City of La Porte Fiscal Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda

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City of La Porte Fiscal Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda CHUCK ENGELKEN, CHAIR THOMAS GARZA Councilmember, District 2 Councilmember, District 4 Alternate JAY MARTIN VACANT Councilmember, District 5 CITY OF LA PORTE FISCAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the City of La Porte Fiscal Affairs Committee to be held on July 26, 2021, in the City Hall Council Chamber, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, beginning at 5:00 pm regarding the items of business according to the agenda listed below: Remote participation is available. Attend via a screen using this link: Join by phone at 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499. The meeting ID is 867 7960 5862 and the passcode is 276435. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZEN COMMENT (Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) 3. STATUTORY AGENDA (a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2021, meeting. [Chair Engelken] (b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to receive and review Purchasing Card expenditures for March, April, and May 2021. [Cherell Daeumer, Purchasing Manager] (c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to receive and review the Third Quarter (FY2021) Investment Report. [Shelley Wolny, Asst. Finance Director] 4. SET NEXT MEETING 5. COMMITTEE COMMENT Hear announcements concerning matters appearing on the agenda; items of community interest; and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific factual information or existing policy from the Committee members and City staff, for which no formal action will be discussed or taken. 6. ADJOURN Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the City Secretary's office (281-470-5019), two working days prior to the meeting for appropriate arrangements. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.127, on a regular, non-emergency basis, members may attend and participate in the meeting remotely by video conference. Should that occur, a quorum of the members will be physically present at the location noted above on this agenda. CERTIFICATE I, Lee Woodward, City Secretary, do hereby certify that a copy of the July 26, 2021, Fiscal Affairs Committee agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and to the City's website, in compliance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. DATE OF POSTING TIME OF POSTING TAKEN DOWN Lee Woodward Lee Woodward, City Secretary CHUCK ENGELKEN, CHAIR VACANT Councilmember District 2 THOMAS GARZA JAY MARTIN Councilmember District 4 Councilmember, District 5 Alternate MINUTES OF MEETING OF FISCAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE March 22, 2021 The Fiscal Affairs Committee of the City of La Porte met on March 22, 2021, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, at 5:00 p.m., with the following in attendance: Committee members present: Chuck Engelken, Jay Martin Committee members absent: Thomas Garza (alternate) Council-appointed officers present: Corby Alexander, City Manager; Lee Woodward, City Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Engelken called the meeting to order at x:xx p.m. Member Martin moved that Council procedures be followed by Councilpersons at the meeting; the motion was seconded by Chair Engelken; the motion was adopted, 2-0. 2. CITIZEN COMMENT (Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) There were no public comments. 3. STATUTORY AGENDA (a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve minutes of the meeting held on December 12, 2020. [Councilperson Engelken, Chairman] Member Martin moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on December 12, 2020: the motion was seconded by Chair Engelken; the motion was adopted, 2-0. (b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to receive and review purchasing card expenditures for September, October, and November 2020. [Cherell Daeumer, Purchasing Manager] Chair Engelken noted the Committee had no questions but would like to continue to receive the report. (c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to receive and review First Quarter (FY2021) Investment Report. [Shelley Wolny, Assistant Finance Director] The Committee thanked Mrs. Wolny for the report. (d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to accept the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2020 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. [Michael Dolby, Finance Director] Lupe Garcia, Engagement Audit Partner, offered the report of behalf of the Whitley Penn external audit team. The City received a clean report/unmodified opinion on the federal single audit. The Committee received the report. 4. SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING [Michael Dolby, Finance Director] Committee members set April 26, 2021, as the next meeting. 5. