. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 GOLDSBROUGH, O.G., Cr Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 GOLDSMITH, W. G. Mr. Free Mobile Library Service Photo, Text 1962 7 14, 20, GOLL, Edward Obituary Text 1949 1 27 GOLLAN, C. Auditor, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 GOLLAN, Clive Elected Secretary of Historical Society Text 1963 7 115 GOLLONG, Gudrun, Wolfgang Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 GOOD NEIGHBOUR MOVEMENT Local Branch to be formed Text 1963 7 108, 113, 118 GOOD NEIGHBOURS COUNCIL, Box Hill Branch First committee meeting announced Text 1963 7 121 GOODALL, R. Asks Council to remove weeds in Cypress Ave. Text 1961 5 66 GOOLD STREET Construction scheme for part of, approved Text 1964 8 1, 10, 27, 157 GORDON STREET Street trees infected, to be removed and replaced Text 1961 4 187 GORDON STREET, No. 2 Resident concerned over pedestrian safety Text 1961 4 148 GORDON, C. Alex Appointed to the Valuers' Qualification Board Text 1961 4 140 GORDON, James R. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 GORDON, W.G. Treasurer, Mont Albert Branch Liberal Party Text 1960 4 44 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GORMELLE New member, Box Hill Comb. Pensioners Assoc. Text 1962 7 6 GOROKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Teacher brings 6 children on a visit Text 1961 5 35, 38 GOROKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Teacher brings 13 children on a visit Text 1963 7 127, 128 GOSNEY, Max To represent Victoria in water polo competition Text 1961 4 173 GOUGH, Roger Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 GOULBURN STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 GOULD, Grattan Attended first meeting of horticultural society Text 1960 4 123 GOULDS TRADE-IN POST Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 GRABER, Sakura Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 GRACE, W.H New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D GRACEFIELD DRIVE New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 GRAHAM PLACE Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 6 1 GRAHAM PLACE Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 5 90 GRAHAM, - Mrs Won award at flower show Text 1949 1 31 GRAHAM, D. Committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 GRAHAM, E. A. B. (Vice President) AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, GRAHAM, E.A.B. Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 GRAHAM, E.A.B. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 GRAHAM, E.B. Chairman, Opportunity Shop committee Text 1959 3 39 GRANDVIEW ESTATE 'One of the first subdivisions in Sth Box Hill' Text 1964 8 80 GRANDVIEW ROAD Plan to rename to Monash Street, opposed Text 1964 8 79, 80, 82, 85, 95, 122, 145 GRANDVIEW ROAD Plan to rename to Monash Street, opposed Text 1964 8 43, 59, 60, 65, 67, 70, 72, 76 GRANDVIEW ROAD Housing for elderly built Text 1957 2 52, 53, 105 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GRANDVIEW ROAD Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 GRANGE STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 GRANGE STREET Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 GRANGE STREET Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 GRANGER, E.C. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 GRANT INDUSTRIES PTY.LTD. Addition to factory approved Text 1959 3 83 GRANT, A.O., Infant Welfare Sister at Bank Street Text 1964 8 36 GRANT, A.O., Sister Infant Welfare nurse Text 1959 3 34, 50 GRANT, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 GRANT, Nance Entertainer, Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 GRANT, Nance Soprano, performed in concert Text 1957 2 104 GRANT, Nance Soprano, to perform in variety show for charity Text 1961 5 25,37 GRANT, Nance Wins ABC music contest, lives in Station St. Text 1960 4 47 GRANT, Nancy Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 GRANT, Peter Martin Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 GRATION, A. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 GRAY, Barry Pilot, flies small plane over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 GRAY, Bob Bugler, took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 GRAY, Bob To play Last Post at Remembrance Day ceremony Text 1962 7 7 GRAY, J.G., MLA Speaker, Memorial to Jessie Robinson Text 1954 1 126 GRAY, Jack Cycle Shop, organised billycart event Text 1958 2 169 GRAY, M. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 GRAY, R. J. and wife Return Ball to thank Mayor Text 1949 1 36 GRAY, R.J. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GRAY, R.J. Resigns as Health Inspector Text 1948 1 21 GRAY, R.J. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 GRAY, R.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 GRAY, R.J. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 GRAY, R.J., MLA and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 GRAY, R.J., MLA and wife Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 GREEN, F. Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 18 GREEN, Graeme Library Art show winner, student Photo 1953 1 101 GREEN, O.S. Head Teacher Wattle Park State School Text 1965 8 169, 176, 187 GREEN, Wilma Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 GREENBANK AVENUE Road constructed, cost given Text 1963 7 131 GREENFIELD, John Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 GREENSLADE, F. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 GREENSLADE, F. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 GREENSLADE, F. On Industrial Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 GREENWOOD/WORRALL STREETS Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 GREGORY, B.R. Involved with centenary of Burwood State School Text 1965 8 165 GREGORY, J.S. Elected Vpresident, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 GREGUREK, Ivan Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 GREIG, Don Manager, Box Hill Ten Pin Bowl Photo, Text 1963 7 165 GREIG, R. Asked to cut down very tall shrub Text 1963 7 149 GREY, M. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 GRIEG, Peer J. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 GRIFFEN, G.E. Fire Officer; described Woolworths fire Text 1961 4 155 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

GRIFFITH, P., Mrs Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 GRIFFITHS, N. ALP Candidate, letter to editor Text 1958 3 L GRIFFITHS, Nancye Soprano, performed at town hall reception Text 1957 2 131 GRIGG, Don Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 GRINTER, BARUCE Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 GRUCHY, P. Lloyd Street surface damaging cars Text 1961 4 192 GRUSSNER, Istvan, Julia Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 GRUSSNER, Istvan, Julia Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 GRUTSCHE, H. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A GTV CHANNEL 9 Filmed Youth Centre Opening Text 1959 3 94 GUBBINS, D., Mrs Elected Ass. Secretary of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 GUCCIARDO, G. Naturalised Text 1961 4 137 GUCCIARDO, GAUISEPPI Naturalised Text 1961 4 141 GUCCIARDO, Vito Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 GUNN, Christine Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 GURNANSCKY, L. Asks for signposts to be installed Text 1962 6 3, 4 GUY, E.L. Proposed skating rink on Surrey Dive Text 1959 3 70 GUY, E.L. Asked for seat at bus stop Text 1959 3 25 GUYAN, H., Mrs Garden open to public Text 1948 1 17 GWENDA STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 GYARMATHY, Akos Naturalised Text 1958 2 142, 143 HACKETT, T.F. Wants road made Text 1959 3 94 HACKWELL, H.D. Ass. Town Clerk and Rate Collector, leaving Text 1948 1 14, 15 HAGENAUER RESERVE Cannot be developed until drain put underground Text 1963 7 70 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HAGENAUER'S RESERVE Funds allocated, preparation for athletic track Text 1962 5 95 HAIG STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 HAIG STREET Drain extension to be undertaken Text 1954 1 113 HALACAS, Irene, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 HALIK, Edward Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 HALIK, Michael Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 HALL, A.S. Architect, involved with new Assembly Hall Text 1960 4 D HALL, A.S. Designed flagpole at Box Hill hospital Text 1960 3 197 HALL, A.S. Architect of Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1962 7 30 HALL, A.S. Architect,improvements at Bennettswood Reserve Text 1963 7 47 HALL, Alec Designed WW2 Memorial Text 1952 1 88 HALL, Alec S. Architect of pavilion Surrey Park Text 1956 1 149 HALL, F. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 HALL, Fen Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 HALL, Fred Secretary, Box Hill Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 7 192 HALL, Fred J. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21, 39, 53 HALL, G. Elected Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 HALL, M. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 HALL, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 HALL, Marian Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 HALL, Marie Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 HALL, Rosemary Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1955 1 144 HALL, V.M.F. Complains of rubbish in Main/Market Sts Text 1962 7 5 HALLIGAN, - Parks curator annual report Text 1947 1 12 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HALLIGAN, - Mr Designed setting for Mayoral Ball Text 1947 1 6 HALLIGAN,- Mr. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HALLIGAN, - Mr. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 HALLIGAN, - Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HALLIGAN, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A HALLIGAN, Bill Decorated town hall for mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 HALLIGAN, Bill Reports snowfall in Surrey Hills Text 1964 8 41 HALLIGAN, Bill Curator, details vandalism at Box Hill Gardens Text 1964 7 181 HALLIGAN, Bill Showed reporter Council Plant Nursery Text 1963 7 142, 143 HALLIGAN, Bill Has plans to beautify Burwood Road median strip Text 1965 8 204 HALLIGAN, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140, 142 HALLIGAN, Judy Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HALLIGAN, W Arranged decorations, Mayoral Ball Text 1951 1 61 HALLIGAN, W. Designed stage setting for Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 HALLIGAN, W. Did stage setting for Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 HALLIGAN, W. Arranged decoration at Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 HALLIGAN, W. Mayoral Ball Text 1961 4 180 HALLIGAN, W. Prepared stage scene for mayoral ball Text 1965 8 189 HALLIGAN, W. Shows glass house to Councillors Text 1964 8 81 HALLIGAN, W. Mayoral Ball, arranged decorations Text 1949 1 33 HALLIGAN, W. Attended conference in Canberra Text 1964 8 12 HALLIGAN, W. Given Award Text 1959 3 78, 83 HALLIGAN, W. Attended Return Ball; decorated stage Text 1954 1 132 HALLIGAN, W. Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HALLIGAN, W. Flower arrangements for Autumn Show Text 1960 3 202 HALLIGAN, W. Organised decorations, return Ball to thank Mayor Text 1949 1 36 HALLIGAN, W. Did decoration for Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 HALLIGAN, W. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 HALLIGAN, W. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 HALLIGAN, W. Wins Bronze Medal for Town Hall Display Text 1961 5 66 HALLIGAN, W. Guest speaker at Box Hill Club Text 1960 4 22, 31 HALLIGAN, W. All plane trees in street to be replaced with prunus trees Text 1960 4 119 HALLIGAN, W. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 HALLIGAN, W. Rose display in Whitehorse Road plantations Text 1962 7 2 HALLIGAN, W. H. Mayoral Ball, decorated town hall Text 1963 7 84 HALLIGAN, W. H. and wife Mayoral Ball Floral Decorations Text 1964 8 10 HALLIGAN, W., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 HALLIGAN, W., Parks Curator Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 HALLIGAN, W.H. Decorated stage for Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 HALLIGAN, W.H., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 HALSEY STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 HALSEY STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 HALSEY STREET To be constructed Text 1960 4 54 HALSEY STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 HAMBLING, Joyce Letter re condition of Box Hill Crescent Text 1956 2 4 HAMEL STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 HAMER, R. J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 HAMER, R., MLC Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HAMER, R.J,. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 HAMER, R.J. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 HAMER, R.J. Speaker at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 104 HAMER, R.J., MLA Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HAMER, R.J., MLC At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 HAMER, R.J., MLC Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 HAMER, R.J., MLC Urges 3rd rail track to be done Text 1962 5 94, 95 HAMER, R.J., MLC and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 HAMER, R.J., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 HAMER, R.J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 HAMILTON STREET Parking to be banned on west side Text 1947 1 5 HAMILTON STREET To be widened Text 1957 2 137 HAMILTON STREET Businesses plan increased car parking Text 1964 8 21, 40 HAMILTON STREET, No. 1 Purchased by Council for car park Text 1964 8 76 HAMILTON STREET, No. 9 Milk Bar Text 1961 5 6 HAMILTON, - Australia Day Council, at Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 HAMILTON, Bob Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 HAMILTON, June Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 HAMILTON, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 HAMMER, Beryl Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 HAMMER, R.C. Promotes Combined Younger Set Text 1956 2 8 HAMMER, T. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 HAMMOND, E.H. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 HAMMOND, Eric Retires as President of Box Hill Football Club Text 1963 7 37, 44 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HAMMOND, Eric President, Box Hill Football Club, gave large donation Text 1961 4 141 HAMMOND, Eric and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 HAMMOND, Ron Entertainer, Australia Day Event Text 1955 1 135 HANDS, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 HANNA, - Mrs Will be in hospital for 3 weeks Text 1960 4 102 HANNA, N.G. Report on service provided Text 1961 5 9 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Reports on Home Help Service Text 1964 8 10, 41, 90 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Gives Home Help service statistics Text 1959 3 125, 162 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Supervisor of home help service Text 1959 3 25, 30 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Infant Welfare Centres statistics Text 1961 5 43 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Reports on Home Help statistics; Annual Report Text 1960 4 105, 110 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Report on Home Help Service Text 1961 4 184 HANNA, N.G., Mrs Report on Home Help Service Text 1960 4 29 HANNAH, N. Organiser of Home Help Regional Conference Text 1963 7 56 HANNASLEA STREET, No. 10 Resident wrote letter to Editor Text 1965 8 126 HANSEN, - Mrs Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 HANSEN, Russ Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 HANSEN, Stan Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 HANSFORD, Brian Runner up in Sun Aria competition Text 1956 2 37 HARDIDGE, - Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 HARDIE, E.K. Secretary, North East BH Progresss Association Text 1964 8 55 HARDING STREET First use of bitumenized rubber Text 1960 3 200 HARDING STREET RESERVE Poor state of Text 1957 2 95 HARDING STREET RESERVE Inspected as part of 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1964 8 81 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HARDING STREET RESERVE Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 HARDMAN, J. Wants road constructed Text 1959 3 110 HARDY, M. Secretary, North East Box Hill Progress Assoc. Text 1964 8 88 HARKER STREET Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33, 51 HARKER STREET In poor condition Text 1959 3 83 HARKER STREET Is in dangerous condition Text 1961 5 A, F HARKER STREET, No. 26 Addition to factory approved Text 1959 3 83 HARLE, Barbara Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 HAROLD, A.M. Complains about road conditions Text 1961 4 159B HARPER, Jill Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 HARPER, L. and R. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HARPER, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 HARRIGAN, W., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 HARRIS, - Land subdivision approved, Whitehorse Rd. Text 1961 5 F HARRIS, - Mrs New member, Box Hill Comb. Pensioners Assoc. Text 1962 7 6 HARRIS, Bob Member, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 HARRIS, Brenda Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 HARRIS, Brian Baritone, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 HARRIS, E., Miss Library staffer Text 1959 3 33 HARRIS, Helen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 HARRIS, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 HARRIS, J. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 HARRIS, J.C. Auditor, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 HARRIS, J.C. Elected Auditor, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HARRIS, Kevin Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 HARRIS, Kevin Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 HARRIS, Pat Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 HARRISON STREET Part of; Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 HARRISON STREET, No. 1 Resident complains about drainage works Text 1964 8 38 HARRISON, Alan Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 HARRISON, Maria Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 HARTLEY, Geoff Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 HARTLEY, William Edwin Landale Street; given MBE Text 1953 1 97 HARVEY, D., and wife Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F HARVEY, Daniel Obituary, gives business and personal history Text 1961 4 136 HARVEY, Daniel and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 HARVEY, Howard Keith Announced engagement to Flora Kewin Text 1963 7 111 HARVEY, Hugh Worked in father's business until sold Text 1961 4 136 HARVEY, Jenny Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 HARVEY, L. and T. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HARVEY, R., Miss Staff member, Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 HASTINGS, E. Letter to Editor re land acquisition Text 1947 1 4 HATFIELD, Leonard Attended Return Ball Text 1954 1 132 HAUGHTON, Edward Presents key to original town hall to Council Text 1960 4 48 HAUPT, Erika Helen B., Wolfgang Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 HAVELOCK STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 HAVELOCK STREET, No. 7 Resident wrote to Council re parking conditions Text 1963 7 144 HAVLICEK, Karel E. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HAWARD, Maurie Elected Ass. Treasurer, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 HAWKER, Bruce Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 HAWKES, Shirley Ann Asks playground for Healthfield Estate Text 1963 7 113 HAWKINS AVENUE Construction planned Text 1956 2 1, 10 HAWLEY, Maxwell H. Foundation member Lions Club Text 1960 4 124 HAWRYLISZYN, Wodolymyr Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 HAY STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 HAY STREET Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 HAY STREET Work proceeding on part of channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 HAY STREET Part of, to be constructed Text 1960 4 54 HAY STREET Construction planned Text 1960 4 10 HAY STREET/CANTERBURY ROAD School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 34 HAY, Dan Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 HAYES, L., Mrs Secretary, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 5, 160 HAYLE, Vic Organises road making by residents Text 1957 2 48 HAYNES, Bob Performed at volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 HEAL, Warren Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 HEANEY, Jon Mayoral Ball Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 HEARN, K.E. Suggests formation of Hobby Park Text 1956 2 20, 27 HEATH, Marion, student Crossing bridge to school Photo 1962 6 29 HEATHFIELD RESERVE Land being purchased by Council Text 1963 7 140 HEATHFIELD RISE Part to be sewered next year Text 1963 7 76 HEATON, O.C., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 HEATON, O.C., Mrs. Burwood Community Hospital Photo, Text 1960 4 98 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HEDGER, Edith Speaker, Memorial to Jessie Robinson Text 1954 1 126 HEGARTY, T. Protests reduction in bus service Text 1964 8 8 HEGARTY, T.P. Asks relocation of bus stop in Canterbury Road Text 1962 6 6 HEINEMANN, Julius A. Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 HEINEMANN, Marion Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 HEINEMANN, Paul Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 HEINEMANN, Paul Renee Naturalised Text 1958 2 142, 143 HEINRICH, Graham Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 HEINTZ, Alfred, Lydia Eugenie, Isa Doris Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 HEINZ BABY SHOW Held as part of Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 HEMBURROW, Clive Flood, Sinnott St, Burwood Photo, Text 1963 7 35, HENDERSON, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 HENDERSON, - Mrs Won award at flower show Text 1949 1 31 HENDERSON, G.M. Poor street lighting in St John's Avenue Text 1962 7 2 HENDERSON, Glenys Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 HENDERSON, Terry Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 HENDY, George Vice President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1965 8 156 HENDY, J. Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 HENDY, J. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 HENDY, John Member, Chamber of Commerce Photo 1964 8 84, 152, 187, 194 HENDY, John Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 HENLEY, J.H. Winner in Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 HENLEY, Jack Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 HENLEY, John Member, Box Hill Club Text 1958 3 M Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HENLEY, John and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 HENRY, Daryl Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 HENTY, - Mrs Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 HEPPNER, W.B., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A HERALD GARDEN SHIELD Again won by Box Hill Text 1951 1 58 HERALD GARDEN SHIELD Again won by Box Hill Text 1950, 1954 1 49, 123 HERALD GARDEN WEEK COMPETITION Details explained Text 1957 2 62 HERALD GARDEN WEEK COMPETITION Details of local winners Text 1962 6 19 HERALD GARDEN WEEK COMPETITION City wins Shield for 3rd time. Text 1947 1 A HERALD GARDEN WEEK SHIELD Again won by City Text 1948 1 17, 18 HERBERT, Brian Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 HERBERT, Jill Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 HERCULES FIBRE CONTAINERS Fire at factory Text 1964 8 39 HERDMAN, R., Mrs Secretary, Box Hill South Ward Progress Assoc. Text 1965 8 195 HERMANS, Hendricus Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 HERRING, Magaret At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 HERRING, Sir Edmund Guest at annual dinner of Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 39 HERRING, Sir Edmund & wife Centenary Dinner Photo, Text 1957 2 114, 115 HERTFIELD, R. and K. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HERZOG, W. and V. Protest mobile ice-cream vans Text 1965 8 198, 199 HEUPENAAR, Berendina, Harm Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 HIBBERD, A.R., Chemist Has seen accidents on Station St corner Text 1962 7 14, 15 HICKEY, Helen Meter maids (parking meters) Photo, Text 1965 8 164 HIGGINSON, W.A. Letter to editor, opposed to street name change Text 1964 8 80 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HIGGS, Alan Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 HIGGS, Jean Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 HIGHBURY ROAD Old corduroy road discovered Text 1964 8 42 HIGHBURY ROAD Residents on north side flooded Text 1958 3 2 HIGHBURY ROAD Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 HIGHBURY ROAD To be widened Text 1962 6 92 HIGHBURY ROAD Reconstruction cost Text 1964 8 14 HIGHBURY ROAD Sewerage tender accepted Text 1962 6 76 HIGHBURY ROAD Factory permit approved Text 1959 3 133 HIGHBURY ROAD, No. 113 Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 HIGHBURY ROAD, No. 113, rear of Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 HIGHBURY ROAD, No. 117 Addition to factory approved Text 1959 3 83 HIGHBURY ROAD/WINTON STREET Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 HIGHLAND PIPE BAND Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 HILL, Edward Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 HILL, J. President, Box Hill North Progress Association Text 1956 1 149 HILL, R. Secretary, Mont Albert Branch Liberal Party Text 1960 4 44 HILLHOUSE, R.G. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 HILLIARD, J.C. Complains about poor garbage service Text 1961 5 26 HILLS, R.C. Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 HILLSIDE PARADE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 HINDLE, - Mr Elected treasurer of Koonung Heights P.A. Text 1949 1 37 HINE, F.R. Application for industrial petrol pump refused Text 1960 4 29 HINGE, Robyn Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189, 190 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HINVES, P. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 HIRONS, V. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 HIRST, W. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 HITCH, Reginald Compered ballet show Text 1957 2 116 HITCHCOCK, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 HOARE, W.P. Olympiad Crescent, urges construction Text 1962 6 71 HOARE, W.P. Letter to Editor in support of Sunday sport Text 1963 7 89, 132 HOATH, C. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 HOATH, C. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 HOATH, C. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 HOATH, C.T. and wife Organised Return Ball for Mayor Text 1955 1 142 HOATH, Cliff and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 HODGKINSON, Laurence Jaycee, going to USA Text 1958 2 193 HODGSON, - New member, Combined Pensioners Assoc. Text 1963 7 48 HODGSON, J.L. Opposes fluoridation, letter to editor Text 1964 8 3 HOGAN COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 HOGAN, C. J. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 HOGAN, - Mayoress Brief interview Text 1949 1 37 HOGAN, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A HOGAN, Frank Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 HOGAN, J. C., Cr. and Wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HOGAN, J., Mrs Committtee, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 HOGAN, J.C. Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 HOGAN, J.C. New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOGAN, J.C. Tributes to, after election defeat Text 1959 3 131 HOGAN, J.C. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F HOGAN, J.C. Given Coronation Award Text 1953 1 97 HOGAN, J.C. Awarded MBE Text 1954 1 129 HOGAN, J.C. Long serving Councillor Text 1957 2 120 HOGAN, J.C. Given Civic Award Text 1960 4 72 HOGAN, J.C. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 HOGAN, J.C. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949, 1953 1 33, 99 HOGAN, J.C. and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 HOGAN, J.C., Cr. Miss Box Hill Olympics Text 1959 3 79 HOGAN, J.C., MBE Opened Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. Text 1959 3 165 HOGAN, J.C., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 HOGAN, John C. Candidate council elections Photo 1956 2 25 HOGAN, John C. Elected Mayor Text 1949 1 37 HOGAN, John Charles Attended 500th consecutive meeting Text 1953 1 110 HOLDEN, R.G. Letter to Editor re funding for sporting clubs Text 1965 8 185, 186 HOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION To instal petrol pump Text 1959 3 94 HOLDING, - Mrs Secretary, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 HOLE, H. Oliver, Rev Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 HOLE, H.O., Rev Involved in first kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 HOLE, H.O., Rev Collapsed on news of fire at St Peter's church Text 1949 1 41 HOLE, Rosemary Pianist, Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 HOLE, Rosemary Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 HOLE, Rosemary To perform at concert Text 1959 3 165 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOLE, Rosemary Played at volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 HOLE, Rosemary Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 HOLEPROOF Entrant won Miss Box Hill competition Text 1964 8 17 HOLEPROOF LTD Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 HOLEPROOF LTD Want pedestrian crossing at Nelson Rd corner Text 1963 7 105, 109 HOLEPROOF LTD. Suggest naming of laneway at rear of Wellington Road Text 1949 1 28 HOLLAND, - Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 HOLLAND, T. President, Bennettswood Progress Association Text 1961 4 144 HOLLERITH (AUST) PTY. LTD. New factory opened in Lexton Road Text 1958 3 2 HOLLOW, Reginald F. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 HOLMAN, - Mrs Committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 HOLMAN, W.P. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 HOLMES, Hayden Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 HOLMES, P., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 HOLT, June Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 HONEYBUN, Terry Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 HONYBUN, T. Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 HOOD, M. and J., Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 HOOD, M. and J., Misses HOOKE, N. Committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 HOOKE, N. Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 HOOKE, N. Committee, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 HOOKES, JOHN Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 HOOPER, J. Letter to editor re state of footpaths Text 1964 8 47 HOOPER, J., Mrs Letter to Council re confusing street names Text 1960 4 K Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOOPER'S LAND Purchased by Council from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 HORE, B.H. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 HOREGLAD, Anastasia Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 HOREGLAD, Lena Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 HORFIELD AVENUE Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 HORFIELD AVENUE Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 HORKINS, Keith Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 HORN ESTATE Subdivision of land approved Text 1959 3 139 HORNE, Richard Scholarship winner, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 95 HORNER, - Mr President, Fathers Assoc., Box Hill Tech. Text 1959 3 165 HORNER, Rosalie Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 HORSBROUGH, - (Mr) National Bank branch opening Photo 1956 2 0 HORSBROUGH, A.E. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 HORSFALL, John Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual show Text 1951 1 58 HORVATH, Giselle, Karl Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 HORVATH, Josef Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 HORWOOD, Heather To perform at concert Text 1959 3 165 HORWOOD, Heather Entertains at Youth Centre opening Text 1959 3 87, 89 HORWOOD, Heather Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 HOSIE, - Cr (Mayor) Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 HOSIE, W.G., Cr and wife Mayoress Reception Photo, Text 1960 4 92 HOSIE, W. Cr and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 HOSIE, W. G., Cr and wife Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOSIE, W. G., Mayor Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 L HOSIE, W. G., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 HOSIE, W., Cr and wife Guest at Elderly Citizens' Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 HOSIE, W., Mayor Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A HOSIE, W.G. To be a candidate in Council elections Text 1958 2 171 HOSIE, W.G. Conducted Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 4 117, 119, 141, 163 HOSIE, W.G. Returned unopposed as a Councillor Text 1964 8 37 HOSIE, W.G. Presented with Coat of Arms Photo, Text 1961 5 9, 10, 11 HOSIE, W.G. Thanks voters for re-election to Council Text 1964 8 55, 57 HOSIE, W.G. Returned unopposed at Council election Text 1961 5 12 HOSIE, W.G. Opened Spring Flower Show at Town Hall Text 1960 4 102 HOSIE, W.G. Made Life Member of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 HOSIE, W.G. Elected mayor Text 1960 4 72 HOSIE, W.G. Opened Bennettswood Bowling Club Text 1960 4 73, 78 HOSIE, W.G. and wife Report on interstate visit Text 1964 8 63 HOSIE, W.G. and wife Given presents at Return Ball Text 1961 5 M HOSIE, W.G., and wife At Box Hill High School Prefect installation Text 1961 4 152, 158 HOSIE, W.G., and wife At Civic Reception for London's Lord Mayor Text 1961 5 6, 7 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 HOSIE, W.G., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 HOSIE, W.G., Cr At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Whitehorse Festival Photo, Text 1960 4 73, 75 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Appointed Life Governor Buwood Hospital Text 1959 3 83 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOSIE, W.G., Cr Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 4 137 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Rates - Mayor's Signature Photo, Text 1960 4 127 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Burwood Community Hospital Photo, Text 1960 4 98 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Receiving Moral Rearmament H'book Photo, Text 1961 4 132 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Spoke at Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 182, 185 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 HOSIE, W.G., Cr Helped set up Kindergarten in Bennettswood Text 1963 7 160 HOSIE, W.G., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 HOSIE, W.G., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 HOSIE, W.G., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 58 HOSIE, W.G., Mrs Held Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 HOSIE, W.G., Mrs Chairs meeting to establish Younger Set for Deaf Text 1961 4 196 HOSIE, William Gilbert Candidate, Council elections Text 1958 2 172 HOSIE, WS.G., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 HOSKING, D. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HOSKING, Susan E. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HOTEL CHAUCER PTY. LTD Applied for liquor licence; strong opposition Text 1950 1 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 HOTHAM COURT Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 HOTHAM HARMONISTS Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 HOTHAM STREET Drainage scheme abandoned Text 1953 1 106 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HOTNIANSKY, Eugene, Ludmille Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 HOTNIANSKY, Eugene, Ludmille Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 HOUGH, - Miss Directed holiday play centre Text 1954 1 114, 139 HOUSING COMMISSION Builds units for elderly couples Text 1959 4 160 HOUSING COMMISSION Builds units for elderly couples Text 1957 2 52, 53, 105 HOUSING COMMISSION Prices paid for land acquired Text 1947 1 9 HOUSTON POST OFFICE New name for area Text 1961 5 39 HOUSTON SHOPPING CENTRE Will not be replaced when Healesville Freeway is built Text 1964 8 88 HOUSTON SHOPPING CENTRE Request for bus shelter Text 1964 8 1 HOUSTON SHOPPING CENTRE Reason why name was chosen Text 1964 8 70, 72 HOUSTON SHOPPING CENTRE Will be wiped out by Healesville Freeway Text 1963 7 111, 112 HOUSTON, A.S., Rev Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F HOUSTON, David Original purchaser of land, to be named after him Text 1961 5 39 HOUTEN, H.B. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 HOWARD, Julie Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 HOWARD, Sandra Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 HOWELL, P.F. Asks for made footpath in Warrigal Road Text 1963 7 95 HOWSHIP, Joan Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 HOWSON COURT Construction tender accepted Text 1956 2 10 HOYL, J. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 HOYTS THEATRES Own Burwood Drive in Text 1963 7 167, 168 HRVATIN, Joseph Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 HUBBARD, S.A. Suggestion to reduce litter Text 1962 6 92 HUDSON, A.E. Complains of pollution from timber mill Text 1959 3 51, 53 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

HUGHES STREET Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 HUGHES STREET Road construction plans opposed by Housing Comm. Text 1961 4 142 HUGHES STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 HUGHES STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 HUGHES, Winston Neville Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 HUI, Kai Sang Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 HUIJBREGTS, Cornelius Marinus J. Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 HULL, K.B. Letter to Council re parking conditions Text 1963 7 144 HULME, Nan Secretary, Youth Centre Text 1952 1 86 HUMPHREY, Karen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 HUNNINGS, E.C. Letter to Editor re lack of bus servive Text 1962 7 10 HUNT, A.W. Built Presb. Church hall in Tennyson St. Text 1961 4 203 HUNT, David Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 HUNT. D.J. Sells land to Council for Infant Welfare Centre Text 1960 3 192 HUNTER, R. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 HUNTER, Robert Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 HUNTER, Tab Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 HURLEY, A.M., Mrs Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F HURLEY, A.M., Mrs Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 HURLEY, M.J. Killed snake in Albion Road Text 1957 2 136 I.O.O.F. EASTERN SUBURBS Bowls competition detailed Text 1948 1 23 IAN GROVE Road construction planned Text 1964 8 41 IERNA, Antonio Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 IGRA, Elizabeth Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ILES, L. Spoke at meeting to oppose planned bus depot Text 1962 5 93 ILES, Robert L. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 ILLMAN, G. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 IMRAY, - Mrs Box Hill 'Reporter'; attended Pensioner Assoc. Dinner Text 1961 5 69 IMRAY, H.R. Letter to editor re rate rise Text 1959 3 32 INFANT WELFARE CENTRE To be established in Bennettswood Text 1960 3 192 INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Increased room needed Text 1957 2 104, 106 INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Box Hill North, Tenders invited; opening Text 1958 2 140, 188 INFANT WELFARE CENTRE To be moved to Bank Street Text 1960 4 J INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Planned for Bank Street, Govt grant Text 1959 3 27, 31, 33 INFANT WELFARE CENTRE Quarterly report given Text 1963 7 111 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Volunteers needed Text 1962 6 33 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Attendance figures given Text 1959 3 34 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Reports of attendance Text 1959 3 135 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Quarterly report on attendances Text 1964 8 36 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Two new ones planned Text 1947 1 7 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Locations of, what they do Photo, Text 1961 5 18 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Attendance figures given Text 1959 3 69 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Attendance figures given Text 1960 4 115 INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Attendance figures given Text 1961 5 I INFANT WELFARE CENTRES Attendance figures given Text 1961 5 34 INGAMELLS, R. President of Rostrum Club which mets at night Text 1964 7 197 INGLESE, Bambina, Domenico, Alfonso Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 INGLETON, Kevin Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

