University of Melbourne
1879. VICTORIA. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE DURING THE YEAR BEGINNING ON THE lsT DAY OF JUNE 1878 AND ENDING ON THE 31sT DAY OF MAY 1879. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIA1fffiNT PURSUANT TO ACT OF COUNCIL 16 VIeT. NO. 34, SEC. 14. lS)] I!UtbOfitt1: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTBR, MELDOURNE. No. 22. T ; I r.:' .~.. - ~~ ,~ .." APPROXIMATE COST OF PAPEB; j ,'". \. 'I, £. ~id. .. ,', ,; tt " ~<'~.. \t "e 1" Pre)iata on-'-Not.glveu; I'j i'~~J '. rt i' , I.t; il ,I- .h_ \...~int~ (11,~.cgpleak !•• Jl.t;; ~I.. t·.: lOJi.O,'Oi ~ \ '"" 1-, .. ': ,. " " ,'. " ~1. : •• ', 'r.. (" , - ~\ t', .. \ ,. 'I fJ , '. ': 'f' ,I • ,'. ~, ~ ", r· ANNU AL'~- R.EP,ORl\ 1'0 His EX(Jellency'·;Tlie':~Most· Honorable GEORGE: ,AUGUSTUS CONSTANTINE, Marquis of Normanhy, ~c., 4-c., 4-c. : ~'n;:: ,:;1 .:1, "J) 'Fhe'.UniversitYf;oKMelbourne, 31st May 1879. My LORD, I do myself the honour to transmit the following Report of the Proceedings of 16 Vict. No. the ,.University ,of Melbourne during the past year, which, according to the Act of~l4 s.14. Inc,orporation".is to belmade to Your Excellency by, the Council. ,' . • ,'" {!.,'., . I.-EXAMINATIONS. Since the last Annual Report 584 candidates presented themselves for the Matriculation Matriculation Exam~tion, ,of whom 255 passed., . Examination. Of the number ,(255) who passed, 8 wer~ returned 'as 'havingcpassed with credit. 1 ~, " '" The, following Table, gives the number of Candidates who presented them selves t4is. year, and who passed the Matriculation and Civil Service Examinations respectively : MATRICULATION EXAMINATIONS 1878-9. , Full Number Number who Number who Number who I Number who of presented passed presented passed Term.' Candidates tbemse I ves for MatriCUlation th~~selves .for Civil Service for Matriculation Examination.
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