Legislative Assembly Hansard 1968
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1968 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Local Government Act, &c., Bill [29 OcTOBER] Questions 1013 TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER, 1968 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS NEW OFFICE ACCOMMODATION, BALMORAL STATE HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Education,- Has the Principal of Balmoral State High School made application for new accommodation for himself and staff? If so, has his request been investigated and when will the accommodation be provided? Answer:- " A request has been received for the provision of improved office accommoda tion at the Balmoral State High School. This request is being considered in the Architectural Branch of the Department of Works, but no indication can be given, at present, as to when the accommodation in question will be provided." INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER FIRE ALARMS IN GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Mr. Donald for Mr. Bromley, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- ( 1) As it is policy not to insure Govern ment buildings, will the new buildings being constructed for the Government be fitted with sprinkler fire alarms? (2) For the same reason as well as for safety purposes, will schools being built or constructed in the future have sprinkler fire alarms installed? ( 3) If the Answers to Questions (1 ) and (2) are in the negative, what is the reason? ( 4) What was the cost to the State of the Supreme Court fire and any other fires in Government buildings or schools during the last three years? Answers: (1) "No." (2) "It is not proposed to install sprinkler fire alarms in these buildings." (3) "Adequate provlSlons for egress from buildings are made and fire alarms where considered to be necessary are installed." ( 4) "A system of keeping up to date valuations of buildings and their contents would serve no useful purpose and the incurring of the considerable expense that would be involved could not be justified.
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