INGLIS STREET Request for construction Text 1956 2 9 INGLIS STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1960 4 L INGLIS STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 INGLIS STREET Unmade, complaints on condition of Text 1958 3 J, 101, 103 INGLIS STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 47 INGLIS STREET Footpaths to be completed in part Text 1961 4 169 INGLIS STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 INVERNESS AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 27, 157 IRELAND STREET Concrete footpaths to be constructedConcrete footpaths Text 1962 6 32, 33, 51 to be constructed IRELAND STREET In poor condition Text 1960 4 81, 85 IRELAND, A.E., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 IRELAND, Thelma Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 IRIS STREET Residents complain of poor condition; plan to construct Text 1948 1 26, 28 IRVINE, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 IRVINE, Robert Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 IRVING PARK Behind Box Hill State School; parade there Text 1960 4 34 ISAACSON, Peter Anzac Day ceremony Photo, Text 1960 4 6 ISAACSON, Peter DFC AFC DFM To take Anzac Day salute Text, Photo 1960 4 C, 6, 7 ISLES, Robert Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 46, 48 IVORY, R.E. Talk given to Box Hill Club Text 1958 3 D IVORY, R.E. Attended Civil Defence School Text 1958 2 200 IVORY, Robert E. Is Civil Defence Trainer; letter to Editor Text 1963 7 135 IVY STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 9, 11, 32 IVY STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

IVY STREET Construction cost given Text 1960 4 14 JACKSON AVENUE Road Construction - Landscaping Photo, Text 1961 4 201 JACKSON AVENUE Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103, 119 JACKSON RESERVE Scout Hall to be officially opened by Mayor Text 1963 7 92, 96, 99 JACKSON STREET Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 JACKSON STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 JACKSON STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 JACKSON, A., Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1961 4 180 JACKSON, A.J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 JACKSON, Helen Vice President, Auxiliary for Deaf Kindergartenl Text 1961 4 196 JACKSON, Lola To ride horse in Royal Visit parade Text 1954 1 117, 118, 119 JACKSON, Telford Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 JACKSON, Telford Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 JACOB, H. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 JAKOBSEN, Hans Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 JAMES STREET, No. 18 - DAY NURSERY Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 JAMES, Janet Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 JAMES, Len Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B JAMES, Lorraine Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 JAMES, S.H., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 JAMIESON, J. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 JAMIESON, J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 JAMIESON, J. Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 JAMIESON, J.K. Former President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JAMIESON, Jeff President, Chamber of Commerce Photo, Text 1962 6 18, 48 JAMIESON, Jeff Car parking Extension proposed Photo, Text 1964 7 178 JAMIESON, Jeff Went to Sydney to look at rail crossing abolition Text 1963 7 163, 164 JAMIESON, Jeff and wife Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 JANDA COURT Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 JANE, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 JANE, E.,Mr. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 JANESZEWSKI, K., Mrs Found cigarette in bread Text 1961 4 171 JANISZEWSKI, Katherina Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 JANS, Cary Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 JANSEN, Johannes Paulus Maria Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 JANSEN, Maria T.M. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 JANSEN, Maryke Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H JANSONS, Milija, Visaldis Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 JANSONS, Peteris Family allowed to leave Russia Photo, Text 1959 3 118 JANSSEN, F., Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K JANSSEN, G., Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K JARMAN ST CLAIR Factory approved Text 1959 3 153 JARRETT, Thelam Speaker at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 104 JARVIS, - On first roll of Burwood School, 1865 Text 1965 8 165 JARVIS, - Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 JARVIS, A.S., Mrs C.W.A. President, thanked retiring Town Clerk Text 1956 2 B JARVIS, B. Clerk, promoted Text 1952 1 76 JARVIS, O., Mrs Suggests town hall lighting on flower beds Text 1964 8 11, 12 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JARVIS, Olive Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 JAYCEES Complain of increased speed allowed Text 1955 1 141 JAYCEES Working bee at Alkira Text 1955 1 135 JEFFERIES, K. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 JEFFERY, F.T. Presided at AGM of Youth Club Text 1958 3 B JEFFREY, - and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 JEFFREY, - Cr Caught flu Text 1959 3 72 JEFFREY, - Cr Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 JEFFREY, - F.T. Opens Parkside Kindergarten extension Text 1959 3 56 JEFFREY, - Miss Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A JEFFREY, - Mrs Snr Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A JEFFREY, - W., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A JEFFREY, Cr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 71 JEFFREY, F., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 JEFFREY, F., Cr V. President, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 JEFFREY, F.L., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 JEFFREY, F.T. Elected mayor Text 1958 2 186 JEFFREY, F.T. Opened volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 JEFFREY, F.T. Ill, unable to attend Youth Centre Opening Text 1959 3 94 JEFFREY, F.T. Traffic congestion, helicopter ride Photo, Text 1959 3 119 JEFFREY, F.T. Invested Prefects, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 JEFFREY, F.T. Councillor Photo 1958 2 188 JEFFREY, F.T. Opens new premises of Box Hill Club Text 1959 3 55 JEFFREY, F.T. Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JEFFREY, F.T. Returned unopposed at Council election Text 1961 5 12 JEFFREY, F.T. and wife Return Ball organised for them Text 1959 3 105 JEFFREY, F.T. and wife At Kindergarten Open Day Text 1959 3 69 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr Retiring from Council at next election Text 1964 8 1 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr Travelling overseas on holiday Text 1964 8 2 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr Granted leave of absence, ill Text 1963 7 63 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr and wife Presided at Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 JEFFREY, F.T., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 JEFFREY, F.T., Mrs Officially opened Opportunity shop Text 1959 3 39 JEFFREY, F.T., Mrs Mayoress, gave reception Text 1958 3 A JEFFREY, F.T., Mrs Invites residents to join hospital auxilliary Text 1959 3 56 JEFFREY, F.T., Mrs To be made a Life Governor of Children's Hospital Text 1959 3 125 JEFFREY, F.T.,Cr Nominated for Life Governorship of Burwood Hospital Text 1962 6 21 JEFFREY, Frank Candidate council elections Photo 1952 1 79, 84 JEFFREY, Frank Nominated Life Governor of hospital Text 1954 1 130 JEFFREY, Frank, Cr and wife Leaving for overseas tour Text 1964 7 201 JEFFREY, Helen Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 JEFFREY, K. & F. Application for printing factory approved Text 1960 4 114 JEFFREY, K. and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 JEFFREY, Marion Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 JEFFREY, Mayoress Visiting kindergarten Photo 1959 3 95 JEFFREY, Rae Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JEFFREYS, - Mayoress Debutant Ball Photo 1959 3 70 JEFFREYS, Frank Treasurer, Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 54 JEFFRIES, F.T. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 JEFFRIES, Janice Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 JEFFS, Dale Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 JELLICOE STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33 JELLICOE STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 JELLICOE STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 JELLICOE STREET Section to be constructed Text 1960 4 36 JELLICOE STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 JENES, Nandor Shared producer's award with Alex Foster Text 1961 5 C JENKIN, David Worthington Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 JENKIN, Owen Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 JENKINS, - Mrs (nee FITHIE) Gives some Fithie family history Text 1961 5 N JENKINS, Albertine A. Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 JENKINS, Barry Instructor, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B JENKINS, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 JENKINS, Lynette Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H JENKINS, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 JENKINS, Margaret Secretary, Auxiliary for Deaf Kindergarten Text 1961 4 196 JENKINS, P.F., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 JENKINS, R. and Wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 JENNER, A.K. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 JENNINGS, F.H. Built Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JENNINGS, F.H. To build sports pavilion Surrey Park Text 1964 8 11 JENSEN, Anne Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 JOHN, Ursula Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 JOHNSON, Arthur Violinist, performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 JOHNSON, Arthur Violinist, performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 JOHNSON, C.A. Complains about Bushy Creek drain works Text 1964 8 38 JOHNSON, Clive, Mrs Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 JOHNSON, Clive, Mrs Committee, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 JOHNSON, D. G., Cr. Will not seek re-election Photo 1965 9 9 JOHNSON, D.G., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 JOHNSON, D.G., Cr Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 JOHNSON, D.G., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 JOHNSON, D.J., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 JOHNSON, Dorthe M.E. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 JOHNSON, Doug Candidate, Council Election Photo, Text 1962 6 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 72, 83, 84, 85 JOHNSON, G., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 JOHNSON, Kerrie Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 JOHNSON, Lyn Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H JOHNSTON, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 JOHNSTON, - Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 JOHNSTON, - Mrs Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 JOHNSTON, Anne Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H JOHNSTON, Barbara Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 JOHNSTON, Gillian Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JOHNSTON, J.R., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 JOHNSTON, Janice Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 JOHNSTON, Lesley Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 JOHNSTON, S., Miss Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 JOHNSTON, S., Miss Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 JOHNSTON, S., Miss On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 JOHNSTON, Susan Miss Sponsors Miss Box Hill Quest with Chamber Text 1961 5 16, 18 JOHNSTON, Suzan, Deportment School, took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 JOHNSTONE, D. Reports street trees damaging property Text 1964 8 42, 48, 55 JOLIE GROVE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 JOLIE GROVE To be constructed Text 1959 3 135 JOLIE GROVE Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 JONE'S LAND Purchased by Council from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 JONES, Barry Helped in floods, Burwood Text 1963 7 51 JONES, Colin Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 JONES, E. Letter to editor re bad roads Text 1959 3 146 JONES, Heather Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 JONES, J., Mrs President St Andrews Parents Association Text 1949 1 31 JONES, Jeff Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 JONES, Lynette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 JONES, Michael Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 JONES, R.D. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 JONES, R.O. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 JONES, Reginald Clive Trained Debutantes, Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JONES, Ron R., M.B.E. In charge of Commonwealth Employment Office Text 1962 5 89 JOOK, B. Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K JOOK, Konstantin I. Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 JORGENSEN, Bertha Led Vic. Symphony Orchestra concert Text 1961 4 145 JOSKE, Enid At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 JOYETTE, PALMERS ARCADE Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 JOYHILL AVENUE Part to be constructed Text 1964 8 74 JOYHILL AVENUE Transfer of Subdivision Plan Text 1960 4 113 JOYNT, W.D. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 JOYNT, W.D. & CO. PTY . LTD New premises officially opened Text 1959 3 145 JOYNT, W.D. & CO. PTY . LTD Factory registered Text 1959 3 57 JUBILEE DAY Report of plans for Text 1951 1 56 JUBRAN, B. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K JUBRAN, E. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K JUDKINS, H.G., Dr Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F JUNGINGER, Alfred Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organised International concert Text 1958 2 158 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Supports granting of liquor licences Text 1956 2 13, 16 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Some members visited U.S. world congress Text 1958 3 1 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Provide equipment for new playground on Seymour Road Text 1962 6 19, 21, 22 JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To be established Text 1954 1 132 JUNIOR COUNCIL Proposal for school children Text 1960 3 199, 203, 204 JUNIOR COUNCIL Explanation of Text 1960 4 52 JUNIOR COUNCIL Various pupils attend Council meeting Text 1961 5 C Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

JUNIOR COUNCIL Report on Text 1961 5 9, 11 JUNIOR COUNCIL To sit in Council Chamber next week Text 1961 5 6 JUNIOR COUNCIL Report of meeting, officials named Text 1961 5 11, 13 JUNIOR COUNCIL Pupils attend Council meeting Text 1961 4 183, 187, 201 JUNIOR COUNCIL Activities of Text 1960 4 10, 14, 22, 35, 43 JURCZYK, Zita, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 KAAL, Willem Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 KACZMARKE, Josef Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 KAHANE, Charlotte, Jacob Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 KAJTAR, Michael Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 KAJTAR, Michael E. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 KALEJS, Alberts, Ida E. Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 KALLAUR, Theodore Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 KAMPHAUSEN, V. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 KANGERONG ROAD, No. 32 House being converted to homes for elderly Text 1963 7 75, 128 KARKOSKA, Angelea, Mrs Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 KARLS, Gerhard Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 KARLSTRAND, N. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 KARLSTRAND, N.B., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 KARTSOUNIS, George Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 KARYDIS, Nicolas Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 KARYDIS, Stella, Miss Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 KATERELOS, S. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K KAVANAGH, D.J. Represented Immig. Dept at Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KAY COURT Cost of road construction to come Text 1961 5 5 KAY, - Subdivisionof land approved Text 1959 3 139 KAY, B.P. Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 KAYE, - Mr and Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 KEDZI, Klara, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 KEENAN, B. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 KEEP, J., Mrs Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 KEFFORD COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 KEGLER, Ilga Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 KELDERMAN, William Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 KELLETT, Robyn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 KELLOW, - Holeproof employee, wrote to Council Text 1963 7 109 KELLY, - Mr Auditor, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B KELLY, - Rev Father Objects to paying for road construction Text 1964 8 22, 23 KELLY, D.J. Acting manager, ANZ Bank local branch Text 1961 4 179 KELLY, H. H., Mr. Free Mobile Library Service Photo, Text 1962 7 20 KELLY, P., Mrs Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 KELLY, R. J. (SM) Welcomed Mayor to Magistrates' Bench Text 1965 9 7 KELLY, Tom Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 KELLY, Tom Won UN Marathon in South Korea Text 1961 5 37, 38 KEMOL PTY. LTD. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 KEMP STREET Road constructed, cost given Text 1963 7 131 KEMP, - Mayoress Background given Text 1951 1 68 KEMP, - Mrs Death of wife of former Councillor Text 1959 3 98, 99 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KEMP, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A KEMP, F.A. Letter to Editor re derelict site Text 1962 5 81 KEMP, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 KEMP, K., Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 KEMP, R. L. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 KEMP, W. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 KEMP, W.A. Will not restand for Council Text 1958 2 168, 179, 183, 187 KEMP, W.A. Founder member Box Hill Film Society Text 1964 8 33, 43 KEMP, W.A. Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 KEMP, W.A. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F KEMP, W.A. Vice President, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 KEMP, W.A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 KEMP, W.A. and wife Return Ball given to them Text 1952 1 82 KEMP, W.A. and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 KEMP, W.A., Dr Received O.B.E. at Government House ceremony Text 1964 8 8 KEMP, W.A., Dr Vice President, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 KEMP, W.A., Dr Received O.B.E., activities listed Text 1963 7 93 KEMP, W.A., Dr and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949, 1953 1 33, 99 KEMP, W.A., Dr and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 KEMP, W.A., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 KEMP, William Alfred Elected Mayor Text 1951 1 68 KENMARE STREET Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 KENMARE STREET, No. 20 Resident opposes fluoridation Text 1964 8 3 KENNEDY, J.P. & A.A. Permit for factory granted Text 1960 4 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KENNEDY, JOHN PANEL WORKS Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 33 KENNEDY, Pamela Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 KENNEDY, Patricia Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 KENNEDY, Robert Council employee; patrolman Text 1960 4 27 KENNEDY, Sandra Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H KENT HUGHES,- Lady Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 KENT HUGHES, Wilfed Sir KBE, MP Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 KENT, Rodney Street lighting in poor condition Text 1965 8 156 KENTWELL, John Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 KEOGH COURT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 KEOGH COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 KEPPEL, P. Complains about reserve in Waratah Avenue Text 1961 5 60 KERR, - Seriously ill; president of Combined Pens. Assoc. Text 1963 7 48 KERR, C.D. Complains of lack of bus service Text 1962 7 22 KERR, F.G. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 KERR, F.W. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F KERR, F.W. City Engineer, forced to retire, ill health Text 1947 1 A KERRIMUIR Explanation of why the name was chosen Text 1961 5 I, N KERRIMUIR NORTH New shopping centre Text 1959 3 48 KERRIMUIR NORTH SHOPPING CENTRE Traders want roads made Text 1961 5 36 KERRIMUIR PRESB. CHURCH New Minister inducted Text 1965 8 132 KERRIMUIR SHOPPING CENTRE View of shops Photo, text 1964 8 4 KERRIMUIR SHOPPING CENTRE Drainage scheme at rear to be implemented Text 1961 4 167, 184 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Crossing planned in Dorking Road Text 1964 8 94, 98 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Motorists driving on footpath near school Text 1962 6 91 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Temp accommodation will cease later in year Text 1960 4 M KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Request for pedestrian crossing Text 1962 6 12 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Building being planned Text 1958 2 155, 158, 160 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Temp accommodation elsewhere for under 6 years. Text 1960 3 200 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL No made roads, temporary footpath an option Text 1959 3 44, 91, 92 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL School crossing needed Text 1964 8 9, 11 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Additional classrooms planned Text 1961 5 21 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL Urges better bus service in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 10 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE Will do own traffic count Text 1961 5 3 KERRIMUIR STATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE Wants crossing for students; refused Text 1961 5 25 KERRIMUIR STREET Levels fixed, footpath being laid Text 1959 3 57, 91, 92 KERRIMUIR STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 KERRIMUIR STREET Part of, construction completed Text 1964 8 1, 76 KERRIMUIR STREET Drainage scheme to be implemented Text 1961 4 167, 184 KERRIMUIR STREET, No. 28 Resident writes letter to Editor Text 1965 8 133 KERRIMUIR TRADERS ASSOCIATION Protests at mobile ice-cream vendors Text 1965 8 167, 169, 198, 199 KERTESZ, Marlene, Robert Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 KETIS, Edvard, L. Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 KEWIN,Flora Announced engagement to Howard Harvey Text 1963 7 111 KEYS, Maurice S. Theodore Street; letter to editor Text 1953 1 102 KIBBY, R., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 KILDONAN CHILDREN'S HOME Council sought information on proposed change Text 1960 4 118 KILLARA STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KILLORN, James Frederick Applies for spirit merchant's licence Text 1953 1 92 KILNER, Jeanette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 KILNER, K.M. Complains of state of McIntyre Street Text 1961 5 M KILSYTH AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 27, 157 KILTO STREET Construction plans approved Text 1964 8 38, 75 KILTO STREET Drainage scheme at rear approved Text 1961 4 184 KIMBERLEY, J. District Scout Commissioner, at hall opening Text 1963 7 99 KING GEORGE Death of, service planned Text 1952 1 71, 72, 74 KING, A.G. Complains of poor state of roads Photo, Text 1965 8 118 KING, Andrew Library Art show winner, student Text 1953 1 98, 101 KING, David Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 KING, Elizabeth Georgina Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 KING, M. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 KINGSLE CRESCENT/GILBERT STREET Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 KINGSLEY, P.R., Executors of Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 'KINTORE' HOUSE, BURWOOD ROAD Bennett family born there Text 1961 5 47 KIRATZIS, Pandeleimon Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 KIRBY, R. Thanks Council for Home Help Service Text 1959 3 94 KIRK, Adam K. Sheriff of London, Australian born, visits Photo, Text 1961 5 6, 9, 10, 11 KIRKBY, W. Comments on damaged White Horse Statue Text 1963, 1964 7 138, 176 KIRKBY, W. Elected President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 KIRKBY, W. Returned from overseas trip Text 1963 7 64 KIRKBY, W. Vice President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 KIRKBY, W. (Bill) Car Parking - USA model Photo, Text 1963 7 47, Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KIRKBY, W. (Bill) Station Street, Railway Crossing Photo, Text 1963 7 61 KIRKBY, W. E. Retail Business - Box Hill Photo, Text 1964 7 180 KIRKBY, W. E. Candidate for Council Photo 1965 9 20, 22 KIRKBY, W.E. Member, Rotary Club Text 1964 8 93 KIRKBY, W.E. New President Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 69, 71 KIRKBY, W.E. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21, 84 KIRKBY, W.E. Re-elected President of Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 KIRKHAM & BRETT Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 KIRKHAM, Maria Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 KIRMOS, Calliope, Peter Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 KISTLER, Peter Klaus Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 KITCHENER STREET Drain extension to be undertaken Text 1954 1 113 KITCHENER STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33, 94, 133 KITCHENER STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 KLEINERT, S.E. Candiate in Council Elections Text 1957 2 120 KLINGER, - Mrs Treasurer, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 KLINGER, F. Treasurer, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 KLINGER, G., Mrs Treasurer of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 KLUTH, Hans Werner Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 KNEALE DRIVE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 42, 157 KNEEN, Robin Organiser, Hospital Ball Photo, Text 1962 6 68 KNIGHT, Chris Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 KNOWLES, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 KNOWLES, John Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KNOWLES, Marion Miller Obituary Text 1949 1 39 KNOWLES, Maureen Mayoral Ball, Debutantel Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 KNOWLES, Roger With damaged White Horse statue Photo, Text 1963 7 161 KNOX, George E. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 KOLAVCIC, Frumenzi, Louisa M. Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 KOLLER, Maria Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 KONDAROVSKIS, Herta Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 KOONUNG CREEK Land given to Council Text 1959 3 40 KOONUNG CREEK Proposal to establish sewerage treatment plant Text 1949 1 41 KOONUNG CREEK AREA Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 KOONUNG CREEK RESERVE Garbage tip planned Text 1964 8 87, 94, 127, 128 KOONUNG HARMONISTS To make TV debut New Year's Eve Text 1961 5 68 KOONUNG HEIGHTS GIRL GUIDES Hall opened. Photo 1964 8 75 KOONUNG HEIGHTS GIRL GUIDES Started 3 years ago, hopes to erect hall Text 1961 4 192 KOONUNG HEIGHTS GIRL GUIDES ASSOC. Married women as trustees raise query Text 1963 7 112 KOONUNG HEIGHTS GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Council gives loan towards Hall in Rostrevor Pde. Text 1963 7 80 KOONUNG HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL To get boom gate crossing Text 1960 4 56, 88 KOONUNG HEIGHTS KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 KOONUNG HEIGHTS MOTHERS CLUB Traffic safety concerns Text 1958 2 163 KOONUNG HEIGHTS PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE Letter to Council Text 1958 2 169 KOONUNG HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Meeting held to form Text 1949 1 37 KOONUNG HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION May have to be wound up Text 1952 1 83, 85 KOONUNG HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Have completed footbridge in Corio Road Text 1955 1 137 KOONUNG HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Creek a filthy mess Text 1956 2 32 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KOONUNG HEIGHTS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Candidate council elections Text 1951 1 66 KOONUNG HEIGHTS SCOUTS -10th GROUP Apply to fence land in Boondara Road Text 1961 4 162 KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL New library opened Text 1964 8 21 KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL Roads and foothpaths lacking Text 1960 4 34 KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL To get lighter boom gate crossing Text 1962 7 21 KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL Offer to pay for school crossing in Belmore Road Text 1960 4 35 KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL Need approaches sealed Text 1961 5 H KOONUNG HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL Thanks Council for barriers at crossing Text 1961 4 149 KOONUNG HIGH SCHOOL To open next year, drainage works needed Text 1965 8 150 KOONUNG HIGH SCHOOL Tenders called for construction of Text 1964 8 85, 90, 105 KOOY, Pieter, Elizabeth Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 KORINI, Wladsyslaw Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 KOST, Geertruida Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 KOUACS, Gyula Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 KOVACS, Karoly Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 KOVACS, Karoly Jnr Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 KOWALCZYK, Stanislaw Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 KOWALSKI, Stanislawa Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 KOWALSKI, Tadeusz Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 KOZAK, Iwan Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 KOZAR, Pauline Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 KOZBIEL. Boleshaw Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 KRAL, R. Elected President of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 KRINS, Aafje W.C. Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

KRISTO, Jack Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 KRONK, A.B. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A KRUS, Barry Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 KUBLER, K.S. Snake killed in front of his house Text 1957 2 136 KUCKHAHN, Gisela Eugenia, Heinz Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 KUSZLA, Gisela, Wlodzimierz Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 KUTKA, Josef Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 KUYPERS, Teo Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 KWIATKOWSKI, Ruth Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 LA FRANK STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 LABURNUM RAILWAY STATION Has opened Text 1958 2 168 LACEY, L., and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 LACK, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 LADE, Helen Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 LADE, Jenny Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H 'LADY GODIVA' Led parade, Whitehorse Festival Photo, Text 1960 4 60, 69, 73, 75 LAIRD, William Performed, Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 LAIRD, William Compered Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 LAKIN, Harold Clifton Fined for dumping rubbish Text 1961 4 163 LAMB, M.S. Branch Manager, Bank of New South Wales Text 1964 8 88 LAMB, M.S. Manager, Bank of NSW, Box Hill Branch Text 1963 7 73 LAMB, M.S. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LAMB, Max Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 LAMB, Patricia Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LAMBURD, H. and wife (Swedish Consul) Guest, Mayoral Ball Text 1964 8 10 LAMMERS, Cornelia H.G., Gerardus Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 LAMZON, P. Letter to Editor re need for bus service increase Text 1962 7 7 LANCASHIRE, W.S. Letter to Editor Text 1952 1 77 LANCASTER, A. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F LANCASTER, Robert Moral Rearmament H'book Photo, Text 1961 4 132 LANDALE STREET Residents wish to plant street trees Text 1961 4 166 LANDALE STREET, No. 40 Resident protests rate rise Text 1964 7 188 LANGENHORST, Franciscus F. Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 LANGENHORST, Wilhelmina M. Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 LANGER, Karl Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 LANGLEY, S. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 LANLOH, P. Letter to editor re bus routes extension Text 1962 7 5 LANYAN, Cecil and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 LANZOM, P. Doncaster Road dangerous Text 1961 4 192, 195 LARBEY, B.M., Mrs Letter to Editor, asks for amenties at bus terminal Text 1965 8 124 LARBEY, B.M., Mrs Letter to Editor re lack of traffic lights Text 1965 8 133 LARGE, Avis Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 LARK, N.J. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 LATHAM, Sir John and wife Opened new public library Text 1950 1 55 LAUCHAN, June Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 LAWFORD STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 LAWFORD STREET Part to be sewered Text 1963 7 76 LAWRENCE, B. Vice President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LAWRENCE, J. Complains about brickworks pollution Text 1961 4 147 LAWRIE, I.J. Complains of condition of street Text 1959 3 113, 114 LAWSON, - Mrs Donated toys to kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 LAWTON, J. Council building surveyor, presents report Text 1963 7 94 LE COUTEUR, Bruce Phillip J. Suffered electric shock Text 1957 2 49 LE COUTEUR, Glenys Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 LEACH AVENUE Needed construction Text 1959 3 78 LEACH AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 LEACH AVENUE Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 LEACH AVENUE Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 LEACH AVENUE Road construction cheaper than estimated Text 1962 7 10 LEACH, - Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 LEACH, Helen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 LEACH, T. Letter to Clouncil re Rutland Road parking Text 1961 5 4 LEACH, Thomas Candidate council elections Photo 1952 1 78 LEAHY, Cheryl Rescued in floods, Burwood Text 1963 7 51 LEAHY, Maureen Rescued in floods, Burwood Photo, Text 1963 7 51 LEAKE, Colin Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 LEE, A. J. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 LEE, F.M. New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D LEE, F.M. President, School Council, Box Hill Tech. Text 1959 3 165 LEE, F.M. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LEE, G.E. Teacher, Mont Albert Central School Text 1961 4 183 LEE, Leopoldine Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LEE, R. Builder, Scout Hall Jackson Avenue Text 1963 7 99 LEE, T.C., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 LEECH, - Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 LEECH, Dawn Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 LEECH, Dawn Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H LEEMAN, D.H. (Don) Complains about Drive In visitors behaviour Text 1965 8 154 LEES, K.J. Asks when street construction will start Text 1959 3 119 LEES, Stella, Mrs Letter to Editor re H-bomb Text 1961 5 58 LEES, T. Wants street name change Text 1960 4 76 LEEWORTHY, Gil Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 LEGACY Established locally Text 1961 4 190 LEGACY - Local Branch Report of first annual dinner held Text 1962 6 19 LEGACY WEEK APPEAL Mayor supports Text 1961 5 23 LEGG, F.E. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LEGG, G.C., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 LEIDLOFF, Marianne Coronet Model College Principal Photo, Text 1959 3 79, 137 LEIFMAN, H.A. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 LEIFMAN, Harry Retired from committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B LEIGH, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A LEIGH, Margaret Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 LEIGH, P. C., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 LEIGH, P.C. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 LEIGH, P.C. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 LEIGH, Percy C. Appointed Ass. Town Clerk Text 1948 1 15 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LEIGH, Percy C. Given Coronation Award Text 1953 1 97 LEIGH, Percy C. Appointed Acting Town Clerk; steps down Text 1952 1 76, 78, 92 LEIGH, Percy C. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 LENNOX, Robyn Hit by car on way to school Text 1964 8 23 LEONARD STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 LEONARD STREET Rear, blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 LEONARD STREET Road construction scheme prepared; part of Text 1961 4 169 LEONARD STREET Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 LEOPOLD CRESCENT, No. 7 6 Villa Flats erected, prices paid Text 1963 7 170 LEPRE, Giuseppe Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 LESCUN, M. Founder/president BH Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1957 2 133 LESKE, E., Rev and wife Attended Pensioner Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 LESLIE, - Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 LESNIAK, Antoni, Janina Naturalised Text 1961 4 137, 141 LEVICH, H. Objector to installation of TV Tower Photo, Text 1961 5 6A LEWIN, - Mrs Billets Goroke children, son is teacher there Text 1963 7 127, 128 LEWIN, S.J. Brings Goroke school children on a visit Text 1961 5 35, 38 LEWIN, Stan Brings Goroke children to Council meeting Text 1963 7 127, 128 LEWIS, C.H. Elected President, Library Association Text 1961 5 38 LEWIS, H. C. (Bert) Rotary Award - Top Citizen Photo 1965 9 17, 19 LEWIS, H. C. Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 LEWIS, H.C. Spoke to Box Hill Club Text 1958 3 M LEWIS, H.C. Librarian Photo 1959 3 49 LEWIS, H.C. Library report Text 1960 4 5 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LEWIS, H.C. Develops Australiana collection at library Text 1959 3 175 LEWIS, H.C. Free Mobile Library Service Text 1962 7 20 LEWIS, H.C. Re-elected President of Library Association Text 1962 6 94 LEWIS, H.C. Secretary, Centenary committee Text 1956 2 6 LEWIS, H.C. Joint Library Proposal Photo, Text 1960 4 98 LEWIS, H.C. Spoke at Rotary luncheon Text 1960 4 16 LEWIS, H.C. Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 LEWIS, Phillip, Dr and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 LEWIS, R.H, Dr Belmore Roads, wants bus stop moved Text 1963 7 79 LEWIS, R.M. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 LEXTON ROAD New factory opened Text 1958 3 2 LEXTON ROAD Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 LEXTON ROAD Permit for factory granted Text 1961 4 197 LEXTON ROAD, No. 2 Resident wrote letter to Editor (incomplete) Text 1961 4 153 LEXTON ROAD, No. 41- 43 No standing zone needed Text 1961 4 131 LEXTON ROAD, No. 43 Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 33 LEXTON ROAD, No. 45 Commercial pump to be installed Text 1957 2 137 LEXTON ROAD, No. 49 Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 LIBCHARD, Mieczyslow, Viktoria Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 LIBERAL & COUNTRY PARTY, MONT ALBERT BRANCH AGM held, office bearers elected Text 1960 4 44 LIBERAL PARTY Dispute over rented site Text 1952 1 89 LICHENSTEIN, Maria Veronica Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 LIEBIG, Ingeborg Alma H., Marlies Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 LIEBIG, Johannes Paul Herman Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LIEPINS, Elmara, Brigita Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 LIESTING, Elizabeth, Pieter Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 LIGHTFOOT STREET Unnecessary Tree Lopping claim Photo 1964 8 26 LINCOLN AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 LINCOLN, Merv Guest Speaker, Box Hill Rotary Text 1963 7 114 LIND, - Mrs Involved with Kindergarten Text 1963 7 76 LIND, S., Mrs Play Leader, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 LINDA AVENUE Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 LINDA AVENUE Unnamed resident objected to road construction scheme Text 1964 8 28 LINDA AVENUE Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 LINDA AVENUE Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 LINDA STREET Will be sewered next year Text 1961 5 70A LINDELL, Elliott Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 LINDELL, Stanley Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 LINDEN STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 LINDEN STREET Construction cost given Text 1954 1 129 LINDEN, E.P. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A LINDRUM, Walter Gave billiard exhibition in Town Hall Text 1959 3 60 LINES, J. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 LINSLEY STREET Rail crossing to be moved Text 1949 1 42 LINTON, Richard, Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68, 71 LINTON, Richard, Mrs Coached Debutantes Text 1957 2 99 LINTON, Richard, Mrs Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 LINTON, Richard, Mrs Trained Debutantes Text 1960 4 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LISTER, Arthur 3AC Compere, MC for charity event Text 1959 3 60 LISTON, J.J. VFA Award,won by Box Hill's D. Beasy Text 1961 5 46 LITERSKA, Irena Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H LITTLE, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 LITTLE, Arthur Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A LITTLE, F.M. Proposes bus service Warrigal Road Text 1954 1 116 LITTLE, Joan Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 LIVINGSTON, D. No water to property in hot weather Text 1963 7 54 LIVINGSTON, David Belmore Road, lost water supply Text 1961 4 137 LLOYD STREET Flooding to continue until drainage fixed Text 1964 8 31 LLOYD STREET Cars being damaged by surface angle Text 1961 4 192 LLOYD, Edward, Emma Bought property from Tacey family c1895 Text 1965 8 146 LLOYD, George, Hilda Owner of shop destroyed by fire Text 1965 8 146 LLOYD, J. Returning officer, DLP local branch Text 1958 2 168 LLOYD, Ron Moved family butchery to new brick shop c1958 Text 1965 8 146 LLOYD, Sylvia Town Hall staff, on overseas trip Text 1962 5 81 LOBB, C. Hardware merchant, Wattle Park Text 1958 2 162 LOCKWOOD, Douglas Prize winning book now in Box Hill Library Text 1962 7 18 LOCKWOOD, L.T., Mrs. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 K, L LOCKWOOD, S.A. Wants street trees removed to be replaced Text 1959 3 94 LODDON STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 LODEWYCKX, A., Dr Court case, objected to road construction Text 1947 1 8 LOGAN, H.C. Council rate collector, going toEngland Text 1959 3 60 LOGAN, Hugh Thomas Rate collector, died in Scotland Text 1959 3 125 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LOGAN, J.A. Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 200 LOGAN, T.H.O. Rate collector, visited Dorking UK in 1959 Text 1961 4 132 LONG, - Miss Kindergarten director Text 1963 7 76 LONG, E., Miss Director, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 LONG, F.G.A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 LONG, Olwyn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 LONGMUIR, W.O. & SON To build Box Hill Bowl Illus. 1963 7 114 LONGTHORP, R.V., Rev Former Minister, Church of Christ Text 1961 5 71 LONIE, - Mr. & Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 LONIE, F.H. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 LONIE, Frank and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 LORAINE AVENUE Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 LORAINE AVENUE, No. 27 Resident writes re rates and valuations Text 1964 8 28 LORRAINE AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 LORRAINE AVENUE Tender accepted for road construction Text 1960 4 119 LORRAINE AVENUE Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 LOTHIAN, L.A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LOUIS, A.G. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 LOUPOS, Nicolaos Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 LOVASS, Andras, Maria Gabriella Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 LOVASS, Andras, Maria Gabriella Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 LOVE, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A LOVE, A.W. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 LOVE, J.C., Mrs Mayor's mother; attended Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LOVE, J.C., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 LOVEDAY, Frank Doveton, DLP member Text 1958 2 168 LOVEJOY, - Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 LOVIE, D.L. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LOWEN, Walter, Dr Table tennis champion Text 1948 1 23 LOWLY, Colin Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 LOY, S. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 LOYAL ORANGE LODGE Plan to house the elderly Text 1948 1 27 LOYAL ORANGE TRUST Details rates paid and planned flats Text 1953 1 96 LUCARELLI, Pietro Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 LUCAS, C.H. To give advertising campaign for Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 8 LUKE, Margaret Jane, Mrs Obituary; 92 years Text 1963 7 74 LUKE, Gail Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 LUKE, M.J., Mrs Gives stone from A. Wright's house for Cairn Text 1961 5 67 LUKE, R., or E., Miss Gave talk to Historical Society Text 1963 7 141, 143 LUNDBERG, - Mrs Proprietor of Child Care Centre, Bank St Text 1964 7 185 LUNDGREN, - and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 LUNDGREN, Belle Outfit worn to Mayoress reception described Text 1963 7 142 LUNDGREN, Betty Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 LUNDGREN, Carl Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 LUNDGREN, Carl E. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 LUNDGREN, E. Cr., and wife Mayoral Ball and Return Ball Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 11, 13, 38 LUNDGREN, E. O, Cr. Street Re-name Protests Photo 1964 8 60 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LUNDGREN, E. O,. Cr. (Mayor) Presided at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 8 4, 45, 81 LUNDGREN, E. O., Cr AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, LUNDGREN, E. O., Cr. Road Safety Appeal Photo 1964 8 34 LUNDGREN, E. O., Cr. North Box Hill Sewerage Tender agreed to Photo, Text 1964 7 191 LUNDGREN, E. O., Cr. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 LUNDGREN, E. O., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 LUNDGREN, E., Mrs Hosted reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 LUNDGREN, E.O, Cr Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 LUNDGREN, E.O. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 LUNDGREN, E.O. Presided at Naturalisation ceremony Text 1958 2 158 LUNDGREN, E.O. Attended International Concert Text 1958 2 158 LUNDGREN, E.O. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F LUNDGREN, E.O. Elected Mayor Text 1957 2 119 LUNDGREN, E.O. Attended function at high school Text 1958 2 148 LUNDGREN, E.O. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 LUNDGREN, E.O. Candidate, Council elections Text 1951 1 68 LUNDGREN, E.O. Vice President, Text 1958 3 B LUNDGREN, E.O. Represented Mayor at Youth Centre Opening Text 1959 3 94 LUNDGREN, E.O. President, BH Memorial Youth Club Text 1957 2 133 LUNDGREN, E.O. To build Assembly Hall at Box Hill High School Text 1960 4 91 LUNDGREN, E.O. Former Zone Chairman, Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 LUNDGREN, E.O. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 LUNDGREN, E.O. (Mayor) Traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 LUNDGREN, E.O. Cr Presided over Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LUNDGREN, E.O. Cr and wife Hosted film night and supper for staff and Councillors Text 1963 7 166 LUNDGREN, E.O. Cr. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 LUNDGREN, E.O. Cr. and Mrs. Wants better garbage service, but expensive Photo, Text 1964 7 179 LUNDGREN, E.O. Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A LUNDGREN, E.O. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 LUNDGREN, E.O., and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 LUNDGREN, E.O., and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 LUNDGREN, E.O., and wife Return Ball given to them Text 1958 2 169 LUNDGREN, E.O., and wife Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 LUNDGREN, E.O., and wife To take overseas trip Text 1965 8 157 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Interstate visit as MMBW Rep. Text 1964 8 31 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr At Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Article in 'The Good Neighour' Text 1964 8 60 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Reappointed as MMBW Rep. Photo, Text 1964 7 195, 201 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Nominated for hospital Life Governorship Text 1964 8 51 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Chairman, local Red Cross Appeal Text 1962 6 1 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Laid wreath on Remembrance Day Ceremony Text 1963 7 144 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Christmas message Text 1963 7 166 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Presided at Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Easter Message Text 1964 7 199 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Announced Box Hill Tech. School Prefects Text 1964 7 198 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Elected Mayor; family details given Text 1963 7 123 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Elected President local branch Good Neighbours Council Text 1963 7 113, 118 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr Returned unopposed Text 1963 7 112 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr and wife Community involvement listed Text 1964 8 41 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr. Council Split over Fluoridation Photo. Text 1964 7 201 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr. Tail Stolen from White Horse Statue Photo, Text 1963 7 137 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr. Box Hill council Elections Photo, Text 1963 7 114 LUNDGREN, E.O., Cr. At Box Hill Ten Pin Bowl Photo, Text 1963 7 165 LUNDGREN, -E.O., Cr. Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 LUNDGREN, E.O., Mayor Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 LUNDGREN, E.O., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 LUNDGREN, E.O., Mrs Held Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 LUNDGREN, Ernest Oscar Cr. Given Royal Swedish Order Award Photo, Text 1962 7 16, 17, 19 LUNDGREN, O., Cr Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 LUNDGREN, Ossie Immediate past president, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 LUTHER STREET Purchased for use as playground Text 1964 8 88 LUTHER STREET/HEATHERFIELD RISE Playground to be installed Text 1965 8 196 LUTHERAN CHURCH Bought land cnr Elland Avenue Text 1950 1 55 LUTHERAN CHURCH Lets Pensioner Association meet in hall Text 1961 5 69 LYNDOCH COURT Plan to rename Text 1964 8 43 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