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Hear announcements concerning matters appearing on the agenda; items of community interest; and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific factual information or existing policy from the Committee members and City staff, for which no formal action will be discussed or taken. There were no comments. ADJOURNMENT - Without objection, Chair Engelken adjourned the meeting at 5:22 p.m. ________________________________ Lee Woodward, City Secretary TOP 20 VENDORS March 2021 April 2021 Vendor Name Vendor Name Vendor Name May 2021 Cycle Amount Top 20 Vendors April‐May Cycle Amount Cycle Amount GALLS$ 16,332.17 ATT BILL PAYMENT$ 49,063.17 ATT BILL PAYMENT$ 39,936.66 ATT BILL PAYMENT $88,999.83 LOWES$ 9,094.29 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC$ 13,492.21 VERIZON$ 24,685.22 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $40,145.51 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON$ 7,390.00 COBURN SUPPLY COMPANY$ 13,436.42 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC$ 23,880.00 VERIZON $24,685.22 LABOR FINDERS$ 6,734.56 FIRETROL PROTECTION SY$ 9,665.11 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC$ 22,494.33 AMAZON $24,258.74 DISC PRO PRINTING & GR$ 6,651.05 FELDMAN & FELDMAN PC$ 9,600.00 THE BAY AREA OBSERVER$ 13,765.50 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC $23,880.00 GATEWAY PRINTING & OFFICE$ 6,481.70 AMAZON$ 8,971.25 CORE & MAIN$ 13,241.87 GALLS $22,727.80 AMAZON$ 5,816.39 CINTAS CORP$ 8,529.46 AMAZON$ 9,471.10 LABOR FINDERS $19,513.75 C. LINK LLC$ 5,525.29 IMAGENET CONSULTING LL$ 8,288.21 AIR VALUE INC$ 8,368.00 HART INTERCIVIC, INC. $18,428.29 HEAVYQUIP (HOU)$ 5,464.31 THE KNOX COMPANY$ 8,173.00 SIMPLOT$ 8,108.75 CINTAS CORP $17,287.97 SOUTHERN TIRE MART #45$ 4,618.52 HART INTERCIVIC, INC.$ 7,336.88 DX SERVICE$ 7,676.00 DX SERVICE $15,438.00 HART INTERCIVIC, INC.$ 4,431.41 TEXAS INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL$ 6,635.00 LABOR FINDERS$ 6,938.39 FIRETROL PROTECTION SY $14,235.11 CINTAS CORP$ 4,405.96 LABOR FINDERS$ 5,840.80 HART INTERCIVIC, INC.$ 6,660.00 IMAGENET CONSULTING LL $14,046.13 TYLER TECH GOVT FEES$ 4,322.00 R&K COMMERCIAL AQUATICS$ 5,546.00 GALLS$ 6,395.63 IN THE BAY AREA OBSER $13,765.50 TEXAS INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL$ 4,192.00 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE$ 4,808.89 IMAGENET CONSULTING LL$ 5,757.92 COBURN SUPPLY COMPANY $13,436.42 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC$ 4,158.97 HOUSTON FREIGHTLINER$ 4,804.97 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIO$ 5,021.81 LOWES $13,352.31 XL PARTS$ 3,968.03 USPS$ 4,791.70 STAPLES INC$ 4,680.00 CORE & MAIN $13,241.87 DX SERVICE$ 3,796.00 DX SERVICE$ 3,966.00 FIRETROL PROTECTION SY$ 4,570.00 SIMPLOT $11,518.75 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS$ 3,780.07 TEEL TECHNOLOGIES$ 3,950.00 CINTAS CORP$ 4,352.55 TEXAS INDUSTRIAL MEDIC $10,827.00 FISCHER S HAREWARE 121$ 3,743.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS$ 3,480.23 FERGUSON WTRWRKS #2939$ 4,259.86 FELDMAN & FELDMAN PC $9,600.00 LASSETTER‐LAFLEUR EQUI$ 3,727.54 SIMPLOT$ 3,410.00 LOWES$ 4,258.02 AIR VALUE INC $8,368.00 Local Vendor Spend Summary June, 2020 July, 2020 August, 2020 Sept, 2020 October, 2020 November, 2020 December, 2020 January, 2021 February, 2021 March, 2021 April, 2021 May, 2021 Total Transactions for Month/cycle $302,911.47 $337,364.10 $279,558.22 $295,733.17 $403,908.58 $284,222.64 $243,513.63 $398,101.07 $354,826.26 $284,028.55 $334,931.20 $424,212.29 Total Transactions in La Porte $33,776.41 $27,888.34 $20,858.50 $21,100.66 $30,479.35 $27,656.44 $20,244.72 $31,051.33 $21,394.82 $24,283.08 $27,066.50 $49,182.53 Percent Local Spend 7.46% 8.27% 7.46% 7.14% 7.55% 9.73% 8.31% 7.80% 6.03% 8.55% 8.08% 11.59% PURCHASES BY FUND Fund Number and Description Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 001 General $179,360.52 $245,658.44 $328,600.68 002 Utility Fund $25,530.62 $22,730.09 $18,283.05 003 Utility CIP Fund $2,735.16 $1,994.27 $5,563.17 009 Vehicle Replacement Fund $914.95 $2,545.47 010 Airport Fund $24.76 $1,000.00 014 Insurance Fund $3,438.00 $2,620.00 $1,077.22 015 General CIP Fund $1,794.00 $7,535.72 016 La Porte Area Water Authority $3,143.95 $450.00 018 Sewer Rehabiiltation fund $4,017.48 $889.75 $1,699.26 019 Drainage Improvement fund $592.16 023 Technology fund $4,322.00 024 Vehicle Maintenance Fund $4,652.19 $39,739.55 $23,060.67 032 Grant fund $2,955.76 $3,690.02 $2,758.75 033 Street Maintenance Sales Tax 034 Emergency Services Fund $10,783.12 $13,384.38 $22,970.55 037 Hotel/Motel Occupancy $1,064.99 $1,515.75 $8,075.59 038 Section 4B Sales Tax Total for Month $242,028.55 $334,931.20 $424,212.29 March 2021 Transactions by Cardholder Card Holder Name Post Date Merchant Amount Transaction Description ABREU, AVELYN 03/15/2021 GATEWAY PRINTING & OFFICE 21.94 Employee File Folders ABREU, AVELYN 03/12/2021 IN FIRST CHECK 136
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