(No Model.) W. F. FULLER BOBBIN HOLDER FOR SPINNING SPINDLEs, &c. No. 376,982. Patented Jan. 24, 1888. Witnesses: Wutawud: 'fuct. 6)2 24 - Inventor Attorney, N. PETES. Pito-Lithographief, Washington, D.C. s UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. F. FULLER, OF PORT ELMSLEY, ONTARIO, CANADA, ASSIGNOR OF - . ONE-HALF TO BENSON SMITH SNYDER, OF SAME PLACE. BOBB N-HOLDER FOR SPINNING-SPNDLEs, &c. SPECIFICATION forming part of Tetters Patent No. 376,982, dated January 24, 1888. Application filed June 1, 1887, serial No. 239,938. (No model.) . To all, whom it may concern: C C are two narrow strips, placed opposite Be it known that I, WILLIAM. F. FULLER, each other within the thimble and edgewise. of Port Elmsley, in the Province of Ontario, between its interior face and the exterior of the Canada, have invented new and useful Im. elastic block B, into which they are sunk. The 55 5 provements in Bobbin-Holders for Spinning: lower end, c', of each is turned outwardly over Spindles, &c., of which the following is a speci the edge of the thimble, and the upper end, c, fication, reference being had to the accompa projecting above the top of the thimble, is nying drawings, forming a part of this speci made broad into lugs and rests with a square . fication. shoulder upon the block, thus preventing its 6o IO My invention relates to textile machinery, slipping upward and holding the block while . and especially to machinery for spinning wool. being forced on the spindle. The object of my invention is to prevent the D is the thread-clamp, consisting of a nar..." Waste of yarn that is now being made every row collar fitting snugly and movably upon .
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