LYNDOCH COURT Can be confused with Lyndoch Street Text 1961 4 191 LYNDOCH STREET Can be confused with Lyndoch Court Text 1961 4 191 LYNE, A.J. Letter to editor re parking suggestion Text 1957 2 107 LYNN, Clive Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 LYTTON STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 LYTTON STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 LYTTON STREET Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 LYTTON STREET, No. 2 Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 M.M.B.W. Master plan for Box Hill Text 1953 1 110 M.M.B.W. Releases film 'Planning for 's future' Text 1954 1 123, 124 M.M.B.W. Drainage works at Bushy Creek unsatisfactory Text 1964 8 38 M.M.B.W. Details next area to be sewered Text 1960 4 B M.M.B.W. Council to purchase 26 acres from them Text 1962 6 93, 96 M.M.B.W. Melbourne Master Plan detailed Text 1960 4 E M.M.B.W. To replace old drains in Station Street South Text 1964 8 31, 34 M.M.B.W. Council proposal to ban more septic tanks Text 1959 3 80, 96 M.M.B.W. New sewer mains planned Text 1959 3 66, 71, 72, 81, 82 M.M.B.W. New sewerage scheme proposed Text 1962 6 27, 47, 49 M.M.B.W. To replace water mains in Box Hill South Text 1964 8 34 M.M.B.W. Sewerage scheme to be implemented Text 1962 6 30 M.M.B.W. Plans for Green Belt area opposed Text 1952 1 81, 86 M.M.B.W. Chairman invited to inspect drains Text 1960 4 M, 2 M.M.B.W. To replace water mains in Station Street Text 1965 8 146 M.M.B.W. More sewerage to be installed Text 1964 8 A Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

M.M.B.W. Fluoridation plans opposed by some Text 1964 8 A, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14 M.M.B.W. Retarding basin planned for land bought for sportsfields Text 1961 4 148 M.M.B.W. Offers lease on Riversdale Road land Text 1961 4 129 M.M.B.W. Plans retarding basin on Koonung Creek Text 1960 4 114 M.M.B.W. New sewerage scheme approved Text 1961 5 70A M.M.B.W. To clear Gardiner's Creek banks; flooding Text 1963 7 46, 57 M.M.B.W. To fix failing water supply Belmore Road area Text 1963 7 54 M.M.B.W. Plans for various sewerage works Text 1963 7 70 M.M.B.W. Granted permit for bus depot, but Court disallowed Text 1963 7 145 M.M.B.W. To acquire land for Council for open space Text 1963 7 73 M.M.B.W. Sewerage programme for Box Hill North listed Text 1961 4 170, 171 M.M.B.W. Residents object to car yard using tennis courts Text 1963 7 103 M.M.B.W. Council to lend money for underground drain Text 1963 7 70 MACAULAY, E.A., Mrs Complains of brickwork noise/nuisance Text 1965 8 183, 187 MacDONALD, G. Carrington Road, complains about briquette dust Text 1962 6 99 MACHIN, E.M. and J. Letter to Editor, have milk bar Text 1961 5 6 MACK, M.E. Complains that briquette dust is affecting his business Text 1962 6 99 MacKENZIE, J., Mrs Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 MacKENZIE, J.K., Dr President, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 MacKINLAY, Malcolm John Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 MacKINLAY, Malcolm John MACRO, J., Miss Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 MACROBERT, J. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 MADDEN, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 MADDERN, Glen 11 years, performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

'MADE IN BOX HILL' WEEK Plans for exhibition Text 1960 4 56, 64, 71, 74 MADISON AND BOWMAN PTY. LTD. Sinnott St., seek action re flooding Text 1960 4 70 MAGGS,A. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 MAGNUSSON, V. Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 MAGNUSSON, V., Mrs. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, MAGSON, J. Elected to committee of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 MAGUIRE, V., Miss Elected Ass. Secretary, Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 MAHIEU, Elza M., Gerald M. Naturalised Text 1958 2 142, 143 MAHONEY, C. F., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 MAHONEY, J.T., Cr First President of Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 126 MAHONY, J.T., Cr Former president, Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 123 MAIN STREET Parking meters installed Text 1957 2 130-133 MAIN STREET Parking restrictions discussed; bus terminal proposed Text 1954 1 134 MAIN STREET Laneways Main/Market Streets being concreted Text 1962 6 20 MAIN STREET Scouts Hall used for meetings Text 1960 4 38 MAIN STREET Laneways Main/Market Streets being concreted Text 1962 5 92 MAIN STREET - SALEYARDS Details of purchasers Text 1963 7 86 MAINE, K.L. Clota Ave., objects to street change Text 1962 6 1 MAJOROS, J. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K MAKSYMOW, Mykola, Zinaida Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 MALTBY, Sir Thomas and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 MANCARELLA, Francesco, Michelina Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 MANDYLAS, Spyridon Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 MANICHE AVENUE Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MANN, G., Mrs Letter to editor re safety of electrical goods Text 1964 8 16 MANN, Iris Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 MANNICHE AVENUE Possible playground site Text 1956 2 D MANNICHE AVENUE Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 MANNICHE AVENUE Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103, 119 MANNICHE AVENUE Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 MANNING, D.J. Open drain at rear of property flooding Text 1958 3 J MANNING, D.J. Letter to editor, overflowing drains Text 1958 3 M MANSBRIDGE, C.A.S. Letter to Editor Text 1959 3 131 MANSFIELD, E. Treasurer, Box Hill Football Club Text 1965 8 116 MANSFIELD, Joan Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MANSFIELD, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 MANSFIELD, R. Involved in first kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 MANSFIELDE, Colin Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 MARAMA STREET To be constructed Text 1964 8 76 MARASPIN, Annamaria, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 MARASPIN, Guglielmo, Robert Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 MARCHMENT, Glenys Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 MARGOLIN, Arie Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 MARINO, B. Fined for illegal building Text 1958 2 159 MARKET STREET Parking meters installed Text 1957 2 130-133 MARKET STREET Laneways Main/Market Streets being concreted Text 1962 6 20 MARKET STREET Laneways Main/Market Streets being concreted Text 1962 5 92 MARKOFF, Bojan Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MARKOVIC, Milutin Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 MARKS, W.B., Captain Guest speaker at Australia Day event Text 1961 4 130, 135, 137 MARKS, W.B., RAN Guest speaker, Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 MARMAROS, Stratos Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 MARON, Jaques Pierre Marius Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 MAROONDAH MOTEL First motel, to open in Whitehorse Road Text 1962 6 75, 81, 87 MARSDEN, Marie Compares fashion show during Festival Text 1960 4 71 MARSH, D. Treasurer, Box Hill Football Club, retiring Text 1961 4 141 MARSH, Ellen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 MARSH, Judith Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H MARSHALL ROAD To be constructed Text 1965 8 149 MARSHALL, Elizabeth Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 MARTIN, Frank Scholarship winner, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 95 MARTIN, G. Loaned site for Opportunity Shop Text 1959 3 39 MARTIN, Harvey J. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 MARTIN, Helen Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 MARTIN, J., Mrs At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 MARTIN, J., Mrs Manages Meals on Wheels service Text 1964 8 32, 122 MARTIN, J.H., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 MARTIN, Judy Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 MARTIN, Judy Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 MARTIN, R.O. Shopkeeper, wants lights at intersection Text 1962 7 27 MARTIN, R.O., Hairdresser Asks for traffic lights at nearby intersection Text 1964 8 64 MARTIN, Sir Norman and wife Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MARTIN, Wilma Soprano, performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1963 6 136 MARY STREET Pipe drain constructed at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 MASHITER, A., Mrs Comment on family history Text 1959 3 56 MASHITER, R. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 MASHITER, Roma Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 MASON, Gertrude Urges more road signs Text 1962 6 17 MASON'S BUS SERVICE Requests delay in changing bus stop Text 1962 6 15 MASON'S WOOL SHOP Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 MASSAROTTI, Severino Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 MASSEY STREET Construction scheme prepared Text 1965 8 157 MASSEY, R.M. Sold property to Council Text 1964 8 42 MASSIMINI, Giacinto Ennio Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 MASTERMAN, Carol Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 MATERIA, Paolo Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 MATHERS, K., Mrs Letter to Editor re dogs Text 1961 4 157 MATHILDE ROAD Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 MATHILDE ROAD Part of, paving and footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169 MATHILDE ROAD Construction cost listed Text 1960 4 26, 57 MATHILDE ROAD Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5, 67 MATHOT, Hendricus M. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 MATTHEWS, - Mrs At Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 MATTHEWS, David Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 MATTHEWS, J.A. Secretary, Box Hill Cricket Club Text 1965 8 110 MATTHEWS, M. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MATUSCHKIN, Kusma, Maria, Ivan Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 MATZKE, Stephen Mayoral Ball,Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MAUD, F.G., and wife Object to planned bus depot Text 1961 4 193 MAUDE STREET Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 57 MAUDE STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 MAUGHAN, D. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 MAUTNER, Jakob Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 MAUTNER, Jakob Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 MAY, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MAYBERRY, Ken Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 MAYER, Gelsomina Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 MAYNARD, Geoff Mayoral Ball,Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MAYS, Robert J. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 McALISTER, M., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 McALLON, S. Complains of poor quality footpath Text 1962 6 26 McALPIN, Jennifer Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 McALPINE, A. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 McARDLE, Jillian Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 McCALLUM, - Miss Passed Library exam Text 1965 8 133 McCALLUM, A. At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 McCALLUM, B., Miss Put in charge of Mobile Library Text 1963 7 127 McCALLUM, Beverley Head Prefect, Ormiston Girls School Text 1960 4 K McCALLUM, Beverley Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 McCALLUM, Lois Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 98 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McCARTHY, June Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 McCASKILL, Allan and wife Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 McCASKILL, Allan and wife Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 McCLEAVE, Alex Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 McCLELLAND, Marie Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 McCOLL ROAD Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 McCOLL, J. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A McCOLL, Joan Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 McCOMAS GROVE Petition from residents re Drive In late hours Text 1964 8 107 McCOMAS GROVE Drain to be constructed Text 1964 8 12 McCOMAS GROVE Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 McCOMAS GROVE M.M.B.W. to construct culvert Text 1957 2 49 McCOMAS GROVE Residents complain about Drive In patrons Text 1963 7 167, 168 McCOMAS GROVE, Lot 75 Sold by Council for unpaid rates Text 1961 5 53 McCOMAS GROVE, No. 7 Resident complains about late Drive In shows Text 1964 8 99 McCORD, C.H. Asks for footpath in Mersey Street Text 1961 5 35 McCORKELL, - Mrs President, Women's Auxiliary, Elderly Citizens Club Text 1961 5 21, 29 McCORKELL, S. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 McCORKELL, S., and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 McCORMACK, Bill Performer at Elderly Citizen's Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 McCORMACK, Gavan Local winner Sun Youth Travel group Text 1952 1 73 McCORMACK, Johnny Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 McCORMACK, Tony Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 McCORMICK, Bill TV star, at Box Hill shopping Centre Text 1964 8 15 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McCOSH, Glenice Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 McCRACKEN, M., Miss Elected Treasurer of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 McCREDDEN COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 McCREDDEN, - Cr Allows Drama Group to make props in factory Text 1961 5 C McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 McCREDDEN, Barbara Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 McCREDDEN, L. Candidate, State election Text 1955 1 139 McCREDDEN, L. and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 McCREDDEN, L. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 McCREDDEN, L. and wife Attended Australia Day Commemoration Text 1955 1 135 McCREDDEN, L. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 McCREDDEN, L. R., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 McCREDDEN, L., Cr. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 McCREDDEN, L.R. Candidate council elections Photo 1956 2 25 McCREDDEN, L.R. Elected Mayor Text 1954 1 132 McCREDDEN, L.R. President of what became Alkira Text 1953 1 112 McCREDDEN, L.R. Election material Text 1956 2 22 McCREDDEN, L.R., and wife Presided at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1957 2 124 McCREDDEN, L.R., and wife Return Ball Text 1955 1 142 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr To retire; tribute to Text 1962 6 44, 45, 61 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Has been ill and in hospital Text 1960 4 5 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Has been in Heidelberg Rep. Hospital Text 1962 6 12 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Details family involvement with Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr Guest speaker at Box Hill Club meeting Text 1962 5 80 McCREDDEN, L.R., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 McCREDDEN, L.R., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A McCREDDEN, L.R., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 MCCREDDEN, L.R., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 McCREDDON, L.R. Letter re plan to build scout hall Text 1965 8 173 McCUBBIN STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 McCUBBIN STREET Drain inspected as part of 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1964 8 81 McCUBBIN STREET, No. 15 Easement sprayed with 2-4-5T to kill blackberries Text 1961 4 187 McCUBBIN, Frederick Sale of art works; location of some Text 1957 2 91, 96 McCUBBIN, Frederick Student doing a M.A. on him, seeeks works Text 1962 7 19, 23, 36 McCUBBIN/LA FRANK STREETS Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 McCUTCHAN, - Mrs Welcomed visitors to War Widows Assoc. Party Text 1961 5 71 McCUTCHEON, - Mrs President, War Widows Assoc. Text 1952 1 88, 97 McCUTCHEON, - Mrs Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 McCUTCHEON, - Mrs Given Coronation Award Text 1953 1 97 McCUTCHEON, - Mrs To lay wreath at Remembrance Day ceremony Text 1962 7 7 McCUTCHEON, - Mrs Laid wreath on Remembrance Day Cermony Text 1963 7 144 McCUTCHEON, A.E, Mrs Secretary, War Widows local Branch Text 1960 4 33 McCUTCHEON, A.E., MBE At opening of R.S.L. premises Photo 1965 8 163 McDONALD, - Mrs One of the founders of kindergarten Text 1959 3 69 McDONALD, Eileen nee PATTERSON Daughter of Keith. Text 1963 7 166 McDONALD, Ruth nee PATTERSON Daughter of Keith Text 1963 7 166 McDONALD, S., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McDONELL, A. and wife (Dir of Education) New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D McEACHERN, - Mr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 McERVALE, D.G. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 McEVOY, Patricia Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 McFARLANE, E., Mrs Director, Box Hill Kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 McFARLANE, Robert J. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 McGAURAN, Brian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 McGAWS, N.J. Mersey Street, warns of traffic danger Text 1962 6 7 McGILL, Robert Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 McGOWAN, Eunice Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 MCGRATH, Graeme Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 McGREGOR, Alfred Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 McGUIRE, - Miss Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 McGUIRE, J. Complains about state of right of way Text 1965 8 116 McGUIRE, Pam Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H McHATTIE, E., Mrs Letter to Editor re rates and valuations Text 1964 8 28 McINTOSH, A. Composes Box Hill song Text 1962 6 82 McINTOSH, Alison Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 McINTOSH, Bruce Teacher, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 17, 18 McINTOSH, M. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A McINTOSH, Robert Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 McINTYRE STREET Residents complain of state of road Text 1961 5 M McINTYRE STREET To have new concrete paths Text 1961 4 195 McINTYRE STREET, No. 32 Resident wants road to be made Text 1958 2 163 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McINTYRE STREET, No. 32 Letter to Council re state of street Text 1961 5 M McINTYRE STREET, No. 34 Letter to Council re state of street Text 1961 5 M McINTYRE STREET, No. 36 Letter to Council re state of street Text 1961 5 M McINTYRE, - Candidate, Council elections Text 1947 1 10 McINTYRE, E., Sgt and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Gives reason for community involvement Text 1962 6 61, 62 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Elected new Mayor Photo, Text 1961 5 18, 21, 27, 29 McINTYRE, Jessie Obituary, moved to Box Hill in 1910 Text 1964 8 43 McINTYRE, K. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 McINTYRE, K. G., Cr. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 McINTYRE, K. G., Mayor Free Mobile Library Service Photo, Text 1962 7 14, 16, 20, 21 McINTYRE, K. G., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 McINTYRE, K. G.. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 McINTYRE, K.G. Opposed plan to widen Whitehorse Road Text 1961 5 96 McINTYRE, K.G. Opposes plan to use Co-op land for carpark Text 1962 6 45, 50, 54, 58, 97 McINTYRE, K.G. Elected Vice President, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 McINTYRE, K.G. Opposed to proposed drinking clubs Text 1956 2 8 McINTYRE, K.G. Appointed to State Library Board Text 1956 2 2 McINTYRE, K.G. Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 McINTYRE, K.G. Given Coronation Award Text 1953 1 97 McINTYRE, K.G. Nominated as Life Governor of Royal Melb. Hospital Text 1962 6 41 McINTYRE, K.G. Election material Text 1956 2 22, 24 McINTYRE, K.G. Elected President of Co-Op Housing Societies Text 1960 4 125 McINTYRE, K.G. Candidate council elections Photo 1952 1 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McINTYRE, K.G. Recommends collecting historical material Text 1955 1 135 McINTYRE, K.G. Awarded O.B.E. Text 1961 5 74 McINTYRE, K.G. Vice President, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 McINTYRE, K.G. Opposes granting of liquor licences Text 1956 2 14, 16, 26 McINTYRE, K.G. Reappointed to Co-Op Housing Advisory Committee Text 1950 1 55 McINTYRE, K.G. President of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41,54 McINTYRE, K.G. Christmas message Photo, Text 1961 5 70 McINTYRE, K.G. Chairman, Centenary committee Text 1956 2 6 McINTYRE, K.G. Elected to international committee Text 1961 5 16 McINTYRE, K.G. Vice President, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 McINTYRE, K.G. Visited Portugese Timor Text 1961 4 138, 139 McINTYRE, K.G. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 McINTYRE, K.G. Elected President of Historical Society Text 1963 7 115 McINTYRE, K.G. Elected VPres Dry Areas Restoration of Rights group Text 1963 7 147 McINTYRE, K.G., and Mrs Hosted Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 McINTYRE, K.G., and wife Gave Square Dance in Town Hall Text 1953 1 98 McINTYRE, K.G., and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 McINTYRE, K.G., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 McINTYRE, K.G., and wife Qualifications listed Text 1961 5 21 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Annual inspection of city Photo, Text 1961 5 48 MCINTYRE, K.G., Cr Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Delegation to Geelong; announces retirement Photo,Text 1962 6 29, 37, 48 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Patron to Choral Society's concert Text 1961 5 64 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr AGM, elected President Youth Centre Text 1961 5 41 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr At Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Lent garage as storage place for Drama Club Text 1961 5 C McINTYRE, K.G., Cr Installed Prefects, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Theatre Night Text 1962 7 23 McINTYRE, K.G., Cr. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 McINTYRE, K.G., Mrs Gives speech in Dutch Text 1962 6 4 McINTYRE, K.G., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A McINTYRE, K.G., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 McINTYRE, K.G., Mrs Injured in car accident Text 1961 5 22 McINTYRE, K.G., Mrs Held reception as Mayoress Text 1961 5 59, 62 MCINTYRE, K.G., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 McINTYRE, Kenneth Gordon Received O.B.E. Text 1962 5 73 McINTYRE, R. Severn St., request to plant trees Text 1960 3 198 McKAY, C.H., RSL State President 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 McKAY, Ina Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 McKAY, Max Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 McKEAN STREET Street trees to be removed, damaging property Text 1964 8 42, 68, 78 McKEAN STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 28 McKEAN/PATRICK STREETS Removal of Trees Photo 1964 8 48, 55 McKENNA, Mary Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McKENZIE AND TANNER Factory permit approved Text 1959 3 133 McKENZIE, - Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1955 1 142 McKENZIE, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 McKENZIE, - Good Neighbour Council;attended Naturalisation Text 1957 2 124 Ceremony McKENZIE, B. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 McKENZIE, B. Former President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21 McKENZIE, B. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 MCKENZIE, Bruce At farewell to local Commonwealth Bank manager Text 1960 4 13 McKENZIE, Bruce President, Box Hill Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 L McKENZIE, Bruce Ill, must have rest on medical advice Text 1964 8 8 McKENZIE, Bruce Past President Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 112 McKENZIE, Bruce Radio interview re car parking problems Text 1959 3 127 McKENZIE, Bruce President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 9, 11 McKENZIE, Bruce On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 McKENZIE, Bruce Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A McKENZIE, Bruce Retired as President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 McKENZIE, Bruce and wife Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 McKENZIE, C.B. President, Burwood Progress Assoc. Text 1954 1 125 McKENZIE, John Kenneth Head Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 McKENZIE, K., Mrs Objected to drainage plan in 1957 now wants it Text 1961 4 191 McKENZIE, Ken Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 McKENZIE, Maureen Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 McKENZIE, S. Bruce Outgoing President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 63 McKENZIE, S.B. and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McKIE, William, Sir Donated stone from Westminster to St Peter's Text 1961 5 B McKINNON, A., Mrs Performer at Elderly Citizen's Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 McKINNON, G. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 McKINNON, L., Mrs At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 McKIRDY, E.F., Mrs Sold land to Council for car park Text 1964 8 76 McLAREN, D.J and J. Extension to factory approved Text 1959 3 48 McLAREN, W. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 McLAREN, W. On Industrial Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 McLARTY, A.R. Deputation to Council Text 1956 2 20 McLARTY, D. Vice President, Mont Albert Branch Liberal Party Text 1960 4 44 McLAUCHLAN, J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 McLAUGHLIN BROS. CONSTRUCTION Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 McLAUGHLIN, J.B. Says ban on Sunday sport is outmoded, seeks change Text 1963 7 89, 98,131, 134 McLAUGHLIN, Jennifer Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 McLAUGHLIN, John Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 McLEAN, J.D. Elected President/Archivist, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 McLEAN, Luxton Letter to editor re plan to ban caravan living Text 1963 7 99 McLEISH, J.L. Candidate, Council elections Text 1951 1 68 McLEISH, Joseph John Candidate, Council Elections Text 1951 1 62 McLELLAN, B.S., Mrs Former resident, opposes street name change Text 1964 8 82 McLELLAN, W.G. and wife Campaigned for housing for elderly Text 1957 2 52 McLELLAND, D.J. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 McLENMAN, Malcolm Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 45 McLENNAN, Malcolm Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

