Newspaper scrapbook index Monday, 26 June 2017 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) Horse trough outside Court House full of beer bottles Text 1965 8 121 Motor cycle races held in Box Hill North Text 1953 1 102 Proposal to buy old tram for display Text 1956 2 6 Planning - Master Plan needed Text 1962 6 18 School crossings campaign run Text 1962 6 29, 30, 31, 34, 35- 40 Suggestion for method of house numbering Text 1949 1 32 1st ROYAL VICTORIAN REGIMENT Highland Pipe band took part in Whitehorse Festival Text 1964 8 17 3rd FIELD ENGINEERS, 8th FIELD SQUADRON Attended Anzac Day ceremony Text 1961 4 185 8th SQUADRON C.O. took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 8th SQUADRON CMF Took part in Anzac Day ceremony Text 1964 8 7 A. and R. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT P/L Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 A.B.C. Film of special plaque being received from U.K. Text 1961 5 38 A.B.C. ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 128, 131, 138 A.B.C. ORCHESTRA To perform at free concert at Town Hall Text 1961 4 139, 145, 147 A.B.C. TV SHOW Local choir to perform on Text 1961 5 68 A.N.A. BOX HILL BRANCH Report of fortnightly meeting Text 1947 1 A A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Will provide overdraft to Council Text 1960 4 26 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Gives loan to Council for road construction Text 1961 4 179 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Run children's art competition in aid of hospital Text 1960 4 58 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loans Council money to construct roads Text 1961 5 58, 59 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loaned Council money for road construction Text 1962 5 84 A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Established in 1956 Text 1962 5 84 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) A.N.Z. BANK BOX HILL BRANCH Loans money to Council for infrastructure works Text 1963 7 80 AAGREN, Misses G. and M. Naturalised Text 1961 5 K, L ABBERHUYS, Elizabeth, Bernadus Naturalised Text 1958 2 158 ABELA, Nicholas Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 ABERTON, K., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ACCESS ROAD Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 ADAMO, Antonina, Nicolo Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ADAMS, Anthony John Prefect, Box Hill High School Text 1958 2 148 ADAMS, G. Request to plant street trees Text 1960 3 198 ADAMS, H.G. Supporter of hospital establishment Text 1956 2 F ADAMS, Ian Partnered Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 189 ADAMS, Jim Committee President, 11th Scout Group Text 1960 4 58 ADAMS, L. Letter to Council re street sweeper Text 1959 3 94 ADAMS, R., Mrs Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ADCOCK, M.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ADLER, Herbert J. Naturalised Text 1963 7 169 AGHAN, George Mayoral Ball, partnered Debutante Text 1960 4 18 AGO, Bela, Vilma Naturalised Text 1963 7 31, 39 AILSA STREET Residents object to cost of construction Text 1959 3 33 AILSA STREET Tender for part construction accepted Text 1959 3 115 AILSA STREET Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 AILSA STREET Bowater Scott plan huge extension Text 1963 7 78 AILSA STREET/MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD Subdivision refused Text 1963 7 111 AINGE, Robin At Mayoress reception Text 1964 8 78 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) AINGE, Robyn Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text 1965 8 181 AITCHISON, R.M.C. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 AIVARS, Margers, Zenta Naturalised Text 1956 2 19 ALAN COFFEY MOTORS PTY. LTD. Wins appeal to operate car yard Text 1960 4 32 ALAN STREET Construction scheme planned, submitted Text 1964 8 1, 22, 23, 157 ALBANY CRESCENT Public phone box to be installed Text 1962 6 93 ALBERS, Adolf, Johanna Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ALBERS, E. Candidate, Council election Text 1956 2 25 ALBERS, E. Chairman, Return Ball committee Text 1961 4 203 ALBERT CRESCENT, No. 4 Oak tree removal requested by resident Text 1957 2 137 ALBERTA AVENUE Road construction scheme approved Text 196 7 12 ALBERTA STREET Construction planned Text 1964 8 1 ALBION ROAD Part to be constructed Text 1959 3 135 ALBION ROAD Part of, Construction planned Text 1949 1 28 ALBION ROAD Road construction completed on part of it Text 1961 5 4 ALBION ROAD Levelling and filling in completed Text 1960 4 24 ALBISTON, K.I. Took pupils to attend Council meeting Text 1961 4 201 ALDINGER, George Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ALDRIDGE, - Council, Chamber of Commerce Text 1957 2 110 ALEXANDER AVENUE/CANTERBURY ROAD Elm tree to be removed Text 1965 8 158 ALEXANDER, - Mrs Barkly Street; hospitalised, hit by car Text 1963 7 103 ALEXANDER, Beverley Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1955 1 140 ALEXANDER, Phillip Mayoral Ball Text 1962 6 19, 20 ALEXANDRA/WINDSOR CRESCENT Poor visibility caused by trees Text 1965 8 124 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) ALFRED STREET Part of, construction