Department of English Faculty Contacts Spring 2015 Chair, English Department Carol Beran GV 207 x 4432
[email protected] Director, Composition Kathryn Koo D 316 x 8782
[email protected] Director, MFA Creative Writing Wesley Gibson D 322 x 4457
[email protected] riverrun Faculty Advisor Matthew Zapruder D302 x 8131
[email protected] English Underground (English Club) Rosemary Graham D 320 x 8016
[email protected] Lysley Tenorio D 304 x 4764
[email protected] Graduate School Advisor Kathryn Koo D 316 x8782
[email protected] SMPP Advising Janice Doane D 306 x 4424
[email protected] English Department website: www. COURSES THAT FULFILL THE CORE CURRICULUM ARTISTIC UNDERSTANDING - Artistic Analysis (AA) English 19: Introduction to Literary Analysis English 23: American Voices (also AD) English 25: Creative Writing: Multi-Genre Studies (also CP) English 102: Creative Writing (also CP) English 105: Children's Literature English 115: Chaucer English 118: 20th-Century Literature English 125: Introduction to Film English 126: Film English 138: Short Fiction English 140: Studies in Literary Genre English 153: American Ethnic Writers and Oral Traditions (also AD) English 154: Studies in African-American Literature (also AD) English 163: The Other English Literatures English 173: Women Writers English 175: Shakespeare English 184: Contemporary Drama - Creative Practice (CP) English 25: Creative Writing: Multi-Genre Studies (also AA) English 102: Creative Writing (also AA) ENGAGING the WORLD - American