McLEOD, Janet Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 McLEOD, Pamela Fined for parking offence Text 1953 1 110 McMAHON, Johnny To compere radio auditions show at Town Hall Text 1961 5 25 McNEIL, J. Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A McNEIL, Neville Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 McPHAIL, E.F. Secretary, Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 146 MCPHAIL, Eric At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Text 1960 4 13 McPHEE, Arthur Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 McPHEE, C.C. Elected V. President RSL Text 1962 7 28 McPHEE, Suzanne Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 McPHERSON, J.A. Chemist, Wattle Park Text 1958 2 162 McPHERSON, J.A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 McPHERSON, K. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 McPHERSON, K. On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 McPHERSON, K.V. Bandmaster, Salvation Army Band Text 1964 8 16, 17 McPHERSON, Keith Businessman, to visit USA Photo 1964 8 19 McPHERSON, Keith Went to Sydney to look at rail crossing abolition Text 1963 7 163, 164 McWHIRTER, M. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 MEAGHER, Des To represent Victoria in water polo competition Text 1961 4 173 MEALS ON WHEELS Service introduced; reports on Text 1964 8 32, 80, 136 MEDCRAFT, J. & J. Plan to erect shops Text 1958 2 157, 161 MEDLEY, H. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 MELBOURNE, John Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 MELISSINOS, Dennis, Evangela Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MELLODY, Ken Performed at town hall Text 1964 8 16 MELLOR, F.W. St Peter's choirmaster Text 1961 5 B MELLOR, Frank Recently retired Choirmaster, St Peter's church Text 1962 5 95 MELROSE STREET, No. 50 Resident opposes fluoridation Text 1964 8 3 MELROSE, Ian Box Hill Harriers Text 1962 6 4 MEMORIAL PARK Playground developed by local Progress Assoc. Text 1964 8 89 MENZE, Bernd, Inge Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 MENZE, Diedrich A.P. , Gisela J. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 MENZE, G., Mrs. Road Construction Photo, Text 1961 4 201 MENZE, Hans Karl, Herta Klara Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 MENZIES STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 MENZIES, Keith Opposed to proposed scout hall in park Text 1965 8 171 MENZIES, R.G. To open new centre at St Andrews Text 1960 3 198, 202 MERSEY STREET Resident requests tree planting Text 1958 2 161 MERTON STREET Right of way at rear in poor state Text 1965 8 116 METCALFE, - Land supported for shopping centre Text 1959 3 102, 107, 108 METCALFE, - Mr (NSW) At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 METHODIST CHURCH HALL Used for under 6 year olds pupils Text 1960 3 200 METRAL, Gerard Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 METTELLI, Attilio Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 MIDDELHUIS, Johanna, Lambertus Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 MIDDLEBOROUGH DISTRICT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Details of actions over past 2 years Text 1947 1 10 MIDDLEBOROUGH DISTRICT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Advising of public meeting re new train station Text 1947 1 A MIDDLEBOROUGH DISTRICT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Re dangerous rail crossing at William Street Text 1948 1 20 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MIDDLEBOROUGH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Complains of lack of parking in Box Hill Text 1949 1 40 MIDDLEBOROUGH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Deputation re new rail station Text 1951 1 60 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Footpath to be made near Albion Road Text 1964 8 2 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Temporary repairs to footpath near Ailsa Street Text 1962 6 26 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Push for extension to Wetherby Road Text 1951 1 59 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD School crossing lights urged near Eley Road Text 1964 7 134, 199 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Channel to channel roadway to be constructed Text 1960 4 A, H MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD To be widened Text 1962 6 92 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Fire at Hercules factory Box Hill South Text 1964 8 39 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD New bus shelter south of Fulton Road Text 1964 8 23 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Report on proposed railway station Text 1947 1 4 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Boom gates installed at rail crossing Text 1958 2 161 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD School crossing to be installed near Albion Road Text 1964 8 2, 11 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Area from Heathfield Rise to Koonung Creek to be built Text 1964 8 101 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Traffic lights to be installed near Albion Road Text 1964 7 196 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD New street lighting trialled; a success Text 1963 7 142 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD West side north of Albion Rd to have concrete path Text 1964 7 200 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Part to be sewered next year Text 1963 7 76 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, near Eley Road Dispute over type of school crossing used Text 1963 7 166, 186 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, No. 169 Unofficial post office, to be called Houston Text 1961 5 39 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, No. 362 Resident complained about bus shelter site Text 1960 4 90 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, No. 495 Footpath needed Text 1960 4 K MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, No. 89 Resident complains about brickworks Text 1961 4 147 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, NORTH BOX HILL Proposed bus depot thrown out by Court Text 1963 7 145 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD/KATRINA STREET Pedestrian crossing not approved Text 1965 8 190 MIDDLEBOROUGH/BURWOOD ROADS Traffic lights to be installed Text 1964 8 24 MIDDLEBOROUGH/BURWOOD ROADS Problems in installing footpaths at this time Text 1964 8 24 MIDDLEBOROUGH/CANTERBURY ROADS Traffic lights to be installed, cost shared Text 1963 7 132 MIDDLEBOROUGH/CANTERBURY ROADS Traffic lights needed Text 1962 7 27 MIDDLEBOROUGH/ELEY ROADS Decision on traffic light installation Text 1964 8 12, 15, 105 MIDDLEBOROUGH/SPRINGFIELD ROADS Request for pedestrian lights refused Text 1961 5 60, 62 MIDDLEBOROUGH/SPRINGFIELD ROADS New road markings and signs have been done Text 1961 5 55 MIDDLEBOROUGH/SWEETLAND ROADS Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 MIDDLEBOROUGH/WETHERBY ROADS Improved lighting proposed Text 1962 7 2 MIDDLEBOROUGH/WHITEHORSE ROAD Traffic lights, channels to be installed Text 1959 3 27 MIDDLEBOROUGH/WHITEHORSE ROAD Traffic lights to be installed Text 1961 5 45 MIDDLEBOROUGH/WHITEHORSE ROADS Car yard allowed to operate after appeal Text 1960 4 32 MIKKELSEN, Gudrun, Niels Naturalised Text 1962 5 75, 77 MIKLOSVARY, Rudolf F., Martha, Eva Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 MILES, J.T. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 MILFORD AVENUE Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 MILFORD AVENUE Construction scheme in place Text 1961 5 30 MILFORD AVENUE Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 MILFORD AVENUE Residents opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 MILFORD AVENUE Road construction cheaper than estimated Text 1962 7 10 MILFORD AVENUE Speeding cars a problem Text 1960 4 16 MILFORD AVENUE/BURWOOD ROAD Bowling centre, squash court proposed Text 1961 5 36, 42 MILLARD, - Mrs At Prefect Investiture Text 1959 3 69 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MILLARD, Barbara Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 MILLARD, Barbara Succesful at ballet exam Text 1961 5 32 MILLARD, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MILLARD, John Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 MILLER STREET Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 6 1 MILLER STREET Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 5 90 MILLER, G. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 MILLER, Heather Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 MILLER, Rhys A., Rev. New minister of Presb. Church Surrey Hills Text 1961 4 203 MILLICENT STREET Request for road construction Text 1959 3 54 MILLICENT STREET Tender for construction accepted Text 1960 4 B MILLICENT STREET To have new concrete paths Text 1961 4 195 MILLIN, Lynette Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 MILLIST, B. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 MILLIST, Bob Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 MILLS, Barbara Head Prefect, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 MILNE ROAD Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 14 MILNE ROAD Resident complains of poor state of Text 1962 7 22 MILNE ROAD Part to be sewered next year Text 1963 7 76 MILNES, Brian Jaycee, going to USA Text 1958 2 193 MILTON CRESCENT Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 MINETTI, J.L., Mrs Wants bike track for children on Burwood Highway Text 1961 4 163 MINTY, - Mrs Treasurer, BH Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1957 2 133 MIRABELLA CRESCENT Part to be constructed Text 1964 8 74 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MIRBETH, Erna Marja, John Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 MITCHELL ROAD Objection to construction Text 1959 3 52 MITCHELL ROAD Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5, 36 MITCHELL STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33 MITCHELL, - Mr. & Mrs. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 MITCHELL, A., Mrs Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 MITCHELL, Alan At Return Ball to Mayor Text 1960 4 52 MITCHELL, Bon Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 MITCHELL, Bon Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 MITCHELL, Bon Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 MITCHELL, Bon Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A MITCHELL, Finlay Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MITCHELL, H. Alan Appointed valuer Text 1953 1 95 MITCHELL, Hans A. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 MITCHELL, Helen Letter to Editor, re Dahlia Show at Town Hall Text 1965 8 185 MITCHELL, J. Station Street, re need for traffic lights Text 1958 2 163 MITCHELL, J., Mrs Reports near miss with car crashing fence Text 1960 4 C MITCHELL, J.G. Reports frequency of car accidents Text 1959 3 35, 37, 41, 57, 96, 202 MITCHELL, J.G. Comments about drivers speeding thru intersections Text 1961 5 60 MITCHELL, John Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 MITCHELL, Wendy Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H MITFORD AVENUE Drainage to be installed Text 1960 3 198 MITHEN, P.P., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 MITTA STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MITTA STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 2 MITTA STREET Unmade, needs construction Text 1960 4 54 MITTA STREET, No. 7 Resident wrote re bus service change Text 1962 7 14 MODERN PAINTS Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 MOINTEITH, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 MOLBRAY STREET Unmade and in poor condition Text 1962 6 91 MOLBRAY STREET To be constructed Text 1964 8 76 MOLLER, Noel Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 MOLLINSON, June Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 MOLLISON, - Headmaster, Box Hill High School Text 1959 3 161, 168 MOLLISON, J.A. Retiring as head master of Box Hill High School Text 1963 7 66 MOLNAR, Berta, Janos Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 MOLNAR, Gunda, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 MOLNAR, J. & G. Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 MOLYNEUX, - Newsagent, Wattle Park Text 1958 2 162 MONASH STREET Car accidents reported Text 1959 3 35, 37, 41, 50, 57, 96, 202 MONASH STREET Grandview Road renamed to this Text 1964 8 65, 67, 68, 70, 72, 76 MONASH STREET Partly constructed, cost of Text 1959 3 68 MONASH STREET Plan to rename Grandview Road as this, opposed Text 1964 8 79, 80, 82, 85, 95, 122, 145 MONASH STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 MONASH STREET Car accidents reported Text 1960 4 C MONASH/PIEDMONT STREETS Accidents continue at intersection Text 1961 5 60 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MONK, Graeme Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 MONK, Graham Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 MONT ALBERT Street plantings done in 1904 Text 1964 8 24 MONT ALBERT CENTRAL SCHOOL Pedestrian crossing to be moved Text 1964 8 13 MONT ALBERT CENTRAL SCHOOL Crossing roads dangerous for children Text 1961 5 42 MONT ALBERT CENTRAL SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1960 4 14, 200 MONT ALBERT CENTRAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE Repaid Council loan Text 1961 4 161 MONT ALBERT CENTRAL STATE SCHOOL Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 MONT ALBERT CRICKET CLUB Told to lock up tobacco in kiosk at pavilion Text 1961 4 169 MONT ALBERT KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 MONT ALBERT NORTH To be designated a separate postal district Text 1960 4 A MONT ALBERT NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL Belmore Road; to be established Text 1953 1 103 MONT ALBERT NORTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Advise that it has been formed Text 1958 2 179 MONT ALBERT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Recently formed; Letter re traffic problems Text 1947 1 5, 6 MONT ALBERT RED CROSS Provided supper at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 169 MONT ALBERT RESERVE Additional floodlights to be installed Text 1960 4 5 MONT ALBERT ROAD Public phone box to be installed Text 1962 6 93 MONT ALBERT ROAD Council purchased land for car park Text 1964 8 75 MONT ALBERT ROAD Trees west of Beresford Strreet to be removed Text 1961 4 195 MONT ALBERT ROAD Station crossing dangerous Text 1961 4 149 MONT ALBERT ROAD Boom gates to be installed at railway crossing Text 1963 7 68 MONT ALBERT ROAD, Lots 13-16 Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 MONT ALBERT ROAD/GORDON STREET Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 MONT ALBERT SHOPPING CENTRE Plan to increase car parking Text 1964 8 23, 24, 75 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MONT ALBERT SPORTS GROUND Damaged by vandals Text 1960 4 99 MONT ALBERT TAXI TRUCKS Petrol pump to be installed Text 1959 3 134 MONT ALBERT TRADERS ASSOCIATION Welcomes street improvement Text 1957 2 137 MONT ALBERT TRADERS ASSOCIATION Want street widening Text 1959 3 60 MONT ALBERT TRAM TERMINUS Improvements commenced Text 1962 5 95 MONTEITH, - Auditor, Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 54 MOON, Malcolm Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 MOORE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 MOORE STREET, No. 6 Resident worried about nuclear war Text 1961 5 58 MOORE, - Mrs Did murals for Parkside Kindergarten Text 1959 3 69 MOORE, Aileen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 MOORE, Gordon Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A MOORE, H.E.P. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F MOORE, John Benson Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 MOORE, R. Elected VP of Koonung Heights P.A Text 1949 1 37 MOORE, Robert E. Letter to Editor Text 1951 1 61 MOORHOUSE, Denise Will write history of Nunawading Text 1962 6 1 MORET, John Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 MOREY, - Iris Street, complains of state of street Text 1948 1 26 MORGAN, J. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 MORGAN, Rev Father Aloysius Speaker, Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 MORGENSTERN, T. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 MORLEY CRESCENT Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 MORONEY, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MORONEY, Brian Former supervisor school holiday programme Text 1965 8 116 MORONEY, Brian Supervises school holiday play centre Text 1961 4 136 MORONEY, Brian Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 MORONEY, Phil Opposed to proposed car parking plan Text 1959 3 124 MORRIS, A., School District Inspector At opening of library, Koonung Heights S.S. Text 1964 8 21 MORRIS, Audrey Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 MORRIS, B. Complaints about state of road Text 1959 3 63, 64, 114 MORRIS, Bernard Letter to Editor Text 1959 3 131 MORRIS, Bill (deceased) Box Hill Football Club observe minute's silence Text 1961 4 141 MORRIS, Don Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 MORRISON COURT Construction work on Text 1962 6 11, 62 MORRISON COURT Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 MORRISON COURT Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103 MORRISON COURT Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 MORRISON, Crosbie Council donates to memorial fund Text 1959 3 119, 120 MORRISON, Crosbie Spoke on Argentine Ant problem Text 1955 1 137, 138 MORRISON, Geoff Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 MORRISON, P. Protests rate rise Text 1964 7 188 MORRISON, P., Mrs Letter to Editor re effects of revaluation Text 1964 8 35, 70 MORRISON, S.S. Objector to installation of TV Tower Photo, Text 1961 5 6A, 12, 13 MORROW, J.R. Letter to Council re car accidents in area Text 1961 5 I MORSZTYN, Karol, Stephania Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 MORTON, George Obituary, former Councillor Text 1963 7 86 MOSELLE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28, 73 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MOTOR SPARES LTD Building new premises in Station Street Text 1962 6 84 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD Changed to Monash Street in 1931 Text 1964 8 67 MOUNTER, Caroline Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 MT SCOPUS COLLEGE To install drainage at Mitford Avenue Text 1960 3 198 MUCHA, Mieczyslaw Nnaturalised Text 1962 6 12 MUDGE, - Mrs Ticket seller for Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 MUDIE, N. Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 MUIR, F. Secretary, Box Hill North Progress Association Text 1956 1 149 MUIR, M., Mrs Secretary, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 MUIR, W. Committee, Youth Club Text 1956 2 11, 12 MUIR, W., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 MUIR, W.F. Letter to Editor Text 1959 3 131 MUIR, W.F. Reports poor state of Box Hill Crescent Text 1956 2 2, 4 MUIR, W.F. Letter to editor re unmade roads etc Text 1958 3 F, J, 7 MULLEN, H. Organiser, local Red Cross Appeal Text 1962 6 1 MULLENS, Hugh Has purchased road making machine Text 1964 8 13 MULLINS, G., Rev Assistant at St Peter's C/E Text 1961 5 B MULOKAS, Eleonara, Jonas Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 MUNRO, - Mr Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 MURDIE, N., Mrs. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, MURDOCH, Dick Lends property to Liberal Party Text 1952 1 89 MURPHY, - Cr. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 MURPHY, - Mrs Guest at Elderly Citizens' Cflub Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 MURPHY, - Mrs. Mayoress Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1963 7 84, 87 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MURPHY, S., Cr Elected Mayor Photo, Text 1962 6 67, 80, 85, 86, 87 MURPHY, Brian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 MURPHY, Desmond Thomas Candidate, Council elections Text 1958 2 172, 179 MURPHY, Don and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 MURPHY, Gayle Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 MURPHY, Judith At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 MURPHY, Rhonda, Miss Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 MURPHY, Richard Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 MURPHY, S,. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 MURPHY, S. Candidate, Council elections; elected Text 1959 3 124, 129, 130, 132 MURPHY, S. Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 MURPHY, S. Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 MURPHY, S. Cr. Mayor Presided at Naturalisation Ceremonies Text 1963 7 31, 68, 104 MURPHY, S., and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 MURPHY, S., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 MURPHY, S., Cr To officially open new Scout Hall Text 1963 7 92, 96, 99 MURPHY, S., Cr Presented Shield for inter council cricket comp. Text 1964 7 190 MURPHY, S., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 MURPHY, S., Cr To attend Remembrance Day ceremony Text 1962 7 7 MURPHY, S., Cr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 MURPHY, S., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 MURPHY, S., Cr MC, Dinner for Lions Club Charter handover Text 1960 4 124 MURPHY, S., Cr Meeting to form local branch Good Neighbours Council Text 1963 7 118 MURPHY, S., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MURPHY, S., Cr and wife Return Ball given to them Text 1963 7 105, 106 MURPHY, S., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 MURPHY, S., Cr and wife Presided over Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 MURPHY, S., Cr and wife Entertained guests at a theatre party Text 1962 7 20, 23 MURPHY, S., Mayor Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 MURPHY, S., Mrs Hosted reception as Mayoress Text 1962 7 3 MURPHY, S., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 MURPHY, S., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 MURPHY, S., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 MURPHY, Sam Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 MURPHY, Sam, Cr Elected President, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 MURPHY, Samuel, Cr Christmas Message Text 1962 7 26 MURPHY, Samuel, Cr Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 MURPHY, Samuel, Cr. Mayor of Box Hill Photo, Text 1962 7 17, 21, MURPHY, Samuel, Mayor Presided over Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1963 7 84, 87 MURPHY, Samuel, Mayor Box Hill Lions Club give caravan for comm. Use Photo, Text 1963 7 93, 97 MURPHY, Samuel, Mayor Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 66, 67, 69 MURPHY, Ursula Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 MURPHY, Ursula Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H MURRAY DRIVE Road constructed, cost given Text 1963 7 131 MURRAY DRIVE, Lots 31-39 Drainage to be installed at rear Text 1963 7 120 MURRAY, B., Mrs Thanks Council for seats in Dunloe Avenue Text 1964 8 73 MURRAY, D. V. President of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 MURRAY, D. V. President Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

MURRAY, D.J. Letter re pedestrian safety, Mont Albert Rd. Text 1961 4 148 MURTAGH, Sheryl Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 MUTUAL CONSTRUCTIONS PTY. LTD. Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 33 MYALL, David Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 MYALL, Joan Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 NAGLE, W.J. Committee, Youth Club Text 1956 2 11, 12 NAHMIAS, Raoul Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 NAHON, Maria Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 NAIR, M. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A NAPLES STREET Construction of Text 1949 1 29, 40, 68 NARALLAH GROVE Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 7, 11, 42 NARALLAH GROVE Sewerage to be laid on Text 1963 7 76 NARMI COURT Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 9, 32 NARMI COURT Road construction planned Text 1960 4 123 NARMI COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 NASH STREET To be constructed Text 1965 8 124, 157 NATHAN, Maurice Chairman, Patersons Pty. Ltd. Text 1959 3 166 NATIONAL TRUST OF VICTORIA Classified Wesleyan Chapel, Woodhouse Grove Text 1963 7 174 NAUGHTON, J.F. & .N.. Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 NAYLOR, Brian Took part in schools Choral Festival Text 1964 8 6 NEALE, N.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 NEET, Hendrik, Flora Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 NEIL, Ian Compared orchestral concert in Town Hall Text 1961 4 145 NEILD, E. Gladstone St., now wants drainage scheme implemented Text 1962 6 38 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

NEILSON, D. Letter to editor Text 1953 1 101 NEILSON, Harold Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 NEILSON, Keith Entertainer, Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 NELSON ROAD Shooting incident Text 1962 6 4 NELSON ROAD Bus route to remain unchanged Text 1962 6 40, 41 NELSON ROAD/WHITEHORSE ROAD Dangerous trying to cross Text 1958 2 163, 170 NELSON, Christina Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 NELSON, K.J. Warns of possibility of grass fires Text 1961 4 144 NELSON, Ted Vocalist, performed at Town Hall Text 1961 5 18, 22 NEMETH, Charles, Margaret Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 NEVILE, S.S., Lieut. Commander Spoke at Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 182, 185 NEVILLE STREET Right of way needs cleaning Text 1962 6 37 NEVILLE STREET Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 NEVILLE STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 NEW, Peter Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 NEWALL, K.C. Elected Secretaru, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 NEWBEGIN STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 NEWCOMEN, P.B. Churchwarden, St Phillip's church Text 1961 5 B NEWHAM, W.F. Church of Christ Boys Club organiser Text 1959 3 134 NEWMAN, J. Complains about reserve in Waratah Avenue Text 1961 5 60 NEWTON STREET Cost of construction of part of street Text 1960 4 51, 55 NEWTON, Joy Secretary, Box Hill Girls Marching Assoc. Text 1962 6 23 NICHOLLS, Brooke, Dr Mention of his poem about Whitehorse Road Text 1963 7 58 NICHOLLS, Jennifer Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

NICHOLLS, Joy Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H NICHOLSON, J. Letter to editor re bus routes extension Text 1962 7 5 NICHOLSON, Paul Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 NICKELS, Ron Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 NICKSON, Noel, Dr Took over as conductor of Choral Society Text 1961 5 67 NIELSEN, Riwa Foundation member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 NIELSON, Ruva Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 NIELSON, Ruva Member, Box Hill Drama Club Text 1961 5 C NIGGER (Horse) Death of, last horse employed by Council Photo 1964 8 77, 78 NILSSON, O.E. New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D NOALL, Edith Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 NOLAN, A.V. Letters to Editor Text 1956 2 12, 14, 16, 18 NOLAN, Lorenzo Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 NOLC, Slavoj George Frederick Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 NOLLE, Dagay Awarded ballet scholarship Text 1961 4 194 NOLLE, Dagny Performer in ballet, proceeds to charity Text 1961 5 32 NOOR, - Borneo student; attended Mayoral Ball Text 1955 1 140 NORCOTT, A. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 NORMAN COURT Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 NORMAND, R.C. Thanks Council for footpath work Text 1959 3 94 NORMAND, R.C. Queen's Birthday Award Text 1962 6 21 NORMAND, R.C., Mrs Heads Floral Art Group Text 1959 3 42 NORMAND, Royal C., Mrs Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 NORTH EAST BOX HILL PROGRESS ASSOC. Seeks details of planned garbage tip Text 1964 8 87 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

NORTH EAST BOX HILL PROGRESS ASSOC. Formed Text 1964 8 55 NORTH EAST BOX HILL PROGRESS ASSOC. Asks about playgrounds being developed Text 1964 8 88, 196 NUTT, Lynette Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 NUTTALL, E.E., Mrs Requests tree removal Text 1957 2 137 NYHUIS, C. Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 OAK STREET To be constructed Text 1956 1 148 OATES, Elizabeth Death of, obituary, prize winning gardener, poultry breeder Text 1962 6 18, 19

OATES, Jean Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 OATES, T.G. Winner in Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 OATES, T.G. Garden open to public Text 1948 1 17 OATS, R.J. Application for petrol pump refused Text 1960 4 90 O'BRIEN, Sharon Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 O'CONNOR, C. Complains of state of McIntyre Street Text 1961 5 M O'CONNOR, S., Miss Requests seat at bus stop in Lyndoch St. Text 1960 4 103 O'CONNOR, Val Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 O'DONNELL, - V. President of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 O'DONNELL, T. V. President, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 ODORISO, Gaspare Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 O'FLYNN, D.C. Complains about brickworks pollution Text 1961 4 147 OGILVIE, Roy Accompanied performers at volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A OGILVIE, Roy Died 1964, performances listed Text 1965 8 123, 124 OGILVIE, Roy Entertainer, Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

OGILVIE, Roy Accompanist, Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1955 1 144 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 OGILVIE, Roy Performed, Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 OGILVIE, Roy Accompanist, town hall reception Text 1957 2 131 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 OGILVIE, Roy Will perform at Australia Day concert Text 1961 4 130 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 OGILVIE, Roy Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 OGILVIE, Roy Entertained at Mayoral Reception Text 1962 7 3 OGILVIE, Roy Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 OGILVIE, Roy To perform at Australia Day Ceremony Text 1962 5 73, 77 OGILVIE, W.F.C. Complains of state of McIntyre Street Text 1961 5 M O'HAGAN, D. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 O'HALLORAN, Mary M. Letter to editor re footpath needing repair Text 1964 8 101 OKE, Bern Elected Secretary, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 OKE, Joy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 OLBRICH, Walther, Lola I.M. Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 OLDING Max To take up Brisbane Uni post; leaves Choral Society Text 1961 5 67 Appointed to Brisbane University OLDING, Max To perform in charity show at Town Hall Text 1961 5 37 OLIVER, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 OLIVER, Valerie Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 OLYMPAID CRESCENT Construction urgently needed Text 1962 6 71 OLYMPIAD CRESCENT Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 157 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

OLYMPIAN CRESCENT Drainage needed; construction of Text 1962 6 8, 11 OLYMPIC GAMES Decorations planned Text 1956 2 32, 38, 42, 43 OLYVE COURT Construction cost given Text 1954 1 129 OPPERMAN, Hubert (Minister Immigration) At Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 8 45 ORANA CHILDREN'S HOME KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 ORCHARD CRESCENT Tender for construction of part accepted Text 1952 1 90 ORCHARD CRESCENT Part constructed Text 1962 6 62 ORCHARD CRESCENT Objections to construction Text 1952 1 75 ORCHARD CRESCENT Part of, work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 ORCHARD CRESCENT Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103, 119 ORCHARD CRESCENT Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 ORMISTON GIRLS SCHOOL No longer pays rates Text 1965 8 127 ORMISTON GIRLS SCHOOL Senior girls attended Council meeting Text 1960 4 J, K ORMSBY, J., Miss Joins Library staff Text 1956 2 A ORR, Marie Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 OSBORNE, J.H. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 OSBORNE, Jim Secretary, Bennettswood Bowling Club Text 1960 4 77 OSBORNE, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 O'SHEA FAMILY Mayor opens appeal for widow Text 1951 1 64 OSMERS, Annaliese D., Michael H., Walter Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 OTTEN, Antonie, Catherina Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 OTTER, Maximilan Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 OUR LADY OF SION Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 C, H OUR LADY OF SION CONVENT Want traffic lights installed Text 1956 2 22 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

OUR LADY OF SION CONVENT Urges better bus service in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 10 OUR LADY OF SION PARENTS ASSOCIATION Ask for change of location of school crossing Text 1965 8 191 OUR LADY OF SION SCHOOL Senior girls attended Council meeting Text 1960 4 30 OUR LADY'S SCHOOL, SURREY HILLS request for traffic lights Text 1959 3 52 OUR LADY'S SCHOOL, SURREY HILLS Wants school crossing installed Text 1964 8 27 OVENS STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 OVENS STREET To be constructed Text 1961 5 E OVENS STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 OVENS STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 OWEN, Gail At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 PACERS, Heinrichs, Inese Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 PACKHAM STREET Construction plans approved for part of Text 1964 8 38, 75 PACKHAM STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 PACKHAM STREET Named from fruit trees in Fithie orchard Text 1961 5 N PACKHAM STREET Drainage scheme to be implemented Text 1961 4 167, 184 PADANYI, Clare Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 PADGHAM, C.L. President, Box Hill South Ward Association Text 1962 5 93 PADGHAM, D. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 PADGHAM, G,. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 PADGHAM, G. Suggests Glasshouse for flowers should be erected Text 1960 3 202 PADGHAM, G., Cr Board of Works meeting Text 1960 4 53 PADGHAM, G., and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 PADGHAM, G., and wife At opening of St Andrews centre Text 1960 3 202 PADGHAM, G., Cr To be made a Life Governor of Austin Hospital Text 1959 3 125 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PADGHAM, G., Cr At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Photo, Text 1960 4 13 PADGHAM, G., Cr Thanked retiring Town Clerk Text 1956 2 B PADGHAM, G., Cr Presents Award Photo 1959 3 137 PADGHAM, G., Cr. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PADGHAM, G., Cr. and wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 PADGHAM, G., Mayor Visit to Ballarat Library Photo, Text 1960 3 201 PADGHAM, G., Mayor and wife Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 PADGHAM, G., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A PADGHAM, G., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 PADGHAM, G., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 PADGHAM, George 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 PADGHAM, George Family history given Text 1959 3 134 PADGHAM, George Elected Mayor Text 1959 3 129 PADGHAM, George Launched Jessie Robinson Appeal Text 1954 1 126 PADGHAM, George Background and interests given Text 1953 1 111 PADGHAM, George Candidate, Council elections Text 1951 1 68 PADGHAM, George Final Council meeting Text 1960 4 65, 67 PADGHAM, George Announces retirement from Council Text 1960 4 50 PADGHAM, George and wife Patrons, Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 PADGHAM, George and wife Christmas message to residents Text 1959 3 184 PADGHAM, George and wife Hosted Mayoral Ball; at Return Ball Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22, 52 PADGHAM, George and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 PADGHAM, George and wife Return Ball given to them Text 1954 1 132 PADGHAM, George and wife New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PADGHAM, George and wife Received mayoral gifts at Return Ball Text 1960 4 52 PADGHAM, George, Cr Announced retirement Photo, Text 1960 4 49 PADGHAM, George, Cr. Promoted Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 46 PADGHAM, George, Cr Suggests school crossings could be staffed by retirees Text 1960 4 8, 13 PADGHAM, George, Cr Elected Foundation President, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 PADGHAM, George, Cr Suggests retirees could staff school crossings Text 1960 4 8 PADGHAM, George, Cr Former member of Jaycees, to open conference Text 1960 4 37 PADGHAM, George, Cr At meeting to establish local branch of Legacy Text 1961 4 190 PADGHAM, George, Mayor Anzac Day ceremony Photo, Text 1960 4 6 PADGHAM, George, Mrs Involved with Box Hill Ladies Relief Society Text 1960 4 49, 51 PADGHAM, George, Mrs Life Governorship of Ambulance Service Text 1960 4 45 PADGHAM, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 PAGE, - Mrs To lay wreath at Remembrance Day ceremony Text 1962 7 7 PAISLEY STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 PAISLEY STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 PAISLEY STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 PAISLEY STREET Part to be constructed Text 1961 5 E PAISLEY STREET Construction scheme approved for part of Text 1962 7 2 PAISLEY STREET Resident complains about road conditions Text 1961 4 159B PAISLEY STREET Road construction scheme prepared; part of Text 1961 4 169 PAJAK, Anastaizja, Jon Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 PAKENHAM STREET Part of, construction completed Text 1964 8 1 PALMER, G. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 PALMER, R.D. Street drainage needed Text 1962 6 8 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PALMER'S ARCADE Commonwealth Employment Office to open Text 1962 5 76, 79 PANTLIN, K., Mrs President, Ladies Auxiliary RSL Text 1961 4 182 PANZERA, Antonio Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 PAPADOGEORGAKIS, Panayotes, Venetia Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 PAPE, Gerhard H.F. Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 PARK, - Mr Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 PARKER, Edvins Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 PARKER, Ian Has plane flight over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 PARKER, Stan Long friendship with Allan Broadhead Text 1960 4 112 PARKER, Stan Takes plane flight over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 PARKER, Stan Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 PARKER, Stan 'Eastern Times'; attended Pensioner Assoc. Dinner Text 1961 5 69 PARKER, Stanley Reports return of White Horse Statue tail Text 1963 7 160 PARKER, Stanley W. Foundation member Lions Club Text 1960 4 124 PARKER, Stanley W. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 PARKINSON, Judith Attended Return Ball; Debutante Text 1954 1 132 PARKINSON, P. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 PARKSIDE KINDERGARTEN Opening of extension Text 1959 3 69 PARKSIDE KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 PARKSIDE PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE Mayor to open extensions Text 1959 3 53, 55 PARKSIDE PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE Given government grant Text 1958 3 3 PARSLOWBACK, - Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 PARTHENOPOULOS, Aspassia, Leandre Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 PATE, R. Guest, Box Hill Club meeting Text 1958 3 M Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PATERSON, John Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 PATERSON, John Foundation member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 PATERSON, Thelma Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 PATERSON, Thelma Foundation member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193, 201 PATERSONS PTY. LTD Opens furniture store Text 1959 3 166 PATISON, - Mrs Committee, Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 PATON, Andrew Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 PATTERSON, - Mrs Civic Award Winner, at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 PATTERSON, - Mrs Snr Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 PATTERSON, Alan R. Shoe business sold, will continue as employee Text 1963 7 166 PATTERSON, B. Moves that loan be given to local Scouts Text 1961 4 144 PATTERSON, F.A Shoe business sold, will continue as employee Text 1963 7 166 PATTERSON, Gwen Daughter of Keith, has hairdressing salon Text 1963 7 166 PATTERSON, J. & R. Later became Pattersons' Shoes Pty Ltd Text 1963 7 166 PATTERSON, J., Mrs Chairman, Box Hill Ladies Relief Society Text 1960 4 51 PATTERSON, J.H. Appointed Chairman of Bench of Magistrates Text 1950 1 43 PATTERSON, J.H. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F PATTERSON, John Member, Box Hill Drama Club Text 1961 5 C PATTERSON, John and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PATTERSON, K. Organiser, Whitehorse Festival Text 1962 6 82 PATTERSON, K. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 PATTERSON, K. Speaker, Box Hill Club Text 1962 6 5 PATTERSON, K. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 PATTERSON, K.A. Former President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 21 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PATTERSON, K.A. Letter to editor Text 1958 3 1 PATTERSON, K.A. Letter to editor re car parking Text 1959 3 154 PATTERSON, Keith Past President Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 112 PATTERSON, Keith Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 PATTERSON, Keith Formed investment group Text 1960 4 88 PATTERSON, Keith Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 PATTERSON, Keith Sold business, family history given Text 1963 7 166 PATTERSON, N., Mrs Guest at Elderly Citizens' Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 PATTERSON, Nellie Mabel Awarded City of Box Hill Civic Award Text 1964 8 51, 52, 54 PATTERSON, Thelma Member, Box Hill Drama Club Text 1961 5 C PATTERSON'S SHOES PTY. LTD. Sold to Williams the Shoemen Pty. Ltd. Text 1963 7 166 PAUL AVENUE Sewerage to be laid on Text 1963 7 76 PAUL STREET Road construction completed Text 1961 5 4 PAUL, Robert Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 PAULINE, A. Letter to editor re car parking Text 1959 3 166 PAULL, Arthur Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 PAYNE, Adrienne Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 PAYNE, Dot Table tennis player Text 1948 1 23 PAYNE, E. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PAYNE, E.J., Mrs Letter to Council re poor visibility at corner Text 1965 8 124 PAYNE, F. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PAYNE, Harold Vice President Luncheon Club Text 1950 1 54 PAYNE, J.E. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F PEACE STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33, 94, 133 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PEACE STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 PEACOCK STREET Part, new private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1, 27 PEACOCK, M., Mrs Thanks Council for road costs rebate Text 1964 8 30 PEARCE STREET Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 PEARCE, A.J. Infant Welfare Sister at Welfare Court Text 1964 8 36 PEARCE, D. Letter to Council re bus service Text 1962 7 14 PEARSE, Anne Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 PEARSON, James G. Pty. Ltd. Liquor licence transfer granted Text 1958 3 A PEARSON, James G. Pty. Ltd. Spirit merchant licence opposed Text 1958 2 158, 164, 199 PEARSON, V. Station Street, letter to Council Text 1963 7 123 PECK, G.D. Complains about brickworks pollution Text 1961 4 147 PEEL, Jane, student Crossing bridge to school Photo 1962 6 29 PEEL, Vicky, student Crossing bridge to school Photo 1962 6 29 PEERS, Hope Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 PEGRAM, Bruce Member of Adelphian Football Club Text 1964 7 184 PEIRCE, Caryl Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 PELTZ, Jane nee Fulton; obituary Text 1958 2 142, 143 PELUSO, Anna, Michele Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 PENDLE STREET Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 6 1 PENDLE STREET Plan to close access to Whitehorse Road Text 1962 5 90 PENDLE STREET, No. 45 Resident composes Box Hill song Text 1962 6 82 PENN, Bill and wife Travelling overseas to represent Rotary Text 1961 4 180 PENNELL, John Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 PENNEY, C.M. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PENNEY, F.C., and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 PENNY, F.C. Good Neighbour Council, attended Naturalisation Text 1963 7 68 PENOVIC, Vera, Zarko Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 PENROSE STREET New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 PENROSE STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 PENROSE STREET Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 PENTLAND, William Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 PEPICELLI, Carmine Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 PEPICELLI, Eliseo Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 PERKINS, Eric Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 PERKINS, Eric Elected V. President, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 PERKS, Norm Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 PERMAN, W. Memorial fountain at St Andrews Text 1960 3 198 PERRINS, N. Complains about Drive In patron behaviour Text 1965 8 154 PERRY, K., Rev and wife Associated with St Peter's church Text 1961 5 B PERSELY, Irene, Leslie Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 PETER STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 PETER STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 PETER STREET Rear, blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 PETERKIN, Geoff Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 PETERS, A. On Retail Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 PETERS, Cecil Jaap Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 PETERS, N. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 PETERS, Neil Manager, Branch of World Travel Service Text 1961 5 D Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PETERS, Niels Pierre Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 PETHERICK, Gladys Had account with SSB Box Hill Branch for 50 years Text 1962 5 77, 80 PETKOVIC, Marie, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 PETRACCI, Sergio Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 PETRIE, - Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 PETTERD, R.G. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A PETTIFER, Ern Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A PETTY, - Mr. Future Planning Needs Text 1963 7 101 PETTY, Jennifer Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A PEZZIMENTI, Domenico Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 PHEASANT STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 PHILLIP STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1 PHILLIP STREET Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 PHILLIP, Zsigmond Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 PHILLIPS, - Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 PHILLIPS, Fred Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 PHILLIPS, Freddie Performer at Elderly Citizen's Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 PHILLIPS, H. Brick through store window Text 1964 8 16 PHILLIPS, I.M., Mrs Thanks Council for Home Help Service Text 1960 4 8 PHILLIPS, Ian Committee member, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 PHILLIPS, Margaret Performer in ballet, proceeds to charity Text 1961 5 32, 39 PHILLIPS, Max Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 PHILLIPSON, C. Bank manager, elected Treasurer, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63,77, 124 PHILLIPSON, Claude M. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PHILLIPSON, F.B. Appointed Bandmaster Box Hill City Band Text 1962 6 92 PHILP, Dorothy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 PHILP, W. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PHILPOTT, G. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 PHILPOTT, George A. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 PICHUT, Irma, Simon Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 PIEDMONT STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 PIEDMONT STREET Car accidents on corner Text 1960 4 C PIEDMONT STREET Construction costs Text 1959 3 68 PIEDMONT STREET Car accidents on corner Text 1959 3 35, 37, 41, 50, 57, 96, 202 PIERCE, Maureen Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H PINIGER, - Mrs Appointed temporarily to Library Text 1960 4 66 PINKER, Klaus Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 PIPPEY, - Mr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 PIPPEY, P. Candidate, Council election Text 1956 2 25 PIPPEY, P. Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 PIPPEY, P. H. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, PIPPEY, P.H. President of organisers, Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 PIPPEY, P.H. Chairman, Australia Day Dinner Committee Text 1964 7 184 PIPPEY, P.H. President of organisers, Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 PIPPEY, P.H. President, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 PIPPEY, Phil Solicitor for Youth Club Text 1958 3 B PIPPEY, Phil 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 PITAMAN, E. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PITMAN, G.R. Does not want made footpaths in Cropley Crt Text 1963 7 68 PITT, I. Good Neighbour Council, spoke at Naturalisation Text 1963 7 169 Ceremony PITT, I.B. Sec/Treasurer, local branch Good Neighbours Council Text 1963 7 113, 1187 PITTMAN, H. Wants local shops on his land Text 1959 3 102, 107, 108 PIZZEY, D., Mrs Letter thanking home help service Text 1958 3 C 'PLANNING FOR MELBOURNE'S FUTURE' Film, shown in packed town hall Text 1954 1 124 PLATO, Vlademars G. Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 'PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTERNOON' Held at Town Hall; report on Text 1964 8 16 PLUNKETT, B.J. Letter to editor, supports rate rise Text 1953 1 92 PLYMIN, Carole Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 PODZINS, Anna, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 POGNI, Carmela,Luidi T. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 POLLARD, Rosemary Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 POLOVINKA, Gisela M.H.K. Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 POMEROY, H.C.R. Elected Ass Secretary of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 PONTIN, L.C. Road under water Text 1959 3 100 POOLE STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 POOLE STREET Unmade road, drainage problems Text 1961 5 37 POOLE STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 POPE, - Mrs At Kindergarten Open Day Text 1959 3 69 POPLAR STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 40 PORTER, M. Traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 PORTER, S.H. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 POST MASTER GENERAL's DEPARTMENT To install TV mast in Surrey Hills; residents object Text 1961 5 34, 40, 41, 46 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