planned Text 1949 1 29, 40 ALICE STREET Construction of, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32 ALICE STREET Plan to rename Text 1964 8 43 ALICE STREET Plans for construction have been prepared Text 1961 5 5 ALIOTTI, Viviana, Mrs. Naturalised Text 1963 7 68 ALKIRA CENTRE Fundraising event held for them Text 1959 3 60 ALKIRA CENTRE Fundraising for establishment Text 1953 1 112 ALKIRA CENTRE Opening of sheltered workshop Photo 1965 8 164, 166 ALKIRA CENTRE Seeks extension of land Text 1956 2 D ALKIRA CENTRE Appeal for funds by Mayor Text 1955 1 135 ALKIRA CENTRE Urgently needs sporting equipment Text 1961 4 184 ALKIRA CENTRE Helped by Rotary members Text 1960 4 101 ALKIRA CENTRE To establish a Sheltered Workshop Text 1963 7 138 ALLAN, J., Miss Committee, Film Society Text 1964 8 43 ALLAN, J., Miss Committee, Film Society Text 1960 4 57 ALLAN, Jean Committee, Film Society Text 1962 6 51 ALLEN, Sjoukje Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ALLENDER, E. Factory addition approved Text 1959 3 52 ALLINA, Kurt Stefan Naturalised Text 1955 1 142 ALLINA, Kurt Stefan Naturalised Text 1957 2 124 ALLINGHAM, A.J. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ALLISON ROAD Temporary work done on western end Text 1959 3 83 ALLISON ROAD Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 ALLISON ROAD Residents request construction Text 1961 4 169 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) ALLISON STREET Construction of, objection to, cost of Text 1962 6 11, 32, 50 ALLISON, William John Honour awarded Text 1954 1 113 ALMA the Magician To perform in charity show at Town Hall Text 1961 5 37 AMATO, Angelo Naturalised Text 1962 6 97 AMBLER, F.J., Mrs Gave birth to triplets in 1904, one died Text 1964 8 44 ANCONA, Isadore Fined for foothpath trading; boxes on footpath Text 1961 4 163 ANDERSON, B., Mrs Given approval to coach at Baths Text 1960 4 28 ANDERSON, Dawn Mayoral Ball, Debutante Photo, Text 1960 4 17, 18, 22 ANDERSON, G. Mayoral Ball, Partnered Debutante Text 1949 1 33 ANDERSON, J. Committtee, BH North Progress Assoc. Text 1956 2 4 ANDERSON, J. Committee, Box Hill Nth Kindergarten Text 1957 2 96 ANDERSON, J. Staff member, Commonwealth Employment Service Text 1962 5 94 ANDERSON, J.W. Wants street constructed Text 1958 2 169 ANDERSON, Jenny Brownie, at opening of Guide Hall Photo 1964 8 75 ANDERSON, Joy Mayoral Ball, Debutante Text 1949 1 33 ANDERSON, Wallace Sculptored WW 2 Memorial Text 1952 1 88 ANDORA PROPERTIES PTY. LTD. Subdivision Plans approved Text 1960 4 113 ANDREWARTHA, - Mrs Mayoress reception Text 1958 3 A ANDREWARTHA, A. Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 22 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. President, Box Hill Club; new premises Text 1959 3 55, 56 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. President, Box Hill Club Text 1958 2 146 ANDREWARTHA, A.J. and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1959 3 68 ANDREWARTHA, Alan At farewell to Commonwealth Bank manager Text 1960 4 13 ANDREWARTHA, Alan and wife Attended Return Ball Text 1959 3 105 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) ANDREWS STREET, No. 27 Resident wants traffic lights installed Text 1964 7 196 ANDREWS, A.D. Retiring President, Florence Road Pre-School Centre Text 1963 7 76 ANDREWS, D.A. Elected President, Florence Road Pre-School Text 1962 6 3 ANDREWS, John Mayoral Ball Photo, Text 1961 4 179, 180, 183 ANDREWS, Pamela Debutante, Mayoral Ball Text, Photo 1965 8 181, 189, 190 ANDREWS, W.L. Writes re traffic Lights Middleborough Road Text 1964 7 193 ANDROJNA, Agnes, Josef, Josefine, Maria Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 ANGELARAS, Constantina, Angelos Naturalised Text 1962 6 29 ANGELOU, Nora Naturalised Text 1956 2 37, 38 ANGER, John Naturalised Text 1964 8 81 ANGLISS, - Lady Opened Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 ANGLISS, Sir William Attended Flower Show Text 1950 1 49 ANGLISS, Sir William and wife Mayoral Ball Text 1949 1 33 ANGWIN, J., Miss Donated to Elderly Citizens Clubrooms Appeal Text 1961 5 31 ANLSYN, W.F. Speeding motorists end up in front garden Text 1963 7 67 ANNESLEY HOME FOR THE AGED Residents attended Mayoress Reception Text 1962 7 3 ANTHONY CRESCENT Road construction scheme approved Text 1962 7 12 ANTHONY, John Prefect, Burwood Technical School Text 1961 4 175 ANTONIADIS, Aglaia, Christos Naturalised Text 1960 4 117, 119 ANTONY CRESCENT Construction completed Text 1964 8 1 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1957 2 96, 96 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of; first dawn service Text 1964 8 7, 170 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1958 2 151 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Small gathering Photo 1965 8 173 Name Topic Type Year Book Page_no (s) ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Report of proceedings Text 1959 3 62 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Details of proceedings Text, Photo 1960 4 C, 2, 6, 7 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY Afternoon service; reports given Text 1961 4 178, 182, 185 ANZAC DAY CEREMONY R.S.L.
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