POST MASTER GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT To install public phone box in Arnold Street Text 1963 7 150, 151 POST MASTER GENERAL's DEPARTMENT To install TV mast in Surrey Hills; residents object Text 1961 5 6A, 12, 13, 16 POTT, Marion Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 POULTON, J. Letter re dangers of Station/Tyne St corner Text 1963 7 110 POUND, Brian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 POWELL, Rod Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 POWER, Dave Represented Australia in UN Marathon Text 1961 5 37 PRACZ, Anna, Leonid Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 PRANCKUNAS, Juozas, Zofia Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 PRATT, H.C. Secretary, Dry Areas Restoration Movement Text 1965 8 197, 200, 204 PREECE, Misao Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 PRESBYTERIAN LADIES COLLEGE Day school to commence in 1958 Text 1957 2 107 PRESBYTERIAN LADIES COLLEGE Pupils attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE, BAPTIST CHURCH Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 PRE-SCHOOL CENTRES Potential cost of establishing Text 1949 1 29 PRESCOTT, J. Fined in local court, returned soldier Text 1948 1 24 PRESTEGAR, Cheryl Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 PRESTIGE LTD Mannequin parade in Town Hall planned Text 1951 1 63 PRESTON MOTORS Supplied cars for Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 PRESTON, H. Spoke at meeting to oppose planned bus depot Text 1962 5 93 PRESTON, Reg Potter; did plaques in St Andrew's Centre Text 1960 3 202 PRESTON, Yvonne Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 PRICE, - Mrs AGM, elected Secretary of Youth Centre Text 1961 5 41 PRICE, A. Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PRICE, A. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 PRICE, A. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 PRICE, Alec Spoke to Chamber of Commerce meeting Text 1960 4 86 PRICE, Alex Elected Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 PRICE, Alex Co-Op Housing Societies dinner held on his premises Text 1960 4 115 PRICE, G Spoke at meeting to oppose planned bus depot Text 1962 5 93 PRICE, John Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 PRICE, L.B., Mrs Letter to Council re poor state of nature strip Text 1964 8 33 PRIESSEN, Anthony F., Yvonne A. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 PRIESSEN, Cornelis W.A., Jacoba M. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 PRINCE STREET To be constructed Text 1959 3 33, 94 PRINCE STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 PRINCE STREET Work proceeding on part of channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 PRINCE STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 PRINCE STREET Part of, to be constructed Text 1960 4 54 PRINCE, J. President, Middleborough District Progess Assoc. Text 1947, 1951 1 10, 60 PRINCE, J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 PRINCESS ELIZABETH KINDERGARTEN Mayoress and boarders Photo 1959 3 95 PRINCESS ELIZABETH KINDERGARTEN Debutantes and partners form Auxiliary Text 1961 5 L PRINCESS ELIZABETH KINDERGARTEN FOR DEAF Younger Set formed for first time Text 1961 4 196 PRINDABLE, L. Letter to Editor re RSL liquor licence proposal Text 1964 7 193, 197, 198 PRINDABLE, Roy Member RSL building committee Photo, Text 1963 7 151 PRINGLE, G. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 PRIOR, Elizabeth Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PRIOR, G. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 PRIOR, J.H. Refutes claim church hall not available for Scouts Text 1961 4 159 PRIOR, L. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 PRIOR, L. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 PRIOR, L. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PRIOR, L., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 PROBST, Gisela Johanna Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 PROKOP, Romauld Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 PROKOP, Romauld Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 PROPOSCH, Daryl Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 PROSPECT STREET,No. 17 Resident suggests lighting town hall flower beds Text 1964 8 11, 12 PROSS, J. Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K PROTOPOPOV, Nicholas, Michael Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 PROUD, - Candidate, Council elections Text 1947 1 10 PROUD, L. Donated sandpit to kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 PROUD, L. Letter to Editor re Union status Text 1947 1 1 PROUDFOOT, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A PROUDFOOT, - Cr Mayor Photo 1956 2 39 PROUDFOOT, - Cr Vice President, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B PROUDFOOT, - Cr and wife Centenary Dinner Photo, Text 1957 2 114, 117 PROUDFOOT, A.G. Died recently, Council tribute Text 1950 1 50 PROUDFOOT, A.G. Family donated carillon to church Text 1959 3 59 PROUDFOOT, A.G., Mrs At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 PROUDFOOT, A.G., Mrs Death of, first mayoress Text 1962 6 24 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PROUDFOOT, J,. and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 PROUDFOOT, J., and wife Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 PROUDFOOT, J., Cr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 PROUDFOOT, J., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 PROUDFOOT, J., Cr and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 PROUDFOOT, J.F., Mrs Nominated as Life Governor of Children's Hospital Text 1962 6 41 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Candidate council elections Photo 1952 1 80, 84 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Elected Mayor Text 1956 2 28 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 37,38 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Returned unopposed at Council election Text 1961 5 12 PROUDFOOT, J.K. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 PROUDFOOT, J.K. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 PROUDFOOT, J.K. and wife Presided at Mayoral Ball; Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 99, 115 PROUDFOOT, J.K. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 PROUDFOOT, J.K. and wife Attended various funcions outside city Text 1956 2 44 PROUDFOOT, J.K. Cr. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr Announces retirement at next election Text 1964 8 21, 23 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr Last Council meeting, tributes paid Text 1964 8 41 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Cr. Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PROUDFOOT, J.K., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Mrs Guides District Comm., going to Naura Text 1963 7 103 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 PROUDFOOT, J.K., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 PROUDFOOT, Margaret Miss Box Hill Olympics Photo, Text 1959 3 78, 79, 137 PRUDDEN, H. City Baths Manager Text 1958 2 140 PRUDDEN, Harold Manager, Box Hill swimming pool Text 1965 8 117 PRUDDEN, J. Manager of Baths, quiet opening to season Text 1962 7 5 PRYOR, Lynette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES Bus terminals; Locality maps proposed Text 1962 6 22 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES Reduction in bus service in Canterbury Road Text 1964 8 8, 15 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES Bus terminal and passengers Photo 1957 2 84 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES Bus service extended to shopping centre Text 1957 2 134 PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES New bus route to Oakleigh proposed Text 1965 8 147, 164 PUERTA STREET Road constructed, cost given Text 1963 7 131 PUMP, Kevin Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 PUPILS - SECONDARY SCHOOLS Junior Council Photo, Text 1960 4 46 PURA BAKING CO. Cigarette found in their bread Text 1961 4 171 PURCELL, - Major Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 124 PURCELL, F. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 PURVES, Frank Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 PUTT & CO. PTY. LTD. Pura Baking Co., cigarette found in bread Text 1961 4 171 PYE, J. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 PYE, J. Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

PYE, J. Secretary, Middleborough District Progess Assoc. Text 1947 1 10 PYE, J. President, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 PYE, J. Committee, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 PYE, John Secretary of Youth Club Text 1958 3 B PYWELL, Wally Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 QUINN, Kevin Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 QUINTON, Bruce On Industrial Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 RADAK, Radomir Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 RADIVOJEVIC, Dragutin, Vera Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 RADTKE, Hans, Maria Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 RAFFERTY, Chips Takes part in Pageant for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 118 RAFTUS, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Railway gates jammed shut Text 1964 8 71 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Station Street rail crossing open & closed Photo, Text 1960 4 102 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT To open commuter carpark, south side of line Text 1959 3 145 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Increases rent on bus terminal Photo, Text 1957 2 84 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Car park on south side a disgrace Text 1964 8 67 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Unmanned railway stations of concern Text 1962 6 14, 16 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Will not help install Boom Gates at Station St. Text 1964 7 300 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Allow Council to lease Bank St land for car park Text 1961 5 N, 1 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT To lease Bank St. land to Council for car park Text 1963 7 80 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Considering Boom Gates for Station Street Text 1963 7 135, 136, 142 RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT Suggestion for lowering Station Street rail line Text 1960 4 9, 11, 15 RAMPLIN, G. Factory addition approved Text 1959 3 52 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RAMSAY, Myles Louis Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 RANDLES, David Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 RANKINE, Lloyd Attended AGM of Box Hill South Progress Assoc. Text 1965 8 154, 165 RANTEN, Marie Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 RANTEN, Marie Took part in Junior Council day, wrote letter Text 1960 4 56 RANTEN, Valerie Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H RAPLEY, Dave Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 RAPLEY, David Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 RASK, Alan Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 RASMUSSEN, - Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 RASMUSSEN, - (Mr) Traffic congestion, helicopter ride arranged Photo 1959 3 119 RASMUSSEN, A.E., Mrs Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F RASMUSSEN, E. Ass Engineer, 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 RASMUSSEN, E. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 RASMUSSEN, E., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 RASMUSSEN, E., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 RASMUSSEN, E., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 RASMUSSEN, E.C. Acting City Engineer Text 1959 3 60 RASMUSSEN, E.C. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 RASMUSSEN, E.C., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 RASPANTI, Vincent Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 RATHSMANN, Marie A. Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 RAUCHFUSS, Margaret Marie Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 RAUCHFUSS, Peter Paul Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RAVEN, A.E. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 RAVENHALL, - Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 RAWLINGS STREET Formerly Russell Street Text 1960 4 28 RAWLINGS, F. President, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 RAWLINGS, Murray and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1954 1 132 RAWLINGS, Murray and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 RAWLINGS, Murray and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 RAWSON, R., MLC and wife Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954, 1955 1 115, 135 RAWSON, R.R., and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 RAWSON, R.R., MLC and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 RAWSON, R.R., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 RAY , S., Rev Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 RAY, F.D. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 RAY, S.W., Rev Background given Text 1959 3 38 RAY, S.W., Rev St Andrew's , chairman Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 RAYGEM ELECTRICS PTY. LTD BP to install pump equipment Text 1957 2 137 RAYMOND, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 REACE, Jack Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 READ, J., Mrs Ass secretary of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 READ, Norman Won Olympic gold medal, trained here Text 1956 2 41 READY, J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 READY, J. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 READY, J.W. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 READY, J.W. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

READY, J.W. and wife Citizens committee, arranged Ball for Mayor Text 1948 1 21 RED CROSS APPEAL Result of Text 1962 6 1 REES STREET Blackberries sprayed with 2-4-5T Text 1961 4 187 REES, J.W. Fundraising for new clubrooms for Elderly Citizens Club Text 1961 5 18 REES, K. PTY LTD. Plan to open emporium Text 1958 2 170 REES, K.J. Asks for street to be constructed Text 1959 3 98 REES, K.J. Complains of poor condition of street Text 1957 2 108 REES, K.J. Wants street made Text 1959 3 114 REID STREET Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 REID STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 REID STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 REID, Beverley Mayoress Reception, Usherette Text 1959 3 146, 152 REID, Beverley Usherette, Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A REID, C., Mrs Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 REID, G.O. Opened new Patersons store Text 1959 3 166 REID, G.O. New Assembly Hall, Box Hill Tech. School Text 1960 4 D REID, G.O. Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 REID, G.O. Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1951 1 61 REID, G.O. Spoke at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 4 117 REID, G.O. Speaker at Australia Day Ceremony Text 1962 5 75, 77 REID, G.O., and wife At opening of Box Hill Club's new premises Text 1959 3 55 REID, G.O., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1956 2 3 REID, G.O., and wife At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 REID, G.O., and wife At opening of R.S.L. premises Photo 1965 8 163 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

REID, G.O., and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 REID, G.O., MLA Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' ceremony Text 1964 8 81 REID, G.O., MLA At opening of library, Koonung Heights S.S. Text 1964 8 21 REID, G.O., MLA At Naturalisation ceremony Text 1965 8 166 REID, G.O., MLA At naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 REID, G.O., MLA Officially opened new factory Text 1958 3 2 REID, G.O., MLA At opening of Elderly Citizens clubrooms Text 1964 8 20 REID, G.O., MLA AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E REID, G.O., MLA Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F REID, G.O., MLA At Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 REID, G.O., MLA Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 REID, G.O., MLA Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 REID, G.O., MLA Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A REID, G.O., MLA and Wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1955 1 142 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Guest at Elderly Citizens' Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1957 2 124 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1957 2 99, 115 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 REID, G.O., MLA and wife At Christmas Party of War Widows Assoc. Text 1961 5 71 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

REID, G.O., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 REID, G.O., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 7 184 REID, G.O., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 REID, G.O., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A REID, G.O., Mrs Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 REID, G.O., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 REID, G.O., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 REID, G.O., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 REID, George, MLA State Member has served record breaking term Photo, Text 1964 7 174 REID, George, MLA At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Photo, Text 1960 4 13 REID, George, Minster for Labour 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 REID, Graham Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 REID, J. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 REID, Keith Designed Presb. Church hall in Tennyson St. Text 1961 4 203 REILLY, P.T. Secretary Bennettswood Progress Assoc. Text 1960 4 74 RELOWE CRESCENT Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 RELOWE CRESCENT Construction planned Text 1949 1 28, 73 RELOWE CRESCENT Will be sewered next year Text 1961 5 70A RELOWE CRESCENT Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 RELOWE CRESCENT Part of, paving and footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169, 195 REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY Service and attendees listed Text 1963 7 144 REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY To be held at war memorial in Whitehorse Road Text 1962 7 7 RENDALL, C. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 RENISON, - Mr Passed Library exam Text 1965 8 133 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RENNIE & CO To run night bus service to Bennettswood Text 1962 6 50 RENNIE, - Trial night bus service in Bennettswood to cease Text 1962 7 10, 13 RENNIE, F., Mrs Winner in Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 RENNIE, F., Mrs Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 RENNIE, F.H. and Son Pty Ltd Seeks amendment of bus route Text 1964 8 63 RENNIE, F.H. and Sons Apply to operate bus service to Mt Waverley Text 1964 8 30, 36 RENNIE, Jean Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 RENOWN STREET Still unmade Text 1959 3 94 RENOWN STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 RENOWN STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 RENOWN STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 RENOWN STREET, Lot 54 Sold by Council for unpaid rates Text 1961 5 53 RENSHAW, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 RENTON, J.A.H. Clota Avenue, associated with Ice Works Text 1962 6 21 RENWICK, T.S., Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 'REPORTER' NEWSPAPER To cease Nunawading edition Text 1964 8 10 RESPINI, Russell Frederick Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 RETCHFORD, - Electric appliances shop, Wattle Park Text 1958 2 162 REYNOLDS, Keith Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 RHONDINELLA, Josephine Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 RIALTO THEATRE Passed in at auction Text 1959 3 91 RIALTO THEATRE Showed 'Rock around the Clock' Text 1957 2 58 RIBAND STEEL Asks for no standing zone outside their premises Text 1961 4 131 RICHARD STREET Construction completed Text 1962 6 62 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RICHARD STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11 RICHARD STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 RICHARDS STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169 RICHARDS, - Candidate, Council elections Text 1947 1 10 RICHARDS, - Cr Revived Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 RICHARDS, Gregory Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 RICHARDS, Harold Electric supply staff, died recently Text 1960 4 104 RICHARDS, L. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A RICHARDS, L. Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 RICHARDS, L. Mrs. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, RICHARDS, L.C. and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 RICHARDS, Les Traffic officer, taking long service leave, function held Text 1965 8 165 RICHARDS, W.J. Winner in Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 RICHARDS, W.J. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F RICHARDS, W.J. Former Mayor, visited Box Hill in U.K. Text 1961 5 38 RICHARDS, W.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 RICHARDS, W.J., Cr President, Box Hill City Band; letter to editor Text 1950 1 43 RICHARDS, W.J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 RICHARDS, W.J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 RICHARDSON STREET Construction scheme prepared Text 1965 8 157 RICHARDSON, A.C. Appointment as rate collector confirmed Text 1960 4 54 RICHARDSON, Carlene Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1965 8 189 RICHARDSON, J., Mrs Leaves to live in U.S. Text 1956 2 A RICHARDSON, Lorna Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RICKETTS, D.C. Letter to Editor Text 1960 4 85 RIDDELL, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 RIEKERT, Ernest, Elizabeth Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 RIMES, Trevor Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 RIPKE, Carl Manfred Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 RISSTROM, Eric Addressed Ratepayers Association meeting Text 1964 8 35 RITCH, Frank Entertainer, Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 RITCHIE, - Sister To attend nursing conference Text 1961 4 146 RITCHIE, A. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 RITCHIE, J. Infant Welfare Sister at Woodhouse Grove Text 1964 8 36 RITCHIE, J., Sister Infant Welfare nurse Text 1959 3 34, 50 RIVERSDALE ROAD Tip to become a park Text 1948 1 24 RIVERSDALE ROAD 7 acres purchased by Council for open space Text 1964 7 191 RIVERSDALE ROAD/FERNDALE STREET Petrol pump to be installed Text 1959 3 94 RIVERSDALE ROAD/GLENDALE STREET Footpath to be constructed Text 1964 8 14 RIVERSDALE ROAD/SYCAMORE STREET MMBW offers 3 year lease of 21 acres for 3 years Text 1961 4 129 RIVERSDALE/ELGAR ROADS Council to purchase land for intersection Text 1960 4 91 RIZZI, S. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K ROACH, Jackie Meter maids (parking meters) Photo, Text 1965 8 164 ROBBINS, - Mrs V. Pres., Ladies Auxiliary, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 ROBERSON, K.W. Asks for traffic lights to be repositioned; refused Text 1963 7 144 ROBERTS AVENUE Construction scheme prepared Text 1965 8 157 ROBERTS, Alan Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 ROBERTS, David Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1955 1 144 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ROBERTS, E. Secretary, Youth Club Text 1956 2 11, 12 ROBERTS, Ian Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 ROBERTS, Jennifer Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 ROBERTS, Kaye Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H ROBERTS, L.W. Secretary, Box Hill South Traders Assoc. Text 1962 7 10 ROBERTS, Lynette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 ROBERTS, Phylsia Comment on tree removal in Victoria Crescent Text 1965 8 119 ROBERTS, R. Secretary, Box Hill South Traders Association Text 1962 7 25 ROBERTS, Shirley Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 ROBERTS, Tom Sale of art works Text 1957 2 91 ROBERTS, Tom At one time Choirmaster, St Peter's church Text 1962 5 95 ROBERTS, Tom New Choirmaster for Combined Pensioners Assoc. Text 1962 5 95 ROBERTSON, Nancy Letter to editor, opposed to fluoridation Text 1964 8 A ROBIESON, E.C. Koonung Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1952 1 83, 85 ROBINSON, A. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 ROBINSON, A.D. Complains of lack of shelter at bus stop Text 1959 3 54 ROBINSON, A.J. St Peter's Church Warden Text 1947 1 5 ROBINSON, Heather Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 ROBINSON, J.V. (Mrs) Candidate council elections Photo 1952 1 80, 82 ROBINSON, Jean Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 ROBINSON, Jessie Committee of social workers formed Text 1957 2 105 ROBINSON, Jessie Killed in car accident, memorial planned Text 1954 1 121, 122, 126 ROBINSON, Jessie Last of Memorial Fund to go to Alkira Text 1961 4 132 ROBINSON, Len Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ROBINSON, Pamela Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 ROBSON, M., Miss Appointed to Library staff Text 1959 3 33 ROCKMANS Damaged by fire Text 1961 4 154, 157 ROCKMAN'S SHOP Main Street, to open Text 1954 1 131 RODAN, Florence Letter to editor Text 1954 1 122 RODD, W.F. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 RODDA, Valerie Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 RODGERSON ROAD Unmade, construction wanted by residents Text 1960 4 45 RODGERSON, D.B., Mrs Obituary; lists achievements and family history Text 1961 5 32 RODGERSON, Margaret At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 RODITIS, George Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 ROELOFS, H.H.G. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K ROGAN, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A ROGAN, F.H. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 ROGAN, R.H., MARS At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 ROGERSON ROAD Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 ROGERSON ROAD Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 ROGERSON, D.G., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 ROGERSON, D.R., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 ROGERSON, Margaret Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 ROLFE, W.A. Director, Box Hill Co-op Housing Society Text 1962 6 45 ROLFE, W.A. Won prize at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 ROLFE, W.R. Spoke to historical society Text 1965 8 184 ROLLE, W.A. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ROLLS, Josephine Secretary, Pre School Association Text 1952 1 75 ROMNEY, Elizabeth Travelled overseas with Heather Stephens Text 1963 7 36 RONALD STREET Construction cost given Text 1962 6 7, 11, 24, 51 RONALD STREET Sewerage to be laid on Text 1963 7 76 RONALD, Joe ANA; attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 RONDINELLA, Francesco Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 RONDINELLA, Nunziata, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 RONEY, L.F. Complained of house flooding Text 1958 3 2 ROOKS, C. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F ROOKS, C.F., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A ROONEY, K.M. Secretary, Burwood Progress Assoc. Text 1954 1 125 ROPER, Myra Speaker, Memorial to Jessie Robinson Text 1954 1 126 ROSE BROS Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 ROSE, Wendy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 ROSELEA STREET Construction work completed Text 1962 6 9 ROSELEA STREET Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 ROSLYN STREET Residents report traffic accidents at intersection Text 1963 7 144 ROSS, Meryl Concert for her, is leaving to study overseas Text 1949 1 40 ROSS, Robert Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 ROSSEAU, Albert, Arlette Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 ROSSER, - Mrs Donated balls to kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 ROSSETTI, Filippo Naturalised Text 1962 6 12 ROSTREVOR PARADE Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 28, 76 ROSTREVOR PARADE Billy cart Trial held Text 1958 2 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ROSTREVOR PARADE Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 ROSTREVOR PARADE Motorists speeding, traffic signs needed Text 1963 7 67 ROSTREVOR PARADE Council donated land for Guides hall Text 1961 4 192 ROSTREVOR PARADE, No. 59 Resident asked to cut down very tall shrub Text 1963 7 149 ROSTREVOR PARADE, No. 6 Resident complains of speeding motorists Text 1963 7 67 ROSTREVOR PARADE/STRABANE AVENUE Accidents still occuring Text 1963 7 124, 125 ROTHSAY AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 27, 157 ROTTIER, Elisabeth M., Theodorus A. Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 ROUCH & KENNEDY Bus routes described, Council supports Text 1962 6 31, 49, 70, 73, 92 ROUCH & KENNEDY Extend bus route to Woodhouse Grove Text 1963 7 40, 42, 65 ROUCH & KENNEDY Apply to extend bus route to Woodhouse Grove Text 1961 4 157 ROUCH & KENNEDY Urged to increase bus service in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 7, 8, 10 - 13 ROUCH & KENNEDY Should get compensation when bus route ceased Text 1962 5 83 ROUCH AND KENNEDY To trial new bus route Text 1962 7 19 ROUCH AND KENNEDY Want to extend bus routes Text 1961 5 28, 30 ROWE, - Projectionist, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 ROWE, M. Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 ROWE, Valerie Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 ROWE, W.S. (Bill) Complains about Drive In patron behaviour Text 1965 8 154 ROWELL, Sydney, Sir Opens Scout Hall for 9th Group Text 1961 4 165 ROWERN COURT Factory approved Text 1959 3 57 ROWLAND STREET Part to be constructed Text 1953 1 104 ROWLAND, Ivy Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 ROWLAND, Keith Secretary, RSL Text 1965 8 170 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ROWLANDS, K. Secretary, R.S.L. Photo 1965 8 163 ROWLANDS, K. Sec., Box Hill RSL; re liquor licence application Text 1964 7 193, 197 ROWLEY, Celia, Miss Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Council display wins Bronze Medal Text 1961 5 66 ROYAL VICTORIAN INSTITUTE FOR BLIND Objections to cost of street construction Text 1962 6 11, 28 ROYAL VISIT Detail of events planned Text 1954 1 117, 118, 119, 120 RUDOLPH, E. and wife Attended Pensioner Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 RUIE, Bruce Performed in band concert Text 1957 2 104 RULE, C Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 RUMBOLD, R.M. Requests bus shelter in Belmore Road Text 1964 8 42 RUMPELT, Irmgard Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 RUSCH, G. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 RUSH, F., Mrs Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 RUSH, Vivian Council employee, elected to Doncaster Council Text 1961 5 16, 18 RUSH, Zwaantje Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 RUSHBURY, Sandra Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 RUSSELL BURROWS PTY. LTD. Given approval for car servicing factory Text 1960 4 21 RUSSELL BURROWS PTY. LTD. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 RUSSELL BURROWS PTY. LTD. Gets permit to use tennis courts as car park Text 1963 7 103 RUSSELL STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 RUSSELL STREET Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 139 RUSSELL STREET Subdivided, 27 allotments sold Text 1963 7 170 RUSSELL STREET Part to be renamed Rawlings Street Text 1960 4 28 RUSSELL STREET Street construction nearly complete in part of it Text 1961 5 5, 67 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

RUSSELL, - Mrs Ass. Secretary, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 RUSSELL, E., Mrs Registrar of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 RUSSELL, E., Mrs Registrar, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 RUSSELL, K.J. Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 RUSSELL, K.R. Letter to Council re traffic accidents Text 1963 7 144 RUSSO, A. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K RUTLAND PLUMBERS SUPPLIES Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 RUTLAND ROAD Residents asked to decorate for Royal Visit Text 1954 1 117 RUTLAND ROAD Parking meters may be installed Text 1961 5 7 RUTLAND ROAD, No. 6-10 Shortage of parking Text 1961 5 4 RUTTER, Elizabeth Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 RYALL, R.A., Rev Minister, Church of Christ Text 1961 5 71 RYAN, - Mrs Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 RYAN, D. Medway Street; letter to editor Text 1948 1 24 RYAN, Johanna Petronella, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 RYAN, Martin At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 RYKES, Evangeline, Hendrik Geraldus Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 S. & S. ESTATES Transfer of Plan in Joyhill Avenue Text 1960 4 113 S.E.C. DEPOT Briquette dust causing problems to neighbours Text 1962 6 99 SABA, - Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 SALISBURY STREET First use of bitumenized rubber Text 1960 3 200 SALK VACCINE Rush on after warning of new polio strain Text 1964 8 31, 34, 35, 163 SALK VACCINE Immunisation campaign promoted Text 1959 3 1, 27, 78 SALK VACCINE Delay in obtaining supplies Text 1961 5 35, 38 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SALK VACCINE New campaign launched by State government Text 1963 7 73, 77 SALK VACCINE Over 1,000 people vaccinated Text 1960 4 85 SALLMANN, Louis A. Attempt to sell Rialto Theatre Text 1959 3 91 SALMON, A.J. Query on verandah posts law Text 1954 1 133 SALOMONS, Klass Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 SALOUMIDIS, George, Renne Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 SALVATION ARMY BAND Took part in Commonwealth Youth March Text 1962 6 15 SALVATION ARMY BAND Led Whitehorse Festival procession Text 1964 8 17 SALVATION ARMY BOYS HOME Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 SALVATION ARMY BOYS HOME Started in 1913; celebrations planned Text 1963 7 111 SALVATOR, Pasquale Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 SAMBELL, F. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 SAMPSON, Dick Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 SAMUEL, - Manager, Commonwealth Bank Box Hill Text 1963 7 40 SAMUEL, P. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 SAMUEL, P. Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 SAMUEL, P. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 SAMUEL, Pat Went to Sydney to look at rail crossing abolition Text 1963 7 163, 164 SAMUEL, Pat Elected Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 SAMUELS, Pat Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 SAMUELS, R. Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 SANDERS, Valda Mayoress Reception, Usherette Text 1959 3 146, 152 SANDERS, Valda Usherette, Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A SANDERS, Valda Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SANDS, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 SANGEN, Hubert J. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 SANTILLI, Antonio Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 SANTILLI, Vince Moral Rearmament H'book Photo, Text 1961 4 132 SARAH, Stan Treasurer, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 SARAH, Stanley V. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 SATCHWELL, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 SAUL, D., Mrs Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 SAUL, Dorothy President, Box Hill C.W.A., interview Photo, Text 1965 8 201 SAUL, E. Supports rate rise Text 1953 1 91 SAUL, E. E., Mrs. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E SAUL, E.E., Mrs Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 SAULL, Mr. & Mrs. Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 SAULL, Mr. & Mrs. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 SAUNDERS, Merle Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 SAVAGE, M. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 SAWATZSKY, H. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 SAXON, Ruth Has plane flight over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 SAXTON STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 SAXTON STREET Residents complain of condition Text 1955 1 141 SAYERS, W., Mrs Begonia Street, overgrown lane at back Text 1958 2 139 SAYWELL, Graeme Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 SCALA, C. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SCAMBLER, - Pastor First President of Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 123 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SCAMBLER, Gordon Has plane flight over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 SCANDRETT, E., Rev Spoke at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 4 117 SCANDRETT, G.M., Rev Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1958 2 158 SCANE, R. Elected V. President of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 SCHACHE, Doug Complains of poor condition of street Text 1965 8 130 SCHAPER, George Rudolf Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 SCHARF, - Professor Judged Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 SCHARF, - Professor Family history given Text 1957 2 96 SCHAT, A. A., Miss Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SCHAT, J., Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SCHAT, T. Miss Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SCHNABL, G., and wife In car accident on way to Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 L SCHNABL, G., and wife Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 L SCHNEDER, Rolf Sigmund Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 SCHNEEWEIS, Karl Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 SCHOFFELEN, Sophia, Wynard Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 SCHOLES-ROBERTSON, R., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 SCHOOL BANKING SYSTEM Set up in 1912 by State Savings Bank Text 1962 5 77, 80 SCHOOLS' CHORAL FESTIVAL Organised by Rotary Photo 1964 8 6, 19 SCHRODER, John Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 SCHROEDER, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 SCHULZ, Christine, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 SCHULZE, Ernst R., Hannelore Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 SCHWAB, Murray Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SCHWAL, Antoinette, Natale Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 SCIPIONE, Maria, Pasquale Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 SCOTLAND, Betty Entertained at Mayoral Reception Text 1962 7 3 SCOTT, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 SCOTT, - (Health Inspector) Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 SCOTT, - Mr Health Inspector, 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 SCOTT, - Mrs Sec., Ladies Auxiliary, Bennettswood Kinder Assoc. Text 1961 5 66 SCOTT, - Mrs SCOTT, E. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 SCOTT, E., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 SCOTT, H. McG., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 SCOTT, L. E., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 SCOTT, L.E To retire as Town Clerk Text 1955, 1956 1 146, 147, 149 SCOTT, L.E. Attended Australia Day Commemoration Text 1955 1 135 SCOTT, L.E. Attends last meeting, thanked Text 1956 2 A,B SCOTT, L.E. City Valuer, annual report Text 1948 1 14 SCOTT, L.E. Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1957 2 124 SCOTT, L.E. and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 SCOTT, L.E. and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1954 1 132 SCOTT, L.E. and wife Present at Mayoral Ball Text 1953 1 99 McCREDDEN, - Mrs SCOTT, L.E., Mrs Won award at flower show Text 1949 1 31 SCOTT, L.E., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 SCOTT, L.E., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 SCOTT, L.E., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SCOTT, Lee CAE At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 SCOTT, Leslie Eddington Promoted from Valuer to Town Clerk Text 1953 1 91 SCOTT, N., Mrs Ass. Secretary, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 SCOTT, P., Mrs Ass secretary of Bennettswood Kinder. Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 SCOTT, Roslyn Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 SCOTT, S. McG. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 SCOTT, S., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 SCOTT, S.McG., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 SCOTT, Sandra Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 SCOTTSDALE STREET Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33 SCOTTSDALE STREET Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 139 SCOUT HALL Boondara Parade, to be officially opened Text 1958 2 199 SCOUT HALL New one planned in Tyne Street Text 1952 1 80 SCURRAH, O., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 SEARLE, Malcolm 3AK, at Box Hill Shopping Centre Text 1964 8 15 SECOMB, - Mrs Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 SECOND AVENUE Traders want road made Text 1961 5 36 SEDAWIE, N., Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1961 4 180 SEDOWIE, M.P. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 SEIDL, Jan J., Vlasta M. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 SEIPEL, Ausma Veronika, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 SEIPEL, Rudolf Hermann Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 SELVEY, Warwick Selected for Olympics team Text 1960 4 27, 55 SEMMENS, Jill Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SEMPLE, Shirley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 98 SENIOR, J.R. Churchwarden, St Peter's church Text 1961 5 B SENIOR, Rosemary Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189, 190 SERPELL, Alfred Estate sells land in Main Street Text 1954 1 131 SERPELL, R.A. Elected Kindergarten President Text 1963 7 76 SERPENTINE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 SERPENTINE STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 104 SERVICE WOODWORKERS PTY LTD Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 SEVERN STREET Drain to be undergrounded Text 1963 7 70 SEVERN STREET/DONCASTER ROAD Rezoned for shops, residents object Text 1959 3 90, 100, 102, 107, 108 SEVERN/AVON STREETS Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 54 SEWALL, David Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 SEWART, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 SEWART, W. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 SEWELL STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 SEWELL, Simon Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 SEYMOUR ROAD Construction of, objection to cost Text 1962 6 11, 32 SEYMOUR ROAD To be renamed Strabane Ave as extension of it Text 1964 8 43 SEYMOUR ROAD Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 SHACK, D. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 SHACK, D. Committee, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 SHAEFFER, Roy Speaker at Box Hill Rotary Club Text 1962 7 5 SHAND, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 SHAND, C. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SHAND, C. Committee, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B SHAND, C. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 SHANKLIN STREET Sewerage to be laid on Text 1963 7 76 SHANNON STREET Needs construction Text 1959 3 98, 114, 119 SHANNON STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62, 89 SHANNON STREET In poor condition Text 1957 2 108 SHANNON STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 28 SHANNON STREET Construction of part approved Text 1960 4 10, 57 SHANNON STREET Part of, paving and footpaths to be completed Text 1961 4 169, 195 SHANNON STREET Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 SHANNON, N.H. PTY. LTD Factory permit granted Text 1960 3 200 SHANNON, W.H. PTY. LTD. Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 29 SHARP, A.E. Wants road constructed Text 1959 3 78 SHAW, - Scout leader Text 1959 3 138 SHAW, Bill Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 SHAW, Mary Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181 189, 190 SHAW, Robert Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 SHEATHER, V.S., Sgt Promoted to police Inspector, transferred. Text 1961 4 132 SHEATHER, V.T. Sergeant, Box Hill police Text 1960 4 K, 2 SHEATHER, V.T., Sgt Becomes Prosecuting Officer at Courts Text 1960 4 21, 24 SHEEHAN, W. A Director of 'Squash Bowl'; Ten Pin Bowling Text 1961 5 71 SHEEHAN, W.M. Building sports cenre Dunloe Avenue Text 1961 4 194 SHELLEY, K. President, BH Citizens Dev. Association Text 1956 2 35 SHELLEY, K. Retires as President of Youth Club Text 1959 3 139 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SHELLEY, K.V. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 SHELLEY, K.V. RSL secretary; letter to Editor Text 1951 1 60 SHELLEY, K.V. Secretary, Elderly Citizens Club Text 1956 2 8 SHELLEY, K.V. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 SHELLEY, Ken Member, BH Memorial Youth Club Text 1957 2 11, 133 SHELLEY, Ken President, Youth Club Text 1958 3 B, 80 SHELLEY, Ken Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 SHELLEY, Ken and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 SHELLY, K., and wife Attended function for War Widows Assoc. Text 1960 4 33 SHEPHERD STREET Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 54 SHERGOLD, K., Mrs President of ballet group Text 1957 2 116 SHILLIDAY, - Dr Medical Officer, 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 SHILLIDAY, - Dr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 SHILLIDAY, - Dr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 SHILLIDAY, J.E., Dr Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F SHILLIDAY, J.E., Dr Annual Health Report Text 1960 4 B SHILLIDAY, J.E., Dr Annual Health Report Text 1965 8 149 SHILLIDAY, J.E., Dr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 SHILLIDAY, J.E., Dr Medical Officer's Report Text 1961 4 164 SHILLIDAY, J.R., Dr Annual Health Report Text 1949 1 30 SHILLIDAY, J.R., Dr Annual Health Report Text 1948 1 18 SHILLIDAY, J.S. Annual Health Report Text 1955 1 136 SHILLIDAY, J.S. Annual Health Report Text 1957 2 90 SHINEBERG, Malcolm Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 14 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SHINEBERG, Malcolm Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 4 SHINEBERG, Malcolm Bishop Street; letter to editor Text 1953 1 102 SHINEBERG, Reg New President, Box Hill Football Club Text 1963 7 37, 44 SHINEBERG, Reg V. President, VFA Delegate for Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141, 157 SHINGLER, John Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1955 1 144 SHIPLEY STREET Petrol pump to be installed Text 1959 3 134 SHIPLEY STREET Neighbours complain about conditions in Text 1963 7 103 SHIPLEY STREET, No. 6 Approval given for car servicing factory Text 1960 4 21 SHIRER, Bruce and his Rockets To perform Text 1959 3 169 SHOLL, Wendy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 SHOOBRIDGE, E. Spoke at Box Hill Historical Society meeting Text 1964 8 83 SHORT, H.M., Mrs Queries delay in making footpath Text 1964 8 81 SILLETT, Brian Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 SIMMONS STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 SIMMONS STREET Construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 2 SIMMONS, P.M., Rev New Minister for Box Hill Baptist Church Text 1964 7 188 SIMON , John Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 SIMS, - Original home being demolished Text 1959 3 23 SINCLAIR, Ella Married Alfred Wilmot Smith, died 1949 Text 1963 7 119 SINGH, - Mrs Chairman, Suburban Works Council, at YWCA Luncheon Text 1965 8 168 SINNOTT STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 SINNOTT STREET Flooding problem Text 1960 4 50, 65, 70 SINNOTT STREET Inundated with floodwaters Photo, Text 1963 7 51, 52, 57 SINNOTT STREET Flooded again Text 1963 7 108 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SINNOTT STREET, No. 5 Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 33 SINNOTT STREET, No. 5 Permit for factory granted Text 1960 4 84 SINNOTT STREET, No. 7 Permit for factory granted Text 1960 4 84 SIRANTS, V., Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SIRANTS, Z.V. Miss Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SIRVIC, Jurgis, Johanna Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 SKALA-NOLC, Viera Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 SKASE, Charles Performed at Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 SKASE, Charles Performed at volunteers concert Text 1959 3 99 SKASE, Charles Performed at town hall Text 1964 8 16 SKASE, Charles Compered Carols by Candlight Text 1963 7 153 SKASE, Charles To perform at Australia Day Ceremony Text 1962 5 73, 77 SKASE, Charles Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 SKINNERS CARD SHOP Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 SLATER, Rhyll Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 SLATER, Ron Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 SLATER, William Erected Burwood School in 1865 Text 1965 8 165 SLESSAR, Nancy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 SLESSAR, P. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 SLESWICK, V.B. Sun Youth Travel tour Text 1951 1 69 SLOAN, M., Mrs. Trained Debutates, present at Ball Text 1963 7 84 SLOCINS, Martins, Alida, Ilga Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 SLOMOVIC, Eugen, Stefania Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 SLONE, Margaret Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SMALLMAN, - Mr and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 SMALLMAN, Wally and wife Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954, 1955 1 115, 135 SMEE, R. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 SMITH, A.R. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F SMITH, Alfred Wilmot Obituary, pioneering orchardist family Text 1963 7 119 SMITH, Alma Involved with Youth Centre Text 1957 2 103 SMITH, Arthur Prefect, Box Hill Technical School Text 1964 7 198 SMITH, B.L. Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 SMITH, Bob Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 SMITH, Bob Committee member, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 SMITH, C.L.J. Candidate, Council elections Text 1951 1 68 SMITH, D., Miss Compliments Council on action taken Text 1958 3 3 Mont Albert Road, letter to Council SMITH, Elaine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 SMITH, Eric Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 SMITH, G.R. Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1961 4 187 SMITH, Helen Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 SMITH, John Letter to Editor re swimming pool petition Text 1965 8 146 SMITH, Ken Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 SMITH, Kevin Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 SMITH, Lindsay and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 SMITH, Margaret Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 SMITH, Marjory Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 SMITH, N., Miss Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 SMITH, P.T. Teacher, Burwood High School Text 1961 4 187 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SMITH, Philip Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 SMITH, R.H. Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 SMITH, Reg Provides free car parking in Box Hill South Photo 1964 8 49, 53 SMITH, Rhonda Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 SMITH, Robert J. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 SMITHERS. A.T., and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 SNARE, W.W. Complains about late shows at Drive In Text 1964 8 99, 107 SNEDDEN, B. M. (MHR) Attended Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 68 SNEDDEN, B.M. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 SNEDDEN, B.M., MHR Opened 'Made in Box Hill' exhibition Text 1960 4 74 SNEDDEN, B.M., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 SNEDDON, B.M., MHR Attended Naturalisation ceremony Text 1958 2 158 SNEDDON, B.M., MP and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 SNEDDON, B.M., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 SNEDDON, E.M., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 SNEDDON, James President, 1904 Surrey Hills Progress Assoc. Text 1964 8 24 SNELLGROVE, - Mr and Mrs Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 SNELLGROVE, Helen Library Art show winner, student Text 1953 1 98, 101 SNELLGROVE, O., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 SNOXELL, Bertha Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 SOMERS STREET Drains need work Text 1958 3 3 SOMERS STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 SOMERS STREET Cost of drain at rear of properties Text 1959 3 94 SOMERS STREET Drainage plan needed; objected to in 1957 Text 1961 4 191 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SOMERS STREET, Lots 6-8 Drainage to be installed at rear Text 1963 7 120 SOMMERVILLE, - Colonel Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 SONNENBERG, G.T. Harding Street, re poor state of parkland Text 1957 2 95 SORENSON, Jacques Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 SORENSON,Albert, Clara, Mary Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 SOS, Zlatko Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 SOUTHALL, Gordon Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 SOUTHALL, Ivan Two of his books now in Box Hill Library Text 1962 7 18 SOUTHERN COMMAND BAND Takes part in official opening of RSL premises Photo, Text 1965 8 160, 163 SOUTHEY, R.M,. Rev New vicar at St Peter's church Text 1961 5 12 SOUTHEY, R.M., Rev Former Chairman of Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 SPARKS, - Subdivision of land approved Text 1959 3 139 SPARKS, - Plan for subdivision approved Text 1960 4 123 SPARKS, R., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1951 1 61 SPARKS, R., and wife Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 SPARKS, R., and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1958 2 169 SPARKS, R., and wife Return Ball to thank Mayor Text 1949 1 36 SPARKS, R., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 SPARKS, R., Cr National Bank branch opening Photo 1956 2 0 SPARKS, R., Cr Formed investment group Text 1960 4 88 SPARKS, R.H.L. Awarded O.B.E. Text 1950 1 43, 45 SPARKS, R.H.L. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F SPARKS, R.H.L. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 SPARKS, R.H.L. Elected Mayor Text 1948 1 23 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SPARKS, R.H.L. Chaired meeting to thank Town Clerk Text 1956 2 B SPARKS, R.H.L. Candidate council elections Photo 1951 1 65,66 SPARKS, R.H.L. Candidate, Council elections Text 1951 1 68 SPARKS, R.H.L. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 SPARKS, R.H.L. Support acknowledged at hospital function Text 1960 3 197 SPARKS, R.H.L. AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, SPARKS, R.H.L. Supporter of Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 123 SPARKS, R.H.L. To be Life Governor of Burwood Hospital Text 1960 4 39 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1956 2 3 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1956 2 20 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949, 1953 1 33, 99 SPARKS, R.H.L., and wife Will do social duties for Mayor as wife ill Text 1961 5 22 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Has attended every Council meeting for 12 years Text 1964 8 28 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Lent nursery shed for storage for Drama Club Text 1961 5 C SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Committee, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr Returned unopposed Text 1963 7 112 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr. Council Elections, returned unopposed Text 1963 7 114 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SPARKS, R.H.L., Cr. Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Guest at Elderly Citizens' Cflub Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Mayoress, gave reception Text 1955 1 144 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59, 62 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Originated idea for mobile street stall in 1943 Text 1963 7 91 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs Vice President, Box Hill Ladies Relief Society Text 1960 4 51 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 SPARKS, R.H.L., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 SPENCE STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 SPENCE STREET Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 SPENCER JACKSON ESTATE Being damaged by sewer excavations Text 1960 4 16 SPENCER, T. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 SPENCER, Tom Chaired ratepayers meeting; became president Text 1964 8 35, 70 SPENDLOVE, Bob Trains Marching Girls Text 1960 4 44 SPICER, Alwyn Watt Street, gives roses to Queen Text 1954 1 119 SPICER, Kingsley President, Burwood Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 4 130 SPIZZICA, D. Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K SPLINTER, Hendricus G., Grietje Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 SPRINGFIELD /DONCASTER RDS Dangerous for pedestrian crossing Text 1962 6 12 SPRINGFIELD PARK Flood lighting to be installed Text 1960 4 J, 5 SPRINGFIELD PARK Turf wicket to be laid Text 1964 7 203 SPRINGFIELD PARK Golfers banned from practising there Text 1963 7 69 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SPRINGFIELD PARK Inspected by Councillors Text 1960 4 99 SPRINGFIELD ROAD Residents request sealing of Text 1953 1 93, 112 SPRINGFIELD ROAD Residents object to drainage scheme Text 1961 4 167 SPRINGFIELD ROAD Renumbering suggestion opposed Text 1960 4 108, 109, 111, 113, 140 SPRINGFIELD ROAD New bus route from Mitcham to Box Hill approved Text 1962 5 82, 83 SPRINGFIELD ROAD, No. 63 Confused with same address in Nunawading Text 1960 4 108, 109, 111 SPRINGFIELD/DONCASTER ROADS Resident reports car accidents increasing Text 1961 5 I 'SQUASH BOWL' First indoor bowls centre to open Text 1961 5 71 'SQUASH BOWL' Nearby residents complain of noise etc. Text 1962 5 89 SQUASH BOWL CENTRE PTY. LTD Reply to criticism Text 1962 6 1 ST AIDAN'S C/E Branch of St Peter's church Text 1961 5 B ST AIDAN'S C/E Kindergarten conducted on hall premises Text 1963 7 63, 76 ST AIDAN'S C/E KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 ST AIDEN'S C/E Pre school centre to transfer there Text 1962 6 99, 100 ST ANDREWS PRESB. CHURCH Conducted flower show Text 1949 1 30 ST ANDREW'S PRESB. CHURCH Opposed to liquor licence for RSL Text 1964 8 A ST ANDREW'S PRESB. CHURCH History of buildings given Text 1959 3 33, 38 ST ANDREW'S PRESB. CHURCH New centre opened Text 1960 3 198, 202 ST ANDREW'S PRESB. CHURCH New Minister inducted Text 1965 8 132 ST ANDREW'S PRESB. CHURCH Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 ST AUBYN, W.J. Letter re dangerous intersection Text 1963 7 124, 125 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH Traffic concerns for children Text 1962 6 13 ST AUGUSTINE'S KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 ST CLARE'S SCHOOL Objects to paying for road construction Text 1964 8 22, 23 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ST CLARE'S SCHOOL School crossing needed Text 1964 8 9 ST FRANCIS XAVIER Performed at Royal Pageant Text 1954 1 119 ST FRANCIS XAVIER Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 ST FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH Attendees park illegally, fined Text 1963 7 75, 87 ST FRANCIS XAVIER PARENTS ASSOCIATION Ask for change of location of school crossing Text 1965 8 191 ST FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL Want traffic lights installed Text 1956 2 22 ST JOHN'S AVENUE Resident complains of poor street lighting Text 1962 7 2 ST LEO'S CHRISTIAN BROTHERS COLLEGE Wants Hay Street constructed Text 1960 4 10 ST LEO'S COLLEGE School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 34, 97 ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, BENNETTSWOOD Vestry refutes claim hall not available for Scouts Text 1961 4 159 ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH To host Lutheran Conference Text 1964 7 194 ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH To conduct Remembrance Day Service Text 1963 7 143 ST PETER'S C/E First kindergarten organised Text 1947 1 5 ST PETER'S C/E Building destroyed by fire Text 1949 1 41 ST PETER'S C/E New minister appointed Text 1951 1 64 ST PETER'S C/E Sketch of proposed new church Illus. 1949 1 54 ST PETER'S C/E Farewell to Rev Eggleston Text 1961 5 B ST PETER'S C/E Farewell function for Rev. Eggleston Text 1961 4 203 ST PETER'S C/E Hall used for Air League Boys Squadron Text 1960 4 34 ST PETER'S C/E New Vicar inducted Text 1961 5 12 ST PETER'S C/E CHURCH Member, Inter-Church Council Text 1962 7 28 ST PETER'S HALL Drama Club to use for 10th anniversary production Text 1961 4 193 ST PETER'S KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 ST PHILLIP'S C/E Branch of St Peter's church Text 1961 5 B Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ST SCHOLASTICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 12, 27, 35 ST SCHOLASTICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Asks again for school crossing Text 1960 3 204 ST SCHOLASTICA'S MOTHERS AUXILIARY Crossing roads dangerous for children Text 1961 5 42 ST SCHOLASTICA'S MOTHERS CLUB Offer to staff school crossings Text 1962 5 76 ST SCHOLASTICA'S MOTHERS CLUB Complain about litter near school crossing Text 1963 7 103 ST SCHOLASTICA'S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tries again for school crossing Text 1961 4 159B ST SCHOLASTICA'S SCHOOL School crossing needed in Burwood Road Text 1960 4 B ST SILAS C/E North Balwyn Vandalized Text 1960 4 105 ST STEPHEN'S PRESB. CHURCH Family donated carillon Text 1959 3 57 ST THEODORE'S C/E SURREY HILLS Seeks land for tennis courts Text 1962 7 6 STACK, L.J. Deputation to Council Text 1956 2 10 STADELMANN, Joseph Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 STADELMANN, Liselotte, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 STALEY, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1953 1 99 STALEY, T. Spoke at meeting to oppose planned bus depot Text 1962 5 93 STALKER, R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 STALKER, R. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 STAMP, C.A. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 STANCIU, Anton, Kresenz Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 STANDARD AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 STANDARD AVENUE Residents affected by brickworks Text 1965 8 183, 187, 190, 195 STANDARD BRICK COMPANY Surrey Park, to close down Text 1964 8 23, 26 STANDERWICK, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 STANHOPE STREET First use of bitumenized rubber Text 1960 3 200 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STANLEY STREET To be constructed in part Text 1957 2 107 STANLEY, Jean Accompanist for concert Text 1957 2 104 STANOJEVIV, Gordana Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H STARK, J., Mrs Secretary, Ratepayers Association Text 1964 8 70 STARKS, Norm Jaycee, going to USA Text 1958 2 193 STARKS, Norm and wife Visited U.S. Text 1958 3 1 STARKS, Peggy Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 STARLING STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 STARLING, J.W. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 STARLING, Neil Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 STARLING, Sylvia Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION Will reduce dust nuisance in Carrington Road Text 1962 7 6 STATE SAVINGS BANK Loan to Council for street construction Text 1962 6 29 STATE SAVINGS BANK Set up school banking system in 1912 Text 1962 5 77, 80 STATE SAVINGS BANK Loan to Council for road works Text 1961 5 20, 22, 33 STATE SAVINGS BANK OF VICTORIA Gives loan to Council for road construction Text 1962 7 20, 23 STATE SAVINGS BANK OF VICTORIA Gives loan to Council for road construction Text 1961 4 178 STATE SAVINGS BANK, BOX HILL BRANCH To celebrate Jubilee; 50 years since opened Text 1962 5 77, 80 STATE SAVINGS BANK, BOX HILL SOUTH BRANCH Opened in 1953 Text 1962 5 77 STATION STREET Coaxial cables being laid for telephone tower Text 1962 6 17 STATION STREET Proposal to extend to Gardiner's Creek Text 1962 6 89 STATION STREET New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 STATION STREET Parking meters installed Text 1957 2 130-133 STATION STREET May become a clearway Text 1965 8 129 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STATION STREET Current view of rail crossing Photo 1965 8 151 STATION STREET Danger in narrow bridge over Gardiner's Creek Text 1959 3 74 STATION STREET New bridge at Gardiners Creek Text 1961 4 195 STATION STREET Laneways Main/Market Streets being concreted Text 1962 5 92 STATION STREET - BRIDGE Dangerous Text 1958 2 163 STATION STREET - RAILWAY CROSSING Announcement of Boom Gates by Dept. Text 1963 7 137, 138, 142 STATION STREET NORTH In poor condition Photo, Text 1965 8 130 STATION STREET SOUTH Two new factories approved Text 1959 3 153 STATION STREET SOUTH Temporary widening of narrow bridge Photo, Text 1961 5 D STATION STREET SOUTH In poor condition Photo, Text 1965 8 118 STATION STREET SOUTH Old drains to be replaced Text 1964 8 31, 34 STATION STREET, No. 219 Stagnant pool at rear Text 1964 8 14 STATION STREET, No. 48 Letter to Editor by resident Text 1965 8 148 STATION STREET, No. 524 Resident 50 years with SSB Box Hill Branch Text 1962 5 77 STATION STREET, No. 535 Rented by Liberal Party; dispute Text 1952 1 89 STATION STREET, No. 547 Model College premises Text 1959 3 137 STATION STREET, No. 600 New furniture store Text 1959 3 166 STATION STREET, No. 603 Home of Patterson's Shoes until 1964 Text 1963 7 166 STATION STREET, No. 615 Above Tait's store, office of Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 7 192 STATION STREET, No. 701 Right to way to be widened Text 1961 5 K STATION STREET, No. 764 Liquor licence granted Text 1958 3 A, 1 STATION STREET, No. 788 Resident was Mrs Lewin Text 1963 7 128 STATION STREET, No. 794 Obituary of resident Margaret J. Luke Text 1963 7 74 STATION STREET, No. 801 Resident wrote to Council re traffic signs Text 1963 7 144 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STATION STREET, No. 801 Resident wants water provided for dogs Text 1961 4 176 STATION STREET, No. 956 Resident wrote to Council re roadworks Text 1963 7 123 STATION STREET, Part Lot 30 Sold by Council for unpaid rates Text 1961 5 53 STATION STREET/CANTERBURY ROAD Work on traffic lights to commence soon Text 1961 5 O, 45 STATION TIMBER YARDS PTY. LTD. Activities causing pollution Text 1959 3 53 STATION/ASQUITH STREETS Request to move traffic lights refused Text 1963 7 144 STATION/SEVERN STREETS Residents seek warning lights Text 1962 7 14, 15, 46 STATION/SEVERN STREETS South west corner land subdivision approved Text 1961 5 F STATION/THAMES STREET Car park scheme scrapped after objection Text 1965 8 126, 128 STAUB, R. Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 5 STEEGSTRA, Gjalt Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 STEER, A.R. Wrote to Railways re need for rail crossing Text 1963 7 117 STEINICKE, - Miss Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 STEPHEN STREET To be changed to Stewart Street Text 1951 1 63 STEPHENS, - Mrs Trained Debutantes, Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 STEPHENS, B.H., Mrs Letter to the Editor (incomplete) Text 1961 4 153 STEPHENS, Heather Has plane flight over suburbs Photo, Text 1959 3 136 STEPHENS, Heather Miss Box Hill 1959, interviewed Photo, Text 1959 3 137, 153 STEPHENS, Heather Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1957 2 99 STEPHENS, Heather Usherette, Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A STEPHENS, Heather Mayoress Reception, Usherette Text 1959 3 146, 152 STEPHENS, Heather Guest speaker, Box Hill Club Text 1963 7 50 STEPHENS, Heather Returns home, worked overseas for 2 years Text 1963 7 36 STEPHENS, J. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STEPHENS, Kay Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 STEPHENS, L.B. Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 STEPHENS, Rita Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 STEPHENSON, J.P., Rev. St Silas C/E Church vandalized Text 1960 4 105 STEVEN, J., Mrs Social secretary, Parkside Kindergarten Text 1959 3 69 STEVENS, - Subdivision plan approved Text 1960 4 14 STEVENS, A.E. Lions Club Extension Chairman Text 1960 4 124 STEVENS, M., Mrs Asks that Riversdale Road tip become a park Text 1948 1 24 STEWART STREET Formerly Stephen Street Text 1951 1 63 STEWART, G. At opening of new public library Text 1950 1 55 STEWART, Kay Meter maids (parking meters) Photo, Text 1965 8 164, 166 STEWART, Robert Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 STEWART, T.A. Called first meeting of Horticultural Society in 1931 Text 1960 4 123 STILLMAN, Muriel Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 STILLWELL, Jean Infant Welfare Sister Text 1964 8 36 STILWELL, Jean, Sister Infant Welfare nurse Text 1959 3 34, 50 STOBART, J. and wife Citizens committee, arranged Ball for Mayor Text 1948 1 21 STOCKS, - On first roll of Burwood School, 1865 Text 1965 8 165 STOKES, George Begbie Signwriter, dispute with Liberal Party Text 1952 1 89 STOKES, K.C., Mrs Complains of state of Milne Road Text 1962 7 22 STONE, P. J. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1964 8 81 STONE, V. President, Chamber of Commerce Photo 1964 8 71 STONE, V. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 STONE, V. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STONE, Val President, Chamber of Commerce Photo, Text 1964 8 106, 187 STONE, Val Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 STONE, Val Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 STOREY, A.M. Compared concert Text 1957 2 104 STOTT STREET Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 198 STOTT STREET To be constructed Text 1953 1 106 STOUPPA, Ivan Michael Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 STOUPPA, Ivan Michael Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 STOUPPO, Peter Michael Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 STOUT, G., Rev and wife Associated with St Peter's church Text 1961 5 B STRABANE AVENUE To be renumbered Text 1964 8 43 STRABANE AVENUE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 STRABANE AVENUE Construction cost of part of road Text 1960 4 B STRABANE AVENUE Will be sewered next year Text 1961 5 70A STRACHAN, Deidre Mayoress Reception, Usherette Text 1959 3 146, 152 STRANGE, Bruce Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 STRAUPENIEKS, Eduards, Olga Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 STRAUSS, Janet Health Inspector, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 STRAUSS, Janet Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 STREET NAME BOARDS Colours to be changed Text 1951 1 63 STREET, James T. Obituary, Box Hill Mission Superintendent Text 1965 8 117 STREETON COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 STREETS CONSTRUCTION Detailed report on Text 1962 6 8 STRENGER, Doris Letter to Editor Text 1965 8 126 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

STRINGER, Peter Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 STUBS, Colin and Marjorie Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 STUBS, J.E. Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 STUCYS, Juozas Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 STURDEE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 STYLECRAFT BOATS Had float in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 SUMMERS, Reg Table tennis player Text 1948 1 23 SUMMIT ROAD Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 SUMMIT ROAD Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 SUNDERLAND, H. Burwood Community Hospital Photo, Text 1960 4 98 'SUNNYSIDE UP' TV SHOW Held at Town Hall during Festival Text 1960 4 77 SURREY DIVE Skating rink proposed, refused Text 1959 3 70 SURREY DIVE To have catwalk for referee of water polo matches Text 1963 7 143 SURREY DIVE Car fished out of, believed stolen, described Text 1961 5 30, 31, 32 SURREY HILLS - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Farewell function for Rev. Gilmour Text 1961 4 203 SURREY HILLS BAPTIST PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 SURREY HILLS FIRE STATION Plan to close Text 1956 2 C, 3, 4, 9 SURREY HILLS MARCHING GIRLS CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 SURREY HILLS PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Report on actions 60 years ago Text 1964 8 24 SURREY HILLS STATE SCHOOL Request for school crossing Text 1956 2 1 SURREY PARK New sports pavilion to be built Text 1964 8 11, 14 SURREY PARK Tenders called for brick dressing pavilion Text 1956 1 149 SURREY PARK Old Pavilion at No. 2 Oval to be demolished Text 1961 5 M SURREY PARK Additional dressing room approved Text 1963 7 42, 78 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SURREY PARK To be Emergency Assembly Centre Text 1962 5 91 SURREY PARK AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Campaigns for new swimming pool Text 1965 8 123, 131, 136, 140, 152, 174 SURREY PARK AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Annual Report received by Council Text 1960 4 28 SURREY PARK AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Disputes claim re declining attendances Text 1965 8 183 SURREY PARK AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Wants Pool extended to 55 metres Text 1963 7 143 SURREY PARK FOOTBALL CLUB Given permission to erect a flagpole Text 1965 8 136 SURREY PARK MARCHING GIRLS CLUB Formerly Box Hill. Text 1962 6 45 SURREY PARK SWIMMING CLUB Premier club in Victoria, wins 2 Pennants Text 1961 5 72 SURREY PARK WATER POLO PLAYERS Five selected in schoolboys competition Text 1961 4 173 SURRREY DIVE Resuscitation equipment offered by BP Text 1964 8 72 SUSSEX STREET Part to be constructed Text 1965 8 149 SUTHERLAND, L.G. President, Burwood Tech. School Council Text 1961 4 175 SUTHERLAND, L.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 SUTTON PARADE Construction costs Text 1960 4 B SUTTON PARADE Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 SUTTON, - Mr Revived Box Hill Band Text 1959 3 69 SUTTON, Robert Grandfather of Mrs E. De Graaff Text 1961 4 137 SUZAN JOHNSTON SCHOOL OF DEPORTMENT Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 SWAN STREET Plan to rename Text 1964 8 43 SWAN STREET To be constructed in part Text 1957 2 107 SWANSON BROS Built Patersons store Text 1959 3 166 SWANSON, D. Builds new clubrooms for RSL Photo, Text 1963 7 151 SWARD, Brian Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 SWEENEY, S. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

SWEETLAND, A.E. Box Hill Red Cross member Text 1956 2 38 SWEETLAND, Alice Obituary; involved with local Red Cross Text 1965 8 191, 199 SWEETLAND, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 SWEETLAND, Valma Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 SWEETLAND/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Bus shelter requested Text 1964 8 27, 29, 42 SWINBURNE AVENUE To be constructed Text 1965 8 124, 157 SWITALA, Stanislaw Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 SWORD, J.C. and Joan Opposed to bowls/squash centre Text 1961 5 42 SYCAMORE STREET Car accidents in Text 1959 3 61 SYKES, H.V. Burwood Community Hospital Photo, Text 1960 4 98 SYKES, K.V. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 SYME, C. Student, School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 SZABO, Jozef Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 SZCZYGIELSKI, Stanislaw S. Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 SZENTES, George Apex Club to be formed Text 1955 1 136 SZTARK, Elizabeth Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 SZUBSKI, Eugeniusz, Neonilla Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 SZUDROWICZ, Thomas Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 TABART, Ken Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 TACEY FAMILY Sold property to Lloyd family c1895 Text 1965 8 146 TAIT, - Miss Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 TAIT'S CORNER Traffic congestion Photo 1959 3 117 TALBETT, - Interviewed for radio show Text 1962 6 25 TALBETT, John & Mary Ann and family Pioneer Home Photo, 1965 9 5 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TALBOT, Helen Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 TALBOT, J. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 TALDRA STREET To be constructed Text 1964 8 76 TALLARIDA, Gieuseppe Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 TALLY HO BOYS VILLAGE To hold Open Day; Councillors invited Text 1961 5 4 TALVIK, Ilmar Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 TALVIK, Ilmar, Sinaida Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 TAMBLYN, - Mrs Supervisor home help service Text 1952 1 85 TAMPLING, Nobuye Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 TANTAU, Peter Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 TAPLIN, B.J. And wife Request road construction Text 1961 4 169 TARANTO, Nunziata Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 TASSELL, V., Miss Petition for improved bus services Text 1960 4 63, 81 TAUTOR, Bruno Paul Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 TAVES, Ausma, Edmund, Tovio Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 TAXATION DEPARTMENT Advising that tax will be levied on gifts to Mayors Text 1948 1 25 TAYLOR , - New member, Box Hill Comb. Pensioners Assoc. Text 1962 7 6 TAYLOR INSTRUMENT CO. Opened factory in Box Hill Tex 1960 4 119 TAYLOR STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 TAYLOR, - Shepherd Street, subdivision approved Text 1959 3 54 TAYLOR, - New member, Combined Pensioners Assoc. Text 1963 7 48 TAYLOR, Eric Entertained at Pensioners Association Dinner Text 1961 5 69 TAYLOR, F.E. Seeks improvement in vaccination arrangements Text 1962 6 22 TAYLOR, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TAYLOR, Norman Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 TEITZ, - Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 TEMBERG, Bart and wife Recently naturalised, brief note on them Text 1961 4 140 TEN BERG, B. and wife Naturalis Text 1961 4 137 TENBERG, Bartholomeus, Appolonia Naturalised Text 1961 4 141 TENNY, - Mrs At Prefect Investiture Text 1959 3 69 TENNYSON STREET Presb. Church hall built Text 1961 4 203 TEPPER, Myra Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 ter VOERT, Albertus, Theodora Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 TERRY, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 TERRY, W.G., Cr Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 TESCH, Ingeborg, Hans Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 TESTRO, M. Asks for road to be made Text 1958 2 163 TESTRO, M., Mrs Complains of state of McIntyre Street Text 1961 5 M THAMES STREET Nature strips to be asphalted near Fairhall's store Text 1960 4 35 THATCHER, Rosemary Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 THATCHWELL, K., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 'THE BOOK OF BOX HILL' Dorking UK Council send 30 copies Text 1961 4 132 THE CRESCENT Plan to rename Text 1964 8 43 THE CRESCENT Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 THE WORLD RECORD CLUB PTY. LTD. Given factory permit for Station St. Premises Text 1961 4 138 THIEL, D. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 THIELE, W.A. and wife Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 THISTLEWAITE, Peter Temporarily in charge of noxious weeds removal Text 1961 4 189 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

THOM, Dorothy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 THOMAS STREET/RIVERSDALE ROAD Plans for bus depot opposed by residents Text 1962 5 93 THOMAS STREET/RIVERSDALE ROAD Land sold to Ventura Motors Text 1961 4 193 THOMAS, - Mrs Ass. Secretary, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 THOMAS, A.S., Dr Won best rose in flower show Text 1960 4 102 THOMAS, David Is doing a M.A. of Frederick McCubbin Text 1962 7 19, 23, 36 THOMAS, I. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 THOMAS, Margaret, Mrs Secretary, Box Hill Scouts 9th Group Text 1961 4 165 THOMAS, Norman Library Art Competition Text 1953 1 98 THOMAS, R. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 THOMPSON, Cyril Member of Box Hill Drama Group Text 1965 8 128 THOMPSON, Cyril Member, Drama Club Text 1961 4 193 THOMPSON, Joan Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 THOMPSON, John P. Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 77, 124 THOMPSON, Lillian Presented Debutante photos to Mayoress Text 1963 7 106 THOMSON, D. W. (Rev.) School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 18 THOMSON, J. Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 THOMSON, J.B. Real estate agent, large land sales recalled Text 1963 7 50 THOMSON, J.W. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 THOMSON, L., Mrs Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 54 THOMSON, Lillian Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87, 106 THOMSON, Russell Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 THREADNEEDLE PLACE Laneway at rear of Wellington Road Text 1949 1 28 THURNER, Leopoldine Franziska, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

THURSTON STREET/CARRINGTON ROAD Plans to build elderly citizens's centre Text 1961 4 189, 190 THURSTON STREET/CARRINGTON ROAD Plans to build Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Text 1961 5 22 TICE, William Orchardist, grandfather of J. Blackwell Text 1960 3 190 TIE STREET Construction of Text 1962 6 11, 62 TIE STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 TIE STREET Work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 TIE STREET Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103 TIJSSEN, Edwina Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 TIJSSEN, Leonard M.J.F. Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 TILLEY, Joyce Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 TILLEY, Ruth Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 TILLI, Camillo Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 TIMEWELL, - Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 TIMMS, C. Tapley Guest producer, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 TINDAL, Beryl Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 TINDAL, Kay Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 TINDAL, Kay President, Auxiliary for Deaf Kindergarten Text 1961 4 196 TINDALL, Valda Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33, 36 TINGIRIS, Stelainie Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 TIPPETT, Elizabeth Performed at Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 TIPPING, John F. Designs new clubrooms for RSL Text 1963 7 151 TOBIN, - Mrs Member, Combined Pensioners Association Text 1963 7 48 TOC H Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 TOCZEK, Mary Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TOLLEY, A.H. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 TOLSTRUP, F., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 TOLSTRUP, F.C. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 TOLSTRUP, Fred Supports proposal for Rostrum/Penguin Clubs Text 1964 7 197 TOLSTRUP, Fred and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 TOLSTRUP, Fred and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 TOLSTRUP, Fred C. Elected foundation secretary, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63, 77, 124 TOMKINS, Clive S. Foundation member Lions Club Text 1960 4 124 TOMKINS, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 TOMKINS, Stuart Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 TOMLINSON, D. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A TOMLINSON, Fred Made scale model of plough for Daniel Harvey Text 1961 4 136 TOMPKINS, A. Stuart Secretary/President of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41, 54 TOMPKINS, A. Stuart and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 TOMPKINS, Mavis Graduate, Coronet Model College Photo 1959 3 137 TOMPKINS, S. Elected V. President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 TOMPKINS, Stuart At Return Ball for Mayor Text 1964 8 41 TOMPKINS, Stuart Member, Box Hill Club Text 1958 3 M TOMPKINS, Stuart Secretary, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 TOMPKINS, Stuart Elected V.President, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 TONKIN, C., Mrs Performed at Town Hall Text 1960 4 33 TONKIN, Lois Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 TOOGOOD, Douglas Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 TOOGOOD, F. Supports decision to remove street trees Text 1964 8 55 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TOOGOOD'S ESTATE Auction of, history of Text 1956 2 42, 46 TOOGOODS RISE Traders want road made Text 1961 5 36 TOOGOOD'S RISE Young resident asks for playground Text 1963 7 113 TOONE, K.W. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 TOTALISER AGENCY BOARD (TAB) To open in Bank Street Text 1961 4 173 TOUMASIS, Gerasimos, Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 TOVEYSON, John Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 TOWNSEND, D.H. Candidate for Council elections Text 1951 1 60, 67, 68 TOWNSEND, Margaret, Miss Free Mobile Library Service Photo, Text 1962 7 20 TOY, Judith Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 TRAFALGAR STREET, No. 8-10 Request for plane streets to be planted Text 1961 4 138 TRAFFIC COMMISSION Uniformity on school crossings sought Text 1962 7 2 TRAFFIC COMMISSION Says adults can staff school crossings Text 1963 7 82 TRAINOR STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 TRAINOR STREET Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 TRAMWAYS BOARD Opposes plan to extend bus routes Text 1962 6 73 TRAMWAYS BOARD Refuses to move tram stop Text 1959 3 27 TRAMWAYS BOARD Ignored complaints about Wattle Park Text 1964 8 28 TRAMWAYS BOARD Oppose extension to Market Street Text 1949 1 38 TRAMWAYS BOARD Refused Council plan for land at Wattle Park Text 1959 3 37, 39, 45 TRAMWAYS BOARD Drops plan for new bus route to Mitcham Text 1962 6 31 TRAMWAYS BOARD Opposes bus route extensions proposed Text 1961 5 28, 30 TRAMWAYS BOARD To take over bus route from Withers Text 1961 4 200 TRANSPORT REGULATION BOARD Refusal to extend bus services in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 7, 8, 10 - 13 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TRANSPORT REGULATION BOARD Approves bus route along Springfield Road Text 1962 5 82, 83 TRANSPORT REGULATION BOARD Approves extension bus along Doncaster Road Text 1962 7 40, 42, 65 TRATHAN, - and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 TRAVAILLE, Jan Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 TRAVIS, Bernice Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 TRAWOOL STREET Construction plans approved Text 1964 8 38, 75 TRAWOOL STREET Drainage scheme at rear approved Text 1961 4 184 TREADREA, H. Cubmaster, 16th Scout Group Text 1963 7 99 TREMEWAN, J. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 TREMEWEN, J. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 TREMEWEN, J.L. Short notice of street name change Text 1959 3 115 TRESIZE, H.J. Oppposed to street name change Text 1964 8 68 TREZISE, M. Letter to editor, opposed to street name change Text 1964 8 80 TREZISE, M.C. Letter to editor Text 1964 8 91 TRICKEY, R.E. and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 TROILO, Francesco Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 TROLLOPE, D.H. Rostrevor Parade, complains of noise Text 1962 6 7 TROTTER, Alice Comment on tree removal in Victoria Crescent Text 1965 8 119 TROULOS, Efstratios, Mary Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 TRURAN, C. Vice President, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 TUCKER, Brian Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 TUDOR STREET Construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1,157 TUDOR STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 TUDOR STREET Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TUDOR STREET, No. 11 Factory permit granted Text 1960 3 200 TUDOR STREET, No. 11 Approval for industrial petrol pump given Text 1960 4 29 TULLY, Barrie Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 TULLY, Beth Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 TULLY, Isa Entertained members of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41 TULLY, J.J. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F TULLY, L., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 TURNBULL, - Mr. State Member Text 1964 7 174 TURNBULL, W. Objector to installation of TV Tower Photo, Text 1961 5 6A TURNER, Brian Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 TURNER, C.T., Dr Vice President, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 TURNER, Faye Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo,Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 TURNER, H.T.W. Eleted Treasurer, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 TURNER, H.T.W. Elected Kindergarten Treasurer Text 1963 7 76 TURNER, John Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 TURNER, K. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 48 TURNER, K. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 TURNER, K. Chairman, Return Ball Committee Text 1963 7 106 TURNER, K.C. Elected V. President local branch Good Neighbours Council Text 1963 7 113, 118

TURNER, K.C. Box Hill manager, CBC Banking Co. Text 1963 7 74 TURNER, Ken Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 TURNER, Kenneth Charles Death of, report of funeral Photo, Text 1964 8 87, 94 TURNER, L. C., Mrs AGM, Australia Day Council Box Hill Branch Text 1961 5 E, TURNER, L.C., Mrs Secretary, local Australia Day committee Text 1965 8 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

TURNER, L.C., Mrs Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 TURNER, L.C., Mrs Secretary, Australia Day Dinner Committee Text 1964 7 184 TURNER, L.C., Mrs Secretary, Aust. Day Council local branch Text 1961 4 202 TWEEDIE, M. Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 TWEEDIE, M. G. MBE, and wife Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 TWEEDIE, M. G., and wife Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 TWEEDIE, M.G. Garden open to public Text 1948 1 17 TWEEDIE, M.G. President, Horticultural Society Text 1947 1 A TWEEDIE, M.G. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F TWEEDIE, M.G. President, Horticultural Society Text 1960 4 102 TWEEDIE, M.G. Became President of Horticultural Society in 1941 Text 1960 4 123 TWEEDIE, Marshall Gordon Profile of activities and background Text 1960 4 126 TWEEDIE, Marshall Gordon First recipient of Civic Award Text 1956 2 27, 28 TWEEDIE, Marshall Gordon Awarded MBE, Council congratulates Text 1959 3 185, 191 TWYFORD STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 TWYFORD STREET Part of, construction completed Text 1964 8 1, 76 TWYFORD STREET Named from fruit trees in Fithie orchard Text 1961 5 N TYNE STREET - RESERVE Apex Club offer to build playground Text 1959 3 102 TYNE STREET, Lots 55/56 Scouts to build hall there Text 1964 8 11 TYNE STREET, No. 8 Resident is secretary of Comb. Pensioners Assoc. Text 1963 7 48 TYNONG STREET Construction plans approved Text 1964 8 38, 75 TYRRELL STREET Construction of, objection to Text 1962 6 11, 32 TYRRELL STREET Temporary work done Text 1959 3 83 TYRRELL STREET Part of, construction planned; completed Text 1964 8 1, 157 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

UHL, Jean Elected Secretary, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 UHL, Jean Secretary of Box Hill Historical Society Photo, Text 1965 8 120 ULHORN, G. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 ULVERSTONE (TASMANIA) MUNICIPAL BAND To visit and play and Box Hill Text 1962 5 89, 90, 91 UNDERWOOD, D. and wife Mayoral Ball, Guests Text 1963 7 84 UNDERWOOD, - Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 UNION JACK CLUB, BOX HILL 2nd AGM held, office bearers elected Text 1961 5 9 UPTON HOUSE Balcony wrought iron used in RSL fence destroyed Text 1964 8 42 UPTON HOUSE RSL explains purchase; working bees Text 1951 1 60, 67 UPTON, R.C. Complains of poor state of road Text 1956 2 8 UTASSY, E., Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 L VACCUUM OIL COMPANY Buys land s.w. cnr Elgar/Whitehorse Rd Text 1953 1 109 VALDA AVENUE Part of, Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 VALDA AVENUE Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 9 VALDA AVENUE Street construction nearly complete Text 1961 5 5 van BEEK, Wilhelmina Mathilda, Miss Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 van BLARICUM, Bernardus Johan Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 van BLARICUM, Gabriella Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 VAN DER KLY, Jan H. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 van der MEER, Willem Tjeerd, Johanna G. Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 van der MUELEN, Durk Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 van der PEET, Johanna, Maria, Johannes, Jacobus, Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 Antonia van der PEET, Laurina Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 Van der WEYDEN, N. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

VAN DIJK, Ingrid Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 VAN ENST, Gerald Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 VAN ENST, Gerard Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 VAN EUPEN, Christina Naturalised Australia Day ceremony Text 1954 1 116 Van GORP, Caoline Adolphine Maria, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 van KONIJNENBURG, Anthonia, Joseph, Sonja Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 van MAANEN, C.J. Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 VAN MEURS, Bertus, Jacoba, Frederick Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 VAN MEURS, Frederick, Pieternella, Dirk Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 van NETTEN, H. Miss Naturalised Text 1961 5 K van NETTEN, R. Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K van RIET, Anneke, Bartholomew, Johannes, Elizabeth, Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 Johanna van SEBILLE, Anthonius, Kornelske Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 van SEBILLE, Egidius Johannes Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 van SEBILLE, Petronella Johanna, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 van SONSBEEK, Jan Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 VANDEVELDE, R. Secretary, Model Aircraft Club Text 1960 3 191, 197 VASS, Hazel Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1951 1 61 VAUGHAN, Elizabeth Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H VEALE, Jim Mayoral Ball, Partner of Debutante Text 1963 7 84 VEALLS, A.J. Social Club to work for Alkira Text 1961 4 184 VECCHIET, Lucia Naturalised Text 1961 4 141 VECCKIET, Maximilian Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 VEEPOLD, Edgar Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

VEITCH, Catherine Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 VEITCH, John Member, Box Hill Drama Group Text 1957 2 78, 95 VENARX, Frank Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text 1965 8 189 VENICE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 VENICE STREET Construction costs Text 1959 3 68 VENN, Pamela Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1962 6 19, 20 VENTURA BUS CO. Direct link to Monash University proposed by Council Text 1961 4 159A, 161 VENTURA BUS DEPOT Planned near Welfare Court; opposed by residents Text 1962 5 87 VENTURA MOTORS Joins Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 22 VENTURA MOTORS Planned depot Box Hill South denied permit Text 1962 6 28, 33 VENTURA MOTORS Buys land for bus depot, Thomas Street Text 1961 4 193 VENTURA MOTORS Asked to put chain on driveway to stop shortcuts Text 1962 7 31 VENTURA MOTORS Subsidiary proposes new bus route Text 1965 8 147 VENTURA MOTORS PTY LTD Plan to build bus depot in Thomas Street Text 1962 5 93 VENTURA MOTORS PTY. LTD. Loses court case re proposed bus depot Text 1963 7 145 VERHAGEN, Jan Cjornelis Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 VERONA STREET Construction costs Text 1959 3 68 VERONA STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 VERONICA TEXTILES PTY LTD Factory registered Text 1961 5 30 VETERE, Charles Fruit shop destroyed by fire Text 1965 8 146 VICTORIA CRESCENT Block of flats nearing completion Text 1964 8 38 VICTORIA CRESCENT Residents complain of tree lopping Text 1964 8 26 VICTORIA CRESCENT Two trees removed Photo, Text 1965 8 119 VICTORIA CRESCENT, No. 33 Resident writes letter to Editor Text 1953 1 101 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

VICTORIA CRESCENT/HOTHAM STREET Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 VICTORIAN FILM LABORATORY PTY. LTD Occupies old town hall site Text 1961 5 3 VICTORIAN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Younger Set formed for first time for Kindergarten Text 1961 4 196 VICTORIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB Take part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 VICTORIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 139, 145, 147 VICTORIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 128, 131, 138 VICTORIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Performed at free concert at Town Hall Text 1962 7 12 VILLA, Caterina, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 VINCENT, L.M. Secretary, Standard Brick Co. Text 1964 8 23, 26 VINE, Kevin Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 VINEY, L. Thanked Council for local actions Text 1959 3 51 VINING, Lyn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 VISSER, Martha Catharina, Marten Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 VITOLS, Janis Naturalised Text 1959 3 62 VIVIANNE AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 VOGUE HOSIERY MILLS PTY. LTD Intends to build factory Text 1951 1 56 VOLLWEITER, Heinrich, Katherina Naturalised Text 1961 4 163 VOORWINDEN, Johanna Maria, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 45 VOORWINDEN, Pieter Naturalised Text 1958 2 142, 143 VOUMARD, Gerda Irene, Robert Emile Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 VROLAND, A.F., Mrs Treasurer, Jessie Robinson Memorial Fund Text 1961 4 134 VULCAN ELECTRICS PTY LTD Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 W.C.T.U. Brief report of 1904 talk by member Text 1964 8 42 WADDINGHAM, E.A. President BH Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1957 2 133 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WADHAM, Samuel, Professor Sir Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 69 WAITES, E., Mrs Elected Auditor of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 WAJNGARTEN, Joseph S., Irene, Rachel Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 WAJSZCZYK, Tadeusz Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 WALKER, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 WALKER, Evan Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 WALKER, H., Mrs Complains about Drive In patron behaviour Text 1965 8 154 WALKER, Jean Gained her Bachelor of Music Text 1950 1 43 WALKER, Lesley Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H WALKER, Lesley Building Surveyor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 WALLACE, - Sgt Spoke to Chamber of Commerce re vandalism Text 1962 7 9 WALLACE, Peter Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1959 3 68 WALLACE, S. Sergeant Welcomed Mayor to Magistrates' Bench Text 1965 9 7 WALLIS, F.M., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 WALLS, A. N. (Town Clerk) Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 L WALLS, A., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1965 8 189 WALLS, A.M. Elected Fed President of Municipal Institute Text 1963 7 131, 132 WALLS, A.N Elected Vic. President Institute of Administration Text 1961 5 H WALLS, A.N ., and wife Mayoral Ball and Return Ball Photo 1964 8 13, 38 WALLS, A.N,. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 WALLS, A.N,. Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1964 8 10 WALLS, A.N. Details of talk given and visit made Text 1964 8 8 WALLS, A.N. At NZ Conference Text 1965 8 145 WALLS, A.N. Took part in annual Civic Service event Text 1964 8 82 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WALLS, A.N. 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 WALLS, A.N. Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 WALLS, A.N. Australia Day Dinner Text 1957 2 51 WALLS, A.N. Defends Tree Lopping Text 1964 8 26 WALLS, A.N. Wins prize at flower show; given life governship of hospital Text 1962 6 15

WALLS, A.N. School Visit Rutherglen Photo 1964 8 17, 18 WALLS, A.N. Gave talk to Box Hill Club on King Island Text 1964 8 30, 32 WALLS, A.N. Whitehorse Festival Text 1960 4 75 WALLS, A.N. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 WALLS, A.N. At Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Text 1964 8 39 WALLS, A.N. Annual inspection of city Photo, Text 1961 5 48 WALLS, A.N. Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 Mayoral BallMayoral Ball WALLS, A.N. Attended function at high school Text 1958 2 148 WALLS, A.N. Photo showing Nunawading's new rates system Photo, Text 1963 7 39, WALLS, A.N. At investiture of Prefects, Burwood High School Text 1959 3 69 WALLS, A.N. Elected Federal President Town Clerks Photo 1963 7 132, 133 WALLS, A.N. Council Annual Tour of City Photo, Text 1960 4 95 WALLS, A.N. White Horse vandalized Photo, Text 1963 7 137, 138, 160, 163, 176 WALLS, A.N. Supports fluoridation Text 1964 7 202 WALLS, A.N. Attended Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 WALLS, A.N. Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 WALLS, A.N. Organised Municipal Conference in Sydney Text 1962 7 12 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WALLS, A.N. Hon. Auditor, Box Hill Ladies Relief Society Text 1960 4 51 WALLS, A.N. Secretary, Return Ball committee Text 1961 4 203 WALLS, A.N. AttendedAustralia Day Dinner Text 1962 5 77 WALLS, A.N. Attended Concert for Elderly Citizens Appeal Text 1961 5 22 WALLS, A.N. Supports fluoridation Text 1964 7 202 WALLS, A.N. Accompanied mayor to Box Hill Tech. School Text 1964 7 198 WALLS, A.N. Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A WALLS, A.N. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 WALLS, A.N. Attended Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 WALLS, A.N. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 WALLS, A.N. Assisted at Australia Day Dinner Text 1963 7 36 WALLS, A.N. and wife Attended Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 182 WALLS, A.N. and wife Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 WALLS, A.N., and wife Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A WALLS, A.N., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1956 2 3 WALLS, A.N., and wife At Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 17, 18 WALLS, A.N., and wife At Return Ball Text 1960 4 52 WALLS, A.N., and wife Australia Day Dinner Text 1958 2 142, 143 WALLS, A.N., and wife At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 WALLS, A.N., and wife Mayoral Ball; Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 99, 115 WALLS, A.N., and wife Guest at Elderly Citizens' Club Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 WALLS, A.N., and wife Attended Youth Centre Opening Text 1959 3 94 WALLS, A.N., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1963 7 84, 87 WALLS, A.N., and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WALLS, A.N., and wife At Civic Reception for London's Lord Mayor Text 1961 5 6, 7 WALLS, A.N., and wife Assisted at Mayoress reception Text 1960 4 90 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1959 3 146, 152 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Attended Municipal Conf. Dinner in Sydney Text 1962 7 12 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Assisted at Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Guest as YWCA Luncheon Text 1965 8 168 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Oufit worn to Mayoress reception described Text 1963 7 142 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Attended function for War Widows Assoc. Text 1960 4 33 WALLS, A.N., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 WALLS, A.N., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 WALLS, A.N., Mrs. Mayoral Ball Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 WALLS, A.N., Town Clerk Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 WALLS, Andrew Board of Works meeting Photo, Text 1960 4 53 WALLS, Andrew Traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 WALLS, Andrew N. Appointed Town Clerk, background given Text 1956 1 148, 149 WALLS, Geoffrey Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 WALLS, Robert Caught up with parents in Sydney; is in Navy Text 1962 7 12 WALPOLE, - Dr Land subdivision approved Text 1960 3 198 WALSCHOTS, Adrianus W. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 WALSH, - Took part in inter-Council cricket match Text 1964 7 187 WALSH, G. Welcomed Mayor to Magistrates' Bench Text 1965 9 7 WALSH, G.A., Cr. Sewers laid - Healesville F'way site Photo, Text 1963 7 119 WALSH, Geoff At Rotary Dinner to name top awardee. Text 1965 9 19, Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WALTER, Alan Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 WALTER, D.C. Elected Ass. Secretary RSL Text 1962 7 28 WALTER, Malcolm Goroke school pupil, visits Box Hill Text 1961 5 35, 38 WALTERS, Roland Councillor, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 WALTERS, Roland Head Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 WALTERS, V. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 WALTERS, Wayne Assistant in Council's Nursery Text 1963 7 142 WANGEMAN, John Supervisor, school holiday programme Text 1965 8 116 WARANGA STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 WARATAH STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 WARD, G. Treasurer, BH Citizens Dev. Assoc. Text 1956 2 35 WARD, G. Committee, Youth Club Text 1956 2 12 WARD, G. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 WARD, Garry Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 WARD, K., Mrs Ladies Guild, St Phillip's church Text 1961 5 B WARD, Lynette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 WARRANDYTE BUS SERVICE P/L Wants to extend Station Street service Text 1959 3 26 WARRAWONG PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Reports child hit by car on way to school Text 1964 8 23 WARRAWONG PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Request bus shelter at shopping centre Text 1964 8 1 WARRAWONG STATE SCHOOL Traffic lights to be installed Text 1964 8 28, 105 WARRAWONG STATE SCHOOL School Crossing lights urged Text 1964 7 72, 136, 199 WARRAWONG STATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE School crossing needed Text 1964 8 9, 20, 23 WARRAWONG STATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE Want traffic lights Middleborough Rload Text 1964 7 196 WARREN, D.R. Reports on Memorial Youth Club Text 1962 6 100 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WARREN, D.R. Chairman, Box Hill Youth Centre; appeals for help Text 1963 7 124, 145 WARREN, D.R. AGM, elected Chairman of Youth Centre Text 1961 5 41 WARREN, D.R. Letter to Editor re Youth Club Text 1961 5 10 WARREN, Doug Chairman, Memorial Youth Centre Text 1962 6 1 WARREN, Graeme Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WARREN, Graeme Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 WARREN, Margaret Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 WARREN, Wilma Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 WARRIGAL ROAD Dangerous for school children Text 1965 8 74, 87, 176, 178 WARRIGAL ROAD School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 35 WARRIGAL ROAD New plan for safer children's crossing Text 1964 8 98, 129 WARRIGAL ROAD Footpath to be erected Text 1959 3 102 WARRIGAL ROAD To be widened Text 1960 4 30 WARRIGAL ROAD Footpath needed along Wattle Park boundary Text 1963 7 95 WARRIGAL ROAD Traffic lights needed to protect children Text 1960 4 46 WARRIGAL ROAD Students manning crossing considered dangerous Text 1965 8 169, 187, 188, 203 WARRIGAL ROAD/WARATAH AVENUE Subdivision approved Text 1961 4 197 WARRY, Lorraine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1953 1 99 WARWICK STREET Part to be constructed Text 1965 8 149 WASILIEW, George, Olga Naturalised Text 1963 7 104 WATARAH/BANKSIA AVENUE Residents complain about the state of Reserve Text 1961 5 60 WATERS, John David Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 WATERS, K. To build Scout Hall in Elizabeth Street Text 1963 7 78 WATERS, K.J. Wanted golf practise in Springfield Park; refused Text 1963 7 69 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WATERS, T.A. Associated with Presb. Church Surrey Hills Text 1961 4 203 WATKINS, C.F. Letter to Editor Text 1959 3 37, 39, 41 WATKINS, Fred, Mrs. Daughter of Robert Sutton Text 1961 4 137 WATKINS, W.J. Letter to Editor re change of street name Text 1964 8 68 WATKINSON, J.F. Supports granting of liquor licence to RSL Text 1965 8 204 WATSFORD, Jim Started Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 WATSON AVENUE Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 WATSON, - Mrs Committee, Bennettswood Kindergarten Assoc. Text 1962 7 5 WATSON, A. Monash Street, complains of rate rise Text 1953 1 93 WATSON, Alan, Rev. Dr. Rotary Award - Top Citizen Text 1965 9 19 WATSON, Bill Received Award Photo, Text 1962 6 26 WATSON, Bill Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WATSON, F. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 WATSON, J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 WATSON, J.A. Request for sewerage installation Text 1957 2 108 WATSON, M., Mrs V.President, Bennettswood Kinder Association Text 1963 7 160 WATSON, Peter Managing Director, Victorian Film Laboratory Text 1961 5 3 WATSON, William H.B. Attended Garden Party for Queen Mother Text 1958 2 149 WATT STREET East side; no parking during business hours Text 1961 4 152 WATT STREET CAR PARK Was originally a bowling green Text 1962 5 76 WATT, - Mrs Won award at flower show Text 1949 1 31 WATT, Ralph Committee member, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 WATTLE PARK Tramways refuse Council request Text 1959 3 37, 39, 45 WATTLE PARK Toilets needed at tram terminus Text 1959 3 97, 100 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WATTLE PARK Improvements needed Text 1964 8 28 WATTLE PARK Fiveways intersection in bad condition Text 1960 4 44, 93 WATTLE PARK CHALET Morning tea served to Councillors Text 1964 8 81 WATTLE PARK CHALET Morning tea for 'Beating the Bounds' participants Text 1962 7 3 WATTLE PARK CHALET Annual inspection morning tea held there Text 1963 7 140 WATTLE PARK CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Wants local lanes closed Text 1959 3 92 WATTLE PARK CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Formed Text 1959 3 42 WATTLE PARK GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION City librarian guest speaker at meeting Text 1963 7 63 WATTLE PARK HIGH SCHOOL Headmaster appointed elsewhere Text 1965 8 110 WATTLE PARK LAND Purchase by Council for car park Text 1962 6 10, 13 WATTLE PARK MARCHING GIRLS CLUB Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 WATTLE PARK PRESB. CHURCH Seeks pedestrian crossing, refused Text 1956 2 1 WATTLE PARK PRESB. CHURCH Wants parking restrictions granted Text 1963 7 144 WATTLE PARK PRESB. CHURCH Annual Civic Service held there Text 1960 4 102 WATTLE PARK PRESB. KINDERGARTEN Approved by Health Department Text 1964 7 185 WATTLE PARK SHOPPING CENTRE Committee formed re lack of facilities Text 1958 2 162 WATTLE PARK STATE SCHOOL Dangerous street crossings Photo, Text 1965 8 176, 178, 187, 188, 203 WATTLE PARK STATE SCHOOL No subway under Warrigal Road Text 1964 8 18, 87, 130 WATTLE PARK STATE SCHOOL School crossing dangerous Photo, Text 1962 6 35 WATTLE PARK STATE SCHOOL Withdraws students from doing crossing duty Text 1965 8 169, 174 WATTLE STREET House flooded Text 1958 3 M WATTLE STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 WATTS STREET Carpark to be sealed Text 1961 5 67 WATTS STREET, No. 11 Resident complained of unsealed car park Text 1961 5 67 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WATTS, Ian Attended Return Ball Text 1954 1 132 WATYCHOWICZ, Marta Anna Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 WAVELL STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 WAY, A.A. Synod rep., at farewell function for Rev Eggleston Text 1961 5 B WAYYCHOWICZ, Marta Anna Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 WEAL, C.W. Elected Ass. Treasurer, Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 WEARN, O. Employed by Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 WEATHERLEY, Alan Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WEAVER, Jim Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 WEAVER, Tim Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 187 WEAVER, Timothy Town Clerk, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 WEBB STREET To be changed to Were Street Text 1951 1 63 WEBB, E.R. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F WEBB, E.R., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 WEBB, John F. Aspinall Road; letter to editor Text 1953 1 102 WEBB, Kerry Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 5 H WEBB, M., Mrs Dies in hospital, stressed over street name change Text 1964 8 76, 80 WEBB, N.I.A. Elected Kindergarten V. President Text 1963 7 76 WEBBER, Alf Remembers 1930s dances in old town hall Text 1961 5 3 WEBBER, Thelma Performed at Australia Day Dinner Text 1961 4 141 WEBBER, Thelma Performed at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 4 137 WEBBER, Thelma Will perform at Australia Day concert Text 1961 4 130 WEBER, Gustav Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 WEBER, I.L. At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 115, 117 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WEBER, Josef, Hildegard, Brunhilde Naturalised Text 1965 8 124 WEBER, L., Mrs Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F WEBSTER, Amanda, child Kindergarten, Box Hill North Photo 1958 2 188 WEBSTER, C., Mrs Committee member, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 WEBSTER, C.W. Spoke to historical society Text 1965 8 184 WEBSTER, Fay Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WEBSTER, G.H. Elected Secretary, Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 WEBSTER, H. Guest, Box Hill Club meeting Text 1958 3 M WEBSTER, Jean Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 WEBSTER, R.M.W. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 25 WEI, Moo Chau Naturalised Text 1962 6 17 WEINLICH, Anna Naturalised Text 1965 8 166 WEIR, Jaddy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 WEIR, Joe Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 WELCH, H. Letter to editor re poor bus service Text 1962 7 13 WELFARE COURT Sold by Council, residents object Text 1962 6 28, 33 WELFARE COURT Nearby land to be sold by Council Text 1961 5 I, K, 83 WELFARE COURT Council to provide land for playground Text 1963 7 152 WELLARD ROAD Construction scheme prepared Text 1965 8 157 WELLARD, Jeanette Presented photo of Debutantes Text 1948 1 21 WELLER, Robert, Anna Maria Naturalised Text 1958 2 142, 143 WELLINGTON STREET Plan to rename part of it to Young Street Text 1964 8 43, 153 WELLMAN STREET Resident complains of condition Text 1955 1 140 WELLMAN STREET Partly constructed, cost of Text 1959 3 68 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WELLMAN STREET In very poor condition Text 1948 1 23 WELLMAN STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 WELLS, Frances Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 WELLS, Lawrence D. Letter to Editor Text 1956 2 18 WELLS, W.D. Chairmain, Dry Area Defence League Text 1951 1 67 WEMBLY PARK SOCCER GROUND To be officially opened Text 1958 2 150 WEMYSS, Sandra Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 WEMYSS, Sandra Debutante, made own dress Text 1960 4 21 WERDER STREET No priority to be given to construction Text 1960 4 3, 5 WERDER STREET Residents decide to pay for construction Text 1959 3 84, 86 WERDER STREET In dreadful condition, needs construction Text 1959 3 64, 80 WERDER STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 WERDER STREET Residents make road Text 1957 2 48 WERDER STREET Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 WERDER STREET Needs construction Text 1960 4 32 WERDER STREET Named from fruit trees in Fithie orchard Text 1961 5 N WERDER, V.C. Letter to Council re road Text 1959 3 84 WERE STREET Formerly Webb Street Text 1951 1 63 WESCO PAINTS Sold Mont Albert Road site to Council Text 1964 8 75 WEST STATION STREET Changed to Clisby Street Text 1959 3 115 WEST, Stella Infant Welfare Sister at Bennettswood Text 1964 8 36 WEST, Stella, Sister In charge of Infant Welfare Centres Text 1959 3 34, 50 WESTMORELAND, J.F. Cr Port Adelaide, staying with brother Text 1956 2 D WESTON, E. Treasurer of Luncheon Club Text 1949 1 41, 54 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WESTON, Maurice DLP Candidate for Deakin Photo, Text 1961 5 63 WESTON, Ted On Industrial Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 WESTWOOD, John Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 WETZEL, A.R. Objects to removal of street trees Text 1964 8 55 WETZEL, Lilian Secretary, Box Hill Ladies Relief Society Text 1960 4 49, 51 WETZEL, Lillian Obituary; Ladies Benevolent Society secretary 33 years Text 1961 4 149, 152, 156 WEYBURY, Brian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text, Photo 1964 8 10, 13 WHARTON, E.D. Re-elected President Union Jack Club Text 1961 5 9 WHATELEY, R.K. Attended Australia Day commemoration Text 1954 1 115 WHATELEY, R.K., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949, 1953 1 33, 99 WHATELY, R.K. Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 WHITE HORSE FESTIVAL To be held every two years Text 1963 7 108 WHITE HORSE HOTEL Reconstruction of 1920s photo Photo 1965 8 199 WHITE HORSE HOTEL Old key held by Daniel family Text 1962 6 84 WHITE HORSE HOTEL Poem by C.J. Dennis reproduced Text 1963 7 63 WHITE HORSE STATUE Painted blue Text 1959 3 167 WHITE HORSE STATUE Vandalized Photo, Text 1963, 1964 7 170, 176, 178 WHITE HORSE STATUE Vandalised Text 1950 1 43, 45 WHITE HORSE STATUE Vandalised Photo, Text 1960 4 105 WHITE HORSE STATUE Tail stolen, reward offered, recovered Photo, Text 1963 7 133, 137, 139, 160, 161, 163 WHITE HORSE STATUE White Horse Festival Procession Photo 1964 8 17 WHITE, - Mrs Laid wreath on behalf of War Widows Text 1959 3 62 WHITE, - Mrs Had left Home Help Service; moved elsewhere Text 1961 4 184, 186 WHITE, - Mrs President, War Widows Association Text 1961 4 182 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WHITE, Betty Mayoral Ball, debutante Text 1947 1 6 WHITE, D.M., Mrs President, War Widows local Branch Text 1960 4 33 WHITE, Daryl Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 WHITE, G.F. Asks for footpath in Mersey Street Text 1961 5 35 WHITE, Hal, M.A.C.E. Guest speaker, BH Historical Society Text 1964 8 25 WHITE, J., Mrs Temporarily in charge of Home Help Service Text 1960 4 102 WHITE, Kathleen Former kiosk keeper at swimming pool Text 1965 8 131, 136 WHITE, Robyn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1963 7 84, 87 WHITE, Tony City Engineer, Junior Council Text 1961 5 11, 13 WHITE, W.J.E. Asks why no rubbish bins in shopping centre Text 1964 7 187 WHITEAD, Tony Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 183 WHITECHURCH, Stuart Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WHITEHEAD, Bruce Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 WHITEHORSE BUS SERVICE Proposed extension not allowed Text 1959 3 53, 57 WHITEHORSE CLUB CO-OP LTD. Council refuses to rezone land Text 1956 2 34 WHITEHORSE CLUB CO-OP LTD. Details of establishment Text 1956 2 14, 16, 18 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Report on Text 1964 8 17 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Organised by Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 69, 73, 75 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Organised by Chamber of Commerce Text 1962 6 66, 82 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Organised by Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 58, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71, 74 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Reports on event Text 1960 4 77 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Planning under way by Chamber of Commerce Text 1965 5 88 WHITEHORSE FESTIVAL Fashion Show held at town hall Text 1960 4 77 WHITEHORSE HOLDINGS Sells land for petrol station Text 1953 1 109 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WHITEHORSE HOLDINGS PTY. LTD. Applies for liquor licence; opposed, withdraws Text 1951, 1954 1 56, 57, 59, 60, 77, 94, 114 WHITEHORSE ROAD Closure of streets fronting it Text 1962 6 1 WHITEHORSE ROAD Widening of Text 1962 6 1, 2, 28 WHITEHORSE ROAD Parking meters in centre moved Text 1964 8 63 WHITEHORSE ROAD Traffic lights to be moved closer to Union Road Text 1964 8 12, 105 WHITEHORSE ROAD Plan to ban peak hour parking on one side Text 1964 8 96, 102, 105, 127 WHITEHORSE ROAD Council purchase of site for car park Text 1957 2 130 WHITEHORSE ROAD Plantations to be parking meters Text 1960 4 A WHITEHORSE ROAD Parking meters installed Text 1957 2 130-133 WHITEHORSE ROAD Trees on median strip Photo 1959 3 157, 162 WHITEHORSE ROAD CRB plan to improve Text 1964 8 45 WHITEHORSE ROAD Poem by C.J.Dennis reproduced Text 1963 7 58 WHITEHORSE ROAD Parking meters on western end of plantations Text 1960 4 24 WHITEHORSE ROAD - PLANTATIONS Council refuses to turn into car parks Text 1964 8 16, 20 WHITEHORSE ROAD near HOOD STREET Land subdivision approved Text 1961 5 F WHITEHORSE ROAD, MONT ALBERT Petrol pump to be installed Text 1959 3 134 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 1049 Home of Daniel Harvey Text 1961 4 136 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 659 For factory registration Text 1957 2 137 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 673 Factory approved Text 1959 3 64 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 878 Details of land occupation Text 1962 6 45, 97 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 939A Permanent parking bays offered Text 1957 2 137 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 939A Owner wants parking in plantation areas Text 1961 4 149 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 939A Owners wants more car parking Text 1960 4 42 WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 973 Council Electricity Shop; to be sold Text 1964 7 182 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 994 Liquor licence granted Text 1958 3 A WHITEHORSE ROAD, No. 994 Application for liquor licence Text 1958 2 158 WHITEHORSE ROAD, NORTH SIDE Subdivision plan for 2 shop sites approved Text 1960 4 14 WHITEHORSE ROAD/STATION STREET Traffic lights installed Text 1948 1 25, 26 WHITEHORSE ROAD/VICTORIA CRESCENT Street lighting to be improved Text 1964 8 38 WHITEHORSE/DONCASTER ROADS Refusal to install traffic lights Text 1964 8 1 WHITEHORSE/ELGAR ROADS Traffic lights to be installed Text 1960 4 F, H WHITEHORSE/ELGAR ROADS Fruit shop destroyed by fire Text 1965 8 146 WHITEHORSE/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Traffic lights to be installed Text 1960 4 F, H WHITEHORSE/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Changes to improve traffic conditions Text 1964 8 32 WHITEHORSE/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Traffic lights installation; contract signed Text 1961 5 I, N WHITEHORSE/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS Intersection being remodelled Text 1960 4 38 WHITEHORSE/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROADS To be constructed; cost given Text 1961 4 179 WHITE'S LAND Purchased by Council from MMBW Text 1962 6 93 WHITLA, Will Comment on tree removal in Victoria Crescent Text 1965 8 119 WHITLING, Charles R. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 WHITMORE, A.W. North Kerrimuir shopping centre needs made roads Text 1961 5 36 WICKHAM, A., Mrs Musician, accompanies recording of Box Hill song Text 1962 6 82 WIESE, L.F. Gets permission to install petrol pump Text 1959 3 119 WIGNALL, Jenny Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 WIGNEY, W.A. Retired as Pastor of Church of Christ Text 1961 5 I, K WIKMAN, Alma Involved with Ballet Group Text 1957 2 116 WIKMAN, Alma Pianist, made Life Member of Ballet Group Text 1961 5 51 WIKMAN, Alma Pianist for Ballet Group Text 1961 4 194 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WILES, Bill On Industrial Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1963 7 108 WILES, W. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 WILJUN PROPERTIES PTY. LTD. Lends property to Liberal Party Text 1952 1 89 WILKINSON, R. Treasurer Dry Area Defence League Text 1951 1 64 WILLIAM STREET People have been killed at railway crossing Text 1948 1 20 WILLIAM STREET Plan to remove Plane Trees Text 1962 6 23 WILLIAMS, - (Manager ANZ) Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 WILLIAMS, - and wife Chairman, citizens committee Text 1958 2 169 WILLIAMS, - Mr and Mrs Australia Day Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 3 190 WILLIAMS, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A WILLIAMS, A.M. Interviewed for radio show Text 1962 6 25 WILLIAMS, Bill Deputy District Governor, Lions Club Text 1964 7 203 WILLIAMS, C. F. Car Parking discussion Photo 1964 8 62 WILLIAMS, C. F., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 WILLIAMS, C. F., Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 WILLIAMS, C. F., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 WILLIAMS, C., Mrs Placed wreath at war memorial, Armistice Day Text 1964 8 83 WILLIAMS, C.F. To attend Conference Text 1964 8 24 WILLIAMS, C.F. Appointed acting City Engineer Text 1947 1 A WILLIAMS, C.F. Lists roadworks being undertaken Photo 1964 8 1 WILLIAMS, C.F. Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 WILLIAMS, C.F. Comments on Burwood Rd bike lane proposal Text 1961 5 24 WILLIAMS, C.F. Criticises lack of uniformity in school crossings Text 1962 5 92 WILLIAMS, C.F. Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1961 5 43 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WILLIAMS, C.F. Attended Chamber of Commerce Dinner Text 1961 5 A WILLIAMS, C.F. Gives costs for road construction Text 1961 4 169 WILLIAMS, C.F. Operated on recently, is recovering Text 1961 4 187 WILLIAMS, C.F. and family On holiday trip to Japan Text 1964 8 2, 14 WILLIAMS, C.F. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 WILLIAMS, C.F., and wife Leaving for overseas tour Text 1964 7 201 WILLIAMS, C.F., City Engineer Delegation to Geelong Photo 1962 6 37 WILLIAMS, C.F., Mr. Re Traffic Lights Middleborough Road Photo, Text 1964 7 193 WILLIAMS, C.F., Mr. Comments on floods, Burwood Text 1963 7 35 WILLIAMS, C.F., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 WILLIAMS, C.F.,Mr. Lions Club of Box Hill Gift Photo, Text 1963 7 93, 97 WILLIAMS, Charles New president Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 WILLIAMS, Charles Lions Zone Chairman Text 1964 8 17 WILLIAMS, Charles F. Foundation member Lions Club Text 1960 4 124 WILLIAMS, E., Mrs In Sydney on Remembrance Day Text 1963 7 144 WILLIAMS, G.H. Treasurer, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 WILLIAMS, G.H. Treasurer, Film Society, retires Text 1964 8 43 WILLIAMS, G.H. Treasurer, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 WILLIAMS, G.H. Treasurer, Film Society AGM Text 1961 5 2 WILLIAMS, H.E. Elected Photographer, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 83 WILLIAMS, Hal Member, Box Hill Historical Society Text 1964 8 25 WILLIAMS, Hilton Recorded Box Hill song Text 1962 6 82 WILLIAMS, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 WILLIAMS, K. Elected to committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 56 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WILLIAMS, K. Committee, Chamber of Commerce Text 1961 5 16, 18 WILLIAMS, K., and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 WILLIAMS, Keith Suggested various decorations to Chamber of Commerce Text 1960 4 88 WILLIAMS, Kenneth A. Car Park design Illus. 1957 2 129 WILLIAMS, L.L. ANZ Box Hill manager Text 1962 5 84 WILLIAMS, Les To conduct school choir in variety show for charity Text 1961 5 25 WILLIAMS, Lindsay Attended Co-Op Housing Societies dinner Text 1960 4 115 WILLIAMS, Louis R Design for St Peters C/E Illus. 1950 1 54 WILLIAMS, N.R. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F WILLIAMS, Peter Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 WILLIAMS, Richards, Air Marshall Sir Guest Speaker, Australia Day Dinner Text 1964 7 184 WILLIAMS, Roma Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 WILLIAMS, Ron Jaycee, going to USA Text 1958 2 193 WILLIAMS, S., and wife Organised Return Ball for Mayor Text 1964 8 38 WILLIAMS, S.F., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 WILLIAMS, S.P. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 WILLIAMS, Stan Member of Rotary Text 1960 4 101 WILLIAMS, T.L. To become A.N.Z. Branch manager Text 1961 5 69 WILLIAMS, T.L. Manager Box Hill Branch ANZ Bank Text 1962 7 80 WILLIAMS, W. Council Banker, took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1964 8 81 WILLIAMS, Wal President, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1964 8 14, 17 WILLIAMS, Wal and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 WILLIAMS, Wallace Foundation member, Lions Club Text 1960 4 63,77, 124 WILLIAMS, Wally Committee, Box Hill Lions Club Text 1962 6 40 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WILLIAMSON ROAD Part of, Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1 WILLIAMSON ROAD Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 WILLIAMSON ROAD Construction planned; resident objections Text 1960 4 90, 103 WILLIAMSON ROAD Plan to place public phone there Text 1962 5 88 WILLIAMSON ROAD Part to be sewered next year Text 1963 7 76 WILLIAMSON ROAD Road construction under way on part of it Text 1961 5 5 WILLIAMSON ROAD Part of, work proceeding on channels and pavement Text 1961 4 169 WILLIAMSON, E.N. Bus extension plan unsuccessful Text 1959 3 53, 57 WILLIAMSON, Ken President, North East BH Progress Association Text 1964 8 55 WILLIE, A. Koonung Heights Progress Assoc. Text 1952 1 83, 85 WILLIS, R. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 WILLS, John Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 WILSHIRE, - Mrs On committee, Ballet Group Text 1961 4 194 WILSHIRE, L. Member, Box Hill Branch A.N.A. Text 1947 1 A WILSON, - Miss Spring St., turned 100 years old Text 1960 4 66 WILSON, A.M. Letter to Council re unsealed car park Text 1961 5 67 WILSON, Bob President, RSL, at Anzac Day service Photo 1965 8 173 WILSON, C.J. and E.A. Factory approved Text 1959 3 153 WILSON, K. President, R.S.L. Photo 1965 8 163, 164 WILSON, K. Elected to committee, RSL Text 1962 7 28 WILSON, K. Lloyd Street surface damaging cars Text 1961 4 192 WILSON, Keith President, RSL Text 1965 8 170 WILSON, Lesley Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189, 190 WILSON, P.L. Elected Secretary of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WILSON, R.V., Mayor Councils Cricket Challenge Text 1963 7 69 WILSON, Ray Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 WILSON, Rhonda Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 WILSON, Ruth Ann Naturalised, Australia Day Text 1955 1 135 WILTSHIRE, L. On committee, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 WILTSHIRE, R. J., MLA Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1961 5 L WILTSHIRE, R. J., Mrs. Mayoress Reception, Official Guest Text 1959 3 146, 152 WILTSHIRE, R., Mrs Attended reception at town hall Text 1957 2 131 WILTSHIRE, R.J. Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1956 2 19 WILTSHIRE, R.J. Speaker at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1963 7 104 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA Spoke at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1960 4 117 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1957 2 99 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1958 2 152 WILTSHIRE, R.J., MLA and wife Australia Day Dinner and Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 7 184 WILTSHIRE, R.J., Mrs At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 WILTSHIRE, R.J., Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A WILTSHIRE, R.J., Mrs Mayoress Reception Text 1961 5 59 WIMMERA STREET Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 WIMMERA STREET Will be sewered next year Text 1961 5 70A WINFIELD ROAD Part of, Construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 WINFIELD ROAD Plan for subdivision approved Text 1960 4 123 WINKER, W. and D. Factory approved Text 1959 3 57 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WINTER, Graham Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 WINTER, John Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 WISDOM, Denise Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 WISE, T.A. Objects to rate rise Text 1953 1 94 WISHART, Ian Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1963 7 84 WISHART, Valerie Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189, 190 WITHERS, - Mr Bus proprietor, improved evening service Text 1956 1 149 WITHERS, A.P. Bus routes transferred to Tramways Board Text 1961 4 176, 200 WITHERS, Mick Selected for Olympics team Text 1960 4 27 WITT COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 WLODARCZYK, Jan, Ida Naturalised Text 1957 2 51 WOOD, - Candidate, Council elections Text 1947 1 10 WOOD, Beverley Performed at Concert Text 1956 2 16 WOOD, I.C., Mrs Visits home of ancestor Arundel Wrighte Text 1963 7 145 WOOD, J. and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 WOOD, M.M., Mrs Thanks Council for naming street after grandfather Text 1965 8 153 WOOD, Margaret Objects to compulsory acquisition of property Text 1964 7 178, 179 WOODFORD, J.R. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 WOODHOUSE GROVE Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 139 WOODHOUSE GROVE Access road at rear of, construction planned Text 1964 8 1, 69 WOODHOUSE GROVE Concrete footpaths to be constructed Text 1962 6 32, 33, 51 WOODHOUSE GROVE Infant Health Centre to open Text 1958 2 170, 188 WOODHOUSE GROVE Subdivision approved Text 1959 3 57 WOODHOUSE GROVE Subdivision in 1947 Text 1963 7 50 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WOODHOUSE GROVE Subdivision plan of 6 lots approved Text 1960 4 14 WOODHOUSE GROVE Will be sewered next year Text 1961 5 70A WOODHOUSE GROVE Corner to be sewered Text 1963 7 76 WOODHOUSE GROVE -WESLEYAN CHAPEL Classified by National Trust Text 1963 7 174 WOODHOUSE GROVE, No. 125 Resident seeks improved bus services Text 1960 4 63, 81 WOODHOUSE GROVE, No. 133 Resident comments on bus drivers Text 1962 6 7 WOODHOUSE GROVE, No. 32 Resident objects to comp. acquisition of property Text 1964 7 178, 179 WOODHOUSE GROVE/KAY COURT Subdivision plan of 3 lots approved Text 1960 4 14 WOODHOUSE GROVE/STATION STREET Pedestrian crossing urged Text 1956 1 149 WOODLEY, D. Involved with Youth Centre Text 1957 2 103 WOODLEY, H. Committee, Youth Club Text 1956 2 11, 12 WOODLEY, H.G.J. Committee, Youth Centre Text 1957 2 127 WOODS, Gordon Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1956 2 3 WOODS, K., Mrs Director, Box Hill Kindergarten Text 1947 1 5 WOODS, S. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1961 4 152, 158 WOODS, Stewart McG. Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1962 5 94 WOODSTOCK, - Mr Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 WOODYARD, Lynette Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1956 2 3 WOOLCOCK, - Misses Land subdivision approved Text 1959 3 70 WOOLF, K., Miss Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 WOOLFORD, C.E. Postmaster, 50 years with post office. Text 1961 5 32 WOOLHOUSE, Bruce Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1951 1 61 WOOLWORTHS Saleyards, Main Street, sold to them Text 1963 7 86 WOOLWORTHS Destroyed by fire Text 1961 4 154, 157 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WOOTTON, N. Lloyd Street surface damaging cars Text 1961 4 192 WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE To open branch in Clisby Street Text 1961 5 D WORLD WAR TWO MEMORIAL Unveiled Text 1952 1 88 WORLEY, W.R. Wants street trees planted Text 1961 4 166 WORSCH, Josef Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 WORTH, R. A. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 WORTH, R., Mrs Exhibitor, Horticultural Society Show Text 1960 4 123 WORTH, R.A., Mrs Exhibited at Spring Flower Show Text 1960 4 102 WORTH, R.A.P. and wife Present at Return Ball Text 1952 1 82 WORTHIE, John Interviewed residents for radio show Text 1962 6 25 WRIDGEWAY STREET Road construction under way Text 1961 5 5 WRIDGWAY STREET Road needs work done Text 1959 3 94 WRIDGWAY STREET Construction work being undertaken Text 1962 6 11, 62 WRIDGWAY STREET Road construction scheme prepared Text 1961 4 169, 197 WRIDGWAY, Peter Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1958 2 152 WRIGHT, Bert Manager, Patersons store Text 1959 3 166 WRIGHT, G., and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 WRIGHT, G.F., and wife At Centenary Dinner Text 1957 2 117 WRIGHT, G.F., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 WRIGHT, George F. Letter to Editor re Electric Supply Text 1959 3 53 WRIGHT, George F. First Council electrical engineer Text 1964 8 18 WRIGHT, George Freeman To retire; chief electrical engineer Text 1955 1 143, 144 WRIGHT, George Freeman Photo to be hung in Town Hall Text 1955 1 145 WRIGHT, Jim Organised Jaycees conference Text 1960 4 61 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

WRIGHT, Ken Member, Koonung Harmonists Text 1961 5 68 WRIGHTE, Arundel Stone from his house used for Cairn Text 1961 5 67 WUILLEMIN J., Mrs Involved with Guides Text 1964 8 75 WUILLEMIN, Maxine Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text, Photo 1959 3 68, 70, 71 YALLOURIDIS, John Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 YALLOURIDIS, Olga, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 YANNOPOULOS, Constantine Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 YEOMANS COURT New units for the elderly Text 1959 4 160 YEOMANS, W. V. President, Box Hill Football Club Text 1961 4 141 YEOMANS, W. and wife Attended Mayoral Ball Text 1960 4 18 YEOWART, Maree Pupil, attended Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 YIANNAKOPOULOS, George Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 YIANNAKOPOULOS, Vassiliki Mrs. Naturalised Text 1964 8 4 'YOU AND YOUR COUNCIL' Booklet to be distributed to all homes Text 1959 3 90 'YOU AND YOUR COUNCIL' Booklet Requests from other Councils Text 1960 4 2, 3 YOUL, Christine Debutante, Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1965 8 181, 189 YOUL, Christine At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 YOUL, D,. Cr. Member RSL Photo, Text 1963 7 151 YOUL, D. Committee, Youth Club Text 1956 2 11, 12 YOUL, D. Candidate, Council Elections Text 1959 3 107 YOUL, D. At Anzac service Photo 1965 8 173 YOUL, D. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 YOUL, D. M., and wife New Box Hill Mayor Photo, Text 1964 8 52, 53, 61, 65, YOUL, D. M., Cr Presided at Australia Day Dinner Text 1965 8 123, 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

YOUL, D. M., Mayor Can sit on Magistrates' Bench Photo, 1965 9 7 YOUL, D., and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 YOUL, D., and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 YOUL, D., Cr 'Beating the Bounds' annual tour Text 1964 8 81 YOUL, D., Cr Placed wreath at war memorial, Armistice Day Text 1964 8 83 YOUL, D., Cr Presided at Naturalisation Ceremony Text 1964 8 81 YOUL, D., Cr. Twice Weekly Bin Collection Photo,Text 1964 7 174, 179 YOUL, D., Mayor New Year message Text 1965 8 112 YOUL, D., Mayor and wife Councillors and senior officers taken to Princess Theatre Text 1964 8 107 YOUL, D., Mayoress Guest as YWCA Luncheon Text 1965 8 168 YOUL, D., Mrs Guest at Elderly Citizens' Cflub Xmas Party Text 1964 8 106 YOUL, D., Mrs Secretary RSL Ladies Auxiliary Text 1963 7 144 YOUL, D.M. 40th Year of RSL Charter celebrated Text 1960 4 4 YOUL, D.M. Mayor's Christmas Message Text 1964 8 102 YOUL, D.M. At opening of R.S.L. premises Photo 1965 8 163 YOUL, D.M. Elected Secretary RSL Text 1962 7 28 YOUL, D.M., and wife Presided at Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1965 8 189, 190 YOUL, D.M., and wife Attend Doncaster Ball Text 1965 8 198 YOUL, D.M., and wife Attended function for War Widows Assoc. Text 1960 4 33 YOUL, D.M., Cr Nominated as Life Govenor, Burwood Hospital Text 1964 8 19 YOUL, D.M., Cr Details upbringing Photo 1964 8 75, 80 YOUL, D.M., Cr Took part in annual civic service event Text 1964 8 82 YOUL, D.M., Cr Christmas message, New Year message Photo, Text 1964 8 106, 112 YOUL, D.M., Cr Took part in 'Beating the Bounds' Text 1962 7 4 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

YOUL, D.M., Cr Went on 'Beating the Bounds' inspection Text 1963 7 140 YOUL, D.M., Mayor Presided at Naturalisation ceremony Text 1965 8 166 YOUL, D.M., Mayor Says shopping centre still in demand Photo 1965 9 18, 19 YOUL, D.M., Mayoress Arranged morning coffee for group and speaker Text 1965 8 192 YOUL, D.M., Mrs Attended Mayoress Reception Text 1963 7 136 YOUL, Dave Candidate, Council elections Text 1962 6 46, 50, 59, 60, 61, 70, 72, 83, 84, 85 YOUL, Dave and family Elected mayor, left for holiday in Sydney Text 1964 8 54 YOUL, Geoff Attended Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1965 8 189 YOUL, Nance Mayoress, gave reception Text 1964 8 78 YOUL, Nancy, Mayoress New Year Message Photo, Text 1965 8 113 YOUL, Susan Attended Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1965 8 189, 190 YOUL, Susan At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 YOUNG COURT New private street in subdivisions Text 1964 8 1 YOUNG, A.L. and wife Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 YOUNG, D. Ringwood, gives birth to triplets at Box Hill hospital Text 1962 6 16 YOUNG, Geoffrey Participant in Junior Council Text 1960 4 48 YOUNG, N., Miss Elected Auditor of Camera Club Text 1963 7 67 YOUNG, P. Vice President, Ratepayers Association Text 1964 8 70 YOUNG, W.F. Has street named after him Text 1965 8 153 YOUTH CENTRE Proposal for Text 1952 1 86 YUGHANNS, M.W. Mrs. Mayoress Reception Text 1960 4 92 ZAHN, W.M. Mr. and Mrs. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K ZANCOLICH, Guilo Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ZELMAN MEMORIAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA To perform Handel's Messiah with Choral Society Text 1961 5 67 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s)

ZELTZER, L. Table tennis player, recently arrived from England Text 1948 1 23 ZERBE, E.L. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ZERBE, E.L. Letter re parking conditions in Carrington Road Text 1963 7 122 ZERBE, Terry Baritone, sang at Australia Day event Text 1955 1 135 ZIEGLER, A.C. Wants bus service in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 12, 13, 19 ZIEGLER, A.C. Heathfield Rise, wants bus route extension Text 1961 5 66 ZIEGLER, A.C. Heathfield Rise, wants bus route extension Text 1961 4 199, 201 ZIEGLER, A.C. Wants bus service in Box Hill North Text 1962 7 7, 8, 10, 11 ZIEGLER, Afred Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ZIG and ZIG Took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 ZIGAS, Magdalena Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 ZIGOURAS, Peter Nicholas Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 ZLATIC, Mailan Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ZOGRAPHOS, Sava N. Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 ZSELENYI, Bela Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 ZVAIGZNITIS, Natalia, Viktors Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ZWART, Berendina, Hendrik Lower Templestowe, naturalised Text 1962 6 97 ZWART, Tonius, Wilhelmina Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119